1 banker's clearing house
Экономика: банковская расчётная палатаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > banker's clearing house
2 banker's clearing house
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > banker's clearing house
3 banker's clearing house
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > banker's clearing house
4 London Banker's Clearing House
Банковское дело: Лондонская расчётная палатаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > London Banker's Clearing House
5 london banker's clearing house
Англо-русский экономический словарь > london banker's clearing house
6 house
n1) дом, здание2) дом, жилище3) семья; хозяйство4) палата (парламента)5) фирма; торговый дом
- acceptance house
- accepting house
- apartment house
- auction house
- automated clearing house
- banker's clearing house
- banking house
- bond house
- branch house
- brokerage house
- business house
- clearing house
- commercial house
- commission house
- confirming house
- cooperative apartment house
- custom house
- customs house
- discount house
- dwelling house
- export house
- export commission house
- fashion house
- finance house
- financial house
- freight house
- importing house
- issue house
- issuing house
- licensed house
- London Bankers' Clearing House
- Lower House
- mail-order house
- mooring house
- New York Stock Exchange Clearing House
- packing house
- prefabricated house
- private house
- public house
- publishing house
- rooming house
- safe house
- securities house
- settlement house
- shipping house
- State house
- store house
- substandard house
- supply house
- switch house
- tenement house
- trading house
- treasure house
- underwriting house
- Upper House
- wholesale house
- wire house -
7 house
8 house
1. n дом; зданиеcondemned house — дом, предназначенный на снос
a house deep in the valley — домик, стоящий глубоко в долине
I call this a very good house — по-моему, это прекрасный дом
2. n дом, жилище; жильё, квартираhouse slippers — домашние туфли; тапочки
to move house — переезжать, менять квартиру
accomodation house — бордель, дом терпимости, публичный дом
3. n жилище животного; нора, берлога; гнездо4. n дом, семья; хозяйствоto have neither house nor home — не иметь крыши над головой, не иметь ни кола ни двора
master of the house — хозяин, глава семьи
to keep a good house — умело вести хозяйство, хорошо поставить дом
to set up house — обзавестись хозяйством, обосноваться, устроиться
long house — длинный вигвам; общий дом нескольких семейств
guest house — дом для гостей, приезжих; пансион, гостиница
5. n домашние, домочадцы6. n семейство, род7. n дом, династия8. n палатаHouse bill — законопроект, представленный палатой представителей
House concurrent resolution — резолюция конгресса, принятая по инициативе палаты представителей
House Calendar — список законопроектов, переданных комитетами на обсуждение палаты представителей
House of Councillors — палата советников, верхняя палата парламента Японии
the third House — «третья палата», кулуары конгресса
9. n фирма; торговый домthe but end of the house — часть дома, выходящая на улицу
10. n заведение, учреждение11. n цех, отделение, заводdyeing house — красильный цех, красильня
house organ — журнал для внутреннего пользования; многотиражка
12. n театр; кинотеатрhouse dramatist — «свой» драматург, драматург, пишущий для данного театра
full house — полный сбор, аншлаг
13. n публика, зрителиappreciative house — зрители, тепло принимающие артистов
14. n представление, сеанс15. n гостиница, постоялый двор16. n таверна, пивная; бар, трактир, кабакpublic house — паб, бар, пивная, закусочная, таверна
17. n игорный дом, казиноtown house — городская квартира; городской дом, особняк
18. n пансион, интернат; дортуар; студенческое общежитиеboarding house — пансион; меблированные комнаты со столом
19. n воспитанники интерната; учащиеся, живущие в пансионе20. n группа учащихся дневной школы21. n разг. «Дом», биржа22. n работный домramshackle house — ветхий дом, развалина
23. n храм, церковьjoss house — китайский храм, кумирня
24. n религиозное братство; монастырь, монашеская обитель25. n совет; коллегия,26. n хаус27. n мишень28. n уст. клетка29. n мор. рубка30. n тех. кабина подъёмного кранаHouse-divided Speech — речь Линкольна, призывающая к отмене рабовладения
the dark house — последнее пристанище, могила
house of merchandise — дом торговли, дом купли
as safe as houses — в полной безопасности; совершенно надёжный; полностью обеспеченный
31. v предоставлять жилище; обеспечивать жильёмloading house — отель, предоставляющий только услуги по размещению
32. v приютить; дать пристанище33. v воен. расквартировывать34. v жить, квартировать; размещатьсяthe house is not livable — в таком доме жить нельзя; этот дом пришёл в негодность
35. v убирать, прятать36. v вмещать, содержать37. v таить, заключать в себе38. v уст. загонять в домlow energy house — дом, экономичный по энергопотреблению
white house source — источник, связанный с Белым домом
a house shut in by trees — дом, спрятанный за деревьями
39. v тех. заключать, вставлять в кожух40. v с. -х. загонять41. v покрывать попоной, чепракомСинонимический ряд:1. apartment (noun) apartment; condominium; mobile home; townhouse; villa2. enterprise (noun) business; company; concern; corporation; enterprise; establishment; firm; outfit; partnership3. family (noun) ancestry; clan; family; folk; folks; kin; kindred; line; lineage; menage; posterity; race; stock; tribe4. governing body (noun) congress; council; governing body; parliament5. habitation (noun) abode; building; commorancy; domicile; dwelling; habitation; home; household; lodgings; menage; place; residence; residency6. guard (verb) guard; preserve; protect; safeguard7. harbor (verb) accommodate; barrack; bed; berth; bestow; billet; board; bunk; chamber; domicile; domiciliate; dwell; entertain; harbor; harbour; haven; hut; lodge; put up; quarter; reside; roof; room; roost; shelter; shieldАнтонимический ряд:attack; evict -
9 Upper House
the third House — «третья палата», кулуары конгресса
10 clerk of the house
11 bank
1. сущ.1) банк. банк (финансовая организация, которая сосредоточивает временно свободные денежные средства в виде принятых вкладов и предоставляет их во временное пользование в виде кредитов (займов, ссуд), а также оказывает населению и предприятиям услуги по проведению расчетов)ATTRIBUTES:
Syn:See:accepting bank, acquiring bank, advising bank, agent bank, agricultural bank, Agricultural Credit Bank, avalizing bank, bank of first deposit, bankers' bank, bridge bank, central bank, clearing bank, collecting bank, commercial bank, community bank, concentration bank, confirming bank, consortium bank, consumer bank, cooperative bank, correspondent bank, dealer bank, depositary bank, development bank, district bank, drive-in bank, eurobank, Export-Import Bank, Farm Credit Bank, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, Federal Land Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, foreign trade bank, full-service bank, Girobank, high-street bank, independent bank, industrial bank, in-house bank, internet bank, investment bank, issuing bank, lead bank, limited-service bank, member bank, merchant bank, mortgage bank, national bank, negotiating bank, nominated bank, nonbank bank, notifying bank, offshore bank, one-stop bank, opening bank, paying bank, presenting bank, private bank, receiving bank, regional bank, remitting bank, reserve city bank, respondent bank, retail bank, savings bank, state bank, super regional bank, unit bank, universal bank, wholesale bank, wildcat bank, bank acceptance, bank advertising, Bank Advisory Committee, bank balance, bank bill, bank charges, bank cheque, bank commission, bank crisis, bank draft, bank guarantee, bank manager, bank marketing, bank statement, bank supervisor COMBS: bank affiliate export trading company, Bank Export Services Act, Association of Central African Banks, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Arab International Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Central American Bank for Economic Integration, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Latin American Export Bank, Nordic Investment Bank, World Bank, Federal Reserve System, clearing 4), deposit 1. 1), loan 1. 1), а interbank2) эк. фонд; резерв; место хранения запасовSee:2. гл.1) банк. класть деньги в банк; держать деньги в банке; вести дела с банкомto bank with The Royal Bank of Scotland Group — держать деньги в "Ройял бэнк оф Скотланд Груп"
2) банк. держать банк, быть владельцем банка; осуществлять банковские операции, заниматься банковской деятельностьюSee:3) общ. хранить что-л. про запас
* * *
Bk 1) банк: компания, специализирующаяся на приеме вкладов, кредитовании, осуществлении расчетов и др. финансовых операций; см. central bank, commercial bank, investment bank, merchant bank; 2) держать деньги в банке.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Банки/Банковские операциифинансово-кредитное учреждение, накапливающее денежные средства, предоставляющее займы, ссуды и осуществляющее денежные расчеты, учет векселей, выпуск денег и ценных бумаг -
12 cheque
- accepted cheque
- accommodation cheque
- assignment cheque
- backed cheque
- bad cheque
- bank cheque
- banker's cheque
- bearer cheque
- blank cheque
