1 balancing cement
2 balancing cement
3 balancing cement disperser
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > balancing cement disperser
4 balancing cement disperser
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > balancing cement disperser
5 concrete
1) бетон3) бетонный4) бетонировать; сращивать5) конкретный; определённый•to lay concrete in alternate bay — укладывать бетонное покрытие "через плиту" ( дорожное строительство)
to let into concrete — забетонировать; заделать в бетон
to mix concrete "en route" — перемешивать бетон в пути ( в автобетономешалке)
to prestress reinforced concrete by post-tensioning — предварительно напрягать железобетон натяжением на упоры
to transfer stress from the reinforcing steel to the concrete — обжимать бетон при предварительном напряжении в изделии
to strike off surplus concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
- concrete of stiff consistency - above-water concrete - acid-resisting concrete - adjustment of concrete mixture - aerated concrete - ageing of concrete - agglomerate-foam concrete - air-entrained concrete - air-entraining concrete - air-entrapped concrete - air-hardening of concrete - airfree concrete - air-placed concrete - airtight concrete - antiseptic concrete - application of concrete mixture - architectural concrete - architectural exposed concrete - armoured concrete - articulated concrete - asbestos-foamed concrete - as cast concrete - ash concrete - asphalt concrete - asphaltic concrete - asphaltic-cement concrete - as-placed concrete - autoclaved concrete - autoclaved cellular concrete - awakened concrete - balancing of proposed concrete mix - arrangement of steel in reinforced concrete - ballast concrete - batching of concrete mix - batching of concrete mix by volume - batching of concrete mix by weight - belt-conveyed concrete - biological shielding concrete - bituminous concrete - bituminous concrete pavement - bleeding of concrete - blown-out concrete - bonded to the steel concrete - booted concrete - breakdown test for concrete sample - breeze concrete - broken concrete - build concrete - buried concrete - bush-hammered concrete - cassie concrete - cast concrete - cast-in-place concrete - cast-in-situ concrete - cell concrete - cellular concrete - cement concrete - cement concrete pavement - central-mixed concrete - ceramsite concrete - cinder concrete - close-up failures in concrete structure - coarse concrete - coarseness of concrete mixture grading - cinder cement concrete - coke cement concrete - cold weather concrete - colloidal concrete - coloured concrete - compacted concrete - continuous concrete - controlled-quality concrete - copper-bearing concrete - corrosion-damaged concrete - crack safety of reinforced concrete elements - crazed concrete - crushed concrete - crushed-stone concrete - cured concrete - curing of concrete by ponding - curing of concrete units - curing of test concrete specimens - custom concrete - dead load of concrete structure - de-aerated concrete - deformation of concrete mix - delayed-setting concrete - dense concrete - dense ballast concrete - deposing of concrete - dry-mix concrete - dry concrete - early-strength concrete - earth concrete - electrically conductive concrete - epoxy concrete - excess concrete - expansive concrete - exposed concrete - extra-heavy concrete - fast-hardening concrete - fat concrete - faulty concrete - fibrous concrete - field concrete - fine concrete - finished concrete - floated concrete - floating concrete mixture plant - fluating of concrete - fluid concrete - fly-ash concrete - foam concrete - folding concrete form - fresh concrete - fully consolidated concrete - gas concrete - glass concrete - glass-fibre reinforced concrete - granite concrete - gravel concrete - gravel-aggregated concrete - green concrete - grouted-aggregate concrete - guss concrete - hand-compacted concrete - gypsum concrete - gypsum fibre concrete - hard concrete - hard rock concrete - hardened concrete - hardening of concrete - harsh concrete - haydite concrete - hearting concrete - heat-insulating concrete - heat-resistant concrete - heavy concrete - high-slump concrete - high-strength concrete - hollow concrete - homogeneous concrete - honeycombing concrete - hooped concrete - hot-laid asphaltic concrete - hydraulic concrete - ingredients of concrete - in-situ concrete - integral waterproofing of concrete - iron-shot concrete - job-mixed concrete - job-placed concrete - jonquil concrete - lean concrete - light aggregate concrete - lightweight concrete - lightweight aggregate concrete - lilac concrete - lime concrete - liquid concrete - liquid glass concrete - loose concrete - low-porosity concrete - low-slump concrete - machine-mixed concrete - marine concrete - mass concrete - mushy consistency of concrete - nailable concrete - nailing concrete - normal concrete - normal heavy concrete - no-slump concrete - off-formwork concrete - ordinary dense concrete - overnight concrete - oversite concrete - pavement concrete - placeability of concrete - placement of concrete - plain concrete - polymer concrete - polypropylene-fibre reinforced concrete - polystyrene-foam