Перевод: с арабского на английский

с английского на арабский


  • 1 clerk

    كَاتِب \ author: a writer: Dickens was the author of many books. clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank. writer: sb. who writes books, etc..

    Arabic-English glossary > clerk

  • 2 clerk

    مُوَظَّف كتابِيّ \ clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank.

    Arabic-English glossary > clerk

  • 3 موظف فى البنك

    n. bank clerk

    Arabic-English dictionary > موظف فى البنك

  • 4 job

    [dʒɔb] noun
    1) a person's daily work or employment:

    Some of the unemployed men have been out of a job for four years.

    مِهْنَه، وظيفَه
    2) a piece of work or a task:

    I have several jobs to do before going to bed.

    مُهِمَّه، واجِب

    Arabic-English dictionary > job

  • 5 احتيال

    اِحْتِيَال \ fraud: to deceit; dishonesty; a deceitftul trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud. roguery: dishonesty; trickery. wangle: a wangling act.

    Arabic-English dictionary > احتيال

  • 6 غش

    غِشّ \ deceit: deceiving. dishonesty: lack of honesty. fraud: deceit; dishonesty; a deceitful trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud. \ غِشّ واحتِيَال \ swindle: a swindling trick.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غش

  • 7 deceit

    غِشّ \ deceit: deceiving. dishonesty: lack of honesty. fraud: deceit; dishonesty; a deceitful trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud.

    Arabic-English glossary > deceit

  • 8 dishonesty

    غِشّ \ deceit: deceiving. dishonesty: lack of honesty. fraud: deceit; dishonesty; a deceitful trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud.

    Arabic-English glossary > dishonesty

  • 9 fraud

    غِشّ \ deceit: deceiving. dishonesty: lack of honesty. fraud: deceit; dishonesty; a deceitful trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud.

    Arabic-English glossary > fraud

  • 10 fraud

    اِحْتِيَال \ fraud: to deceit; dishonesty; a deceitftul trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud. roguery: dishonesty; trickery. wangle: a wangling act.

    Arabic-English glossary > fraud

  • 11 roguery

    اِحْتِيَال \ fraud: to deceit; dishonesty; a deceitftul trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud. roguery: dishonesty; trickery. wangle: a wangling act.

    Arabic-English glossary > roguery

  • 12 wangle

    اِحْتِيَال \ fraud: to deceit; dishonesty; a deceitftul trick: Her illness was a fraud, to avoid the work. The bank clerk was taken to court for fraud. roguery: dishonesty; trickery. wangle: a wangling act.

    Arabic-English glossary > wangle

  • 13 أمين

    أَمين \ fair: just; honest; obeying the rules: The court gave him a fair trial. sincere: (of a person; his character, feelings or actions) honest; not pretending: a sincere desire for peace. staunch: loyal: a staunch friend. straightforward: honest and direct; not deceitful or twisted. \ See Also عادل (عادِل)، مخلص (مُخْلِص)‏ \ أَمين \ safe, secure. \ See Also مأمون( مأمون)‏ \ أَمين (في عَمَلِهِ)‏ \ conscientious: guided by conscience; careful to do one’s duty in this smallest matters: She’s conscientious about paying her bills at once. \ أَمين المكتبة \ librarian: sb. in charge of a library. \ أَمين سِرّ \ secretary: (in offices) sb. who acts as clerk and makes appointments, for a particular person; (in a social group or committee) sb. who keeps records and writes letters: The Chief Accountant’s private secretary; the secretary of the football club. \ أَمين الصُّنْدُوق \ treasurer: sb. who is in charge of public money and accounts (in a club, in local government, etc.). \ أَمين صُنْدُوق \ cashier: one who receives and pays out money in a bank, shop, etc.. \ أَمين المدينة \ mayor: the head of the elected government of a city or large town (in London and some other big cities she or he is called the Lord Mayor. \ See Also رئيس البلديّة \ أَنْ (بَعْدَ صِفَة)‏ \ to: (after an adj.): I’m glad to see you. This is very difficult to do. I’ts good to be. \ أَنْ (بَعْدَ بعض الأفعال)‏ \ to: (after verbs like want, try, hope, allow, order): He asked to stay. I ought to go. I want ot buy a bicycle. He asked me to stay. I want you to do it now. I want something to eat. He has a lot to do.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أمين

