1 bank borrowing
Экономика: банковский заём -
2 bank borrowing
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > bank borrowing
3 bank borrowing
Банки/Банковские операциидоговорное отношение между банком-заимодателем и заемщиком, по которому банк передает деньги, а заемщик их принимает, обязуясь возвратить полученную сумму денег в определенные сроки -
4 bank borrowing
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > bank borrowing
5 bank borrowing
6 bank borrowing behavior
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bank borrowing behavior
7 bank borrowing behaviour
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bank borrowing behaviour
8 bank borrowing limit
Экономика: лимит банковского займа -
9 bank borrowing limit
10 bank borrowing behavior
политика позаимствований у банков (проводимая крупной корпорацией)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > bank borrowing behavior
11 borrowing
[ˈbɔrəuɪŋ]additional borrowing дополнительный заем back-to-back borrowing компенсационный кредит bank borrowing банковский заем borrowing pres. p. от borrow borrowing заем borrowing заимствование borrowing заимствование borrowing кредит borrowing одалживание; he who likes borrowing dislikes paying тот, кто любит брать взаймы, не любит отдавать borrowing одалживание borrowing and deposit facilities предоставление займа и депонирование borrowing and deposit limits пределы займа и вклада borrowing at national bank получение кредита в национальном банке borrowing for consumption purposes заимствование на цели потребления borrowing on certificate of deposit заем на депозитный сертификат debt and borrowing заем и кредит domestic borrowing внутренний заем foreign borrowing иностранный займ government borrowing займы правительства gross borrowing крупный заем borrowing одалживание; he who likes borrowing dislikes paying тот, кто любит брать взаймы, не любит отдавать mortgage borrowing ипотечный заем net borrowing нетто-кредит official borrowing государственный заем proxy borrowing заем по доверенности public sector borrowing заем государственного сектора public sector borrowing кредит государственного сектора seasonal borrowing кредиты на сезонные нужды secured borrowing обеспеченный кредит term borrowing заем на срок -
12 borrowing
заём, кредит -
13 borrowing
nзаимствование; заем
- bank borrowing
- distress borrowing
- domestic borrowing
- easy borrowing
- external borrowing
- high borrowings
- indexed currency borrowings
- intermediate borrowing
- internal borrowing
- international borrowing
- jumbo borrowing
- long-term borrowing
- lump-sum borrowing
- public sector external borrowing
- qualified borrowings
- short-term borrowingEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > borrowing
14 borrowing
заимствование; заем• -
15 bank
1. n1) банк2) фонд; общий запас
- acceptance bank
- accepting bank
- account-holding bank
- advising bank
- affiliated bank
- agency bank
- agent bank
- agricultural bank
- agroindustrial bank
- ailing bank
- all-purpose bank
- associated banks
- authorized bank
- bankers' bank
- bankrupt bank
- big bank
- book-running lead bank
- borrowing bank
- branch bank
- business bank
- card issuing bank
- cash-strapped bank
- central bank
- Central Bank of Russia
- chartered bank
- clearing bank
- closing bank
- collecting bank
- colonial bank
- combined commercial and investment bank
- commercial bank
- confirming bank
- consortium bank
- consumer-credit bank
- continental bank
- cooperative bank
- corporate bank
- correspondent bank
- country bank
- credit bank
- credit-issuing bank
- creditor bank
- custodian bank
- data bank
- dealer bank
- debt-burdened bank
- debt-laden bank
- debtor bank
- deposit bank
- depository bank
- development bank
- discount bank
- domestic bank
- drawee bank
- drive-in bank
- emitting bank
- European Investment Bank
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- exchange bank
- exporter's bank
- Export-Import Bank
- Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
- Federal Land Bank
- federally-chartered bank
- Federal Reserve Banks
- fictitious bank
- first-class bank
- first-tier bank
- foreign bank
- foreign-owned bank
- fringe banks
- full-service bank
- government-owned bank
- guarantor bank
- High Street banks
- importer's bank
- incorporated bank
- independent bank
- industrial bank
- insolvent bank
- intermediary bank
- intermediate bank
- international bank
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- International Investment Bank
- interstate banks
- investment bank
- issuing bank
- joint-stock bank
- joint-stock innovation bank
- labour bank
- land bank
- large exposure bank
- lead bank
- leading bank
- lending bank
- loan bank
- local bank
- long-term credit bank
- loss-making bank
- mediating bank
- medium-sized bank
- major bank
- member bank
- mercantile bank
- merchant bank
- mid-sized bank
- mobile bank
- money market bank
