1 baseballer
n. baseball player, one who plays the sport of baseball -
2 honkballer
n. baseball player, one who plays the sport of baseball -
3 ballenvanger
n. backstop, wall or some type of barrier which keeps a ball from going outside of an area of play; catcher (Baseball) -
4 baseballen
n. play baseball -
5 batten
v. bat (in a game of baseball, cricket, etc.) -
6 batter
n. batter (in a game of baseball, cricket, etc.); baking mixture -
7 binnenveld
n. infield, baseball diamond (Sports); cultivated land (Agriculture) -
8 binnenvelder
n. infielder, player who covers the infield (Baseball) -
9 borsalino
borsalino, baseball cap -
10 buitenvelder
n. outfielder, player in the outfield; player in the outermost field (Sports, Baseball) -
11 catcher
n. catcher, player who sits behind home plate to catch pitches thrown (Baseball); catch as catch can wrestler -
12 fielder
n. fielder, catcher positioned in the field (Baseball, Cricket) -
13 homerun
n. home run, (Baseball) hit in which a player is able to circle all four bases and score one point (usually the ball is hit out of the playing field) -
14 honk
n. home, place where one lives; home plate (Baseball) -
15 honkbal
n. baseball, type of game played with a bat and a ball and four stations that players must reach in order to score -
16 honkballen
v. play baseball -
17 honkman
n. baseman, player whose position is on one of the bases (Baseball) -
18 softbal
n. softball, form of baseball played on a smaller diamond with a larger ball -
19 vanger
n. catcher, player who sits behind home plate to catch pitches thrown (Baseball) -
20 baseballen
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Baseball — Fédération internationale IBAF (fondée en 1938) Sport olympique depuis 1992 à 2008 (sport de démonstration en 1984 et … Wikipédia en Français
Baseball SA — is the governing body of amateur baseball within South Australia, and headquarters of the South Australian Baseball League. Baseball SA is governed by the Australian Baseball Federation. Clubs Several clubs share their nicknames with American… … Wikipedia
Baseball NT — is the governing body of baseball within the Northern Territory. Baseball NT is governed by the Australian Baseball Federation. Overview Organised baseball is played in Darwin, Alice Springs and Katherine. Darwin has four clubs; Nightcliff Tigers … Wikipedia
Baseball WA — is the governing body of baseball within Western Australia. Baseball WA is governed by the Australian Baseball FederationExternal links* [http://www.wa.baseball.com.au Baseball WA] … Wikipedia
baseball — 1845, Amer.Eng., from BASE (Cf. base) (n.) + BALL (Cf. ball). Earlier references, e.g. in Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey, refer to the game of rounders, of which baseball is a more elaborate variety. Legendarily invented 1839 by Abner Doubleday… … Etymology dictionary
baseball — /ˈbezbol, ingl. ˈbeɪsˌbɔːl/ [vc. ingl., letteralmente «palla (ball) a base (base)»] s. m. inv. (sport) pallabase. NOMENCLATURA baseball ● campo di gioco: rombo = diamante, casabase = piatto, linea del battitore, box del battitore, fuoricampo,… … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Baseball — Base ball , n. 1. A game of ball, so called from the bases or bounds (four in number) which designate the circuit which each player must endeavor to make after striking the ball. [1913 Webster] 2. The ball used in this game. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baseball — / beisbɔ:l/, it. / bɛzbol/ s. ingl. [comp. di base base e ball palla , propr. palla a base ], usato in ital. al masch. (sport.) [gioco di palla diffuso negli Stati Uniti d America] ▶◀ (non com.) pallabase … Enciclopedia Italiana
baseball — → béisbol o beisbol … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
baseball — s. m. [Esporte] Ver beisebol. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
baseball — (izg. bèjzbōl) m DEFINICIJA sport igra tvrdom loptom i oblim palicama (u SAD u); igralište je podijeljeno na unutrašnje, kvadratično s »bazama« u kutovima i vanjsko, lepezasto; igraju dvije momčadi s po 9 igrača ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal