1 basic direct access method
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > basic direct access method
2 basic direct access method
box method — метод "ящика"
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > basic direct access method
3 basic direct access method
box method — метод «ящика»
English-Russian big medical dictionary > basic direct access method
4 basic direct access method
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > basic direct access method
5 basic direct access method
базисный прямой метод доступаАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > basic direct access method
6 Basic Direct Access Method
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Basic Direct Access Method
7 basic direct access method
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > basic direct access method
8 basic direct access method
Англо русский политехнический словарь > basic direct access method
9 basic direct access method
= BDAMEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > basic direct access method
10 basic direct access method
базовый метод прямого доступа, метод BDAMThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > basic direct access method
11 basic direct access method
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > basic direct access method
12 basic direct access method
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > basic direct access method
13 basic direct access method
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > basic direct access method
14 basic direct access method
English-Russian information technology > basic direct access method
15 Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM)
базисный прямой метод доступаEnglish-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM)
16 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
17 method
метод; способ- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- access method
- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- B-method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical-reaction method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential-conductivity method
- differential Doppler method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized method of moments
- generalized instrumental variables method
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- in situ method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal method
- isothermal dipping method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- path sensitizing method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero method -
18 method
метод; способ- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- B-method
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- chemical-reaction method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential Doppler method
- differential-conductivity method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized instrumental variables method
- generalized method of moments
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- in situ method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal dipping method
- isothermal method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- method of edge waves
- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path sensitizing method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero methodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > method
19 direct
1. a прямой, открытый; правдивый; ясный, недвусмысленный2. a очевидный, явный3. a прямой, непосредственныйto take direct action — объявлять забастовку, бастовать
direct process — процесс непосредственного получения железа из руд, бездоменный процесс
direct fire — огонь прямой наводкой, огонь с открытых позиций
4. a происходящий по прямой линииdirect necessity — прямая, непосредственная необходимость
5. a усил. полный, абсолютныйdirect code — абсолютный код; программа в абсолютных адресах
6. a вертикальный; отвесный; перпендикулярный к данной плоскостиdirect after — сразу после; сразу после того, как
7. a астр. движущийся с запада на восток8. a эл. постоянный9. adv прямо; сразу, непосредственно10. v направлять, наводить11. v направлять, обращать, устремлять12. v руководить, управлять; контролировать13. v предписывать; давать указание, распоряжение14. v решать15. v наставлять; давать советы, учить; инструктировать16. v показывать дорогуcan you direct me to the railway station? — не скажете ли вы, как пройти на вокзал?
17. v обращать, предназначатьdirect attention to — привлекать внимание к; обращать внимание на
18. v адресовать19. v направлять, посылать20. v дирижировать21. v режиссировать, ставить кинофильмСинонимический ряд:1. frank (adj.) blunt; candid; explicit; forthright; frank; honest; man-to-man; openhearted; plain; plainspoken; single; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; unconcealed; undisguised; undissembled; undissembling; unmannered; unreserved; unvarnished2. immediate (adj.) evident; firsthand; immediate; immediatefirst-hand; primary; prompt; simple; unbroken3. lineal (adj.) lineal4. linear (adj.) linear; straight; straightforward; through; true; undeviating; uninterrupted; unswerving5. open (adj.) categorical; downright; earnest; express; main; naked; officious; open; plump6. personal (adj.) inside; intimate; personal7. address (verb) address; aim; apply; bend; buckle; buckle down; cast; concentrate; dedicate; devote; focus; give; incline; lay; level; point; present; set; sight; superscribe; throw; train; turn; zero in8. administer (verb) administer; control; dominate; govern; handle; regulate; rule9. guide (verb) advise; dispose; escort; guide; influence; lead; oversee; pilot; route; see; shepherd; show; usher10. instruct (verb) bid; charge; command; enjoin; inform; instruct; order; require; tell; warn; will; wish11. manage (verb) carry on; conduct; keep; manage; operate; ordain; steer; supervise12. run (verb) administrate; head; run; superintend13. directly (other) dead; directly; due; right; straight; straightly; undeviatingly14. verbatim (other) literally; literatim; verbatim; word for wordАнтонимический ряд:beguile; crooked; deceive; delude; devious; diverge; divert; follow; indirect; lead astray; meandering; mislead; obey; reflect; sly; subtle -
20 method
метод; способ
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Basic direct access method — In IBM mainframe operating systems, basic direct access method (BDAM) is an access method to read and write data sets directly. In BDAM, the programmer has complete control of the organization of the file. Placement and retrieval is done by… … Wikipedia
basic direct access method — bazinis tiesioginės kreipties metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. basic direct access method vok. Basisdirektzugriffsmethode, f rus. базисный метод прямой выборки, m pranc. méthode à accès direct, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Access method — An access method is a function of a mainframe operating system that enables access to data on disk, tape or other external devices. They were introduced in 1963 in IBM OS/360 operating system. [http://researchweb.watson.ibm.com/journal/rd/255/ausl… … Wikipedia
Direct access storage device — In mainframe computers and some minicomputers, a direct access storage device, or DASD ( /ˈdæ … Wikipedia
Virtual storage access method — (VSAM) is an IBM disk file storage access method, first used in the OS/VS2 operating system, later used throughout the Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) architecture and now in z/OS. Originally a record oriented filesystem, VSAM comprises four data… … Wikipedia
méthode à accès direct — bazinis tiesioginės kreipties metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. basic direct access method vok. Basisdirektzugriffsmethode, f rus. базисный метод прямой выборки, m pranc. méthode à accès direct, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Direct memory access — (DMA) is a feature of modern computers that allows certain hardware subsystems within the computer to access system memory independently of the central processing unit (CPU). Without DMA, the CPU using programmed input/output is typically fully… … Wikipedia
Direct digital synthesis — (DDS) is an electronic method for digitally creating arbitrary waveforms and frequencies from a single, fixed source frequency. OverviewA basic DDS circuit consists of an electronic controller, a random access memory, a frequency reference… … Wikipedia
Basic access authentication — In the context of an HTTP transaction, the basic access authentication is a method designed to allow a web browser, or other client program, to provide credentials ndash; in the form of a user name and password ndash; when making a request.… … Wikipedia
Code division multiple access — This article is about a channel access method. For the mobile phone technology referred to as CDMA, see IS 95 and CDMA2000. Multiplex techniques Circuit mode (constant bandwidth) TDM · FDM … Wikipedia
Broadband Internet access — Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is high speed Internet access typically contrasted with dial up access over a modem.Dial up modems are generally only capable of a maximum bitrate of 56 kbit/s (kilobits per second)… … Wikipedia