1 bar-mat reinforcement
- bar-mat reinforcement
- nарматурная сетка; плоский арматурный каркас
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > bar-mat reinforcement
2 bar mat reinforcement
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bar mat reinforcement
3 bar-mat reinforcement
армирование плоскими сварными каркасамиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bar-mat reinforcement
4 bar-mat reinforcement
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > bar-mat reinforcement
5 bar mat reinforcement
6 bar mat reinforcement
7 bar-mat reinforcement
2) Строительство: арматурная сетка, плоский арматурный каркас, сетчатая арматура (железобетона) -
8 bar-mat reinforcement
9 bar-mat reinforcement
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > bar-mat reinforcement
10 bar-mat reinforcement
11 bar mat reinforcement
строит.арматурная сетка; плоский арматурный каркасEnglish-Russian scientific dictionary > bar mat reinforcement
12 bar-mat reinforcement
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > bar-mat reinforcement
13 bar-mat reinforcement
14 reinforcement
- reinforcement
- n1. арматура ( железобетона)
2. усиление; армирование ( строительных конструкций)
reinforcement misplaced in concrete — неправильное расположение арматуры в бетоне [в железобетонном элементе]
- anticrack reinforcement
- auxiliary reinforcement
- balanced reinforcement
- bar reinforcement
- bar-mat reinforcement
- beam reinforcement
- binding reinforcement
- bottom reinforcement
- carbon fiber reinforcement
- cold-drawn wire reinforcement
- cold-worked steel reinforcement
- compression reinforcement
- congested reinforcement
- connecting reinforcement
- crack control reinforcement
- crimped steel fiber reinforcement
- crosswise reinforcement
- deformed reinforcement
- distribution reinforcement
- effective reinforcement
- epoxy coated reinforcement
- erection reinforcement
- expanded metal reinforcement
- fabric reinforcement
- fiber reinforcement
- four-way reinforcement
- glass-fiber reinforcement
- grid reinforcement
- handling reinforcement
- hard-drawn wire reinforcement
- heavy-edge reinforcement
- helical reinforcement
- high-strength reinforcement
- high-tensile reinforcement
- high-yield strength reinforcement
- hoop reinforcement
- lateral reinforcement
- main reinforcement
- mesh reinforcement
- mild steel reinforcement
- negative reinforcement
- nonprestressed reinforcement
- polypropylene fiber reinforcement
- positive reinforcement
- principal reinforcement
- rail steel reinforcement
- rod reinforcement
- secondary reinforcement
- shear reinforcement
- shrinkage reinforcement
- spiral reinforcement
- standardized prefabricated reinforcement
- steel reinforcement
- steel fiber reinforcement
- stiff reinforcement
- strand reinforcement
- string reinforcement
- temperature reinforcement
- tension reinforcement
- top reinforcement
- torsion reinforcement
- transverse reinforcement
- twin-twisted bar reinforcement
- two-way reinforcement
- untensioned reinforcement
- web reinforcement
- welded reinforcement
- work hardened steel reinforcement
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
15 reinforcement
1) арматура (железобетона, железокирпича)2) армирование; укрепление, усиление•- reinforcement of weld - agent of reinforcement - assembling reinforcement - bar reinforcement - bar-mat reinforcement - bent reinforcement - bent-up reinforcement - bridge reinforcement - cable reinforcement - compression reinforcement - compressive reinforcement - concrete reinforcement - confinement reinforcement - diagonal reinforcement - dispersed reinforcement - distribution steel reinforcement - double reinforcement - double-layer reinforcement - end-anchored reinforcement - fabric reinforcement - flake reinforcement - flexible reinforcement - glass-fibre reinforcement - gripped reinforcement - hooped reinforcement - ring or mesh reinforcement - iron reinforcement - lateral reinforcement - load-bearing reinforcement - longitudinal reinforcement - main reinforcement - marginal reinforcement - masonry reinforcement - mesh reinforcement - negative reinforcement - negative moment reinforcement - nonprestressed reinforcement - nylon reinforcement - particular reinforcement - pitch reinforcement - positive reinforcement - positive moment reinforcement - prefabricated reinforcement - prestressed reinforcement - principal reinforcement - ribbon reinforcement - rigid reinforcement - secondary reinforcement - shear reinforcement - shrinkage and temperature reinforcement - single-layer reinforcement - spiral reinforcement - steel reinforcement - steel-mash reinforcement - stiff reinforcement - strand reinforcement - string reinforcement - structural reinforcement - tendon reinforcement - tensile reinforcement - tension reinforcement - three-dimensional reinforcement - transverse reinforcement - two-way reinforcement - web reinforcement - weld reinforcement - wire reinforcement - wire-mesh reinforcement - wire-rope reinforcementto tension reinforcement — натягивать, напрягать арматуру
