1 base memory address
базовый адрес памяти
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > base memory address
2 base memory address
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > base memory address
3 base memory address
базовый адрес памяти( в ОП определяет адрес начала фрагмента памяти, используемого каким-либо устройством)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > base memory address
4 base memory address
Вычислительная техника: базовый адрес памяти -
5 base memory address
базовый адрес памяти (в ОП определяет адрес начала фрагмента памяти, используемого каким-либо устройством)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > base memory address
6 base memory address
English-Russian information technology > base memory address
7 base address
1) начальный адрес, присваиваемый перемещаемому модулю при его создании2) адрес, служащий при исполнении программы в качестве начального при вычислении адресов некоторой структуры данных, области памяти (base memory address) или номеров портов (base I/O address). Для получения исполнительного адреса к нему прибавляется смещение3) в архитектуре 80x86 - физический адрес начала сегментаАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > base address
8 address
= addr, = adrs1) вчт адрес || адресовать || адресный•- absolute address
- actual address
- anycast address
- base address
- default address
- deferred address
- destination address
- direct address
- domain address
- dot address
- dotted quad address
- dummy address
- effective address
- electronic address
- e-mail address
- Ethernet address
- executive address
- explicit address
- extended address
- extensible address
- external address
- floating address
- general call address
- host address
- ill-formed address
- immediate address
- implicit address
- indexed address
- indirect address
- Internet address
- internet address
- Internet Protocol address
- invalid memory address
- invalid storage address
- IP address
- local loopback address
- long address
- MAC address
- medium access control address
- memory address
- multicast address
- network address
- network user address
- node address
- non-registered address
- OSI network address
- OSI presentation address
- page fault linear address
- page frame address
- paged address
- port address
- presentation address
- presumptive address
- private address
- protected memory address
- protected storage address
- public address
- relative address
- relocatable address
- reserved memory address
- reverse address
- sender address
- short address
- socket address
- specific address
- storage address
- subnet address
- symbolic address
- TCP/IP address
- transfer address
- unicast address
- virtual address
- zero-level address -
9 address
1) вчт. адрес || адресовать || адресный•- actual address
- address of the operand
- anycast address
- base address
- default address
- deferred address
- destination address
- direct address
- domain address
- dot address
- dotted quad address
- dummy address
- effective address
- electronic address
- e-mail address
- Ethernet address
- executive address
- explicit address
- extended address
- extensible address
- external address
- floating address
- general call address
- host address
- ill-formed address
- immediate address
- implicit address
- indexed address
- indirect address
- Internet address
- internet address
- Internet Protocol address
- invalid memory address
- invalid storage address
- IP address
- local loopback address
- long address
- MAC address
- medium access control address
- memory address
- multicast address
- network address
- network user address
- node address
- non-registered address
- OSI network address
- OSI presentation address
- page fault linear address
- page frame address
- paged address
- port address
- presentation address
- presumptive address
- private address
- protected memory address
- protected storage address
- public address
- relative address
- relocatable address
- reserved memory address
- reverse address
- sender address
- short address
- socket address
- specific address
- storage address
- subnet address
- symbolic address
- TCP/IP address
- transfer address
- unicast address
- virtual address
- zero-level addressThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > address
10 address
адрес || адресовать- absolute address
- actual address
- address of address
- allophone address
- arithmetic address
- auxiliary address
- B address
- base address
- binary-coded address
- blank address
- block address
- broadcast address
- broken address
- calculated address
- call address
- constant address
- coordinate address
- core memory address
- current address
- data address
- destination address
- direct address
- dot address
- drop address
- dummy address
- effective address
- e-mail address
- end address
- entry-point address
- executive address
- explicit address
- external device address
- external address
- extra address
- final address
- first-level address
- fixed address
- floating address
- floating-point address
- foreign address
- frame address
- generated address
- global address
- hash address
- high load address
- higher address
- home address
- host address
- host apparent address
- immediate address
- implicit address
- indexed address
- indexing address
- indirect address
- initial address
- instruction address
