1 base resistance transistor
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > base resistance transistor
2 resistance
2) резистор3) стойкость, устойчивость4) бион невосприимчивость•- absolute minimum resistance
- ac resistance
- acoustic resistance
- ac plate resistance
- anode resistance
- antenna resistance
- armature resistance
- back resistance
- ballast resistance
- barrier resistance
- base resistance
- blocked resistance
- bulk resistance
- capacitor series resistance
- cathode-interface resistance
- cathode-interface layer resistance
- channel resistance
- chemical resistance
- closed-loop input resistance
- coil resistance
- cold resistance
- collector resistance
- collector leakage resistance
- collector saturation resistance
- common-mode resistance
- contact resistance
- copper resistance
- corona resistance
- critical resistance
- current-controlled negative resistance
- current-stable negative resistance
- dark resistance
- dc resistance
- dc copper resistance
- dc plate resistance
- differential-input resistance
- differential negative resistance
- diffusion resistance
- distributed resistance
- drain resistance
- dynamic resistance
- dynamic plate resistance
- effective resistance
- effective parallel resistance
- effective series resistance
- effective thermal resistance
- end resistance
- equivalent resistance
- equivalent differential input resistance
- equivalent noise resistance
- equivalent series resistance
- filament resistance
- flame resistance
- forward resistance
- gate resistance
- Hall resistance
- heat resistance
- heterojunction resistance
- high-frequency resistance
- hot resistance
- humidity resistance
- igniter-leakage resistance
- incremental resistance
- induced resistance
- input resistance
- insertion resistance
- insulation resistance
- interfacial resistance
- internal resistance
- junction resistance
- Koch resistance
- large-signal resistance
- lateral resistance
- lead resistance
- leakage resistance
- light resistance
- linear resistance
- line loop resistance
- load resistance
- longitudinal resistance
- loop resistance
- lumped resistance
- mesh resistance
- moisture resistance
- motional resistance
- mutual resistance
- negative resistance
- nonlinear resistance
- normal surface resistance
- N-type negative resistance
- ohmic resistance
- open-circuit stable negative resistance
- open-loop output resistance
- output resistance
- overall resistance
- quantized resistance
- quantum resistance
- parasitic resistance
- pure resistance
- radiation resistance
- real resistance
- reduced resistance
- reflected resistance
- residual resistance
- resonant resistance
- reverse resistance
- RF resistance
- saturation resistance
- series resistance
- sheet resistance
- short-circuit-stable negative resistance
- shunt resistance
- small-signal resistance
- source resistance
- specific resistance
- specific acoustic resistance
- spreading resistance
- standard resistance
- static resistance
- S-type negative resistance
- surface resistance
- surface insulation resistance
- swamp resistance
- swamping resistance
- tank resistance
- terminal resistance
- terminating resistance
- thermal resistance
- transistor input resistance
- transistor output resistance
- transposition resistance
- tropical resistance
- true resistance
- tube ac resistance
- tunneling resistance
- variable resistance
- voltage-controlled negative-resistance
- voltage-stable negative resistance -
3 resistance
2) резистор3) стойкость, устойчивость4) бион. невосприимчивость•- ac plate resistance
- ac resistance
- acoustic resistance
- anode resistance
- antenna resistance
- armature resistance
- back resistance
- ballast resistance
- barrier resistance
- base resistance
- blocked resistance
- bulk resistance
- capacitor series resistance
- cathode-interface layer resistance
- cathode-interface resistance
- channel resistance
- chemical resistance
- closed-loop input resistance
- coil resistance
- cold resistance
- collector leakage resistance
- collector resistance
- collector saturation resistance
- common-mode resistance
- contact resistance
- copper resistance
- corona resistance
- critical resistance
- current-controlled negative resistance
- current-stable negative resistance
- dark resistance
- dc copper resistance
- dc plate resistance
- dc resistance
- differential negative resistance
- differential-input resistance
- diffusion resistance
- distributed resistance
- drain resistance
- dynamic plate resistance
- dynamic resistance
- effective parallel resistance
- effective resistance
- effective series resistance
- effective thermal resistance
- end resistance
- equivalent differential input resistance
- equivalent noise resistance
- equivalent resistance
- equivalent series resistance
- filament resistance
- flame resistance
- forward resistance
- gate resistance
- Hall resistance
- heat resistance
- heterojunction resistance
- high-frequency resistance
- hot resistance
- humidity resistance
- igniter-leakage resistance
- incremental resistance
- induced resistance
- input resistance
- insertion resistance
- insulation resistance
- interfacial resistance
- internal resistance
- junction resistance
- Koch resistance
- large-signal resistance
- lateral resistance
- lead resistance
- leakage resistance
- light resistance
- line loop resistance
- linear resistance
- load resistance
- longitudinal resistance
- loop resistance
- lumped resistance
- mesh resistance
- moisture resistance
- motional resistance
- mutual resistance
- negative resistance
- nonlinear resistance
- normal surface resistance
- N-type negative resistance
- ohmic resistance
- open-circuit stable negative resistance
- open-loop output resistance
- output resistance
- overall resistance
- parasitic resistance
- pure resistance
- quantized resistance
- quantum resistance
- radiation resistance
- real resistance
- reduced resistance
- reflected resistance
- residual resistance
- resistance of ground path
- resonant resistance
- reverse resistance
- RF resistance
- saturation resistance
- series resistance
- sheet resistance
- short-circuit-stable negative resistance
- shunt resistance
- small-signal resistance
- source resistance
- specific acoustic resistance
- specific resistance
- spreading resistance
- standard resistance
- static resistance
- S-type negative resistance
- surface insulation resistance
- surface resistance
- swamp resistance
- swamping resistance
- tank resistance
- terminal resistance
- terminating resistance
- thermal resistance
- transistor input resistance
- transistor output resistance
- transposition resistance
- tropical resistance
- true resistance
- tube ac resistance
- tunneling resistance
- variable resistance
- voltage-controlled negative resistance
- voltage-stable negative resistanceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > resistance
1) Морской термин: (судно) общей вместимостью... регистрационных тонн2) Военный термин: British time3) Техника: base resistance transistor4) Бухгалтерия: basic rate of income tax5) Сокращение: bright, brightness, ball rust test, САТ (bus rapid transit-скоростной автобусный транспорт - способ организации автобусного движения)6) Физика: Boundary Region Theory7) Физиология: Block And Replace Therapy8) Нефть: below rotary table9) Транспорт: Bus Rapid Transit10) Экология: Below Reportable Threshold11) Деловая лексика: business round table, деловой круглый стол12) Образование: Bad Road Trip13) Молочное производство: Brucella Ring Test14) Должность: Broadcast Recording Technician, Building Resource Teacher15) Чат: Be Right There16) NYSE. B R T Realty Trust17) Аэропорты: Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, Australia -
5 Brt
1) Морской термин: (судно) общей вместимостью... регистрационных тонн2) Военный термин: British time3) Техника: base resistance transistor4) Бухгалтерия: basic rate of income tax5) Сокращение: bright, brightness, ball rust test, САТ (bus rapid transit-скоростной автобусный транспорт - способ организации автобусного движения)6) Физика: Boundary Region Theory7) Физиология: Block And Replace Therapy8) Нефть: below rotary table9) Транспорт: Bus Rapid Transit10) Экология: Below Reportable Threshold11) Деловая лексика: business round table, деловой круглый стол12) Образование: Bad Road Trip13) Молочное производство: Brucella Ring Test14) Должность: Broadcast Recording Technician, Building Resource Teacher15) Чат: Be Right There16) NYSE. B R T Realty Trust17) Аэропорты: Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, Australia -
6 brt
1) Морской термин: (судно) общей вместимостью... регистрационных тонн2) Военный термин: British time3) Техника: base resistance transistor4) Бухгалтерия: basic rate of income tax5) Сокращение: bright, brightness, ball rust test, САТ (bus rapid transit-скоростной автобусный транспорт - способ организации автобусного движения)6) Физика: Boundary Region Theory7) Физиология: Block And Replace Therapy8) Нефть: below rotary table9) Транспорт: Bus Rapid Transit10) Экология: Below Reportable Threshold11) Деловая лексика: business round table, деловой круглый стол12) Образование: Bad Road Trip13) Молочное производство: Brucella Ring Test14) Должность: Broadcast Recording Technician, Building Resource Teacher15) Чат: Be Right There16) NYSE. B R T Realty Trust17) Аэропорты: Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, Australia -
1. base resistance transistor - транзистор с сопротивлением в цепи базы;2. bright - яркий -
8 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) канал; линия; тракт3) тлф. шлейф5) круговое движение, движение по окружности || совершать круговое движение, двигаться по окружности•- 2D circuit
- 3D circuit
- absorbing circuit
- absorption circuit
- ac circuit
- acceptor circuit
- adaptive logic circuit
- additive printed circuit
- adjustable threshold logic circuit
- aerial circuit
- alive circuit
- aluminium-gate MOS integrated circuit
- aluminum-gate MOS integrated circuit
- AM detecting circuit
- analog circuit
- ancillary circuit
- AND circuit
- anode circuit
- antenna circuit
- anticlutter circuit
- anticoincidence circuit
- antihunt circuit
- antijamming circuit
- anti-Karp circuit
- antiresonance circuit
- antiresonant circuit
- antisidetone circuit
- aperiodic circuit
- application-specific integrated circuit
- approved circuit
- array integrated circuit
- astable circuit
- autodyne circuit
- automatic start circuit
- averaging circuit
- azimuth-sweep circuit
- back-plate circuit
- back-to-back circuit
- balanced circuit
- base-line marker circuit
- basic circuit
- beta circuit
- beta feedback circuit
- bias circuit
- bidirectional clamping circuit
- bilateral circuit
- bipolar circuit
- bipolar integrated circuit
- bistable circuit
- bistable multivibrator circuit
- black stretch circuit
- black-level restoring circuit
- black-level setting circuit
- blanking circuit
- bootstrap circuit
- bound circuit
- boxcar circuit
- branch circuit
- branched circuit
- bridge circuit
- bridged circuit
- broken circuit
- bubble annihilation circuit
