1 Unconscious
2 unconscious
3 Alert Verbal Pain And Unconscious
Physiology: AVPUУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Alert Verbal Pain And Unconscious
4 бессознательный
unconscious; instinctive, unintentional (безотчетный)* * ** * *unconscious; instinctive, unintentional* * * -
5 неосознанное умозаключение
unconscious inference, unconscious awarenessRussian-english psychology dictionary > неосознанное умозаключение
6 бессознательный
unconscious имя прилагательное: -
7 не сознающий
unconscious имя прилагательное: -
8 без сознания
9 бессознательная интенциональность
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная интенциональность
10 бессознательная манипуляция
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная манипуляция
11 бессознательная мотивация
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная мотивация
12 бессознательная осведомленность
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная осведомленность
13 бессознательная память
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная память
14 бессознательная работа мозга
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная работа мозга
15 бессознательная фантазия
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательная фантазия
16 бессознательное влечение
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательное влечение
17 бессознательное знание
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательное знание
18 бессознательное подавление
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательное подавление
19 бессознательное состояние
unconscious state, comatose state, insensibility, unconsciousness, faintness, comaRussian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательное состояние
20 бессознательное формирование идей
Russian-english psychology dictionary > бессознательное формирование идей
См. также в других словарях:
Unconscious communication — Unconscious (or intuitive) communication is the transfer of information unconsciously between humans.It is sometimes intrapersonal, like dreaming or cognition under the effects of hypnosis, and is not necessarily nonverbal communication.Research… … Wikipedia
unconscious, subconscious — Unconscious means without awareness, without conscious control, involuntary. A conscious person has some control of his faculties; an unconscious person may be in a coma, suffering from shock, or asleep. As a noun, the unconscious is a term in… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
unconscious — [unkän′shəs] adj. 1. a) not endowed with consciousness; mindless b) temporarily deprived of consciousness [unconscious from a blow on the head] 2. not aware (of) [unconscious of his mistake] 3. not known, realized, or intended; not done, said,… … English World dictionary
Unconscious — Un*con scious, a. 1. Not conscious; having no consciousness or power of mental perception; without cerebral appreciation; hence, not knowing or regarding; ignorant; as, an unconscious man. Cowper. [1913 Webster] 2. Not known or apprehended by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unconscious-ly — Unconscious Un*con scious, a. 1. Not conscious; having no consciousness or power of mental perception; without cerebral appreciation; hence, not knowing or regarding; ignorant; as, an unconscious man. Cowper. [1913 Webster] 2. Not known or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unconscious — can mean: * not conscious * unconsciousness: the loss of consciousness or lack of consciousness, not to be confused with altered states of consciousness. * Unconscious mind, the mind operating well below the perception of the conscious mind as… … Wikipedia
unconscious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not awake and aware of and responding to one s environment. 2) done or existing without one realizing. 3) (unconscious of) unaware of. ► NOUN (the unconscious) ▪ the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but… … English terms dictionary
unconscious — (adj.) 1712, unaware, not marked by conscious thought, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + CONSCIOUS (Cf. conscious). Meaning temporarily insensible, knocked out is recorded from 1860. In psychology, the noun the unconscious (1884) is a loan translation… … Etymology dictionary
unconscious — [adj1] not awake; out cold benumbed, blacked out*, bombed*, cold*, comatose, dead to the world*, drowsy, entranced, feeling no pain*, flattened*, inanimate, in a trance, inert, insensate, insensible, knocked*, lethargic, numb, on the canvas*, out … New thesaurus
Unconscious Collective — are a Goa trance and electronica project from England.Originally a collaborative project between members of OOOD and Tim Healey from Quirk in 1996, its core members are now Colin Bennun, Stephen Callaghan, Ryo Potier and Ramsay Melhuish, although … Wikipedia
unconscious — index blind (not discerning), incognizant, insensible, involuntary, oblivious, torpid, unaware, unintentional … Law dictionary