1 bar
bar [from Eng bar] -
2 bar
[baː]1. noun1) a rod or oblong piece ( especially of a solid substance):قَضيبiron bars on the windows.
2) a broad line or band:خَط، شَريطThe blue material had bars of red running through it.
3) a bolt:عارِضٌ حَديدي، مِزْلاج، رِتاجa bar on the door.
4) a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold:مَنَصَّة تَقْديم الوَجْبَهYour whisky is on the bar.
5) a public house.مَطْعَم وَجبات خَفيفه6) a measured division in music:فاصِلةٌ موسيقيّهSing the first ten bars.
7) something which prevents (something):عائِق، حاجِزHis carelessness is a bar to his promotion.
8) the rail at which the prisoner stands in court:قَفَصِ المُتَّهَم في المَحْكَمـهThe prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.
2. verb– past tense, past participle barred1) to fasten with a bar:يُحكم إِقْفال مِزْلاج البابBar the door.
2) to prevent from entering:يَمْنَعHe's been barred from the club.
3) to prevent (from doing something):يَمْنَع، يُعيقMy lack of money bars me from going on holiday.
3. prepositionexcept:ما عَدا، باسْتِثْناءAll bar one of the family had measles.
3 bar
اِعْتَرَضَ \ bar: to block (a way): The road was barred by a fallen tree. \ See Also سد (سَدَّ) \ تَرَسَ (الباب) \ bar: to fasten (a door) with a bar. \ مَشْرَب \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. -
4 bar
حَاجِز \ bar: sth. that stops or prevents sth.: Old ideas may be a bar to progress. barrier: sth. that prevents people from passing: Railway tickets are examined at the barrier. There is a social barrier between rich and poor. block: sth. that gets in the way and prevents movement: The Police put up a road block. counter: a long table between buyers and sellers in a shop, bank, etc.. embankment: a wall of earth or stones to hold back water, or to carry a road or railway above the natural level. fender: sth. used to prevent one object from striking another (e.g. a guard in front of a fire in a room; a bar at the front of a car; pieces of rubber, rope or wood used to hold a ship away from the side of a harbour). rail: a bar of wood or metal that joins upright posts (of a fence, as a support for climbing stairs, etc.). screen: sth. (a frame with cloth, woodwork, glass, etc.) that gives protection against the wind, or against being seen: a windscreen; a smoke screen (smoke that hides one). \ See Also سد (سَدٌّ)، رَصيف، سور (سُور)، ستار (سِتار) -
5 bar
مَانِع \ bar: sth. that stops or prevents sth.: Old ideas may be a bar to progress. block: sth. that gets in the way and prevents movement: The Police put up a road block. -
6 bar
عَقَبَة \ bar: sth. that stops or prevents sth.: Old ideas may be a bar to progress. difficulty: being difficult; trouble: I’ve had difficulty with the lock of this door. The boat was in difficulties when the engine died. handicap: sth. that makes success difficult: Short legs are a handicap to a runner. obstacle: sth. that prevents progress: Various obstacles delayed our plans. stumbling-block: sth. that prevents progress. -
7 bar
حائِل \ bar: sth. that stops or prevents sth.: Old ideas may be a bar to progress. obstacle: sth. that prevents progress: Various obstacles delayed our plans. -
8 bar
9 bar
أَوْقَفَ \ arrest: to put a stop to: Can doctors arrest the progress of this disease?. bar: to forbid; prevent: He was barred from taking part in the game. call off: to give orders or decide to stop sth. which has been arranged: The meeting was called off.. close: to (cause to) be out of use: On his death, his business had to be closed (or closed down). cut off: to stop: Our electricity supply was cut off till we paid the bill. interrupt: to stop; prevent for a short time: The electricity supply was interrupted by the storm. stem: to stop or lessen (a flow of water, etc.): You must first stem the flow of blood from the wound. The motorboat was not powerful enough to stem the sudden rush of water down the stream. stop: to put an end to (movement or progress): I stopped my car and got out. Rain stopped the match after ten minutes. shut off: to stop a supply: The water was shut off because the pipe burst. suspend: to stop or set aside for a short time, hang: I shall suspend judgement until I know all the facts. \ See Also منع (مَنَعَ) -
10 bar
مَنَعَ \ ban: to forbid: Smoking is banned in many cinemas. bar: to forbid; prevent: He was barred from taking part in the game. deter: to stop from acting (usu. by fear): Our big weapons will deter our enemies from attacking us. forbid: to order (sb.) not to do (sth.) in future; not allow: I forbid you to smoke. Smoking is forbidden in the cinema. inhibit: to stop sb. from doing sth; make sb. unable to express what he really feels or wants to do: His presence inhibits me, I don’t feel comfortable when he is here. keep: to prevent: The coffee kept me from going to sleep. prevent: to stop; not let sth. happen: Careful driving prevents accidents (from happening). prohibit: to forbid: Smoking is prohibited in this cinema. \ See Also حظر (حَظَّرَ)، حرم (حَرَّمَ)، أَعَاقَ، كبت (كَبَتَ)، حال دون (حَالَ دون) -