- interleaved addresses
- invalid address - key address
- last field address
- leading address
- link address
- linkage address
- listener address
- load-point address
- load address
- location address
- logical address
- lower address - memory address
- multicast address
- multilevel address
- native address
- network address
- Nth-level address
- number address
- octal address
- offset address
- one-level address
- operand address
- out-of-range address
- overflow exit address
- page address
- physical address
- pointer address
- preset address
- presumptive address
- program address
- real address
- reference address
- regional address
- relative address
- relocatable address
- relocation address
- restart address
- result address
- return address
- second-level address
- self-relative address
- sense address
- single-level address
- source address
- specific address
- starting address
- start address
- stop address
- storage address
- store address
- subnet address
- subroutine return address
- symbolic address
- synthetic address
- talker address
- talk address
- transport address
- true address
- two-coordinate address
- two-level address
- unique address
- unload address
- variable address
- vector address
- virtual address
- windowed address
- word address
- zero address
- zero-level addressEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > address
11 address
1) вчт. адрес || адресовать2) номер накопителя; обозначение регистра ячейки памяти, обозначение номера ячейки памяти; код номера ячейки памяти•- actual address
- base address
- branch address
- breakpoint address
- current address
- data address
- direct memory address
- effective address
- fixed address
- initial address
- instruction address
- jump address
- key address
- link address
- memory address
- multilevel address
- preset address
- reference address
- result address
- return address
- specific address
- start address
- symbolic addressEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > address
12 address
адрес || адресовать-
absolute address
access address
actual address
base address
blank address
call address
deferred address
direct address
dummy address
effective address
executive address
explicit address
first-level address
home address
immediate address
implicit address
implied address
indexed address
indirect address
instruction address
logical address
logic address
machine address
magazine address
memory address
one-level address
operand address
page address
physical address
pointer address
program address
real address
reference address
relative address
relocatable address
result address
return address
second-level address
segment-relative address
single-level address
source address
specific address
starting address
start address
stop address
storage address
symbolic address
third-level address
- time code address -
time address
track address
true address
two-level address
variable address
virtual address
zero address
zero-level address -
13 базовый адрес памяти
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > базовый адрес памяти
14 register
1) регистр4) точное совпадение; совмещение5) точно совпадать; совмещать(ся)•- activity register
- addend-partial product register
- adding-storage register
- address register
- address-formation register
- arithmetic register
- balanced-pair storage register
- bank address register
- base address register
- base interrupt address register
- base register
- base-bound register
- base-limit register
- base-of-stack register
- bidirectional shift register
- bound register
- boundary register
- branch register
- breakpoint register
- B-register
- bucket-brigade shift register
- buffer register
- cache control register
- cash register
- charge coupled shift register
- check register
- circulating shift register
- circulation code register
- circulation register
- clock register
- clock-select register
- coincidence register
- command and status register
- command register
- configuration register
- console display register
- control register
- control shift register
- control status register
- coordinate register
- counter register
- current instruction register
- data access register
- data direction register
- data register
- data transfer register
- data-path register
- datum-limit register
- decimation register
- dedicated register
- delay present register
- delay-line register
- descriptor base register
- destination register
- directly addressable register
- display register
- double ranked register
- double register
- double-length register
- double-shift register
- double-word register
- doubling register
- dual shift register
- dynamic register
- edge-triggered register
- equal-word register
- error register
- exchange register
- extension register
- extracode control register
- feedback shift register
- ferromagnetic shift register
- final address register
- flag register
- flag status register
- flip-flop register
- floating-point register
- holding register
- hotline register
- icand register
- ier register
- increment register
- incrementing address register
- index addressing register
- index register
- information register
- input buffer register
- input channel buffer register
- input register
- input-output register
- instruction address register
- instruction counting register
- instruction register
- interface buffer register
- internal function register
- interrogate register
- interrogation register
- interrupt control register
- interrupt register
- interrupt status register
- item activity register
- level status register
- lift-to-right shift register
- limit-of-stack register
- linear feedback shift register
- link register
- linkage register
- load shifting register
- local storage address register
- machine register
- magnetic shift register
- main control register
- main storage data register
- maintenance state register
- mask register
- master-slave shift register
- match/mismatch register
- matched word register
- mechanical buffer register
- memory address register
- memory buffer register
- memory data register
- memory input register
- memory lockout register
- memory pointer register
- memory register
- memory selection register
- memory-information register
- microinstruction register
- modifier register
- motion register
- multiple accumulating register
- multiplicand register
- multiplier register
- multiplier-quotient register
- non-linear feedback shift register
- n-tuple length register
- n-tuple register
- number register
- numerator register
- on-chip address register
- operand address register
- operand register
- operation address register
- operation register
- operational address register
- order register
- ordering function register
- output buffer register
- output channel buffer register
- output register
- output shift register
- page address register
- page register
- parallel register
- partial product register
- partial sum register
- pattern register
- ping-pong register
- pipeline register
- prefix register
- product register
- program address register
- program control register
- program register
- queue register
- quotient register
- read-only storage channel address register
- read-only storage data register
- readout register
- receiving register
- remainder register
- residue register
- result register
- return register
- routing register
- scalar register
- scan-in/scan-out register
- scratchpad register
- search register
- sequence control register
- sequence register
- serial register
- serial/parallel register
- settable register
- setup register
- shadow register
- shift register
- shifting register
- shiftless register
- sign register
- signature register
- single shift register
- sort register
- special-function register
- special-purpose register
- spilled register
- stack register
- standard linkage register
- standby register
- static flip-flop register
- static register
- status register
- stepping register
- storage address register
- storage limits register
- storage register
- sum product register
- switch register
- temporary register
- temporary storage register
- time register
- timed-access register
- top-of-stack register
- trigger register
- user register
- user-visible register
- vacant register
- vector register
- word register
- working register
- X-register
- Y-registerEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > register
15 register
= reg1) вчт регистр2) журнал записей; реестр; список || делать запись в журнале или реестре; заносить в список; регистрировать3) запись (в журнале, реестре или списке)4) регистрирующее устройство, регистратор || регистрировать; снимать показания (напр. прибора); отсчитывать5) самописец6) совмещение || совмещать8) счётчик; счётная схема || считать•- address register
- addressing register
- alternative status register
- arithmetic register
- AS register
- base-bound register
- base-limit register
- beginning address register
- block-transfer setup register
- bound register
- boundary register
- boundary scan register
- bubble shift register
- bucket-brigade register
- buffer register
- bypass register
- CH register
- charge-coupled device register
- check register
- circulating register
- CL register
- clear mask register
- clocked register
- color register
- command register
- compare register
- condition code register
- control register
- control and event select register
- current address register
- current instruction register
- cyclometer register
- cylinder high register
- cylinder low register
- data register
- datum-limit register
- DC register
- debug register
- debug control register
- debug status register
- delay-line register
- delay-time register
- descriptor table register
- device control register
- device/head register
- device identification register
- diagnostic register
- domain-tip-propagation shift register
- dynamic register
- E-register
- equipment identity register
- error register
- exchange register
- extension register
- features register
- feedback shift register
- feedback with carry shift register
- fixed-point register
- floating-point register
- forward-acting shift register
- general register
- general-purpose register
- global register
- global descriptor table register
- graphics controller register
- graphics position register
- half-shift register
- handshaked separator register
- home location register
- index register
- inking register
- input-output register
- instruction register
- instruction address register
- interrupt descriptor table register
- interrupt status register
- left-shifting shift register
- linear feedback shift register
- link register
- local descriptor table register
- local storage address register
- look-aside registers
- main memory register
