1 banking syndicate
syndicate manager — банк, ведущий дела консорциума
2 banking syndicate
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > banking syndicate
3 banking syndicate
консорциум банковАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > banking syndicate
4 banking syndicate
банковский синдикат; см. consortium 1.* * *банковский консорциум; банковский синдикат. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
5 banking syndicate
1) Общая лексика: консорциум банков2) Банковское дело: банковский консорциум, синдикат банков3) ЕБРР: банковский синдикат -
6 banking syndicate
7 banking syndicate
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > banking syndicate
8 banking syndicate
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > banking syndicate
9 banking syndicate
10 banking syndicate
банковский синдикат, банковский консорциум -
11 banking syndicate
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > banking syndicate
12 banking syndicate
Группа банков, объединившаяся в целях организации и размещения нового выпуска ценных бумаг. -
13 investment banking syndicate
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > investment banking syndicate
14 syndicate
синдикат; консорциум• -
15 syndicate
[̘. ̈n.ˈsɪndɪkɪt]banking syndicate банковский консорциум buying syndicate закупочный синдикат commercial syndicate торговый синдикат financial syndicate финансовый синдикат firm underwriting syndicate синдикат, размещающий ценные бумаги с твердой гарантией insurance syndicate страховая компания issuing syndicate синдикат-эмитент marketing syndicate синдикат по сбыту marketing syndicate торговый синдикат speculative syndicate спекулятивный синдикат syndicate приобретать информацию и пр. syndicate агентство печати, приобретающее информацию (статьи и т. п.) и продающее их различным газетам для одновременной публикации syndicate консорциум syndicate объединять в консорциум syndicate объединять в синдикат syndicate объединять в синдикаты, синдицировать syndicate объединять в синдикаты, синдицировать syndicate синдикат syndicate of banks банковский консорциум underwriting syndicate группа банков, гарантирующая еврокредиты, еврооблигации или евроноты underwriting syndicate страховой синдикат -
16 syndicate
nсиндикат; консорциум
- banking syndicate
- buying syndicate
- finance syndicate
- financial syndicate
- financing syndicate
- guarantor syndicate
- issue syndicate
- machinery syndicate
- market syndicate
- promoting syndicate
- purchase syndicate
- underwriting syndicate
- form a syndicateEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > syndicate
17 syndicate
синдикат; консорциум || объединять в консорциум или синдикат -
18 syndicate
1. n синдикат; консорциум2. n группа газет, принадлежащая одной корпорации; газетный синдикат3. n организация гангстеровsyndicate criminal — синдицированный преступник, гангстер
4. v объединять в синдикаты, синдицироватьcrime syndicate — преступный синдикат; гангстерский синдикат
5. v публиковать сразу в нескольких газетахa syndicated column — колонка комментатора, появляющаяся одновременно во многих газетах
Синонимический ряд:1. association (noun) alliance; association; coalition; company; cooperative; corporation; joint concern; organisation; organization; partnership2. cartel (noun) cartel; chain; combine; conglomerate; group; pool; trust3. Cosa Nostra (noun) Cosa Nostra; mafia; mob; organized crime4. associate (verb) affiliate; ally; associate; connect; consolidate; incorporate; join together; merge; organize; regulate5. publish (verb) publish -
19 syndicate
nсиндикат; консорциум; (the Syndicate), уголовн. жарг. "Синдикат" (эвфемизм для обозначения "семей" американской мафии)- coal syndicate
- finance syndicate
- newspaper syndicate -
20 syndicate
синдикат; консорциум•
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Syndicate Bank — Infobox Company company name = Syndicate Bank company company type = Public (BSE NSE) company slogan = Faithful and Friendly (English) Viswasaneeya Hitheshi (Sanskrit) foundation = Udupi, 1925 (as Canara Industrial and Banking Syndicate Limited ) … Wikipedia
Banking in Karnataka — The state of Karnataka, particularly the region comprising the coastal districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi is called as the cradle of banking in India.cite web|url=http://www.flonnet.com/fl2221/stories/20051021002509200.htm|work=Online… … Wikipedia
Syndicate — A group of banks that acts jointly, on a temporary basis, to loan money in a bank credit (syndicated credit) or to underwrite a new issue of bonds. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. syndicate syn‧di‧cate 1 [ˈsɪndkt] noun… … Financial and business terms
syndicate — A group of banks that acts jointly, on a temporary basis, to loan money in a bank credit (syndicated credit) or to underwrite a new issue of bonds. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. syndicate syn‧di‧cate 1 [ˈsɪndkt] noun [countable] … Financial and business terms
Syndicate — A professional financial services group formed temporarily for the purpose of handling a large transaction that would be hard or impossible for the entities involved to handle individually. Syndication allows companies to pool their resources and … Investment dictionary
Syndicate underwriting — A group of local and/or foreign banks who temporarily works together by taking over an issue, either the risk is too big for one bank, either because of traditional considerations, e.g. the issuing institution has several banking relations. One … International financial encyclopaedia
Underwriter Syndicate — A temporary group of investment banks and broker dealers who come together to sell new offerings of equity or debt securities to investors. The underwriter syndicate is formed and led by the lead underwriter for a security issue. An underwriter… … Investment dictionary
Narasimham Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (1998) — From the 1991 India economic crisis to its status of fourth largest economy in the world by 2010, India has grown significantly in terms of economic development. So has its banking sector. During this period, recognizing the evolving needs of the … Wikipedia
Rothschild banking family of France — This article is about the Rothschild banking family of France. For the family overview, see Rothschild family The Rothschild banking family of France was founded in 1812 in Paris by James Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868). James was sent there from… … Wikipedia
National Institute of Banking and Finance — Established 8 March, 1993 Type Banking institution Chairman Dr. Shamshad Akhtar Governor of State Bank of Pakistan … Wikipedia
breaking the syndicate — Terminating an agreement among underwriters, specifically the investment banking ( investment bank) group assembled to underwrite the issue of a security (see securities). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms