1 Bassoon Bulletin Board
Abbreviation: BBBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Bassoon Bulletin Board
2 фагот
3 фагот
4 фаготист
5 фагот
6 контрафагот
1) General subject: contra-bassoon (муз. инструмент), contrafagotto (муз. инструмент)2) Music: contrabassoon, contrafagott, double bassoon -
7 фагот
8 фаготист
1) General subject: bassoonist2) Music: bassoon player -
9 фаготовый
Music: bassoon -
10 фагот
11 фагот
مذکر bassoon(n.) (مو.) قره نی بم -
12 фагот
( музыкальный инструмент из набора General MIDI) bassoon вчт. -
13 фагот
( музыкальный инструмент из набора General MIDI) bassoon вчт. -
14 контрафагот
contra-bassooncontrafagotto -
@дирижер conductor @оркестр под управлением дирижера... the orchestra is conducted by... @эстрадная музыка popular music @эстрадный концерт variety show @танцевальная музыка dance music @траурная музыка funeral, solemn music @партитура score @партия part @исполнять партию sing a (musical) role @подпевать sing along with, join in a song @напевать to croon, hum @напев tune, melody @припев refrain @припевать to hum @хор chorus, choir @сопрано soprano @виоласм. альт 2@альт 1. alto (голос),2. viola (инструмент)@тенор мн. тенора tenor(s) @бас bass @романс (musical) romance, classical song @ансамбль performing group, ensemble, company @настраивать инструмент to tune an instrument @камерный оркестр chamber orchestra @смычковые @струнныеstring@духовые wind @медныеbrass@ударные инструментыpercussion@скрипка violin @виолончель cello @контрабас double bass @флейта flute @тромбон trombone @кларнет clarinet @гобой oboe @фагот bassoon @труба trumpet @валторна French horn @барабан drum @литавры kettledrum @концерт concerto (as well as concert) @Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > МУЗЫКА
16 фагот
bassoon -
17 фагот
м. муз. -
18 фагот
1. basoon2. bassoon
См. также в других словарях:
Bassoon — Bas*soon , n. [F. basson, fr. basse bass; or perh. fr. bas son low sound. See {Bass} a part in music. ] (Mus.) A wind instrument of the double reed kind, furnished with holes, which are stopped by the fingers, and by keys, as in flutes. It forms… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bassoon — 1727, from Fr. basson (17c.), from It. bassone, augmentative of basso (see BASS (Cf. bass) (adj.)). Cf. BALLOON (Cf. balloon) … Etymology dictionary
bassoon — ► NOUN ▪ a large bass woodwind instrument of the oboe family. DERIVATIVES bassoonist noun. ORIGIN Italian bassone, from basso low … English terms dictionary
bassoon — [ba so͞on′, bəso͞on′] n. [Fr basson < It bassone < BASSO] a double reed bass woodwind instrument having a long, curved stem attached to the mouthpiece bassoonist n … English World dictionary
Bassoon — Infobox Instrument name=Bassoon names= classification=Woodwind instrument (double reed) range= related= * Tenoroon * Contrabassoon (double bassoon) * Dulcian * OboeThe bassoon is a woodwind instrument in the double reed family that typically… … Wikipedia
bassoon — bassoonist, n. /ba soohn , beuh /, n. a large woodwind instrument of low range, with a doubled tube and a curved metal crook to which a double reed is attached. [1720 30; < F basson < It bassone (bass(o) low (see BASE2) + one aug. suffix)] * * *… … Universalium
Bassoon — Fagott engl.: bassoon, ital.: fagotto Klassifikation … Deutsch Wikipedia
bassoon — UK [bəˈsuːn] / US [bəˈsun] noun [countable] Word forms bassoon : singular bassoon plural bassoons a musical instrument consisting of a long wooden tube that you hold upright and play by blowing into a thin metal pipe that holds a double reed. It… … English dictionary
bassoon — 1. noun /bəˈsuːn/ A musical instrument in the woodwind family, having a double reed and, playing in the tenor and bass ranges. 2. verb /bəˈsuːn/ a) To play the bassoon. b) To make a bassoon like sound … Wiktionary
bassoon — bas|soon [ bə sun ] noun count a musical instrument consisting of a long wooden tube that you hold upright and play by blowing into a thin metal pipe that holds a double REED. It can produce very low sounds. A bassoon is a woodwind instrument.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bassoon — Synonyms and related words: English horn, Pandean pipe, aulos, basset horn, basset oboe, block flute, bombard, bourdon, cello, claribel, clarinet, clarion, concert flute, contrabassoon, contrafagotto, cornet, cornopean, cromorna, cromorne, cymbel … Moby Thesaurus