Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 bags

    [bægz] coll interj é meu!, fui o primeiro! bags of muito. bags of money / muito dinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bags

  • 2 bags of

    (a large amount of: He's got bags of money.) montes de
    * * *
    bags of
    muito. bags of money/muito dinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bags of

  • 3 bags of

    (a large amount of: He's got bags of money.) montes de

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bags of

  • 4 bag

    [bæɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a container made of soft material (eg cloth, animal skin, plastic etc): She carried a small bag.) saco
    2) (a quantity of fish or game caught: Did you get a good bag today?) apanha
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a bag.) ensacar
    2) (to kill (game).) caçar
    - bags of
    - in the bag
    - bag lady
    * * *
    [bæg] n 1 saco, saca (de papel, pano, couro etc.). a bag of coffee / uma saca de café. 2 conteúdo de um saco ou de uma saca. 3 sacola, maleta. bag clasp / alça de bolsa de viagem. 4 bolsa de caçador. 5 caça abatida. I made a good bag / fiz uma boa caçada. 6 bolsa de dinheiro. 7 mala postal. 8 Anat bolsa. 9 úbere (de vaca). 10 bags coll calças. a pair of bags / um par de calças. 11 bags sl porção, montão. 12 porção de narcótico. 13 mulher feia, mulher velha. 14 escroto, Braz vulg saco. 15 preservativo, Braz coll camisinha. • vt 1 inchar, inflar, intumescer. 2 distender-se, dilatar-se. 3 ensacar, embolsar. 4 pôr a caça na bolsa. 5 fig matar, capturar, apanhar. 6 prender em armadilha (especialmente mediante astúcia). 7 sl roubar, furtar. 8 pender livremente. air bag Auto dispositivo inflável para proteção de pessoas em caso de acidente. bag and baggage com armas e bagagens, de mala e cuia. bag-of-bones feixe de ossos. Gladstone bag bolsa de viagem para homens. in the bag sl no papo, garantido. scum bag Med a) bolsa de colostomia. b) vulg escória, monte de merda. the whole bag of tricks tudo, todos os meios. to bear the bag ter o controle do dinheiro. to leave someone holding the bag deixar alguém na mão. to let the cat out of the bag revelar o segredo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bag

  • 5 carry

    1) (to take from one place etc to another: She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.) transportar
    2) (to go from one place to another: Sound carries better over water.) transmitir
    3) (to support: These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.) suportar
    4) (to have or hold: This job carries great responsibility.) ter
    5) (to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes: The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.) aprovar
    6) (to hold (oneself) in a certain way: He carries himself like a soldier.) comportar-se

    ((slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.)

    ((of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.)

    - carry-cot
    - be/get carried away
    - carry forward
    - carry off
    - carry on
    - carry out
    - carry weight
    * * *
    [k'æri] n 1 alcance de arma ou projetil. 2 golf distância atingida por um tiro de bola. 3 posição vertical da espingarda em continência. 4 Amer transporte, passagem (a seco entre dois rios navegáveis). 5 Com transporte: sinal ou dígito produzido pela soma de dois ou mais algarismos, quando o total for igual ou maior que a base do sistema de notação em que os algarismos estão representados. O mesmo que "vai um". • vt+vi 1 carregar, levar, transportar, conduzir. she carries the virus with her / ela carrega o vírus. Patricia cannot carry all the books / Patrícia não consegue carregar todos os livros. 2 ter, conter. these coins carry a lot of gold / estas moedas contêm muito ouro. should the police carry guns? / a polícia deveria carregar armas de fogo? the new cars carry a guarantee / os carros novos têm uma garantia. 3 suportar, apoiar, sustentar. the roof is carried by columns / o teto é sustentado pelas colunas. 4 capturar, tomar pela força. the enemies carried the town / os inimigos capturaram a cidade. 5 ganhar, conquistar pela maioria, aprovar. he carried all before him / ele conquistou todos. 6 comportar-se, mostrar-se. she carries herself well / ela mostra bom porte. 7 adicionar em, transportar para uma outra coluna. I put down six and carry three / são seis e vão três. 8 publicar, incluir uma notícia. 9 fazer o trabalho de ou atuar no esporte para suprir as deficiências de um outro. he carries his department / ele carrega (faz o serviço de) todo o departamento. 10 manter mercadorias em estoque. they carry a stock of these items / eles mantêm um estoque destes itens. 11 ter suficiente. 12 manter. 13 Mil pôr a arma em continência. 14 (referente ao som) alcançar ou ser transmitido. his voice carries well to the other end of the hall / sua voz alcança o outro lado do salão. 15 (referente à arma) ter um alcance específico. 16 sl estar com drogas ou com uma arma ilegal. 17 efetuar, pôr em efeito, conseguir. 18 (referente a cães) buscar a caça abatida. that hound can fetch and carry / aquele cão sabe apanhar e trazer (a caça). carry over (componente) reaproveitado de um produto antigo em produto novo. to carry a child estar grávida. to carry a load, to carry a burden ter um problema ou uma responsabilidade ou muito trabalho. to carry along arrastar, continuar. to carry a torch for amar alguém sem ser amado. Frank has been carrying a torch for Linda ever since he saw her / Frank está amando Linda desde o dia em que a viu. to carry away 1 (geralmente na forma passiva) perder o controle. I was carried away when I was shopping / perdi o controle quando estava fazendo compras. 2 arrebatar the artists carried away the audience / os artistas arrebataram o público. 3 Naut desmastrar. to carry back restituir, pôr no mesmo lugar. to carry forth mostrar, expor à vista. to carry great weight ter muito peso, pesar muito. his judgements carry great weight / seu critério, seu parecer pesa muito. to carry in levar para dentro. to carry it high portar-se com orgulho. to carry off 1 ter sucesso em. 2 ganhar prêmios. "Titanic" carried off most of the awards / "Titanic" ganhou a maioria dos prêmios. 3 causar a morte de. all prisoners were carried off by famine / todos os prisioneiros morreram de fome. 4 raptar, seqüestrar they carried the director’s daughter off / eles seqüestraram a filha do diretor. to carry on 1 continuar. we must carry on / devemos continuar. 2 comportar-se ansiosamente ou de uma forma descontrolada, tola. how she does carry on with him! / que afetação dela para agradá-lo! 3 reclamar. 4 namorar, ter relações sexuais com. he carries on with her daughter / ele namora com a filha dela. to carry out 1 executar, efetuar, realizar, conduzir. it will be an easy plan to carry out / será um plano fácil de realizar. 2 implementar she will carry out the instructions / ela implementará as instruções. to carry over 1 transferir, levar. she doesn’t let her private problems carry over into her work / ela não permite que seus problemas pessoais sejam levados/transferidos para o trabalho. 2 transportar, transferir (uma conta) para uma outra página. 3 adiar, jogar para depois. let’s carry over our holidays for next year / vamos jogar as nossas férias para o próximo ano. 4 adiar pagamento para o próximo exercício. to carry the day 1 vencer uma batalha, competição ou debate. the allies carried the day / os aliados venceram. 2 persuadir pessoas a apoiar alguém. to carry through 1 finalizar, levar a efeito, conseguir terminar algo apesar das dificuldades. 2 ajudar alguém em uma fase difícil. you carry coals to Newcastle você está vendendo mel ao colmeeiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > carry

  • 6 hemp

    (a plant from which is obtained) a coarse fibre used to make rope, bags, sails etc and the drug cannabis (hashish or marijuana). cânhamo
    * * *
    [hemp] n 1 cânhamo. 2 droga psicoativa (maconha ou haxixe).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hemp

  • 7 money-bag

    [m'∧ni bæg] n 1 bolsa, saco para carregar dinheiro. 2 money-bags coll ricaço.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > money-bag

  • 8 of

    1) (belonging to: a friend of mine.) de
    2) (away from (a place etc); after (a given time): within five miles of London; within a year of his death.) de
    3) (written etc by: the plays of Shakespeare.) de
    4) (belonging to or forming a group: He is one of my friends.) de
    5) (showing: a picture of my father.) de
    6) (made from; consisting of: a dress of silk; a collection of pictures.) de
    7) (used to show an amount, measurement of something: a gallon of petrol; five bags of coal.) de
    8) (about: an account of his work.) de
    9) (containing: a box of chocolates.) de
    10) (used to show a cause: She died of hunger.) de
    11) (used to show a loss or removal: She was robbed of her jewels.) de
    12) (used to show the connection between an action and its object: the smoking of a cigarette.) de
    13) (used to show character, qualities etc: a man of courage.) de
    14) ((American) (of time) a certain number of minutes before (the hour): It's ten minutes of three.) para
    * * *
    [ɔv; ∧v] prep 1 de. 2 do, da (denota conexão ou relação em casos de: situação, ponto de partida, separação, origem, motivo ou causa, agência, substância ou material, posse, inclusão, participação, equivalência ou identidade, referência, respeito, direção, distância, qualidade, condição). a look of pity um olhar de piedade. a quarter of two Amer um quarto para as duas (horas). are you sure of it? você tem certeza? for the love of her por amor a ela. he is one of them é um deles. of age maior (de idade). of course naturalmente. of late years nos últimos anos. of necessity necessariamente. of old antigamente. of oneself por si mesmo, espontaneamente. of rights por direito. the three of us nós três. the walls of the room as paredes do quarto. to die of pneumonia morrer de pneumonia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > of

  • 9 packing

    1) (the act of putting things in bags, cases etc: He has done his packing tonight as he is leaving in the morning.) arrumação de bagagem
    2) (the materials (paper, string etc) used to wrap things for posting etc: He unwrapped the vase and threw away the packing.) embalagem
    * * *
    [p'ækiŋ] n 1 embalagem, empacotamento. 2 material de acondicionamento. 3 vedação. 4 Mech gaxeta, empanque. 5 Med tamponamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > packing

  • 10 pannier

    (one of a pair of baskets, bags etc carried on either side of the back of a horse, bicycle, motorbike etc.) alforge
    * * *
    [p'æniə] n 1 paneiro, cesto de vime transportado por bestas. 2 Archit ornato em forma de corbelha. 3 anquinhas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pannier

  • 11 rat

    1. noun
    1) (a small animal with a long tail, like a mouse but larger: The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.) ratazana
    2) (an offensive word for an unpleasant and untrustworthy person.) patife
    2. verb
    1) (to break an agreement, promise etc.) quebrar promessas
    2) (to betray one's friends, colleagues etc: The police know we're here. Someone must have ratted.) delatar
    - smell a rat
    * * *
    [ræt] n 1 Zool rato, ratazana. 2 fig pessoa baixa, vil, desleal. 3 coll vira-casaca, desertor, trânsfuga. 4 coll fura-greve, fura parede, operário que ocupa o lugar de outro em greve ou que trabalha por salário inferior ao fixado pelo sindicato. 5 informante. 6 enchimento de cabelo para penteado. • vi 1 caçar ratos. 2 portar-se de modo baixo. 3 furar a greve ou trabalhar por salário inferior ao fixado. 4 delatar, informar. as poor as a rat pobre como um rato. a rat out sl retirada desleal ou desprezível. like a drowned rat molhado como um pinto. to smell a rat pressentir, suspeitar de uma tramóia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rat

  • 12 tight

    1. adjective
    1) (fitting very or too closely: I couldn't open the box because the lid was too tight; My trousers are too tight.) apertado
    2) (stretched to a great extent; not loose: He made sure that the ropes were tight.) esticado
    3) ((of control etc) strict and very careful: She keeps (a) tight control over her emotions.) rigoroso
    4) (not allowing much time: We hope to finish this next week but the schedule's a bit tight.) apertado
    2. adverb
    ((also tightly) closely; with no extra room or space: The bags were packed tight / tightly packed.) apertado
    - - tight
    - tighten
    - tightness
    - tights
    - tight-fisted
    - tightrope
    - a tight corner/spot
    - tighten one's belt
    * * *
    [tait] adj 1 firme, compacto, comprimido. 2 esticado, teso. 3 justo, apertado. 4 cerrado, fechado. 5 bêbado. 6 Amer sovina, avarento. • adv firmemente. air tight hermeticamente fechado. a tight corner uma situação difícil. hold tight! agarre firme! it was a tight fit foi por pouco, foi por um triz. tight as a drum/ tight as an owl completamente embriagado, bêbado. to be in a tight corner sl estar em apuros. to run a tight ship controlar uma organização ou grupo eficiente. water tight impermeável à água.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tight

  • 13 bag lady

    noun (a homeless woman who carries around with her all her belongings, usually in shopping bags: Bag ladies often sleep on benches in public parks and railway stations.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bag lady

  • 14 bag

    [bæɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a container made of soft material (eg cloth, animal skin, plastic etc): She carried a small bag.) saco
    2) (a quantity of fish or game caught: Did you get a good bag today?) butim
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a bag.) ensacar
    2) (to kill (game).) abater (caça)
    - bags of - in the bag - bag lady

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bag

  • 15 bag lady

    noun (a homeless woman who carries around with her all her belongings, usually in shopping bags: Bag ladies often sleep on benches in public parks and railway stations.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bag lady

  • 16 carry

    1) (to take from one place etc to another: She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.) carregar
    2) (to go from one place to another: Sound carries better over water.) transmitir
    3) (to support: These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.) sustentar
    4) (to have or hold: This job carries great responsibility.) acarretar
    5) (to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes: The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.) aprovar, vencer
    6) (to hold (oneself) in a certain way: He carries himself like a soldier.) conduzir(-se)

    ((slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.)

    ((of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.)

    - carry-cot - be/get carried away - carry forward - carry off - carry on - carry out - carry weight

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > carry

  • 17 hemp

    (a plant from which is obtained) a coarse fibre used to make rope, bags, sails etc and the drug cannabis (hashish or marijuana). cânhamo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hemp

  • 18 of

    1) (belonging to: a friend of mine.) de
    2) (away from (a place etc); after (a given time): within five miles of London; within a year of his death.) de
    3) (written etc by: the plays of Shakespeare.) de
    4) (belonging to or forming a group: He is one of my friends.) de
    5) (showing: a picture of my father.) de
    6) (made from; consisting of: a dress of silk; a collection of pictures.) de
    7) (used to show an amount, measurement of something: a gallon of petrol; five bags of coal.) de
    8) (about: an account of his work.) de
    9) (containing: a box of chocolates.) de
    10) (used to show a cause: She died of hunger.) de
    11) (used to show a loss or removal: She was robbed of her jewels.) de
    12) (used to show the connection between an action and its object: the smoking of a cigarette.) de
    13) (used to show character, qualities etc: a man of courage.) de
    14) ((American) (of time) a certain number of minutes before (the hour): It's ten minutes of three.) para

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > of

  • 19 packing

    1) (the act of putting things in bags, cases etc: He has done his packing tonight as he is leaving in the morning.) acondicionamento
    2) (the materials (paper, string etc) used to wrap things for posting etc: He unwrapped the vase and threw away the packing.) embalagem

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > packing

  • 20 pannier

    (one of a pair of baskets, bags etc carried on either side of the back of a horse, bicycle, motorbike etc.) caçuá

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pannier

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bags — may refer to:* More than one bag. * Jeff Bagwell, a former Major League Baseball player. * Milt Jackson, a famous jazz vibraphonist nicknamed Bags . * Oxford bags, a form of baggy trousers originating from the University of Oxford. * Cornhole… …   Wikipedia

  • bags — Brit. dated loose fitting trousers. → bag bags loose folds of skin under a person s eyes. → bag …   English new terms dictionary

  • bags I — ► bags (or bags I) Brit. informal a child s expression used to make a claim to something. Main Entry: ↑bag …   English terms dictionary

  • bags — ► bags (or bags I) Brit. informal a child s expression used to make a claim to something. Main Entry: ↑bag …   English terms dictionary

  • bags (I) … — bags (I)… idiom (BrE) (NAmE ˈdibs on…) used to claim sth as yours before sb else can claim it • Bags I sit in the front seat! …   Useful english dictionary

  • bags —    trousers    An abbreviation of leg bags and a survival from the 19th century taboo on trousers:     The shapeless flannels which he called his bags. (Manning, 1965) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • bags — spoken BrE Bags I! used by children to claim something that they want: Bags I the biggest cake! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • bags — Verb. To claim as one s own due to being the first to make such a claim. E.g. Bags I go first. Informal Noun. Trousers. Informal …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • bags — /bægz / (say bagz) verb (t) (bagsed, bagsing) Colloquial (usually in children s speech) to make a claim for: I bags sitting on the outside. Also, Especially Qld, bar. {third person singular of bag to put into a bag (as of a hunting trophy), used… …  

  • bags —  1. Trousers.  2. bags I I claim Juv …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • Bags’ Groove (Album) — Bags’ Groove Studioalbum von Miles Davis Veröffentlichung 1957 Label Prestige Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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