- main memory address register
- main storage data register
- mask register
- maximal-displacement shift register
- maximum-length shift register
- mechanical register
- memory register
- memory type range register
- meter register
- mode register
- model specific register
- multiplexed register
- multiplier-quotient register
- n-stage shift register
- operation register
- ordering register
- outgoing register
- p-register
- page directory base register
- palette register
- parallel-in/serial-out shift register
- pixel data register
- pixel mask register
- plated-wire register
- probe data register
- probe instruction register
- probe mode control register
- punch register
- read-only storage address register
- read-only storage data register
- readout register
- real-time clock status register
- request register
- resource data register
- right-shifting shift register
- RTC status register
- S-register
- SC register
- scan register
- scan-in, scan-out register
- sector count register
- sector number register
- separator register
- sequencer address register
- sequencer data register
- shift register
- signature-analysis register
- slashing register
- SN register
- source register
- static register
- status register
- stepping register
- storage register
- storage address register
- store data register
- subroutine multiplex register
- task register
- translation register
- utility register
- variable-tap shift register
- visit location register -
16 register
1) вчт. регистр2) журнал записей; реестр; список || делать запись в журнале или реестре; заносить в список; регистрировать3) запись (в журнале, реестре или списке)4) регистрирующее устройство, регистратор || регистрировать; снимать показания (напр. прибора); отсчитывать5) самописец6) совмещение || совмещать8) счётчик; счётная схема || считать•- address register
- addressing register
- alternative status register
- arithmetic register
- AS register
- base-bound register
- base-limit register
- beginning address register
- block-transfer setup register
- bound register
- boundary register
- boundary scan register
- bubble shift register
- bucket-brigade register
- buffer register
- bypass register
- CH register
- charge-coupled device register
- check register
- circulating register
- CL register
- clear mask register
- clocked register
- color register
- command register
- compare register
- condition code register
- control and event select register
- control register
- current address register
- current instruction register
- cyclometer register
- cylinder high register
- cylinder low register
- data register
- datum-limit register
- DC register
- debug control register
- debug register
- debug status register
- delay-line register
- delay-time register
- descriptor table register
- device control register
- device identification register
- device/head register
- diagnostic register
- domain-tip-propagation shift register
- dynamic register
- E register
- equipment identity register
- error register
- exchange register
- extension register
- features register
- feedback shift register
- feedback with carry shift register
- fixed-point register
- floating-point register
- forward-acting shift register
- general register
- general-purpose register
- global descriptor table register
- global register
- graphics controller register
- graphics position register
- half-shift register
- handshaked separator register
- home location register
- index register
- inking register
- input-output register
- instruction address register
- instruction register
- interrupt descriptor table register
- interrupt status register
- left-shifting shift register
- linear feedback shift register
- link register
- local descriptor table register
- local storage address register
- look-aside registers
- main memory address register
- main memory register
- main storage data register
- mask register
- maximal-displacement shift register
- maximum-length shift register
- mechanical register
- memory register
- memory type range register
- meter register
- mode register
- model specific register
- multiplexed register
- multiplier-quotient register
- n-stage shift register
- operation register
- ordering register
- outgoing register
- page directory base register
- palette register
- parallel-in/ serial-out shift register
- pixel data register
- pixel mask register
- plated-wire register - probe instruction register
- probe mode control register
- punch register
- read-only storage address register
- read-only storage data register
- readout register
- real-time clock status register
- request register
- resource data register
- right-shifting shift register
- RTC status register
- SC register
- scan register
- scan-in, scan-out register
- sector count register
- sector number register
- separator register
- sequencer address register
- sequencer data register
- shift register
- signature-analysis register
- slashing register
- SN register
- source register
- S-register
- static register
- status register
- stepping register
- storage address register
- storage register
- store data register
- subroutine multiplex register
- task register
- translation register
- utility register
- variable-tap shift register
- visit location registerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > register
17 register
1) регистр || регистрировать3) шибер, заслонка ( дымовой трубы)4) совпадение; совмещение || совпадать; совмещать(ся)5) счётчик6) счётная схема || считать, вести счёт7) регистратор, регистрирующий прибор; самописец, самопишущий прибор8) полигр. приводка; совмещение•out of register — имеющий плохую приводку, с нарушением приводки-
acceleration register
accumulator register
address register
air register
arithmetic register
base register
beam-to-phosphor register
boundary register
bound register
breakpoint register
bubble shift register
buffer register
camera-to-press pin register
check register
circumferential register
clock register
color-to-color register
color register
command register
control register
current-instruction register
data register
data-limit registers
deceleration register
delay-line register
display register
dynamic register
electronic cash register
error register
exchange register
extension register
external register
fault register
feedback shift register
film register
flag register
flip-flop register
floating-point register
forward-acting shift register
functional register
general-purpose register
general register
holding register
home register
icand register
ier register
index register
inking register
ink register
input register
input/output register
input-buffer register
instruction address register
instruction register
internal register
interrupt register
lateral register
length register
mask register
maximum-length shift register
memory address register
memory register
meter register
modifier register
multiplicand register
multiplier register
n-stage shift register
numerator register
op register
operand register
operation register
order register
output register
pen register
pin register
precise register
product register
program register
punch register
quotient register
readout register
rig register
scratch-pad register
sequence control register
sequence register
shifting register
shift register
sign register
signature register
stack register
standby register
static register
status register
stepping register
tapped shift register
temporary register
time register
user register
working register
work register -
18 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
19 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
20 unit
1) сборочная единица; узел; блок2) установка; агрегат3) единица, единица измерения || единичный; удельный4) часть; секция || секционный•as a unit — 1) в сборе 2) как единая сборочная единица; как единый узел
unit under test — 1) объект контроля 2) объект диагностирования, объект технического диагностирования
- AC unit- actuating unit
- adapter plate unit
- adaptive control unit
- address and data interface unit
- address unit
- adjusting unit
- air-aspirating unit
- answer-back unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- arithmetical unit
- ASC unit
- assembly unit of N-order
- assembly unit
- audio response unit
- autoloading unit
- automatic calling unit
- auxiliary data translator unit
- availability control unit
- axis unit
- axis-processing unit
- balancer unit
- banking unit
- bar feed unit
- base assembly unit
- base unit
- basic information unit
- basic length unit
- basic logic unit
- batch control unit
- bearing unit
- behind-the-tape reader unit
- belt shuttle unit
- belt-driven shuttle unit
- bench-testing unit
- blemished unit
- bolt-on unit
- booster unit
- boring spindle unit
- boring unit
- boring-and-milling unit
- brake unit
- broach retriever unit
- broach-handling unit
- broken tool sensing unit
- buffer unit
- building-block machining unit
- bulk transfer unit
- business unit
- card punching unit
- carousel loading unit
- carousel unit
- carrier unit
- cartridge unit
- cellular unit
- center unit for machine frame
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- chain storage unit
- changer unit
- changing unit
- check unit
- chiller unit
- chip disposal unit
- clamping unit
- claw unit
- CNC machining unit
- CNC standard unit
- CNC unit
- coating application unit
- coating removal unit
- coherent unit
- column unit
- combination valve unit
- command unit
- communications central processing unit
- complementary unit
- computerized numerical control unit
- condensing unit
- cone variable-speed friction drive unit
- console unit
- constant coefficient unit
- constant delay unit
- construction unit
- control unit
- controlling unit
- conveying unit
- conveyor unit
- coolant management unit
- coolant recovery unit
- coolant unit
- cooler unit
- cooling unit
- coordinate preprogramming unit
- copying unit
- correction unit
- cover unit
- CPC handling unit
- cross tapping unit
- cross-slide unit
- cutoff unit
- cutting unit
- D unit
- damping unit
- data preparation unit
- data transmission control unit
- deep hole boring unit
- delay unit
- derived unit
- detecting unit
- detection unit
- developing unit
- digital display unit
- digital readout unit
- digital unit
- dimension readout unit
- diode array unit
- disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
- displacement unit
- display unit
- distance-keeping unit
- double-acting unit
- double-notching unit
- double-pump and combination unit
- double-pump unit
- double-reduction gear unit
- double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
- double-reduction twin gear unit
- double-reduction twin unit
- double-reduction wormgear unit
- double-spindle unit
- down-hole internal deburrer unit
- dresser unit
- dressing unit
- drill unit
- drilling and milling unit
- drilling spindle unit
- drilling unit
- drilling/tapping unit
- drive unit
- drive/feed unit
- DRO unit
- dual work pallet shuttle unit
- dual-head laser beam unit
- dust-collecting unit
- dust-removing unit
- dynamic unit
- EDM unit
- electrical machining units
- electromagnetic unit
- electron-beam unit
- entry level dedicated unit
- environmental compensation unit
- exchanger unit
- fabricated unit
- facing unit
- fan coil unit
- feed box unit
- feed change unit
- feed drive cartridge unit
- feed unit
- feedback unit
- feed-in boring unit
- feed-out boring unit
- fetch-and-carry unit
- filtration unit
- fine boring unit
- flexible spindle units
- flexible tray unit
- floor unit
- focusing unit
- free-standing unit
- free-wheel unit
- free-wheeling unit
- frontal variable-speed friction drive unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gage control unit
- gage indicating unit
- gage unit
- gaging unit
- gas turbine starter auxiliary power unit
- gear unit
- gearbox unit
- gear-reversing unit
- grasping unit
- grinding spindle unit
- gripper unit
- guide unit
- handling unit
- hardware/software add-on unit
- harmonic drive unit
- head unit
- headstock-type workpiece holding unit
- hoisting unit
- horizontal power unit
- horizontal way unit
- hydraulic clamping unit
- hydraulic feed unit
- hydraulic power unit
- hydraulic testing unit
- hydraulic unit
- hydrostatic bearing unit
- ICAM manufacturing unit
- ICAM unit
- icon-driven control unit
- indexer/fourth axis unit
- indexing head unit
- indexing platen unit
- indexing table unit
- indexing unit
- in-die tapping unit
- information retrieval unit
- information unit
- input batch control unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- in-system unit
- integral unit
- interface unit
- intermediate storage unit
- interpolating unit
- inverting unit
- keyboard unit
- knee-type unit
- lapping and superfinishing unit
- laser beam composition unit
- laser beam unit
- laser processing unit
- laser unit
- laser-calibration unit
- laser-source unit
- lead screw tap unit
- lexical unit
- lift unit
- lift-and-carry unit
- light unit
- linear ball bearing unit
- linear drive unit
- linear screw unit
- linear slide roller bearing unit
- linear unit
- live storage unit
- load/unload unit
- loading unit
- loading-and-unloading unit
- logic unit
- logical unit
- lubricating pump unit
- machine control unit
- machine tool control unit
- machine tooling unit
- machine unit
- machine-dedicated unit
- machining center unit
- machining head unit
- machining unit
- magnetic pickup unit
- magnetic tape unit
- manned flexible unit
- marking unit
- master unit
- material-handling unit
- MDI unit
- measurement unit
- measuring unit
- memory unit
- message display unit
- microdispensing unit
- microprocessor correction unit
- microprocessor NC unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-based unit
- microprocessor-type NC unit
- middle-level 3-D representation unit
- milling spindle unit
- minicomputer control unit
- miniload AS/RS unit
- mist coolant unit
- miter saw unit
- mobile unit
- mobile work storage unit
- modular cell unit
- modular loading unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- motor-reduction unit
- multichannel analyzer unit
- multidrill unit
- multiple screw-driving unit
- multiple-power path gear unit
- multiple-reduction gear unit
- multiple-reduction unit
- multiple-spindle torque unit
- multipurpose machining unit
- multispindle boring unit
- multitap unit
- NC data creation unit
- NC unit
- nested gear unit
- notching unit
- nutating unit
- off-machine unit
- off-system unit
- oil coalescer unit
- oil-filled feed unit
- one stage gear unit
- one stage unit
- on-machine unit
- operation unit
- operational unit
- operator-friendly program unit
- orientation transfer unit
- output batch control unit
- output unit
- overhead gantry unit
- overhead spindle unit
- pack unit
- pallet change unit
- pallet exchange unit
- pallet shuttle unit
- pallet-pool unit
- parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
- PC expansion board unit
- PC-based CAD unit
- pendant control unit
- pendant pushbutton control unit
- pendant unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral processing unit
- photo-eye tracing unit
- pick-and-place unit
- pickup unit
- piece-holding unit
- pilot unit
- placement unit
- planetary gear unit
- planetary reduction gearing unit
- plant unit
- plasma-arc unit
- plasmarc unit
- platen unit
- PLC unit
- plugboard input unit
- plugboard unit
- plug-in unit
- pneumatic unit
- portable unit
- power feed unit
- power supply unit
- power train unit
- power unit
- power-generating unit
- power-tooling unit
- practical correction unit
- practical unit
- presetting unit
- pressurized air bearing unit
- primary storage unit
- probe unit
- processing unit
- production unit
- program unit
- programming unit
- propulsion unit
- pulling unit
- pump unit
- pumping unit
- pump-motor unit
- quill feed cam unit
- quill spindle unit
- quill unit
- raster unit
- readout unit
- reducing unit
- reduction gear unit
- reduction gearing unit
- reduction unit
- reed make contact unit
- regulating unit
- remote display unit
- replacement unit
- retriever unit
- right-angle milling unit
