1 banking take-over
2 take-over
поглощение (компании)• -
3 business
̈ɪˈbɪznɪs I
1. сущ. буквально означает "занятость", см. busy
1) какая-л. активность, деятельность а) дело, занятие;
то, чем кто-л. занят в данный момент, дело, задание;
"дело" (как противопоставленное "развлечению, отдыху") ;
"дело" (очень трудное занятие) What a business it is to run a government! ≈ Управлять правительством - целое дело. the business of the day/meeting ≈ повестка дня to mind one's (own) business ≈ заниматься своим делом bad business ≈ спад в делах dirty business ≈ грязные дела personal business ≈ личные дела unfinished business ≈ незавершенное дело business end ≈ практическая, наиболее важная сторона дела business hours ≈ приемные часы - to mean business funny business monkey business business executives on business б) профессия, сфера ответственности;
обязанность, должность;
"дело" You had no business to do it ≈ Вы не имели права это делать One whose business it is to preach. ≈ Он профессиональный проповедник. make smth one's business в) дело, история( отрицательные коннотации) be sick of the whole business г) театр. действие, игра, мимика, жесты (в отличие от реплик) They give the literary composition the almost contemptuous title of "words", while they dignify the movements of the actors with the name of "business". ≈ Литературному произведению они дают презрительное наименование "слова", а движения актеров прославляют под именем "игра".
2) "дело" с большой буквы а) бизнес, коммерческая деятельность to set up in business ≈ начать торговое дело to be out of business ≈ обанкротиться to conduct, do, transact;
drum up business ≈ вести коммерческую деятельность to do business with smb. ≈ иметь с кем-л. дело to go into business ≈ заняться бизнесом to go out of business ≈ выйти из игры, уйти из делового мира big business ≈ большой бизнес small business ≈ малый бизнес mailorder business ≈ бизнес, занимающийся рассылкой товаров почтой show business ≈ управление развлекательными программами travel business ≈ туристический бизнес retail business ≈ розничные продажи wholesale business ≈ оптовые продажи to talk business ≈ вести деловые разговоры, говорить о делах business drops off ≈ бизнес угасает business picks up ≈ бизнес возобновляется business is brisk, booming, flourishing, thriving ≈ торговля идет оживленно, процветает, расширяется business is slack ≈ торговля идет вяло business is at a standstill ≈ торговля стоит на месте business as usual man of business business interests business index б) торговое предприятие, фирма to build up a business;
establish a business;
launch a business ≈ открыть торговое предприятие to manage, operate, run a business ≈ управлять торговым предприятием to buy into a business;
buy out a business ≈ купить предприятие to take over a business ≈ руководить предприятием в) сделка (обычно выгодная) ∙ everybody's business is nobody's business ≈ у семи нянек дитя без глазу mind you own business! ≈ не ваше дело! what is your business here? ≈ что вам здесь надо? to send smb. about his business ≈ прогонять, выпроваживать кого-л. to mean business ≈ говорить всерьез, искренне;
иметь серьезные намерения do one's business like nobody's business nobody's business
2. прил. адьективное употребление существительного business I
1. II сущ уст. то же, что busyness дело, постоянное занятие, специальность - your name? *? place of address? ваша фамилия? занятие /чем занимаетесь/? адрес? - what's his *? что он делает?, чем он занимается? - his * was that of a solicitor он был поверенным - his * is selling motor-cars он торгует машинами - to make a * of smth. превратить что-л. в профессию дело, работа - * address служебный адрес - * hours рабочие часы, часы работы( учреждения, предприятия и т. п.) - * letter деловое письмо - * correspondence коммерческая корреспонденция - * call /visit/ деловой визит - * meeting рабочее совещание - a man of * деловой человек - to go to * ходить на работу - to get /to come/ down to * взяться за дело, взяться за работу - you call it pleasure, I call it * вы называете это развлечением, я же считаю это работой - are you here on *? вы здесь по делу? - what is your * here? зачем вы сюда пришли?;
что вам здесь надо? - what's your * with him? зачем он вам нужен?, по какому вопросу вы хотите его видеть? - I asked him his * я спросил, что ему нужно /по какому делу он пришел/ - what a * it is! трудное это дело! повестка дня (тж. the * of the day, the * of the meeting) - (any) other * разное, прочие вопросы( в повестке дня) дело, обязанность, долг, назначение;
круг обязанностей - a doctor's * обязанности доктора - a soldier's * is to defend his country долг солдата- защищать свою страну - it is part of a professor's * это входит в обязанности преподавателя - to go about /to attend to/ one's * заниматься своим делом;
