1 barrel plunger spring
Оружейное производство: нижняя возвратная пружина -
2 barrel plunger spring
3 valve
1) = float needle2) клапан (рис. 15,16); вентиль; задвижка; заслонка; золотник; кран; распределительный кран; створка (дверцы); электронная лампа; гидро- или пневмораспределитель; затвор (гидротехнический); (редко) форсунка; II подавать через клапан; питать через клапан; снабжать; обеспечивать - time the valves - valve acceleration - valve-actuating gear - valve adjusting screw - valve arrangement - valve base patch - valve cock disk - valve control mechanism - valve diameter - valve dust cap - valve edge - valve enclosure - valve end - valve extractor - valve grinding - valve gutter - valve guttering - valve head slot - valve holder - valve hole - valve inside - valve inside plunger pin - valve knock - valve lag - valve lap - valve lead - valve lifter roller - valve lifter roller pin - valve lifting cam - valve location - valve manifold - valve mechanism - valve of tyre - valve operating mechanism - valve refacer - valve refacing - valve refacing machine - valve regulation - valve remover - valve reseating - valve retainer lock - valve return - valve rim - valve rocker arm - valve rocker lever - valve rocker pedestal - valve rocker roller - valve rocker roller pin - valve rocker shaft - valve scaling - valve scorching - valve seal - valve seat bore - valve seat extractor - valve seat grinder - valve seating - valve seating tool - valve sinkage - valve slot - valve spring compressor - valve spring damper - valve spring holder - valve spring key - valve spring lifter - valve spring remover - valve spring retainer - valve spring seat - valve spring seat key - valve spring seat pin - valve spring surge - valve spring tool - valve spring washer - valve stem end - valve stem groove - valve stem guide - valve stem seal - valve stripping - valve surge damper - valve system - valve tab - valve tappet clearance - valve tappet roller pin - valve tappet tube - valve tension spring - valve the gas - valve thimble - valve throat - valve timing - valve timing diagram - valve tip - valve train - valve travel - valve unit - valve unloader assembly - valve velocity - valve wrench - supplementary air valve - clapper swing-check valve - closed-centre valve - cross-feed valve - compensation valve - flapper-nozzle valve - flow regulator valve - large capacity brake valve - metering valve - multipurpose valve - pilot valve - programmable valve with 24 hour/7 day timer for closing and opening the compressed air ringmain - programmable valve with line-to-valve-connection and 1 BSP - quick-closing valve - quick-opening valve - single-stage valve - slide valve collar - sliding-sleeve valve - sliding throttle valve - spool valve - spring turn - spring-and-ball valve - stainless steel padlockable decompressing valve- T-valve- water check valve - water-cooled valve - zero-lap valve -
4 valve
1. клапан; вентиль; задвижка; шибер, заслонка; распределительный кран; золотник || подавать [питать] через клапан2. затворflush bottom dump valve — донный разгрузочный клапан (шламовой ёмкости или ёмкости для бурового раствора на морской буровой)
— T-valve
* * *
drill pipe float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
drill stem float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
drill string float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
surface-controlled subsurface safety valve — забойный отсекатель скважины, управляемый с поверхности
wireline remote-controlled safety valve — скважинный клапан-отсекатель шарикового типа для обеспечения безопасности работы (эксплуатационной скважины)
* * *
клапан.вентиль, задвижка, заслонка, шибер; золотник; электронная лампа.
* * *
1) клапан; вентиль; задвижка; золотник2) распределительный кран; золотник || подавать через клапан3) затвор•- admission valve
- air valve
- angle valve
- angle gate valve
- automatic valve
- automatically operated valve
- auxiliary valve
- back-pressure valve
- back-pressure control valve
- bailer valve
- balanced stem valve
- ball valve
- ball-and-socket valve
- ball-type safety valve
- bleed valve
- bleeder valve
- block valve
- blocking valve
- blowoff valve
- bottom valve
- bottom-discharge valve
- bottom-hole valve
- breather valve
- bucket valve
- butterfly valve
- bypass valve
- bypass tester valve
- cargo oil valve
- casing valve
- casing fill-up valve
- casing float valve
- casing pressure operated gaslift valve
- cement float valve
- center valve
- check valve
- chemical injector valve
- choke manifold valve
- Christmas-tree valve
- circular valve
- circulation control valve
- clack valve
- clamp gate valve
- clappet valve
- closing valve
- compression valve
- concentric gaslift valve
- cone valve
- conical wing valve
- control valve
- control slide valve
- conventional gaslift valve
- cracked valve
- cross valve
- crude oil valve
- cup valve
- cutoff valve
- cutout valve
- dart valve
- delivery valve
- diaphragm valve
- differential gaslift valve
- direct acting control valve
- dischange valve
- disconnecting valve
- disk valve
- disk tester valve
- displacement pump valve
- distributing valve
- double-seat valve
- double-wedge valve
- downhole valve
- downhole safety valve
- drain valve
- drilling valve
- drilling mud settling valve
- drill-pipe float valve
- drill-pipe safety valve
- drill-rod check valve
- drill-stem float valve
- drill-string float valve
- drill-string safety valve
- drill-throttle valve
- drill-water valve
- drive valve
- dry back-pressure valve
- dual block gate valve
- dual guided slush service valve
- eduction valve
- electropneumatic valve
- emergency valve
- emergency gate valve
- emergency shutoff valve
- equalizing valve
- equalizing tester valve
- escape valve
- exhaust valve
- feed valve
- feed-control valve
- filling valve
- finger valve
- flange end valve
- flap valve
- flat gate valve
- float valve
- float-controlled gate valve
- floating offshore valve
- flow valve of packer
- flow control valve
- flow safety valve
- fluid valve
- flush bottom dump valve
- flush pump valve
- foot valve
- four-way valve
- full-flow valve
- full-opening valve
- gas valve
- gas charging valve
- gas check valve
- gas control valve
- gas relief valve
- gas reversing valve
- gaslift valve
- gaslift starting valve
- gate valve
- globe valve
- guide valve
- hand-operated valve
- high-pressure valve
- hydraulic valve
- hydraulic back-pressure valve
- hydraulic control valve
- induction valve
- inflow valve
- injection valve
- inlet valve
- inside tank valve
- intake valve
- intercepting valve
- internal check valve
- inverted valve
- kelly valve
- kelly safety valve
- kickoff valve
- lift valve
- linearized valve
- lower valve
- lower kelly valve
- main valve
- main air stop valve
- main gate valve
- main pipeline valve
- main pipeline gate valve
- main tester valve
- manifold valve
- manifold side Christmas-tree valve
- master valve
- master Christmas-tree valve
- master control gate valve
- mechanical inlet valve
- metering valve
- motor valve
- motorized valve
- mud valve
- mud check valve
- mud pump valve
- mud relief valve
- needle valve
- negative pressure pulse valve
- nonretrievable gaslift valve
- nonreturn valve
- nonrising stem valve
- oil-drain valve
- opening valve
- operating valve
- outlet valve
- outside float-controlled valve
- outside screw-and-yoke valve
- outside tank valve
- overflow valve
- packer valve
- pass valve
- pig scraper launching valve
- pig scraper receiver valve
- pilot valve
- pipe valve
- pipe manifold valve
- pipeline valve
- pipeline control valves
- pipeline scraper pig injection valve
- piston valve
- piston air valve
- piston operated valve
- plate valve
- plug valve
- plunger valve
- pneumatic valve
- pod selector valve
- pop valve
- pop-off valve
- poppet valve
- pressure valve
- pressure-and-vacuum valve
- pressure-control valve
- pressure-controlled gaslift valve
- pressure-controlled test valve
- pressure-operated gaslift valve
- pressure-reducing valve
- pressure-regulating valve
- pressure-relief valve
- pressure-vacuum vent valve
- pressure-vent valve
- production valve
- production gate valve
- puppet valve
- quantity control valve
- quick valve
- quick-opening valve
- quick-opening plug valve
- quick-release valve
- rack bar sluice valve
- reducing valve
- reduction valve
- reflux valve
- regulating valve
- release valve
- relief valve
- retaining valve
- retrievable valve
- retrievable gaslift valve
- reverse flow valve
- rising stem valve
- rotary switch valve
- safety valve
- safety bleeder valve
- sampling valve
- sand valve
- sand pump valve
- scraper injector valve
- self-acting valve
- self-closing valve
- self-closing gate valve
- shutoff valve
- shutoff gate valve
- shuttle valve
- side Christmas-tree valve
- sidepocket gaslift valve
- sleeve valve
- slide valve
- sliding valve
- solenoid-operated valve
- solid wedge valve
- split wedge valve
- spring valve
- spring valve of trap
- standing valve
- starting valve
- stop valve
- stop-gate valve
- straight-way valve
- subsea valve
- subsea production valve
- subsurface controlled downhole safety valve
- subsurface safety valve
- suction valve
- suction-line valve of pump
- surface-controlled gaslift valve
- surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
- surface-safety valve
- swing check valve
- T-valve
- tank-cap valve
- tank-manifold valves
- tank-pipeline valve
- tap valve
- three-way valve
- throttle valve
- transfer valve
- traveling valve
- trip valve
- trip-tester valve
- tubing-lubricator valve
- tubing-pressure operated gaslift valve
- tubing-retrievable safety valve
- tubing-safety valve
- two-flap valve
- unbalanced valve
- underwater valve
- unloading valve
- vacuum pressure valve
- vane valve
- variable valve
- vent valve
- water valve
- water knockout valve
- wedge valve
- wedge-action valve
- wedge-gate valve
- wellhead control valve
- wing valve
- wing guided valve
- wireline remote-controlled safety valve
- wireline-retrievable safety valve
- working valve
- working barrel valve* * *• залежь• ложа• слой• створ• шибер -
5 seat
2. место установки || посадить (насос и т. п.), установить; помещать3. опора, опорная поверхность; подушка; фундамент— key seat— rib seat
* * *
* * *
* * *
1) опорная поверхность; опора2) гнездо•- ball seat
- boom seat
- casing seat
- casing-shoe seat
- cementing plug seat
- closing cementing plug seat
- cone seat of subsurface pump
- conical seat
- flat seat
- floating gate valve seat
- gate valve seat
- key seat
- landing seat
- lower seat of plunger
- opening cementing plug seat
- packer seat
- plug seat
- poor casing seat
- pump seat
- pump working barrel valve seat
- removable gate valve seat
- rib seat
- shoulder seat
- spring seat
- subsurface pump seat
- upper seat of plunger
- upstream gate valve seat
- valve seat
- wall packer bottom seat
- working barrel seat
- working barrel valve seat* * *• 1) помещаться; 2) помещать• гнездо• кресло• подушка• седло• упор -
6 machine
1) машина
2) машинный
3) обрабатывать резанием
4) станочный
5) механизм
6) устройство
7) обрабатывать механически
8) печатать
9) машинка
10) станок
– accounting machine
– adding machine
– addressing machine
– agitator machine
– air refrigerating machine
– boring machine
– braiding machine
– brazing machine
– breading machine
– break-down machine
– duplicating machine
– machine tool
– machine translation
– machine variable
– machine welding
– mathematical machine
– measuring machine
– mercerizing machine
– pipe-welding machine
– pitching machine
– pitting machine
– single-impeller machine
– single-scutcher machine
– sintering machine
– sizing machine
– skidding machine
– skinning machine
– wood-peeling machine
– wood-working machine
– wool-scouring machine
– wrapping machine
– wringing machine
absorption refrigerating machine — абсорбционная холодильная машина
ammonia refrigerating machine — аммиачная холодильная машина
automatic answering machine — < radio> автономность самолета, автоответчик
centrifugal spinning machine — центрифугальная прядильная машина
character recognition machine — устройство распознавания знаков
circular warp-knitting machine — круглая основовязальная машина
circulating dyeing machine — рециркуляционная красильная машина
coil winding machine — станок намоточный, станок обмоточный
compound-table milling machine — бесконсольный фрезерный станок
concentrate charging machine — завалочная машина для концентрата
continous roll-forming machine — непрерывная роликогибочная машина
continuously operating machine — автомат непрерывного действия
crane and pipe-stringing machine — <energ.> кран-трубокладчик
double-cutter shearing machine — двухцилиндровая стригальная машина
double-faced winding machine — двусторонная мотальная машина
duplex calculating machine — сдвоенная вычислительная машина
hydraulic riveting machine — клепальная гидравлическая машина
in-line transfer machine — прямолинейная автоматическая линия
ladder-type trenching machine — цепной многоковшовый экскаватор
mechanical interlock machine — < railways> аппарат централизационный механический
medium-range sprinkling machine — среднеструйная дождевальная машина
multiple-arc welding machine — многодуговая сварочная машина
multiple-spot welding machine — многоточечная сварочная машина
multiroll straightening machine — многороликовая правильная машина
opening and lap-forming machine — разрыхлительно-трепальный агрегат
overhead charging machine — завалочная машина кранового типа
pattern recognition machine — устройство распознавания образов
penetrating-type dyeing machine — красильная пропиточная машина
plunger-type leveling machine — правильная машина плунжерного типа
resonant vibration machine — резонансная вибрационная машина
semi-automatic casing-in machine — книговставочный полуавтомат
shock-free vibration machine — безударная вибрационная машина
single-operator welding machine — однопостовая сварочная машина
step-by-step action machine — автомат последовательного действия
storage-battery welding machine — конденсаторная сварочная машина
switch machine lever — рукоятка управления стрелочным приводом
tunnelling loading machine — погрузочная проходческая машина
ultrasonic welding machine — устройство ультразвуковой сварки
wheel-type trenching machine — траншейный роторный экскаватор
wire-stiching box-making machine — коробочная проволокошвейная машина
7 air
воздух; воздушная среда; атмосфера; II проветривать; обдувать воздухом; II атмосферный; воздушный; пневматический- air acetylene welding - air accumulator - air accumulator with rubber bag - air-actuated - air agitation - air analyzer - air and fuel mixture - air and material separator - air and water post - air application time - air-assisted pressure jet atomiser - air bag - air bag steering wheel - air bag triggering unit - air ball - air barrel pump - air bath - air bell - air bellows - air binding - air blast - air blast nozzle - air blasting - air bleed - air bleed hole - air bleed valve - air bleeder - air blow cabinet - air blower - air-borne particles - air bottle - air bound - air box - air brake - air brake controls - air brake dryer - air brake hose - air brake system - air-braked - air brake dynamometer - air brake foot control - air-break - air bubble - air bulking - air bumper - air cap - air cavity - air cell chamber - air-cell cylinder head - air-cell diesel engine - air-cell piston - air cement gun - air chamber - air chamber diesel engine - air channel - air charge - air check - air chill - air clamp - air cleaner - air cleaner and silencer - air cleaner servicer - air cleaner support - air cleaner test dust - air clearance - air clutch - air cock - air compensating jet - air compressor - air-conditioned - air conditioner - air-conditioner compressor - air conditioning - air-conditioning duct - air-conditioning plant - air conduit - air connection - air consumption - air container - air control - air control shutter - air control valve - air-controlled - air conveyer - air-cooled - air-cooled engine - air-cooled flat twin engine - air cooler - air cooling - air-cored - air-core tyre - air coupling - air cowl - air cure - air-cured - air-curing - air correction jet - air current - air cushion - air cushion car - air cushion shock absorber - air cushioned seat - air cushion vehicle - air cylinder - air cylinder cap - air dam - air damper - air damping - air dashpot - air deflector - air delivery - air delivery hoses - air delivery tube in exhaust port - air density - air director - air dispenser - air distributor - air distribution manifold - air diverter valve - air door operation - air draft - air drag - air draught - air-dried crops - air drier - air drill - air-driven - air-dry - air drying - air drying paint - air duct - air duster - air eddy - air ejector fan - air engine - air escape - air escape valve - air escaping - air exhaust - air-extractor - air-fast - air feed - air feeder - air fed foil - air filter - air filter cleaner - air flow - air flow meter - air-foil bearing - air-foil lattice - air-foil skirt - air fountain - air-free - air friction - air-friction dynamometer - air-fuel ratio - air gap - air gauge - air gun - air hardening - air heater - air heating - air hoist - air hole - air horn - air hose - air-in - air inflating - air injection - air injection engine - air inlet - air inlet angle - air inlet housing - air inlet louvers - air inlet pipe - air inlet strainer - air inlet valve - air input - air intake - air intake branch - air intake filter - air intake heater - air intake opening - air intake pipe - air jet - air-lagged - air leak - air leakage - air-leg - air lift - air line - air line distance - air load - air lock - air-locked - air-lubricated foil thrust bearing - air manifold - air mass meter - air mixing chamber - air nozzle - air oil separator - air-operated - air-operated valve grinder - air-out - air outlet angle - air output - air-oven ageing test - air-over hydraulic brake - air-over hydraulics - air passage - air peener - air petrol mixture - air pillow - air pipe - air piston - air-piston accumulator - plunger accumulator - air-powered - air preheater - air pressure - air pressure brake - air pressure gauge - air pressure test - air-proof - air pump - air quenching - air reaction - air receiver - air regulator - air renewal - air reservoir - air resistance - air resistance horsepower - air-retaining liner - air sand blower - air scoop - air screw - air seal - air-seasoned wood - air seeder - air shrinkage - air side - air silencer - air space - air spoiler - air spray - air spring suspension - air-stabilized foil - air starting - air-steam - air steering control - air-storage chamber - air-storage tank - air straightener - air strainer - air strainer and silencer - air strangler - air stream - air suction inlet - air suction valve - air supply - air supply hose - air swirl - air tank - air test - air throttle - air-tight - air-transportable vehicle - air trap - air tube - air tyre - air-tyred - air valve - air vane - air vent - air vent window - air vessel - air washer - air wheel - bleed off air - determine air in the system - discharge air overboard - tap air from the compressor - top-dressing from air - top-dress plants from air - auxiliary air - carburetted air - charge air - combustion air - compressed air - conditioned air - contaminated air - control air - cooling air - dead air - excess air - free air - fresh air - heavy air - induced air - inlet air - light air - liquid air - outer air - precompressed air - preheated air - rarefied air - return air - scavenging air - soil air - stagnant air - standart air - surface air - surrounding air - turbulent air - used air -
8 piston
поршень (рис. 3); плунжер (рис. 144,7) ; пистон; шток поршня; ныряло; клапан; нфт. плавающая (понтонная) крыша резервуара - piston action - piston-actuated - piston actuated clutch - piston-actuated pressure switch - piston actuator - piston-air drill - piston air valve - piston alloy - piston-and-valve arrangement - piston area - piston attenuator - piston barrel - piston base plate - piston bearing - piston cam plate - piston cooling jet - piston cooling valve - piston core - piston crucible growth - piston cylinder - piston-cylinder assembly - piston damper - piston drill - piston-face area - piston force - piston face - piston filler - piston filling machine - piston flow - piston follower - piston groove - piston hydropneumatic accumulator - piston-in-cylinder clearance - piston knocking - piston-like - piston manometer - piston manufacturing line - piston meter - piston mirror - piston motor - piston nut - piston oil ring rails - piston-operated spool valve - piston operated valve - piston pin boss - piston pin circlip - piston pin drift - piston pin end cap - piston pin knock - piston pin lock ring - piston pin locking screw - piston pin set screw - piston pin with taper bore - piston play - piston ported engine - piston pressure - piston pressure gage - piston pressure gauge - piston puller - piston pull scale - piston pump - piston pump with cam drive - piston relief valve - piston-ring carrier - piston ring casting - piston-ring clamp - piston ring expander - piston ring gap in bore - piston ring grinding machine - piston ring groove - piston ring joint - piston ring side clearance - piston ring slot - piston-ring spreader - piston ring sticking - piston-ring tension - piston-ring width - piston rod - piston rod end - piston scaler - piston seal - piston seizure - piston separator - piston shoe - piston side thrust - piston skirt - piston skirt clearance - piston skirt expander - piston slap - piston slipper - piston speed - piston sticking - piston stripping - piston stroke - piston-suction sampler - piston supercharger - piston support washer - piston-swept volume - piston throttle - piston thrust - piston-to-head clearance - piston-to-wall clearance - piston top - piston travel - piston-turning lathe - piston-turning machine - piston-type compressor - piston-type damper - piston-type drill - piston-type pump - piston-type relief device - piston-type unit - piston valve - piston valve cylinder - piston varnish rating - piston with slipper - piston with struts - piston wrench - buffer piston - cast piston - choke piston - close-fitting piston - compensating piston - contact piston - contractor piston - control piston - dividing piston - dome-head piston - double-acting piston - dual area piston - flat-crown piston - forged piston - free piston - ground-in piston - high-pressure piston - hollow piston - hammer piston - intensifier piston - intermediate piston - lubricator piston - magnetic piston - mud piston - operating piston - pent crown piston - plunger piston - pot-type piston - pressure piston - pump piston - raised-crown piston - ramming piston - reaction piston - reciprocating piston - ribbed piston - rotary piston - rubber piston - sand piston - secondary piston - seized piston - seizing of piston rings - separating piston - shock absorber piston - short-circuiting piston - single-rod piston - skeleton-skirt piston - slack piston - sliding piston - slipper piston - slit-skirt piston - solid piston - spherical head piston - split piston - split skirt piston - standard piston - steel piston - steel-belted piston - steel-strut piston - step-head piston - step piston - stepped piston - sticking of piston rings - stock piston - strut-type piston - supported piston - suspended piston - T-slot piston - trunk piston - trunk-type piston - two-diameter piston - two-piece piston - U-slot piston - unsuspended piston - valve piston - vertical slot piston - waveguide piston -
9 machine
1) машина; механизм; станок; агрегат2) машинка; устройство; аппарат3) машинный; станочный4) обрабатывать механически; обрабатывать резанием•- absorption refrigerating machine - approved shot-firing machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assembly machine - automatic bar-stock machine - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic casting machine - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic checking machine - automatic chucking machine - automatic cocoon-reading machine - automatic drawing-in machine - automatic half-hose machine - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic hosiery machine - automatic multistation machine - automatic single-spindle machine - automatic single-station machine - automatic sorting machine - automatic tracer machine - automatic weighing machine - automatic welding machine - automatic winding machine - autonomous sequential machine - carton feeding machine - case assembling machine - case making machine - cask windlassing machine - casting cleaning machine - chain testing machine - cigarette making machine - cigarette packing machine - circular warp-knitting machine - claw trussing machine - cloth mellowing machine - cocoon winding machine - coil winding machine - compound-table milling machine - concentrate charging machine - conditional probability machine - continuous dyeing machine - continuously operating machine - core roll-over machine - cylinder sizing machine - cylinder warping machine - double-cutter shearing machine - double-faced winding machine - double-knife cutting machine - dough dividing machine - dough forming machine - dough molding machine - dough rolling machine - dough rounding machine - drop roller machine - dropwire cleaning machine - drum winding machine - duplex calculating machine - elevator washing machine - fish dressing machine - fish packing machine - flame-shape cutting machine - flat-and-back stripping machine - flax scutching machine - flax spreading machine - gang drilling machine - gantry cutting machine - machine with input - meat tenderizing machine - mechanical interlock machine - medium-range sprinkling machine - multiple-spot welding machine - multiroll straightening machine - network access machine - overhead charging machine - paddle wool-washing machine - pattern recognition machine - penetrating-type dyeing machine - reversed torsion machine - roller printing machine - roof ripping machine - rotary cutting machine - rotary filling machine - saddle stitch machine - section warping machine - shot blasting machine - shot welding machine - soap milling machine - stitch welding machine - syrup filling machine - tablet compressing machine - tape sizing machine - tobacco ripping machine - tobacco stringing machine - vacuum kneading machine - vacuum packing machine - vacuum refrigerating machine - vacuum seaming machine - yeast extruding machine
См. также в других словарях:
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Cord lock — Barrel type flat top cord lock A plastic cord lock (also known as cord fastener, plastic stopper or cord toggle) attaches to drawstrings and tightens without the use of knots. Cord locks allow mountaineers to fasten clothing and camping equipment … Wikipedia
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Škorpion vz. 61 — Infobox Weapon name=Škorpion vz. 61 caption=The early vz. 61 with stock deployed. origin=flag|Czechoslovakia type=Submachine gun is ranged=yes service=1961–present used by=See Users wars= designer=Miroslav Rybář design date=1959… … Wikipedia
Pedersen rifle — The Pedersen Rifle, officially known in final form as the T1E3 rifle, was a United States semi automatic rifle designed by John Pedersen that was made in small numbers for testing by the United States Army during the 1920s as part of a program to … Wikipedia