11 bar
حَظَرَ \ ban: to forbid: Smoking is banned in cinemas. bar: to forbid; prevent: He was barred from taking part in the game. forbid: to order (sb.) not to do (sth.) in future; not allow: I forbid you to smoke. Smoking is forbidden in the cinema. prohibit: to forbid: Smoking is prohibited in this cinema. \ See Also منع (مَنَعَ) -
12 bar
سَدَّ \ bar: to block (a way): The road was barred by a fallen tree. block: to prevent movement by putting sth. in the way: Sand was blocking the pipe. choke: to block (a pipe, etc.): It was choked with dirt. close: (cause to) to be out of use: This road is closed. On his death, his business had to be closed (or closed down). cover: (of amounts) to be enough for: $25 should cover your hotel bill. meet: to satisfy: Will $5 meet your needs?. obstruct: to block; prevent: Trees obstructed our view from the house. plug: to fill (a hole) with a plug. stop: to fill or block (a hole, etc.): A hole in my tooth was stopped. \ See Also أقفل (أَقْفَلَ)، غطى (غَطَّى)، أَعَاقَ -
13 bar
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink. -
14 bar = 106 barye
بار (وَحدةٌ لِقياسِ الضغط تُعادِلُ مِليون داين على السنتيمتر المربع) \ bar = 106 barye. \ _(field) Meteor. -
15 bar'ama
bud, bloom [?] -
16 bar code
nouna code in the form of parallel lines printed on goods from which the computer reads information about their price etc.باركود، لاصِقَة البَضائِع المُشَفَّرَه -
17 colour bar, color bar
تَمْيِيز بِسَبَبِ اللَّون \ colour bar, color bar: worse treatment for people of one colour than those of another. \ حَاجِز اجتماعي \ colour bar, color bar: worse treatment for people of one colour than those of another. \ حَاجِز اللَّوْن \ colour bar, color bar: worse treatment for people of one colour than those of another. -
18 the bar
19 ma'bar
ford ['abara] Per ma'bar borrowed from Ar -
20 bolt, lock, bar
أَرْتَجَ \ bolt, lock, bar.
См. также в других словарях:
bar — bar … Dictionnaire des rimes
Bär — Bär … Deutsch Wörterbuch
bar — bar·a·boo; bar·ag·no·sis; bar·a·min; bar; bar·a·thea; bar·a·thrum; bar·ba; bar·ba·coa; bar·ba·dos; bar·ba·ra s; bar·ba·rea; bar·bar·i·an·ism; bar·bar·i·an·ism; bar·bar·ic; bar·bar·ic; bar·bar·i·cal·ly; bar·bar·i·cal·ly; bar·bar·i·ous;… … English syllables
Bar — may refer to:* A rod/stick, pole, or handrail made of structural steel ** Grab bar ** Rebar * an ingot or gold bar * Bar (diacritic), a line through a letter used as a diacritic * Bar (establishment), a retail establishment which serves alcoholic … Wikipedia
bar — 1 / bär/ n often attrib 1 a: the railing in a courtroom that encloses the area around the judge where prisoners are stationed in criminal cases or where the business of the court is transacted in civil cases compare bench 1, dock … Law dictionary
BAR — bezeichnet: in der Gastronomie ein Lokal in dem Getränke ausgeschenkt werden, siehe Bar (Lokal) Bar (Fluss), einen linken Nebenfluss der Maas Bar (Fluss in der Ukraine), Fluss in der Oblast Lemberg, Ukraine einen türkischen Tanz, siehe Bar (Tanz) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bar — steht für: eine Maßeinheit des Drucks, siehe Bar (Einheit) in der Gastronomie ein Lokal, in dem Getränke ausgeschenkt werden, siehe Bar (Lokal) in Musik und Lyrik eine Strophenform, siehe Bar (Meistergesang) im Alten Ägypten für einen Schiffstyp … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bar — (b[aum]r), n. [OE. barre, F. barre, fr. LL. barra, W. bar the branch of a tree, bar, baren branch, Gael. & Ir. barra bar. [root]91.] 1. A piece of wood, metal, or other material, long in proportion to its breadth or thickness, used as a lever and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bär — steht für: Bär (Familienname), den Familiennamen Bär Baer (Adelsgeschlecht) in den Varianten Baehr, Baer oder Bär Bären (Ursidae), Tierfamilie mit ihren Unterarten Bär (Wappentier), ein Wappentier Bärenspinner, einen von mehreren Vertretern einer … Deutsch Wikipedia
bar — bar1 [bär] n. [ME & OFr barre < ML barra, bar, barrier, prob. < Gaul * barros, the bushy end, akin to Ir bar, branch < IE * bhoros, cut wood < base * bher , to cut with a sharp tool] 1. any piece of wood, metal, etc. longer than it is … English World dictionary
BAR — BAR, town in Vinnitsa oblast, Ukraine. Bar passed to Russia at the second partition of Poland in 1793, and from 1796 to the 1917 Russian Revolution was a district capital in the province (government) of Podolia. The Bar community was one of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism