1 balanced loop
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > balanced loop
2 system
1) система; сеть; комплекс2) установка, устройство3) план; расположение4) система; порядок; классификация•- system of catalogs - system of catalogues - system of forces - system of ground points - system of road signs - system of scaffolds - acoustic signalling system - active residential solar heating system - aeration system - air-brake system - air-comfort system - air-conditioning system - air-curtain system - air-foam system - airline system - airline vacuum system - air-pressure water system - all-outside air-conditioning system - arch system - arch-and-pier system - audible alarm system - Automated Data Management System in Building - ADMSB - automatic fire alarm system - balanced system of ventilation - bar system - basic system - beam system - blower system - British absolute system of units - building system - building central air conditioning system - building solar optical system - bypass pipe system - cable system - cantilever tieback system - cathodic protection system of pipelines - central fan electric heating system - central hot water supply system - check-board system - circulating water system - closed system - closed heat supply system - closed pipeline system - collecting system - colour spraying systems - combined extract-and-input system - combined sewerage system - community complete system in containers or skids - composite cable roof system - compressed-air system - computer-aided system - consolidated power system - control system of survey - cooling system - cooling pipe system - coordinate system - curing system - decimal system - designation system - discrete system - discrete-continual system - distributing system - district heating system - double-pipe system - double-pipeline system - double-pipe riser system - downward system of ventilation - drainage system - drencher system - drop system - dry pipe sprinkler system - dry return system - duct system - earthling system - ejector system - elastic system - electric heating system - embedded panel system - emergency power supply system - energy recovery system - engineer's system of units - filling system of navigation lock - filtration system - fire-alarm sounding system - fire-fighting system - fire-sprinkling system - fire warning system - fixing systems - flange system - flooding system - floor system - floor system of bridge - floor heating system - flow-through system - flue gas cleaning system - fluid power system - forced circulation system - four-axis system - framed system - gas heating system - glaze systems - gravity system - gravity water supply system - grid system - hazard system - heating system - heat pump system - heat supply system - high pressure air-conditioning system - high velocity air-conditioning system - hinged system - hoisting system - hot air system - hot blast system - hot water supply system - inflation system - instantaneously variable system - integral deck system - integrated dispatching system - invariable system - ion-exchange system - irrigation system - land system - large public water system - lateral system - left-handed system - lighting system - local air-conditioning system - lock-filling system - long-line system - low pressure air-conditioning system - low velocity air-conditioning system - low voltage system - main system - management system - measuring system - mechanical systems of a house - medium-size public water system - membrane system - metric system - modular coordinating space system - monitoring system - multistage gas supply system - network system - observing system - once-through system - one-layer cable system - one-pipe heating system - one-pipe loop system - open system - open heat supply system - open return system - overhead system of heating - overhead heating system - panel air system - panel cooling system - pipeline system - piping system - plane system - plumbing system - pollution control system - population settlement group system - post-tensioned system - potabilization system - power system - power-reservoir system - pressurized water treatment system - pre-tensioned system - primary system - public transport system - public water system - public waterworks system - quality control system - quarternary system - railroad system - recirculated heating system - recirculation duct air conditioning system - recool system - rectangular system of street layout - reliability coefficients system - remote control system - reusing water supply system - rigid cable roof system - ring heating system - roll-cap system - round duct system - safety valve of a hydraulic system - saprobity system - separate sewerage system - septic system - sewerage system - single duct air-conditioning system - single-stage system - single-track automatic block system - slab-stringer system - smoke-detector system - solar aquatic system - solar cooling system - solar heating system - solar thermal power system - space system - split system - sprinkler system - statically determinate system - statically indeterminate system - steel plate system - structural system - supply air system - suspension system - thermal reheat system - three-dimensional system - three-way system of reinforcement - thrust system - total energy system - two-dimensional system - two-duct air-conditioning system - two-layer cable roof system - two-pipe water heating system - underfloor heating system - underground cable system - unified modular coordination system - universal sewerage system - upfeed water heating system - up-lighting system - utility system - utility detection system - vacuum system - vandalproof system - variable air volume system - ventilation system - warning system - waste treatment system - waste water system - water system - water measuring systems - water purification system - water quality system - water quality indicator system - water supply system - water supply by zones system - water treatment systems - wind bracing system - zone system* * *1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство2. способ, метод- system of forcessystem in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system -
3 system
- system
- n1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство
2. способ, метод
system in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of forces
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 system
1) система2) установка; устройство•- 2D design system
- 2-D draughting system
- 2D milling CAM system
- 3 nonsimultaneous axes control system
- 3D CAD system
- 3D design system
- 3D milling CAM system
- 3-D surface-modeling system
- 3-D system
- abrasive waterjet cutting system
- absolute control system
- absolute dimension measuring system
- accident-protection system
- accountancy system
- accounting data system
- ACO system
- acoustic feedback control system
- acquisition system
- active enclosure system
- adaptable system
- adaptive CNC system
- adaptive control constraint system
- adaptive control system
- adaptive pulsing system
- adaptive robot system
- add-on NC programming system
- administrative information data system
- administrative information system
- ADR system
- advanced command data system
- advanced data analysis system
- advanced data display system
- advanced display system
- advanced integrated data system
- advanced interactive debugging system
- advanced management information system
- advisory system
- AGV system
- air flotation system
- air-bearing system
- air-cooling system
- air-delivery system
- air-gaging system
- airlock system
- air-oil mist lubrication system
- air-plasma arc-profiling system
- air-purge system
- alarm system
- all-enveloping guard system
- analog computing system
- analog recording system
- angstrom-positioning system
- antideflection system
- antilock brake system
- antisag system
- application-specific system
- APT generating expert system
- Archimedes system
- array system
- AS/RS system
- assembly management system
- assembly system
- attitude display system
- autolube system
- automated communications and messages processing system
- automated design and optimization of control system
- automated design system
- automated digital design system
- automated industrial management system
- automated information data system
- automated information dissemination system
- automated information retrieval system
- automated inventory distribution system
- automated machining system
- automated management information system
- automated management system
- automated measuring system
- automated parts input-output system
- automated reliability and maintenance management system
- automated storage control system
- automatic alignment-and-centering system
- automatic call distribution system
- automatic CAM system
- automatic chuck-changing system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic data distribution system
- automatic data system
- automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system
- automatic display plotting system
- automatic distributive numerical control system
- automatic fixturing system
- automatic gaging-and-compensating system
- automatic measurement-and-compensation system
- automatic message accounting system
- automatic message distribution system
- automatic pallet storage/retrieval system
- automatic program transfer system
- automatic record evaluation system
- automatic telemetry system
- automatic test analysis system
- automatic test system
- automatic testing, evaluating and reporting system
- automatic tool cassette changer system
- automatic tool retraction system
- automatic tool retraction/correction/reentry system
- automatic tool wear/tool broken sensing system
- automatically taught system
- automation system
- autonomous system
- autopatch system
- AWS system
- axis drive system
- axis motor system
- axis-stopping system
- backlash-free friction system
- back-to-back system
- balance system
- balanced system of forces
- balanced system
- bar feed system
- bar pulling system
- bar pusher system
- barring coding system
- base coordinate system
- base data system
- base file system
- base operating information system
- basic disk operating system
- basic hole system
- basic input/output system
- basic NC system
- basic programming system
- basic shaft system
- batching system
- batch-machining system
- battery system
- BCC management information system
- beam delivery system
- belt turnover system
- belt twist system
- binary system
- binary vision system
- biped robotic system
- block-tool system
- block-type tool change system
- bonded stores system
- boring system
- bought-in control system
- brake system
- branch information system
- breakaway system
- breathing system
- broad system of ordering
- BTA deep-hole-drilling system
- BTA-style deep-hole-drilling system
- bug-free system
- building block system
- bulk system
- business information system
- buy-and-plug-in system
- C/C system
- cable and hose carrying system
- CAD access system
- CAD system
- CAD/CAM system
- CAD/CAM/CAE and product data management system
- CAD/CAM/CAE system
- CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- CADAR system
- CAD-integrating system
- CAD-only system
- CAE system
- CAE/CAD/CAM system
- CAG system
- CAM system
- cam-and-lever system
- capacitance-based measuring system
- CAPP system
- capture system
- carrierband system
- cart/pallet transfer system
- Cartesian coordinate system
- cassette jaw-change system
- cell control system
- cell management system
- cell-type system
- cellular manufacturing system
- central analog data distributing and controlling system
- central automatic message accounting system
- central storage system
- centralized control system
- centralized coolant and extractor system
- centralized swarf conveying system
- centralized swarf removal system
- chain conveyor system
- check system
- checking system
- checkout system
- chiller system
- chip conveyor system
- chip guard system
- chip-evacuation system
- chuck/chuck jaw changing system
- chucking system
- chuck-jaw system
- chuck-loading system
- CIM system
- circular monitoring system
- circular part-processing system
- circulating lubrication system
- circulating oil system
- circulation system
- clamping system
- closed cooling system
- closed loop control system
- closed loop machine control system
- closed loop size control system
- closed loop system
- closed-proprietary system
- CM system
- CNC hardware system
- CNC machine tool system
- CNC programming system
- CNC system
- CNC transfer system
- CNC-ACC system
- CNC-control system
- coherent system of units
- collecting system
- collet pad top jaw system
- combined cooling system
- combined production system
- command-line NC system
- commercial vision system
- communication system
- companion system
- comprehensive power measurement system
- computer analysis and design system
- computer automation real-time operating system
- computer data communication system
- computer NC system
- computer system
- computer vision system
- computer-aided design support system
- computer-aided dispatch system
- computer-aided gaging system
- computer-aided programming system
- computer-aided telemetry system
- computer-aided test system
- computer-assisted command system
- computer-assisted message processing system
- computer-assisted microfilm retrieval system
- computer-assisted operation sequence planning system
- computer-automated machine-tool system
- computer-automated test system
- computer-based management system
- computer-based message system
- computer-controlled materials-handling system
- computer-controlled system
- computer-coordinated measuring system
- computer-directed swing-arm tool-changing system
- computer-driven control system
- computer-hosted manufacturing system
- computer-integrated manufacturing system
- computer-integrated system
- computerized information retrieval system
- computerized machine control system
- computerized manufacturing system
- computerized numerical control system
- computerized production control system
- computerized shopfloor data collection system
- computer-oriented production management system
- computer-oriented system
- computing system
- concurrent force system
- conductor system
- conservative system
- constant delivery system
- constant volume system
- constant-contact scanning system
- constraint satisfaction system
- continuous feedback control system
- continuous flow system
- continuous-path CNC system
- continuous-path control system
- contouring control system
- contouring system
- controlled path system
- controlling system
- conventional ACC system
- conversational analysis and drafting system
- conveying system
- conveyor system
- conveyoring system
- conveyorized work-handling system
- coolant clarification system
- coolant laundering system
- coolant mist system
- coolant recirculating system
- coolant recovery system
- coolant recycling system
- coolant supply system
- coolant-circulating system
- coolant-thru-body system
- cooling system
- coordinate drive system
- coordinate system
- coprocessor board system
- copymill control system
- corporate information and office system
- coupling system
- CPS system
- CRT control system
- CRT system
- customer-oriented system
- customized FMS control system
- cut-piece transfer system
- cycloidal tooth system
- data base management system
- data communication system
- data control system
- data input management system
- data management system
- data origination system
- data processing system
- data retrieval system
- data transfer system
- datum system for geometrical tolerancing
- datum system
- DDM system
- decentralized DNC system
- decision enabling system
- decision support system
- dedicated production system
- deep-hole-drilling system
- defect-free machining system
- delivery system
- demand pull flexible system
- demand push flexible system
- departmental management system
- descaling system
- design coordinate system
- design support system
- design-automation system
- design-for-manufacturing system
- design-with-feature system
- desk-top publishing system
- deterministic system
- dexel-based system
- diagnostic communication control system
- diagnostic computer control system
- dialog system
- diamond-lapping system
- digital readout system
- digitizing system
- digitizing/data capture system
- dimensional verification system
- direct impingement starting system
- direct lubrication system
- direct NC system
- discrete-continuous system
- dispatcher system
- distributed computer system
- distributed mass-spring system
- distributed microprocessor system
- distributed processing system
- distributed quality system
- distributed system
- distributive numerical control system
- DNC flexible machining system
- DNC machine control system
- DNC machine tool control system
- DNC system
- DNC/FM system
- document processing system
- document retrieval system
- document search system
- domain-expert system
- Doppler system
- DOS CAM system
- double tube system
- dowel pin system
- DRO system
- drop-feed-lubrication system
- DTP system
- dual laser optical system
- dual laser referencing system
- dual system
- dual-beam LDDM system
- dual-pallet shuttle system
- dual-shaft electric propulsion system
- dynamic beam focusing laser system
- dynamic data system
- dynamic mapping system
- early warning system
- eddy current damper system
- edge-sensing system
- edge-type positioning system
- eight-station pallet system
- electrical contact tracing system
- electrofluidic control system
- emergency protection system
- enclosure system
- encoder checking system
- endpoint locating system
- energy-adaptive system
- energy-saving drive system
- engine starting system
- entry-level NC system
- environmental control system
- equivalent rigid link system
- equivalent systems of forces
- ESD system
- estimating system
- example-driven system
- expert control system
- expert process planning system
- expert system
- external box system
- extractor system
- fact retrieval system
- factory automation system
- fault detection system
- fault-signal system
- FBG system
- feasibility routing system
- feature-based CAM system
- feature-based system
- feed system
- feedback control system
- feedback gaging system
- feedback position control system
- feedback system
- feed-drive system
- feedforward compensatory control system
- feed-only AC system
- feed-overriding system
- FFS system
- file control system
- finite capacity scheduling system
- fixed coordinate system
- fixed-feature NC system
- fixed-rail system
- fixture design system
- fixture system
- fixturing system
- flanged pipe system
- flexible assembly system
- flexible automated manufacturing system
- flexible automation system
- flexible computer-controlled robotic system
- flexible fabricating system
- flexible fixturing system
- flexible handling system
- flexible laser optical system
- flexible laser system
- flexible lathe system
- flexible machine system
- flexible machining center system
- flexible machining system
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible NC system
- flexible press system
- flexible tooling system
- flexible transfer system
- flexible turning system
- flood coolant system
- flow-line production system
- flow-type manufacturing system
- fluid management system
- fluid power system
- flush-type cooling system
- fly system
- FMS operating system
- FMS/CAD/CAM system
- FMS-type production system
- force measurement system
- force sensory system
- force system
- force-sensing system
- forecasting system
- four-station pallet system
- four-tier quality system
- FROG navigation system
- FROG system
- full-blown system
- fully specified system
- gage system
- gaging computer system
- gaging-and-compensating system
- gantry loading system
- gantry-based turning system
- gantry-style motion system
- gas-turbine starting system
- gating system
- gear roller system
- gear system
- gear testing system
- general information retrieval system
- generative planning system
- generic control system
- generic messaging system
- generic system
- glass fiber system
- glazing system
- goal-seeking system
- graphic numerical control system
- graphic processing system
- graphics system
- graphics-oriented system
- grating measuring system
- gravity oil system
- gray scale imaging system
- grinder vision system
- group control system
- guarding system
- guidance system
- guiding system
- handling system
- handwriting-input system
- hard-automated system
- hardware NC system
- hardware support system
- head change system
- head changer system
- head-changing flexible manufacturing system
- help system
- hierarchical coding system
- hierarchical control system
- hierarchical information control system
- high-noise-immunity system
- high-rise system
- high-speed positioning system
- high-speed-processor control system
- high-volume system
- Hirth gear-tooth system
- holding system
- holding tool system
- hole system
- holonomic system
- host computer-assisted programming system
- host distributive numerical control system
- hybrid computing system
- hydraulic oil system
- hydraulic system
- hydraulic-circuit system
- hypertext system
- ID system
- IDNC system
- illumination system
- image detection system
- image processing system
- imaging system
- IMC system
- immersion-washing system
- inconsistent system of equations
- incremental measuring system
- index system
- indirect lubrication system
- individual lubrication system
- inductive telemetry system
- inductively guided cart system
- industrial vision system
- in-feed system
- inference system
- in-floor chip-disposal system
- information infrastructure system
- information logical system
- information processing system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information system
- information-gathering system
- information-management system
- information-sharing system
- infrared imaging system
- infrared system
- in-house minicomputer system
- in-house system
- inlet control system
- in-process gaging system
- in-process sensing system
- in-process storage system
- insert-selection system
- instrumentation system
- insulating system
- integral movement monitoring system
- integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- integrated CAM system
- integrated circuit numerical control system
- integrated computer system
- integrated information system
- integrated machine system
- integrated machining system
- integrated manufacturing and assembly system
- integrated manufacturing system
- integrated NC machine system
- integrated production system
- integrated sensor system
- intelligent control system
- interactive control system
- interactive graphics processing system
- interactive manufacturing control system
- interconnection system
- interdepartmental communication system
- interferometer measuring system
- interlocking system
- interrupt-driven system
- inventory-management system
- involute tooth system
- IR fault-signal system
- IR system
- ISO system of limits and tolerances
- isolated word recognition system
- jig boring measuring system
- job shop-type flexible system
- joint-actuation system
- just-in-time production system
- kanban pull system
- kinetic control system
- kitting system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based information system
- knowledge-based system
- krypton laser system
- labeling system
- labor-intensive system
- language-based NC system
- laser beam orientation system
- laser beam positioning system
- laser calibration system
- laser combination energy system
- laser digitizing system
- laser driving system
- laser full automated system
- laser inspection system
- laser interferometer measuring system
- laser machining system
- laser metalworking system
- laser micrometer system
- laser monitoring system
- laser mount system
- laser optical transformation system
- laser pulse power system
- laser pump system
- laser referencing system
- laser thread measurement system
- laser transducer system
- laser-cutting system
- laser-gaging system
- layered control system
- LDDM system
- lead screw drive system
- learning system
- library reference system
- library system
- light guide system
- light recognition system
- line motion control system
- line motion system
- line path system
- linear index system
- linear system of constant coefficients
- linear time invariant system
- linear time-varying system
- linear-encoder-equipped system
- LMFC system
- load/unload system
- loading robot system
- load-monitoring system
- local communications system
- logistics system
- look-up table system
- low-loss optical system
- low-volume lubricant delivery system
- lube system
- lubrication system with continuous delivery
- lubrication system with cyclic delivery
- lubrication system with performance control
- lubrication system without performance control
- lubrication system
- M system
- machine control system
- machine coordinate system
- machine health-monitoring system
- machine management system
- machine surveillance system
- machine tool capability-conditioning system
- machine tool system
- machine vision system
- machine/control system
- machine/tool/workpiece system
- machine-flexible system
- machine-zero reference system
- machining-cell system
- magnetic control system
- magnetic shaft suspension system
- main control system
- maintenance tracking system
- make-up system
- management control system
- management information system
- management system
- management-and-manufacturing system
- managerial reporting system
- man-computer system
- man-machine system
- man-plus-machine system
- manual data input system
- manual programming system
- manufacturing execution system
- manufacturing optimization system
- manufacturing software system
- manufacturing system
- many-degrees-of-freedom system
- many-variable system
- mass-elastic system
- master manufacturing control system
- master-slave control system
- material flow system
- material movement system
- material storage system
- materials-handling control system
- materials-handling system
- matrix array system
- matrix-type system
- MDI contouring control system
- MDI control system
- MDI NC system
- mean line system
- measurement/inspection system
- measuring coordinate system
- measuring system
- measuring/compensation system
- mechanical interface coordinate system
- memory NC system
- memory system
- menu drive system
- menu system
- menu-driven programming system
- metalforming production system with robots
- metalworking laser system
- metamorphic system
- metareasoning system
- metering system
- metrology system
- MIC system
- micro CAD/CAM programming system
- microadjustment system
- microchip-managed control system
- microdispensing system
- microintegrated system
- microload system
- micropackaged distributed system
- microprocessor based system
- microprocessor CNC system
- microprocessor system
- microprocessor-development system
- microstep control system
- microwave drill detection system
- milling CAM system
- milling system
- minicomputer-based numerical control system
- minicomputer-based system
- minicomputer-based test system
- miniload automated storage and retrieval system
- miniload system
- minimal constraint system
- minimum phase shift system
- mist-cooling system
- mixed forging-machining system
- mobility system
- model reference adaptive system
- moderately sized manufacturing system
- modular clamping system
- modular component tooling system
- modular fixture system
- modular holding system
- modular system
- modular tooling system
- modular work holding system
- monitoring system
- monorail material handling system
- motor position sensing system
- mounting system
- MPM system
- MRC system
- MRP system
- MS-DOS system
- multiaxis laser system
- multimachine system
- multimedia system
- multinetwork system
- multipallet system
- multiple computer system
- multiple laser technology system
- multiple pallet changer system
- multiple pallet handling system
- multiple parts feeding system
- multiple sensory system
- multiple spindle head handling-and-changing system
- multiple system of indexing
- multiple-gun spraying system
- multipoint lubrication system
- multipoint network control system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor NC system
- multiprocessor system
- multiproduct manufacturing system
- multiprofile tool system
- multiprogramming system
- multirobot system
- multisensor system
- multiserver queueing system
- multistage system
- multitasking control system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser system
- multivendor information system
- multiwindowing software system
- Nagare system
- narrowly defined expert system
- national information system
- navigation system
- NC contouring system
- NC machine system
- NC part-programming system
- NC system
- NC tooling system
- NC/TP system
- nesting system
- network computer system
- network switching system
- network system
- noise diagnostic system
- noncircular copy-turning system
- noncompensated system
- noncontact laser marking system
- noncontact microwave system
- nonexpert system
- non-NC system
- numerical computer control system
- numerical contour control system
- numerical control system
- numerically controlled tool point system
- object-oriented system
- office system
- office-based programming system
- off-line adviser-type expert system
- off-line programming system
- off-line system
- off-the-shelf system
- oil mist system
- oil scavenge system
- oil system
- oil wash system
- oil-recirculating system
- oligarchical manufacturing system
- OLP system
- one man/one machine system
- one man-one operation-one job system
- one-machine flexible system
- one-piece tape spar-measuring system
- one-shot lubrication system
- on-line information system
- on-line process system
- on-line retrieval system
- on-line system
- on-line tool control system
- on-machine gaging system
- on-machine probing system
- on-off control system
- open architecture system
- open cooling system
- open system
- open-front system
- open-loop control system
- operating system
- operational system
- operator guidance system
- operator-controlled NC system
- optical detection system
- optical laser ranging system
- optical MAP system
- optical measurement/inspection system
- optical recognition system
- optical system for laser processing
- optical tracer backup system
- optical transmission system
- opti-feed system
- optimal-position control system
- order-driven system
- order-entry system
- order-picking system
- oscillating system
- oscillatory system
- out-feed system
- output collecting system
- overall system
- p.-t.-p. NC system
- package confinement system
- paging system
- pallet conveyor system
- pallet gripper system
- pallet ID system
- pallet storage system
- pallet storage/changer system
- pallet/platen transfer system
- pallet/robot flexible-machining system
- pallet-based materials handling system
- pallet-based system
- pallet-changer system
- pallet-coding system
- pallet-handling system
- palletized tool magazine system
- pallet-loading system
- pallet-moving system
- pallet-shuttle change system
- pallet-transfer system
- pallet-transport system
- paperless NC system
- parallel force system
- parallel lubrication system
- parametric CNC system
- part flow system
- part handling-and-storage system
- part program-editing system
- part queue system
- part-conveying system
- partial laser system
- part-programming system
- part-retrieval system
- passively mode-locked laser system
- path control system of a machine
- path control system
- pattern recognition system
- pattern tracing system
- pattern-directed system
- PC system
- PC-based CAD system
- PC-based vision system
- pendant-mounted CNC system
- perceptual system
- permanent electro system
- personal computer-based robotic vision system
- phase switching control system
- photogrammetric vision system
- photooptic tracing system
- photooptical tracing system
- piece rate system
- plane system of forces
- planner-oriented system
- plant-integration system
- platen system
- platform-independent CAM system
- playback system
- plugboard control system
- plugboard programming system
- point-to-point system
- popular laser system
- position control system
- positioning control system
- postprocess inspection system
- postprocess system
- postprocess-feedback gaging system
- potentiometer-setting system
- power generating system
- power system
- powered clamping system
- powered track system
- powerful robot system
- precision positioning system
- predictive machinability system
- predictive maintenance system
- pre-emptive system
- pregaging system
- preload system
- preset tooling system
- presetting system
- prismatic flexible manufacturing system
- prismatic machining system
- probe communication system
- problem-oriented information system
- process planning system
- process-flexible system
- production control system
- production expert system
- production-monitoring system
- productions system
- product-testing system
- programmable automation system
- programmable control system
- programmable logic control system
- programmable power monitoring system
- programmed sequence control system
- programming system
- proof-of-concept system
- proprietary NC system
- propulsion system
- propulsive system
- protection system
- prototype system
- prototyping system
- pull system of production
- pull system
- punch tape NC system
- purpose-made materials feeding system
- push system
- qualitative system
- quality control system
- quality system
- quantity produced systems
- question-and-answer system
- question-answering system
- queuing system
- quick-change system
- quick-change workpiece-fixturing system
- quick-change-cutter system
- rack system
- rack-picking system
- rail-borne robotic handling system
- rail-guided transport system
- random mission system
- random mix system
- random order system
- ranging system
- readout system
- ready-to-go system
- real-time vision system
- recirculation system
- rectangular coordinate system
- rectangular triordinate system
- reeving system
- reference retrieval system
- reference system
- reflecting high-power beam optical system
- register system
- registration system
- relay ladder logic system
- reporting system
- reprographic system
- resolver system
- restraint system
- RETIC system
- retrieval system
- retrofit system
- return spring system
- RGV pallet delivery system
- rigid track workpiece transport system
- rigid transfer system
- robot control system
- robot gantry storage-and-retrieval system
- robot learning system
- robot parts-handling system
- robot system
- robot teaching system
- robot tool changing system
- robot-based turning system
- robotic system
- robotic vision system
- robotics CAD system
- robotized metalforming system
- robot-like inspection system
- robot-measuring system
- rod memory system
- roller system
- roll-generating system
- rotary transfer system
- rotary-type tool-mounting system
- rotational system
- routing-flexible system
- rule-based expert system
- running fail-safe system
- running system
- run-time system
- safety actuation system
- safety system
- scale back system
- seam tracking laser processing system
- seam-tracking system
- security system
- selective assembly system
- selective control system
- self-adapting system
- self-contained starting system
- self-contained system
- self-monitoring measuring system
- self-optimizing adaptive control system
- self-programming NC system
- self-teaching system
- self-test system
- sensing system
- sensor system
- sensor-based system
- sensory control system
- sensory feedback system
- sensory interactive system
- sensory-processing system
- sentence recognition system
- sequencing control system
- sequential control system
- series lubrication system
- service system
- servo control system
- servo drive system
- servo positioning system
- servo transducer system
- servo-controlled blade-feed-pressure system
- setting system
- SFP system
- shaft system
- shared tools system
- shopfloor communication message system
- shopfloor part-programming system
- shopfloor programming system
- shopfloor-programming control system
- short-closed oil system
- shuttle car system
- shuttle system
- shuttle-type container system
- side-loading pallet system
- sign system
- signature-analysis system
- silhouetting system
- single system
- single-board computer system
- single-cell system
- single-line lubrication system
- single-point lubrication system
- single-stage system
- single-tube system
- single-unit machining system
- single-variable system
- sinking system
- six-station pallet system
- size-monitoring system
- skidless system
- skid-type system
- small knowledge system
- small scale system
- small-batch manufacturing system
- sociotechnical system
- software-based system
- software-operating system
- solid model CAD system
- solid modeling system
- solids-based system
- sonic digitizing system
- space-monitoring sensor system
- special-purpose CNC system
- special-purpose material handling system
- speech-understanding system
- spindle airblast system
- spindle-probe system
- splash lubrication system
- split-type of tooling system
- spray lubrication system
- sprocket-chain system
- stabilization system
- stabilizing system
- stacking system
- stand-alone system
- standard control system
- standard unit system
- starting system
- statistical process control system
- steady-state system
- stepping motor drive system
- stocker system
- stocking system
- stop-bolt locking system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- storage-retrieval system
- straight cut control system
- straight-line control system
- stress calculations infinite element system
- structurally stable system
- structurally unstable system
- stub-tooth system
- subloop system
- supervision system
- supervisory computer control system
- supervisory control system
- surface-measurement system
- surveillance system
- suspension system
- swarf conveyance system
- swarf-management system
- swarf-removal system
- switching system
- synthetic vision system
- system of dimensioning
- system of forces
- system of limits and fits
- system of quantities
- system of the machine retaining devices
- system of units
- tactile sensing system
- tailored NC system
- tailor-made system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- teach system
- teachable-logic control system
- teaching system
- teach-mode programming system
- technology-intensive system
- telecommunication system
- telemetry gage system
- telemetry system
- teleoperated system
- telepresence system
- telerobotic system
- ten-station pallet system
- term system
- test system
- testing system
- text organizing system
- thermal control system
- thermal enclosure system
- thermal propulsion system
- thread measurement system
- thread measuring system
- three-dimensional CAM system
- three-dimensional coordinate system
- three-wire thread measuring system
- through feed system
- through-the-tool system
- time control system
- time cycle system
- time-shared system
- time-sharing NC programming system
- time-sharing system
- tool animation system
- tool breakage prevention system
- tool change system
- tool condition monitoring system
- tool coolant system
- tool deflection calibration system
- tool identification tag system
- tool life control system
- tool life management system
- tool magazine exchanger system
- tool management system
- tool position-compensating system
- tool shank cleaning system
- tool storage and transport system
- tool storage/management system
- tool-associated system
- tool-clamp system
- tool-holder-work system
- tool-ID system
- tooling AGV system
- tooling system
- tool-in-hand system
- tool-in-use system
- tool-machine system
- tool-monitoring system
- tool-mounting system
- tool-presetting system
- tool-probing system
- tool-to-turret connection system
- tool-transfer system
- torque-monitoring system
- total system
- total-loss lubrication system
- touch-probe digitizer system
- touch-probe digitizing system
- touch-probe system
- towline cart system
- towline conveyor system
- towline handling system
- towline material handling system
- towline transfer system
- tracer control system
- tracing system
- track system
- tracking/scheduling system
- track-monitoring system
- transfer system
- translating system
- transmission system
- transporter system
- traverse-metering system
- tray-type transfer system
- triangulation system
- tribomechanical system
- tri-level stocker system
- triordinate system
- trolley control system
- trouble-free control system
- T-slot system
- tuned system
- turning system
- turning-and-chucking system
- turnkey computer control system
- turnkey system
- turret probing system
- turret tooling system
- two-line lubrication system
- two-machine system
- two-pallet exchange system
- two-shift system
- two-tier inspection system
- unattended machining system
- unattended production system
- uncertain system
- unified system
- unit bore system
- unit system
- unit-build system
- unit-load automated storage and retrieval system
- unit-load system
- UNIX-based 32-bit computer system
- unmonitored control system
- unstable system
- user identification system
- user's CAD system
- V coding system
- vacuum system
- variable pallet system
- variable-coefficient system
- variable-gain ACC system
- variable-mission system
- versatile data acquisition system
- vertical carousel system
- vertical rotating warehouse system
- vibration system
- vibratory system
- video measuring system
- video-based measurement system
- viewing system
- virtual design system
- virtual storage system
- vision guidance system
- vision metrology system
- vision optical system
- vision sensor system
- vision system
- vision tool-presetting system
- vision-based inspection system
- vision-based system
- visual computing system
- visual inspection system
- VME-based system
- voice data entry system
- voice system
- voice-input system
- volume-flexible system
- volume-metric lubrication system
- voluntary standards system
- warehousing system
- warning protection system
- warning system
- wash system
- waste material treatment system
- watchdog system
- waterjet system
- way-lubrication system
- wedge-locked tool clamping system
- wheelhead-measuring system
- windowing system
- wire-cut system
- wire-frame CAD system
- wire-guided transport system
- wire-guided trolley routing system
- word recognition system
- work infeed system
- work transfer system
- work transport system
- workhandling system
- work-holding system
- workpiece-cleaning system
- workstation-oriented CNC system
- zero error position systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > system
5 valve
1) клапан; вентиль2) задвижка; затвор4) кран5) мн. ч. вентильная арматура•to time the valves — регулировать газораспределение ( двигателя)-
2-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-position spring-centered selector valve
ac solenoid hydraulic directional valve
accumulator charging valve
accumulator unloading valve
adjustable valve
admission valve
ahead maneuvering valve
air control valve
air filler valve
air valve
air-gap armature hydraulic valve
air-operated valve
air-starting valve
air-steam relief valve
air-vent valve
alarm valve
aligned-grid valve
amplifier valve
angle valve
annular slide valve
antibackfire valve
antiicing shutoff valve
astern maneuvering valve
atmospheric steam dump valve
automatic changeover valve
auxiliary loop isolation valve
auxiliary valve
back pressure valve
back valve
backfire bypass valve
backflush valve
back-seating valve
backwash valve
baffle valve
balanced needle valve
balanced valve
balanced-disk valve
balanced-gate valve
ball and scat valve
ball seating action valve
ball shear action valve
ball valve
ball-operated pneumatic valve
beam-power valve
bin slide valve
blade-control valve
bleeder valve
bleed valve
block valve
blowing valve
blowoff valve
blowout valve
bottom discharge valve
bottom dump valve
bottom-hole valve
brake application valve
brake cylinder release valve
brake hydraulic valve
brake transmission valve
brake valve
breathing valve
bulkhead valve
bullet valve
butterfly valve
bypass proportional valve
bypass valve
cam-operated pneumatic valve
cargo oil valve
cargo valve
cartridge-type valve
casing fill-up valve
casing float valve
casing pressure operated gas lift valve
cement float valve
centrifugal reducing valve
changeover valve
charging valve
check valve
chimney slide valve
chimney valve
choke valve
Christmas-tree gate valve
Christmas-tree valve
combined stop and emergency valve
common slide valve
compartment valve
compensation valve
compression valve
compressor bleed valve
conditioned air emergency valve
conductor's valve
cone valve
control valve
converter valve
coolant flow-control valve
cooler bypass valve
copying valve
counterbalance valve
crankcase valve
crankcase ventilation valve
crossfeed valve
crude oil valve
cryogenic gate valve
cutoff valve
cutout valve
cylinder-operated pneumatic valve
cylindrical valve
damper valve
dc solenoid hydraulic directional valve
deceleration flow control valve
deceleration valve
deck drain valve
decompression pressure control valve
delivery valve
depress valve
detent-controlled valve
diaphragm seating action valve
diaphragm valve
differential lock valve
differential pressure control valve
differential relief valve
direct-acting valve
direct-admission valve
direction selector valve
directional control valve
directly operated valve
discharge valve
disk valve
distributing valve
distribution valve
diverter valve
double air-piloted valve
double-acting valve
double-check valve
double-seat valve
double-solenoid valve
drain valve
dual block gate valve
dual block valve
dump valve
duplex valve
duplicator valve
eduction valve
ejection valve
electric valve
electric-to-air valve
electrohydraulic servo valve
electromagnetic valve
electronic valve
emergency closing valve
emergency valve
emergency-braking valve
en-bloc directional control hydraulic valve
engine start valve
engineer's brake valve
equalizing tester valve
equalizing valve
escape valve
evaporator refrigerant valve
exhaust brake valve
exhaust valve
exit-juice valve
expansion valve
explosive valve
extraction valve
feeding valve
feed valve
feedwater valve
fill valve
five-port control valve
five-port valve
fixed flow control valve
fixed-dispersion cone valve
flap valve
flapper action valve
flapper valve
flat gate valve
flat valve
flat-scat fuel valve
Fleming valve
float valve
float-controlled gate valve
float-controlled valve
flooding valve
flood valve
flow control valve
flow directing valve
flow dividing valve
flow metering valve
flow restrictor valve
flow safety valve
flow summarizing valve
flow-regulating valve
fluid check valve
flushing and boost valve
follow valve
follower-ring gate valve
foot valve
foot-operated pneumatic valve
force motor valve
forcing valve
four/three-way hydraulic directional control valve
four-port control valve
four-port valve
four-way directional control valve
four-way valve
free-discharge valve
fuel shutoff valve
fuel supply valve
fuel valve
fuel-lock valve
fume valve
gas charging valve
gas cylinder valve
gas lift starting valve
gas lift valve
gas reversing valve
gate valve
geared valve
globe valve
guard valve
guard's valve
gulp valve
hand-operated valve
heat control valve
high-head regulating valve
high-pressure gate valve
high-pressure relief valve
holding valve
hollow-jet valve
hydraulic copying valve
hydraulic pressure gage selector valve
hydraulic valve
inclined valve
indirect-action valve
induction valve
injection valve
injector valve
inlet valve
in-line air valve
intake valve
intercept valve
interior differential needle valve
intermediate-plate type valve
internal check valve
inverted valve
ionic valve
isolation valve
jet action valve
jet-pipe valve
jettison valve
kelly safety valve
king valve
kingston valve
leak valve
lever safety valve
light valve
liquid-crystal valve
load dividing pressure control valve
lock emptying valve
lock filling valve
lock valve
low-cracking check valve
magnetic valve
main feedwater control valve
main loop isolation valve
main penstock valve
main pipeline gate valve
main pipeline valve
main steam stop valve
main tester valve
make-up valve
maneuvering valve
manifold air valve
manifold valve
manual valve
masked inlet valve
master control gate valve
master gate valve
master valve
measuring valve
membrane valve
mercury arc valve
mercury valve
metering valve
mixer valve
mod-logic pneumatic valve
modular hydraulic valves
modular-type control valve
modulating valve
moisture drain valve
motor-operated valve
multiple station isolator valve
multiple valve
multiway valve
mushroom valve
needle seating action valve
needle valve
neutralizer valve
new fuel entry valve
nonreturn valve
nozzle control valve
nozzle valve
oil drain valve
oil-controlled valve
oil-overflow valve
oil-pressure relief valve
oil-pressure valve
one-port control valve
one-port valve
one-stage valve
one-way control valve
one-way valve
on-off valve
open center valve
orchard valve
outboard valve
outlet valve
overflow valve
overlapped valve
overload valve
overrun valve
overspeed valve
palm button operated pneumatic valve
penstock valve
pet valve
pig scraper launching valve
pig launching valve
pig scraper receiver valve
pig receiver valve
pilot overspeed valve
pilot valve
pilot-actuated valve
pilot-controlled valve
pilot-operated check valve
pilot-operated valve
pipe valve
pipeline valves
piston valve
piston-operated spool valve
plug seating action valve
plug shear action valve
plug valve
pneumatic control valve
pneumatic time delay valve
pneumatic valve
poppet valve
poppet-operated pneumatic valve
power valve
pressure control valve
pressure reducing valve
pressure regulating valve
pressure sequenced valve
pressure valve
pressure-vacuum vent valve
pressure vent valve
pressure-and-vacuum valve
pressure-compensated flow control valve
pressure-compensated valve
pressure-limiting valve
pressure-operated pneumatic valve
pressure-relief valve
pressurizer isolation valve
pressurizing cabin valve
priming valve
priority valve
production gate valve
production valve
proportional control hydraulic valve
proportional pressure control valve
proportioning valve
pump discharge valve
purge valve
push-button operated pneumatic valve
push-button valve
quarter-turn valve
quick exhaust air valve
rebound valve
rectifier valve
reducing valve
reed-type valve
reed valve
re-entry valve
register valve
regulating valve
relay valve
release valve
relief valve
replenishing valve
restrictor valve
retaining valve
retardation valve
retarder valve
retrievable valve
return valve
reverse Tainter valve
reverse valve
reversible flow metering valve
revolving valve
ride control valve
roller-operated pneumatic valve
rolling lift valve
rotary directional hydraulic valve
rotary disk operated pneumatic valve
rotary valve
safety valve
sampling valve
sand valve
scour valve
screw-down valve
screw valve
scupper valve
sea-suction valve
seating action valve
seat valve
selection valve
selector directional control valve
selector valve
self-sealing hydraulic valve
sequence valve
shaft valve
shear action valve
shrouded valve
shutoff gate valve
shutoff valve
singe-seat valve
single solenoid valve
single-acting valve
single-stage valve
sleeve valve
slide valve
sliding plate shear action valve
sluice valve
snap-in valve
snort valve
sodium-filled exhaust valve
solar panel valve
solenoid valve
solenoid-operated hydraulic valve
sphere valve
spherical valve
sphincter valve
spool operated pneumatic valve
spool valve
spray valve
spring centering directional control hydraulic valve
spring centralized air valve
spring offset valve
spring operated valve
spring-loaded valve
standing valve
start valve
steam dump valve
steam valve
steering-damping control valve
stop valve
straight flow valve
straight-through valve
suction valve
supply valve
surface-controlled gas lift valve
surge damping valve
swing disk seating action valve
swing-check valve
tank manifold valves
tank valves
tank-pipeline valve
tapered-seat valve
taper-seat valve
telescopic valve
telltale valve
thermionic valve
thermostatic expansion valve
thermostatic valve
three-port control valve
three-port valve
throttle valve
throttling direction control valve
thyristor valve
tidal valve
tilting disk check valve
time delay valve
toggle valve
tractor breakaway valve
transmission spark control valve
traveling valve
treadle-operated pneumatic valve
trip tester valve
tube valve
tubing pressure operated gas lift valve
tubing safety valve
turbine inlet valve
turbine shutoff valve
twinned-regenerator valve
two/two-way hydraulic valve
two-port control valve
two-port valve
two-position pneumatic valve
two-stage valve
two-way control valve
two-way valve
uncoupling valve
underlapped valve
unloading valve
vacuum valve
vapor valve
variable load valve
variable valve
vent valve
ventilation valve
venting valve
washout valve
water valve
water-gate valve
waveguide valve
wedge gate valve
wedge valve
wedge-action valve
wet armature hydraulic valve
whistle valve
zero-lapped valve -
6 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) линия3) канал4) сеть•- adapter circuit
- adjustment circuit
- alive circuit
- announcing circuit
- anode circuit
- antisidetone circuit
- asynchronous circuit
- automatic reset-data circuit
- automatic ringdown circuit
- automatic start circuit
- auxiliary circuit
- balanced circuit
- balanced-wire circuit
- balancing circuit
- band-switching circuit
- basic circuit
- black-level restoring circuit
- black-level stretch circuit
- bootstrap circuit
- branch circuit
- branched circuit
- bridge antisidetone circuit
- building-out circuit
- built-up circuit
- Buttler circuit
- bypass circuit
- cached circuit
- call circuit
- capacitor-coupled circuit
- capacitor-switched circuit
- capacitor-switching circuit
- central-battery circuit
- chain-type connection circuit
- character generator large-scale integration circuit
- charge-coupled device circuit
- check parity circuit
- checkout circuit
- chrominance matrix circuit
- chrominance separation circuit
- chrominance takeoff circuit
- clamp-on circuit
- closed circuit
- coarse phasing circuit
- coaxial circuit
- coincidence circuit
- color-balance circuit
- color-indexing circuit
- color-purity circuit
- combinational-circuit circuit
- combined-supply circuit
- common-base circuit
- common-battery circuit
- common-collector circuit
- common-drain circuit
- common-emitter circuit
- common-gate circuit
- common-source circuit
- common-user circuit
- communication circuit
- comparing circuit
- compensating antisidetone circuit
- complemental metal-oxide-semiconductor circuit
- composite circuit
- conductor-bundled static wire circuit
- conference circuit
- connecting circuit
- constant-closed circuit
- contactor-relay circuit
- continental circuit
- convergence circuit
- cord circuit
- correcting circuit
- Costas circuit
- counter-coupling circuit
- counting-down circuit
- coupled circuit
- cross-bus matrix circuit
- crossed-waveguide circuit
- cue circuit
- cutoff circuit
- Darlingtone circuit
- data circuit
- data-transmission circuit
- dc restoration circuit
- decoder circuit
- delay circuit
- demodulation circuit
- dial-up circuit
- diamond circuit
- differencing circuit
- differential-frequency circuit
- digital circuit
- digital-excitation circuit
- digital-leased circuit
- diode-clamping circuit
- diode-clipping circuit
- diode-stabilitron circuit
- direct international circuit
- direct-connection circuit
- direct-transit international circuit
- direct-wire circuit
- double half-wave circuit
- double-ended cord circuit
- double-loop circuit
- dual circuit
- earth circuit
- earthed circuit
- echo-absorption circuit
- edge derivation circuit
- electric circuit
- electronic circuit
- elementary circuit
- encoding circuit
- energized circuit
- engineering circuit
- equivalent circuit
- error-subtracting circuit
- external circuit
- fallback circuit
- feed circuit
- feedback circuit
- fiber-optic circuit
- fire-control circuit
- fixed-virtual circuit
- flexible circuit
- flexible-stage circuit
- flywheel circuit
- forked circuit
- four-wire circuit
- frame scanning circuit
- frequency-changing circuit
- frequency-protection circuit
- full-accessible circuit
- full-period allocated circuit
- functional-switching circuit
- gallium-arsenide integrated circuit
- gating circuit
- generating circuit
- Gilbert circuit
- Grets circuit
- grid circuit
- ground-return circuit
- grouping circuit
- half-bridge circuit
- half-wave circuit
- hardened circuit
- head circuit
- HF-correction circuit
- holding circuit
- horizontal deflection circuit
- hybrid circuit
- hypothetical reference circuit
- idle lighting limiting circuit
- inclined adjustment circuit
- incoming circuit
- independent circuit
- inductive circuit
- input circuit
- input-by-output matrix circuit
- inquiry circuit
- integrated circuit
- integrating circuit
- interchange circuit
- interface-integrated circuit
- interferenced circuit
- interferencing circuit
- international leased circuit
- interstage coupling circuit
- invertor circuit
- ISDN echo cancellation circuit
- isochronic circuit
- Jiakoletto circuit
- junction circuit
- Karp circuit
- keep-alive circuit
- key section power circuit
- killer circuit
- ladder circuit
- lamp circuit
- large-scale integration circuit
- latched circuit
- LCR circuit
- lead changeover circuit
- LF-correction circuit
- line circuit
- linear circuit
- link circuit
- live circuit
- local circuit
- lock-in circuit
- locking circuit
- lock-out circuit
- long circuit
- long-distance circuit
- longitudinal circuit
- loop circuit
- lossless resonant circuit
- L-shaped circuit
- magnetic convergence circuit
- main supply circuit
- make circuit
- Marx circuit
- match circuit
- matching circuit
- matrix circuit
- message circuit
- microelectronic circuit
- microphone supply circuit
- multidrop circuit
- multijunctor circuit
- multiloop circuit
- multipoint circuit
- muting circuit
- neodymium magnetic circuit
- neutral circuit
- neutralization circuit
- neutralizing circuit
- noise-rejecting circuit
- noise-suicide circuit
- nonlinear circuit
- NOT circuit
- on-call circuit
- open circuit
- optoelectronic integrated circuit
- OR circuit
- order wire circuits
- OR-ELSE circuit
- oscillating circuit
- oscillation circuit
- output circuit
- output voltage tracking circuit
- packaged circuit
- paging circuit
- parallel circuit
- partially accessible circuit
- peaking circuit
- periodic closed circuit
- phantom circuit
- phase comparating circuit
- phase compensating circuit
- phase-shift circuit
- phase-substitution circuit
- physical circuit
- pilot circuit
- pilot-make-busy circuit
- planar circuit
- point-to-point circuit
- polling circuit
- polyphase circuit
- power circuit
- power-supply circuit
- precision phasing circuit
- primary circuit
- printed circuit
- private leased circuit
- protection circuit
- pulse-phase control circuit
- push-to-talk circuit
- push-to-type circuit
- quenching circuit
- quiet-tuning circuit
- radial supply circuit
- radio circuit
- RC circuit
- reactance control circuit
- reading circuit
- rectification circuit
- reference circuit
- rejecting circuit
- relay cutout circuit
- remote control circuit
- remote-ring circuit
- repeat circuit
- reset circuit
- resonance circuit
- resonant circuit
- reverse circuit
- reverse diode circuit
- ring circuit
- ringing circuit
- sample-and-hold circuit
- scaling circuit
- Scott circuit
- secondary circuit
- section substitution circuit
- selecting circuit
- selective circuit
- self-locked circuit
- series circuit
- series-oscillating circuit
- series-parallel circuit
- series-peaking circuit
- series-tuned circuit
- shaping circuit
- shaved single frequency circuit
- short circuit
- shunt circuit
- shunting circuit
- shunt-peaking circuit
- side circuit
- signal circuit
- signal processing circuit
- signal recovery circuit
- single-current circuit
- single-ended push-pull circuit
- single-frequency resonance circuit
- single-phase bridge circuit
- single-phase circuit
- snap-acting circuit
- solving circuit
- sound-program circuit
- spark-safe circuit
- speech circuit
- speed regulating circuit
- squaring circuit
- stabilizer circuit
- stable circuit
- stage circuit
- stage control circuit
- standard cable circuit
- standard circuit
- standby circuit
- stenode circuit
- storage large-scale integration circuit
- storage locking circuit
- straightforward circuit
- strap magnetic circuit
- strip-line circuit
- super large scale integration circuit
- superimposed circuit
- superposed circuit
- supply circuit
- sweep circuit
- switched circuit
- switching circuit
- symistor control circuit
- synchronous circuit
- tail circuit
- talk-back circuit
- tandem data circuit
- tank circuit
- tapped magnetic circuit
- tapped stage circuit
- telecommunication circuit
- telecommunication-protection circuit
- telegraph circuit
- telegraph grade circuit
- telegraph signal generating circuit
- telephone circuit
- telephone signal generating circuit
- telesignaling receiving circuit
- telesignaling sending circuit
- television circuit
- terminal circuit
- test circuit
- testing circuit
- third circuit
- three-loop circuit
- three-phase input circuit
- three-wire circuit
- through circuit
- thyristor control circuit
- time protection circuit
- time-delay circuit
- time-interval protection circuit
- time-setting circuit
- timing circuit
- toll circuit
- touch sensing circuit
- touch tone dial circuit
- transformer substitution circuit
- transformer-coupled circuit
- transistor clipping circuit
- transistor collector circuit
- transistor control circuit
- transistor protection circuit
- tributary circuit
- triode clamp circuit
- trunk circuit
- T-shaped circuit
- tuned circuit
- twelve-pulse circuit
- two-frequency resonance circuit
- two-loop circuit
- two-wire-ground circuit
- uniform circuit
- unstable circuit
- untapped circuit
- untapped magnetic circuit
- U-shaped circuit
- variometer controlling circuit
- video circuit
- virtual circuit
- voice circuit
- voltage multiplying circuit
- voltage sensor circuit
- watching output circuit
- wideband circuit
- wire circuit
- wired circuitEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > circuit
7 graph
1) граф2) график || строить график3) диаграмма || чертить диаграмму•- alternating composition graph - arbitrarily transversable graph - derived graph - doubly connected graph - doubly transitive graph - fully connected graph - locally countable graph - locally finite graph - locally restricted graph - log-log graph - partially labeled graph - partially orderable graph - progressively finite graph - regressively finite graph - strictly weak graph - strongly orientable graph - strongly regular graph - strongly rigid graph - strongly singular graph - strongly smooth graph - totally inductive graph - triangleless graph - triply transitive graph - uniquely intersectable graph - uniquely representable graph - weakly disconnected graph -
8 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль || контролировать3) управляющее устройство; устройство управления; регулятор4) профессиональное мастерство, квалификация, техническая квалификация5) pl органы управления•"in control" — "в поле допуска" ( о результатах измерения)
to control closed loop — управлять в замкнутой системе; регулировать в замкнутой системе
- 2-handed controlsto control open loop — управлять в разомкнутой системе; регулировать в разомкнутой системе
- 32-bit CPU control
- acceptance control
- access control
- acknowledge control
- active process control
- adaptable control
- adaptive constraint control
- adaptive control for optimization
- adaptive control
- adaptive feed rate control
- adaptive quality control
- adjustable feed control
- adjustable rotary control
- adjustable speed control
- adjusting control
- adjustment control
- AI control
- air logic control
- analog data distribution and control
- analogical control
- analytical control
- application control
- arrows-on-curves control
- autodepth control
- autofeed control
- automated control of a document management system
- automated technical control
- automatic backlash control
- automatic control
- automatic editing control
- automatic gain control
- automatic gripper control
- automatic level control
- automatic process closed loop control
- automatic remote control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic sequence control
- automatic speed control
- automatic stability controls
- auxiliaries control
- balanced controls
- band width control
- bang-bang control
- bang-bang-off control
- basic CNC control
- batch control
- bibliographic control
- bin level control
- boost control
- built-in control
- button control
- cam control
- cam throttle control
- camshaft control
- carriage control
- Cartesian path control
- Cartesian space control
- cascade control
- C-axis spindle control
- cell control
- center control
- central control
- central supervisory control
- centralized control
- centralized electronic control
- central-station control
- changeover control
- chip control
- circumferential register control
- close control
- closed cycle control
- closed loop control
- closed loop machine control
- closed loop manual control
- closed loop numerical control
- closed loop position control
- clutch control
- CNC control
- CNC indexer control
- CNC programmable control
- CNC symbolic conversational control
- CNC/CRT control
- CNC/MDI control
- coarse control
- coded current control
- coded current remote control
- color control
- combination control
- command-line control
- compensatory control
- composition control
- compound control
- computed-current control
- computed-torque control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer process control
- computer-aided measurement and control
- computer-integrated manufacturing control
- computerized control
- computerized numerical control
- computerized process control
- constant surface speed control
- constant value control
- contactless control
- contact-sensing control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- continuous path control
- continuous process control
- contour profile control
- contouring control
- conventional hardware control
- conventional numerical control
- conventional tape control
- convergent control
- conversational control
- conversational MDI control
- coordinate positioning control
- coordinate programmable control
- copymill control
- counter control
- crossed controls
- current control
- cycle control
- dash control
- data link control
- data storage control
- deadman's handle controls
- depth control
- derivative control
- dial-in control
- differential control
- differential gaging control
- differential gain control
- differential temperature control
- digital brushless servo control
- digital control
- digital position control
- digital readout controls
- dimensional control
- direct computer control
- direct control
- direct digital control
- direct numerical control
- direction control
- directional control
- dirt control
- discontinuous control
- discrete control
- discrete event control
- discrete logic controls
- dispatching control
- displacement control
- distance control
- distant control
- distributed control
- distributed numerical control
- distributed zone control
- distribution control
- dog control
- drum control
- dual control
- dual-mode control
- duplex control
- dust control
- dynamic control
- eccentric control
- edge position control
- EDP control
- electrical control
- electrofluidic control
- electromagnetic control
- electronic control
- electronic level control
- electronic speed control
- electronic swivel control
- elevating control
- emergency control
- end-point control
- engineering change control
- engineering control
- entity control
- environmental control
- error control
- error plus error-rate control
- error-free control
- external beam control
- factory-floor control
- false control
- feed control
- feed drive controls
- feedback control
- feed-forward control
- field control
- fine control
- finger-tip control
- firm-wired numerical control
- fixed control
- fixed-feature control
- fixture-and-tool control
- flexible-body control
- floating control
- flow control
- fluid flow control
- follow-up control
- foot pedal control
- force adaptive control
- forecasting compensatory control
- fork control
- four quadrant control
- freely programmable CNC control
- frequency control
- FROG control
- full computer control
- full order control
- full spindle control
- gage measurement control
- gain control
- ganged control
- gap control
- gear control
- generative numerical control
- generic path control
- geometric adaptive control
- graphic numerical control
- group control
- grouped control
- guidance control
- hairbreath control
- hand control
- hand feed control
- hand wheel control
- hand-held controls
- handle-type control
- hand-operated controls
- hardened computer control
- hardwared control
- hardwared numerical control
- heating control
- heterarchical control
- hierarchical control
- high-integrity control
- high-level robot control
- high-low control
- high-low level control
- high-technology control
- horizontal directional control
- humidity control
- hybrid control
- hydraulic control
- I/O control
- immediate postprocess control
- inching control
- in-cycle control
- independent control
- indexer control
- indirect control
- individual control
- industrial processing control
- industrial-style controls
- infinite control
- infinite speed control
- in-process control
- in-process size control
- in-process size diameters control
- input/output control
- integral CNC control
- integral control
- integrated control
- intelligent control
- interacting control
- interconnected controls
- interlinking control
- inventory control
- job control
- jogging control
- joint control
- joystick control
- just-in-time control
- language-based control
- laser health hazards control
- latching control
- lead control
- learning control
- lever control
- lever-operated control
- line motion control
- linear control
- linear path control
- linearity control
- load control
- load-frequency control
- local control
- local-area control
- logic control
- lubricating oil level control
- machine control
- machine programming control
- machine shop control
- macro control
- magnetic control
- magnetic tape control
- main computer control
- malfunction control
- management control
- manual control
- manual data input control
- manual stop control
- manually actuatable controls
- manufacturing change control
- manufacturing control
- master control
- material flow control
- MDI control
- measured response control
- mechanical control
- memory NC control
- memory-type control
- metering control
- metrological control of production field
- microbased control
- microcomputer CNC control
- microcomputer numerical control
- microcomputer-based sequence control
- microprocessor control
- microprocessor numerical control
- microprogrammed control
- microprogramming control
- milling control
- model reference adaptive control
- model-based control
- moisture control
- motion control
- motor control
- motor speed control
- mouse-driven control
- movable control
- multicircuit control
- multidiameter control
- multilevel control
- multimachine tool control
- multiple control
- multiple-processor control
- multiposition control
- multistep control
- multivariable control
- narrow-band proportional control
- navigation control
- NC control
- neural network adaptive control
- noise control
- noncorresponding control
- noninteracting control
- noninterfacing control
- nonreversable control
- nonsimultaneous control
- numerical contouring control
- numerical control
- numerical program control
- odd control
- off-line control
- oligarchical control
- on-board control
- one-axis point-to-point control
- one-dimensional point-to-point control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open loop control
- open loop manual control
- open loop numerical control
- open-architecture control
- operating control
- operational control
- operator control
- optical pattern tracing control
- optimal control
- optimalizing control
- optimizing control
- oral numerical control
- organoleptic control
- overall control
- overheat control
- override control
- p. b. control
- palm control
- parameter adaptive control
- parameter adjustment control
- partial d.o.f. control
- path control
- pattern control
- pattern tracing control
- PC control
- PC-based control
- peg board control
- pendant control
- pendant-actuated control
- pendant-mounted control
- performance control
- photoelectric control
- physical alignment control
- PIC control
- PID control
- plugboard control
- plug-in control
- pneumatic control
- point-to-point control
- pose-to-pose control
- position/contouring numerical control
- position/force control
- positional control
- positioning control
- positive control
- postprocess quality control
- power adaptive control
- power control
- power feed control
- power-assisted control
- powered control
- power-operated control
- precision control
- predictor control
- preselective control
- preset control
- presetting control
- pressbutton control
- pressure control
- preview control
- process control
- process quality control
- production activity control
- production control
- production result control
- programmable adaptive control
- programmable cam control
- programmable control
- programmable logic adaptive control
- programmable logic control
- programmable machine control
- programmable microprocessor control
- programmable numerical control
- programmable sequence control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus floating control
- proportional plus integral control
- prototype control
- pulse control
- pulse duration control
- punched-tape control
- purpose-built control
- pushbutton control
- quality control
- radio remote control
- radium control
- rail-elevating control
- ram stroke control
- ram-positioning control
- rapid-traverse controls for the heads
- rate control
- ratio control
- reactive control
- real-time control
- reduced-order control
- register control
- registration control
- relay control
- relay-contactor control
- remote control
- remote program control
- remote switching control
- remote valve control
- remote-dispatch control
- resistance control
- resolved motion rate control
- retarded control
- reversal control
- revolution control
- rigid-body control
- robot control
- robot perimeter control
- robot teach control
- rod control
- safety control
- sampled-data control
- sampling control
- schedule control
- SCR's control
- second derivative control
- selective control
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-adaptive control
- self-adjusting control
- self-aligning control
- self-operated control
- self-optimizing control
- self-programming microprocessor control
- semi-automatic control
- sensitivity control
- sensor-based control
- sequence control
- sequence-type control
- sequential control
- series-parallel control
- servo control
- servo speed control
- servomotor control
- servo-operated control
- set value control
- shaft speed control
- shape control
- shift control
- shop control
- shower and high-pressure oil temperature control
- shut off control
- sight control
- sign control
- single variable control
- single-flank control
- single-lever control
- size control
- slide control
- smooth control
- software-based NC control
- softwared numerical control
- solid-state logic control
- space-follow-up control
- speed control
- stabilizing control
- stable control
- standalone control
- start controls
- static control
- station control
- statistical quality control
- steering control
- step-by-step control
- stepless control
- stepped control
- stick control
- stock control
- stop controls
- stop-point control
- storage assignment control
- straight cut control
- straight line control
- stroke control
- stroke length control
- supervisor production control
- supervisory control
- swarf control
- switch control
- symbolic control
- synchronous data link control
- table control
- tap-depth controls
- tape control
- tape loop control
- teach controls
- temperature control
- temperature-humidity air control
- template control
- tension control
- test control
- thermal control
- thermostatic control
- three-axis contouring control
- three-axis point-to-point control
- three-axis tape control
- three-mode control
- three-position control
- throttle control
- thumbwheel control
- time control
- time cycle control
- time optimal control
- time variable control
- time-critical control
- time-proportional control
- timing control
- token-passing access control
- tool life control
- tool run-time control
- torque control
- total quality control
- touch-panel NC control
- touch-screen control
- tracer control
- tracer numerical control
- trajectory control
- triac control
- trip-dog control
- TRS/rate control
- tuning control
- turnstile control
- two-axis contouring control
- two-axis point-to-point control
- two-dimension control
- two-hand controls
- two-position control
- two-position differential gap control
- two-step control
- undamped control
- user-adjustable override controls
- user-programmable NC control
- variable flow control
- variable speed control
- variety control
- varying voltage control
- velocity-based look-ahead control
- vise control
- vision responsive control
- visual control
- vocabulary control
- vocal CNC control
- vocal numerical control
- voltage control
- warehouse control
- washdown control
- water-supply control
- welding control
- wheel control
- wide-band control
- zero set control
- zoned track controlEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control
9 antenna
= ant- active antenna
- active retrodirective antenna
- adaptive antenna
- Adcock antenna
- aerodiscone antenna
- airborne antenna
- air-inflated antenna
- Alexanderson antenna
- Alford antenna
- Alford loop antenna
- Alford slotted tubular antenna
- all-around looking antenna
- all-wave antenna
- amplitude monopulse antenna
- angle-reflector antenna
- annular antenna
- annular slot antenna
- antifading antenna
- antihunting antenna
- anti-interference antenna
- antistatic antenna
- aperiodic antenna
- aperture antenna
- apex-drive antenna
- arc antenna
- Archimedean spiral antenna
- array antenna
- artificial antenna
- autotracking antenna
- axial-mode antenna
- azimuth antenna
- backfire antenna
- balanced antenna
- ball antenna
- barrel antenna
- base antenna
- base-loaded antenna
- batwing antenna
- beacon antenna
- beam antenna
- beavertall antenna
- Bellini-Tosi antenna
- Beverage antenna
- bicone antenna
- biconical antenna
- biconical horn antenna
- bidirectional antenna
- bifocal antenna
- bilateral antenna
- billboard antenna
- bird-cage antenna
- blade antenna
- bottom-loaded antenna
- bow-tie antenna
- box antenna
- broadband antenna
- broadcast antenna
- broadside array antenna
- Bruce antenna
- buggy-whip antenna
- built-in antenna
- Butler antenna
- cage antenna
- capacitance antenna
- capacitance loaded antenna
- capacitor antenna
- car antenna
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflector antenna
- cavity antenna
- cavity slot antenna
- cavity-backed slot antenna
- center-fed antenna
- ceramic rod antenna
- cheese antenna
- Christiansen antenna
- cigar antenna
- Cindy antenna
- circular antenna
- circular-aperture antenna
- circular horn antenna
- circularly polarized antenna
- clam-shell antenna
- closed antenna
- clover-leaf antenna
- coaxial antenna
- coaxial-dipole antenna
- cobra antenna
- coil antenna
- collapsible antenna
- collinear antenna
- collinear array antenna
- comb antenna
- combined antenna
- command antenna
- common antenna
- community antenna
- compensated sleeve antenna
- compound circular horn antenna
- compound horn antenna
- conformal antenna
- conical antenna
- conical helix antenna
- conically scanning antenna
- conical-scan radar antenna
- conical spiral antenna
- contoured beam antenna
- corner antenna
- cornucopia antenna
- corrugated horn antenna
- corrugated-surface antenna
- cosec2 antenna
- cosec2 beam antenna
- cosecant-squared antenna
- cosecant-squared beam antenna
- cp antenna
- crossed antenna
- crossed-coil antenna
- crossed-dipole antenna
- crossed-loop antenna
- cubical antenna
- current-sheet antenna
- curtain antenna
- curtain rhombic antenna
- Cutler antenna
- cut-parabolic antenna
- cylinder antenna
- cylindrical antenna
- cylindrical-dipole antenna
- deerhorn antenna
- delta-matched impedance antenna
- demountable antenna
- density-tapered array antenna
- deployable antenna
- despun antenna
- df antenna
- diagonal horn antenna
- diamond antenna
- dielectric antenna
- dielectric-coated antenna
- dielectric foam antenna
- dielectric lens antenna
- dielectric rod antenna
- diffraction antenna
- diplexer antenna
- dipole antenna
- directional antenna
- directional broadside antenna
- directional end-on antenna
- directional-null antenna
- direction-finder antenna
- direction-finding antenna
- directive antenna
- directly excited antenna
- directly fed antenna
- director antenna
- director-type antenna
- discage antenna
- discone antenna
- dish antenna
- disk antenna - ditch antenna
- diversity antenna
- DME antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev array antenna
- dot-beam antenna
- double antenna
- double-beam antenna
- double-cheese antenna
- double-cone antenna
- double-diamond antenna
- double-dipole antenna
- double-doublet antenna
- double-fed antenna
- double-feed antenna
- double-reflector antenna
- double-slot antenna
- doublet antenna
- double-V antenna
- downlink antenna
- dual-aperture antenna
- dual-band antenna
- dual-frequency antenna
- dual-mode antenna
- dual-pattern antenna
- dual-polarization antenna
- dual-reflector antenna
- dummy antenna
- echelon lens antenna
- ECM antenna
- electrically scanned antenna
- electrically small antenna
- electric-dipole antenna
- electromechanically scanned antenna
- electronically scanned antenna
- electronic countermeasure antenna
- elevation antenna
- elevation radar antenna
- ellipsoidal antenna
- elliptically polarized antenna
- end-fed antenna
- end-fire array antenna
- end-on array antenna
- E-plane sectoral horn antenna
- E-plane flared sectoral horn antenna
- equiangular spiral antenna
- erectable antenna
- exponential antenna
- exponential horn antenna
- external antenna
- fading-reducing antenna
- fakir's bed antenna
- fan antenna
- fan-beam antenna
- fan-shaped antenna
- feeding antenna
- ferrite antenna
- ferrite-cored antenna
- ferrite loop antenna - fin-mounted antenna
- fir-tree antenna
- fishbone antenna
- fish-eye antenna
- fishpole antenna
- fixed antenna
- flagpole antenna
- flat-top antenna
- flexrib antenna
- flush antenna
- flush-mounted antenna
- folded-dipole antenna
- folded-fan antenna
- folded-monopole antenna
- folded slot antenna
- Foster antenna
- fractal antenna
- fractal Sierpinski antenna
- frame antenna
- Franklin antenna
- frequency-controlled antenna
- frequency-independent antenna
- frequency-scan antenna
- frequency-scanned antenna
- Fresnel lens antenna
- fringe antenna
- full-wave antenna
- funnel antenna
- furlable antenna
- gain antenna
- gamma-type antenna
- geodesic lens antenna
- geodesic-lens scanning antenna
- glide-path antenna
- glide-slope antenna
- global beam antenna
- gravitational-wave antenna
- Gregorian antenna
- Gregorian reflector antenna
- ground antenna
- ground based antenna
- grounded whip antenna
- ground-plane antenna
- guidance antenna
- H-antenna
- half-cheese antenna
- half-rhombic antenna
- half-wave antenna
- half-wave dipole antenna
- half-wave resonant antenna
- hand-held antenna
- harmonic antenna
- harp antenna
- headlight antenna
- helical antenna
- helical beam antenna
- helisphere antenna
- helix antenna
- helix horn antenna
- helmet antenna
- Hertz antenna
- HF antenna
- high-frequency antenna
- high-gain antenna
- highly directive antenna
- hoghorn antenna
- holographic antenna
- homing antenna
- horizontally polarized antenna
- horn antenna
- horn-reflector antenna
- H-plane sectorial horn antenna
- H-plane flared sectorial horn antenna
- hybrid-mode horn antenna
- image antenna
- Indian club antenna
- indirectly excited antenna
- indoor antenna
- inductance loaded antenna
- inflatable antenna
- integrated thin-film antenna
- interferometer antenna
- inverted-cone antenna
- inverted L-antenna
- inverted V-antenna
- ionosonde antenna
- isotropic antenna
- J-antenna
- Janus antenna
- L-antenna
- laminated antenna
- lazy
- leaky-pipe antenna
- leaky-wave antenna
- leaky-waveguide antenna
- left-hand antenna
- left-hand sense antenna
- lens antenna
- Lewis antenna
- linear antenna
- linear array antenna
- linear dipole antenna
- linearly polarized antenna
- lip-mount antenna
- loaded antenna
- lobing antenna
- localizer antenna
- log-periodic antenna
- long-wire antenna
- loop antenna
- loopstick antenna
- low-noise antenna
- low-profile antenna
- low side-lobe antenna
- LP antenna
- Luneberg antenna
- Luneberg lens antenna
- magnetic antenna
- magnetic dipole antenna
- magnet-mount antenna
- Marconi antenna
- Marconi vertical-wire antenna
- mast antenna
- master antenna
- metallic antenna
- metallic lens antenna
- microstrip antenna - Mills antenna
- Mills cross antenna
- mirror antenna
- mobile antenna
- monitoring antenna
- monopole antenna
- monopulse antenna
- movable antenna
- multiarm spiral antenna
- multiband antenna
- multibeam antenna
- multielement antenna
- multifrequency antenna
- multilobe antenna
- multimode antenna - multiple-unit steerable antenna
- multiprogram antenna
- multitier antenna
- narrow-beam antenna
- nondirectlonal antenna
- nonresonant antenna
- normal mode helical antenna
- nose-cone antenna
- notch antenna
- null-steerable antenna
- nutating antenna
- oblate spheroidal antenna
- offset-fed reflector antenna
- offset paraboloidal reflector antenna
- omnidirectional antenna
- omnipole antenna - optical antenna
- orange peel antenna
- orthogonal antennas
- oscillating doublet antenna
- outdoor antenna
- paging antenna
- parabolic antenna
- parabolic-cylinder antenna
- parabolic-reflector antenna
- paraboloid antenna
- parasitic antenna
- passive antenna
- pencil-beam antenna
- periodic antenna
- periscope antenna
- phantom antenna
- phased antenna
- phased-array antenna
- phase monopulse antenna
- phase-shaped antenna
- pickup antenna
- pill-box antenna
- pivot antenna
- planar-array antenna
- planar spiral antenna
- plane antenna
- plane-reflector antenna
- pocket antenna
- polarization-diversity antennas
- polyphase antenna
- polyrod antenna
- portable antenna
- primary antenna
- printed-circuit antenna
- probe antenna
- progressive-wave antenna
- prolate spheroidal antenna
- proximity-coupled dipole array antenna
- pylon antenna
- pyramidal horn antenna
- Q-antenna
- quad antenna
- quadraloop antenna
- quadrant antenna
- quadrupole antenna
- quarter-wave antenna
- rabbit ears antenna
- radar antenna
- radar lobe-switching antenna
- radioastronomic antenna
- radio-relay antenna
- radome antenna
- rainspout antenna
- ram's-horn antenna
- reactive reflector antenna
- receiving antenna
- reception antenna
- rectangular horn antenna
- rectangular slot antenna
- redirective antenna
- reference antenna
- reflective array antenna
- reflector antenna
- reradiating antenna
- reradiator antenna
- resonant antenna
- resonant-V antenna
- retrodirective antenna
- rhombic antenna
- rhombic end-fire antenna
- RHS antenna
- ribbon antenna
- ridged-horn antenna
- right-hand antenna
- right-hand sense antenna
- ring antenna
- Robinson antenna
- rod antenna
- room antenna
- rotary antenna
- rotary beam antenna
- rotatable antenna
- rotating antenna
- satellite tracking antenna
- saxophone antenna
- scanner antenna
- scanning antenna
- Schmidt antenna
- Schwarzschild antenna
- scimitar antenna
- screened helical antenna
- screened loop antenna
- sea/land radar antenna
- search antenna
- sectionalized vertical antenna
- sectoral horn antenna
- self-focusing antenna
- self-phased antenna
- self-phasing array antenna
- sense antenna
- sensing antenna
- series-excited antenna
- series-fed vertical antenna
- serpent antenna
- set-top antenna
- shaped-beam antenna
- sheet antenna
- shielded loop antenna
- shipborne fire control antenna
- shortwave antenna
- shovel antenna
- shunt-excited antenna
- shunt-fed vertical antenna
- side-looking antenna
- signal-proccessing antenna
- signpost antenna
- single-aperture antenna
- single-band antenna
- single-beam antenna
- single-slot antenna
- single-wire antenna
- skeleton-slot antenna
- skin antenna
- skirt antenna
- skirt-dipole antenna
- slave antenna
- sleeve antenna
- sleeve-dipole antenna
- sleeve-monopole antenna
- sleeve-stub antenna
- slit antenna
- sloping-vee antenna
- slot antenna
- slot-fed dipole antenna
- slotted waveguide antenna
- snake antenna
- solid sheet batwing antenna
- space-born antenna
- spaced antennas
- spaced-out antennas
- space-tapered array antenna
- spherical antenna
- spherical-radiator antenna
- spherical-reflector antenna
- spheroidal antenna
- spider-web antenna
- spiral antenna
- split-lobe antenna
- spot-beam antenna
- square loop antenna
- squirrel-cage antenna
- stabilized antenna
- stacked antenna
- stacked-beam antenna
- stagger antenna
- standard antenna
- standing-wave antenna
- steerable antenna
- stepped antenna
- step-scan antenna
- Sterba antenna
- stripline antenna
- stub antenna
- subsurface antenna
- superconducting antenna
- superdirective antenna
- supergain antenna
- superturnstile antenna
- surface antenna
- surface-wave antenna
- switch antenna
- switched antenna
- symmetrical antenna
- synthetic antenna
- synthetic-aperture antenna
- T-antenna
- telemetering antenna
- telescopic antenna
- television antenna
- terminated rhombic antenna
- terminated wave antenna
- thinned array antenna
- thunderstick antenna
- tilting antenna
- tin-hat antenna
- top-loaded antenna
- top-loaded vertical antenna
- tracking antenna
- trailed antenna
- trailing antenna
- transceiver antenna
- transmitting antenna
- traveling-wave antenna
- tri-band antenna
- tridipole antenna
- trigonal-reflector antenna
- triorthogonal antenna
- tripole antenna
- tubular batwing antenna
- tuned antenna
- turnstile antenna
- two-armed spiral antenna
- two-wire spiral antenna
- umbrella antenna
- umbrella reflector antenna
- underwater antenna
- unfurlable antenna
- ungrounded half-wave antenna
- unidirectional antenna
- unilateral antenna
- uniphase antenna
- unipole antenna
- unloaded antenna
- unstabilized antenna
- untuned antenna
- uplink antenna
- V-antenna
- Valentine antenna
- variable-coverage antenna
- variable-elevation beam antenna
- vehicle antenna
- venetian-blind antenna
- vertex-fed antenna
- vertical antenna
- vertically polarized antenna
- very high-frequency antenna
- VHF antenna
- wave antenna
- waveguide antenna
- whip antenna
- wide-band antenna
- Windom antenna
- wire antenna
- wire-grid lens antenna
- Wullenweber antenna
- Y-antenna
- Yagi antenna
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- Zepp antenna
- Zeppelin antenna
- zoned antenna
- zone-plate lens antenna -
10 antenna
- active antenna
- active retrodirective antenna
- adaptive antenna
- Adcock antenna
- aerodiscone antenna
- airborne antenna
- air-inflated antenna
- Alexanderson antenna
- Alford antenna
- Alford loop antenna
- Alford slotted tubular antenna
- all-around looking antenna
- all-wave antenna
- amplitude monopulse antenna
- angle-reflector antenna
- annular antenna
- annular slot antenna
- antifading antenna
- antihunting antenna
- anti-interference antenna
- antistatic antenna
- aperiodic antenna
- aperture antenna
- apex-drive antenna
- arc antenna
- Archimedean spiral antenna
- array antenna
- artificial antenna
- autotracking antenna
- axial-mode antenna
- azimuth antenna
- backfire antenna
- balanced antenna
- ball antenna
- barrel antenna
- base antenna
- base-loaded antenna
- batwing antenna
- beacon antenna
- beam antenna
- beavertall antenna
- Bellini-Tosi antenna
- Beverage antenna
- bicone antenna
- biconical antenna
- biconical horn antenna
- bidirectional antenna
- bifocal antenna
- bilateral antenna
- billboard antenna
- bird-cage antenna
- blade antenna
- bottom-loaded antenna
- bow-tie antenna
- box antenna
- broadband antenna
- broadcast antenna
- broadside array antenna
- Bruce antenna
- buggy-whip antenna
- built-in antenna
- Butler antenna
- cage antenna
- capacitance antenna
- capacitance loaded antenna
- capacitor antenna
- car antenna
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflector antenna
- cavity antenna
- cavity slot antenna
- cavity-backed slot antenna
- center-fed antenna
- ceramic rod antenna
- cheese antenna
- Christiansen antenna
- cigar antenna
- Cindy antenna
- circular antenna
- circular horn antenna
- circular-aperture antenna
- circularly polarized antenna
- clam-shell antenna
- closed antenna
- clover-leaf antenna
- coaxial antenna
- coaxial-dipole antenna
- cobra antenna
- coil antenna
- collapsible antenna
- collinear antenna
- collinear array antenna
- comb antenna
- combined antenna
- command antenna
- common antenna
- community antenna
- compensated sleeve antenna
- compound circular horn antenna
- compound horn antenna
- conformal antenna
- conical antenna
- conical helix antenna
- conical spiral antenna
- conically scanning antenna
- conical-scan radar antenna
- contoured beam antenna
- corner antenna
- cornucopia antenna
- corrugated horn antenna
- corrugated-surface antenna
- cosec2 antenna
- cp antenna
- crossed antenna
- crossed-coil antenna
- crossed-dipole antenna
- crossed-loop antenna
- cubical antenna
- current-sheet antenna
- curtain antenna
- curtain rhombic antenna
- Cutler antenna
- cut-parabolic antenna
- cylinder antenna
- cylindrical antenna
- cylindrical-dipole antenna
- deerhorn antenna
- delta-matched impedance antenna
- demountable antenna
- density-tapered array antenna
- deployable antenna
- despun antenna
- df antenna
- diagonal horn antenna
- diamond antenna
- dielectric antenna
- dielectric foam antenna
- dielectric lens antenna
- dielectric rod antenna
- dielectric-coated antenna
- diffraction antenna
- diplexer antenna
- dipole antenna
- directional antenna
- directional broadside antenna
- directional end-on antenna
- directional-null antenna
- direction-finder antenna
- direction-finding antenna
- directive antenna
- directly excited antenna
- directly fed antenna
- director antenna
- director-type antenna
- discage antenna
- discone antenna
- dish antenna
- disk antenna
- displaced phase center antenna
- distance-measuring equipment antenna
- ditch antenna
- diversity antenna
- DME antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev array antenna
- dot-beam antenna
- double antenna
- double-beam antenna
- double-cheese antenna
- double-cone antenna
- double-diamond antenna
- double-dipole antenna
- double-doublet antenna
- double-fed antenna
- double-feed antenna
- double-reflector antenna
- double-slot antenna
- doublet antenna
- double-V antenna
- downlink antenna
- dual-aperture antenna
- dual-band antenna
- dual-frequency antenna
- dual-mode antenna
- dual-pattern antenna
- dual-polarization antenna
- dual-reflector antenna
- dummy antenna
- echelon lens antenna
- ECM antenna
- electrically scanned antenna
- electrically small antenna
- electric-dipole antenna
- electromechanically scanned antenna
- electronic countermeasure antenna
- electronically scanned antenna
- elevation antenna
- elevation radar antenna
- ellipsoidal antenna
- elliptically polarized antenna
- end-fed antenna
- end-fire array antenna
- end-on array antenna
- E-plane flared sectoral horn antenna
- E-plane sectoral horn antenna
- equiangular spiral antenna
- erectable antenna
- exponential antenna
- exponential horn antenna
- external antenna
- fading-reducing antenna
- fakir's bed antenna
- fan antenna
- fan-beam antenna
- fan-shaped antenna
- feeding antenna
- ferrite antenna
- ferrite loop antenna
- ferrite rod antenna
- ferrite-cored antenna
- finding antenna
- fin-mounted antenna
- fir-tree antenna
- fishbone antenna
- fish-eye antenna
- fishpole antenna
- fixed antenna
- flagpole antenna
- flat-top antenna
- flexrib antenna
- flush-antenna
- flush-mounted antenna
- folded slot antenna
- folded-dipole antenna
- folded-fan antenna
- folded-monopole antenna
- Foster antenna
- fractal antenna
- fractal Sierpinski antenna
- frame antenna
- Franklin antenna
- frequency-controlled antenna
- frequency-independent antenna
- frequency-scan antenna
- frequency-scanned antenna
- Fresnel lens antenna
- fringe antenna
- full-wave antenna
- funnel antenna
- furlable antenna
- gain antenna
- gamma-type antenna
- geodesic lens antenna
- geodesic-lens scanning antenna
- glide-path antenna
- glide-slope antenna
- global beam antenna
- gravitatlonal-wave antenna
- Gregorian antenna
- Gregorian reflector antenna
- ground antenna
- ground based antenna
- grounded whip antenna
- ground-plane antenna
- guidance antenna
- half-cheese antenna
- half-rhombic antenna
- half-wave antenna
- half-wave dipole antenna
- half-wave resonant antenna
- hand-held antenna
- H-antenna
- harmonic antenna
- harp antenna
- headlight antenna
- helical antenna
- helical beam antenna
- helisphere antenna
- helix antenna
- helix horn antenna
- helmet antenna
- Hertz antenna
- HF antenna
- high-frequency antenna
- high-gain antenna
- highly directive antenna
- hoghorn antenna
- holographic antenna
- homing antenna
- horizontally polarized antenna
- horn antenna
- horn-reflector antenna
- H-plane flared sectorial horn antenna
- H-plane sectorial horn antenna
- hybrid-mode horn antenna
- image antenna
- Indian club antenna
- indirectly excited antenna
- indoor antenna
- inductance loaded antenna
- inflatable antenna
- integrated thin-film antenna
- interferometer antenna
- inverted L-antenna
- inverted V-antenna
- inverted-cone antenna
- ionosonde antenna
- isotropic antenna
- J-antenna
- Janus antenna
- laminated antenna
- L-antenna
- lazy H antenna
- leaky-pipe antenna
- leaky-wave antenna
- leaky-waveguide antenna
- left-hand antenna
- left-hand sense antenna
- lens antenna
- Lewis antenna
- linear antenna
- linear array antenna
- linear dipole antenna
- linearly polarized antenna
- lip-mount antenna
- loaded antenna
- lobing antenna
- localizer antenna
- log-periodic antenna
- long-wire antenna
- loop antenna
- loopstick antenna
- low side-lobe antenna
- low-noise antenna
- low-profile antenna
- LP antenna
- Luneberg antenna
- Luneberg lens antenna
- magnetic antenna
- magnetic dipole antenna
- magnet-mount antenna
- Marconi antenna
- Marconi vertical-wire antenna
- mast antenna
- master antenna
- metallic antenna
- metallic lens antenna
- microstrip antenna
- microstrip linear antenna
- microwave antenna
- Mills antenna
- Mills cross antenna
- mirror antenna
- mobile antenna
- monitoring antenna
- monopole antenna
- monopulse antenna
- movable antenna
- multiarm spiral antenna
- multiband antenna
- multibeam antenna
- multielement antenna
- multifrequency antenna
- multilobe antenna
- multimode antenna
- multiple-beam antenna
- multiple-tuned antenna
- multiple-unit steerable antenna
- multiprogram antenna
- multitier antenna
- narrow-beam antenna
- nondirectlonal antenna
- nonresonant antenna
- normal mode helical antenna
- nose-cone antenna
- notch antenna
- null-steerable antenna
- nutating antenna
- oblate spheroidal antenna
- offset paraboloidal reflector antenna
- offset-fed reflector antenna
- omnidirectional antenna
- omnipole antenna
- omnirange antenna
- open antenna
- optical antenna
- orange peel antenna
- orthogonal antennas
- oscillating doublet antenna
- outdoor antenna
- paging antenna
- parabolic antenna
- parabolic-cylinder antenna
- parabolic-reflector antenna
- paraboloid antenna
- parasitic antenna
- passive antenna
- pencil-beam antenna
- periodic antenna
- periscope antenna
- phantom antenna
- phase monopulse antenna
- phased antenna
- phased-array antenna
- phase-shaped antenna
- pickup antenna
- pill-box antenna
- pivot antenna
- planar spiral antenna
- planar-array antenna
- plane antenna
- plane-reflector antenna
- pocket antenna
- polarization-diversity antennas
- polyphase antenna
- polyrod antenna
- portable antenna
- primary antenna
- printed-circuit antenna
- probe antenna
- progressive-wave antenna
- prolate spheroidal antenna
- proximity-coupled dipole array antenna
- pylon antenna
- pyramidal horn antenna
- Q-antenna
- quad antenna
- quadraloop antenna
- quadrant antenna
- quadrupole antenna
- quarter-wave antenna
- rabbit ears antenna
- radar antenna
- radar lobe-switching antenna
- radioastronomic antenna
- radio-relay antenna
- radome antenna
- rainspout antenna
- ram's-horn antenna
- reactive reflector antenna
- receiving antenna
- reception antenna
- rectangular horn antenna
- rectangular slot antenna
- redirective antenna
- reference antenna
- reflective array antenna
- reflector antenna
- reradiating antenna
- reradiator antenna
- resonant antenna
- resonant-V antenna
- retrodirective antenna
- rhombic antenna
- rhombic end-fire antenna
- RHS antenna
- ribbon antenna
- ridged-horn antenna
- right-hand antenna
- right-hand sense antenna
- ring antenna
- Robinson antenna
- rod antenna
- room antenna
- rotary antenna
- rotary beam antenna
- rotatable antenna
- rotating antenna
- satellite tracking antenna
- saxophone antenna
- scanner antenna
- scanning antenna
- Schmidt antenna
- Schwarzschild antenna
- scimitar antenna
- screened helical antenna
- screened loop antenna
- sea/land radar antenna
- search antenna
- sectionalized vertical antenna
- sectoral horn antenna
- self-focusing antenna
- self-phased antenna
- self-phasing array antenna
- sense antenna
- sensing antenna
- series-excited antenna
- series-fed vertical antenna
- serpent antenna
- set-top antenna
- shaped-beam antenna
- sheet antenna
- shielded loop antenna
- shipborne fire control antenna
- shortwave antenna
- shovel antenna
- shunt-excited antenna
- shunt-fed vertical antenna
- side-looking antenna
- signal-proccessing antenna
- signpost antenna
- single-aperture antenna
- single-band antenna
- single-beam antenna
- single-slot antenna
- single-wire antenna
- skeleton-slot antenna
- skin antenna
- skirt antenna
- skirt-dipole antenna
- slave antenna
- sleeve antenna
- sleeve-dipole antenna
- sleeve-monopole antenna
- sleeve-stub antenna
- slit antenna
- sloping-vee antenna
- slot antenna
- slot-fed dipole antenna
- slotted waveguide antenna
- snake antenna
- solid sheet batwing antenna
- space-born antenna
- spaced antenna
- spaced-out antenna
- space-tapered array antenna
- spherical antenna
- spherical-radiator antenna
- spherical-reflector antenna
- spheroidal antenna
- spider-web antenna
- spiral antenna
- split-lobe antenna
- spot-beam antenna
- square loop antenna
- squirrel-cage antenna
- stabilized antenna
- stacked antenna
- stacked-beam antenna
- stagger antenna
- standard antenna
- standing-wave antenna
- steerable antenna
- stepped antenna
- step-scan antenna
- Sterba antenna
- stripline antenna
- stub antenna
- subsurface antenna
- superconducting antenna
- superdirective antenna
- supergain antenna
- superturnstile antenna
- surface antenna
- surface-wave antenna
- switch antenna
- switched antenna
- symmetrical antenna
- synthetic antenna
- synthetic-aperture antenna
- T-antenna
- telemetering antenna
- telescopic antenna
- television antenna
- terminated rhombic antenna
- terminated wave antenna
- thinned array antenna
- thunderstick antenna
- tilting antenna
- tin-hat antenna
- top-loaded antenna
- top-loaded vertical antenna
- tracking antenna
- trailed antenna
- trailing antenna
- transceiver antenna
- transmitting antenna
- traveling-wave antenna
- tri-band antenna
- tridipole antenna
- trigonal-reflector antenna
- triorthogonal antenna
- tripole antenna
- tubular batwing antenna
- tuned antenna
- turnstile antenna
- two-armed spiral antenna
- two-wire spiral antenna
- umbrella antenna
- umbrella reflector antenna
- underwater antenna
- unfurlable antenna
- ungrounded half-wave antenna
- unidirectional antenna
- unilateral antenna
- uniphase antenna
- unipole antenna
- unloaded antenna
- unstabilized antenna
- untuned antenna
- uplink antenna
- Valentine antenna
- V-antenna
- variable-coverage antenna
- variable-elevation beam antenna
- vehicle antenna
- venetian-blind antenna
- vertex-fed antenna
- vertical antenna
- vertically polarized antenna
- very high-frequency antenna
- VHF antenna
- wave antenna
- waveguide antenna
- whip antenna
- wide-band antenna
- Windom antenna
- wire antenna
- wire-grid lens antenna
- Wullenweber antenna
- Yagi antenna
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- Y-antenna
- Zepp antenna
- Zeppellin antenna
- zoned antenna
- zone-plate lens antennaThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > antenna
11 configuration
1. конфигурация; схема; компоновка; форма; комбинация2. структура3. вариант <ЛА>10x8 configuration15% unstable configurationactuator configurationaero-balanced configurationaeroelastic configurationaeromedical configurationaft CG configurationair defence configurationair-combat configurationair-to-air configurationaircraft configurationaircraft-like configurationairfoil-spoiler-flap configurationairframe-inlet configurationall-cargo configurationall-economy configurationall-freight configurationall-wing configurationanti-ice configurationapproach-flap configurationarrow-wing configurationas delivered configurationas-built configurationasymmetrical missile configurationback-staggered configurationbaseline configurationbenchmark configurationblade configurationblade/hub configurationblowing configurationbroad-brush configurationbutterfly configurationcabin configurationcanard configurationcanard-tail configurationcanard-wing configurationcanard-wing-body configurationcanardless configurationcargo-loading configurationchine configurationchined configurationcircular configurationclean configurationclose-coupled canard configurationclose-coupled wing-canard configurationclosed-loop configurationcoaxial configurationcockpit configurationconstant gain configurationcontrol configurationcontrol law configurationcontrol surface configurationcontrol system configurationcritical configurationcruise configurationdelta-canard configurationdelta-winged configurationdeparture resistant configurationdeployed configurationdisplay configurationdouble-delta configurationdownstop configurationdual cargo-hook configurationdual-console configurationeconomy class configurationejector-lift and vectored-thrust configurationelectronic reconnaissance configurationempennage configurationenergy-conservative configurationengine configurationevaluation configurationfairing configurationfighter-like configurationfilter configurationfinned configurationflap configurationflapped configurationflaps-up configurationflying boom configurationforebody configurationforebody off configurationforebody removed configurationforward-swept configurationforward-swept-wing configurationfour-blade configurationfour-engine configurationfree-turbine configurationgeometric configurationglide configurationglove-fuselage configurationgo-around configurationheavy store configurationhigh-angle-of-attack configurationhigh-control-effectiveness configurationhigh-altitude configurationhigh-density configurationhigh-fineness-ratio configurationhigh-lift configurationhigh-overshoot configurationhigh-wing configurationhorizontal ellipse configurationhypersonic configurationin-flight configurationin-line configurationinboard-jointed configurationinertially slender configurationinlet configurationinversely derived configurationiron bird configurationjet balanced configurationjoined wing configurationlanding configurationLEX configurationlifting body configurationlighting configurationlow-bypass configurationlow-drag configurationlow-fineness-ratio configurationlow-overshoot configurationlow-signature configurationlow-speed configurationmaneuver configurationmidwing configurationminimum drag configurationmixed-class configurationmultisurface configurationmultibody configurationmultiengine configurationmultiple-jet configurationnormal-shock configurationnose-boom-off configurationnose-boom-on configurationoblique-wing configurationopen-loop configurationordnance configurationover-the-wing configurationpanelized configurationparcel-freighter configurationpartial-freight configurationpassenger configurationpayload configurationpitch control configurationpitch attitude-tracking configurationpitch-only configurationpitch rate command configurationpodded configurationpole-zero configurationpoor RSS configurationpower approach configurationpower-on aircraft configurationpowered configurationpowerplant configurationpre-production configurationproduction configurationpropulsor configurationpusher configurationratchet configurationreal configurationrear-loading configurationrotor plus wing configurationrotor-airframe configurationrotor-fuselage configurationrotor-winglet configurationrotorcraft configurationseating configurationsensor configurationside-by-side configurationsimulation configurationsingle-jet configurationsingle-body configurationsingle-engine configurationsingle-fuselage configurationsingle-pilot configurationsingle-rotor configurationsingle-shaft configurationsized configurationslat configurationsoft in-plane configurationspoiler configurationstable configurationstall-resistant configurationstarting configurationsteady flight configurationstiff in-plane configurationSTOL configurationstore configurationSTOVL configurationstraight-wing configurationstrake off configurationstrake-wing configurationsupersonic cruise configurationsymmetrical missile configurationT-tail configurationtail configurationtail control configurationtail-aft configurationtailed configurationtailed-delta configurationtailless configurationtakeoff configurationtandem configurationtandem-wing configurationtandem-rotor configurationtest configurationthree shaft configurationthree-engine configurationthree-shock configurationthrust-down configurationthrust-up configurationthrust-vectored configurationtilt-rotor configurationtilting engine configurationtip-jointed configurationtractor configurationtrailing-edge configurationTrefftz-plane configurationtunnel-supported configurationturbojet-powered configurationturboprop configurationturboshaft configurationturning configurationtwin-lift helicopter configurationtwo-bladed configurationtwo-cabin configurationtwo-engine configurationtwo-shaft configurationtwo-stage configurationtwo-surface configurationunder-the-wing configurationunslatted configurationunstable configurationunstick configurationup and away configurationupper-surface-blowing configurationupper-surface-blown configurationUSB configurationV/STOL configurationvariable-bypass-ratio configurationvariable-geometry configurationVATOL configurationvectored-engine-over-wing configurationVEO-wing configurationvertical ellipse configurationVTOL configurationwidely spaced pod configurationWild Weasel configurationwing configurationwing mounted configurationwing-body-nacelle configurationwing-body-tail configurationwing-canard configurationwing-fence configurationwing-flap configurationwing-spoiler-flap configurationwing-tail-fuselage configurationwing-store configurationyaw vane configurationzig-zag configuration -
12 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) эл. сеть4) шлейф ( в телефонии)•to track circuits — сопрягать контуры-
in-line hydraulic circuit
tee-test hydraulic circuit
absorption circuit
ac circuit
active circuit
adapter circuit
adder circuit
addressing circuit
aerial circuit
aerodrome circuit
aerodrome taxi circuit
aerodrome traffic circuit
aeromagnetic circuit
alarm circuit
alive circuit
amplifying circuit
analogous circuit
analog circuit
ancillary circuit
AND circuit
AND-to-OR circuit
AND-OR circuit
anticoincidence circuit
antihunt circuit
antireciprocal circuit
antiresonance circuit
antiresonant circuit
aperiodic circuit
approach circuit
astable circuit
autodyne circuit
automatic frequency control circuit
automatic reciprocation pneumatic circuit
auxiliary circuit
auxiliary coolant circuit
averaging circuit
back-to-back circuit
balanced circuit
balancing circuit
bias and erase circuit
bias circuit
bidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
bipolar circuit
bistable circuit
black-level restoring circuit
blanking circuit
blasting circuit
blocking circuit
booster hydraulic circuit
bound circuit
boxcar circuit
brake retraction circuit
branched circuit
branch circuit
breadboard circuit
break circuit
bridge circuit
bridged circuit
broken circuit
bubble circuit
bucket-brigade circuit
buffer circuit
burst-gating circuit
calibrating circuit
call circuit
carrier recovery circuit
cascode circuit
cavity circuit
charge circuit
charge-coupied device circuit
charging circuit
checkout circuit
cholesteric circuit
chopping circuit
chromatic circuit
circulating lubrication circuit
clamp circuit
cleaning circuit
clearing circuit
clipping circuit
clocked circuit
closed circuit
close circuit
closed loop circuit
closed loop hydraulic motor circuit
coaxial circuit
code track circuit
coincidence circuit
color-killer circuit
color-processing circuit
combination air-oil circuit
combinational circuit
common-base circuit
common-collector circuit
common-drain circuit
common-emitter circuit
common-gate circuit
common-source circuit
communication circuit
comparator circuit
compensating circuit
complementary circuit
completed circuit
composite circuit
condensate circuit
control circuit
convergence circuit
coolant circuit
cooling short circuit
cord circuit
correcting circuit
counter circuit
coupled circuits
cross rectifier circuit
crushing circuit
current circuit
current-feedback circuit
current-limiting circuit
current-limit circuit
damping circuit
Danington circuit
dc circuit
dead circuit
decision making circuit
decision circuit
decoding circuit
decoupling circuit
dedicated circuit
de-emphasis circuit
degaussing circuit
degenerative circuit
delay circuit
delta circuit
derived circuit
detecting circuit
detuned circuit
dial toll circuit
dial-up circuit
differentiating circuit
digital circuit
diplex circuit
direct circuit
direct speech circuit
discharge circuit
distributed-element circuit
dividing circuit
double-rail track circuit
drive circuit
driver circuit
dual circuit
dual-relief braking hydraulic motor circuit
duplex circuit
dynamic braking circuit
earthed circuit
earth circuit
edge-activated circuit
electric circuit
electrical safety circuit
electrolysis circuit
electronic circuit
emphasis circuit
enabling circuit
energized circuit
engineering circuit
enhancement circuit
equilization circuit
equivalent circuit
error correcting circuit
evaporating circuit
exciting circuit
exclusive OR circuit
exposure control circuit
exposure measuring circuit
external circuit
external load circuit
fallback circuit
feed circuit
feed motor circuit
feedback circuit
feedrate override circuit
filament circuit
filter hydraulic circuit
firing circuit
flip-flop circuit
flotation circuit
flow circuit
fluid circuit
forked circuit
four-terminal circuit
four-wire circuit
frame-scanning circuit
free-running circuit
frequency determining circuit
frequency-changing circuit
full-wave circuit
gain circuit
gas circuit
gate circuit
grinding circuit
ground short circuit
grounded circuit
ground circuit
half-duplex circuit
half-phantom circuit
half-wave circuit
half-wave track circuit
heat transport main circuit
heater circuit
holding circuit
horizontal scanning circuit
hotline circuit
hybrid-type circuit
hybrid circuit
hydraulic circuit
hydraulic servo circuit
identification circuit
idler circuit
ignition circuit
ignition primary circuit
ignition secondary circuit
impulse circuit
impulsing circuit
incoming track circuit
inductive circuit
inhibit circuit
input circuit
insulated circuit
integrated circuit
integrating circuit
intentional short circuit
interface circuit
interlocking circuit
interlock circuit
international television circuit
inverter circuit
invert circuit
iron circuit
jointless pulse track circuit
junction circuit
keep-alive circuit
ladder circuit
lagging circuit
latching circuit
LC circuit
leakage circuit
leak circuit
leased circuit
level circuit
linear circuit
linearizing circuit
line-scanning circuit
line-to-ground short circuit
live circuit
load circuit
locking circuit
locking hydraulic circuit
locking track circuit
logic circuit
long-distance transmission circuit
loop circuit
low-loss circuit
lumped-element lumped-parameter circuit
lumped lumped-parameter circuit
lumped-element circuit
lumped circuit
magnetic circuit
magnetic-core circuit
main circuit
majority circuit
make circuit
matching circuit
match circuit
matrix circuit
maximum power control circuit
measuring circuit
memory circuit
mesh circuit
metallic circuit
meter-current circuit
metering circuit
meter-voltage circuit
microelectronic circuit
microwave circuit
molecular circuit
monitoring circuit
monostable circuit
motor control circuit
multidrop circuit
multiplication circuit
multipoint circuit
multistable circuit
multistage circuit
muting circuit
NAND circuit
narrowband circuit
network circuit
neutral track circuit
neutralizing circuit
noise-balancing circuit
noninductive circuit
NOR circuit
NOT circuit
NOT-AND circuit
NOT-OR circuit
offset compensating circuit
one-pole circuit
one-rail track circuit
one-wire circuit
open circuit
open loop circuit
open-wire circuit
OR circuit
order wire circuit
OR-ELSE circuit
oscillating circuit
oscillation circuit
oscillatory circuit
output circuit
overflux circuit
overhead circuit
packaged circuit
paging circuit
parallel circuit
parallel-resonant circuit
parallel-series circuit
passive circuit
peak white-limiting circuit
peaking circuit
phantom circuit
phase switching circuit
phase-comparison circuit
phase-compensating circuit
phase-equalizing circuit
phase-inverting circuit
phase-sensitive track circuit
phase-shifting circuit
phase-shift circuit
pilot circuit
pneumatic circuit
points control circuit
points track circuit
point-to-point circuit
polarity circuit
polarized track circuit
polling circuit
polyphase circuit
potential circuit
power circuit
precharge circuit
precision timing circuit
pressure control hydraulic circuit
primary circuit
primary coolant circuit
printed circuit
protection circuit
pulse circuit
pulse-shaping circuit
pump unloading hydraulic circuit
pumping circuit
pump circuit
push-pull circuit
push-to-type circuit
quadruplex circuit
radiation-hardened circuit
radio communication circuit
radio circuit
RC circuit
reaction circuit
reaction track circuit
reactive circuit
reclosing circuit
rectification circuit
reference circuit
reflex circuit
regenerative circuit
register mark recognition circuit
regrinding circuit
regulating circuit
rejector circuit
relay circuit
relay contact switching circuit
relay contact circuit
remote-ring circuit
replenishing hydraulic motor circuit
reset circuit
resonance circuit
retaining circuit
return circuit
ring circuit
ringing circuit
route locking circuit
sample circuit
sample-and-hold circuit
sampler circuit
scaling circuit
scanning circuit
schematic circuit
screening circuit
secondary circuit
secondary coolant circuit
selecting circuit
selection circuit
self-bias circuit
self-checking circuit
self-holding circuit
self-test circuit
semiconductor circuit
separation circuit
sequencing circuit
series circuit
series-resonant circuit
series-tuned circuit
service circuit
shell circuit
shifting circuit
short circuit
shunt circuit
shutoff circuit
signal circuit
signaling circuit
simplex circuit
single-phase circuit
single-rail track circuit
single-wire circuit
slow-wave circuit
smoothing circuit
sneak circuit
solid-state circuit
solid circuit
spare circuit
speaker circuit
speed regulating circuit
squelch circuit
standby circuit
star-connected circuit
starting circuit
station conventional track circuit
steady energy track circuit
stripline circuit
strip circuit
subcarrier recovery circuit
subtransmission circuit
superconducting circuit
supply circuit
suppression circuit
sustained short circuit
sweep circuit
switched circuit
switching circuit
symbolic circuit
symmetrical circuit
symmetric circuit
synchronization circuit
synchronizing hydraulic circuit
synchronous circuit
table circuit
tank circuit
tap circuit
tapped circuit
telegraph circuit
telephone circuit
temperature stabilized circuit
tension sensing circuit
terminal circuit
test circuit
thickening circuit
three-phase circuit
threshold circuit
throttled circuit
through circuit
tilt kickout hydraulic circuit
time-base circuit
time-delay circuit
timer circuit
time-slot assigner circuit
timing circuit
toll circuit
tool selector circuit
toroidal magnetic circuit
touch sensing circuit
track circuit
train dispatching circuit
transient short circuit
transmission hydraulic circuit
trap circuit
tree circuit
triggering circuit
trigger circuit
trouble-detecting circuit
trunk circuit
tube circuit
tuned circuit
two-port circuit
two-state circuit
two-terminal circuit
two-wire circuit
unbalanced circuit
unidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
unipolar circuit
vertical-scanning circuit
virtual circuit
voltage-feedback circuit
warning circuit
white clip circuit
wideband circuit
wire circuit
wired AND circuit
wired circuit
wired OR circuit
wye-connected circuit
wye circuit
zero-lose circuit -
13 line
I1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- lines of forceline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- absorption line
- access line
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog line
- analog delay line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- D-line
- date line
- data line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- descender line
- delay line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital line
- digital delay line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- E-lines
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric lines of force
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive line
- exclusive exchange line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G-line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- H-lines
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- home line
- horizontal line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line - isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line - omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip line
- strip delay line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line- W-line- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x-digital subscriber line II = Ln -
14 line
1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- access lineline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- active line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog delay line
- analog line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- data line
- date line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- delay line
- descender line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital delay line
- digital line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- D-line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electric lines of force
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- E-lines
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive exchange line
- exclusive line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- H-lines
- home line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line
- ISDN digital subscriber line
- isobathic line
- isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- line of code
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines of force
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line
- nonuniform transmission line
- null line
- omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip delay line
- strip line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line
- voice over digital subscriber line
- W line
- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x digital subscriber lineThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > line
15 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
16 antenna
1) антенна
2) антенный
– aft antenna
– aircraft-type antenna
– all-wave antenna
– annular antenna
– antenna power
– antenna amplifier
– antenna aperture
– antenna area
– antenna array
– antenna assembly
– antenna attenuator
– antenna circuit
– antenna coupling
– antenna crosstalk
– antenna current
– antenna curtain
– antenna effeciency
– antenna element
– antenna eliminator
– antenna EMF
– antenna fairlead
– antenna feed
– antenna feed-impedance
– antenna field
– antenna gain
– antenna inductance
– antenna lead
– antenna lead-in
– antenna lens
– antenna mounting
– antenna noise
– antenna reel
– antenna reflector
– antenna relay
– antenna resistance
– antenna socket
– antenna switch
– antenna system
– antenna tilt
– antenna tower
– antenna wire
– anti-fading antenna
– anti-interference antenna
– antistatic antenna
– aperiodic antenna
– aperture of antenna
– artificial antenna
– azimuth antenna
– balanced antenna
– base-driven antenna
– base-driving antenna
– base-fed antenna
– beacon antenna
– beam antenna
– beamwidth of antenna
– bedspring antenna
– Beverage antenna
– biconical antenna
– bidirectional antenna
– bilateral antenna
– billboard antenna
– bird-cage antenna
– box antenna
– broadband antenna
– broadcasting antenna
– built-in antenna
– bumper antenna
– buried antenna
– capacitor antenna
– Cassegrainian antenna
– center-driven antenna
– cheese antenna
– christmastree antenna
– cigar antenna
– circular antenna
– coaxial antenna
– collinear antenna
– communications antenna
– community antenna
– corkscrew antenna
– corner antenna
– corner-reflector antenna
– cosecant-squared antenna
– crossed antenna
– dielectric antenna
– dipole antenna
– direction-finding antenna
– directional antenna
– director antenna
– discone antenna
– dish antenna
– dish-shaped antenna
– disk antenna
– diversity antenna
– double antenna
– double-faced antenna
– double-umbrella antenna
– drag antenna
– dumb antenna
– eagle antenna
– elevate antenna
– elevated antenna
– elevation antenna
– elliptical antenna
– end-fire antenna
– extended antenna
– fan antenna
– ferrite-rod antenna
– fishbone antenna
– fixed antenna
– fixed-coil antenna
– fixed-loop antenna
– flagpole antenna
– flattop antenna
– flush-mounted antenna
– focal-line fed antenna
– folded antenna
– folded-dipole antenna
– forward-looking antenna
– frame antenna
– frequency-scanned antenna
– gamma antenna
– Goldschmidt antenna
– grid antenna
– ground antenna
– half-wave antenna
– harmonic antenna
– harp antenna
– height of antenna
– height-finding antenna
– helical antenna
– HF antenna
– high-frequency antenna
– highly-directional antenna
– homing antenna
– horn antenna
– horn-lens antenna
– horn-reflector antenna
– image antenna
– indoor antenna
– inverted V antenna
– inverted-L antenna
– isotropic antenna
– leaky-pipe antenna
– lens antenna
– LF antenna
– lobe-switching antenna
– lobing antenna
– localizer antenna
– Lodge-Muirhead antenna
– loop antenna
– low-angle antenna
– low-frequency antenna
– magnet-core antenna
– marker antenna
– mast antenna
– medium-frequency antenna
– MF antenna
– microwave antenna
– millimeter-wave antenna
– monitoring antenna
– monopulse antenna
– multiband antenna
– multibeam antenna
– multielement antenna
– multiple-horn antenna
– multiwire antenna
– mushroom antenna
– narrow-banded antenna
– non-directional antenna
– omnidirectional antenna
– operate on antenna
– outdoor antenna
– parabolic antenna
– paraboloid antenna
– parasitic antenna
– pencil-beam antenna
– phantom-target antenna
– phase-locked antenna
– pick-up antenna
– pillbox antenna
– plane-reflector antenna
– quadrant antenna
– quarter-wave antenna
– quiescent antenna
– radar antenna
– random antenna
– rear-looking antenna
– receiving antenna
– reel in antenna
– reflector-type antenna
– resonant antenna
– rhombic antenna
– ribbon antenna
– rig an antenna on supports
– rockinghorse antenna
– rod antenna
– running-board antenna
– sausage antenna
– screened antenna
– search antenna
– sense antenna
– series-fed antenna
– shaped-beam antenna
– shaped-reflector antenna
– shipboard antenna
– short-wave antenna
– shunt-fed antenna
– skid-fin antenna
– sleeve antenna
– sleeve-dipole antenna
– slot antenna
– slotted-guide antenna
– spheroidal antenna
– spiderweb antenna
– squirrel-cage antenna
– stacked antenna
– stacked-V antenna
– stagger antenna
– standing-wave antenna
– steerable antenna
– step-and-repeat antenna
– stream-line antenna
– streamlined antenna
– stripline antenna
– stub antenna
– submerged antenna
– submersible antenna
– superdirectional antenna
– superdirective antenna
– superturnstile antenna
– suppressor antenna
– supressor antenna
– surface-wave antenna
– tail antenna
– tapered antenna
– telescopic antenna
– telescopic rod antenna
– television antenna
– tier antenna
– tiltable antenna
– tilted antenna
– TL antenna
– top antenna
– top-fed antenna
– tower-type antenna
– tracking antenna
– trailing antenna
– transmission-line antenna
– transmitting antenna
– travelling-wave antenna
– tuned antenna
– turnstile antenna
– twin antenna
– two-element antenna
– two-wire antenna
– umbrella antenna
– umbrella-type antenna
– underwater antenna
– unidirectional antenna
– unloaded antenna
– vehicle-borne antenna
– vertical antenna
– VHF antenna array
– VHF-UHF antenna
– wide-band antenna
– wideband antenna
– wire antenna
– Yagi antenna
– Zeppelin antenna
– zig-zag antenna
Alford loop antenna — <naut.> антенна альфордовская, квадратная рамочная антенна
antenna area efficiency — <electr.> эффективность по площади
antenna lightning protector — < radio> разрядник антенный
antenna snatch block — < radio> блоки для натяжки антенны
antenna tuning inductor — < radio> катушка настройки антенны
bent rhombic antenna — < radio> антенна согнутая ромбическая
broadside directional antenna — < radio> антенна плашмя направленная
Chireix and Mesny antenna — < radio> антенна Ширекса-Мени
circularly polarized antenna — < radio> антенна вращающей поляризации
cylindrical cosecant antenna — косекансная цилиндрическая антенна
double rhombic antenna — < radio> антенна двойная ромбическая
electronically scanned antenna — антенна с электронным сканированием
leaky waveguide antenna — < radio> антенна волноводно-щелевая
parabolic reflector antenna — антенна с параболическим отражателем, параболическая антенна
pencil beam antenna — антенна с игольчатой диаграммой направленности
set antenna to bear on an object — наводить антенну на объект
slotted waveguide antenna — < radio> антенна волноводная щелевая
spark-gap switched antenna — < radio> антенна переключаемая разрядником
strut airborne antenna — < radio> антенна вертикальная самолетная
synthetic aperture antenna — антенна с синтезированной апертурой
tapered rectangular antenna — < radio> антенна клинообразная прямоугольная
top-loaded vertical antenna — антенна-мачта, мачта-антенна
traveling wave antenna — < radio> антенна бегущей волны
trigonal reflector antenna — антенна с треугольным отражателем
zoning of a lens antenna — < radio> выравнивание фазового фронта линзовой антенны
17 filter
1) фильтр•- ac filter
- ac line filter
- ac supply filter
- active filter
- adaptive comb filter
- adaptive transversal filter
- add-noise filter
- agile filter
- all-pole filter
- analog filter
- analyzer filter
- antenna filter
- antialiasing filter
- balanced filter
- band filter
- band rejection filter
- bandpass filter
- band-stop filter
- beacon filter
- binary filter
- biquartic filter
- branching filter
- bridge filter
- broadband filter
- Butterworth filter
- capacitor-input filter
- carrier-transfer filter
- cavity filter
- ceramic filter
- channel filter
- character filter
- Chebyshev filter
- choke filter
- chroma filter
- coaxial filter
- color filter
- comb filter
- compensating filter
- composite filter
- composite-wave filter
- concentrated selection filter
- concentrated selectivity filter
- connecting filter
- constant-bandwidth filter
- constant-current filter
- constant-k filter
- convolution filter
- crystal filter
- crystal-lattice filter
- cutoff filter
- dc filter
- dichroic filter
- digital filter
- directional filter
- discontinuous filter
- discrete filter
- discrimination filter
- disc-wire filter
- dissipationless filter
- duplex filter
- electrical filter
- electromagnetic interference filter
- electromechanical filter
- equiripple filter
- exciter postselector filter
- Fabry-Perot filter
- ferrite resonator filter
- final filter
- FIR-filter
- fixed filter
- fixed-frequency filter
- four-loop band filter
- frequency filter
- generating filter
- glare filter
- harmonic filter
- high-frequency filter
- high-pass filter
- high-quality ceramic filter
- Hilbert filter
- hum-eliminating filter
- ideal LF-filter
- ideal low pass filter
- IF filter
- inductive filter
- inductive-capacitive filter
- inductive-resistive filter
- infrared filter
- in-line filter
- input filter
- integral filter
- interference filter
- intermediate frequency filter
- interpolation filter
- interstage filter
- isolating filter
- Kalman filter
- Kauer filter
- Kolmogorov-Winner filter
- lattice filter
- LC-filter
- light filter
- line filter
- line-matched filter
- loop filter
- lossy filter
- low-current filter
- low-cut filter
- low-frequency filter
- low-pass filter
- low-Q filter
- LR-filter
- L-shaped high-frequency filter
- magnetic filter
- magnetostrictive filter
- mains filter
- matched filter
- median filter
- metal-insert filter
- microwave filter
- mini-loss filter
- mode filter
- monolithic filter
- mosaic filter
- MPX filter
- multiplex filter
- narrow-band filter
- narrow-cut filter
- network filter
- n-link dynamic comb filter
- n-link low-frequency filter
- n-loop band filter
- noise filter
- nonideal LF-filter
- nonrecursive filter
- notch filter
- n-range filter
- n-section low-frequency filter
- octave-band filter
- optical filter
- output filter
- passive filter
- pi filter
- piezoelectric filter
- piezo-mechanical filter
- pilot filter
- plural-cavity filter
- polarizing filter
- power line filter
- prewhitening filter
- quartz-crystal filter
- quasi-optimal filter
- radio-frequency filter
- RC-filter
- receiver IF filter
- receiver preselector filter
- reception filter
- rectifier filter
- recursive filter
- reflective filter
- rejector filter
- ripple filter
- roofing filter
- sandwich filter
- SAW filter
- security filter
- selective filter
- self-tuning combined filter
- semipassive filter
- separation filter
- sideband filter
- signal summing filter
- single-zone filter
- smoothing filter
- speech filter
- spike filter
- stagger-tuned filter
- strip filter
- suboctave filter
- subsonic filter
- surface-acoustic-wave filter
- synthesizer filter
- through filter
- tone filter
- transmitter filter
- transversal filter
- tunable filter
- two-range filter
- ultrasonic filter
- U-shaped filter
- variable filter
- variable-coefficient filter
- vestigial sideband filter
- volume-acoustic-wave filter
- wave filter
- waveguide filter
- wedge filter
- whitening filter
- wide-band filter
- zero-memory filter
- zonal filterEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > filter
18 code
1) кода) совокупность символов или сигналов и система правил для представления информации в виде последовательности элементов такой совокупностиб) вчт программа; текст программы2) кодироватьа) представлять информацию в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт программировать3) pl вчт скрытые коды (напр. в текстовых редакторах)4) бион генетический код5) модулировать (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)7) кодекс•- absolute code
- access code
- adaptive code
- additional code
- address code
- air-to-ground liaison code
- A-law code
- Alfa code
- alphanumeric code
- alternate mark inversion code
- AMI code
- answerback code
- area code
- assembly code
- authentication code
- authorization code
- automatic code
- auxiliary code
- balanced code
- bank code
- bar code
- Barker code
- base station identity code
- Baudot code
- BCD code
- BCH code
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biorthogonal code
- bipolar code
- bipolar with N-zero substitution code
- biquinary code
- block code
- BNZS code
- boot code
- bootstrap code
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
- break code
- brevity code
- BT code
- burst-correcting code
- burst-detecting code
- burst-trapping code- C/A code- cable code
- cable Morse code
- call directing code
- call-station code
- capacitor color code
- card code
- carrier identification code
- chain code
- channel code
- character code
- circulant code
- close-packed code
- coarse acquisition code
- color code
- color bar code
- command code
- complementary code
- complementary Golay code
- completion code
- computer code
- computer numerical code
- concatenated code
- condensation code
- condition code
- constant-weight code
- Continental code
- control code
- convolution code
- convolutional code
- country code- cue code- cyclic code
- cyclic binary code
- decimal code
- decomposable Golay code
- dense binary code
- destination code
- device code
- diffuse code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-adjacent error-correcting code
- drawing code
- DVD regional code
- EFM code
- EIA color code
- eight-level code
- eight-to-fourteen modulation code
- elaborated code
- electrical code
- electrical safety code
- entropy code
- equal-length code
- equidistant code
- equipment manufacturer code
- error code
- error-control code - escape code
- excess-three code
- executable machine code
- extended binary-coded decimal interchange-code
- extremal code
- feedback balanced code
- fieldata code
- firewall code
- five-level code
- fixed-length code
- fixed-weight code
- format code
- four-of-eight code
- four-out-of-eight code
- fractal code
- framing code
- full frame time code
- function code
- GBT code
- generalized burst-trapping code
- genetic code - group code
- Hamming code
- hidden codes - HSF code
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano code
- ID code
- identification code
- identity code
- inheritance code
- in-line code
- instruction code
- interchange code
- interlace code
- interleaved code
- International cable code
- international Morse code - interrupt code
- inverted code
- iterative code
- jargon code
- Java code
- key code
- lead color code
- legacy code
- line code
- linear code
- lock code
- longitudinal time code
- loop code
- machine code
- macro code
- magnetic tape code
- majority-decodable code
- make code
- Manchester code
- Manchester II code
- manipulation detection code
- manufacturer code
- maximally compressed pattern recognition code
- message authentication code
- Miller code
- minimum redundance code
- mnemonic code
- mobile country code
- mobile network code
- modular code
- Moore code
- Morse code
- Morse cable code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-burst code
- mutual code
- N-address code
- N-ary code
- native code
- nonprint code
- nonreturn-to-zero code
- nonreturn-to-zero inverted code
- NRZ code
- NRZI code
- object code
- offset binary code
- on-drop frame time code
- one-level code
- open source code - P-code
- p-code
- parity code
- parity-checking code
- partial-response code
- path-invariant code
- perfect code
- permutation code
- permutation-modulation code
- pilot code
- PN code
- polynomial code
- position code
- postal code
- precision code
- predictive code
- prefix code
- primary address code
- printer-telegraph code
- printing-telegraph code
- PRN code
- progressive code
- progressive/sequential code
- pseudonoise code
- pseudorandom noise code
- pseudo-ternary code
- public code
- pulse code
- punched-card code
- punched-tape code
- punctured code
- quasi-cyclic code
- quasi-perfect code
- quaternary code
- quinbinary code
- radar code
- radar-type code
- radio paging code N 1
- randomized code
- Read-Solomon code - redundancy-reducing code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflective code
- regional code
- relocatable code
- reserved code
- residue code
- resistor color code
- restricted code
- RETMA color code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- RL code
- RMA color code
- robust code
- routing code
- run-length code
- RZ code
- salami code
- scan code
- search code
- secret code
- self-checking code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-documenting code
- self-dual code
- self-modifying code
- self-validating code
- sequential code
- servo code
- servo Gray code
- seven-unit teleprinter code
- SF code
- Shannon-Fano code
- shift codes
- short code
- signature code
- simplex code
- single-burst code
- SMPTE control code
- SMPTE time code
- source code
- spaghetti code
- specific code
- station-identification code
- stochastic code
- stop code
- straight-line code
- substitution error-correcting code
- synchronization error-correcting code
- systematic code
- systematic error-checking code
- tape code
- telegraph code
- teletype code
- teletypewriter code
- threaded code
- time code
- time address code
- time-invariant code
- transaction code - transparent code
- tree code
- trellis code
- twinned-binary code
- two-of-five code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-part code
- unbreakable code
- unipolar code
- unit disparity code
- unit-memory code - variable-length code
- variable-rate code
- Walsh code
- weighted code
- word code
- Wyner-Ash code
- zero-disparity code
- ZIP code
- zip code -
19 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- networks of limited equivalence
- network of microcomputer
- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network - aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network - asynchronous neural network - back propagation network
- back-up radio network
- balanced network
- balanced Feistel network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network - biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network - bus network
- butterfly network
- C-network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network - circuit-switching network
- class A-network
- class B-network
- class C-network
- client-server network
- closed private network - common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer network - connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network - coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network - discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive-network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network - equivalent networks - extensional semantic network
- extensive network - feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network - fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fuzzy neural network
- generalized additive network - ground-station network - Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high-capacity network - higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links - Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- L-network
- ladder network - lattice network
- lead network
- leased-line network
- linear network - load-matching network - long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- learning vector quantization network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network - multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network - neural network with local connections
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- O-network
- one-port network
- optical network
- optical fiber network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network - packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel-T network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- pi-network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network - quadrupole network - radar network
- radio network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication-network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite-earth stations network - second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network - sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network - strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched network
- switched message network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network - T-network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network - terminating switching network - token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network - trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network - world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-network
- π-network -
20 code
1) кода) совокупность символов или сигналов и система правил для представления информации в виде последовательности элементов такой совокупностиб) вчт. программа; текст программы2) кодироватьа) представлять информацию в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт. программировать3) pl.; вчт. скрытые коды (напр. в текстовых редакторах)4) бион. генетический код5) модулировать (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)7) кодекс•- absolute code
- access code
- adaptive code
- additional code
- address code
- air-to-ground liaison code
- A-law code
- Alfa code
- alphanumeric code
- alternate mark inversion code
- AMI code
- answerback code
- area code
- assembly code
- authentication code
- authorization code
- automatic code
- auxiliary code
- balanced code
- bank code
- bar code
- Barker code
- base station identity code
- Baudot code
- BCD code
- BCH code
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biorthogonal code
- bipolar code
- bipolar with N zero substitution code
- biquinary code
- block code
- BNZS code
- boot code
- bootstrap code
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
- break code
- brevity code
- BT code
- burst-correcting code
- burst-detecting code
- burst-trapping code
- C/A code
- cable code
- cable Morse code
- call directing code
- call-station code
- capacitor color code
- card code
- carrier identification code
- chain code
- channel code
- character code
- circulant code
- close-packed code
- coarse acquisition code
- color bar code
- color code
- command code
- complementary code
- complementary Golay code
- completion code
- computer code
- computer numerical code
- concatenated code
- condensation code
- condition code
- constant-weight code
- Continental code
- control code
- convolution code
- convolutional code
- country code
- cross-interleaved Read-Solomon code
- cue code
- cyclic binary code
- cyclic code
- decimal code
- decomposable Golay code
- dense binary code
- destination code
- device code
- diffuse code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-adjacent error-correcting code
- drawing code
- DVD regional code
- EFM code
- EIA color code
- eight-level code
- eight-to-fourteen modulation code
- elaborated code
- electrical code
- electrical safety code
- entropy code
- equal-length code
- equidistant code
- equipment manufacturer code
- error code
- error detection and correction code
- error-control code
- error-correcting code
- error-detecting code
- error-locating code
- escape code
- excess-three code
- executable machine code
- extended binary-coded decimal interchange code
- extremal code
- feedback balanced code
- fieldata code
- firewall code
- five-level code
- fixed-length code
- fixed-weight code
- format code
- four-of-eight code
- four-out-of-eight code
- fractal code
- framing code
- full frame time code
- function code
- GBT code
- generalized burst-trapping code
- genetic code
- Golay sequential code
- Gray code
- group code
- Hamming code
- hidden codes
- high density bipolar code
- Hollerith code
- HSF code
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano code
- ID code
- identification code
- identity code
- inheritance code
- in-line code
- instruction code
- interchange code
- interlace code
- interleaved code
- International cable code
- international Morse code
- international standard recording code
- interrogation-code
- interrupt code
- inverted code
- iterative code
- jargon code
- Java code
- key code
- lead color code
- legacy code
- line code
- linear code
- lock code
- longitudinal time code
- loop code
- machine code
- macro code
- magnetic tape code
- majority-decodable code
- make code
- Manchester code
- Manchester II code
- manipulation detection code
- manufacturer code
- maximally compressed pattern recognition code
- message authentication code
- Miller code
- minimum redundance code
- mnemonic code
- mobile country code
- mobile network code
- modular code
- Moore code
- Morse cable code
- Morse code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-burst code
- mutual code
- N-address code
- N-ary code - nonreturn-to-zero code
- nonreturn-to-zero inverted code
- NRZ code
- NRZI code
- object code
- offset binary code
- on-drop frame time code
- one-level code
- open source code
- operation code
- order code
- P code
- parity code
- parity-checking code
- partial-response code
- path-invariant code
- p-code
- perfect code
- permutation code
- permutation-modulation code
- pilot code
- PN code
- polynomial code
- position code
- postal code
- precision code
- predictive code
- prefix code
- primary address code
- printer-telegraph code
- printing-telegraph code
- PRN code
- progressive code
- progressive/sequential code
- pseudonoise code
- pseudorandom noise code
- pseudo-ternary code
- public code
- pulse code
- punched-card code
- punched-tape code
- punctured code
- quasi-cyclic code
- quasi-perfect code
- quaternary code
- quinbinary code
- radar code
- radar-type code
- radio paging code N 1
- randomized code
- Read-Solomon code
- Read-Solomon product code
- recurrent code
- redundancy-reducing code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflective code
- regional code
- relocatable code
- reserved code
- residue code
- resistor color code
- restricted code
- RETMA color code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- RL code
- RMA color code
- robust code
- routing code
- run-length code
- RZ code
- salami code
- scan code
- search code
- secret code
- self-checking code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-documenting code
- self-dual code
- self-modifying code
- self-validating code
- sequential code
- servo code
- servo Gray code
- seven-unit teleprinter code
- SF code
- Shannon-Fano code
- shift codes
- short code
- signature code
- simplex code
- single-burst code
- SMPTE control code
- SMPTE time code
- source code
- spaghetti code
- specific code
- station-identification code
- stochastic code
- stop code
- straight-line code
- substitution error-correcting code
- synchronization error-correcting code
- systematic code
- systematic error-checking code
- tape code
- telegraph code
- teletype code
- teletypewriter code
- threaded code
- time address code
- time code
- time-invariant code
- transaction code
- transfer authentication code
- transorthogonal code
- transparent code
- tree code
- trellis code
- twinned-binary code
- two-of-five code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-part code
- unbreakable code
- unipolar code
- unit disparity code
- unit-memory code
- Universal code
- universal product code
- variable-length code
- variable-rate code
- Walsh code
- weighted code
- word code
- Wyner-Ash code
- zero-disparity code
- ZIP code
- zip codeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > code
См. также в других словарях:
Balanced audio — is a method of interconnecting audio equipment using impedance balanced lines. This type of connection is very important in sound recording and production because it allows for the use of long cables while reducing susceptibility to external… … Wikipedia
Balanced Scorecard — von Professor Dr. Jürgen Weber I. Ursprung Vor dem Hintergrund immer lauterer Kritik an der Eindimensionalität finanzieller Kennzahlensysteme in den USA wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre unter der Leitung von R.S. Kaplan und D.P. Norton ein… … Lexikon der Economics
Loop antenna — A shortwave loop antenna A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop (or loops) of wire, tubing, or other electrical conductor with its ends connected to a balanced transmission line. Within this physical description there are two very … Wikipedia
Balanced circuit — See also Balanced line A balanced circuit is a common method of transmitting many types of communication signals between two points on two wires. In a balanced circuit the individual signals on each wire are inverses of each other as referenced… … Wikipedia
Phase-locked loop — PLL redirects here. For other uses, see PLL (disambiguation). A phase locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input reference signal. It is an electronic… … Wikipedia
Biased graph — In mathematics, a biased graph is a graph with a list of distinguished circles (edge sets of simple cycles), such that if two circles in the list are contained in a theta graph, then so is the third circle of the theta graph. A biased graph is a… … Wikipedia
Diving regulator — and Octopus Other names Demand valve Uses Reduces pressurized breathing gas to ambient pressure and delivers it to the diver Inventor Manuel Théodore Guillaumet (1838), Benoît Rouquayrol (1860) … Wikipedia
Signed graph — In the area of graph theory in mathematics, a signed graph is a graph in which each edge has a positive or negative sign.Formally, a signed graph Sigma; is a pair ( G , sigma;) that consists of a graph G = ( V , E ) and a sign mapping or… … Wikipedia
Political party — A political party is a political organization that seeks to attain and maintain political power within government, usually by participating in electoral campaigns. Parties often espouse an expressed ideology or vision bolstered by a written… … Wikipedia
Electronic filter topology — An elementary filter topology introduces a capacitor into the feedback path of an op amp to achieve an unbalanced active implementation of a low pass transfer function Electronic filter topology defines electronic filter circuits without taking… … Wikipedia
Dipole antenna — A schematic of a half wave dipole antenna connected to an unbalanced coaxial cable. Better practice is to connect the balanced dipole to the unbalanced line with a balun. A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with … Wikipedia