- bounced cheque
- bouncing cheque
- cancelled cheque
- cashable cheque
- cashed cheque
- cashier's cheque
- certified cheque
- cleared cheque
- clearing cheque
- cross cheque
- crossed cheque
- current account cheque
- dishonoured cheque
- dud cheque
- false cheque
- forged cheque
- generally crossed cheque
- gift cheque
- house cheque
- international cheque
- kite cheque
- limited cheque
- marked cheque
- memorandum cheque
- multiple-payment cheque
- negotiable cheque
- nonnegotiable cheque
- open cheque
- order cheque
- out-of-date cheque
- outstanding cheque
- paid cheque
- pay cheque
- personal cheque
- personalized cheque
- postdated cheque
- protested cheque
- privatization cheque
- raised cheque
- redemption cheque
- returned cheque
- rubber cheque
- salary cheque
- self cheque
- single multipayment cheque
- sola cheque
- specifically crossed cheque
- stale cheque
- stopped cheque
- teller's cheque
- traveller's cheque
- treasurer's cheque
- uncleared cheque
- uncovered cheque
- uncrossed cheque
- unpaid cheque
- voucher cheque
- cheque against documents
- cheque in blank
- cheque in foreign currency
- cheque in settlement
- cheque on account
- cheque to bearer
- cheque without provision
- cheque drawn on a bank
- cancel a cheque
- cash a cheque
- change a cheque
- clear a cheque
- collect a cheque
- cover a cheque
- credit a cheque to smb
- cross a cheque
- deposit a cheque
- draw up a cheque
- draw up a cheque against one's account
- draw a cheque on a bank
- endorse a cheque
- hand over a cheque for
- issue a cheque to smb
- make out a cheque
- negotiate a cheque
- pay a cheque
- pay a cheque into one's account
- pay a cheque into a bank account
- pay by cheque
- present a cheque for payment
- protest a cheque
- refer the cheque to the drawer
- sign a cheque
- stop a cheque
- suspend a cheque
- write out a chequeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cheque
См. также в других словарях:
Clearing House Interbank Payment System — ( CHIPS) A privately owned electronic system in New York City that is used to transfer funds between banks. Often used for funds moving into and out of the United States. See Fed wire and Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial… … Financial and business terms
Clearing House Association, LLC — The Clearing House Association, LLC is the nation’s oldest banking association representing 17 of the world s largest commercial banks, which collectively employ over 2 million people and hold more than half of all U.S. deposits. It is a… … Wikipedia
Clearing (finance) — In banking and finance, clearing denotes all activities from the time a commitment is made for a transaction until it is settled. Clearing is necessary because the speed of trades is much faster than the cycle time for completing the underlying… … Wikipedia
local clearing house — An organization established by the banks in a local area to facilitate the presentment and exchange of checks between those banks. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms
Banker's draft — A banker s draft (also called a bank cheque ) is a cheque (or check) where the funds are taken directly from the financial institution rather than the individual drawer s account.A normal cheque represents an instruction to transfer a sum of… … Wikipedia
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation — Type Private Industry Finance Ge … Wikipedia
Cheque and Credit Clearing Company — The Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Limited is a membership based industry body with 12 settlement members. The company has managed the cheque clearing system in England and Wales since 1985, and in all of Great Britain since 1996 when it took … Wikipedia
CHIPS — Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) A privately owned electronic system in New York City that is used to transfer funds between banks. Often used for funds moving into and out of the United States. See Fed wire and Society for… … Financial and business terms
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 — The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (CFMA) is United States federal legislation that officially ensured the deregulation of financial products known as over the counter derivatives. It was signed into law on December 21, 2000 by… … Wikipedia
Cheque — A Canadian cheque … Wikipedia
Panic of 1907 — A swarm gathers on Wall Street during the bank panic in October 1907. Federal Hall, with its statue of George Washington, is seen on the right. The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers Panic, was a financial crisis that occurred in the… … Wikipedia