1 bar
1. noun1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) stang; barre, stykke, (fengsels)gitter, sprinkel2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) stripe, strime3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) bom, slå4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) bardisk, skranke5) (a public house.) bar, pub6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) takt; taktstrek7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) hindring8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) skranke2. verb1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) sperre, stenge2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) stenge ute3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) (for)hindre, utelukke3. preposition(except: All bar one of the family had measles.) unntatt- barmaid- barman
- bar codebarIsubst. \/bɑː\/1) stang, søyle, bjelke, stolpe, barre, ribbe (også for høydehopp e.l.)2) ( på dør) bom, slå, tverrslå3) sandbanke, grunne4) hindring, sperre5) bar, (bar)disk6) ( jus) skranke i rettsal, domstol7) ( musikk) takt, taktstrek8) (av farge, lys e.l.) stripe, bånd, strek9) ( på medalje) stolpe (innebærer en dobbel utmerkelse)11) ( del av bissel) (munn)bittbar and bolt lås og slåbar of chocolate sjokoladeplatebar of soap såpestykkebar sinister ( heraldikk) symbol på utenomekteskapelig forholdbe called\/admitted to the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til advokat, få advokatbevillingbe called within the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til kongelig advokatbehind (prison) bars bak lås og slå, i fengselbe tried at the bar eller appear at the bar bli stilt for rettencoffee bar kaffebargo to the Bar ( britisk) bli advokatparallel bars ( turn) skrankestudy\/read for the Bar utdanne seg til advokat, studere justhe Bar ( britisk) advokatene, advokatstanden, advokatyrket ( i parlamentet) skranke (kun medlemmer kommer normalt innenfor)the prisoner at the bar den anklagede, arrestantentrial at bar rettssakIIsubst. \/bɑː\/(meteorologi, enhet for måling av lufttrykk) barIIIsubst. \/bɑː\/ eller croakerforklaring: en av flere fiskearter i ørnefiskfamilien, SciaenidaeIVverb \/bɑː\/1) sette bom for, stenge (med bommer), sperre2) lukke med slå3) avstenge, utestenge4) (for)hindre, utelukke5) forby6) utruste med stenger, utruste med striperbar oneself in stenge seg innebarred to the public stengt for allmenheten, ikke tilgjengelig for allmenhetenVprep. \/bɑː\/( spesielt britisk) unntatt, bortsett frabar none ingen unntak, uten unntakbar one unntatt én, med ett unntak -
2 chocolate
' okəlit 1. noun1) (a paste made from the seeds of the cacao tree.) sjokolade2) (a sweet or drink made from it: Have a chocolate; a cup of chocolate.) kakao, varm sjokolade2. adjective(of, made from, covered with, chocolate: chocolate ice-cream; chocolate biscuits.) sjokolade-sjokoladesubst. \/ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət\/1) sjokoladeen fylt sjokolade \/ en konfektbit2) ( drikk) (varm) sjokolade3) sjokoladebrunt -
3 chocolate bar
subst.sjokoladeplate -
4 desire
1. noun(a wish or longing: I have a sudden desire for a bar of chocolate; I have no desire ever to see him again.) sterkt ønske, lyst, lengsel, trang2. verb(to long for or feel desire for: After a day's work, all I desire is a hot bath.) lengte etter, ønske sterkt, begjære- desirabilitybegjær--------ønskeIsubst. \/dɪˈzaɪə\/1) (sterkt) ønske, begjær2) lengsel3) begjær, lyst, attrå4) anmodning, begjæring5) ønskemål, ønskedrømdesire for eller desire of lengsel etterget one's desire få det man ønsker seg, få sitt ønske oppfyltIIverb \/dɪˈzaɪə\/1) ønske (seg), ønske sterkt2) trakte etter, begjære3) begjære, attrå, lyste etter4) ( gammeldags) uttrykke ønske om, begjære, be, anmodeit is desired that... det er ønskelig at...leave much to be desired eller leave a great deal to be desired eller leave a lot to be desired være meget utilfredsstillende, være svært mangelfull, være elendig
См. также в других словарях:
bar of chocolate — piece of chocolate, one complete chocolate candy … English contemporary dictionary
Bar None (chocolate bar) — Hershey s Bar None was a chocolate bar created by The Hershey Company and released in 1986. It went nationwide in September 1987 after testing in California. The original formula consisted of a cocoa wafer, chocolate filling, peanuts and a milk… … Wikipedia
Chocolate crackles — Chocolate crackles. Chocolate crackles (also known as Chocolate bubble cakes[1]) are a popular children s confection in Australia and New Zealand, especially for birthday parties and at school fêtes. They are similar to the US … Wikipedia
Chocolate truffle — Chocolate truffles … Wikipedia
Chocolate syrup — topping on ice cream Chocolate syrup is a chocolate flavored condiment. It is often used as a topping for various desserts, such as ice cream or mixed with milk to make chocolate milk. Basic ingredients A very simple chocolate syrup ca … Wikipedia
Bar None — is a phrase which means without an exception; indisputable . ex. That computer graphics program is my favorite, bar none. Bar None may also mean: *Bar None (chocolate bar), a discontinued chocolate bar formerly distributed by The Hershey Company… … Wikipedia
Chocolate bar — A Snickers candy bar broken in half, showing a nougat, caramel and peanut interior. Candy Bar redirects here. For the American stripper, see Candy Barr. A chocolate bar is a confection in bar form comprising some or all of the following… … Wikipedia
Chocolate — For other uses, see Chocolate (disambiguation). Chocolate most commonly comes in dark, milk, and white varieties, with cocoa solids contributing to the … Wikipedia
Chocolate de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos — El chocolate de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos ha formado parte de las raciones de combate estándar de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos desde 1937, y se utiliza como parte de las raciones básicas de campo de los soldados. Las… … Wikipedia Español
Chocolate brownie — For other uses of Brownie , see Brownie. Brownies with chocolate chunks A chocolate brownie is a flat, baked square or bar introduced in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century and popularized in both the U.S. and Canada during the … Wikipedia
Chocolate chip cookie — Home made chocolate chip cookies Origin … Wikipedia