не вмешиваться в чужие дела - that's no * of yours это вас не касается, это не ваше дело - what * is that of yours? какое ваше дело?, что вы вмешиваетесь? - mind your own * занимайтесь своим делом6 не вмешивайтесь в чужие дела - to make it one's * считать( что-л.) своей святой обязанностью /своим кровным делом/ - you have (got) no * to be here вы не имеете права присутствовать здесь - it is nobody's * это никого не касается торговля, коммерческая деятельность, бизнес - retail * розничная торговля - * failure банкротство, крах - * relations деловые отношения;
торговые связи - * depression застой в торговле;
экономическая депрессия;
экономический кризис - * circles /quarters/ торговые /деловые, коммерческие/ круги - library * коммерческая библиотека - government and * правительство и деловые круги - a line of * торговая специальность или специализация - the general stagnation of * общий застой торговли - the * part of the town торговый центр города - not strict * не по правилам торговли - to be in the wool * торговать шерстью - to go into * заняться торговлей;
стать торговцем - to engage in * (американизм) заняться торговлей - to do * заниматься коммерцией, быть коммерсантом - to carry on * in coffee вести торговлю кофе - to transact one's * through a bank вести свои дела через банк - to be out of * обанкротиться - to be in the theatre * быть владельцем зрелищных предприятий торговое дело, коммерческое предприятие, фирма - banking * банкоское дело, банк - a partner in the * компаньон в торговом деле /в фирме/ - to buy a * купить торговое предприятие - to set up in * начать торговое дело торговая, коммерческая сделка - a good stroke /piece/ of * удачная сделка( разговорное) дело, вопрос, случай - a funny * странное дело - an ugly * безобразная история - a deplorable * прискорбный случай - a pretty *! хорошенькое дельце! - a pretty piece of *, isn't it! хорошенькая история - нечего сказать!, вот так история! - I'm tired of the whole *! мне все это надоело! (театроведение) игра, мимика - this part has a good deal of comic * as played by him он вносит комический элемент в исполнение этой роли актерские атрибуты, приспособления( устаревшее) отношения, связи( с кем-л.) (устаревшее) занятость;
усердие( американизм) клиентура, покупатели;
публика - to play to enormous * выступать перед огромной аудиторией (эвфмеизм) "серьезное дело" (дефекация) (эвфмеизм) "занятие", проституция > the * (американизм) (сленг) наказание;
взбучка > to give smb. the * избить /исколошматить/ кого-л. > big * крупный капитал > good *! здорово! > monkey * (американизм) (разговорное) валяние дурака;
бессмысленная работа;
шутливая выходка;
штучки, фокусы > no monkey *! без фокусов!, без глупостей! > * as usual замалчивание трудностей или проблем;
все в порядке > to know one's own * не вмешиваться в чужие дела > to mean * говорить серьезно, не шутить;
собираться решительно действовать;
не ограничиваться словами > "Any Other B." "Разное" (в повестке дня) > to do the * for разделаться с кем-л., отделаться от кого-л. раз и навсегда > that will do his * этого с него хватит;
это его доконает /погубит/ > to send smb. about his * прогнать /вытурить/ кого-л.;
отчитать кого-л.;
поставить кого-л. на место;
посылать кого-л. к черту > * before pleasure сперва работа, потом развлечения;
делу время, потехе час > * is * в торговле сантименты излишни;
на войне как на войне > everybody's * is nobody's * (пословица) у семи нянек дитя без глазу agency ~ агентский бизнес ailing ~ предприятие, испытывающее финансовые трудности any other ~ любой другой вид деятельности banking ~ банк banking ~ банковские операции banking ~ банковское дело banking ~ операции банка ~ дело, занятие;
the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня;
on business по делу;
to be out of business обанкротиться brokerage ~ посредническая контора burgeoning ~ процветающая фирма ~ attr. практический, деловой;
the business end практическая, наиболее важная сторона дела ~ attr. практический, деловой;
the business end практическая, наиболее важная сторона дела ~ executives руководящий административный персонал;
"капитаны" промышленности executive: ~ амер. должностное лицо, руководитель, администратор (фирмы, компании) ;
business executives представители деловых кругов ~ hours часы торговли или приема hours: business ~ рабочие часы business ~ часы работы биржи business ~ часы работы предприятия business ~ часы торговли ~ in futures фьючерсные сделки ~ index индекс деловой активности ~ interests деловой мир, деловые круги ~ of one's own собственное дело ~ of one's own собственное предприятие ~ дело, занятие;
the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня;
on business по делу;