- right-angled milling unit
- robot power unit
- robot unit
- robot-transfer unit
- roller bearing unit
- roller unit
- roller-marking unit
- rotary unit
- rotating seal unit
- S unit
- scanning unit
- scheduling unit
- screen projection unit
- screwing unit
- sealed reed contact unit
- self-contained NC unit
- self-contained unit
- sensing unit
- sensor unit
- servo unit
- shankless boring unit
- sheet metal stamping automatic unit
- shop replaceable unit
- shuttle unit
- shuttle-and-lift unit
- side unit
- single-acting unit
- single-light unit
- single-reduction gear unit
- single-reduction unit
- sizing unit
- slant bed unit
- slave unit
- slide unit
- sliding table unit
- smallest replaceable unit
- spare unit
- speeder unit
- speed-increase unit
- speed-up spindle unit
- speed-up unit
- spindle box unit
- spindle cartridge unit
- spindle drive unit
- spindle unit
- stabilizing unit
- stand-alone unit
- standard build units
- starter auxiliary power unit
- static tooling unit
- steam generating unit
- stock feed unit
- storage unit
- stylus unit
- sub-multiple unit
- swing arm-mounted control unit
- tangent unit
- tapping unit
- teach control unit
- terminal control unit
- test unit
- testing unit
- thermal detecting unit
- tilting unit
- tolerance unit
- tool storage unit
- tool-presetting unit
- tool-spindle unit
- toroidal variable-speed friction drive unit
- track and store unit
- transfer unit
- transmission control unit
- transmission unit
- transmitter/receiver unit
- transport unit
- triple-reduction gear unit
- triple-reduction unit
- tuning unit
- turnaround unit
- turning spindle unit
- turnround unit
- turret unit
- twin gear unit
- twin saw unit
- twin-drive unit
- twin-screen unit
- unit of displacement
- unit of measure
- unit of measurement
- unit of physical quantity
- unit of product
- unit of work per unit of time
- unmanned machining unit
- vacuum unit
- variable coefficient unit
- variable delay unit
- variable preload bearing unit
- variable ratio unit
- variable speed unit
- variable-speed friction drive unit
- V-axis grinding unit
- V-belt variable-speed drive unit
- V-drive unit
- vertical way unit
- vibratory feed unit
- vise unit
- visual display unit
- vocal output unit
- VTL unit
- waveform gear reduction unit
- wheel-dressing unit
- wheel-head unit
- wing unit
- wing-base unit
- work storage unit
- work-holding headstock unit
- workshop video unit
- work-testing unit
- worm reduction unit
- writing unit
- yet-to-be-assembled unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Memory address — A digital computer s memory, more specifically main memory, consists of many memory locations, each having a memory address, a number, analogous to a street address, at which computer programs store (except when the address is in mask ROM) and… … Wikipedia
Memory protection — is a way to control memory access rights on a computer, and is a part of most modern operating systems. The main purpose of memory protection is to prevent a process from accessing memory that has not been allocated to it. This prevents a bug… … Wikipedia
Memory management unit — This 68451 MMU could be used with the Motorola 68010 A memory management unit (MMU), sometimes called paged memory management unit (PMMU), is a computer hardware component responsible for handling accesses to memory requested by the CPU. Its… … Wikipedia
Memory-mapped I/O — For more generic meanings of input/output port, see Computer port (hardware). MMIO redirects here. For the airport serving Saltillo, Mexico, assigned the ICAO code MMIO, see Plan de Guadalupe International Airport. Memory mapped I/O (MMIO) and… … Wikipedia
Address space layout randomization — (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process s address space. Benefits Address… … Wikipedia
Conventional memory — Memory areas of the IBM PC family. In DOS memory management, conventional memory, also called base memory, is the first 640 kilobytes (640 × 1024 bytes) of the memory on IBM PC or compatible systems. It is the read write memory usable by the… … Wikipedia
Upper Memory Area — The Upper Memory Area (UMA) is a design feature of IBM PC compatible x86 computers that was responsible for the 640 KB barrier.Reserved memory spaceIBM reserved the uppermost region of the PC memory map for ROM, RAM on peripherals and memory… … Wikipedia
X86 memory segmentation — refers to the implementation of memory segmentation on the x86 architecture. Memory is divided into portions that may be addressed by a single index register without changing a 16 bit segment selector. In real mode or V86 mode, a segment is… … Wikipedia
Physical Address Extension — In computing, Physical Address Extension (PAE) is a feature to allow (32 bit) x86 processors to access a physical address space (including random access memory and memory mapped devices) larger than 4 gigabytes. First implemented in the Intel… … Wikipedia
DOS memory management — This article is about a class of DOS device drivers. For the general concept, see: memory management. Physical memory areas of the IBM PC family. In IBM PC compatible computing, DOS memory management refers to software and techniques employed to… … Wikipedia
C dynamic memory allocation — C Standard Library Data types Character classification Strings Mathematics File input/output Date/time Localization … Wikipedia