- bubble circuit
- bubble detection circuit
- bubble propagation circuit
- bubble replication circuit
- bubble stretching circuit
- bubble switching circuit
- bubble-domain annihilation circuit
- bubble-domain detection circuit
- bubble-domain propagation circuit
- bubble-domain replication circuit
- bubble-domain stretching circuit
- bubble-domain switching circuit
- bucket-brigade circuit
- buffer circuit
- building-out circuit
- built-up circuit
- bulk-effect integrated circuit
- butterfly circuit
- butterfly tank circuit
- calibrating circuit
- call circuit
- capacitive differentiator circuit
- capacitive oscillatory circuit
- cathode circuit
- central-battery circuit
- ceramic printed circuit
- charge-coupled device integrated circuit
- chemically deposited printed circuit
- chemically reduced printed circuit
- chemically-assembled integrated circuit
- chevron bubble propagation circuit
- chevron bubble-domain propagation circuit
- chip integrated circuit
- cholesteric circuit
- chopping circuit
- chrominance matrix circuit
- chrominance separation circuit
- chrominance take-off circuit
- circuit of graph
- clamping circuit
- clamp-on circuit
- clipping circuit
- clock circuit
- clocked circuit
- close-coupled circuits
- closed circuit
- closed magnetic circuit
- CMOS integrated circuit
- coaxial circuit
- coincidence circuit
- collector circuit
- collector-diffusion isolated integrated circuit
- color processing circuit
- color purity circuit
- color-balance circuit
- color-indexing circuit
- color-killer circuit
- Colpitts oscillatory circuit
- combinational circuit
- combinatorial circuit
- combiner circuit
- common-base circuit
- common-battery circuit
- common-cathode circuit
- common-collector circuit
- common-drain circuit
- common-emitter circuit
- common-gate circuit
- common-grid circuit
- common-source circuit
- common-use circuit
- compander circuit
- comparator circuit
- comparison circuit
- compatible circuit
- compensating circuit
- complementary circuit
- complementary MOS integrated circuit
- complementary symmetry circuit
- complementary symmetry MOS integrated circuit
- complementary-output circuit
- composite circuit
- compound circuit
- compression circuit
- computer circuits
- conference circuit
- consumer integrated circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble propagation circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble-domain propagation circuit
- control circuit
- controller circuit
- convergence circuit
- cord circuit
- core-diode circuit
- core-transistor circuit
- correction input circuit
- COSMOS circuit
- countdown circuits
- counter circuit
- counter timer circuit
- counting circuit
- coupled circuits
- cross-control circuit
- crossed-waveguide circuit
- crosspoint integrated circuit
- cryotron circuit
- cue circuit
- current-access bubble circuit
- current-feedback circuit
- current-limited circuit
- current-source equivalent circuit
- custom circuit
- customer-specific integrated circuit
- custom-wired integrated circuit
- cutoff circuit
- damping circuit
- dash circuit
- data circuit
- dc circuit
- dc restoration circuit
- dead-on-arrival integrated circuit
- decision circuit
- decision making circuit
- decoupling circuit
- dedicated integrated circuit
- deep-submicron integrated circuit
- degenerative circuit
- delay circuit
- delay-insensitive circuit
- delay-sensitive circuit
- delta circuit
- demultiplexing circuit
- deposited integrated circuit
- derived circuit
- despiker circuit
- despiking circuit
- detector circuit
- detuned circuit
- dial toll circuit
- dial-up circuit
- diamond circuit
- die integrated circuit
- dielectric isolated integrated circuit
- differential-frequency circuit
- differentiating circuit
- diffused-isolation integrated circuit
- digital circuit
- digital integrated circuit
- digital logic circuit
- diode array integrated circuit
- diode integrated circuit
- diode-coupled circuit
- diplex circuit
- direct international circuit
- direct transit international circuit
- direct-coupled circuit
- direct-wire circuit
- discharge circuit
- discrete circuit
- discrete-component circuit
- disjunction circuit
- distributed-element circuit
- divided circuit
- dividing circuit
- Doppler tracking circuit
- dot circuit
- double-coincidence circuit
- double-ended cord circuit
- double-ridge easitron circuit
- double-ridge Karp circuit
- double-sided circuit
- double-tuned circuit
- down-scaled integrated circuit
- driven circuit
- dry circuit
- dry-processed integrated circuit
- DTF circuit
- dual-in-line integrated circuit
- duplex circuit
- duplicated circuit
- dynamic-convergence circuit
- dynamic-focus circuit
- dynamic-track following circuit
- earth circuit
- earthed circuit
- E-beam litho circuit
- EC circuit
- Eccles-Jordan circuit
- EITHER-OR circuit
- electric circuit
- electronic circuit
- elevated-electrode integrated circuit
- embossed-foil printed circuit
- emitter-coupled circuit
- emitter-follower logic integrated circuit
- engineering circuit
- epitaxial circuit
- epitaxial passivated integrated circuit
- equalization circuit
- equivalent circuit
- equivalent integrated circuit
- etched printed circuit
- evaporated circuit
- exclusive OR circuit
- expanded-sweep circuit
- expander circuit
- external circuit
- external magnetic circuit
- extra LSI circuit
- face-down integrated circuit
- fail-safe circuit
- fallback circuit
- fan-in circuit
- fan-out circuit
- fast time-constant circuit
- feed circuit
- feedback circuit
- ferrite-diode circuit
- ferrite-transistor circuit
- ferroresonant circuit
- field-access bubble circuit
- field-programmable integrated circuit
- filament circuit
- film integrated circuit
- fine-line integrated circuit
- fine-pattern integrated circuit
- flat-pack integrated circuit
- flexible printed circuit
- flip-chip integrated circuit
- flip-flop circuit
- flux transfer circuit
- flywheel circuit
- forced coupled circuits
- forked circuit
- four-wire circuit
- frame-grounding circuit
- frame-scanning circuit
- free coupled circuits
- freely oscillating coupled circuits
- free-running circuit
- frequency-changing circuit
- full-wave circuit
- fully integrated circuit
- function circuit
- g equivalent circuit
- ganged circuits
- gate circuit
- gate equivalent circuit
- Giacoletto circuit
- Goto-pair circuit
- grid circuit
- grounded circuit
- grounded-base circuit
- grounded-collector circuit
- grounded-emitter circuit
- grounded-grid circuit
- ground-return circuit
- grouping circuit
- guard-ring isolated monolithic integrated circuit
- Gunn-effect circuit
- h equivalent circuit
- half-phantom circuit
- half-wave circuit
- Hamilton circuit
- hardened circuit
- Hartley oscillatory circuit
- Hazeltine neutralizing circuit
- head circuit
- heater circuit
- high-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- holding circuit
- horizontal scanning circuit
- horizontal sync circuit
- horizontal-deflection circuit
- hotline circuit
- hybrid circuit
- hybrid integrated circuit
- hybrid pi equivalent circuit
- hybrid thin-film circuit
- hybrid thin-film integrated circuit
- hybrid-type circuit
- I2L circuit
- ideal-transformer equivalent circuit
- identification circuit
- idler circuit
- ignition circuit
- image circuit
- impulsing circuit
- inclusive NOR circuit
- inclusive OR circuit
- incoming circuit
- individually wired circuit
- inductance-capacitance coupling circuit
- inductive circuit
- inductive differentiator circuit
- inductive oscillatory circuit
- inductively coupled circuit
- injection circuit
- injection integrated circuit
- input circuit
- inquiry circuit
- insulated-substrate integrated circuit
- integrate-and-dump circuit
- integrated circuit
- integrated injection logic circuit
- integrated optical circuit
- integrating circuit
- interaction circuit
- interface circuit
- inter-integrated circuit
- interlock circuit
- intermediate-frequency circuit
- inverter circuit
- ion-implanted bubble propagation circuit
- ion-implanted bubble-domain propagation circuit
- ion-implanted MOS integrated circuit
- iron circuit
- isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- isolated-substrate solid circuit
- isoplanar integrated circuit
- isoplanar-based integrated circuit
- joint circuit
- joint denial circuit
- Josephson logic integrated circuit
- Josephson-junction logic integrated circuit
- junction circuit
- junction-isolation integrated circuit
- Karp circuit
- keep-alive circuit
- keying circuit
- killer circuit
- label circuit
- ladder circuit
- lagging circuit
- large-scale hybrid integration circuit
- large-scale integration circuit
- laser-configured application-specific integrated circuit
- latched circuit
- latching Boolean circuit
- latching circuit
- leak circuit
- leakage circuit
- leased circuit
- line circuit
- linear circuit
- linear integrated circuit
- line-scan circuit
- line-scanning circuit
- live circuit
- load circuit
- local circuit
- local-battery circuit
- locking circuit
- Loftin-White circuit
- logic circuit
- long-distance telephone circuit
- longitudinal circuit
- losser circuit
- low-energy circuit
- low-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- L-section circuit
- lumped circuit
- lumped-constant circuit
- made-to-order circuit
- magnetic circuit
- magnetic convergence circuit
- magnetic integrated circuit
- magnetic-core circuit
- majority circuit
- master-slice integrated circuit
- matching circuit
- matrix circuit
- matrix integrated circuit
- McCulloh circuit
- medium-scale integration circuit
- memory circuit
- merged transistor logic integrated circuit
- Mesny circuit
- message circuit
- metal-dielectric-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metallic circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor large scale integration circuit
- meter-current circuit
- meter-voltage circuit
- microcomputer integrated circuit
- microelectronic integrated circuit
- microenergy logic circuit
- micrologic circuit
- micropower circuit
- microprinted circuit
- microprocessor integrated circuit
- microprocessor logic-support circuit
- microprogrammed circuit
- microwatt circuit
- microwave circuit
- microwave integrated circuit
- mix circuit
- mixing circuit
- molecular integrated circuit
- monobrid integrated circuit
- monolithic integrated circuit
- monolithic microwave integrated circuit
- monophase integrated circuit
- monostable circuit
- MOS integrated circuit
- MOS-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- MTL integrated circuit
- mu circuit
- mu feedback circuit
- multibrid integrated circuit
- multichip integrated circuit
- multidrop circuit
- multifunctional integrated circuit
- multilayer circuit
- multilevel-metallized integrated circuit
- multiphase integrated circuit
- multiplanar circuit
- multiple circuit
- multiple-chip circuit
- multiple-substrate solid circuit
- multipoint circuit
- multistable circuit
- multistage circuit
- muting circuit
- NAND circuit
- nanotube integrated circuit
- n-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- negative OR circuit
- NEITHER-NOR circuit
- neutral magnetic circuit
- neutralizing circuit
- noise equivalent circuit
- noise suppression circuit
- nondisjunction circuit
- noninductive circuit
- nonlinear circuit
- nonphantomed circuits
- nonredundant circuit
- NOR circuit
- NOT circuit
- NOT-AND circuit
- NOT-OR circuit
- off-the-shelf circuit
- one-chip integrated circuit
- one-sided circuit
- one-wire circuit
- open circuit
- open magnetic circuit
- open-wire circuit
- optical integrated circuit
- optically coupled circuit
- optoelectronic integrated circuit
- optron integrated circuit
- OR circuit
- OR-ELSE circuit
- oscillator circuit
- oscillatory circuit
- output circuit
- overcoupled circuits
- overlap telling circuit
- oxide-isolated integrated circuit
- packaged circuit
- painted printed circuit
- parallel circuit
- parallel LCR circuit
- parallel-resonant circuit
- parallel-series circuit
- passivated integrated circuit
- p-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- peak-holding circuit
- peaking circuit
- peak-riding clipping circuit
- perforated bubble propagation circuit
- perforated bubble-domain propagation circuit
- periodic circuit
- peripheral integrated circuit
- permalloy circuit
- permanent virtual circuit
- phantom circuit
- phase-advance circuit
- phase-comparison circuit
- phase-compensating circuit
- phase-delay circuit
- phase-equalizing circuit
- phase-inverting circuit
- phase-lag circuit
- phase-shift circuit
- photonic integrated circuit
- physical circuits
- physical equivalent circuit
- pi circuit
- pickax bubble propagation circuit
- pickax bubble-domain propagation circuit
- piezoelectric-crystal equivalent circuit
- pilot circuit
- planar integrated circuit
- planex integrated circuit
- plastic integrated circuit
- plastic-encapsulated integrated circuit
- plate circuit
- plated circuit
- plated printed circuit
- p-n junction isolated integrated circuit
- point-to-point circuit
- polar circuit
- polarized magnetic circuit
- polling circuit
- polymer integrated circuit
- polymer logic circuit
- polymer-based logic circuit
- polyphase circuit
- positioning circuit
- potentiometer circuit
- potted circuit
- power adder circuit
- preemphasis circuit
- presetting circuit
- primary circuit
- primary series circuit
- printed circuit
- printed wiring circuit
- printed-component circuit
- program circuit
- programmed interconnection pattern large-scale integration circuit
- propagation circuit
- proprietary integrated circuit
- pulse-actuated circuit
- pulse-shaping circuit
- pulsing circuit
- pump circuit
- pumping circuit
- purity circuit
- push-pull circuit
- push-push circuit
- push-to-talk circuit
- push-to-type circuit
- quadruplex circuit
- quasi-bistable circuit
- quasi-monostable circuit
- quenching circuit
- quiet-tuning circuit
- r equivalent circuit
- radiating circuit
- radiation hardened integrated circuit
- radio circuit
- radio communication circuit
- radio-frequency integrated circuit
- radio-receiving circuit
- radio-transmitting circuit
- range-marker circuit
- range-sweep circuit
- range-tracking circuit
- rapid single flux quantum circuit
- RC circuit
- RCG circuit
- RCTL circuit
- RDTL circuit
- reactance control circuit
- reaction circuit
- reactive circuit
- read-and-write circuit
- redundant circuit
- reflex circuit
- regenerative circuit
- rejector circuit
- repeat circuit
- reset circuit
- reset control circuit
- reshaping circuit
- resistance-capacitance circuit
- resistance-inductance circuit
- resistance-inductance-capacitance circuit
- resistor-capacitor-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-coupled transistor logic circuit
- resistor-diode-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-transistor logic circuit
- resonant circuit
- retroactive circuit
- reverberation-controlled gain circuit
- right-plane circuit
- ring circuit
- ring-and-bar circuit
- ringdown circuit
- ringing circuit
- RL circuit
- RLC circuit
- RSFQ circuit
- RTL circuit
- sample-and-hold circuit
- sampling circuit
- scaled integrated circuit
- scale-of-eight circuit
- scale-of-ten circuit
- scale-of-two circuit
- scaling circuit
- scanning circuit
- scrambler circuit
- screened circuit
- sealed circuit
- sealed-junction integration circuit
- selective circuit
- self-holding circuit
- self-repairing circuit
- self-saturating circuit
- semiconductor integrated circuit
- semiconductor-magnetic circuit
- semicustom integrated circuit
- separation circuit
- series circuit
- series RLC circuit
- series-peaking circuit
- series-resonant circuit
- service circuit
- short circuit
- shunt circuit
- shunt-peaking circuit
- shunt-series circuit
- side circuits
- sidetone suppression circuit
- signal circuit
- signal-processing circuit
- silent circuit
- silicon integrated circuit
- silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- simple parallel circuit
- simplex circuit
- single-chip integrated circuit
- single-ended circuit
- single-mask level bubble circuit
- single-phase circuit
- single-ridge easitron circuit
- single-ridge Karp circuit
- single-shot trigger circuit
- single-trip trigger circuit
- single-tuned circuit
- single-wire circuit
- slave circuit
- sliding short circuit
- slow-wave circuit
- small outline integrated circuit
- small-scale integrated circuit
- smoothing circuit
- sneak circuit
- software circuit
- solid-state circuit
- spare circuit
- spark circuit
- speaker circuit
- sprayed printed circuit
- square-rooting circuit
- squaring circuit
- squelch circuit
- stacked circuit
- staggered circuits
- stamped printed circuit
- standard scale circuit
- star-connected circuit
- starting circuit
- start-stop circuit
- static-induction transistor integrated circuit
- stenode circuit
- stick circuit
- stopper circuit
- storage circuit
- straightforward circuit
- stripline circuit
- submicron integrated circuit
- subscriber line interface circuit
- subscriber-line audio-processing circuit
- superconducting tank circuit
- superimposed circuit
- superposed circuit
- supervising circuit
- support circuit
- sweep circuit
- switch virtual circuit
- switched circuit
- switching circuit
- sync separator circuit
- sync stretch circuit
- synchronous circuit
- T2L circuit
- talk-back circuit
- tank circuit
- tantalum thin-film circuit
- tap circuit
- tapped circuit
- tapped resonant circuit
- tapped-capacitor circuit
- tapped-capacitor resonant circuit
- tapped-coil circuit
- tapped-coil resonant circuit
- tapped-inductor circuit
- tapped-inductor resonant circuit
- T-bar bubble propagation circuit
- T-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- T-circuit
- telegraph circuit
- telephone circuit
- telling circuit
- terminating circuit
- Thevenin equivalent circuit
- thick-film circuit
- thin-film circuit
- three-dimensional circuit
- three-phase circuit
- threshold circuit
- through circuit
- tie-line circuit
- time-base circuit
- time-delay circuit
- toll-circuit
- totem-pole circuit
- transfer circuit
- transformer-coupled circuit
- transistor equivalent circuit
- transistor-transistor logic circuit
- traveling-wave-tube interaction circuit
- tributary circuit
- trigger circuit
- trunk circuit
- trunk terminating circuit
- trunk-junction circuit
- tse circuit
- TTL circuit
- tube circuit
- tube equivalent circuit
- tuned circuit
- tuning circuit
- twin-circuit
- twin-T circuit
- two-dimensional circuit
- two-state circuit
- two-way circuit
- two-wire circuit
- UHS integrated circuit
- ultra-audion circuit
- ultra-high-speed integrated circuit
- unbalanced circuit
- undefined function circuit
- underdamped circuit
- unilateral circuit
- unipolar integrated circuit
- universal cord circuit
- vacuum integrated circuit
- vacuum-deposited integrated circuit
- vapor-deposited printed circuit
- vertical deflection circuit
- vertical scanning circuit
- vertical sync circuit
- very high-speed integrated circuit
- very large-scale integration circuit
- V-groove isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- vibrating circuit
- video circuit
- virtual circuit
- voltage-feedback circuit
- voltage-source equivalent circuit
- wafer-on-scale integrated circuit
- warning circuit
- watch integrated circuit
- waveguide circuit
- waveguide short circuit
- weakly superconducting circuit
- weighting circuit
- welded electronic circuit
- white circuit
- wire circuit
- wired circuit
- wire-wrapped circuit
- writing circuit
- X-bar bubble propagation circuit
- X-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- XNOR circuit
- XOR circuit
- X-ray litho integrated circuit
- y equivalent circuit
- Y-bar bubble propagation circuit
- Y-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- Y-connected circuit
- z equivalent circuit
- zig-zag asymmetrical permalloy-wedges circuit
- zigzag permalloy track circuitThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > circuit
9 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier - backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transistor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier - double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier - electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier - heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier - hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier - instrumentation amplifier
- integrated circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K-amplifier - launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier - lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier - lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier - magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier - matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier - mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier - optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier - paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier - Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier - single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier - spin-wave amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier - triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier - twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier - volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifier -
10 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- backward-wave parametric amplifier
- backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transis-tor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier
- double-pumped parametric amplifier
- double-sideband parametric amplifier
- double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electron-beam parametric amplifier
- electron-bombardment semiconductor amplifier
- electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier
- headphone amplifier
- helix parametric amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier
- injected-beam crossed-field amplifier
- injected-beam forward-wave magnetron amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated-circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier for various applications