to be out of business обанкротиться ~ of the day повестка дня business =busyness busyness: busyness занятость, деловитость commercial ~ сфера торгового предпринимательства commercial ~ торговля commercial ~ торговое предпринимательство commission ~ комиссионная торговля commission ~ посредническая контора commission ~ предпринимательство на комиссионной основе conduct a ~ руководить делом consumer ~ сделка с клиентом contango ~ бирж. сделка с отсрочкой расчета contract ~ контрактная сделка craftsman's ~ ремесленное предприятие credit ~ предоставление кредита custody ~ безопасное хранение ценностей клиентов в банке debt collecting ~ инкассаторская служба deposit-taking ~ депозитное учреждение direct ~ прямая сделка direct ~ торговая сделка без посредников do ~ вести торговые дела do ~ делать дела dollar conversion ~ контора по обмену долларов domestic ~ внутренний бизнес domestic ~ местное предприятие entrepreneurial ~ предпринимательская деятельность entrepreneurial ~ предпринимательство error regarding type of ~ ошибка в отношении типа дела established ~ существующее предприятие everybody's ~ is nobody's ~ = у семи нянек дитя без глазу;
mind you own business! не ваше дело!;
занимайтесь своим делом! export ~ экспорт export ~ экспортная деятельность foreign ~ иностранное предприятие foreign exchange ~ валютные операции foreign exchange ~ валютные сделки foreign exchange ~ компания, ведущая валютные операции forward ~ бирж. срочные сделки freelance ~ работа без контракта futures ~ бирж. сделки на срок futures ~ бирж. срочные сделки futures ~ бирж. срочные торговые операции ~ пренебр. дело, история;
I am sick of the whole business мне вся эта история надоела import ~ занятие импортом import ~ импортная сделка income from ~ доход от предпринимательства indirect ~ дополнительный вид деятельности insurance ~ страховое дело insurance ~ страховое предпринимательство insurance ~ страховой бизнес, страховое дело interest arbitrage ~ сделка с процентным арбитражем international ~ международная торговля it has done his ~ это его доконало joint ~ совместное предприятие lawful ~ законная сделка lending ~ кредитный бизнес lending ~ ссудный бизнес mail-order ~ предприятие посылочной торговли ~ обязанность;
to make it one's business считать своей обязанностью;
you had no business to do it вы не имели основания, права это делать man of ~ агент, поверенный man of ~ деловой человек margin ~ спекулятивная сделка на разницу, сделка с маржей to mean ~ говорить всерьез;
иметь серьезные намерения;
браться( за что-л.) серьезно, решительно mean: to ~ business разг. браться (за что-л.) серьезно, решительно to ~ business разг. говорить всерьез everybody's ~ is nobody's ~ = у семи нянек дитя без глазу;
mind you own business! не ваше дело!;
занимайтесь своим делом! moneylending ~ операции по кредитованию mortgage credit ~ операции по ипотечному кредиту new ~ новая компания new ~ новая фирма off-balance sheet ~ внебалансовая сделка official ~ служебное дело oil ~ нефтяной бизнес old ~ выч. давно существующая компания ~ дело, занятие;
the business of the day (или meeting) повестка дня;
on business по делу;
to be out of business обанкротиться on-balance sheet ~ сбалансированная сделка one-man ~ индивидуальный бизнес one-man ~ предприятие с одним занятым own ~ собственное дело private ~ частное дело profitable ~ выгодное дело profitable ~ прибыльный бизнес prosperous ~ преуспевающее предприятие publishing ~ издательское дело real estate ~ сделка с недвижимостью real property ~ операции с недвижимостью real property ~ сделки с недвижимостью registration ~ регистрационная деятельность reinsurance ~ перестрахование rental ~ арендная сделка retail ~ розничная торговля retail ~ розничное предприятие seasonal ~ сезонное занятие security deposit ~ учреждение, принимающее на хранение ценные бумаги to send (smb.) about his ~ прогонять, выпроваживать ( кого-л.) ;
what is your business here? что вам здесь надо? service ~ предприятие сферы обслуживания set up ~ основывать дело ~ бизнес;
коммерческая деятельность;
to set up in business начать торговое дело shipowning ~ судоходная компания small ~ малое предприятие small ~ мелкий бизнес small ~ мелкое предпринимательство spot ~ кассовая сделка spot ~ сделка за наличные spot ~ сделка на наличный товар spot ~ сделка на реальный товар spot ~ сделка на товар с немедленной сдачей storage ~ складской бизнес thriving ~ преуспевающее предприятие timber ~ торговля лесоматериалами unitary ~ предприятие в единой системе налогообложения urban ~ деловая жизнь города volume banking ~ банковские услуги, предлагаемые широкому кругу клиентов warehousing ~ складское дело weekend ~ предприятие, работающее в выходные дни to send (smb.) about his ~ прогонять, выпроваживать (кого-л.) ;
what is your business here? что вам здесь надо? wholesale ~ оптовая торговля wholesale ~ оптовое предприятие ~ обязанность;
to make it one's business считать своей обязанностью;
you had no business to do it вы не имели основания, права это делатьБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > business
4 market
5 management
1) управление; заведование; менеджмент2) ведение (дел, хозяйства, переговоров)3) правление; дирекция; администрация, руководство; управленческий аппарат•The management of Japan's economy is strewn across several competing agencies and ministries. — Руководство японской экономикой рассредоточено среди нескольких конкурирующих ведомств и министерств.
6 business
n1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) сделка5) компания, предприятие
- advantageous business
- advisory business
- agency business
- annual business
- arbitrage business
- backwardation business
- bad business
- banking business
- bankrupt business
- barter business
- big business
- bill business
- booming business
- branch business
- broker's business
- capital intensive business
- carrier's business
- carrying-over business
- cash business
- collateral loan business
- collection business
- commercial business
- competing business
- consignment business
- continuation business
- cooperative business
- core business
- credit business
- current business
- cutodian business
- defence business
- entrepôt business
- exchange business
- export business
- fair business
- farm business
- flat business
- flourishing business
- follow-on business
- foreign-exchange business
- foreign-owned business
- forward business
- forwarding business
- fresh business
- futures business
- general business
- good business
- government business
- illegal business
- illicit business
- import business
- incorporated business
- installment business
- insurance business
- joint business
- last-day business
- legitimate business
- liner business
- livestock business
- loan business
- local business
- long-term business
- losing business
- low-margin businesses
- lucrative business
- mail-order business
- margin business
- middleman's business
- new business
- odd lot business
- official business
- offshore business
- one-line business
- one-man business
- option business
- outsourcing business
- overdraft business
- paying business
- poor business
- private business
- produce business
- profitable business
- prolongation business
- proprietary business
- publishing business
- ready money business
- reinsurance business
- remunerative business
- retail business
- route business
- routine business
- seasonal business
- securities business
- shady business
- sharp business
- shipment business
- shipping business
- show business
- slack business
- small business
- spot business
- stock business
- subsidiary retail business
- thriving business
- tramp business
- trust business
- tug business
- two-way business
- underwriting business
- unincorporated business
- unprofitable business
- urgent business
- venture business
- venturous business
- volume business
- well-established business
- wholesale business
- world-wide business
- business in futures
- business on a consignment basis
- business through agents
- business to business
- be engaged in business
- be in business
- be out of business
- build up a business
- carry on business
- commence a business
- conduct business
- develop business
- direct a business
- do business
- enlarge a business
- establish a business
- finance a business
- get down to business
- give up business
- go into business
- go out of business
- handle business
- launch a business
- manage a business
- open a business
- operate a business
- participate in a business
- retire from business
- run a business
- sell out a business
- send on business
- set up a business
- settle business
- start a business
- stop business
- take over a business
- transact business
- transact a business
- undertake a business
- wind up a business
- withdraw from businessEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > business
7 market
1. n1) рынок2) биржа3) торговля4) амер. продовольственный магазин
- acceptance market
- active market
- actuals market
- advancing market
- agricultural market
- agricultural commodities market
- auction market
- bear market
- bid market
- biddable market
- black market
- bond market
- boom market
- bootleg market
- brisk market
- broad market
- bull market
- buoyant market
- buyers' market
- call money market
- capital market
- captive market
- car market
- cash market
- central wholesale markets
- chartering market
- closed market
- colonial market
- commercial banking market
- commercial paper market
- commodity market
- competition-free market
- competitive market
- concentrated market
- confidence market
- congested market
- consumer market
- control market
- core European market
- corn market
- corporate bond market
- covered market
- credit market
- curb market
- currency market
- dead market
- debt market
- demoralized market
- depressed market
- difficult market
- discount market
- distant market
- domestic market
- dual exchange market
- dull market
- easy money market
- effective market
- either way market
- emerging markets
- enduring market
- equity market
- Eurobond market
- Eurocurrency market
- Euro securities market
- exchange market
- exchangeable bond market
- expanding market
- export market
- external market
- falling market
- farmers' market
- farm labour market
- farm seasonal labour market
- finance market
- financial market
- firm market
- fixed-interest market
- flat market
- flexible market
- floated market
- fluctuating market
- food market
- foreign market
- foreign currency stock market
- foreign exchange market
- forward market
- fourth market
- fragmented market
- free market
- freight market
- fund market
- futures market
- gaining market
- giant market
- gilt-edged market
- gilts market
- glamor market
- global equity market
- glutted market
- gold market
- goods market
- government market
- grain market
- graveyard market
- gray market
- grey market
- heavy market
- heterogeneous market
- hired agricultural labour market
- home market
- homogeneous market
- housing market
- illegal market
- illiquid markets
- immediate market
- inactive market
- increasing market
- indeterminate market
- industrial market
- industrial labour market
- inflated securities market
- inland market
- insurance market
- interbank market
- interbank currency market
- intermediate market
- internal market
- international market
- international monetary market
- inverted market
- investment market
- jerry-built market
- job market
- kerb market
- labour market
- large market
- lawful market
- legal market
- licence market
- limited market
- liner tonnage market
- liquid market
- liquidity market
- lively market
- livestock market
- loan market
- local market
- locked market
- London discount market
- lucrative market
- machine and equipment market
- major market
- manpower market
- mass market
- mature card market
- merchandise market
- military market
- monetary market
- money market
- monopolized market
- narrow market
- national market
- new issues market
- off-board market
- offered market
- offshore market
- one-buyer market
- one-sided market
- one-way market
- open market
- open-air market
- option market
- organized market
- outer market
- outside market
- overbought market
- oversaturated market
- overseas market
- overstocked market
- over-the-counter market
- parallel markets
- passenger market
- pegged market
- physical market
- piggiback market
- placement market
- potential market
- price-elastic market
- primary market
- primary mortgage market
- produce market
- professional labour market
- profitable market
- property market
- prospective market
- protected market
- purchasing market
- railroad market
- railway market
- raw materials market
- ready market
- real market
- real estate market
- receptive market
- repurchase market
- resale market
- reseller market
- reserved market
- restricted market
- retail market
- retail public market
- rigged market
- rising market
- roadside market
- roller-coaster market
- rural market
- sagging market
- sales market
- saturated market
- seaboard markets
- secondary market
- securities market
- seesaw market
- seller's market
- sensitive market
- services market
- settlement market
- share market
- sheltered market
- shipping market
- shorthaul market
- short-term money market
- shrinking market
- sick market
- single market
- slack market
- sluggish market
- soft market
- sophisticated market
- speculative market
- speed market
- spot market
- spot currency market
- stable market
- stagnant market
- stale market
- steady market
- stiff market
- street market
- strong market
- substantial market
- tanker market
- tanker freight market
- technically strong market
- technically weak market
- terminal market
- test market
- thin market
- third market
- tight market
- tight money market
- tonnage market
- top-heavy market
- trade market
- trading market
- transport market
- travel market
- two-tier market
- two-tier foreign exchange market
- two-tier gold market
- two-way market
- uncertain market
- undersaturated market
- uneven market
- unlisted securities market
- unofficial market
- unorganized market
- unpredictable market
- unsettled market
- unsteady market
- upscale market
- urban market
- vast market
- volatile market
- volatile equity market
- weak market
- weekly market
- wholesale market
- world market
- world commodity market
- markets for equity issues
- market for a product
- market of foodstuffs
- market of inventions
- market of limited absorptive capacity
- market off
- above the market
- at the market
- at today's market
- in the market
- in line with the market
- in a rising market
- on the market
- affect a market
- assess a market
- bang a market
- be in the market
- be long of the market
- bear the market
- black the market
- boom the market
- branch out into a new market
- break into the market
- bring on the market
- bring to the market
- broaden a market
- build up a market
- bull the market
- buy at the market
- come into the market
- command a market
- congest a market
- conquer a market
- consolidate the country's fragmented market
- corner a market
- create a market
- develop a market
- divide the market
- dominate the market
- enter the market
- evaluate a market
- expand a market
- explore a market
- find market
- find a ready market
- flood the market
- force the market
- gain access to the market
- get access to the market
- glut the market
- hold a market
- investigate a market
- keep the market
- liberalize financial markets
- launch on the market
- make a market
- manipulate a market
- meet with a ready market
- monopolize a market
- open up new markets
- oust from the market
- overstock a market
- penetrate into the market
- play the market
- price oneself out of the market
- pull from the market
- pull out of the market
- put on the market
- raid the market
- regain a market
- retain a market
- rig a market
- rule a market
- secure a market
- seize a market
- segment a market
- sell at the market
- share markets
- sound the market
- split markets
- spoil the market
- study a market
- suit the market
- take over a market
- tap new markets
- test a market
- win a market2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > market
8 management
n1) управление; заведование; руководство; менеджмент2) ведение (дел, хозяйства, переговоров)3) правление; дирекция; администрация
- account management
- administrative management
- arbitration management
- asset management
- asset-liability management
- automated management
- automated production management
- bank management
- banking management
- bottom-up management
- business management
- cash management
- centralized management
- commercial management
- company management
- construction management
- contract management
- corporate management
- credit management
- crop management
- day-to-day management
- debt management
- demand-side management
- departmental management
- economic management
- executive management
- exhibition management
- external management
- factory management
- farm management
- financial management
- firm management
- fiscal management
- fund management
- general management
- hands-on management
- higher management
- industrial management
- interest rate risk management
- inventory management
- investment management
- job management
- joint management
- joint venture management
- level management
- line management
- livestock management
- lower management
- manpower management
- marketing management
- material management
- middle management
- monetary management
- money management
- one-man management
- on-site management
- operational management
- operative management
- participative management
- pension fund management
- personnel management
- piecemeal management
- plant management
- port management
- portfolio management
- product management
- production management
- project management
- proper management
- property management
- prudent macroeconomic management
- quality management
- rate management
- records management
- resource management
- risk management
- senior management
- sound management
- staff management
- stock management
- technical management
- temporary management
- top management
- trust management
- upper management
- work management
- working management
- works management
- management of a business
- management of consumer wants
- management of economic activity
- management of an enterprise
- management of a firm
- management of production
- management of securities
- carry out management
- place under external management
- take over managementEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > management
9 business
1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) компания, предприятие• -
10 house
[haus]n1) дом, жилище, здание, квартира, постройка, строениеWho occupied this house before? — Кто раньше жил в этом доме?;
We're going to set up house in Paris. — Мы собираемся поселиться в Париже.
The whole house is a mess. — В доме всё вверх дном.
- little house- town house
- big house
- clapboard house
- frame house
- stone house- large house- unpretent house
- private house
- gay-roofed house
- tower house
- scattered houses
- box-like houses
- menshion house
- ill-furnished house
- overheated house
- conspicuous house
- underheated house
- stately house
- log house
- corner house
- three family house
- next to this house
- historic house
- doll's house
- enchanting house
- ruined house
- small rented house
- dwelling house
- continental house
- furnished house
- rooming house
- spooky house
- house slippers
- house dress
- house sewerage
- house plant
- house painter
- house party
- house agent
- house garden
- house to let
- house in a ruinous state
- house of mud and straw
- house of brick
- house with small rooms
- house for rent
- house situated on the top of the hill
- house of cards
- purchase price of the house
- far from his house
- on the door steps of the house
- at smb's house
- ask smb into a house
- be under house arrest
- build multistoried houses
- call at smb's house
- change houses
- complete multistoried house
- design a house
- do up clean a house
- drive smb out of the house
- enter a house by force
- face the house to the south
- find the house empty
- go from house to house
- have a house of one's own
- have one's house decorated
- alarm the house
- have a house in town
- have one's house redecorated
- have neither house nor home
- heat a house
- keep to the house
- keep house
- lease a comfortable house
- leave the house early
- let a house
- rent a house
- live in the next house but one
- look for a house to rent
- mistake a house
- move house
- move into this house
- paint a house white
- pass smb's house
- pull down shabby houses
- put up one's house for sale
- raise the house upon the fire
- renovate a house
- set up house
- show smb over the house
- shut smb up in the house
- take a house to pieces to set up elsewhere
- house is pretty small
- house looks south-west
- houses are springing up all over
- house is let2) нора, вольер, берлога- hen house- poultry house
- monkey house
- deer house
- cow house
- bird house3) семья, род, династияOurs is a noisy/cheerful house. — У нас шумное семейство/шумный дом.
Theirs is a social house. — У них очень общительная семья.
He was afraid to wake up the whole house. — Он боялся разбудить весь дом. /Он боялся поднять всех на ноги.