* * *1. арматура ( железобетона)2. усиление; армирование ( строительных конструкций)- anticrack reinforcementreinforcement misplaced in concrete — неправильное расположение арматуры в бетоне [в железобетонном элементе]
- auxiliary reinforcement
- balanced reinforcement
- bar reinforcement
- bar-mat reinforcement
- beam reinforcement
- binding reinforcement
- bottom reinforcement
- carbon fiber reinforcement
- cold-drawn wire reinforcement
- cold-worked steel reinforcement
- compression reinforcement
- congested reinforcement
- connecting reinforcement
- crack control reinforcement
- crimped steel fiber reinforcement
- crosswise reinforcement
- deformed reinforcement
- distribution reinforcement
- effective reinforcement
- epoxy coated reinforcement
- erection reinforcement
- expanded metal reinforcement
- fabric reinforcement
- fiber reinforcement
- four-way reinforcement
- glass-fiber reinforcement
- grid reinforcement
- handling reinforcement
- hard-drawn wire reinforcement
- heavy-edge reinforcement
- helical reinforcement
- high-strength reinforcement
- high-tensile reinforcement
- high-yield strength reinforcement
- hoop reinforcement
- lateral reinforcement
- main reinforcement
- mesh reinforcement
- mild steel reinforcement
- negative reinforcement
- nonprestressed reinforcement
- polypropylene fiber reinforcement
- positive reinforcement
- principal reinforcement
- rail steel reinforcement
- rod reinforcement
- secondary reinforcement
- shear reinforcement
- shrinkage reinforcement
- spiral reinforcement
- standardized prefabricated reinforcement
- steel reinforcement
- steel fiber reinforcement
- stiff reinforcement
- strand reinforcement
- string reinforcement
- temperature reinforcement
- tension reinforcement
- top reinforcement
- torsion reinforcement
- transverse reinforcement
- twin-twisted bar reinforcement
- two-way reinforcement
- untensioned reinforcement
- web reinforcement
- welded reinforcement
- work hardened steel reinforcement -
16 reinforcement
ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:smənt сущ.
1) а) подъем, увеличение;
укрепление, упрочение, усиление to bring up reinforcement, to commit reinforcement ≈ укреплять Syn: strengthening б) усиление (интенсивности) звука
2) обыкн. мн.;
воен. усиление;
пополнение (в живой силе, технике, боеприпасах и т.д.) Syn: to send a reinforcement ≈ посылать подкрепление
3) тех. усиление, упрочнение, армирование, придание жесткости weld reinforcement ≈ усиление шва
4) строит. элемент жесткости;
арматура auxiliary reinforcement ≈ монтажная арматура для железобетона bar mat reinforcement ≈ каркасная арматура для железобетона compressive reinforcement ≈ сжатая арматура для железобетона fabric reinforcement ≈ сетчатая арматура для железобетона installation of reinforcement ≈ арматурная работа reinforcement bar ≈ арматурный стержень steel reinforcement ≈ арматура железная
5) псих. подкрепление, закрепление рефлекса
6) обогащение витаминами и минеральными веществами усиление, укрепление часто pl (военное) подкрепление;
пополнение армирование (строительство) арматура - * bar стержень арматуры( специальное) подкрепление, закрепление (условного рефлекса, навыка;
особ. системой поощрений) (специальное) система поощрений (особ. подопытного животного) reinforcement стр. арматура (железобетона) ~ подкрепление ~ пополнение ~ укрепление ~ (обыкн. pl) воен. усиление;
пополнение ~ усиление ~ bar стр. стержень арматуры ~ of learning закрепление знанийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > reinforcement
17 reinforcement
1) усиление; армирование2) арматура3) окантовка (тетради, листа)•to anchor reinforcement — анкеровать арматуру;to congest with reinforcement — насыщать арматурой;to jack reinforcement — натягивать арматуру домкратами;to posttension reinforcement — натягивать арматуру на бетон;to pretension reinforcement — натягивать арматуру на упоры;to tension reinforcement — натягивать [напрягать\] арматуру;-
auxiliary reinforcement
bar reinforcement
bar-mat reinforcement
cable reinforcement
carbon reinforcement
chime reinforcement
compression reinforcement
confinement reinforcement
cord reinforcement
core reinforcement
diagonal reinforcement
distribution reinforcement
double reinforcement
effective reinforcement
fabric reinforcement
fibrous-glass reinforcement
filler reinforcement
film reinforcement
flake reinforcement
four-way reinforcement
glass fiber reinforcement
graphite reinforcement
helical reinforcement
high-tensile reinforcement
hoop reinforcement
hose reinforcement
lateral reinforcement
longitudinal reinforcement
main reinforcement
masonry reinforcement
mesh reinforcement
microfiber reinforcement
modulus reinforcement
negative-moment reinforcement
nonprestressed reinforcement
nylon reinforcement
particular reinforcement