- linear amplifier
- linear-type magnetron amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- longitudinal-beam amplifier
- lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetic-film amplifier
- magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator-power amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microwave atomic amplifier
- mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier
- operational amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- parametric varactor amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Ramey amplifier
- Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier
- single-pumped parametric amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- solid-state power amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speaker amplifier
- speech amplifier
- spin-wave amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave acoustic amplifier
- traveling-wave amplifier
- traveling-wave parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave tube amplifier
- treble amplifier
- triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel-diode amplifier
- twin-pair amplifier
- twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifierThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > amplifier
11 oscillator
1) генератор3) гетеродин4) фтт осциллятор5) вибратор, элементарный излучатель•- a-f oscillator
- anharmonic oscillator
- antistiction oscillator
- arc oscillator
- arc-tube relaxation oscillator
- Armstrong oscillator - audio-frequency oscillator
- autodyne oscillator
- avalanche oscillator
- avalanche-diode oscillator - Barkhausen oscillator
- Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator
- beam-plasma wave oscillator
- beat oscillator - bias oscillator
- bipolar transistor oscillator
- blocking oscillator
- bridge piezoelectric oscillator
- bulk negative resistance oscillator
- Butler oscillator
- capacitance-resistance oscillator
- carrier insertion oscillator
- cathode-follower oscillator
- cavity oscillator
- chroma oscillator
- chrominance-subcarrier oscillator
- Clapp oscillator
- code-practice oscillator - color subcarrier oscillator
- Colpitts oscillator
- continuous-wave oscillator - cw oscillator
- degenerate parametric oscillator
- degenerate-type parametric oscillator - digital-control oscillator
- digital delay oscillator
- double-local oscillator
- double-transit oscillator
- Dow oscillator
- driven blocking oscillator
- driving oscillator
- Duffing oscillator
- dynatron oscillator - electron-tube oscillator
- erase oscillator
- extended-interaction oscillator
- Fabry-Perot maser oscillator
- fast cyclotron-wave oscillator
- feedback oscillator
- fixed-frequency oscillator
- fork oscillator
- free-running oscillator - frequency-sensitive oscillator
- frequency-swept oscillator
- ganging oscillator
- garnet-tuned oscillator
- gas-tube relaxation oscillator
- grid-dip oscillator
- grid-pulsing oscillator
- Gunn oscillator
- Gunn-diode oscillator
- Gunn-effect oscillator
- harmonic oscillator
- harmonic-locked oscillator
- Hartley oscillator
- helitron oscillator
- Hertzian oscillator
- heterodyne oscillator - impact-avalanche transit-time diode oscillator
- IMPATT oscillator
- impulse oscillator
- induced-degeneration blocking oscillator
- inductance-capacitance oscillator
- injected-beam backward-wave oscillator
- injection-driven oscillator
- injection-locked oscillator
- integral-cavity reflex-klystron oscillator
- Josephson oscillator
- kallitron oscillator
- keep-alive oscillator - laser oscillator
- LC oscillator
- Lecher oscillator
- Lecher-wire oscillator
- lighthouse-tube oscillator
- limited space-charge accumulation oscillator
- linear oscillator
- linear time-base oscillator
- line stabilized oscillator
- local oscillator
- locked oscillator
- locked-in oscillator
- LSA oscillator
- magnetostriction oscillator
- magnetostrictive oscillator
- magnetron oscillator
- maser oscillator
- master oscillator
- Meacham bridge oscillator
- Meissner oscillator
- microwave oscillator
- Miller oscillator
- modulated oscillator
- molecular oscillator
- monotron oscillator
- M-type backward-wave oscillator
- multifrequency oscillator
- multivibrator oscillator
- negative-resistance oscillator
- negative-transconductance oscillator
- nonsinusoidal oscillator
- number-controlled oscillator - parametric phase-locked oscillator - phase-shift oscillator
- phase-stabilized oscillator
- Pierce oscillator
- piezoelectric oscillator
- pilot oscillator
- plasma oscillator
- positive-grid oscillator
- pulse oscillator - quartz-crystal oscillator
- quartz-crystal-controlled oscillator
- quartz-locked oscillator
- quench oscillator
- quenched-mode Gunn oscillator
- RC oscillator
- Read-diode oscillator
- reentrant oscillator
- reference oscillator
- reflection oscillator
- reflex-klystron oscillator
- regenerative oscillator
- relaxation oscillator
- repeller-type oscillator
- resistance-capacitance oscillator
- resonant-line oscillator
- retarding-field oscillator
- RF oscillator
- ring oscillator
- ringing oscillator
- rugged oscillator
- sawtooth oscillator
- self-excited oscillator
- self-mixing oscillator
- self-quenching oscillator
- series-tuned oscillator
- service oscillator
- shunt-tuned oscillator
- sine-wave oscillator
- single-mode oscillator
- single-shot blocking oscillator
- single-wave oscillator
- spark-gap oscillator
- spin oscillator
- square-wave oscillator
- squegging oscillator - sweep oscillator
- synchronized oscillator
- temperature compensated oscillator
- test oscillator
- tetrode oscillator
- timing-axis oscillator - transitron oscillator
- TRAPATT oscillator
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time oscillator - tunable oscillator
- tuned-anode oscillator
- tuned-base oscillator
- tuned-collector oscillator
- tuned-grid oscillator
- tuned-input oscillator
- tuned-output oscillator
- tuned-plate oscillator
- ultra-audion oscillator - varactor-modulated crystal oscillator - Xtal oscillator
- YIG-tuned tunnel-diode oscillator -
12 oscillator
1) генератор3) гетеродин4) фтт. осциллятор5) вибратор, элементарный излучатель•- a-f oscillator
- anharmonic oscillator
- antistiction oscillator
- arc oscillator
- arc-tube relaxation oscillator
- Armstrong oscillator
- astable blocking oscillator
- audio oscillator
- audio-frequency oscillator
- autodyne oscillator
- avalanche oscillator
- avalanche-diode oscillator
- backward-wave oscillator
- balanced oscillator
- Barkhausen oscillator
- Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator
- beam-plasma wave oscillator
- beat oscillator
- beat-frequency oscillator
- beating oscillator
- bias oscillator
- bipolar transistor oscillator
- blocking oscillator
- bridge piezoelectric oscillator
- bulk negative resistance oscillator
- Butler oscillator
- capacitance-resistance oscillator
- carrier insertion oscillator
- cathode-follower oscillator
- cavity oscillator
- chroma oscillator
- chrominance-subcarrier oscillator
- Clapp oscillator
- code-practice oscillator
- coherent oscillator
- color oscillator
- color subcarrier oscillator
- Colpitts oscillator
- continuous-wave oscillator
- crystal oscillator
- crystal-controlled oscillator
- cw oscillator
- degenerate parametric oscillator
- degenerate-type parametric oscillator
- delayed pulse oscillator
- dielectric resonator oscillator
- digital delay oscillator
- digital-control oscillator
- double-local oscillator
- double-transit oscillator
- Dow oscillator
- driven blocking oscillator
- driving oscillator
- Duffing oscillator
- dynatron oscillator
- electron-coupled oscillator
- electronically tunable oscillator
- electron-tube oscillator
- erase oscillator
- extended-interaction oscillator
- Fabry-Perot maser oscillator
- fast cyclotron-wave oscillator
- feedback oscillator
- fixed-frequency oscillator
- fork oscillator
- free-running oscillator
- frequency multiplier oscillator
- frequency-pulling oscillator
- frequency-sensitive oscillator
- frequency-swept oscillator
- ganging oscillator
- garnet-tuned oscillator
- gas-tube relaxation oscillator
- grid-dip oscillator
- grid-pulsing oscillator
- Gunn oscillator
- Gunn-diode oscillator
- Gunn-effect oscillator
- harmonic oscillator
- harmonic-locked oscillator
- Hartley oscillator
- helitron oscillator
- Hertzian oscillator
- heterodyne oscillator
- high-frequency oscillator
- impact-avalanche transit-time diode oscillator
- impact-avalanche transit-time oscillator
- IMPATT oscillator
- impulse oscillator
- induced-degeneration blocking oscillator
- inductance-capacitance oscillator
- injected-beam backward-wave oscillator
- injection-driven oscillator
- injection-locked oscillator
- integral-cavity reflex-klystron oscillator
- Josephson oscillator
- kallitron oscillator
- keep-alive oscillator
- klystron oscillator
- labile oscillator
- laser oscillator
- LC oscillator
- Lecher oscillator
- Lecher-wire oscillator
- lighthouse-tube oscillator
- limited space-charge accumulation oscillator
- line stabilized oscillator
- linear oscillator
- linear time-base oscillator
- local oscillator
- locked oscillator
- locked-in oscillator
- LSA oscillator
- magnetostriction oscillator
- magnetostrictive oscillator
- magnetron oscillator
- maser oscillator
- master oscillator
- Meacham bridge oscillator
- Meissner oscillator
- microwave oscillator
- Miller oscillator
- modulated oscillator
- molecular oscillator
- monotron oscillator
- M-type backward-wave oscillator
- multifrequency oscillator
- multivibrator oscillator
- negative-resistance oscillator
- negative-transconductance oscillator
- nonsinusoidal oscillator
- number-controlled oscillator
- optical parametric oscillator
- O-type backward-wave oscillator
- oven-controlled crystal oscillator
- parametric oscillator
- parametric phase-locked oscillator
- phase-locked oscillator
- phase-locked subharmonic oscillator
- phase-shift oscillator
- phase-stabilized oscillator
- Pierce oscillator
- piezoelectric oscillator
- pilot oscillator
- plasma oscillator
- positive-grid oscillator
- pulse oscillator
- pulsed avalanche oscillator
- pulsed avalanche-diode oscillator
- push-pull oscillator
- quartz-crystal oscillator
- quartz-crystal-controlled oscillator
- quartz-locked oscillator
- quench oscillator
- quenched-mode Gunn oscillator
- RC oscillator
- Read-diode oscillator
- reentrant oscillator
- reference oscillator
- reflection oscillator
- reflex-klystron oscillator
- regenerative oscillator
- relaxation oscillator
- repeller-type oscillator
- resistance-capacitance oscillator
- resonant-line oscillator
- retarding-field oscillator
- RF oscillator
- ring oscillator
- ringing oscillator
- rugged oscillator
- sawtooth oscillator
- self-excited oscillator
- self-mixing oscillator
- self-quenching oscillator
- series-tuned oscillator
- service oscillator
- shunt-tuned oscillator
- sine-wave oscillator
- single-mode oscillator
- single-shot blocking oscillator
- single-wave oscillator
- spark-gap oscillator
- spin oscillator
- square-wave oscillator