The whole house was down with the flu. — Весь дом свалился/слег с гриппом. /Все домашние заболели гриппом.
- reigning house- royal house
- ancestral house
- parental house
- Stuart House
- respectable house
- religious house
- great houses of France
- son of a noble house
- break the house4) общественные здания, учреждения (и все, что связано с ними)A policeman took him to the station house. — Полицейский отвел его в участок.
- fashion house- factories and commercial houses
- British houses
- rival house
- mad house
- public house
- beer house
- car house
- carriage house
- death house
- supply house
- wholesale house
- licensed house
- refreshment house
- coffee house
- tea house
- treasure house
- finance house
- branch house
- one's business house
- export house
- jewelry house
- picture house
- movie house
- music house
- mail-order house
- customs house
- slaughter house
- deck house
- summer house
- treasure house
- Opera House
- tool house
- publishing house
- printing house
- packing house
- boarding house
- clearing house
- eating house
- counting house
- sporting house
- banking house
- bathing house
- gambling house
- selling house
- house magazine
- house proof
- house correction
- house of refuge
- house of God
- House of worship
- house of detention
- house of correction
- rules of the house5) правительственное здание (и всё, что связано с ними)- White House- Lower House
- Upper House
- council house
- House bill
- House resolution
- Houses of Parlament
- House of Lords
- House of Commors
- House of Representatives
- House of Deligates
- House of Assembly
- members of the House
- divide the House
- enter the House
- keep a House
- members drawn equally from both Houses6) зрительный зал театра; публика, находящаяся в зале (и всё, что связано с ними)The whole house laughed. — Все зрители смеялись.
He stood at the back of the packed house to listen to the orchestra. — Он остановился в конце переполненного зала, чтобы послушать оркестр.
The play is attracting/draws full/immense houses. — Пьеса делает полные сборы.
The first house was sold out. — Все билеты на первый спектакль были проданы.
The whole house enjoyed the play. — Пьеса понравилась публике.
- appreciative house- full house
- poor house- first-run house- crowded house
- house lights
- house dramatist
- house seats
- house manager
- house telephone
- bring the house down
- carry the house
- dress the house
- play to an empty house
- house is getting packed
- house hushed7) домашнее хозяйство, домWho keeps house for you? — Кто у вас ведет хозяйство? /Кто вам ведет хозяйство?
She keeps house and I go out to work. — Она ведет хозяйство, а я хожу на работу.
A man's house is his castle. — ◊ Мой дом - моя крепость.
- house allowanceWe are safe as houses here. — ◊ Мы здесь, как за каменной стеной.
- house servant
- house furnishings
- house work
- keep a good house
- keep house for smb
- mind the house•USAGE:(1.) Русское словосочетание "я живу в большом доме" соответствует английским сочетаниям I live in an apartment house (in a block of flats или in a big building). (2.) House 7. - неисчисляемое существительное и употребляется без артикля: to keep house (for smb) вести (у кого-либо) хозяйство/дом. (3.) See classroom, n -
11 policy
n1) политика; политический курс; стратегия; система; ( towards smth) позиция•to abandon policy — отходить / отказываться от политики
to adhere to policy — придерживаться политики; быть верным какой-л. политике
to administer policy — проводить политику; осуществлять политику
to adopt policy — принимать политику, брать на вооружение политический курс
to back down from policy — отказываться от какой-л. политики
to be at odds with policy — противоречить какой-л. политике
to be committed to one's policy — быть приверженным своей политике
to be wary about smb's policy — настороженно относиться к чьему-л. политическому курсу
to break away from smb's policy — отходить от чьей-л. политики
to camouflage one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to carry out / to carry through policy — проводить политику
to champion policy — защищать / отстаивать политику
to conflict with smb's policy — противоречить чьей-л. политике
to coordinate one's policy over smth — координировать свою политику в каком-л. вопросе
to cover up one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to decide policy — определять политику, принимать политические решения
to develop / to devise policy — разрабатывать политику
to dismantle one's policy — отказываться от своей политики
to dissociate oneself from smb's policy — отмежевываться от чьей-л. политики
to dither about one's policy — колебаться при проведении своей политики
to effect a policy of insurance — страховаться; приобретать страховой полис
to embark on / to embrace policy — принимать какой-л. политический курс
to execute / to exercise policy — проводить политику
to follow policy — следовать политике; проводить политику
to harmonize policy — координировать / согласовывать политику
to justify one's policy — оправдывать свою политику
to lay policy before the electorate for approval — излагать политический курс для его одобрения избирателями
to make clear one's policy — разъяснять свою политику
to overturn policy — отвергать политику, отказываться от какой-л. политики
to proclaim one's commitment to policy — публично обязываться проводить какую-л. политику
to propagate policy — пропагандировать / рекламировать политику
to put across smb's policy to smb — доводить свою политику до кого-л.
to railroad through one's policy — протаскивать свою политику
to reappraise one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reassess one's policy toward a country — пересматривать свою политику по отношению к какой-л. стране
to reconsider one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to relax one's policy towards smb — смягчать свою политику по отношению к кому-л.
to rethink one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reverse one's policy — изменять свою политику
to shape policy — определять / разрабатывать политику
to spearhead one's policy — направлять острие своей политики
to spell out one's policy in advance — заранее излагать свою политику
to stick to a policy — придерживаться какой-л. политики
to thrash out policy — вырабатывать / обсуждать политику
to tone down one's more controversial policy — ограничивать свои менее популярные политические меры
- active policyto validate policy — поддерживать какую-л. политику / политическую линию
- adventurist policy
- adventuristic policy
- advocacy of policy
- advocate of policy
- aggressive policy
- agrarian policy
- agricultural policy
- alternative policy
- annexationist policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- anti-national policy
- anti-nuclear policy
- anti-recessionary policy
- appropriate policy
- architect of policy
- arms policy
- austere policy
- austerity policy
- autonomous policy
- balanced policy
- banking policy
- bankrupt policy
- basic policy
- beggar-my-neighbor policy
- bellicose policy
- big stick policy
- big-time policy
- bipartisan policy
- blind-eye policy
- bloc policy
- bomb-in-the-basement policy
- breach of policy
- bridge-building policy
- brinkmanship policy
- brink-of-war policy
- broad-brush policy
- budget policy
- cadres policy
- carrot and stick policy
- cautious policy
- centrist policy
- champion of policy
- change in policy
- change of emphasis in policy
- change of policy
- circumspect policy
- class policy
- clean-air policy
- closed-door trade policy
- coherent policy
- cold war policy
- colonial policy
- colonialist policy
- commercial policy
- commitment to policy of nonintervention
- common policy
- comprehensive national science and technology policy
- comprehensive set of policy
- concerted policy
- conduct of policy
- confrontation policy
- consistent policy
- containment policy
- continuity in policy
- continuity of policy
- continuity with smb's policy
- controversial policy
- coordinated policy
- cornerstone of policy
- counterproductive policy
- country's fundamental policy
- credible policy
- credit card policy
- credit policy
- crumbling policy
- cultural policy
- current policy
- damaging policy
- defeatist policy
- defense policy
- deflationary policy
- demilitarization policy
- democratic policy
- departure in policy
- destabilization policy
- deterrent policy
- development policy
- diametrically opposed policy
- dilatory policy
- diplomatic policy
- disarmament policy
- discretionary policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflation policy
- distortion of policy
- divide-and-rule policy
- domestic policy
- dynamic policy
- economic and commercial policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- emigration policy
- emission policy
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- erroneous policy
- European policy
- even-handed policy
- expansionary policy
- expansionist policy
- experience of policy
- extreme right-wing policy
- fair policy
- farm policy
- far-reaching policy
- far-sighted policy
- federal policy
- financial policy
- firm policy
- fiscal policy
- flexible policy
- for reasons of policy
- foreign aid policy
- foreign policy
- foreign trade policy
- foreign-economic policy
- formation of foreign policy
- formulation of policy
- forward-looking policy
- framework for policy
- free trade policy
- general policy
- generous policy
- give-and-take policy
- global policy
- godfather to policy
- good neighbor policy
- government policy
- government's policy
- great-power policy
- green policy
- gunboat policy
- hands-off policy
- hard-line policy
- harmful policy
- harmonized policy
- health policy
- hegemonic policy
- high-risk policy
- home policy
- ill-thought-out policy
- imperial policy
- imperialist policy
- import policy
- import substitution policy
- in line with policy
- in the field of foreign policy
- inadmissibility of policy
- independent line of policy
- independent policy
- industrial policy
- inflationary policy
- inhuman policy
- instigatory policy
- insurance policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- internment policy
- interventionist policy
- intolerableness of policy
- investment policy
- iron-fist policy
- irreversible policy
- it's against our policy
- kid-glove policy
- labor mediation policy
- laissez-faire policy
- land policy
- language policy
- leash-loosening policy
- left-wing policy
- lending policy
- liberal policy
- liberalization of policy
- liberalized policy
- line of policy
- long-range policy
- long-term policy
- lunatic policy
- main plank of smb's policy
- major changes to policy
- manifestation of policy
- maritime policy
- marketing policy
- massive condemnation of smb's policy
- militaristic policy
- misconduct of policy
- mobile policy
- moderate policy
- monetarist policy
- monetary policy
- much-heralded policy
- mushy policy
- national policy
- nationalistic policy
- nationalities policy
- native policy
- nativist policy
- neo-colonialist policy
- neutral policy
- neutrality policy
- New Economic Policy
- news policy
- nonaligned policy
- nonalignment policy
- noninterference policy
- nonintervention policy
- nonnuclear policy
- nuclear defense policy
- nuclear deterrent policy
- nuclear policy
- nuclear-free policy
- obstructionist policy
- official policy
- official trade policy
- oil policy
- old faces can't make new policy
- one-child-family policy
- one-sided policy
- open-door policy
- openly pursued policy
- opportunistic policy
- optimal policy
- ostrich policy
- ostrich-like policy
- outward-looking policy
- overall policy
- overtly racist policy
- parliamentary policy
- party policy
- passive policy
- pay-curb policy
- peace policy
- peaceful policy
- peace-loving policy
- personnel policy
- plunderous policy
- policy from positions of strength
- policy from strength
- policy in science and technology
- policy is bearing fruit
- policy is constitutional
- policy of a newspaper
- policy of aid
- policy of alliances
- policy of amicable cooperation with smb
- policy of appeasement
- policy of belt-tightening
- policy of capitulation
- policy of compromise
- policy of conciliation
- policy of confrontation
- policy of connivance
- policy of containment
- policy of cooperation