- money trading bank
- mortgage bank
- multifunctional bank
- multinational bank
- multiple office bank
- municipal bank
- mutual credit bank
- mutual savings bank
- national bank
- negotiating bank
- nominated bank
- nonmember bank
- nonpar bank
- nonperforming bank
- notifying bank
- offshore bank
- opening bank
- originating bank
- outsider bank
- overseas bank
- parent bank
- paying bank
- penny bank
- primary bank
- prime bank
- private bank
- private sector banks
- provident bank
- provincial bank
- reference bank
- remitting bank
- reserve bank
- retail bank
- rural bank
- savings bank
- secondary bank
- small bank
- specialized bank
- state bank
- stock exchange bank
- stock savings bank
- third country bank
- thrift bank
- trading bank
- transferring bank
- troubled bank
- trust bank
- trustee bank
- trustee savings bank
- underwriting bank
- venture bank
- wholesale bank
- wildcat bank
- World Bank
- bank for international settlements
- bank of circulation
- bank of deposit
- bank of discount
- Bank of England
- bank of good standing
- bank of issue
- bank of settlements
- bank on a sharing basis
- bank with mixed capital
- authorize a bank
- bail out a bank
- bolster a bank
- deposit money with a bank
- draw money from a bank
- draw on a bank
- establish a bank
- expand a bank
- instruct a bank
- keep in a bank
- merge banks
- nationalize a bank
- pay into a bank
- pay through a bank
- prop up a bank
- run a bank
- set up a bank
- undercut the banks
- bank has gone bankrupt
- bank forfeited its licence
- bank, deprived of its licence2. vвносить деньги в банк; держать деньги в банке
- bank at a branch -
16 bank
̈ɪbæŋk banker's bank corresponding bank deposit money in a bank on a bank draw money from a bank keep an account at a bank open an account with a bank bank of discount Bank of England/the Bank Bank for International Settlements State Bank of Construction {the }State Bank of the USSR acceptance bank borrowing bank branch bank Clearing Bank Construction Bank commercial bank cooperative bank country bank creditor bank debtor bank discount bank export-import bank Federal Reserve Bank industrial bank International Bank for Economic Cooperation investment bank lending bank loan bank mercantile bank mutual savings bank national bank national city bank non-member bank parent bank regional bank reporting member bank Soil Bank state bank stock exchange bank trading bank World Bank -
17 borrowing
ˈbɔrəuɪŋ сущ.
1) одалживание he who likes borrowing dislikes paying ≈ тот, кто любит брать взаймы, не любит отдавать
2) заимствование одалживание - to go * просить взаймы (экономика) заем( экономика) кредит заимствование - English has many *s from other languages в английском много заимствований из других языков > * days (шотландское) последние три дня марта (по поверью, очень ветреные и дождливые) ;
первые одиннадцать дней мая additional ~ дополнительный заем back-to-back ~ компенсационный кредит bank ~ банковский заем borrowing pres. p. от borrow ~ заем ~ заимствование ~ заимствование ~ кредит ~ одалживание;
he who likes borrowing dislikes paying тот, кто любит брать взаймы, не любит отдавать ~ одалживание ~ and deposit facilities предоставление займа и депонирование ~ and deposit limits пределы займа и вклада ~ at national bank получение кредита в национальном банке ~ for consumption purposes заимствование на цели потребления ~ on certificate of deposit заем на депозитный сертификат debt and ~ заем и кредит domestic ~ внутренний заем foreign ~ иностранный займ government ~ займы правительства gross ~ крупный заем ~ одалживание;
he who likes borrowing dislikes paying тот, кто любит брать взаймы, не любит отдавать mortgage ~ ипотечный заем net ~ нетто-кредит official ~ государственный заем proxy ~ заем по доверенности public sector ~ заем государственного сектора public sector ~ кредит государственного сектора seasonal ~ кредиты на сезонные нужды secured ~ обеспеченный кредит term ~ заем на срокБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > borrowing
18 borrowing
сущ.1) эк. одалживание, заимствованиеborrowing against security [assets, accounts receivable, securities\] — заимствование под обеспечение [активы, дебиторскую задолженность, ценные бумаги\]
See:2)а) банк., фин. заем; кредит; ссуда; мн. заемные [заимствованные\] средстваlong-term [short-term\] borrowings — долгосрочные [краткосрочные\] заимствования
borrowing needs — потребность в кредите [в заимствовании\]
See:б) банк., эк., бирж., стат. ссуды, объем ссуд (показатель, характеризующий изменение объема депозитных операций коммерческих банков; рост показателя свидетельствует об улучшении экономической ситуации, этапе экономического подъема в экономическом цикле и положительно влияет на котировки акций и валюты)See:3) общ. (заимствованное слово, идея и т. д.)All of these words are borrowings into English from other languages. — Все эти слова заимствованы английским языком из других языков.
See:* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Банки/Банковские операциизаем; ссудасм. 1oan, drawing-----Финансы/Кредит/Валютазаем, кредит1. временная передача другому лицу денежных средств, товаров и других ценностей на условиях срочности, возвратности и, как правило, платности в виде процента за пользование кредитом; в хозяйственной практике используют две основные формы кредита: банковский и коммерческий2. ссуда в денежной форме, выдаваемая на условиях возвратности3. правая сторона бухгалтерских счетов (в активных счетах кредит представляет расходную часть, в пассивных счетах - приходную часть)4. довериесм. credit -
19 borrowing
['bɔrəuɪŋ]сущ.1) одалживание, заимствование2) ссуда; заём; кредитbank borrowings — займы, получаемые в банке
3) лингв. заимствование -
20 bank
1. сущ.1) банк. банк (финансовая организация, которая сосредоточивает временно свободные денежные средства в виде принятых вкладов и предоставляет их во временное пользование в виде кредитов (займов, ссуд), а также оказывает населению и предприятиям услуги по проведению расчетов)ATTRIBUTES:
Syn:See:accepting bank, acquiring bank, advising bank, agent bank, agricultural bank, Agricultural Credit Bank, avalizing bank, bank of first deposit, bankers' bank, bridge bank, central bank, clearing bank, collecting bank, commercial bank, community bank, concentration bank, confirming bank, consortium bank, consumer bank, cooperative bank, correspondent bank, dealer bank, depositary bank, development bank, district bank, drive-in bank, eurobank, Export-Import Bank, Farm Credit Bank, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, Federal Land Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, foreign trade bank, full-service bank, Girobank, high-street bank, independent bank, industrial bank, in-house bank, internet bank, investment bank, issuing bank, lead bank, limited-service bank, member bank, merchant bank, mortgage bank, national bank, negotiating bank, nominated bank, nonbank bank, notifying bank, offshore bank, one-stop bank, opening bank, paying bank, presenting bank, private bank, receiving bank, regional bank, remitting bank, reserve city bank, respondent bank, retail bank, savings bank, state bank, super regional bank, unit bank, universal bank, wholesale bank, wildcat bank, bank acceptance, bank advertising, Bank Advisory Committee, bank balance, bank bill, bank charges, bank cheque, bank commission, bank crisis, bank draft, bank guarantee, bank manager, bank marketing, bank statement, bank supervisor COMBS: bank affiliate export trading company, Bank Export Services Act, Association of Central African Banks, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Arab International Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Central American Bank for Economic Integration, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Latin American Export Bank, Nordic Investment Bank, World Bank, Federal Reserve System, clearing 4), deposit 1. 1), loan 1. 1), а interbank2) эк. фонд; резерв; место хранения запасовSee:2. гл.1) банк. класть деньги в банк; держать деньги в банке; вести дела с банкомto bank with The Royal Bank of Scotland Group — держать деньги в "Ройял бэнк оф Скотланд Груп"
2) банк. держать банк, быть владельцем банка; осуществлять банковские операции, заниматься банковской деятельностьюSee:3) общ. хранить что-л. про запас
* * *
Bk 1) банк: компания, специализирующаяся на приеме вкладов, кредитовании, осуществлении расчетов и др. финансовых операций; см. central bank, commercial bank, investment bank, merchant bank; 2) держать деньги в банке.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Банки/Банковские операциифинансово-кредитное учреждение, накапливающее денежные средства, предоставляющее займы, ссуды и осуществляющее денежные расчеты, учет векселей, выпуск денег и ценных бумаг
См. также в других словарях:
bank borrowing — ➔ borrowing * * * bank borrowing UK US noun ► [U] the act of taking money from a bank and paying it back over a period of time: »The company will no longer be so dependent on bank borrowing to finance expansion. ► [C] the amount of money that is… … Financial and business terms
bank borrowing — /bæŋk bɒrəυɪŋ/ noun money borrowed from a bank ● The new factory was financed by bank borrowing … Dictionary of banking and finance
borrowing — A futures trade on the LME involving the buying of near dated contracts and the selling of long dated contracts. An example of a carry ( carrying). The equivalent of an intramarket spread trade sometimes known as buying the spread . Dresdner… … Financial and business terms
borrowing — / bɒrəυɪŋ/ noun the action of borrowing money ● The new factory was financed by bank borrowing. ▪▪▪ ‘…we tend to think of building societies as having the best borrowing rates and indeed many do offer excellent terms’ [Financial Times] … Dictionary of banking and finance
Bank regulation in the United States — is highly fragmented compared to other G10 countries where most countries have only one bank regulator. In the U.S., banking is regulated at both the federal and state level. Depending on a banking organization s charter type and organizational… … Wikipedia
borrowing costs — UK US noun [plural] ► FINANCE, BANKING costs, especially interest, connected with borrowing money: cut/lower/reduce borrowing costs »The Bank of England recently cut borrowing costs from 4% to 3.75%. » corporate borrowing costs »Experts say an… … Financial and business terms
Bank of England — Bank of England … Wikipedia
Bank of Mexico — Banco de México Bank of Mexico headquarters in Mexico City … Wikipedia
Bank of Japan — 日本銀行 (Japanese) … Wikipedia
Bank Rakyat Indonesia — Infobox Company company name = Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk. company type = Financial Services/Public idx|BBRI foundation = Dutch Indies Government (1895) location = flagicon|Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia key people = flagicon|Indonesia Sofyan Basir … Wikipedia
bank — bank1 /bangk/, n. 1. a long pile or heap; mass: a bank of earth; a bank of clouds. 2. a slope or acclivity. 3. Physical Geog. the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water normally runs. 4. a broad elevation of the sea… … Universalium