1 barrier-grid storage tube
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > barrier-grid storage tube
2 barrier-grid storage tube
запоминающая трубка с барьерной сеткой; потенциалоскоп -
3 barrier-grid storage tube
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > barrier-grid storage tube
4 barrier-grid storage tube
2) Электроника: запоминающая ЭЛТ с барьерной сеткой3) Вычислительная техника: запоминающая трубка с барьерной сеткой, потенциалоскопУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > barrier-grid storage tube
5 barrier-grid storage tube
Англо русский политехнический словарь > barrier-grid storage tube
6 barrier-grid storage tube
потенциалоскоп, запоминающая ЭЛТ с барьерной сеткойEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > barrier-grid storage tube
7 barrier-grid storage tube
запоминающая трубка с барьерной сеткой; потенциалоскопEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > barrier-grid storage tube
8 barrier-grid storage tube
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > barrier-grid storage tube
9 tube
1) (электронная) лампа; (электронный) прибор2) трубка, труба || придавать трубчатую форму3) заключать в трубу или трубку•- tube of magnetic flux
- acorn tube
- acoustical tube
- air-cooled tube
- aligned-grid tube
- aluminized-screen picture tube
- amplifier tube
- anode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- anode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- anti-TR tube
- anti-transmit-receive tube
- aperture-grill cathode ray tube
- aperture-grille cathode ray tube
- apple tube
- arc-discharge tube
- ATR tube
- attenuator tube
- backward-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- ballast tube
- banana tube
- banana-color tube
- band-ignitor tube
- bantam tube
- Barkhausen tube
- barrier-grid storage tube
- beam-deflection mixer tube
- beam-indexing tube
- beam-power tube
- beam-shaping cathode-ray tube
- beam-storage tube
- beam-switching tube
- bistable-phosphor storage tube
- bogey tube
- boob tube
- boron counter tube
- Braun tube
- Brewster angle tube
- camera tube
- camera storage tube
- cathode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- cathode-ray tube
- cathode-ray charge-storage tube
- cathode-ray storage tube
- cathode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- cathodochromic dark-trace tube
- catkin tube
- cell-type tube
- character-generation cathode-ray tube
- character-indicator tube
- Charactron tube
- charge-storage tube
- chromatron tube
- coding tube
- coiltube
- cold-cathode tube
- cold-cathode counter tube
- cold-cathode glow-discharge tube
- cold-cathode stepping tube
- color cathode-ray tube
- color-picture tube
- control tube
- converter tube
- cooled-anode tube
- cooled-anode transmitting tube
- Coolidge tube
- corona tube
- counter tube
- coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube
- Crookes tube
- crossed-field tube
- cyclotron-wave tube
- damper tube
- dark-trace tube
- dc-powered tube
- decade counter tube
- deflection-type storage tube
- demountable tube
- density-modulated tube
- detector tube
- diffusion tube
- diffusion-furnace tube
- direct-display storage tube
- directly heated tube
- direct-viewing image tube
- direct-view storage tube
- discharge tube
- disk-seal tube
- display storage tube
- dissector tube
- doorknob tube
- dot matrix tube
- double-beam cathode-ray tube
- double-gun cathode-ray tube
- double-stream backward-wave tube
- draw tube
- drift tube
- driver tube
- dual-deflection tube
- duplex tube
- electrical-signal storage tube
- electric-flux tube
- electromagnetically deflected tube
- electromagnetically focused tube
- electromagnetically focused image tube
- electromagnetic cathode-ray tube
- electromagnetic-deflection cathode-ray tube
- electrometer tube
- electron tube
- electron-beam tube
- electron-beam switch tube with cross fields
- electron-beam switch tube with trochoid beam
- electron-dispersion tube
- electronic flash tube
- electron image tube
- electron-indicator tube
- electron-multiplier tube
- electron-ray tube
- electrostatically deflected tube
- electrostatically focused tube
- electrostatically focused traveling-wave tube
- electrostatic cathode-ray tube
- electrostatic memory tube
- electrostatic printing tube
- electrostatic storage tube
- end-window counter tube
- Eustachian tube
- extended-cutoff tube
- extended-interaction tube
- externally quenched counter tube
- Farnsworth image-dissector tube
- fast-wave tube
- fiber-optics image tube
- flash tube
- flat tube
- flux tube
- fuse tube
- gas tube
- gas-discharge tube
- gas-filled radiation-counter tube
- gas-flow counter tube
- gas rectifier tube
- gassy tube
- gated-beam tube
- Geiger counter tube
- Geiger-Mueller counter tube
- glass tube
- glow tube
- glow-discharge cold-cathode tube
- glow indicator tube
- grid-control tube
- gridded tube
- grid-glow tube
- grid-pool tube
- halogen-quenched counter tube
- hard tube
- heater-type tube
- heat-eye tube
- Heil tube
- helix traveling-wave tube
- high-electron-velocity camera tube
- high-mu tube
- high-power tube
