1 aanmatigend
adj. arrogant; presumptuous, pretentious; high-handed, imperious; overblown; bumptious; possessive, self assertive; self opinionated--------adv. arrogantly; pretentiously -
2 gemaakt
adj. artificial, simulated; pretentious, feigning -
3 gewichtig
adj. weighty, important, significant; pompous, pretentious, arrogant--------adv. weightily, importantly, significantly; pompously, arrogantly, with conceit -
4 gewichtigdoenerig
adj. pompous, pretentious, arrogant, conceited--------adv. pompously, arrogantly, with conceit -
5 onbescheiden
adj. indiscreet, immodest, pretentious--------adv. pretentiously -
6 opzichtig
adj. showy, garish, gaudy, pretentious, ostentatious, meretricious, conspicuous, flashy, loud, crying, florid, gingerbread, tawdry, tinsel--------adv. pretentiously -
7 ostentatief
adj. pretentious--------adv. pretentiously -
8 pretentieus
adj. pretentious--------adv. pretentiously -
9 gemaakt
♦voorbeelden:1 een gemaakte glimlach • an artificial/forced smilegemaakte vrolijkheid • pretended gaiety -
10 noot
1 [boomvrucht] nut2 [muzieknoot] note3 [voetnoot] (foot)note♦voorbeelden:noten kraken • crack nuts2 hele/halve noten spelen • play semibreves, play minimseen kwart noot • a crotcheteen valse noot • a wrong notenoten kunnen lezen • be able to read music〈 figuurlijk〉 veel noten op zijn zang hebben • 〈 pretentieus zijn〉 be pretentious; 〈 veeleisend zijn〉 be hard to pleasevan noten voorzien • annotate -
11 pretentie
〈 pejoratief〉♦voorbeelden:1 ik heb niet de pretentie op dit gebied deskundig te zijn • I don't pretend to be an expert in this fieldpretenties hebben • be pretentiouszij heeft de pretentie ooit nog eens in Carré te zullen spelen • she has the presumption to think that she'll play in Carré one dayzonder enige pretentie • utterly without pretension(s) -
12 pretenties hebben
pretenties hebbenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > pretenties hebben
13 pretentieus
14 veel noten op zijn zang hebben
veel noten op zijn zang hebbenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > veel noten op zijn zang hebben
15 winderig
♦voorbeelden:2 een beetje winderig zijn • have a bit of wind, suffer from wind
См. также в других словарях:
Pretentious — Pre*ten tious, a. [Cf. F. pr[ e]tentieux. See {Pretend}.] Full of pretension; disposed to lay claim to more than is one s; presuming; assuming. {Pre*ten tious*ly}, adv. {Pre*ten tious*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pretentious — I (ostentatious) adjective adorned, artificial, bespangled, brassy, conspicuous, decorated, embellished, flamboyant, flashy, fulgent, fulgid, garish, gaudy, iactans, meretricious, ornamented, ornate, ornatus, overly decorated, showy, superficial … Law dictionary
pretentious speech — index fustian Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pretentious talk — index rodomontade Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pretentious — (adj.) 1845, from Fr. prétentieux (17c.), from prétention pretension, from M.L. pretentionem (nom. pretentio) pretension, from L.L. prætensus pretend (see PRETENSE (Cf. pretense)) … Etymology dictionary
pretentious — 1 *showy, ostentatious Analogous words: *gaudy, garish, flashy: *ornate, flamboyant, florid, baroque, rococo Antonyms: unpretentious 2 *ambitious, Utopian Analogous words: aiming, aspiring, panting (see … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pretentious — [adj] snobbish, conceited affected, arty, assuming, aureate, big*, bombastic, chichi*, conspicuous, euphuistic, exaggerated, extravagant, feigned, flamboyant, flashy, flaunting, flowery, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, highfaluting*, high flown* … New thesaurus
pretentious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed. DERIVATIVES pretentiously adverb pretentiousness noun … English terms dictionary
pretentious — [prē ten′shəs, priten′shəs] adj. [Fr prétentieux < prétention, pretension + eux, OUS] 1. making claims, explicit or implicit, to some distinction, importance, dignity, or excellence 2. affectedly grand; ostentatious pretentiously adv.… … English World dictionary
pretentious — adjective Etymology: French prétentieux, from prétention pretension, from Medieval Latin pretention , pretentio, from Latin praetendere Date: 1832 1. characterized by pretension: as a. making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pretentious — pre|ten|tious [ prı tenʃəs ] adjective behaving in a way that is intended to impress other people but seems false or too deliberate: It s so pretentious of her to greet everyone in French. a. used about someone s behavior or attitude: a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English