1 baleen whales
1) Биология: гладкие киты (Balaenidae), настоящие киты (Balaenidae)2) Рыбоводство: усатые киты -
2 baleen whales
3 baleen whales
4 baleen whales
5 baleen whales
6 right whales
7 Mysteceti
усатые киты -
8 whale
whalebone whales беззубые киты, MystacocetiArctic (right) whale гренландский кит, Balaena mysticetusArnoux's beaked whale южный плавун, Berardius arnauxiAtlantic right whale бискайский кит, Balaena biscayensisBaird's beaked whale северный плавун, Berardius bairdiibaleen whales гладкие киты, настоящие киты, Balaenidaebay whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostratabeaked whales клюворылые киты, ZiphiidaeBiskay right whale бискайский кит, Balaena biscayensisBlainville's whale бланвиллов ремнезуб, Mesoplodon densirostrisblue whale синий кит, Balaenoptera musculusbottlenosed whale бутылконос, Hyperoodonbowhead whale гренландский кит, Balaena mysticetuscaa'ing whale обыкновенная гринда, Globicephala melaenaCalifornia gray whale серый кит, Eschrichtius gibbosuscoalfish whale ивасёвый полосатик, сайдяной полосатик, сейвал, Balaenoptera borealiscommon whale гренландский кит, Balaena mysticetusCuvier's beaked whale кювьеров клюворыл, Ziphius cavirostrisdwarf sperm whale карликовый кашалот, Kogia brevicepsfalse killer whale малая косатка, чёрная косатка, Pseudorca crassidensfin whale сельдяной полосатик, финвал, Balaenoptera physalusfinback whale полосатик, Balaenopterafish whale ивасёвый полосатик, сайдяной полосатик, сейвал, Balaenoptera borealisgray whale серый кит, Eschrichtius gibbosusGray's beaked whale ремнезуб Грея, Mesoplodon grayigreat polar whale гренландский кит, Balaena mysticetusGreenland right whale гренландский кит, Balaena mysticetusherring whale сельдяной полосатик, финвал, Balaenoptera physalushowling whale обыкновенная гринда, Globicephala melaenahumpback whale горбатый кит, горбач, Megaptera novaeangliaehunch-backed whale горбатый кит, горбач, Megaptera novaeangliaekiller whale косатка, Orcinus orcalittle picked whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostrataLongman's whale австралийский клюворыл, Mesoplodon pacificusminke whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostrataNew Zealand beaked whale новозеландский клюворыл, Tasmacetus shepherdinord-west right whale японский кит, eubalaena glacialis sieboldiinorthern right whale японский кит, eubalaena glacialis sieboldiiPacific gray whale серый кит, Eschrichtius gibbosusPacific right whale японский кит, eubalaena glacialis sieboldiipigmy sperm whale карликовый кашалот, Kogia brevicepspike(head) whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostratapilot whale обыкновенная гринда, Globicephala melaenapollack whale ивасёвый полосатик, сайдяной полосатик, сейвал, Balaenoptera borealispothead whale обыкновенная гринда, Globicephala melaenaright whales гладкие киты, настоящие киты, Balaenidaesardine whale ивасёвый полосатик, сайдяной полосатик, сейвал, Balaenoptera borealissei whale ивасёвый полосатик, сайдяной полосатик, сейвал, Balaenoptera borealissharp-headed finner whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostratasmall sperm whale карликовый кашалот, Kogia brevicepssocial whale обыкновенная гринда, Globicephala melaenasouthern bottlenose whale южный бутылконос, Hyperoodon planifronssouthern pilot whale южноафриканская гринда, Globicephala edwardiSowerby's whale антлантический ремнезуб, Mesoplodon bidenssperm(acet) whale кашалот, Physerer catodonSprat whale малый полосатик, остромордый полосатик, Balaenoptera acutorostrataSteineger's beaked whale камандорский ремнезуб, Mesoplodon steinegerisulfur-bottom whale синий кит, Balaenoptera musculustoothed whales зубатые киты, Odontocetiwhite whale белуха, Delphinapterus leucasziphioid whales клюворылые киты, ZiphiidaeEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > whale
9 whale
кит; pl китообразные ( Cetacea)- Arctic whale
- Arnoux's beaked whale
- Atlantic beaked whale
- Atlantic right whale
- Baird's beaked whale
- baleen whales
- bay whale
- beaked whale
- Biskayan right whale
- black right whale
- black whale
- Blainville's whale
- blue whale
- bottle-nosed whale
- bowhead whale
- California gray whale
- calling whale
- coalfish whale
- common whale
- Cuvier's beaked whale
- dwarf sperm whale
- false killer whale
- fin whale
- finback whale
- fish whale
- giant bottle-nosed whale
- goose-beaked whale
- gray whale
- Gray's beaked whale
- great polar whale
- Greenland right whale
- herring whale
- howling whale
- hump-backed whale
- hunch-backed whale
- Indian pilot whale
- killer whale
- lesser killer whale
- lesser sperm whale
- little piked whale
- Longman's beaked whale
- Minke's whale
- New Zealand beaked whale
- nord-west right whale
- North Atlantic whale
- North Cape whale
- North Pacific giant whale
- northern right whale
- Pacific beaked whale
- Pacific gray whale
- Pacific pilot whale
- Pacific right whale
- pike whale
- pikehead whale
- pilot whale
- pollack whale
- pothead whale
- pygmy right whale
- pygmy sperm whale
- right whales
- sardine whale
- sei whale
- sharp-headed finner whale
- sharp-headed whale
- Shepherd's beaked whale
- short-headed sperm whale
- small sperm whale
- social whale
- southern bottlenose whale
- southern right whale
- Sowerby's whale
- sperm whale
- Steineger's beaked whale
- sulfur-bottom whale
- Tasmanian beaked whale
- toothed whales
- tropical beaked whale
- whalebone whales
- white whale
- ziphiid whales* * *• кит
См. также в других словарях:
Baleen whale — Baleen whales[1] Temporal range: latest Eocene – Recent … Wikipedia
baleen whale — n. any of an order (Mysticeta) of whales with toothless jaws, baleen in the mouth, and a symmetrical skull, consisting of the gray whale, the right whales, and rorquals * * * Any of about 13 species of cetaceans in the suborder Mysticeti. They… … Universalium
Baleen — or whalebone is the means by which baleen whales feed. These whales do not have teeth, but instead have rows of baleen plates in the upper jaw ndash; flat, flexible plates with frayed edges, arranged in two parallel rows, looking like combs of… … Wikipedia
baleen — [bə lēn′] n. [ME & OFr baleine < L ballaena < Gr phallaina, whale < phallos (see PHALLUS): so named from the shape of the whale] the horny, elastic plates that hang down in fringed, parallel columns from the upper jaw or palate of baleen … English World dictionary
baleen — noun Etymology: Middle English baleine whale, baleen, from Latin balaena whale; akin to Greek phallaina whale Date: 14th century a horny keratinous substance found in two rows of transverse plates which hang down from the upper jaws of baleen… … New Collegiate Dictionary
baleen whale — n. any of an order (Mysticeta) of whales with toothless jaws, baleen in the mouth, and a symmetrical skull, consisting of the gray whale, the right whales, and rorquals … English World dictionary
Baleen — Ba*leen (b[.a]*l[=e]n ), n. [F. baleine whale and whalebone, L. balaena a whale; cf. Gr. fa laina. ] (Zo[ o]l. & Com.) Plates or blades of whalebone, from two to twelve feet long, and sometimes a foot wide, which in certain whales… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baleen — n. whalebone. Phrases and idioms: baleen whale any of various whales of the suborder Mysticeti, having plates of baleen fringed with bristles for straining plankton from the water. Etymology: ME f. OF baleine f. L balaena whale … Useful english dictionary
baleen whale — noun Date: 1874 any of a suborder (Mysticeti) of usually large whales lacking teeth but having baleen which is used to filter chiefly small crustaceans (as krill) out of large quantities of seawater … New Collegiate Dictionary
baleen whale — /bəˌlin ˈweɪl/ (say buh.leen wayl) noun one of the group of whales of the suborder Mysticeti, which have baleen, such as the blue whale, sei whale, right whale, etc. Compare toothed whale. Also, whalebone whale …
baleen whale — noun Any of several large whales, of the suborder Mysticeti, that have plates of whalebone instead of teeth Syn: whalebone whale, great whale … Wiktionary