- squegging oscillator
- stabilized local oscillator
- subcarrier oscillator
- superconducting-cavity stabilized oscillator
- surface-acoustic-wave oscillator
- sweep oscillator
- synchronized oscillator
- temperature compensated oscillator
- test oscillator
- tetrode oscillator
- timing-axis oscillator
- transferred-electron oscillator
- transistor oscillator
- transitron oscillator
- TRAPATT oscillator
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time oscillator
- traveling-wave oscillator
- tri-tet oscillator
- tunable oscillator
- tuned-anode oscillator
- tuned-base oscillator
- tuned-collector oscillator
- tuned-grid oscillator
- tuned-input oscillator
- tuned-output oscillator
- tuned-plate oscillator
- ultra-audion oscillator
- unijunction transistor oscillator
- unlocked driven oscillators
- vacuum-tube oscillator
- Van der Pol oscillator
- varactor-modulated crystal oscillator
- variable reactance oscillator
- variable-frequency oscillator
- velocity-modulated oscillator
- voltage-controlled crystal oscillator
- voltage-controlled oscillator
- Wien-bridge oscillator
- Xtal oscillator
- YIG-tuned tunnel-diode oscillatorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > oscillator
13 amplifier
ac amplifier
adder amplifier
AGC amplifier
all-pass amplifier
amplitron amplifier
amplitude-limiting amplifier
antenna amplifier
aperiodic amplifier
audio amplifier
- audio distribution amplifier -
audio-frequency amplifier
automatic gain control amplifier
automatic stereophonic recording amplifier
backward-wave amplifier
backward-wave magnetron amplifier
backward-wave parametric amplifier
balanced amplifier
bandpass amplifier
band amplifier
baseband amplifier
beam parametric amplifier
bistable amplifier
Blumlein's ultralinear amplifier
booster amplifier
bootstrap amplifier
bridge amplifier
bridging amplifier
broadband amplifier
buck-boost amplifier
buffer amplifier
bullet amplifier
burst amplifier
calibrated amplifier
camera amplifier
capacitor transmitter amplifier
cascaded amplifier
cascade amplifier
cascode amplifier
cathode-coupled amplifier
cathode amplifier
cavity-type amplifier
charger amplifier
charge amplifier
choke-capacitance coupled amplifier
chopper amplifier
chopper-stabilized amplifier
chrominance amplifier
clamped amplifier
class-A amplifier
class-B amplifier
class-C amplifier
class-D amplifier
clipper amplifier
coincidence amplifier
cold cathode amplifier
color-burst amplifier
color-difference amplifier
color-stabilizing amplifier
common-base amplifier
common-collector amplifier
common-drain amplifier
common-emitter amplifier
common-gate amplifier
common-source amplifier
compensated amplifier
complementary amplifier
contact-modulated amplifier
control amplifier
coupling amplifier
crossed-field amplifier
cryogenicaliy cooled amplifier
cryogenic amplifier
current amplifier
Darlington amplifier
dc amplifier
dc machine amplifier
dc restoration amplifier
deflection amplifier
delayed-channel amplifier
differential-input amplifier
differential amplifier
differentiating amplifier
digitally controlled amplifier
digital-proportional fluid amplifier
direct-coupled amplifier
display intensity amplifier
distributed amplifier
distributing amplifier
double-ended amplifier
drift-compensated amplifier
drift-correcting amplifier
drift-free amplifier
driver amplifier
dual operational amplifier
dynamoclectric amplifier
echo amplifier
electrochemical amplifier
electrometric amplifier
electron wave magnetron amplifier
electronic amplifier
electronically tunable amplifier
emitter-follower amplifier
erase amplifier
error amplifier
extender amplifier
fader amplifier
fast amplifier
feedback amplifier
feedback stabilized amplifier
feed-forward amplifier
ferrite amplifier
ferromagnetic amplifier
field amplifier
filter amplifier
final amplifier
fixed-gain amplifier
fixed-tuned amplifier
flat amplifier
flat-staggered amplifier
flip-flop amplifier
fluid amplifier
follow-up amplifier
forward wave amplifier
frame amplifier
frequency-elimination amplifier
frequency-rejection amplifier
frequency-selective amplifier
front-end amplifier
front amplifier
gain-controlled amplifier
gain-matched amplifier
gain-stabilized amplifier
gamma amplifier
gate amplifier
gated amplifier
grounded anode amplifier
grounded-base amplifier
grounded-cathode amplifier
grounded-collector amplifier
grounded-drain amplifier
grounded-emitter amplifier
grounded-gate amplifier
grounded-plate amplifier
grounded-source amplifier
head amplifier
head-end amplifier
heterodyne amplifier
hi-fi amplifier
high-frequency amplifier
high-gain amplifier
high-voltage amplifier
horizontal amplifier
hybrid amplifier
hydraulic amplifier
image amplifier
image-rejecting intermediate amplifier
injection beam amplifier
instrumentation amplifier
integrated amplifier
integrating amplifier
intensity amplifier
intermediate-frequency amplifier
interphone amplifier
in-turret amplifier
inverting amplifier
isolating amplifier
klystron amplifier
laminar proportional amplifier
lap dissolve amplifier
laser amplifier
launch amplifier
light amplifier
limited-gain amplifier
limiting amplifier
line amplifier
linear amplifier
lock-in amplifier
logarithmic amplifier
log amplifier
longitudinal beam amplifier
low-current amplifier
low-distortion amplifier
low-drift amplifier
low-frequency amplifier
low-noise amplifier
luminance amplifier
magnetic amplifier
magnetron amplifier
masking amplifier
master oscillator power amplifier
matched amplifier
matching amplifier
matrix amplifier
metal interface amplifier
microphone amplifier
microstrip amplifier
microwave amplifier
mix-effects amplifier
modulated amplifier
monitoring amplifier
monitor amplifier
mono amplifier
M-type amplifier
multichannel amplifier
multimode amplifier
multiple-loop feedback amplifier
multistage amplifier
muscle voltage amplifier
narrow-band amplifier
narrow-gate amplifier
neutralized amplifier
noise immune amplifier
noiseless amplifier
noise-suppressing amplifier
noisy amplifier
noninverting amplifier
nonlinear amplifier
note amplifier
one-port amplifier
operational amplifier
optical amplifier
optic amplifier
optoelectronic amplifier
overdriven amplifier
packaged amplifier
panoramic amplifier
paramagnetic amplifier
parametric amplifier
parametric varactor amplifier
paraphase amplifier
peaked amplifier
phase linear amplifier
phase-sensitive amplifier
photocurrent amplifier
picture intermediate frequency amplifier
pilot amplifier
pip amplifier
playback amplifier
plug-in amplifier
polarity-inverting amplifier
portable amplifier
power amplifier
pressure-to-flow amplifier
prime amplifier
printed-circuit amplifier
processing amplifier
program amplifier
programmable gain amplifier
public-address amplifier
pulse distribution amplifier
pulsed amplifier
pulse amplifier
push-pull amplifier
quadrature amplifier
quantum amplifier
quiescent amplifier
radio-frequency amplifier
RC amplifier
reactance amplifier
reciprocal amplifier
recircufation zone amplifier
recording amplifier
reference amplifier
reflex amplifier
regenerative amplifier
repeating amplifier
reproducing amplifier
resistance amplifier
resistance-capacitance amplifier
resistance-coupled amplifier
resonance amplifier
reversed-feedback amplifier
rf amplifier
rotary amplifier
rotating magnetic amplifier
rotating amplifier
sample-and-hold amplifier
sampling amplifier
saturated amplifier
selective amplifier
self-balancing amplifier
self-feedback amplifier
self-saturating magnetic amplifier
sense amplifier
servo amplifier
sharpener amplifier
signal-frequency amplifier
single-ended amplifier
single-section amplifier
single-sideband amplifier
single-sided amplifier
single-stage amplifier
single-tuned amplifier
small-signal amplifier
source-follower amplifier
space charge wave amplifier
speech amplifier
square-law amplifier
squaring amplifier
stabilized amplifier
steffer amplifier
step-up amplifier
stereo amplifier
straight amplifier
summing amplifier
superregenerative amplifier
supersonic amplifier
sweep amplifier
switched gain amplifier
synchronizing amplifier
sync amplifier
tandem amplifier
tapered amplifier
temperature-compensated amplifier
threshold amplifier
time-base amplifier
torque amplifier
track-and-hold amplifier
transconductance amplifier
transducer amplifier
transferred electron amplifier
transformer-coupled amplifier
transimpedance amplifier
transistor amplifier
transmission-type amplifier
transmission amplifier
traveling wave tube amplifier
trigger amplifier
trunk amplifier
tube amplifier
tuned amplifier
tunnel diode amplifier
turbulence amplifier
ultralincar amplifier
uncompensated amplifier
unity gain amplifier
untapered amplifier
untuned amplifier
utility video amplifier
valve amplifier
variable-gain amplifier
velocity-modulated amplifier
vertical amplifier
video amplifier
video distribution amplifier
video frequency amplifier
voltage amplifier
voltage-controlled amplifier
vortex amplifier
wide dynamic range amplifier
wide-band amplifier
X-axis amplifier
X amplifier
YIG parametric amplifier
zero-phase drift amplifier -
14 amplifier
1) усилитель2) приемник ( прямого усиления)•- acoustic amplifier
- adder amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-radial amplifier
- antenna amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio-distribution amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- audio-video amplifier
- automatic stereophonic recording amplifier
- auxiliary amplifier
- AV-amplifier
- average power amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- B-amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- base amplifier
- beam-parametric amplifier
- binaural-power amplifier
- bioelectric-potential amplifier
- bistable amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- branching amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- broadcasting amplifier
- buck-boost amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bullet amplifier
- burst amplifier
- calibrated amplifier
- camera amplifier
- capacitor-coupled amplifier
- carrier amplifier
- cascade-coupled amplifier
- cascaded amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cavity-type diode amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- channel amplifier
- choke amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma-bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- class-E amplifier
- class-F amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent-light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- compressor amplifier
- conference amplifier
- continuous-signal amplifier
- controlled amplifier
- controlling amplifier
- convertor amplifier
- correcting-antenna amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- cross-field amplifier
- current amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc power amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- delay amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digital sound processor amplifier
- digital sound-field processor amplifier
- digitally-controlled amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-communication amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- DMB-amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-circuit amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-compensated amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-operational amplifier
- dual-trace amplifier
- duct amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- earlike-response amplifier
- electric-organ amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electronically-tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- elementary amplifier
- end amplifier
- error amplifier
- error-signal amplifier
- extender amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast-operating amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedforward amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- fiber-optic system amplifier
- field amplifier
- field-input amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- flat amplifier
- flat-staggered amplifier
- flip-flop amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forming amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-channel power amplifier
- four-stage amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- functional amplifier
- gain-matched amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- galvanic amplifier
- G-amplifier
- gated amplifier
- generator amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- group amplifier
- group reception amplifier
- group transmission amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- half-wave amplifier
- head amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high-current power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- home theater amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- IF amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- input amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate-power amplifier
- interphone amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- light amplifier
- limiter amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- line frequency amplifier
- line power amplifier
- line voltage amplifier
- linear amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- listening amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- locomotive receiver amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- loud-speaking announcement amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matrix amplifier
- measuring amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microstrip amplifier
- microwave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- monaural power amplifier
- monitoring amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- multichannel amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- narrow-gate amplifier
- n-channel amplifier
- negative resistance amplifier
- negatron amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppressing amplifier
- noncooled amplifier
- nondegenerate amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- note amplifier
- n-stage amplifier
- operating amplifier
- operation amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- parallel amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- personal tone amplifier
- phase sensor amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- pip amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- power amplifier
- precision amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- pulse-distribution amplifier
- push-pull electret amplifier
- push-pull magnetic amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Raman amplifier
- R-amplifier
- RC-coupled amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reception amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- recuperative amplifier
- reflecting amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- remote-tuned amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reproducing amplifier
- resistance-capacitance amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- RF-amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- running wave lamp amplifier
- saturated amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- sense amplifier
- separate amplifier
- series amplifier
- sharpener amplifier
- SHF-amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- simplest amplifier
- simplex amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-frequency amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-step amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- slicer amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- sound frequency amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speech amplifier
- square-low amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- stabilized amplifier
- stable amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- stereo/mono power amplifier
- straight amplifier
- strip-line amplifier
- studio amplifier
- subscriber amplifier
- Suhl amplifier
- summing amplifier
- super-recuperative amplifier
- supersonic amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- tapered amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- terminal amplifier
- TFT-amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- track-and-hold amplifier
- transceiving amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transmitter amplifier
- traveling wave amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel diode amplifier
- TV-antenna amplifier
- two-channel playback amplifier
- two-step amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- ultralinear amplifier
- unloading amplifier
- untapered amplifier
- utility video amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- variable transmitter amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- vortex amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- writing amplifier
- X-amplifier
- X-axis amplifier
- Y-amplifier
- Y-axis amplifier
- zero-phase drift amplifierEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > amplifier
15 device
1) прибор; устройство; установка2) компонент; элемент4) фигура речи5) девиз; лозунг•- λ-device- λ-shaped negative-resistance device
- absolute pointing device
- absolute value device
- accumulation-mode charge-coupled device
- acoustic correlation device
- acoustic delay device
- acoustic imaging device
- acoustic-surface-wave device
- acoustic-surface-wave interaction charge-coupled device
- acoustic-volume-wave device
- acoustic-wave device
- acoustooptic device
- acoustoresistive device
- active device
- active medium propagation device
- adaptive device
- add-on device
- all-junction device
- aluminum-gate MOS device
- amorphous semiconductor memory device
- amorphous semiconductor switching device
- analog device
- answer device
- antihunt device
- anti-inrush device
- antijamming device
- anti-pumping device
- antisidetone device
- antistatic device
- antistrike device
- AO device
- arc-control device
- array device
- attached device
- attention device
- audible signal device
- audio device
- audio-response device
- augmentative device
- autocorrelation device
- automatic holding device
- automatic-alarm-signal keying device
- avalanche device
- avalanche-effect device
- backup device
- band-compression device
- beam-expanding device
- beam-lead device
- beam-manipulating device
- beam-narrowing device
- beam-transforming device
- bidirectional device
- bipolar device
- bistable device
- bistable optical device
- block device
- BlueTooth device
- bogey electron device
- bubble device
- bubble domain device
- bubble lattice storage device
- bubble memory device
- bucket-brigade charge-coupled device
- bucket-brigade device
- built-in pointing device
- bulk channel charge-coupled device
- bulk-acoustic-wave device
- bulk-charge-coupled device
- bulk-effect device
- bulk-property device
- bulk-type acoustooptic device
- bunching device
- buried channel charge-coupled device
- burst device
- bus-powered device
- callback port protection device
- calling device
- carrier-operated antinoise device
- cascade charge-coupled device
- cascaded thermoelectric device
- center-bonded device
- CFAR device
- character device
- charge-control device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-coupled imaging device
- charge-coupled line imaging device
- charge-coupled storage device
- charge-injection device
- charge-injection imaging device
- charge-transfer device
- charge-trapping device
- chip device
- chip-and-wire device
- clip-on pointing device
- clustered devices
- CMOS device
- coder device
- coherent electroluminescence device
- color imaging device
- COM device
- complex programmable logic device
- compound device
- computer output microfilm device
- conductively connected charge-coupled device
- constant false-alarm ratio device
- consumer device
- contiguous-disk bubble domain device
- controlled avalanche device
- controlled-surface device
- correlation device
- countermeasure devices
- coupling device
- cross-correlation device
- cross-field device
- cryogenic device
- current-access magnetic bubble device
- current-controlled device
- current-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- current-controlled DNR device
- current-mode logic device
- current-operated device
- custom device
- data entry device
- data preparation device
- data recording device
- deception devices
- decision-making device
- decoding device
- dedicated device
- deformable-mirror device
- DEFT device
- delay device
- dense device
- depletion-mode device
- detecting device
- DI device
- dielectric isolation device
- diffused device
- digit delay device
- digital device
- digital micromirror device
- diode-array imaging device
- direct electronic Fourier transform device
- direct-access storage device
- direct-view device
- direct-viewing device
- discrete device
- disk device
- display device
- distributed diode device
- distributed interaction device
- division device
- D-MOS device
- domain propagation device
- domain-tip device
- double-negative-resistance-device
- double-quantum stimulated-emission device
- dynamically configurable device
- eavesdropping device
- E-beam fabricated device
- EBS device
- edge-bonded device
- EL device
- elastooptic device
- electrically programmable logic device
- electroluminescence device
- electromagnetic device
- electron device
- electron-beam semiconductor device
- electronic device
- electronic imaging device
- electron-optical device
- electrooptical device
- elementary MOS device
- embedded device
- encoding device
- end device
- energy conversion device
- enhancement-mode device
- epiplanar device
- epitaxial-device
- error-sensing device
- exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
- external control device
- false-echo devices
- Faraday-rotation device
- fast-discharge device
- ferrite device
- ferroelectric device
- FET device
- fiber-laser device
- field-access memory device
- field-effect device
- field-effect transistor device
- field-emission device
- field-programmable interconnect device
- file device
- file-protection device