- high-vacuum tube
- high-velocity camera tube
- Hittorf tube
- hodoscope tube
- hollow-cathode tube
- hot-cathode tube
- hot-cathode gas-filled tube
- image tube
- image camera tube
- image-converter tube
- image-dissector tube
- image-intensifier tube
- image orthicon tube
- image storage tube
- indicator tube
- indirectly heated tube
- inductance tube
- induction-output tube
- interference tube
- ionic-heated-cathode tube
- ionization-gage tube
- key tube
- klystron tube
- laser tube
- Lawrence tube
- lighthouse tube
- light-sensitive tube
- linear-beam tube
- line-focus tube
- liquid-flow counter tube
- local-oscillator tube
- low-electron-velocity camera tube
- luminescent-screen tube
- magnetic tube of force
- magnetically beamed tube
- master tube
- McNally tube
- mechanically controlled tube
- memory cathode-ray tube
- mercury tube
- mercury-arc tube
- mercury-pool tube
- mercury-vapor tube
- metal tube
- metal-ceramic disk tube
- microwave tube
- miniature tube
- mixer tube
- monochromatic cathode-ray tube
- monoscope cathode-ray tube
- M-type tube
- multianode tube
- multicolor cathode-ray tube
- multielectrode tube
- multigun tube
- multigun cathode-ray tube
- multiple-collector traveling-wave tube
- multiple-unit tube
- multiplier tube
- multistage tube
- multiunit tube
- negative tube
- Nixie tube
- noise tube
- noise-generator tube
- nonstorage camera tube
- numerical indicator tube
- numerical-readout tube
- optical-relay tube
- organic-quenched counter tube
- oscillating tube
- oscillograph tube
- oscilloscope tube
- O-type tube
- output tube
- overdriven tube
- PDA tube
- peanut tube
- pencil tube
- penetration-control color tube
- pentagrid tube
- phase-tuned tube
- photoconductive storage tube
- photoelectric tube
- photoelectric electron-multiplier tube
- photo erasable dark trace storage tube
- photo erasable dark trace cathode-ray storage tube
- photoflash tube
- photoglow tube
- photomixer image tube
- photomultiplier tube
- photosensitive tube
- pickup tube
- picture tube
- planar ceramic tube
- plasma-cathode traveling-wave tube
- plumbicon tube
- Pockels tube
- pool tube
- pool-cathode tube
- positive tube
- positive-grid oscillator tube
- postdeflection acceleration tube
- power tube
- power-amplifier tube
- pressure-equalizing tube
- pre-TR tube
- projected tube
- projection cathode-ray tube
- proportional counter tube
- protector tube
- pumped tube
- pyroelectric thermal image tube
- radar tube
- radial-beam tube
- radiation counter tube
- radiation-indexing color tube
- radio tube
- range-azimuth tube
- reactance tube
- reaction tube
- recording storage tube
- regulator tube
- remote-cutoff tube
- repeating flash tube
- ring-sealed tube
- rotation-anode tube
- rotation-anode X-ray tube
- scan-converter storage tube
- screen-grid tube
- sealed-off discharge tube
- SEC camera tube
- secondary-electron conduction camera tube
- secondary-emission tube
- self-focused picture tube
- self-pumping traveling-wave tube
- self-quenched counter tube
- self-rectifying X-ray tube
- shadow-mask cathode ray tube
- shadow-mask color-picture tube
- shaped-beam tube
- sharp-cutoff tube
- shielded tube
- shrinkable plastic tube
- signal-generating tube
- silicon camera tube
- silicon diode-array camera tube
- silicon-dioxide storage tube
- silicon intensifier target tube
- single-collector traveling-wave tube
- single-gun color-picture tube
- SIT tube
- situation-display tube
- slave tube
- slot-mask cathode ray tube
- slot-matrix tube
- soft tube
- space-charge tube
- space-charge-wave tube
- split-beam cathode-ray tube
- squelch tube
- stacked-ceramic tube
- storage tube
- storage cathode-ray tube
- storage-type camera tube
- stroboscopic tube
- subminiature tube
- switching tube
- Tamman tube
- television picture tube
- thermionic tube
- thin cathode-ray tube
- thin-wall counter tube
- three-dimensional cathode-ray tube
- three-gap TR tube
- three-gun color-picture tube
- three-neck picture tube
- TR tube
- transmit-receive tube
- transverse-beam traveling-wave tube
- transverse-field traveling-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- TR bandpass tube
- tricolor tube
- tricolor-picture tube
- trigger tube
- tungar tube
- vacuum tube
- vacuum fluorescent tube
- vacuum-gage tube
- valve tube
- variable-mu tube
- velocity-modulated tube
- video camera tube
- voltage-amplifier tube
- voltage-reference tube
- voltage-regulator tube
- voltage-stabilizing tube
- voltage-tunable tube
- wall tube
- water-cooled tube
- Williams tube
- window counter tube
- windowless photomultiplier tube
- xenon flash tube
- X-ray tube -
10 tube
1) амер. (электронная) лампа2) (электронно-лучевая) трубка, ЭЛТ•- barrier-grid storage tube
- beam storage tube
- beam-deflection tube
- cathode-ray storage tube - counter tube
- counting tube
- decade counting tube
- decimal counting tube
- deflection-type storage tube
- deflection storage tube
- direct display storage tube
- display tube
- double-beam tube
- double-stream tube
- electron-beam tube
- electron-image transfer tube
- electron-image tube
- electron-recording tube
- electrooptical tube
- electrostatic memory tube
- electrostatic storage tube
- fiber-optic-faced tube
- graphechon storage tube
- holding-gun tube
- image storing tube
- image transfer tube
- image-converter tube
- indicator tube
- information storage tube
- microspot tube
- multiplier tube
- photoelectric tube
- photomultiplier tube
- picture tube
- refreshing cathode-ray tube
- refreshing tube
- regenerative tube
- shapped-beam tube
- storage tube
- stroke-writing tube
- Williams tubeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > tube
11 tube
1) труба
2) трубка
3) трубопрочистный
4) тюбик
5) фейфка
6) <engin.> лампа
7) трубчатый
8) цилиндрический
9) трубный
10) межтрубный
11) междутрубный
– amplifying tube
– antitransmit-receive tube
– atr tube
– babitron tube
– barrier-grid tube
– beam-deflection tube
– beam-switching tube
– bias tube
– Bourdon tube
– camera tube
– capillary tube
– cathode-heater tube
– cathoderay tube
– cold-cathode tube
– combustion tube
– condenser tube
– connecting tube
– coring tube
– counter tube
– counting tube
– coupling tube
– damper tube
– demountable tube
– detector tube
– developmental tube
– diode tube
– discharge tube
– disk-seal tube
– display tube
– double-anode tube
– double-base tube
– double-beam tube
– draft tube
– drift tube
– drilling-mud tube
– driver tube
– dual tube
– dull-emitter tube
– electron tube
– electron-beam tube
– electron-ray tube
– electronic tube
– exhaust tube
– extension tube
– eyepiece tube
– fading tube
– field tube
– finned tube
– fire tube
– flame tube
– flexure of tube
– flow tube
– flue tube
– fluid tube
– flux tube
– flying-spot tube
– four-electrode tube
– gas tube
– gas-filled tube
– gate tube
– Geissler tube
– glow VR tube
– glow-discharge tube
– grid-control tube
– grid-pool tube
– hibride tube
– high-frequency tube
– high-vacuum tube
– hot-cathode tube
– ignition tube
– indirectly-heated tube
– inner tube
– keying tube
– leg of a manometer tube
– lighthouse tube
– limiter tube
– low-noise tube
– low-power tube
– M-type tube
– microwave tube
– midget tube
– mixer tube
– modulator tube
– movable-plate tube
– multi-beam tube
– multi-electron-beam tube
– multi-unit tube
– multielectrode tube
– multigrid tube
– multiple tube
– neon tube
– noisy tube
– O-type tube
– oscillating tube
– oscillator tube
– packaged tube
– photomultiplier tube
– picture tube
– pilot-static tube
– pinch tube
– Pitot tube
– planar-electrode tube
– plate-cap tube
– plug-in TR tube
– pool tube
– pressure tube
– protector tube
– pulse tube
– pump tube
– radial-beam tube
– reactance tube
– recte tube
– relay tube
– resonance tube
– scaling tube
– scan-conversion tube
– secondary-emission tube
– shock tube
– spacing tube
– spark-gap ATR tube
– spark-gap TR tube
– speaking tube
– squelch tube
– steam-generating tube
– stern tube
– storage tube
– subminiature tube
– swiveling tube
– television tube
– thermionic tube
– thick-walled tube
– thin-walled tube
– TR tube
– transmitting tube
– travelling-wave tube
– tube adapter
– tube bank
– tube bundle
– tube complement
– tube count
– tube cutter
– tube domain
– tube expander
– tube micrometer
– tube mill
– tube mixer
– tube noise
– tube of force
– tube paint
– tube plate
– tube puller
– tube radio
– tube receiver
– tube socket
– tube tester
– tube transmitter
– TV picture tube
– vacuum tube
– valve tube
– variable-capacitance tube
– variable-mu tube
– vent tube
– vortex tube
– VR tube
– water-cooled tube
– water-wall tube
– Williams tube
– X-ray tube
backward-wave traveling-wave tube — < radio> лампа обратной волны
black-and-white picture tube — черно-белый кинескоп, кинескоп черно-белого изображения
character display tube — знакопечатающая электронно-лучевая трубка
cold-cathode glow-discharge tube — <tech.> лампа тлеющая автоэлектронная
combined focusing tube — прибор СВЧ с комбинированной фокусирующей системой
current regulator tube — <tech.> барретер, барретор, барреттер, токостабилизатор
delivery tube of an injector — нагнетательный конус инжектор
dip stick insert tube — <comput.> отверстие для масломерной линейки
grid pool tube — <tech.> выпрямитель газоразрядный с сеткой
image camera tube — передающая телевизионная ЭЛТ с переносом изображения
image pick-up tube — передающая телевизионная электронно-лучевая трубка
implosion-resistant cathode-ray tube — взрывобезопасная электронно-лучевая трубка
inclined tube micromanometer — микроманометр с наклонной трубкой
nonstorage camera tube — <phot.> кинескоп безынерционный
photo-conductive camera tube — передающая трубка с фотопроводимостью
pressure tube reactor — <engin.> реактор канальный
projection cathode-ray tube — проекционная электронно-лучевая трубка
shadow-mask color tube — <phot.> кинескоп масочный
single-anode rectifier tube — одноанодная выпрямительная лампа
storage camera tube — передающая трубка с накоплением заряда
three-gun picture tube — трехлучевая передающая приемная трубка
triple-control-grid gate tube — лампа-вентиль с тремя управляющими сетками
Vieille shock tube — <phys.> труба диафрагменная, трубка ударная Вьеля
voltage regulator tube — < radio> лампа стабилизатора
12 потенциалоскоп
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > потенциалоскоп
13 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
14 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф сота7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alkaline cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- base-centered cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bit cell
- bistable cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- B/S cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cad-telluride solar cell
- calomel half-cell
- canal fuel cell
- carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color cell
- color Bravais cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counter electromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- current cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E-cell
- edge-centered cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered cell
- end-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell
- glass half-cell
- Golay cell
- Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- L-cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- lead cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- lead sulfide cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell
- quinhydrone electrode half-cell
- radar cell
- Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cell -
15 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт. ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф. сот7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- B/S cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- base-centered cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bistable cell
- bit cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- body-centered cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cad-telluride solar cell - carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color Bravais cell
- color cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counterelectromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- current cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- edge-centered cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered Bravais cell
- end-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell - Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- L-cell
- lead cell
- lead sulfide cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell - Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cellThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > cell
16 diode
1) диод•- absorber diode
- ac heated diode
- adjustable diode
- alloy diode
- alloyed-junction diode
- antireflective coated diode
- antireflective coated laser diode
- apertured diode
- avalanche diode
- avalanche breakdown diode
- avalanche injection diode
- avalanche-oscillator diode
- avalanche photosensitive diode
- avalanche transit-time diode
- back diode
- back-biased diode
- back-to-back diodes
- backward diode
- BARITT diode
- barrier diode - beam-lead diode
- bidirectional diode
- bidirectional breakdown diode
- blooming inhibitor diode
- blue light-emitting diode
- Boff diode
- bonded diode
- booster diode
- breakdown diode
- bulk diode
- bulk-barrier diode
- bulk NC diode
- bulk negative conductivity diode
- bypass diode
- catching diode
- CATT diode
- catwhisker diode
- centering diode
- ceramic package diode
- charge-storage diode
- charging diode
- chip diode
- circular laser diode
- clamping diode
- clipper diode
- coaxial diode
- cold-cathode gas diode
- collector diode
- collector-junction diode
- commutating diode
- complementary diodes
- conductivity modulated diode
- constant-current diode
- contact diode
- controlled avalanche-transit-time diode
- crystal diode
- current-regulator diode
- cylindrical diode
- damper diode
- damping diode
- dc clamp diode
- dc restorer diode
- DDR diode
- deep diode
- degenerate tunnel diode
- demodulator diode
- detector diode
- dielectric diode
- diffused diode
- diffused p-n junction diode
- discharge diode
- discrete diode
- distributed diode
- double diode
- double-base diode
- double-base junction diode
- double-diffused diode
- double-drift diode
- double-drift-region diode
- double-epitaxial diode
- double-glass seal diode
- double-injection diode
- double-saturation diode - drain diode
- drift diode
- dual diode
- dummy diode
- EBS diode
- efficiency diode
- EL diode
- electrochemical diode
- electroluminescent diode
- electron-beam semiconductor diode
- electron-bombarded semiconductor diode
- emitter diode
- emitter-junction diode
- epitaxial diode
- equivalent diode
- Esaki tunnel diode
- evaporated thin-film diode
- fast diode
- fast-recovery diode
- field-effect diode
- flangeless package diode
- flexible-lead diode - forward-biased diode
- four-layer diode
- four-region diode
- fuse diode
- gallium arsenide diode
- gallium phosphide diode
- gas diode
- gas-filled diode
- gate-controlled diode
- gate-to-channel diode
- gate-triggered diode
- gating diode
- germanium diode
- glass diode
- glass-ambient diode
- glass-sealed diode
- gold-bonded diode
- graded-junction diode
