1 baggage reclaim
2 baggage
['bægɪdʒ]ideological baggage — fig. bagaglio ideologico
••* * *['bæɡi‹](luggage: He sent his baggage on in advance.) bagaglio* * *baggage /ˈbægɪdʒ/n.1 [u] (spec. USA) bagaglio, bagagli: to see one's baggage though customs, passare il controllo bagagli; (aeron.) baggage allowance, peso consentito ( di bagaglio); baggage check, scontrino del bagaglio; baggage identification tag, cartellino del bagaglio2 [u] (mil.) salmeria, salmerie3 [u] (rif. a idee, opinioni, esperienze, ecc.) peso; ingombro; bagaglio: theoretical baggage, il peso della teoria; emotional baggage, bagaglio emotivo4 (arc.) sgualdrina; donna di malaffare; bagascia5 (arc.) ragazzetta sfrontata; monella● baggage animals, animali da soma (o da tiro) □ (ferr., USA) baggage car, bagagliaio □ baggage carousel, nastro (trasportatore) bagagli □ (ferr., USA) baggage master, addetto al servizio merci □ (ferr., USA) baggage rack, portabagagli ( a rastrelliera) □ (aeron.) baggage reclaim, (zona del) ritiro bagagli □ (ferr., USA) baggage room, deposito bagagli a mano □ (mil.) baggage train, salmerie.* * *['bægɪdʒ]ideological baggage — fig. bagaglio ideologico
•• -
3 reclaim
[rɪ'kleɪm]1) bonificare [coastal land, marsh]; risanare [site, polluted land]; rendere fertile [ desert]; (recycle) riciclare, recuperare [glass, metal]2) (get back) reclamare, chiedere in restituzione [deposit, money]* * *[ri'kleim]1) (to ask for (something one owns which has been lost, stolen etc and found by someone else): A wallet has been found and can be reclaimed at the manager's office.) (chiedere la restituzione)2) (to make (wasteland) fit for use; to get back (land) from under the sea etc by draining etc.) bonificare•* * *reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/n.5 (ind.) gomma rigenerata● (metall.) reclaim rinse, riasciacquatura di recupero □ to be beyond (o past) reclaim, essere irrecuperabile (o incorreggibile)FALSI AMICI: reclaim non significa né reclamo né réclame. (to) reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/v. t.1 ( anche leg.) recuperare; rivendicare: He can now reclaim his place as England's goalkeeper, ora può recuperare il ruolo di portiere della nazionale inglese● ( sport) to reclaim the lead, recuperare il vantaggio; riandare in testa.* * *[rɪ'kleɪm]1) bonificare [coastal land, marsh]; risanare [site, polluted land]; rendere fertile [ desert]; (recycle) riciclare, recuperare [glass, metal]2) (get back) reclamare, chiedere in restituzione [deposit, money] -
4 reclaim re·claim vt
См. также в других словарях:
baggage reclaim — noun 1. The process whereby (esp long distance) travellers collect their baggage on arrival at their destination 2. The area in an airport terminal, etc where travellers collect their baggage after arrival • • • Main Entry: ↑baggage * * * baggage … Useful english dictionary
baggage reclaim — baggage .reclaim especially BrE also baggage .claim AmE n [U] the place at an airport where you collect your cases and bags after a flight … Dictionary of contemporary English
baggage reclaim — noun The designated location for receiving checked luggage such as the baggage carousels at an airport. Syn: baggage claim … Wiktionary
baggage reclaim — bag|gage re|claim [ ,bægıdʒ rikleım ] noun uncount BRITISH the BAGGAGE CLAIM area of an airport … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
baggage reclaim — UK [ˌbæɡɪdʒ ˈriːkleɪm] / US [ˌbæɡɪdʒ ˈrɪkleɪm] noun [uncountable] tourism British the place in an airport where people get their luggage after a flight … English dictionary
baggage claim — UK US noun [U] (UK baggage reclaim) ► the place in an airport where you get your cases and bags when you arrive after flying: »baggage reclaim area … Financial and business terms
baggage — noun (esp. AmE) ADJECTIVE ▪ carry on, hand (BrE) ▪ checked (esp. AmE), checked in (BrE) ▪ Any sharp objects must go in your checked baggage. ▪ excess … Collocations dictionary
baggage claim — noun an area in an airport where arriving passengers can collect the luggage that has been carried in the hold of the aircraft • Hypernyms: ↑area * * * baggage claim (or baggage claim area) : the area in an airport or bus station where you pick… … Useful english dictionary
baggage claim — noun The designated location for receiving checked luggage such as the baggage carousels at an airport. Syn: baggage reclaim … Wiktionary
reclaim — /rəˈkleɪm / (say ruh klaym) verb (t) 1. to claim or demand the return or restoration of (something or someone): to reclaim baggage; to reclaim someone s affection. 2. to bring (wild, waste, or marshy land) into a condition for cultivation or… …
reclaim — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Reclaim is used after these nouns: ↑baggage {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} verb Reclaim is used with these nouns as the object: ↑heritage, ↑identity, ↑land, ↑tax, ↑throne … Collocations dictionary