1 bar code
noun (a code in the form of parallel lines printed on goods from which the computer reads information about their price etc.) strek-kodesubst. \/ˈbɑːkəʊd\/strekkode -
2 bar-code
verb \/ˈbɑːkəʊd\/( hverdagslig) (merke med) strekkode -
3 bar
1. noun1) (a rod or oblong piece (especially of a solid substance): a gold bar; a bar of chocolate; iron bars on the windows.) stang; barre, stykke, (fengsels)gitter, sprinkel2) (a broad line or band: The blue material had bars of red running through it.) stripe, strime3) (a bolt: a bar on the door.) bom, slå4) (a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold: a snack bar; Your whisky is on the bar.) bardisk, skranke5) (a public house.) bar, pub6) (a measured division in music: Sing the first ten bars.) takt; taktstrek7) (something which prevents (something): His carelessness is a bar to his promotion.) hindring8) (the rail at which the prisoner stands in court: The prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.) skranke2. verb1) (to fasten with a bar: Bar the door.) sperre, stenge2) (to prevent from entering: He's been barred from the club.) stenge ute3) (to prevent (from doing something): My lack of money bars me from going on holiday.) (for)hindre, utelukke3. preposition(except: All bar one of the family had measles.) unntatt- barmaid- barman
- bar codebarIsubst. \/bɑː\/1) stang, søyle, bjelke, stolpe, barre, ribbe (også for høydehopp e.l.)2) ( på dør) bom, slå, tverrslå3) sandbanke, grunne4) hindring, sperre5) bar, (bar)disk6) ( jus) skranke i rettsal, domstol7) ( musikk) takt, taktstrek8) (av farge, lys e.l.) stripe, bånd, strek9) ( på medalje) stolpe (innebærer en dobbel utmerkelse)11) ( del av bissel) (munn)bittbar and bolt lås og slåbar of chocolate sjokoladeplatebar of soap såpestykkebar sinister ( heraldikk) symbol på utenomekteskapelig forholdbe called\/admitted to the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til advokat, få advokatbevillingbe called within the Bar ( britisk) bli utnevnt til kongelig advokatbehind (prison) bars bak lås og slå, i fengselbe tried at the bar eller appear at the bar bli stilt for rettencoffee bar kaffebargo to the Bar ( britisk) bli advokatparallel bars ( turn) skrankestudy\/read for the Bar utdanne seg til advokat, studere justhe Bar ( britisk) advokatene, advokatstanden, advokatyrket ( i parlamentet) skranke (kun medlemmer kommer normalt innenfor)the prisoner at the bar den anklagede, arrestantentrial at bar rettssakIIsubst. \/bɑː\/(meteorologi, enhet for måling av lufttrykk) barIIIsubst. \/bɑː\/ eller croakerforklaring: en av flere fiskearter i ørnefiskfamilien, SciaenidaeIVverb \/bɑː\/1) sette bom for, stenge (med bommer), sperre2) lukke med slå3) avstenge, utestenge4) (for)hindre, utelukke5) forby6) utruste med stenger, utruste med striperbar oneself in stenge seg innebarred to the public stengt for allmenheten, ikke tilgjengelig for allmenhetenVprep. \/bɑː\/( spesielt britisk) unntatt, bortsett frabar none ingen unntak, uten unntakbar one unntatt én, med ett unntak -
4 high
1. adjective1) (at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.) høy2) (having a particular height: This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.) høy3) (great; large; considerable: The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.) stor, voldsom, kraftig, sterk4) (most important; very important: the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.) høy(-), høytstående5) (noble; good: high ideals.) høy, fornem6) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) sterk7) ((of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range: a high note.) høy, lys8) ((of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's): He still speaks in a high voice.) lys9) ((of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.) vilt som har hengt lenge nok10) (having great value: Aces and kings are high cards.) av høy verdi2. adverb(at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.) høyt- highly- highness
- high-chair
- high-class
- higher education
- high fidelity
- high-handed
- high-handedly
- high-handedness
- high jump
- highlands
- high-level
- highlight 3. verb(to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).) framheve, rette søkelyset mot- high-minded
- high-mindedness
- high-pitched
- high-powered
- high-rise
- highroad
- high school
- high-spirited
- high spirits
- high street
- high-tech 4. adjective((also hi-tech): high-tech industries.) høyteknologisk- high treason
- high water
- highway
- Highway Code
- highwayman
- high wire
- high and dry
- high and low
- high and mighty
- the high seas