positive-moment reinforcement
prestressed reinforcement
principal reinforcement
reinforcement of rubber
ribbon reinforcement
rigid reinforcement
rock reinforcement
secondary reinforcement
shear reinforcement
silica reinforcement
single reinforcement
spiral reinforcement
steel reinforcement
stiff reinforcement
strand reinforcement
string reinforcement
tensile reinforcement
three-dimensional reinforcement
tied reinforcement
transverse reinforcement
two-way reinforcement
underfoot reinforcement
unidirectional reinforcement
welded reinforcement
wire-fabric reinforcement -
18 reinforcement
1) усиление
2) арматура
3) армирование
4) укрепление
5) <constr.> элемент жесткости
6) армировка
7) упрочнение
– auxiliary reinforcement
– bar mat reinforcement
– compressive reinforcement
– end-anchored reinforcement
– fabric reinforcement
– installation of reinforcement
– pitch reinforcement
– reinforcement bar
– reinforcement spreader
– reinforcement steel
– ring reinforcement
– steel reinforcement
– weld reinforcement
19 reinforcement
[ˌriːɪn'fɔːsmənt]сущ.1)а) укрепление, упрочение, усилениеto bring up / commit reinforcement — укреплять
Syn:2) ( reinforcements) воен. усиление; подкрепление; пополнение (в живой силе, технике, боеприпасах и т. п.)3) тех. усиление, упрочнение, армирование, придание жёсткости4) стр. элемент жёсткости; арматура5) психол. подкрепление, закрепление рефлекса -
20 bar
1) брусок
2) бич
3) брусочный
4) вага
5) жезл
6) заграждать
7) колосниковый
8) коса
9) острильный
10) планка
11) прут
12) пруток
13) сортовой
14) сортовой прокат
15) стержень
16) стержневой
17) тяж
18) поперечная черта
19) барьер
20) брусковый
21) затвор
22) столбчатый
23) полоса
24) преграда
25) штанговый
26) <meteor.> бар
– aligning bar
– angle bar
– bar anchorage
– bar blank
– bar channeller
– bar chart
– bar copper
– bar coupling
– bar diagram
– bar drawing
– bar for originating call
– bar graph
– bar grizzly
– bar joint
– bar link
– bar magnet
– bar mat reinforcement
– bar material
– bar pointer
– bar printer
– bar shears
– bar solder
– bar steel
– bar suspension
– bar tacking machine
– bar tin
– beater bar
– bolt bar
– boring bar
– bumper bar
– calibration bar
– carrier bar
– charging bar
– code bar
– collecting bar
– combination bar
– commutator bar
– commutator bar is high
– corrugated bar
– coupling bar
– cutter bar
– detector bar
– detector bar link
– drag bar
– draw bar
– earth bar
– extruded bar
– finger bar
– fire bar
– forge out of a bar
– horizontal bar
– index bar
– interlocking bar
– joint bar
– lengthening bar
– localizer bar
– locking bar
– magnetic bar
– muck bar pile
– multiple bar chart
– needle bar
– notched bar
– parallactic bar
– piling bar
– point bar
– poking bar
– pusher bar
– radial bar of disintegrator
– rake bar
– reinforcement bar
– rest bar
– sand bar
– score bar
– scroll bar
– selector bar
– sine bar
– sintered bar
– skimer bar
– spreader bar
– stripper bar
– substance bar
– tappcut bar
– travelling bar
– tympan bar
– window bar
cross locking bar — < railways> линейка замыкающая
notched test bar — <metal.> образец надрезанный
standard meter bar — <math.> метр архивный
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
plastic — plastically, plasticly, adv. /plas tik/, n. 1. Often, plastics. any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids, polymers, cellulose derivatives,… … Universalium
Drug rehabilitation — Intervention ICD 9 CM 94.64 Drug rehabilitation (often drug rehab or just rehab) is a term for the processes of medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment, for dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and so… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Radio-frequency identification — (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an object, through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. Some RFID tags can be read from… … Wikipedia
Textile — For other uses, see Textile (disambiguation). Fabric redirects here. For other uses, see Fabric (disambiguation). Sunday textile market on the sidewalks of Karachi, Pakistan … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
PROSODY, HEBREW — This article is a survey of the history of Hebrew poetic forms from the Bible to the present time. The entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction the variety of formal systems the specific nature of hebrew literary history … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Royal Cambodian Army — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Royal Cambodian Army caption= [http://www.army.gov.kh Royal Cambodian Army] dates= 1953 country= flagicon|Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia allegiance= branch= type= Army role= size= 3 counter guerrilla brigades 9… … Wikipedia
Naval Air Station South Weymouth — NAS South Weymouth in 1954 IATA: NZW – ICAO: KNZW – FAA LID: NZW … Wikipedia
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium