1 backward economy
Экономика: отсталая экономика -
2 backward economy
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > backward economy
3 backward economy
4 (a) backward economy
отсталое хозяйство/отсталая экономикаEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) backward economy
5 economy
n1) экономика; хозяйство2) экономия; бережливость•to build up national economy — строить / создавать национальную экономику
to improve one's economy — улучшать состояние экономики
to meet the needs of the national economy for smth — удовлетворять потребности национальной экономики в чем-л.
to rebuild a country's economy — восстанавливать / реконструировать экономику страны
to rehabilitate the war-ravaged national economy — восстанавливать разрушенную войной экономику страны
to remodel the economy — переделывать / изменять экономику
to revitalize / to revive the economy — возрождать / оживлять экономику
to satisfy the needs of the national economy for smth — удовлетворять потребности национальной экономики в чем-л.
to stimulate one's domestic economy — стимулировать рост экономики внутри страны
- adversely affected branches of economyto tighten one's economy hold — усиливать свое экономическое влияние
- agricultural economy
- ailing economy
- ailing economies of the Third World
- all-embracing economy
- appalling state of the economy
- balanced development of the branches of economy
- barter economy
- beleaguered economy
- black economy
- buoyancy in a country's economy
- buoyant economy
- business economy
- capitalist economy
- centralized economy
- centrally planned economy
- closed economy
- cohesive economy
- collapsing economy
- colonialist economy
- command economy
- commanding heights of the economy
- competitive economy
- complementary economies
- consumer economy
- controlled economy
- crippled economy
- crisis-free economy
- critical state of the economy
- day-to-day running of economy
- debt-ridden economy
- defense economy
- developed economy
- developed national economy
- developing economy
- dire state of the economy
- disrupted economy
- domestic economy
- economy catches its breath
- economy constricts
- economy expands
- economy goes deeper into crisis
- economy goes into a decline
- economy is buoyant
- economy is close to collapse
- economy is coming out of recession
- economy is crumbling
- economy is diving into a recession
- economy is facing a slump
- economy is faltering
- economy is headed upward
- economy is in a dreadful state
- economy is in a state of collapse
- economy is in bad condition
- economy is in recession
- economy is in the doldrums
- economy is not out of the woods yet
- economy is rolling downhill
- economy is sagging
- economy is seriously unbalanced
- economy is shrinking
- economy of disarmament
- economy of fuel
- economy of one-sided development
- economy of scarcity
- economy recovers
- economy undergoing charges
- economy will undergo drastic surgical measures
- economy with a high rate of growth in per capita output
- economies of industrialized countries are booming
- economies of scale
- economies on labor
- economies on social services
- emerging economy
- engineering economy
- exchange economy
- expanding economy
- fast developing economy
- flagging economy
- fragile economy
- frail economy
- free economy
- free enterprise economy
- freewheeling economy
- full employment economy
- ghost economy
- gilt-edged economy
- global economy
- gray economy
- green economy
- gross mismanagement of economy
- growth of the economy
- growth rate of the economy
- healthy economy
- high employment economy
- high interest rates further dampen down the economy
- highly developed branches of the economy
- home economy
- humane economy
- industrial economy
- inflationary pressures on the economy
- intensification of economy
- laissez-faire economy
- less centralized grip on the economy
- lop-sided economy
- low pressure economy
- major economy
- management of the economy
- market economy
- market-oriented economy
- mature economy
- mechanics of economy
- militarization of the economy
- militarized economy
- military economy
- mixed economy
- modernization of the economy
- monetary economy
- moribund economy
- multibranch economy
- multisectoral economy
- multistructrural economy
- national economy
- no-growth period of economy
- ongoing trends in the world economy
- overheated economy
- peace-time economy
- peasant economy
- plan-based economy
- planless economy
- plan-market economy
- planned economy
- pluralistic economy - powerful economy
- private economy
- private enterprise economy
- private sector of the economy
- progressive transformation of the economy
- protected economy
- public sector of the economy
- rapid expansion of the economy
- ravaged economy
- recovery in economy
- reforming of the economy along western lines
- regulated market economy
- retooling of the national economy
- revitalization of the economy
- robber economy
- robust economy
- run-down economy
- rural economy
- sagging economy
- sane economy
- self-sustained economy
- shadow economy
- shaky economy
- shattered economy
- shift away from central control of the economy
- shift to a market economy
- sick economy
- siege economy