- green emitting diode
- grid-cathode diode
- grown diode
- grown-junction diode
- guard-ring diode
- Gunn diode
- Gunn-effect diode
- hard-lead diode
- heavily doped diode
- heterojunction diode - high-current diode
- high-power diode
- high-pressure gas diode
- high-pressure gas-filled diode
- high-radiance electroluminescent diode
- hold-off diode
- honeycomb diode
- hot-carrier diode
- hot-cathode gas diode
- hot-cathode gas-filled diode
- hot-cathode X-ray diode
- hot-electron diode
- hot-hole diode
- ideal noise diode
- impact avalanche transit-time diode
- impact ionization avalanche transit-time diode
- IMPATT diode
- infrared diode
- infrared-emitting diode - integrated diode
- intrinsic-barrier diode
- inversed diode
- inverted mesa diode
- ion-implanted planar mesa diode
- I2-PLASA diode
- isolating diode
- isolation diode
- isolation-substrate junction diode
- junction diode
- junction-type diode
- lambda diode
- laminar diode
- laser diode
- lasing diode - lightly doped diode
- light-proof package diode
- limited space-charge accumulation diode
- limiter diode
- limiting-velocity diode
- logarithmic diode
- long-base diode
- low-barrier diode - low-voltage diode
- LSA diode
- luminescent diode
- magnetic diode
- majority-carrier diode
- matched diodes
- mesa diode
- mesa-type diode
- metal-film semiconductor diode
- metal package diode
- metal-semiconductor diode
- metal-semiconductor barrier diode
- microglass diode
- microplasma-free diode
- microwave diode
- Miller-Ebers diode
- MIM diode
- minority-carrier diode
- MIS diode
- Misawa diode
- mixer diode
- mm-wave diode
- MNS diode
- Moll diode
- MOM diode
- monolithic diode
- MOS diode
- Mott diode
- MSM diode
- multicurrent-range diode
- multielement diode
- narrow-base diode
- negative-resistance diode - nonlinear capacitance diode
- optical diode - overcritically doped diode
- packaged diode
- packageless diode
- parallel emitter-collector junction diode
- parametric diode
- passivated metal-semiconductor diode
- phosphor-coated electroluminescent diode
- photoemissive diode
- photomixer diode
- photoparametric diode
- photosensitive diode
- pick-off diode
- pill diode
- p-i-n diode
- pinhead diode
- planar diode
- planar-doped barrier diode
- planar epitaxial passivated diode
- plasma diode
- plastic-encapsulated diode
- pneumatic diode
- p-n junction diode
- point diode
- point-contact diode
- point-junction diode
- pressure-sensitive diode
- p-semi-insulating-n diode
- pulse diode
- punch-through diode
- quenched-domain Gunn diode
- reactance diode
- Read diode
- rectifier diode
- red light-emitting diode
- reference diode
- refrigerated diode
- retarded field diode
- reverse-biased diode
- reverse-polarity silicon diode
- Riesz diode
- Riesz-type diode
- saturated diode
- Schottky diode
- Schottky-barrier diode
- Schottky power diode
- Schottky-Read diode
- SCL diode
- SDR diode
- sealed diode
- semiconducting glass diode
- semiconductor diode
- shallow diode
- Shockley diode
- short-base diode
- side-emitting laser diode
- silicon diode
- silicon-on-sapphire diode
- silver-bonded diode
- single-drift diode
- single-drift-region diode
- single-injection diode
- smoke-emitting diode
- snap-action diode
- snapback diode
- snap-off diode
- solion diode
- solion liquid diode
- SOS diode
- space-charge-limited diode - subtransit-time IMPATT diode
- superconducting diode
- superluminescent diode
- surface-barrier diode
- surface-emitting laser diode
- surface-passivated diode
- switching diode
- temperature-compensated Zener diode
- thermionic diode
- thick-film diode
- thin-film diode
- transferred-electron diode
- transit-time microwave diode - triple diode
- tube diode
- tunnel diode
- tunnel-emission diode
- twin diode
- two-base diode
- ultrafast-recovery diode
- uniformly avalanching diode
- uniplanar diode
- unitunnel diode
- vacuum diode
- vacuum-deposited diode
- varactor diode - vertical-cavity laser diode
- visible light-emitting diode
- voltage-reference diode
- voltage-regulator diode
- voltage variable-capacitance diode
- waveguide diode
- welded-junction diode
- whisker diode
- wide-base diode
- yellow emitting diode
- Zener diode
- Zener breakdown diode -
17 diode
1) диод•- absorber diode
- ac heated diode
- adjustable diode
- alloy diode
- alloyed-junction diode
- antireflective coated diode
- antireflective coated laser diode
- apertured diode
- avalanche breakdown diode
- avalanche diode
- avalanche injection diode
- avalanche photosensitive diode
- avalanche transit-time diode
- avalanche-oscillator diode
- back diode
- back-biased diode
- back-to-back diodes
- backward diode
- BARITT diode
- barrier diode
- barrier-injection and transit-time diode
- base-emitter diode
- beam-lead diode
- bidirectional breakdown diode
- bidirectional diode
- blooming inhibitor diode
- blue light-emitting diode
- Boff diode
- bonded diode
- booster diode
- breakdown diode
- bulk diode
- bulk NC diode
- bulk negative conductivity diode
- bulk-barrier diode
- bypass diode
- catching diode
- CATT diode
- catwhisker diode
- centering diode
- ceramic package diode