- fixed tap-weight bucket-brigade device
- floating-gate device
- fluidic-device
- follow-up device
- four-layer device
- four-terminal device
- Frame Relay access device
- free-electron device
- freestanding pointing device
- FS device
- full-speed device
- functional device
- galvanomagnetic device
- galvanomagnetic semiconductor device
- gate-array device
- graphic input device
- graphic output device
- gripping device
- groove locating device
- guided-wave acoustooptic device
- guided-wave AO Bragg device
- Gunn device
- Gunn-effect device
- gyromagnetic device
- Hall device
- Hall-effect device
- harbor echo ranging and listening device
- head-cleaning device
- heteroepitaxial device
- heterojunction device
- high-technology device
- high-threshold device
- homing device
- hot-electron device
- human interface device
- hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor device
- hybrid integrated-circuit device
- hybrid-type device
- I/O device
- identification device
- image-storage device
- imaging device
- implanted device
- incidental radiation device
- industrial data collection device
- infrared charge-coupled device
- input device
- input-output device
- insulated-gate device
- integrated electron device
- integrated injection device
- integrated optic device
- integrating device
- interface device
- interlocking device
- ion-implantation device
- ion-implanted bubble device
- ion-injection electrostatic plasma confinement device
- jelly-bean device
- Josephson device
- Josephson-effect device
- junction device
- junction-gate device
- keying device
- known-good device
- large-area p-n junction device
- laser annealing device
- laser device
- laser welding device
- laser-beam machining device
- leaded device
- leadless device
- left ventricular assist device
- light-detecting device
- light-emitting device
- linear beam device
- linear imaging device
- locked dynamically configurable device
- logic device
- long-channel device
- low-speed device
- low-threshold device
- LS device
- magnetic bubble device
- magnetic detecting device
- magnetic device
- magnetic flux quantum device
- magnetic tunnel junction memory device
- magnetic-wave device
- magnetoelastic-wave device
- magnetoelectronic device
- magnetooptic bubble-domain device
- magnetostatic-wave device
- magnetostrictive device
- magnetotunneling device
- majority-carrier device
- make-and-break device
- manipulating device
- marginal device
- maser device
- matching device
- measurement device
- mechanical switching device
- memory device
- MEMS device
- MEMS-based device
- metal-gate device
- metal-insulator-metal device
- metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor device
- metal-oxide-silicon device
- metal-semiconductor device
- microcomputer device
- microdiscrete device
- microelectromechanical system device
- microelectromechanical system-based device
- microelectronic device
- microfluidic device
- MIDI device
- minority-carrier device
- MIPS device
- MIS device
- MNOS device
- molecule-sized device
- MOS color imaging device
- MOS device
- MOS memory device
- MSW device
- M-type device
- multiaperture device
- multijunction device
- multilayered memory device
- multilevel storage device
- multiple-tap bucket-brigade device
- multiple-unit semiconductor device
- multiport device
- multistable device
- multiterminal device
- n-channel device
- negation device
- negative-resistance device
- night viewing device
- n-n heterojunction device
- noise-rejection device
- nonburst device
- noninverting parametric device
- nonreciprocal field-displacement device
- n-p-n device
- n-terminal device
- one-port device
- open-collector device
- optically coupled device
- optically pumped device
- optoelectronic device
- O-type device
- output device
- overlay device
- oxide-passivated device
- P&P device
- parallel device
- parametric device
- passivated device
- passive device
- pattern recognition device
- p-channel device
- p-channel MOS device
- periodic permanent magnet focusing device
- persistent current device
- persistent-image device
- personal communication device
- photoconducting device
- photoelectric device
- photoemissive device
- photosensitive device
- photovoltaic device
- picking device
- piezoelectric device
- piezomagnetic device
- planar device
- planar-doped barrier device
- plasma device
- plasma-coupled semiconductor device
- plotting device
- plug-and-play device
- plug-in device
- PMOS device
- p-n junction device
- PnP device
- p-n-p device
- p-n-p-n device
- point-contact superconducting device
- pointing device
- polysilicon charge-coupled device
- port protection device
- p-p heterojunction device
- PPM focusing device
- programmable device
- programmable logic device
- protective device
- punch-through device
- pyroelectric thermal imaging device
- quantum-dot resonant tunneling device
- quasioptical device
- quenched domain mode device
- radiation-measuring device
- random-access device
- rapid single flux quantum device
- readout device
- reciprocal device
- recognition device
- rectifying device
- regulating device
- relative pointing device
- restricted radiation device
- reverberation device
- ringing device
- robot control device
- rotating-field bubble device
- rotating-field bubble domain device
- RSFQ device
- safety device
- SAW device
- Schottky barrier semiconductor device
- Schottky device
- Schottky-barrier-gate Gunn-effect digital device
- SCSI device
- security device
- self-powered device
- self-reacting device
- self-synchronous device
- semiconductor device
- semiconductor switching device
- semiconductor-magnetic device
- sensing device
- serial device
- shallow-base device
- short-channel device
- short-circuit-stable device
- silicon imaging device
- silicon-gate MOS memory device
- silicon-on-insulating substrate device
- single-junction device
- single-tap bucket-brigade device
- single-unit semiconductor device
- slot device
- snap-on pointing device
- solid-state device
- SOS device
- sound-absorbing device
- spark-quenching device
- speech recognition device
- spin-wave device
- square-law device
- starting device
- static discharge device
- storage device
- storage display device
- storage-charge device
- stream device
- stream-oriented device
- stroke input device
- superconducting device
- superconducting quantum device
- superconducting quantum interference device
- surface acoustic-wave device
- surface charge-transfer device
- surface mount device
- surface-controlled device
- switching device
- symbolic device
- tape device
- tape-moving device
- TE device
- tensoelectric device
- terminal device
- thermoelectric cooling device
- thermoelectric device
- thermoelectric heating device
- thick-film device
- thin-film device
- Tokamak device
- transferred-electron device
- transferred-electron microwave device
- transit-time device
- traveling magnetic domain memory device
- traveling-wave Gunn effect device
- trip-free mechanical switching device
- tse device
- tube device
- tunnel device
- tunnel emission device
- twisted nematic device
- two-junction bipolar device
- two-port device
- two-terminal device
- ULA device
- uncommitted logic array device
- unidirectional device
- unilateral device
- unpacked device
- vacuum tunnel device
- variable grating mode device
- variable inductance cryogenic device
- vertical junction device
- VGM device
- V-groove MOS device
- virtual device
- visual signal device
- VMOS device
- V-MOS device
- voice-operated device
- voice-operated gain-adjusting device
- voltage-controlled device
- voltage-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- voltage-controlled DNR device
- voltage-operated device
- wafer printing device
- wireless device
- X-ray detecting device
- YIG deviceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > device
16 load
2) нагрузка, усилие || нагружать3) кфт. заряжать5) съём ( стекломассы)6) гидр. наносы8) закладка ( заготовки в приспособление) || закладывать9) хим. вводить ( ингредиенты)11) заправка (напр. ленты) || заправлять (напр. ленту)12) вчт. загрузка (напр. программы) || загружать (напр. программу)•load per unit surface — нагрузка на единицу поверхности (охлаждения, нагрева),to apply load — прикладывать нагрузку;to carry load — нести нагрузку; выдерживать нагрузку;to cast load to side — производить поперечный перекос отвала ( бульдозера);to distribute load — распределять нагрузку;to load eccentrically — нагружать ( элемент) внецентренно, прикладывать нагрузку с эксцентриситетом;to impose load — прикладывать нагрузку;to load in bulk — грузить навалом или насыпью;to resist load — выдерживать нагрузку;to support load — нести нагрузку; выдерживать нагрузку;to sustain load — выдерживать нагрузку;to take up load — воспринимать нагрузку;to load up — нагружать;to load with film — заряжать киноплёнкой-
acceleration shock load
active load
actual load
additional load
aerodynamic load
air-conditioning load
aircraft useful load
allowable load
alternate load
annual maximum load
appliance load
applied bearing load
artificial load
assumed load
auxiliary load
axial load
axle load
backhaul load
balanced load
balancing load
ball load
base load
basic load
batch load
bed load
bending load
blast load
bottom load
brake load
breaking load
buckling load
buff load
bulk load
calculated load
capacitance load
car load
carbon burning load
central load
characteristic load
circulating load of impurities
clocked load
coaxial dry load
coaxial load
cold-rolling load
collapse load
combined load
commercial load
complete wagon load
complex load
compressive load
compressor load
computational load
concentrated load
condensive load
connected load
continuous load
controllable load
cooling load
crippling load
crush load
crushing load
current load
cutter load
cyclic load
daily load
dead load
dead-weight load
design load
design ultimate load
direct-acting load
direct load
discontinuous load
dissipative-wall waveguide load
distributed load with linear variation
distributed load
docking load
domestic load
down-line load
draft end load
draft load
drawbar load
dummy load
dust load
dwelling load
dynamic load
earth load
earthquake load
eccentric load
effective load
electric heating load
electrical load
electric load
emergency load
end load
equivalent load
even load
excessive load
excess load
explosive load
exponential load
external load
factored load
failure load
falling load
fictitious load
fixed load
flight load
floor load
fluctuating load
fractional load
fracture load
frozen load
full load
gradually applied load
gross load
ground load
guarantee load
gust load
heat load
heating load
heat-transfer load
high-power load
high-resistance load
hole load
hydraulic thrust load
hydrodynamic load
hydrostatic load
ice load
imaginary load
impact load
imposed load
impulsive load
impulse load
increment load
induced docking loads
inductance load
industrial load
industrial steam load
inertia load
initial program load
input load
instability load
installed load
instantaneous load
intermittent load
ionic load
irregular load
irregularly distributed load
jettisoned load in flight
knife-edge load
lagging load
landing load
lane load
latent heat load
lateral load
leading load
less-than-car load
light load
lighting load
limit load
limit operating load
linear load
linearly varying load
live load
low-resistance load
lumped load
maneuvering load
mass load
matched load
maximum safe load
midspan load
miscellaneous load
mobile load
moisture load
momentary load
movable load
multichannel load
net load
noncentral load
noncutting load
noninductive load
nonlinear load
nonreactive load
nonreflecting load
normal running load
occasionally applied load
off-clearance load
off-peak load of power plant
on-peak load
operating load
optimum load
ore load
oscillating load
oscillatory load
out-of-balance load
out-of-gage load
out-of-length load
output load
overall load
overhauling load
overlength load
overtolerance load
palletized load
palletized work load
part throttle load
partial load
part load
peak load
periodic load
permanent load
permissible load
phantom load
piezoelectric load
pilot work load
plant load
plate load
point load
pollutant load
pop-in load
power load
power system load
predetermined maximum cutting load
prestressing load
program load
proof load
pulsating load
punch through load
radial load
railway load
rated load
reactive load
real load
rectifier load
reflecting load
refrigeration load
repeated load
residential load
resistance load
reverse torque load
reversed load
rolling load
rotating bending load
rupturing load
safe load
salt load
Schottky diode load
secondary load
sediment load
seismic load
self-mass load
sensible heat load
service load
setting load
sewage load
shearing load
shear load
shock load
side load
single load
skip load
sleet load
sliding load
snow load
specific load
specified load
stalling load
static load
steady load
storage load
structural load
suddenly applied load
sudden load
superimposed load
support load
support yield load
surcharge load
surface load
sustained load
symmetrical load
temperature load
tensile load
terminal load
test load
thermal load
through load
tilting load
tool/workpiece load
top load
torque load
torsional load
total load
traction load
tractional load
traffic load
transistor load
traveling load
treating load
trial load
triangular load
true load
twisting load
ultimate load
unbalanced load
uniaxial load
uniform load
uniformly distributed load
unit load
unitized load
unmatched load
up load
useful load
variable load
vehicular load
wafer load
water load
waveguide load
wheel load
wind load
wing load
work load
working load
yield load -
17 region
1) область; зона; пространство2) слой (напр. атмосферы)3) регион5) вчт область памяти•- accumulation region
- achromatic region
- active region
- allowed energy region
- alloy region
- alloyed region
- anode region
- avalanche region
- barrier region
- base region
- black region
- blacker-than-black region
- bottoming region
- breakdown region
- cathode region
- Chapman region
- closed region
- collector region
- compensated region
- confidence region
- coverage region
- critical region
- crossover region
- cutoff region
- D-region
- depletion region
- diffraction region
- double-drift region
- drain region
- drift region
- E-region
- emitter region
- engagement region
- equipotential region
- equisignal region
- excitatory region
- exhaustion region
- F-region
- F1 region
- F2 region
- far region
- far-field region
- far-infrared region
- floating-base region
- floating-isolation region
- forbidden region
- forward-conduction region
- forward-injection region
- Fraunhofer region
- Fresnel region
- gate region
- Geiger-Mueller region
- geometrical-optics region
- growth region
- high-E-field region
- high-field region
- high-frequency region
- high-resistivity region
- i-region
- impurity region
- inactive region
- interface region
- intrinsic region
- isolated-bubble region
- joint confidence region
- junction depletion region
- lattice-scattering region
- limited-proportionality region
- linear region
- low-frequency region
- molten region
- multiplication region
- n-region
- near region
- near-field region
- near-infrared region
- near-intrinsic region
- negative-resistance region
- normal region in fluxoid core
- ohmic region
- opaque region
- open region
- out-diffused region
- p-region
- peak region
- pinch-off region
- primary-breakdown region
- proportional region
- quasi-specular region
- radiating far-field region
- radiating near-field region
- radiation region
- Rayleigh region
- reactive near-field region
- rejection region
- saturation region
- shadow region
- simply-connected region
- single-drift region
- source region
- space-charge region
- stop region
- subthreshold region
- surface depletion-layer region
- swept-out region
- transhorizon region
- transistor region
- transition region
- twinned region
- uniform avalanching region
- valley region
- white region
- window region -
18 region
1) область; зона; пространство2) слой (напр. атмосферы)3) регион4) вчт. якорь ( отправной или конечный пункт ссылки внутри гипертекста)5) вчт. область памяти•- accumulation region
- achromatic region
- active region
- allowed energy region
- alloy region
- alloyed region
- anode region
- avalanche region
- barrier region
- base region
- black region
- blacker-than-black region
- bottoming region
- breakdown region
- cathode region
- Chapman region
- closed region
- collector region
- compensated region
- confidence region
- coverage region
- critical region
- crossover region
- cutoff region
- depletion region
- diffraction region
- double-drift region
- drain region
- D-region
- drift region
- emitter region
- engagement region
- equipotential region
- equisignal region
- E-region
- excitatory region
- exhaustion region
- F1 region
- F2 region
- far region
- far-field region
- far-infrared region
- floating-base region
- floating-isolation region
- forbidden region
- forward-conduction region
- forward-injection region
- Fraunhofer region
- F-region
- Fresnel region
- gate region
- Geiger-Mueller region
- geometrical-optics region
- growth region
- high-E-field region
- high-field region
- high-frequency region
- high-resistivity region
- impurity region
- inactive region
- interface region
- intrinsic region
- i-region
- isolated-bubble region
- joint confidence region
- junction depletion region
- lattice-scattering region
- limited-proportionality region
- linear region
- low-frequency region
- molten region
- multiplication region
- near region
- near-field region
- near-infrared region
- near-intrinsic region
- negative-resistance region
- normal region in fluxoid core
- n-region
- ohmic region
- opaque region
- open region
- out-diffused region
- peak region
- pinch-off region
- p-region
- primary-breakdown region
- proportional region
- quasi-specular region
- radiating far-field region
- radiating near-field region
- radiation region
- Rayleigh region
- reactive near-field region
- rejection region
- saturation region
- shadow region
- simply-connected region
- single-drift region
- source region
- space-charge region
- stop region
- subthreshold region
- surface depletion-layer region
- swept-out region
- transhorizon region
- transistor region
- transition region
- twinned region
- uniform avalanching region
- valley region
- white region
- window regionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > region
19 noise
шум; шумы- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced noise
- induced grid noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noise
- 1/f noise -
20 noise
шум; шумы- added noise
- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- atmospheric noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced grid noise
- induced noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noiseThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > noise
См. также в других словарях:
Base Commune — Un amplificateur à base commune. En électronique, une base commune est un type d amplificateur électronique utilisant un transistor bipolaire. Le terme de base commune vient du fait que l électrode « base » du transistor est reliée à la … Wikipédia en Français
Transistor tester — Transistor testers are instruments for testing the electrical behavior of transistors and solid state diodes. [citebook|title=Introduction to Electronics: A Practical Approach|author=Earl D. Gates|year=2000|publisher=Thomson Delmar… … Wikipedia
Transistor bipolaire a grille isolee — Transistor bipolaire à grille isolée Symbole usuel de l’IGBT Le transistor bipolaire à grille isolée (IGBT, de l’anglais Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) est un dispositif semi conducteur de la famille des transistors qui est utilisé comme… … Wikipédia en Français
Transistor bipolaire — Vue interne d un transistor bipolaire de puissance 2N3055 conçu dans les années 1970 Un transistor bipolaire est un dispositif électronique à base de semi conducteur de la famille des transistors. Son principe de fonctionnement est basé sur deux… … Wikipédia en Français
Base commune — Un amplificateur à base commune. En électronique, une base commune est un type d amplificateur électronique utilisant un transistor bipolaire. Le terme de base commune vient du fait que l électrode « base » du transistor est reliée à la … Wikipédia en Français
Transistor bipolaire à grille isolée — Symbole usuel de l’IGBT Le transistor bipolaire à grille isolée (IGBT, de l’anglais Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) est un dispositif semi conducteur de la famille des transistors qui est utilisé comme interrupteur électronique, principalement … Wikipédia en Français
Transistor unijonction — Symbole de l UJT. Un transistor unijonction (souvent appelé UJT, d après le sigle anglais) est une sorte de transistor qui n est composé que d une seule jonction. Il est aussi appelé aussi Diode à double base , le transistor unijonction est un… … Wikipédia en Français
Transistor a effet de champ — Transistor à effet de champ Circuit électronique avec transistor à effet de champ Un transistor à effet de champ (FET pour Field Effect Transistor) est un dispositif semiconducteur de la famille des transistors. Sa particularité est d utiliser un … Wikipédia en Français
transistor — [ trɑ̃zistɔr ] n. m. • 1952; mot angl. , de transfer resistor « résistance de transfert » 1 ♦ Électron. Composant électronique actif associant en deux jonctions trois régions semi conductrices différemment dopées, munies d électrodes (⇒ base,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Transistor–transistor logic — (TTL) is a class of digital circuits built from bipolar junction transistors (BJT), and resistors. It is called transistor–transistor logic because both the logic gating function (e.g., AND) and the amplifying function are performed by… … Wikipedia
Transistor — For other uses, see Transistor (disambiguation). Assorted discrete transistors. Packages in order from top to bottom: TO 3, TO 126, TO 92, SOT 23 A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and power. It… … Wikipedia