1 barmaid
2 bar
1. noun1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) stang; barre, stykke, (fengsels)gitter, sprinkel2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) stripe, strime3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) bom, slå4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) bardisk, skranke5) (a public house.) bar, pub6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) takt; taktstrek7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) hindring8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) skranke2. verb1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) sperre, stenge2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) stenge ute3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) (for)hindre, utelukke3. preposition(except: All bar one of the family had measles.) unntatt- barmaid- barman
- bar codebarIsubst. \/bɑː\/1) stang, søyle, bjelke, stolpe, barre, ribbe (også for høydehopp e.l.)2) ( på dør) bom, slå, tverrslå3) sandbanke, grunne4) hindring, sperre5) bar, (bar)disk6) ( jus) skranke i rettsal, domstol7) ( musikk) takt, taktstrek8) (av farge, lys e.l.) stripe, bånd, strek9) ( på medalje) stolpe (innebærer en dobbel utmerkelse)11) ( del av bissel) (munn)bittbar and bolt lås og slåbar of chocolate sjokoladeplatebar of soap såpestykkebar sinister ( heraldikk) symbol på utenomekteskapelig forholdbe called\/admitted to the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til advokat, få advokatbevillingbe called within the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til kongelig advokatbehind (prison) bars bak lås og slå, i fengselbe tried at the bar eller appear at the bar bli stilt for rettencoffee bar kaffebargo to the Bar ( britisk) bli advokatparallel bars ( turn) skrankestudy\/read for the Bar utdanne seg til advokat, studere justhe Bar ( britisk) advokatene, advokatstanden, advokatyrket ( i parlamentet) skranke (kun medlemmer kommer normalt innenfor)the prisoner at the bar den anklagede, arrestantentrial at bar rettssakIIsubst. \/bɑː\/(meteorologi, enhet for måling av lufttrykk) barIIIsubst. \/bɑː\/ eller croakerforklaring: en av flere fiskearter i ørnefiskfamilien, SciaenidaeIVverb \/bɑː\/1) sette bom for, stenge (med bommer), sperre2) lukke med slå3) avstenge, utestenge4) (for)hindre, utelukke5) forby6) utruste med stenger, utruste med striperbar oneself in stenge seg innebarred to the public stengt for allmenheten, ikke tilgjengelig for allmenhetenVprep. \/bɑː\/( spesielt britisk) unntatt, bortsett frabar none ingen unntak, uten unntakbar one unntatt én, med ett unntak
См. также в других словарях:
barmaid — [ barmɛd ] n. f. • 1861; mot angl., de bar et maid « serveuse » ♦ Anglic. Serveuse d un bar. Des barmaids. ● barmaid nom féminin (anglais barmaid, de bar et maid, serveuse) Serveuse de bar. ● … Encyclopédie Universelle
Barmaid — Bar maid , n. A girl or woman who attends the customers of a bar, as in a tavern or beershop. [1913 Webster] A bouncing barmaid. W. Irving. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
barmaid — 1650s, from BAR (Cf. bar) (n.2) + MAID (Cf. maid) … Etymology dictionary
barmaid — /ˈbarmeid, ingl. ˈbɑːˌmeɪd/ [comp. di bar «bar» e maid «serva»] s. f. inv. barista … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
barmaid — ► NOUN ▪ a woman who serves drinks in a bar or public house … English terms dictionary
barmaid — [bär′mād΄] n. 1. Chiefly Brit. a woman bartender 2. a waitress who serves alcoholic drinks in a bar … English World dictionary
barmaid — UK [ˈbɑː(r)ˌmeɪd] / US [ˈbɑrˌmeɪd] noun [countable] Word forms barmaid : singular barmaid plural barmaids a woman whose job is to serve drinks in a bar … English dictionary
Barmaid — Employé de bar L Employé de bar, ou barman/barmaid est un travailleur polyvalent qui accueille la clientèle du bar, prépare et effectue le service des boissons chaudes, froides, simples ou composées (cocktails), ainsi de mets simples voire des… … Wikipédia en Français
barmaid — [[t]bɑ͟ː(r)meɪd[/t]] barmaids N COUNT A barmaid is a woman who serves drinks behind a bar. [mainly BRIT] (in AM, use bartender) … English dictionary
barmaid — barman, barmaid are the BrE names for a man and woman respectively who serve drinks at a bar. The AmE equivalents are barkeeper (or barkeep) and bartender, although the gender distinction is less clear cut. In BrE the gender neutral form… … Modern English usage
barmaid — noun Date: circa 1658 a woman who serves liquor at a bar … New Collegiate Dictionary