1 bandwidth usage
коэффициент использования ширины полосы частот
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > bandwidth usage
2 bandwidth usage
коэффициент использования полосы частотБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bandwidth usage
3 bandwidth usage
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > bandwidth usage
4 Bandwidth usage
Техника: загрузка канала, траффик -
5 bandwidth usage
Техника: загрузка канала, траффик -
6 bandwidth usage
7 usage
1) коэффициент использования; связь коэффициент загруженности2) частота использования, используемость• -
8 usage
1) применение; использование; употребление; эксплуатация2) коэффициент использования; коэффициент загрузки, загрузка3) способ применения, использования или употребления•- long-term usage
- resource usage
- short-term usage -
1) Военный термин: Bottom- Up Reconciliation, Buried, Buried at...., bottom-up review2) Техника: Built- Up Roofing3) Юридический термин: Believe Unless Refuted4) Телекоммуникации: Bandwidth Usage Redundancy5) Сокращение: Bottom Up Review, Bottom-Up Review (USA), Burmese6) Университет: Boston University Radio7) Транспорт: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport9) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: темп набора кривизны ствола буровой скважины10) NYSE. Burlington Industries, Inc.11) Аэропорты: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport, Burbank, California USA12) Единицы измерений: Between Unit Reading -
10 Bur
1) Военный термин: Bottom- Up Reconciliation, Buried, Buried at...., bottom-up review2) Техника: Built- Up Roofing3) Юридический термин: Believe Unless Refuted4) Телекоммуникации: Bandwidth Usage Redundancy5) Сокращение: Bottom Up Review, Bottom-Up Review (USA), Burmese6) Университет: Boston University Radio7) Транспорт: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport9) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: темп набора кривизны ствола буровой скважины10) NYSE. Burlington Industries, Inc.11) Аэропорты: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport, Burbank, California USA12) Единицы измерений: Between Unit Reading -
11 bur
1) Военный термин: Bottom- Up Reconciliation, Buried, Buried at...., bottom-up review2) Техника: Built- Up Roofing3) Юридический термин: Believe Unless Refuted4) Телекоммуникации: Bandwidth Usage Redundancy5) Сокращение: Bottom Up Review, Bottom-Up Review (USA), Burmese6) Университет: Boston University Radio7) Транспорт: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport9) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: темп набора кривизны ствола буровой скважины10) NYSE. Burlington Industries, Inc.11) Аэропорты: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport, Burbank, California USA12) Единицы измерений: Between Unit Reading -
12 factor
2) фактор3) показатель•factor of earthing — коэффициент заземленияfactor of merit — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of quality — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of safety — 1. коэффициент запаса (прочности), запас прочности 2. коэффициент (фактор) безопасности 3. коэффициент надёжностиfactor of safety against overturning — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против опрокидывания ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against sliding — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против плоского сдвига по основанию ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against ultimate stress — коэффициент запаса прочности по пределу прочности-
2T pulse K factor
absorption factor
acceleration factor
accumulation factor
acoustic insulation factor
acoustic reduction factor
acoustic reflection factor
acoustical absorption factor
activity factor
additional secondary phase factor
additional secondary factor
aerodrome utilization factor
aircraft acceleration factor
aircraft load factor
aircraft safety factor
aircraft usability factor
amplification factor
amplitude factor
anisotropy factor
annual growth factor
annual plant factor
anthropogenic factor
aperture shape factor
application factor
array factor
ASTM stability factor
atmospheric factor
atomic factor
attenuation factor
automatic scale factor
availability factor
available heat factor
available-lime factor
average noise factor
balance factor
bandwidth factor
barrier factor
base-transport factor
basin shape factor
beam shape factor
bed-formation factor
belt differential factor
belt factor
belt sag factor
biological quality factor N
biological quality factor
biotic factor
blast-penetration factor
blockage factor
brake factor
break-even load factor
bulk factor
bulking factor
burnup factor
calibration factor
Callier factor
capacitance factor
capacity factor
car capacity utilization factor
cargo load factor
catalyst carbon factor
catalyst gas factor
cement factor
cementation factor
characteristic factors
chemotactic factor
climatic factor
clotting factor
CNI factor
coil magnification factor
coincidence factor
coke-hardness factor
coke-permeability factor
Colburo heat-transfer factor
colicinogenic factor
colicin factor
comfort factor
common factor
compacting factor
compensation factor
complexity factor
compressibility factor
concentration factor
confidence factor
consumer load coincidence factor
contrast factor
control factor
conversion factor
conveyance factor
core factor
correction factor
correlation factor
coupling factor
cover factor
crack susceptibility factor
crest factor
critical stress intensity factor
cross-modulation factor
current amplification factor
current amplitude factor
current transformer correction factor
current unbalance factor
current waveform distortion factor
cyclic duration factor
damage factor
damage severity factor
damping factor
daylight factor
dc conversion factor
decontamination factor
defective factor
deflection factor
deflection uniformity factor
degeneration factor
degradation factor
degree-day melting factor
demagnetization factor
demand factor
depolarization factor
derating factor
design factor
design load factor
detuning factor
deviation factor
dielectric loss factor
differential diffraction factor
diffuse reflection factor
diffuse transmission factor
dilution factor
dimensionless factor
directivity factor
discharge factor
displacement factor
displacement power factor
dissipation factor
distortion factor
distribution factor
diversity factor
division factor
dose buildup factor
dose reduction factor
drainage factor
drug resistance factor
duty cycle factor
duty factor
ecological factor
edaphic factor
effective demand factor
effective multiplication factor
effective-volume utilization factor
efficiency factor
electromechanical coupling factor
elimination factor
elongation factor
emission factor
emissivity factor
engineering factors
enlargement factor
enrichment factor
environmental factor
etch factor
excess air factor
excess multiplication factor
expansion factor
exponential factor
exposure factor
external factor
extraction factor
extraneous factor
F factor
Fanning friction factor
fatigue notch factor
feedback factor
field form factor
field length factor
field water-distribution factor
fill factor
filter factor
filtration factor
fineness factor
flux factor
food factor
force factor
form factor
formation volume factor
formation-resistivity factor
formation factor
fouling factor
F-prime factor
frequency factor
frequency multiplication factor
friction factor
fuel factor
fundamental factor
gage factor
gain factor
gamma factor
gas factor
gas multiplication factor
gas producing factor
gas recovery factor
gas saturation factor
geometrical structure factor
geometrical weighting factor
grading factor
granulation factor
grindability factor
growth factor
harmonic distortion factor
harmonic factor
heat conductivity factor
heat gain factor
heat leakage factor
heat loss factor
heat-stretch factor
heat-transfer factor
host factor
hot-channel factor
hot-spot factor
hull-efficiency factor
human factor
hysteresis factor
improvement factor
inductance factor
infinite multiplication factor
inhibitory factor
innovation factor
institutional factor
integer factor
integrating factor
interlace factor
intermodulation factor
K bar factor
Kell factor
lamination factor
leakage factor
lethal factor
light-transmission factor
lime factor
limit load factor
linear expansion factor
literal factor
load curve irregularity factor
load factor
loading factor
longitudinal load distribution factor
Lorentz factor
loss factor
luminance factor
luminosity factor
magnetic form factor
magnetic leakage factor
magnetic loss factor
magnification factor
maximum enthalpy rise factor
membrane swelling factor
minimum noise factor
mismatch factor
mode I stress intensity factor
mode II stress intensity factor
mode III stress intensity factor
modifying factor
modulation factor
modulus factor of reflux
moment intensity factor
mu factor
multiplication factor
multiplicity factor
multiplying factor
Murphree efficiency factor
mutual coupling factor
mutual inductance factor
natural factor
negative phase-sequence current factor
negative phase-sequence voltage factor
neutron multiplication factor
noise factor
nonlinearity factor
notch concentration factor
notch factor
numerical factor
obturation factor
oil factors
oil recovery factor
oil saturation factor
oil shrinkage factor
opening mode stress intensity factor
operating factor
operating load factor
operational factor
operation factor
optimum noise factor
orbit burden factor
output factor
overcurrent factor
overload factor
pacing factor
packing factor
paratypic factor
partial safety factor for load
partial safety factor for material
particle-reduction factor
passenger load factor
peak factor
peak responsibility factor
peak-load effective duration factor
penetration factor
performance factor
permeability factor
phase factor
phase-angle correction factor
phasor power factor
physiographic factor
pitch differential factor
pitch factor
plain-strain stress intensity factor
plane-earth factor
plant capacity factor
plant-load factor
plant-use factor
porosity factor
positive phase-sequence current factor
positive phase-sequence voltage factor
potential transformer correction factor
powder factor
power factor
power filling factor
primary phase factor
primary factor
prime factor
proof/ultimate factor
propagation factor
propagation meteorological factor
propagation terrain factor
proportionality factor
proximity factor
pulsation factor
quality factor
R factor
radiance factor
radio-interference suppression factor
readiness factor
recombinogenic factor
recovery factor
rectification factor
reduction factor
redundancy improvement factor
reflection factor
reflectivity factor
refraction factor
refrigerating factor
reheat factor
relative loss factor
relative severity factor
release factor
reliability demonstration factor
reliability factor
relocation factor
repairability factor
repeatability factor
reservoir volume factor
reset factor of relay
resistance transfer factor
restorability factor
revenue load factor
ripple factor
risk factor
rolling shape factor
roll-off factor
roughness factor
runoff factor
safety factor for dropout of relay
safety factor for pickup of relay
safety factor of insulation
safety factor
sag factor
saturation factor
scale factor
scaling factor
screening factor
screen factor
secondary-electron-emission factor
self-transmissible factor
separation factor
service factor
sex factor
shadow factor
shape factor
sheet ratio factor
shielding factor
shield factor
shrinkage factor
signal-to-noise improvement factor
size factor
skew factor
slant-range correction factor
sliding factor
slip factor
smoothing factor
snagging factor
soap factor
social factor
socioeconomic factor
solubility factor
sound absorption factor
space factor of winding
space factor
spreading factor
squeezing factor
stability factor
stacking factor
stage amplification factor
standing-wave factor
steam reduction factor
steam-zone shape factor
storage factor
stowage factor
strain concentration factor
streamflow formation factor
strength factor
stress concentration factor
stress intensity factor
stretch factor
structure factor
submergence factor
summability factor
superficial friction factor
support factor
surface correction factor
surface-area factor
tapping factor
technical preparedness factor
telephone influence factor
termination factor
terrain factor
thermal eta factor
thermal factor
thermal utilization factor
thermodynamic factor
thrust-deduction factor
time factor
time-scale factor
tire size factor
tooth factor
transfer factor
transmission factor
transport factor
traveling-wave factor
trigger factor
truck service factor
tuning factor
turbidity factor
turbulence factor
twist factor
unavailability factor
unbalance factor
unit conversion factor
usage factor
utilization factor
vacuum factor
velocity gain factor
velocity factor
viscosity factor
void factor
voltage amplification factor
voltage amplitude factor
voltage ripple factor
voltage unbalance factor
voltage waveform distortion factor
volume-utilization factor
wake factor
water encroachment factor
water saturation factor
waveform distortion factor
wear factor
weather-forming factor
weight load factor
weighting factor
weight factor
winding factor
wobble factor
wood swelling factor
work factor
yield factor
zero phase-sequence current factor
zero phase-sequence voltage factor -
13 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт контроллер10) pl вчт методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl вчт позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- access controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- ActiveX control - airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio-fidelity control
- audio volume control
- automatic control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control - automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control - automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume -control
- automatic volume expansion control - balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control - computerized numerical control
- concurrency control
- concurrency control and recovery
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data-link control
- data recording control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- directional control
- direct manual control - distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control - feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field-effect conductivity control
- field linearity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control - focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control - framing control
- frequency control - front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control - global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control - high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal-linearity control
- horizontal parabola control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control - intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control - keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control - loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control - master brightness control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control - microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control - radar traffic control - random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control - servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control - surge control
- swept gain control - tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control - touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control - volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width control
- μP control -
14 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl. средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl. средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl. методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт. контроллер10) pl.; вчт. методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl.; вчт. позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- acceptance controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- access control
- ActiveX control
- adaptive control
- aids-to-navigation radio control
- airport ground traffic control
- airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio volume control
- audio-fidelity control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control
- automatic gain control
- automatic knee control
- automatic level control
- automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control
- automatic overload control
- automatic peak search control
- automatic pedestal control
- automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume expansion control
- automatic volume level control
- automatic volume-control
- background control
- balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer-aided quality control
- computerized numerical control
- concurrency control and recovery
- concurrency control
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data recording control
- data-link control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- direct manual control
- direct numerical control
- directional control
- distributed control
- distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control
- fast automatic gain control
- feedback control
- feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field linearity control
- field-effect conductivity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control
- flight control
- flow control
- focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control
- forward error control
- frame control
- framing control
- frequency control
- frequency monitoring and interference control
- frequency-response control
- front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control
- gate mobile communications control
- generator field control
- global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control
- higher-level intelligent control
- high-level data link control
- high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal parabola control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal-linearity control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control
- instantaneous automatic gain control
- integral control
- intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control
- ISDN data link control
- ISDN media access control
- keyboard control
- keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control
- logical link control
- long-range control
- loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control
- manual gain control
- mass storage volume control
- master brightness control
- master control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control
- message data link control
- microcomputer control
- microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control
- quiet automatic volume control
- radar control
- radar traffic control
- radio control
- radio-frequency interference control
- random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control
- sequential control
- servo control
- servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control
- statistical process control
- statistical quality control
- stored-program control
- supervisory control
- surge control
- swept gain control
- synchronous data link control
- system-wide control
- tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control
- total distributed control
- total quality control
- touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control
- visit mobile communications control
- voice control
- volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width controlThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > control
См. также в других словарях:
Bandwidth hogging — Bandwidth hogs are otherwise legitimate users of a paid or free service who use so much bandwidth that it adversely affects other users or the company s ability to make a profit. This should not be confused with bandwidth theft, which is the… … Wikipedia
Bandwidth optimization — is one of many concerns webmasters deal with when hosting web content. Since most web hosts charge by bandwidth used or have an account limit on bandwidth, a prudent webmaster will squeeze and compress their files as much as possible without… … Wikipedia
Bandwidth cap — A bandwidth cap, also known as a bit cap, limits the transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time. Internet service providers commonly apply a cap when a channel intended to be shared by many users becomes overloaded, or may be… … Wikipedia
Bandwidth (computing) — For other uses, see Bandwidth. In computer networking and computer science, bandwidth,[1] network bandwidth,[2] data bandwidth,[3] or digital bandwidth[4][5] is a measure of available or consumed data communication resources expressed in… … Wikipedia
bandwidth — The difference between the limiting frequencies of a continuous frequency band expressed in hertz (cycles per second). The term bandwidth is also loosely used to refer to the rate at which data can be transmitted over a given communications… … Military dictionary
Usage share of instant messaging clients — Note that many of the numbers listed in this section are not directly comparable, and some are speculative. Some instant messaging systems are distributed among many different instances and thus difficult to measure in total (e.g. Jabber). While… … Wikipedia
Average usage billing — Most datacenters and hosting providers use the “95th Percentile” or burstable billing method, while others utilize Average Usage Billing. Throughout the month, these host take measurements of your bandwidth usage every 5 minutes. At the end of… … Wikipedia
High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection — Le procédé HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection), traduisible par Protection des contenus numériques haute définition est un procédé électronique et logiciel élaborée par Intel destiné à contrôler les flux numériques vidéo et audio… … Wikipédia en Français
High-bandwidth digital content protection — Le procédé HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection), traduisible par Protection des contenus numériques haute définition est un procédé électronique et logiciel élaborée par Intel destiné à contrôler les flux numériques vidéo et audio… … Wikipédia en Français
Narrow-bandwidth television — (NBTV) is a type of television designed to fit into a low bandwidth channel, in the extreme case using amateur radio voice frequency channels that only range up to a few kilohertz (though channels ranging into a few tens of kilohertz and beyond… … Wikipedia
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection — Le procédé HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection), traduisible par Protection des contenus numériques haute définition est un procédé électronique et logiciel élaborée par Intel destiné à contrôler les flux numériques vidéo et audio… … Wikipédia en Français