  • 14 دفع

    دَفَعَ \ bundle: to send away in a hurry: She bundled him down the stairs. drive (drove, driven): to cause (sb. or sth.) to move in a certain direction: We drove the sheep to market, to cause, sb. to be or do sth. The noise almost drove me mad. Hunger drove them to eat rats. pay: to give money for sth.: Whom should I pay for these goods? Pay the man at the door. How much must I pay? You must pay $4. You must pay that man $4. If you can’t pay now, come back later. prompt: to cause; urge: What prompted you to become a doctor? A quiet child won’t ask questions unless you prompt him. propel: to force (esp. a vehicle) forward. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: I pushed my bicycle up the hill. shove: to push. \ See Also سَاقَ \ دَفَعَ \ pay in, pay out: to hand money in or out: You can pay money in at the bank, and they will pay it out when you need it. \ See Also صرف (صَرَفَ)‏ \ دَفَعَ أَجْرًا \ pay: to give regular money to an employed person: What do you pay your clerk? I pay him $80 a week. \ دَفَعَ إِكْرامِيَّة \ tip: to give a tip to: Did you tip the boy who brought you a newspaper? Yes, I tipped him 10 pence. \ دَفَعَ إلى السأم \ tire: to cause (sb.) to tire: The small print tired his eyes. I’m tired of paying your debts. \ دَفَعَ بِرِفْقٍ \ jog: to push or knock slightly: He jogged my arm, and my drink fell on the floor. \ دَفَعَ بسُرعَة \ hustle: to hurry (sb.) forcefully; to push: He hustled his family into the train. \ دَفَعَ بعَجَلةٍ \ rush: to urge (or cause) sb. to act too hastily: My wife rushed me into buying this house. \ See Also بِعُنْف \ دَفَعَ بِعُنْف \ thrust: to push suddenly and forcefully: He thrust a letter into my hand. \ دَفَعَ بالمِنْكَب \ jostle: to push roughly, among a crowd. \ دَفَعَ تَعْويضًا عن \ compensate: to make a suitable payment for some loss or bad effect: Many companies compensate their workers if they are hurt at work. \ دَفَعَ ثَمَنَ غَلْطَةٍ أو إهْمَال \ pay for: to suffer for (a foolish act): If you don’t oil that machine properly, you’ll pay for it later. \ دَفَعَ ثَمَنًا أو مُقابِلاً لِـ \ give: to pay; hand over (sth.) in return for sth. else: How much did you give for that watch? She gave her life for her children’s safety when the house was on fire. \ دَفَعَ شيئًا على عَجَلات \ wheel: to push (sth.) on wheels: He wheeled his bicycle into the hut. \ دَفَعَ مُقَدَّمًا \ advance: to pay money before it is earned; bring forward to an earlier date or time: My new employer advanced me $50 to buy a bicycle.

    Arabic-English dictionary > دفع

  • 15 كاتب

    كَاتِب \ author: a writer: Dickens was the author of many books. clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank. writer: sb. who writes books, etc.. \ كَاتِب الاخْتِزَال \ stenographer: sb. who writes by using signs (shorthand) instead of whole words or common groups of letters. \ كَاتِب حِسَابات \ book-keeper: sb. who keeps business accounts. \ الكَاتِب العَدْل \ notary, notary public: a person (usu. a lawyer) with the power to make the signing of written statements official. \ كَاتِب فُكاهي \ humorist: a person who makes jokes, in speech or writing. \ كَاتِب قِصّة \ novelist: sb. who writes novels. \ كَاتِب مَسْرَحيّ \ dramatist: sb. who writes plays. \ كاتِبةٌ مُبْرِقة (كاتِبةٌ مُبْرِقة بِعاديّة)‏ \ teleprinter, telex. \ _(field) Elec. Comm.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كاتب

  • 16 موظف

    مُوَظَّف \ lifeguard: a strong swimmer, on duty at dangerous places where people swim. \ See Also عامل الإنقاذ \ مُوَظَّف الاسْتِقْبال \ receptionist: sb. who receives guests at hotels, offices, etc.. \ مُوَظَّف حُكوميّ \ civil servant: any government worker who is not in the armed forces. \ مُوَظَّف كتابِيّ \ clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank. \ مُوَظَّف مَدَنِيّ \ civil servant: any government worker who is not in the armed forces.

    Arabic-English dictionary > موظف

  • 17 author

    كَاتِب \ author: a writer: Dickens was the author of many books. clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank. writer: sb. who writes books, etc..

    Arabic-English glossary > author

  • 18 writer

    كَاتِب \ author: a writer: Dickens was the author of many books. clerk: a person who deals with letters, files, accounts, etc., in the office or bank. writer: sb. who writes books, etc..

    Arabic-English glossary > writer

См. также в других словарях:

  • bank clerk — ➔ clerk * * * bank clerk UK US noun [C] ► BANKING an employee of a bank who deals with customers, receives and pays out money, etc.: »A bank clerk serves as the primary point of contact for most bank customers, administering most basic banking… …   Financial and business terms

  • bank clerk — bank teller, employee of a bank who serves clientele …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bank clerk — /ˈbæŋk klak/ (say bangk klahk) noun a clerk employed by a bank …  

  • bank clerk — / bæŋk klɑ:k/ noun a person who works in a bank, but is not a manager …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • bank clerk — noun an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money • Syn: ↑teller, ↑cashier • Hypernyms: ↑banker * * * Brit. teller (def. 2). [1820 30] …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank clerk — Brit. teller (def. 2). [1820 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • The Bank Clerk — Données clés Réalisation Roscoe Arbuckle Scénario Roscoe Arbuckle Acteurs principaux Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle Molly Malone Sociétés de production Comique Film Corporation Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Bank Clerk — Infobox Film name = The Bank Clerk image size = caption = director = Fatty Arbuckle producer = writer = Fatty Arbuckle narrator = starring = Fatty Arbuckle music = cinematography = editing = distributor = released = 5 April, 1919 runtime =… …   Wikipedia

  • bank assistant — UK US noun [C] ► BANKING an employee of a bank who deals with customers, receives and pays out money, and helps with other tasks → See also BANK CLERK(Cf. ↑bank clerk), BANK TELLER(Cf. ↑bank teller) …   Financial and business terms

  • bank teller — UK US noun [C] (US ► BANKING a person whose job is to pay out and take in money in a bank → See also BANK ASSISTANT(Cf. ↑bank assistant), BANK CLERK(Cf. ↑bank clerk) …   Financial and business terms

  • clerk — A member s bona fide employee who has been registered by the exchange to work on the trading floor. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * * clerk clerk [klɑːk ǁ klɜːrk] noun [countable] JOBS 1. someone who keeps records or accounts in an… …   Financial and business terms

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