Перевод: с эстонского на русский

с русского на эстонский


  • 1 leelisus

    1) общ. ùÕëî÷íîñòü (àíãë.: alcalinity; alkalinity; alkalescence; causticity; causeticity; basicity; alcali content // íåì.: Alkaleszenz; Alkaligehalt; Alkalinität; Alkalität; Kaustizltät; Basizität; Basizitätsgrad; Kaus

    Eesti-Vene sõnastik > leelisus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Basicity — Ba*sic i*ty, n. (Chem.) (a) The quality or state of being a base. (b) The power of an acid to unite with one or more atoms or equivalents of a base, as indicated by the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms contained in the acid. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • basicity — [bə sis′ə tē] n. Chem. 1. the quality or condition of being a base 2. the capacity of an acid to react with a base, measured by the number of hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by a base: cf. MONOBASIC, DIBASIC …   English World dictionary

  • basicity — bazingumas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gebėjimas prisijungti protoną arba atiduoti laisvą elektronų porą kitos dalelės orbitalei. atitikmenys: angl. basicity rus. основность …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • basicity of acid — rūgšties protoningumas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Metalo katijonais pakeičiamų vandenilio atomų skaičius rūgštyje. atitikmenys: angl. basicity of acid; protoicity of acid rus. основность кислоты ryšiai: sinonimas – rūgšties bazingumas …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • basicity — noun see basic I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • basicity — /bay sis i tee/, n. Chem. 1. the state of being a base. 2. the power of an acid to react with bases, dependent on the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms of the acid. [1840 50; BASIC + ITY] * * * …   Universalium

  • basicity — noun a) The condition of being basic b) The degree to which a substance is basic …   Wiktionary

  • basicity — 1. The valence or combining power of an acid, or the number of replaceable atoms of hydrogen in its molecule. 2. The characteristic(s) of being a chemical base. * * * ba·sic·i·ty bā sis ət ē n …   Medical dictionary

  • basicity — Смотри Основность …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • basicity — n. base quality (Chemistry) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • basicity — [beɪ sɪsɪti] noun Chemistry the number of hydrogen atoms replaceable by a base in a particular acid …   English new terms dictionary

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