Перевод: с русского на персидский

с персидского на русский

be going to rack and ruin

  • 1 гибнуть (I) > погибнуть (I)

    1. die
    جفت طاس
    (vi.) مردن، درگذشتن، جان دادن، فوت کردن
    (n.) طاس، طاس تخته نرد، مهره، سرپیچ، بخت، قمار، (مج.) سرنوشت
    (vt.) به شکل حدیده یا قلاویز درآوردن، با حدیده و قلاویز رزوه کردن، قالب گرفتن، سر سکه
    (vi.) مردن، هلاک شدن، تلف شدن، نابود کردن
    { killer:
    (n.) کشنده، قاتل}
    (ماضی واسم مفعول فعل lose) گمشده، از دست رفته، ضایع، زیان دیده، شکست خورده گمراه، منحرف، مفقود

    Русско-персидский словарь > гибнуть (I) > погибнуть (I)

См. также в других словарях:

  • go to rack and ruin — 1) to become less successful The country s going to rack and ruin. 2) if a building goes to rack and ruin, the condition of it becomes bad Their tenants had let the property go to rack and ruin …   English dictionary

  • go to wrack and ruin — {v. phr.} To fall apart and be ruined; to become useless. * /The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved./ * /The car will soon go to wrack and ruin standing out in all kinds of weather./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go to wrack and ruin — {v. phr.} To fall apart and be ruined; to become useless. * /The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved./ * /The car will soon go to wrack and ruin standing out in all kinds of weather./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rack — rack1 [ ræk ] noun count * 1. ) an object used for storing things that consists of a row of small shelves, spaces, or hooks: She flicked through the clothes on the rack, looking for something suitable. a wine rack a vegetable rack a ) a metal… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rack — [[t]ræ̱k[/t]] racks, racking, racked (The spelling wrack is also used, mainly for meanings 2 and 3, and mainly in old fashioned or American English.) 1) N COUNT: oft supp N A rack is a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, that is used for… …   English dictionary

  • ruin — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 spoiled state ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, utter VERB + RUIN ▪ fall into, go to ▪ The house gradually fell into ruin …   Collocations dictionary

  • ruin — ru|in1 S3 [ˈru:ın] v [T] 1.) to spoil or destroy something completely ▪ This illness has ruined my life. ▪ His career would be ruined. ▪ All this mud s going to ruin my shoes. see usage note ↑destroy 2.) to make someone lose all their money ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • The Perishers — was a British comic strip about a group of urban children and a dog. It began in the Daily Mirror in 1958 and was written for most of its life by Maurice Dodd (October 25, 1922 December 31, 2005). It was drawn by Dennis Collins until his… …   Wikipedia

  • Frescati House — Frescati (sometimes misspelled Frascati ) was an estate situated in Blackrock, Dublin, between the mountains and the sea. During the eighteenth century, Blackrock found favour with the well to do of Ireland and it grew into a fashionable seaside… …   Wikipedia

  • adversity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Ill fortune Nouns 1. (difficulty) adversity, affliction; bad, ill, adverse, or hard luck or fortune, Weltschmerz; evil lot; force majeur, frowns of fortune; evil star or genius; ups and downs of life,… …   English dictionary for students

  • go to pot — verb become ruined His business went to pot when economy soured • Syn: ↑go to the dogs • Hypernyms: ↑deteriorate • Verb Frames: Something s * * * ( …   Useful english dictionary

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