- charge-storage diode
- charging diode
- chip diode
- circular laser diode
- clamping diode
- clipper diode
- coaxial diode
- cold-cathode gas diode
- collector diode
- collector-junction diode
- commutating diode
- complementary diodes
- conductivity modulated diode
- constant-current diode
- contact diode
- controlled avalanche-transit-time diode
- crystal diode
- current-regulator diode
- cylindrical diode
- damper diode
- damping diode
- dc clamp diode
- dc restorer diode
- DDR diode
- deep diode
- degenerate tunnel diode
- demodulator diode
- detector diode
- dielectric diode
- diffused diode
- diffused p-n junction diode
- discharge diode
- discrete diode
- distributed diode
- double diode
- double velocity transit time diode
- double-base diode
- double-base junction diode
- double-diffused diode
- double-drift diode
- double-drift-region diode
- double-epitaxial diode
- double-glass seal diode
- double-injection diode
- double-saturation diode
- DOVETT diode
- drain diode
- drift diode
- dual diode
- dummy diode
- EBS diode
- efficiency diode
- EL diode
- electrochemical diode
- electroluminescent diode
- electron-beam semiconductor diode
- electron-bombarded semiconductor diode
- emitter diode
- emitter-junction diode
- epitaxial diode
- equivalent diode
- Esaki tunnel diode
- evaporated thin-film diode
- fast diode
- fast-recovery diode
- field-effect diode
- flangeless package diode
- flexible transparent organic light-emitting diode
- flexible-lead diode
- formed diode
- forward-biased diode
- four-layer diode
- four-region diode
- fuse diode
- gallium arsenide diode
- gallium phosphide diode
- gas diode
- gas-filled diode
- gate-controlled diode
- gate-to-channel diode
- gate-triggered diode
- gating diode
- germanium diode
- glass diode
- glass-ambient diode
- glass-sealed diode
- gold-bonded diode
- graded-junction diode
- green emitting diode
- grid-cathode diode
- grown diode
- grown-junction diode
- guard-ring diode
- Gunn diode
- Gunn-effect diode
- hard-lead diode
- heavily doped diode
- heterojunction diode
- heterojunction light-emitting diode
- high-burnout diode
- high-current diode
- high-power diode
- high-pressure gas diode
- high-pressure gas-filled diode
- high-radiance electroluminescent diode
- hold-off diode
- honeycomb diode
- hot-carrier diode
- hot-cathode gas diode
- hot-cathode gas-filled diode
- hot-cathode X-ray diode
- hot-electron diode
- hot-hole diode
- I2-PLASA diode
- ideal noise diode
- impact avalanche transit-time diode
- impact ionization avalanche transit-time diode
- IMPATT diode
- infrared diode
- infrared-emitting diode
- injection laser diode
- injection luminescent diode
- integrated diode
- intrinsic-barrier diode
- inversed diode
- inverted mesa diode
- ion-implanted planar mesa diode
- isolating diode
- isolation diode
- isolation-substrate junction diode
- junction diode
- junction-type diode
- lambda diode
- laminar diode
- laser diode
- lasing diode
- light-emitting diode
- lighthouse diode
- lightly doped diode
- light-proof package diode
- limited space-charge accumulation diode
- limiter diode
- limiting-velocity diode
- logarithmic diode
- long-base diode
- low-barrier diode
- low-barrier hot-carrier diode
- low-power diode
- low-voltage diode
- LSA diode
- luminescent diode
- magnetic diode
- majority-carrier diode
- matched diodes
- mesa diode
- mesa-type diode
- metal package diode
- metal-film semiconductor diode
- metal-semiconductor barrier diode
- metal-semiconductor diode
- microglass diode
- microplasma-free diode
- microwave diode
- Miller-Ebers diode
- MIM diode
- minority-carrier diode
- MIS diode
- Misawa diode
- mixer diode
- mm-wave diode
- MNS diode
- Moll diode
- MOM diode
- monolithic diode
- MOS diode
- Mott diode
- MSM diode
- multicurrent-range diode
- multielement diode
- narrow-base diode
- negative-resistance diode
- noise diode
- noise-generator diode
- nonlinear capacitance diode
- optical diode
- organic light-emitting diode
- oscillator diode
- overcritically doped diode
- packaged diode
- packageless diode
- parallel emitter-collector junction diode
- parametric diode
- passivated metal-semiconductor diode
- phosphor-coated electroluminescent diode
- photoemissive diode
- photomixer diode
- photoparametric diode
- photosensitive diode
- pick-off diode
- pill diode
- p-i-n diode
- pinhead diode
- planar diode
- planar epitaxial passivated diode
- planar-doped barrier diode
- plasma diode
- plastic-encapsulated diode
- p-n junction diode
- pneumatic diode
- point diode
- point-contact diode
- point-junction diode
- pressure-sensitive diode
- p-semi-insulating-n diode
- pulse diode
- punch-through diode
- quenched-domain Gunn diode
- reactance diode
- Read diode
- rectifier diode
- red light-emitting diode
- reference diode
- refrigerated diode
- retarded field diode
- reverse-biased diode
- reverse-polarity silicon diode
- Riesz diode
- Riesz-type diode
- saturated diode
- Schottky diode
- Schottky power diode
- Schottky-barrier diode
- Schottky-Read diode
- SCL diode
- SDR diode
- sealed diode
- semiconducting glass diode
- semiconductor diode
- shallow diode
- Shockley diode
- short-base diode
- side-emitting laser diode
- silicon diode
- silicon-on-sapphire diode
- silver-bonded diode
- single-drift diode
- single-drift-region diode
- single-injection diode
- smoke-emitting diode
- snap-action diode
- snapback diode
- snap-off diode
- solion diode
- solion liquid diode
- SOS diode
- space-charge-limited diode
- stacked organic light-emitting diode
- steering diode
- step-recovery diode
- storage diode
- subtransit-time IMPATT diode
- superconducting diode
- superluminescent diode
- surface-barrier diode
- surface-emitting laser diode
- surface-passivated diode
- switching diode
- temperature-compensated Zener diode
- thermionic diode
- thick-film diode
- thin-film diode
- transferred-electron diode
- transit-time microwave diode
- transparent organic light-emitting diode
- TRAPATT diode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time diode
- trigger diode
- triple diode
- tube diode
- tunnel diode
- tunnel-emission diode
- twin diode
- two-base diode
- ultrafast-recovery diode
- uniformly avalanching diode
- uniplanar diode
- unitunnel diode
- vacuum diode
- vacuum-deposited diode
- varactor diode
- variable-capacitance diode
- variable-reactance diode
- vertical-cavity laser diode
- visible light-emitting diode
- voltage variable-capacitance diode
- voltage-reference diode
- voltage-regulator diode
- waveguide diode
- welded-junction diode
- whisker diode
- wide-base diode
- yellow emitting diode
- Zener breakdown diode
- Zener diodeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > diode
18 plate
1) плита; пластин(к)а4) жесть6) гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие || наносить гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие; осаждать [выделять\] на электроде8) металлизировать; плакировать9) гидр. стенка10) гидр., мор. обшивка11) обшивать || геод. алидада теодолита12) тарелка ( ректификационной колонны)13) обкладка ( конденсатора)14) амер. анод15) электрон. плата16) электрон. фотошаблон17) решётка ( волчка или мясорубки)18) шайба20) полигр. формная пластина21) гравюра; эстамп23) бтх плоская чашка; планшет (для клонирования, титрования и т. п.)24) табличка25) номерной знак•-
absorber plate
accumulator plate
adapter plate
additive plate
adjustable angle cam plate
advance plate
aluminum plate
anchor plate
anodic plate
anodized plate
antifiring plate
aperture plate
apron plate
aqueous-developed plate
armor plate
autochromatic plate
back plate
backed plate
background plate
backing brake plate
backing plate
baffle plate
barrier plate
base plate
bath plate
batten plate
battery bottom plate
battery plate
bearing plate
bed plate
bench plate
bimetal plate
bit breaker plate
black plate
black-edged plate
blade moldboard plate
blade retaining plate
blank plate
body bolster bottom cover plate
body bolster top cover plate
body bottom plate
body center plate
body front plate
bogie center plate
bolster plate
bottom plate
bottom pouring plate
boundary layer splitter plate
brake plate
brake pressure plate
brake support plate
brass plate
breast plate
bridge plate
brush-holder plate
brush plate
bubble cap plate
bubble plate
bucket top spill plate
buckle plate
buckler plate
buffer plate
bulb plate
bushing plate
butt plate
can body plate
can ends plate
cap plate
capacitor plate
catalyst flow plates
cathodic plate
caution plate
center plate
ceramized plate
chair plate
channeled plate
checkered plate
checker plate
choke plate
chord plate
chromatographic plate
chrome plate
circuit plate
clad plate
clamp plate
clamping plate
claw arm plate
claw plate
clean-out plate
clutch driven plate
clutch plate
clutch pressure plate
coke-wharf plate
cold plate
cold-hold plate
collection plate
collector plate
collodion plate
color plate
color process plate
color-blind plate
color-sensitive plate
composite plate
compound web plate
connecting plate
contact plate
continuous plate
convector plate
cooling plate
core drying plate
core plate
core support plate
core-retainer plate
corner plate
corrosion-resistant plate
corrugated plate
cover plate
crank plate
crown plate
curb plate
curved plate
cushion plate
cutoff plate
cutter plate
cutting plate
cylinder base plate
dam plate
damper plate
data plate
dead plate
deflector plate
descent plate
dial plate
diaphragm plate
die plate
diffuser plate
direct image plate
direct printing plate
distributing plate
distributor plate
dividing plate
double plate
drawing plate
draw plate
dressing plate
drive plate
driving plate
dry offset plate
dry plate
dual-coat plate
dull plate
duplicative cavity plate
dust protection plate
earth plate
eaves plate
edge plate
edge-forming plate
elastic plate
elastically connected plates
elastically restrained plate
electric griddle plate
electrode plate
embossed plate
embossing plate
end brake plate
end plate
etched plate
eutectic plate
exhaustion plate
extendible skid plate
extruder breaker plate
face plate
feed plate
female plate
figured rolled plate
filler plate
filter plate
fish plate
five-play plate
five plate
fixed friction plate
flange plate
flanged plate
flash plate
flat cold-rolled black plate
flat plate
flexographic plate
flitch plate
flush throat plate
foot plate
force plate
fore plate
forged rail car center plate
formed plate
foundation plate
foundation settlement base plate
fractionating plate
frame plate
frame splice plate
Fresnel-zone plate
friction plate
frog plate
fuel plate
geared plate
glass plate
grained plate
green plate
grid plate
ground plate
grounding plate
guard plate
guide plate
gusset plate
half-tone plate
Hall plate
head plate
hearth-cooling plate
heavy plate
heavy-duty flex plate
heel plate
helical plate
hinge plate
hitch plate
hooked sole plate
horizontal plate
hot plate
hot-rolled plate
hub plate
hull plate
hydraulically operated dozer plate
identification plate
image plate
inclined sole plate
indexing plate
ingot mold bottom plate
ink plate
inspection plate
insulating plate
jacking plate
jaw plate
jig plate
joint plate
junction plate
keeper plate
key plate
lapping plate
latch plate
leaded beveled plate
leveling plate
light plate
line plate
liner plate
lining plate
lintel plate
liquid photopolymer plate
load distribution plate
locking plate
machine swivel plate
magnetic holding plate
male plate
mallet plate
manifold back plate
margin plate
master plate
mending plate
mica plate
microchannel plate
modulation plate
mold bottom plate
molding plate
mottled plate
mounting plate
movable friction plate
multimetal plate
nave plate
needle plate
negative plate
nickel-clad steel plate
nog plate
nozzle-retaining plate
number plate
off-gage plate
offset plate
on-gage plate
orifice plate
outside studding plate
partition plate
pasted plate
patent plate
pattern plate
perfect plate
perforated plate
phosphor plate
photographic plate
photopolymer plate
pickup plate
piston base plate
piston cam plate
plate of shoe
pole plate
poling plate
positive plate
positive-electrode plate
presensitized plate
pressure plate
prime plate
printing plate
process plate
profiling plate
pump thrust plate
pusher plate
race plate
rafter plate
raising plate
rapping plate
rating plate
rectifying plate
reinforcement plate
relieving plate
retainer plate
retardation plate
reverberation plate
ribbed sole plate
ring plate
rolled plate
rough plate
rough-rolled plate
rubber plate
runner-shut plate
saddle plate
sandwich plate
Schumann plate
scrap plate
screen plate
scum plate
scupper plate
sealing plate
seeding plate
separable center plate
separating plate
shaft access hole sealing plate
shear cutting plate
shear plate
sheared plate
shoe plate
side plate
side-draw plate
signal plate
sill plate
skid plate
skimming plate
skin plate
slag plate
sleeper plate
smoky-edged plate
sole plate
solid photopolymer plate
solid plate
spacer plate
space plate
spindle plate
splice plate
spring plate
spring support plate
spring-loaded plate
stack-cooling plate
starter plate
stay plate
stealer plate
steam-distribution plate
steel backing plate
steel plate
step plate
stepped plate
stiffening plate
stockline-wearing plate
stonecast plate
storage plate
straight electrolytic plate
strike plate
strike-on plate
strip plate
stripping plate
substractive plate
support plate
surface plate
swash plate
switch plate
tank plate
tank shell plate
tapered plate
target backing plate
terminal plate
terne plate
theoretical plate
thermoplastic plate
thermosetting plate
thick-gage plate
thick plate
thin-gage plate
thin plate
throat plate
throttle plate
thrust plate
tie plate
tinned plate
top plate
tracing-up plate
track shoe plate
trimetal plate
truck spring plate
tube plate
twin fall plate
universal plate
upper flange plate
valve plate
vernier plate
wafer-developed plate
wall plate
warning plate
water-cooled plate
water-jacket plate
wear plate
web plate
weir plate
wheel parabolic plate
wheel plate
wipe-on plate
wiring plate
wobble plate
working plate
wraparound plate
См. также в других словарях:
electron tube — an electronic device that consists, typically, of a sealed glass bulb containing two or more electrodes: used to generate, amplify, and rectify electric oscillations and alternating currents. Also called electronic tube. Cf. gas tube, vacuum tube … Universalium
Oscilloscope — This article is about current oscilloscopes, providing general information. For history of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope history. For detailed information about various types of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope types. Illustration showing the… … Wikipedia
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Argonne National Laboratory — Established 1946 Research Type Research Field of Research Physical science Life … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Hydrogen economy — The hydrogen economy is a proposed system of delivering energy using hydrogen. The term hydrogen economy was coined by John Bockris during a talk he gave in 1970 at General Motors (GM) Technical Center.[1] Hydrogen advocates promote hydrogen as… … Wikipedia
Carbon nanotube — Not to be confused with Carbon fiber. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
Thermal power station — Republika Power Plant, a thermal power station in Pernik, Bulgaria … Wikipedia