- policy of democracy and social progress
- policy of détente
- policy of deterrence
- policy of dictate
- policy of discrimination
- policy of economic blockade and sanctions
- policy of economy
- policy of elimination
- policy of expansion and annexation
- policy of fiscal rigor
- policy of freedom of expression
- policy of friendship
- policy of genocide
- policy of good-neighborliness
- policy of goodwill
- policy of inaction
- policy of intervention
- policy of intimidation
- policy of isolation
- policy of militarism
- policy of militarization
- policy of military confrontation
- policy of military force
- policy of national reconciliation
- policy of neutrality
- policy of nonalignment
- policy of noninterference
- policy of nonintervention
- policy of nonviolence
- policy of obstruction
- policy of openness
- policy of pacification
- policy of peace
- policy of peaceful co-existence
- policy of plunder
- policy of protectionism
- policy of racial segregation and discrimination
- policy of reconciliation
- policy of reform
- policy of reforms
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of renewal
- policy of restraint
- policy of revanche
- policy of revenge
- policy of subjugation
- policy of violence
- policy of wage restraint
- policy of war
- policy towards a country
- policy vis-à-vis a country
- policy with regard to a country
- policy won out
- political policy
- population policy
- position-of-strength policy
- practical policy
- predatory policy
- price control policy
- price-formation policy
- price-pricing policy
- pricing policy
- principled policy
- progressive policy
- proponent of policy
- protagonist of policy
- protectionist policy
- pro-war policy
- pro-Western policy
- public policy
- push-and-drag policy
- racial policy
- racist policy
- radical policy
- rapacious policy
- reactionary policy
- realistic policy
- reappraisal of policy
- reassessment of policy
- recession-induced policy
- reevaluation of policy
- reexamination of policy
- reform policy
- reformist policy
- regional policy
- renewal of policy
- re-orientation of policy
- repressive policy
- resettlement policy
- rethink of policy
- retrograde policy
- revanchist policy - revisionist policy
- rigid economic policy
- robust foreign policy
- ruinous policy
- safe policy
- sanctions policy
- scientifically substantiated policy
- scorched-earth policy
- selfless policy
- separatist policy - short-sighted policy
- single-child policy
- social policy
- socio-economic policy
- sound policy
- splitting policy
- state policy
- state remuneration of labor policy
- stated policy
- staunch policy
- sterile policy
- stick-and-carrot policy
- stringent policy
- strong policy
- structural policy
- suitable policy
- sustained policy
- sweeping review of policy
- switch in policy
- tariff policy
- tax policy
- taxation policy
- technological policy
- tight policy
- tightening of policy
- time-serving policy
- tough policy
- toughening of policy
- trade policy
- trade-unionist policy
- traditional policy
- treacherous policy
- turn in policy
- turning point in policy
- unified policy
- united policy
- unsophisticated policy
- U-turn in policy
- viability of policy
- vigorous policy
- vote-losing policy
- wage policy
- wage-freeze policy
- wages policy
- wait-and-see policy
- war-economy policy
- wealth-creating policy
- whip-and-carrot policy
- wise policy
- world policy
- zigzags in policy
См. также в других словарях:
Banking in Nicaragua — Banking in Nicaragua, prior to 1978, consisted of the Central Bank of Nicaragua and several domestic and foreign owned commercial banks. One of the first acts of the Sandinista government in 1979 was to nationalize the country’s banking system in … Wikipedia
Banking in the People's Republic of China — This article is about the banking system of the People s Republic of China. For details on the financial system at large, see Chinese financial system. China s banking system has undergone significant changes in the last two decades: banks are… … Wikipedia
Banking in China — China s banking system has undergone significant changes in the last two decades: banks are now functioning more like banks than before. Nevertheless, China s banking industry has remained in the government s hands even though banks have gained… … Wikipedia
Banking in Cuba — This article discusses banking in Cuba and gives an overview of the recent past. For details on the Cuban economy in general, see Economy of Cuba .History Following the Cuban Revolution of the 1950s, the Cuban banking sector came under the… … Wikipedia
Banking in Switzerland — is characterized by stability, privacy and protection of clients assets and information. The country s tradition of bank secrecy, which dates to the Middle Ages, was first codified in a 1934 law. [cite web… … Wikipedia
Banking in Israel — has its roots in the Zionist movement in the beginning of the 20th century prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The World Zionist Organization established the Anglo Palestine Bank in 1903 (which later was renamed to Bank… … Wikipedia
Banking business intelligence — refers to all general functionalities business intelligence but is focused on the informational needs of banks and the finance community. With the increase of governmental regulations, information is the key component to compliance. Therefore,… … Wikipedia
Banking in the United Kingdom — can be considered to have started in the 17th century. The industry grew out of the profession of goldsmiths, who after the dissolution of monasteries and makers of gold and silver plate started to have significant stocks of gold.17th CenturyMany … Wikipedia
Banking in Bangladesh — The banking system at independence consisted of two branch offices of the former State Bank of Pakistan and seventeen large commercial banks, two of which were controlled by Bangladeshi interests and three by foreigners other than West Pakistanis … Wikipedia
Narasimham Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (1998) — From the 1991 India economic crisis to its status of fourth largest economy in the world by 2010, India has grown significantly in terms of economic development. So has its banking sector. During this period, recognizing the evolving needs of the … Wikipedia
Islamic banking — Banking A series on Financial services … Wikipedia