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  • 1 base

    f. (lat. basis, mot gr. "marche, point d'appui") 1. основа; 2. база; 3. хим. основа; 4. прен. база, основа, принцип; sur la base de на базата на, въз основа на; 5. апт. главна съставна част на лекарство; 6. геом. основа; base d'un cône основа на конус; 7. място, където се снабдява армия в поход; военна база; base navale военноморска база; base de lancement база за изстрелване на космически кораби; 8. ел. база (на транзистор); 9. niveau de base геогр. най-ниската точка на река (в мястото на вливането Ј в морето); 10. рел. вярващите и обикновените свещеници (в Католичeската църква); 11. работниците ( като социална маса). Ќ base de données база данни; а la base de въз основа на; а base de на основа на; изработено от. Ќ Ant. faîte, sommet, chapiteau, pinacle, couronnement.

    Dictionnaire français-bulgare > base

См. также в других словарях:

  • Base point pricing — is an economics term used to describe the system of firms setting prices of their goods the same to all buyers regardless of the sellers location, even if their transportation costs to the locations are different. This means that if the… …   Wikipedia

  • Naval Base Point Loma — San Diego, California Naval Base Point Loma Type …   Wikipedia

  • Hostel Base Point Osaka — (Осака,Япония) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: 542 0074 Осака, Ос …   Каталог отелей

  • Point Loma, San Diego, California — Point Loma is a seaside neighborhood of San Diego, California. Geographically it is a hilly peninsula that is bordered on the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, the east by the San Diego Bay and Old Town and the north by the San Diego River.… …   Wikipedia

  • Point — Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point lace — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point net — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of concurrence — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of contrary flexure — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of order — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of sight — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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