concrete - poor concrete - poor-quality concrete - popcorn concrete - porous concrete - portland-cement concrete - portland-pozzolana concrete - poured-in-place concrete - post-stressed concrete - post-tensioned concrete - precast concrete - precast structural concrete - prepacked aggregate concrete - pressed concrete - prestressed concrete - prestressed concrete with anchor loops - prestressed concrete with anchor plates - pumice concrete - pump concrete - quality concrete - rammed concrete - reactive aggregate concrete - ready-mix concrete - ready-mixed concrete - refractory concrete - reinforced concrete - rich concrete - roller compacted concrete - rough concrete - rubble concrete - sample of concrete - sand and gravel concrete - sand-cinder concrete - sandwich concrete - sawdust concrete - segregated concrete - segregating concrete - self-stressed concrete - setting of concrete - site concrete - slag concrete - slag-foam concrete - slow-setting concrete - spread concrete - spreaded concrete - spun concrete - stamped concrete - steam-cured concrete - steamed concrete - steel concrete - steel-fibre reinforced concrete - stiff concrete - stone concrete - structural concrete - stuck concrete - subaqueous concrete - substandard concrete - sulphur concrete - sulphur modified concrete - tamped concrete - tar concrete - terazzo concrete - transit-mix concrete - transit-mixed concrete - tremie concrete - ultra-high-strength concrete - undersanded concrete - underwater concrete - unworkable concrete - vacuum concrete - vacuum-treated concrete - vermiculite concrete - water-cured concrete - waterproof concrete - watertight concrete - weather resistant concrete - wet concrete - wood-fibre concrete - workability of concrete - workable concreteto strike off excess concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
* * *бетон; бетонная смесь || бетонироватьconcrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
- concrete of inadequate qualityconcrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete -
6 tank
1. резервуар, ёмкость, хранилище, чан, бак, цистерна2. водоём; водохранилище— air tank— day tank— gas tank— mud tank— oil tank
* * *
1. бак; цистерна; танк2. резервуар || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуареtank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (с каким-л. газом);
to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;
— gas tank— oil tank
* * *
цистерна; чан, бак; хранилище, ёмкость, резервуар
* * *
1) резервуар, хранилище; сборник; чан; бак; цистерна || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуаре2) водоём; водохранилище•tank in use — эксплуатируемый резервуар;
tank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to bleed a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to dismantle the tank — разбирать резервуар;
to empty a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to erect the tank — сооружать резервуар;
to ground the tank — заземлять резервуар;
to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в нефтепровод ;
to strap a tank — измерять вместимость резервуара;
- above-ground storage tankto thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;
- accumulator tank
- acid measuring tank
- active drilling mud tank
- additive tank
- air tank
- airseparating tank
- antipitching tank
- antirolling tank
- atmospheric pressure storage tank
- automatic flow tank
- auxiliary tank
- bailing tank
- balance tank
- balancing tank
- ballast tank
- balloon roof tank
- batching tank
- blender tank
- blending tank
- blowdown tank
- bottomless offshore storage tank
- breathing tank
- bulk oil tank
- bullet tank
- buried tank
- canvas tank
- cargo tank
- cement slurry mixing tank
- cement surge tank
- cementing tank
- charging stock tank
- chemical treating tank
- collapsible tank
- compressed air tank
- compressor suction tank
- concrete tank
- concrete oil tank
- condensate tank
- condensate gathering tank
- conical bottom tank
- conical roof tank
- constant header tank
- crude oil storage tank
- cryogenic tank
- cuttings tank
- cylindrical tank
- daily tank
- daily bulk cement tank
- daily bulk mud tank
- deck tank
- degassed tank
- degassing tank
- depositing tank
- detachable tank
- diked tank
- discharge tank
- displacement tank
- dome-type tank
- drilling-mud tank
- drilling-mud mixing tank
- drilling-mud settling tank
- drilling-mud storage tank
- drilling-mud suction tank
- drip tank
- Dubai storage tank
- dump tank
- earth tank
- earthen tank
- elevated tank
- emergency head tank
- equalizing tank
- expansion tank
- expiration-roof tank
- explosion-proof tank
- fabric tank
- fabric gasoline fuel tank
- feed tank
- field tank
- filling tank
- filter-bottom tank
- fixed roof tank
- flexible tank
- float tank
- floating roof tank
- flow tank
- free-water settling tank
- fuel tank
- fuel oil tank
- fuel supply tank
- gage tank
- gaging tank
- gas tank
- gas-gathering tank
- gasoline tank
- gasoline mobile tank
- gathering tank
- globe-bottom tank
- globe-roof tank
- gravitation tank
- gravity tank
- gravity service tank
- grounded tank
- gun-barrel tank
- head tank
- hemispherical tank
- high-pressure storage tank
- horizontal tank
- impurities receiving tank
- inflatable dome-roof tank
- initial oil storage tank
- interconnected tanks
- intermediate storage tank
- knocked-down tank
- land storage tank
- landing craft tank
- lease tank
- lifter-roof tank
- low-temperature tank
- main tank
- main storage tanks
- measuring tank
- metering tank
- mixing tank
- mobile tank
- molded plastic tank
- mud tank
- mud storage tank
- mud surge tank
- multiple tank
- multisphere tank
- multiple-chamber separating tank
- offshore storage tank
- oil tank
- oil settling tank
- oil storage tank
- oil-feed tank
- oil-field tank
- oil-gathering tank
- oil-storage tank
- oil-store tank
- orifice surge tank
- overflow tank
- overhead tank
- overland tank
- overload tank
- oxidation tank
- pipeline tank
- precipitation tank
- pressure tank
- pressure-relief tank
- priming tank
- prove tank
- pumping tank
- receiving tank
- rectangular tank
- refrigerated truck tank
- reinforced concrete storage tank
- rejection tank
- relay tank
- reserve drilling mud tank
- restricted orifice surge tank
- retention tank
- riveted tank
- roll-dampening tank
- rubber-lined tank
- rubberized fabric tank
- run tank
- run-down tank
- salt-settling tank
- sedimentation tank
- sedimentation tank of water treatment system
- separating tank
- service tank
- service mud storage tank
- service storage tank
- setting tank
- settlement tank
- settling tank
- shaker tank
- shotgun tank
- simple surge tank
- single chamber separating tank
- skimming tank
- slime tank
- slop tank
- sludge tank
- sludge acid separating tank
- slurry tank
- spherical tank
- spheroidal tank
- sprayed tank
- steel drilling mud tank
- stock tank
- stock oil tank
- storage tank
- streamlined pressure tank
- stringer ballast tank
- sturry tank
- submerged tank
- subsurface tank
- subsurface storage tank
- subterraneous tank
- suction tank
- sump tank
- supply tank
- surge tank
- test tank
- transit site tank
- trip tank
- truck tank
- twin compartment test tank
- underground storage tank
- underwater tank
- underwater storage tank
- ungrounded tank
- unlined tank
- upright tank
- vapor-tight tank
- variable vapor-space tank
- vented tank
- vertical tank
- volume tank
- waste tank
- water-sealed tank
- water-sprayed tank
- water-top tank
- wax-mixture-flow tank
- weathering tank
- weigh tank
- weir tank
- welded tank
- wet-oil tank* * * -
7 equipment
оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение; оснастка (напр. станка); приспособления; приборы; аппаратура; арматура; принадлежности; подвижной состав; воен. материальная часть; боевая техника- equipment arrangement - equipment availability - equipment building - equipment capital costs - equipment casualty - equipment certificate - equipment certification - equipment certification requirement - equipment check - equipment checkout - equipment clock - equipment compatibility - equipment condition data - equipment damage - equipment dependability - equipment depot - equipment design failure - equipment error - equipment facilities - equipment failure - equipment failure information - equipment failure log - equipment for road construction - equipment for the manufacture of asbestos cement - equipment identification register - equipment identity register - equipment in place - equipment inspection - equipment-intermodulation noise - equipment investments - equipment lay-out - equipment layout - equipment lease - equipment leasing - equipment level controller - equipment location - equipment longevity - equipment maintenance facility - equipment maintenance management program - equipment maintenance officer - equipment maintenance ratio - equipment maintenance report - equipment maintenance team - equipment manufacturer code - equipment manufacturing failure - equipment-modification list - equipment monitoring - equipment nomenclature - equipment operating procedure - equipment operation test - equipment package - equipment performance log - equipment performance report - equipment placement - equipment programming - equipment protection device - equipment qualification - equipment rack - equipment ready date - equipment rebuilding - equipment reference book - equipment regulation - equipment reliability - equipment reliability status report - equipment repair time - equipment replacement - equipment replacement network - equipment reservation - equipment revamping - equipment review board - equipment room - equipment safety - equipment salvage - equipment schedule - equipment serviceability criterion - equipment side - equipment specifications - equipment spendings - equipment status board - equipment status chart - equipment status indication - equipment status log - equipment supervision - equipment terminal - equipment unavailability - equipment upgrading - equipment wire - accessory equipment - acoustic emission equipment - acoustical equipment - actuated equipment - add-on equipment - air equipment - air-chucking equipment - air-conditioning equipment - air-humidifying equipment - air-painting equipment - ancillary equipment - answering equipment - assembly equipment - balancing equipment - blasting equipment - board equipment - bolt-on equipment - brake equipment - built-in test equipment - calibration equipment - CAM equipment - capital equipment - cargo handling equipment - carrying and lifting equipment - centrifugal pumping equipment - checking equipment - collective protective equipment - compressor equipment - computer-aided test equipment - computer-automated equipment - concrete-handling equipment - consumption equipment - controllable balancing equipment - conveying equipment - coolant clarification equipment - cost-effective equipment - crane equipment - crane electrical equipment - crushing and screening equipment - data-processing equipment - dedicated equipment - defective equipment - de-icer equipment - demonstration equipment - detection equipment - detritus equipment - diagnosis equipment - diagnostic equipment - digital readout equipment - dimensional-inspection equipment - direction-finding equipment - driven equipment - durable equipment - electrical equipment - electrical discharge equipment - electroheat equipment - electrothermal equipment - emergency equipment - energy equipment - energy-intensive equipment - erection equipment - exhibition equipment - experimental equipment - external test equipment - FA-related equipment - fabricating equipment - fabrication equipment - factory-installed equipment - failed equipment - farming equipment - faulty equipment - feeding equipment - field-balancing equipment - filling equipment - finishing equipment - fire-fighting equipment - fire safety equipment - fixed equipment - fixed path equipment - flatness testing equipment - fuel handling equipment - gaging equipment - garage equipment - garage-repair equipment - gas equipment - gas-welding equipment - gear testing equipment - general-purpose equipment - general test equipment - grading equipment - greasing equipment - grit-dredging equipment - handling equipment - hard automation equipment - haulage equipment - hauling equipment - heat-treating equipment - hi-fi equipment - high-fi equipment - high-technology equipment - higher-horsepower equipment - homemade fire-fighting equipment - hydraulic equipment - hydraulic tracing equipment - idle equipment - ignition equipment - independent equipment - industrial equipment - industrial cleaning equipment - input equipment - inspection equipment - installation equipment - installed equipment - instrumental equipment - instrumented equipment - interconnecting equipment - jaw-type work-holding equipment - joining equipment - laboratory equipment - lifting equipment - lighting equipment - loading equipment - loading and unloading equipment for dryer cars - machine-tool equipment - machining equipment - maintenance equipment - maintenance-and-support equipment - manipulating equipment - manually controlled equipment - manufacturing equipment - material-handling equipment - materials-handling equipment - material mining equipment - MDI equipment - measurement-processing equipment - measuring and control equipment - measuring equipment - mechanical handling equipment - metal-cutting equipment - metering equipment - microprocessing equipment - microwave heating equipment - military equipment - mill-turn equipment - mobile equipment - monitoring equipment - mountable pile-driving equipment - multidimension gaging equipment - multisensor equipment - noise abatement equipment - non-assembled equipment - nonrepairable equipment - nonstandard equipment - off-road equipment - operational equipment - optional equipment - outdated equipment - outmoded equipment - out-of-repair equipment - paint equipment - parts-handling equipment - parts-washing equipment - pattern equipment - peripheral equipment - personal protection equipment - personal protective equipment - pipeline equipment - pipeline-laying equipment - pipeline-scraping equipment - pneumatic equipment - pile-driving equipment - piling equipment - portable jacking equipment - postprocess gaging equipment - preparatory machining equipment - presetting equipment - primary equipment - primary machining equipment - process control monitoring equipment - process equipment - process monitoring equipment - processing equipment - production equipment - production test equipment - professional drilling equipment - protective equipment - proving-and-indicating equipment - pulling-and-running equipment - pump-and-compressor equipment - pumping equipment - quarry equipment - reconditioning equipment - redundant equipment - refrigeration equipment - rejected equipment - reliable equipment - remote control equipment - remove an equipment - repair equipment - repairable equipment - reserve equipment - residential equipment - retrofit equipment - rippers equipment - road-building equipment - rope-suspended boom equipment - rotating equipment - round trip equipment - safeguarding equipment - safety equipment - safety-survival equipment - secondary equipment - self-balancing equipment - sensing equipment - service checkout equipment - service equipment - snow-cleaning equipment - snow-handling equipment - spare equipment - spark erosion equipment - special support equipment - special test equipment - standalone equipment - standard equipment - standby equipment - supervisory equipment - supplementary equipment - support equipment - supporting equipment - surface-measuring equipment - swarf-handling equipment - tank cleaning equipment - telescopic equipment - test equipment - test-and-maintenance equipment - testing equipment - tool equipment - tool-holding equipment - tooling equipment - tool-setting equipment - touch-probe inspection equipment - towing equipment - tracer equipment - traction-type equipment - training equipment - transferring equipment - transport equipment - transportation equipment - turning gaging equipment - unattended equipment - underground equipment - universal equipment - unrepairable equipment - up-to-date construction equipment - used equipment - utility equipment - value-added equipment - vandalproof equipment - vehicle greasing equipment - warehousing equipment - waste-minimization equipment - water-fed equipment - water-purification equipment - water quality monitoring equipment - water-treatment equipment - weed-control equipment - weighing equipment - weld deposition equipment - welding equipment - welding deposition equipment - wheel alignment equipment - work-holding equipment - workover equipment -
8 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар3) ванна, чан4) водохранилище; (искусственный) водоём; бассейн6) сил. шламбассейн12) кфт. ба(чо)к•to bleed [empty\] a tank — опорожнять резервуар;to fuel the tank — возд. заправлять бак топливом;to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (каким-л. газом);to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в трубопровод;to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;to switch to the proper tank — возд. переключать выключателем на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;to thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;to turn the proper tank on — переключать краном на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;-
accumulator tank
acid dump tank
activated tanks
additive tank
aeration tank
aft fuel tank
afterpeak tank
agitator tank
air blow tank
air tank
air-buoyancy tank
air-oil tank
alternate fuel tank
anodizing tank
antipitching tanks
antirolling tanks
aseptic tank
asphalt-lined tank
auxiliary fuel tank
auxiliary tank
backwater tank
bag fuel tank
balance tank
balancing tank
ballast tank
balloon roof tank
bath tank
bioaeration tank
blanching tank
bleaching tank
blending tank
blend tank
blow-off tank
boat tank
boil tank
bottomless offshore storage tank
bottomless offshore tank
breathing tank
brine tank
bulk oil tank
bullet tank
buoyancy tank
burial tank
buried tank
cantilever tank
canvas tank
cargo tank
catch tank
cathode tank
cement slurry mixing tank
cement mixing tank
charging stock tank
charging tank
chill tank
chromatographic tank
clarification tank
clean ballast tank
coagulation tank
cold water tank
collapsible tank
collecting tank
compound surge tank
compressed-air surge tank
concentrate holding tank
concentration tank
concentrator tank
condensate gathering tank
condensate tank
conservator tank
constant header tank
constricted tank
continuous tank
controlled passive tanks
coolant bleed holdup tank
core flooding tank
core flood tank
corner tank
crude oil storage tank
crude storage tank
cryogenic tank
culture tank
culture-holding tank
curing tank
cuttings tank
daily service tank
daily tank
day tank
deaerator storage tank
decanting tank
decay tank
deck tank
deep tank
defecation tank
degassing tank
depositing tank
detritus tank
developing tank
differential surge tank
digestion tank
dip tank
discharge tank
dishwasher tank
distilling tank
domestic water tank
dome-type tank
double-bottom tank
drain tank
drilling mud mixing tank
drilling mud settling tank
drilling mud storage tank
drilling mud suction tank
drilling mud tank
drinking water tank
drip tank
Dubai storage tank
dump tank
earth tank
earthen tank
electrolytic tank
elevated tank
emergency head tank
emergency tank
equalizing tank
etching tank
etch tank
evacuated tank
evaporation tank
expansion tank
expansion-roof tank
external fuel tank
ex-vessel storage tank
fabric tank
feed tank
feedwater tank
ferry fuel tank
field tank
filling tank
filter tank
filter-bottom tank
first fuel consumed tank
fixed-roof tank
fixing tank
flexible fuel tank
flexible tank
float tank
floating roof tank
flocculating tank
flotation tank
flow tank
flushing tank
flush tank
forepeak tank
formula mixing tank
free-water settling tank
fuel consumed tank
fuel expansion tank
fuel oil tank
fuel tank
gage tank
gas tank
gas-decay tank
gasoline tank
glass-melting tank
globe-bottom tank
globe-roof tank
gravitation tank
grease skimming tank
grounded tank
gunbarrel tank
gunwale tank
head tank
header tank
heated digestion tank
heat-exchange tank
heeling tank
hemispheroid tank
hide brining tank
hip tank
holding tank
holdup tank
hot tank
hot-water tank
hydraulic tank
ice-storage tank
inflatable dome-roof tank
inground tank
injection tank
ink tank
integral tank
interconnected tanks
intermittent tank
lagering tank
lager tank
land storage tank
lead-lined tank
lease tank
liberator tank
lifter-roof tank
lime coating tank
lower wing tank
low-temperature tank
lubrication tank
massecuite tank
maturing and deaeration tank
measuring tank
melting tank
melting-out tank
mixing tank
model tank
molten spelter tank
monitoring tank
multiple tank
multisphere tank
neutralization tank
neutron-shield tank
oil tank
oil-gathering tank
oil-storage tank
orifice surge tank
overflow tank
overhead storage water tank
overhead tank
oxidation tank
paraffin tank
parboiling tank
passive stabilizing tanks
pickle tank
pillow tank
pipeline tank
precipitation tank
preconditioning tank
premixing tank
presettling tank
pressure tank
pressurized tank
priming tank
processing tank
quench tank
quenching tank
radiator top tank
rating tank
reactivation tank
receiving tank
refining tank
refrigerated truck tank
regenerant tank
rejection tank
rendering tank
restricted orifice surge tank
retention tank
rinse tank
rising tank
rotating-arm tank
roughing tank
rubberized tank
rubber-lined tank
run tank
run-down tank
salt-settling tank
scale settling tank
scrubbing tank
seamless tank
second fuel consumed tanks
sedimentation tank
seed tank
self-priming tank
self-sealing fuel tank
separating tank
septic tank
service mud storage tank
service tank
settling tank
sewage tank
sewage treatment tank
shaker tank
shotgun tank
simple surge tank
single-chamber tank
skimming tank
slipper fuel tank
slop tank
sludge digestion tank
sludge tank
slurry tank
solvent catch tank
solvent tank
spiral flow tank
stabilizing tanks
steeping tank
stock tank
storage tank
submerged tank
subsidence tank
subsurface tank
suction tank
sulfitation tank
sump tank
supply tank
surge tank
swarf-settling tank
switch tank
tank of oil circuit-breaker
tempering tank
test tank
throat-type tank
throat tank
tongs cooling tank
topside tank
towing tank
transformer tank
transit site tank
trimming tank
trim tank
trip tank
truck tank
ungrounded tank
unlined tank
vacuum tank
vacuum-degassing tank
vapor-tight tank
vent tank
vented tank
ventral fuel tank
volume tank
wash tank
washing tank
washwater tank
waste tank
water-scaled tank
water-sprayed tank
water-supply tank
water-top tank
wave tank
weathering tank
wet-oil tank
window tank
wingtip fuel tank
working tank
yeast assimilation tank -
9 gage
1) средство (для) измерений; (контрольно-)измерительный прибор; измеритель; (контрольно-)измерительный инструмент; измерительное устройство || измерять2) калибр; мера; размер; сортамент; толщина ( листового металла); диаметр ( проволоки или винта)3) поверять; калибровать; градуировать4) шаблон; лекало5) эталон6) датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь7) манометр; вакуумметр, вакуумный манометр8) гидр. уровнемер; водомер10) матем. калибр ( топологического пространства)11) номер сита12) маяк, правило ( при устройстве асфальтобетонного или бетонного покрытия)13) рейсмус || размечать с помощью рейсмуса16) колея, ширина колеи18) гейч ( вязальной машины)19) класс ( трикотажной машины)•to encase strain gage in cement — изготавливать тензодатчик в плёнке клея;to keep material on gage — поддерживать параметры материала (напр. толщину) в заданных пределах;to mount strain gage — устанавливать тензодатчик;to reverse a gage — менять меру (напр. длины) концами;gage with metric scale — индикатор с метрической шкалой-
absolute gage
absolute vacuum gage
acceptance gage
accumulative precipitation gage
acoustical strain gage
acoustic strain gage
active strain gage
adjustable gage
adjustable rail gage
adjuster gage
adzing gage
AE gage
Agir water gage
air filter vacuum gage
air gage
air pressure gage
air restriction gage
air-operated gage
alarm pressure gage
alcohol gage
American wire gage
angular gage
auxiliary staff gage
back gage
ball gage
ball plug gage
battery gage
Bayard-Alpert gage
bayonet gage
bellows gage
belt strand tension gage
bench gage
beta-absorption gage
beta gage
Birmingham wire gage
block gage
bonded strain gage
bottom-hole pressure gage
Bourdon pressure gage
box gage
brine gage
broad based depth gage
broad gage
bubble gage
buoyant-element level gage
butt gage
caliper gage
cap gage
capacitance strain gage
capacitance gage
center gage
charge gage
check gage
circumferential strain gage
clapboard gage
clearance gage
cold-cathode ionization gage
Collins flow gage
comb gage
combination gage
combined pressure gage
compression gage
concentricity gage
consistency gage
contact gage
contact pressure gage
contour gage
control gage
convergence gage
counter gage
crankshaft gage
curve gage
cutting gage
damped pressure gage
deadweight gage
deep-sea tsunami gage
density gage
depth gage
dew gage
dial bore gage
dial gage
diametral gage
diaphragm pressure gage
differential pressure gage
differential vacuum gage
digital pressure gage
digital weighing gage
dimension gage
direct pressure gage
direct-measuring gage
direct-reading gage
discharge gage
downhole casing wall thickness gage
draft gage
drainage gage
draught gage
drift diameter pipe gage
drilling bit gage
dual boost gage
dummy strain gage
edge-reading gage
elastic-element pressure gage
electrical resistance strain gage
electrical strain gage
electrical temperature gage
electrically heated snow gage
electrical-type strain gage
electromagnetic strain gage
end gage
engine coolant level gage
evapotranspiration gage
extended track position gage
external gage
external strain gage
fast-response gage
fast gage
feeler gage
female gage
fillet gage
film gage
fixed river gage
flat-ended gage
flatness gage
flexible gage
float gage
flood gage
flow gage
flowmeter pressure gage
fluid content gage
foil strain gage
force gage
force-feedback gage
frame gage
free-piston gage
fuel level gage
fuel pressure gage
fuel quantity gage
gamma-absorption gage
gap gage
gas density gage
gas gage
gasoline gage
general-purpose pressure gage
glass gage
go gage
go-no-go gage
grinding gage
grouser height depth gage
hardness gage
high-water gage
hook gage
horseshoe gage
hose skiving gage
hot-cathode ionization gage
hot-cathode magnetron gage
inclined staff gage
indentation depth gage
indicating gage
inductance strain gage
industrial gage
inprocess gage
inside gage
inspection gage
integral pressure gage
internal gage
ionization gage
ion gage
ionization pressure gage
irradiated fuel assay gage
jaw gage
Johansson gage
joint clearance gage
keyway gage
Knudsen gage
laser gage
laser rain gage
lead gage
length gage
level difference gage
level gage
lever gage
lever-type piston gage
limit gage
limit plug gage
line gage
line space gage
liquid level gage
loading gage
low-water gage
magnetron gage
male gage
manometer gage
marking gage
master gage
McLeod gage
mechanical pressure gage
mechanical strain gage
mechanical temperature gage
mercurial gage
metal-film strain gage
metric gage
micrometer gage
micropressure gage
milk gage
modulator ionization gage
moire strain gage
molecular gage
mortise gage
multichecking indicator gage
must gage
narrow gage
needle gage
no-go gage
noncontact gage
normal gage
nude gage
nude-ion gage
oil circulation gage
oil gage
oil pressure gage
oil temperature gage
oil-depth gage
optical flat gage
optical rain gage
optical strain gage
packing gage
paper gage
paper sheet gage
paper-backed strain gage
parallel slip gage
partial pressure gage
partial-pressure vacuum gage
Penning pressure gage
perforation gage
petrol gage
Philips gage
photoelastic strain gage
piezoelectric strain gage
piezoresistive strain gage
pin gage
pipe gage
Pirani gage
piston gage
pit rain gage
Pitot tube gage
Pitot gage
plug gage
pneumatic gage
pneumatic strain gage
point gage
pointer gage
position gage
postprocess gage
postyield strain gage
precipitation gage
precision gage
pressure gage
pressure tide gage
pressure-recording gage
pressure-vacuum compound recording gage
pressure-vacuum gage
primary gage
production gage
profile gage
quartz gage
radioactive gage
radioactive ionization gage
radioisotope snow gage
radiometer pressure gage
radiometer vacuum gage
radius gage
rail gage
rain gage
recording rain gage
Redhead gage
reed gage
reference gage
reference water gage
regular pressure gage
remote rain gage
resistance strain gage
resistivity gage
resonance gage
retracted track position gage
reuse gage
ring gage
ring seal gage
river gage
rod gage
rosette-type strain gage
roundness gage
rubber gage
sagitta gage
sampling gage
saw gage
screw pitch gage
sea gage
section gage
sectional staff gage
seepage gage
self-balancing strain gage
self-temperature-compensating gage
semiconductor strain gage
setting gage
setup gage
sheet metal gage
sheet gage
shifting gage
siding gage
sight gage
sight level gage
silphon gage
single-end gage
single-head gage
size gage
slanting hole rain gage
slant-tube gage
slide gage
slip gage
sloping gage
slur gage
smoke gage
snap gage
snow gage
snow-depth gage
snow-drift gage
soil rain gage
sonic gage
spherical-ended gage
spherical-piston gage
spindle-mounted strain gage
spindle strain gage
staff gage
stage gage
standard gage
standard test gage
standard wire gage
stepped plug gage
strain gage
stream gage
stress gage
strip gage
subsurface water gage
suction gage
suppressor ionization gage
surface finish gage
surface gage
Swedish gage
tank-level gage
tank gage
taper gage
temperature gage
template gage
test gage
thermal conductivity gage
thermal gage
thermistor gage
thermistor vacuum gage
thermocouple vacuum gage
thickness dial gage
thickness gage
thread gage
tide gage
tilt and runout gage
tipping-bucket rain gage
tire depth gage
toe-in gage
tong torque gage
tool-setting gage
totalizer precipitation gage
totalizer rain gage
track gage
track pitch gage
track sag gage
transducer gage
tread depth gage
tubing gage
type-high gage
unbonded strain gage
unpacked-piston gage
U-tube gage
vacuum gage
vacuum ionization gage
vacuum pressure gage
vacuum-backed piston gage
valve lash gage
velocity gage
vernier depth gage
vernier height gage
vernier-caliper gage
viscosity gage
visual-indicating gage
volt gage
water level gage
wave gage
wear-and-tear gage
weather gage
weighing-type rain and snow gage
weir gage
weldable strain gage
wide gage
wind gage
wine-level gage
wire feeler gage
wire gage
wire strain gage
wire-weight gage
working gage
X-ray gage
X-ray thickness gage -
10 process
1. n1) процесс; процедура2) юр. вызов в суд•to disrupt the Middle East peace process — срывать процесс мирного урегулирования на Ближнем Востоке
to further a process — ускорять процесс; способствовать процессу
to keep smb out of the peace process — не допускать чьего-л. участия в процессе мирного урегулирования
to put a new impetus behind the peace process — придавать новый импульс процессу мирного урегулирования
to restore the peace process — восстанавливать / возрождать процесс мирного урегулирования
to revive the peace process — возобновлять / возрождать процесс мирного урегулирования
to salvage / to save the peace process — спасать процесс мирного урегулирования
to throw one's weight behind the peace process — использовать свое влияние для поддержания процесса мирного урегулирования
- all-European processto serve a process on smb — вызывать кого-л. в суд повесткой
- automated process
- basic laws of historical process
- breakthrough in the peace process
- budget-balancing process
- budget-making process
- collapse of the peace process
- commitment to the peace process
- completion of the construction process
- complex process
- complicated process
- constitutional process
- construction process
- continuous process
- contradictory process
- damaging to the peace process
- decision-making process
- decolonization process
- deepening of integration processes
- democratization process
- demographic process
- development process
- disarmament process
- disconnection process
- due process
- economic process
- educational process
- engineering process
- evolutionary process
- foot-dragging in the peace process
- historical process
- in the process
- industrialization process
- inflationary process
- information transfer process
- integration process
- interconnected processes
- internal process
- intricate process
- irreversible process
- judicial process
- labor process
- labor-intensive process
- law-governed process
- liberation process
- long drawn-out process
- long process
- long-term process
- managerial process
- manufacturing process
- modernization process
- multiform process
- natural process
- natural-historical process
- negative process
- negotiating process
- on-going process
- on-off peace process
- overall process
- painful process
- paper-laden process
- peaceful process
- peace-making process
- political process
- positive process
- preconvention bargaining process
- process of democratization
- process of détente
- process of economic growth
- process of national liberation
- process of polarization
- process of production
- production process
- programming process
- progressive process
- rapid process
- reform process
- rehabilitation process
- renewal of the peace process
- revolutionary process
- short-circuited process
- slowing down of the reform process
- social process
- socio-economic process
- spasmodic process
- stagnant process
- stalled peace process
- teaching and educational process
- technological process
- the country had a part to play in the peace process
- the peace process goes forward
- the peace process hangs by a thread
- the peace process has been stalled
- the peace process has broken down
- the peace process is in limbo
- the peace process is in tatters
- the ups and downs of the peace process
- transitional process
- under the peace process
- unification process
- work process
- worldwide process 2. vперерабатывать, обрабатывать
См. также в других словарях:
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
Dormant Commerce Clause — The Dormant Commerce Clause, also known as the Negative Commerce Clause, is a legal doctrine that courts in the United States have inferred from the Commerce Clause in Article I of the United States Constitution. The Commerce Clause expressly… … Wikipedia
Bureau of the Crown Property — Infobox Company company name = Bureau of the Crown Property สำนักงานทรัพย์สินส่วนพระมหากษัตริย์ company company type = Government agency foundation = key people = Chirayu Isarangkul location city = Bangkok in Thailand location country =… … Wikipedia
Belgium — /bel jeuhm/, n. a kingdom in W Europe, bordering the North Sea, N of France. 10,203,683; 11,779 sq. mi. (30,508 sq. km). Cap.: Brussels. French, Belgique /bel zheek /; Flemish, België /bel khee euh/. * * * Belgium Introduction Belgium Background … Universalium
Togo — /taw gaw/, n. 1. Heihachiro /hay hah chee rddaw/, Marquis 1847 1934, Japanese admiral. 2. Shigenori /shee ge naw rddee/, 1882 1950, Japanese political leader and diplomat. /toh goh/, n. Republic of, an independent country in W Africa: formerly a… … Universalium
Greenhouse gas — Simple diagram of greenhouse effect. A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.[1] … Wikipedia
Composite material — A cloth of woven carbon fiber filaments, a common element in composite materials Composite materials, often shortened to composites or called composition materials, are engineered or naturally occurring materials made from two or more constituent … Wikipedia
Pakistan — /pak euh stan , pah keuh stahn /, n. 1. Islamic Republic of, a republic in S Asia, between India and Afghanistan: formerly part of British India; known as West Pakistan from 1947 71 to distinguish it from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).… … Universalium
Meghalaya — State Seal … Wikipedia
Dew pond — Typical example of downland dew pond near Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex. 50°53′47″N 0°23 … Wikipedia