- it is high timehøyIsubst. \/haɪ\/1) ( hverdagslig) topp, maksimum, rekord, høyde, høydepunkt, rekordtall2) ( meteorologi) høytrykk, høytrykksområde3) ( kortspill) høyeste kort, høyeste trumf4) ( hverdagslig) kick, rus, narkotikapåvirket tilstand5) (spesielt amer., hverdagslig, forkortelse for high school) videregående skole6) høygir, høyeste girfrom on high fra oven, fra himmelen, fra det høyehit\/reach a new high sette en ny rekord, nå nye høyderon high i høyden, over i himmelenIIadj.1) høy2) høyt beliggende, øvre, høy-3) innlands-, høylands-4) høy, høytstående, av høy rang, fornem, høyere5) høy, opphøyd6) fordelaktig, god7) alvorlig, graverende8) høy-, hoved-, over-9) høy, edel, nobel, fin, opphøyd10) høy, stor, sterk, kraftig, intens11) ( om pris eller sum) høy, dyr, kostbar15) hovmodig, arrogant, overlegen16) ekstrem, ytterliggående, ultra-18) ( hverdagslig) oppspilt, glad, oppløftet19) (hverdagslig, om alkoholrus) animert, brisen20) (hverdagslig, om narkotikarus) høy, påvirket, ruset21) luksuriøs, flott, ekstravagant24) (sjøfart, om vind) forklaring: som har styrke 10 på Beaufortskalaen, full storm25) (kortspill, om kort) forklaring: av høyere verdi enn andre kort eller farger26) (kortspill, om kort) i stand til å ta et stikkat high noon ( også overført) kl. 12 på dagen, når solen står høyest, middagstidat high tide ved høyvannhave a high time ( hverdagslig) ha det kjempegøyhigh and dry ( sjøfart) på tørt land strandet ( overført) på bar bakke, isolert, stilt utenfor, forlatthigh and low høyt og lavthigh and mighty ( hverdagslig) arrogant, storaktig, stor på det, høy i hatten, storsnutet som tilhører det øvre sosiale sjikthigh day midt på lyse dagenhigh definition (TV) med høy oppløsninghigh on something påvirket av noehigh Tory ultrakonservativ, erkekonservativhigh, wide and handsome ( hverdagslig) glad, sorgløs, ubekymret• after months of worrying, he looked positively high, wide and handsomeetter måneder med bekymring, så han faktisk sorgløs utin high places\/quarters på høyere holdleave someone high and dry la noen i stikkenof high antiquity svært gammel, av høy alderwith a high hand egenmektig, selvrådig og vilkårligIIIadv. \/haɪ\/1) høyt• pay high2) høyt, i høyt toneleie3) sterkt, kraftig, voldsomt4) (sjøfart, om seiling) høyt, skarpt, opp mot vindenas high as så høyt som, så mye somfeelings ran high stemningen var opphisset, bølgene gikk høyt
См. также в других словарях:
bar-code — «BAHR KOHD», verb, cod|ed, cod|ing. = bar code (def. 2). (Cf. ↑bar code) bar code, 1. a code of lines and numbers for identifying a product in a computerized system of checkout and inventory. The Universa … Useful english dictionary
bar code — ➔ code * * * bar code UK US noun [C] COMMERCE, IT ► a small rectangular pattern of thick and thin black lines printed on a product, or on its container, so that the details of the product can be read by and recorded on a computer system: »Bar… … Financial and business terms
bar code — bar codes also barcode N COUNT A bar code is an arrangement of numbers and parallel lines that is printed on products to be sold in shops. The bar code can be read by computers … English dictionary
bar code — ► NOUN ▪ a code in the form of a set of stripes of varying widths that can be read by a computer, printed on a product and identifying it for stock control … English terms dictionary
bar code — n. any of the patterned sets of vertical bars of varying widths imprinted on consumer products, mail, etc. and containing coded information that can be read by a computerized scanner: cf. UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE … English World dictionary
Bar Code — est une série de bande dessinée. Scénario : Massimiliani de Giovanni Dessins : Anrea Accardi Couleurs : Stamb Albums Tome 1 : L Enfant Dieu (2006) Publication Éditeurs Soleil Productions (Collection Soleil levant) : Tome… … Wikipédia en Français
bar code — n a group of thin and thick lines printed on products you buy in a shop, and which a computer can read. It contains information such as the price … Dictionary of contemporary English
bar code — bar ,code noun count a set of printed lines on a product s label that tells a computer information about it such as its price … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bar code — bar′ code n. cmp a series of contiguous lines of like height coded by width and applied to an item for identification by an optical scanner, as for registering the price of a product • Etymology: 1970–75 … From formal English to slang
bar code — a series of lines of varying width, printed, as on a container or product, that can be read by an optical scanner to determine charges for purchases, destinations for letters, etc. Cf. Universal Product Code. [1970 75] * * * Printed series of… … Universalium
bar code — noun code consisting of a series of vertical bars of variable width that are scanned by a laser; printed on consumer product packages to identify the item for a computer that provides the price and registers inventory information • Syn:… … Useful english dictionary