- simple commodity economy
- size of the economy
- slide in the economy
- slowing of economy
- sluggish economy
- socialist economy
- socialist system of economy
- socialized economy
- sound economy
- Soviet-style economy
- spaceman economy
- spontaneous economy
- stability of economy
- stagnant economy - state-run economy
- stationary economy
- steady-state economy
- strict economy
- strong economy
- study of world economy
- subsistence economy
- sustained growth of economy
- swift transition to market economy
- swiss-cheese economy
- switchover to a market economy
- the country's economy grew by 10 per cent
- the country's economy has been in better shape than before
- the country's economy is in a pretty bad way
- the country's economy is in dire trouble
- tottering economy
- transition to market economy
- troubled economy
- turnaround in the economy
- two interlined economies
- unbalanced economy
- under-the-table economy
- unstable economy
- viable economy
- war economy
- war-ravaged economy
- war-time economy
- weakening of the economy
- world economy -
6 economy
n1) хозяйство, экономика2) экономия, бережливость3) ( economies) экономия, сбережения
- advanced economy
- agricultural economy
- atomistic economy
- backward economy
- barter economy
- black economy
- burgeoning informal economy
- business economy
- capitalist economy
- cash economy
- city economy
- closed economy
- command economy
- commercial economy
- commodity economy
- competitive economies
- controlled economy
- decentralized exchange economy
- defence economy
- dependent economy
- developed economy
- developing economy
- dire economy
- directed economy
- diversified economy
- domestic economy
- engineering economy
- exchange economy
- external economies
- farm economy
- free enterprise economy
- global economy
- grain economy
- home economy
- industrial economy
- integrated economy
- internal economies
- international economy
- local economies
- managed economy
- market economy
- market-directed economy
- market-driven economy
- mature economy
- maximum economy
- military economy
- mixed economy
- multi-branch economy
- municipal economy
- national economy
- natural economy
- open economy
- payable economy
- paying economy
- planned economy
- political economy
- profitable economy
- rigid economy
- rural economy
- scale economies
- self-subsistent peasant economy
- shadow economy
- sick economy
- single crop economy
- stable economy
- stagnant economy
- stationary economy
- steady economy
- struggling economies
- thriving economy
- transition economy
- underground economy
- unstable economy
- well-balanced economy
- world economy
- economy of abundance
- economy of funds
- economies of regions
- economies of scale
- economy of scarcity
- economies of scope
- economy of space
- economy of time
- boost the economy
- ensure economy
- introduce economies
- promote the regional economy
- regenerate the economy
- reorganize the economy
- restruct the economy
- restructure the economy
- revitalize the economy
- revive the economyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > economy
7 economy
8 backward
['bækwəd]adjотсталый, слаборазвитый, отстающий- backward country- backward economy
- backward pupil
- backward children -
9 sector
nсектор; сфера; отрасль; часть; участокto call for a greater role for the private sector — выступать с призывом увеличить роль частного сектора
- agricultural sectorto give the public sector priority in smth — предоставлять государственному сектору приоритет в чем-л.
- backward sectors
- basic development sectors
- commodity sector
- cooperative sector
- declining sector of the economy
- defense-industrial sector
- domestic market oriented sector
- domestic sector
- economic sector
- export sector
- financial sector
- general government sector
- government sector
- health sector
- industrial sector
- major sectors
- manufacturing sector
- modern sector
- national sector
- nongovernment sector
- predominance of the public sector in the economy
- primary sector
- priority sectors
- private sector
- public sector
- service sector
- social sector
- state sector
- strategic sector
- sunrise sectors of the economy
- trade sector -
10 country
n1) страна2) родина, отечество3) местность, территория
- agrarian country
- agricultural country
- backward country
- blend country
- borrowing country
- Commonwealth country
- competitor country
- creditor country
- debitor country
- debt-distressed country
- debtor country
- debt-plagued country
- defaulter country
- deficit country
- developing country
- developed country
- embargoed country
- exhibiting country
- exporting country
- fast track country
- foreign country
- founding country
- high-income country
- highly indebted middle-income country
- home country
- host country
- importing country
- impoverished country
- industrial country
- industrialized country
- industrially advanced country
- lending country
- low-income country
- low tax country
- manufacturing country
- maritime country
- market-eligible country
- member country
- neighbouring countries
- nonmarket-economy country
- overseas countries
- participating country
- petroleum exporting countries
- poor country
- primary producing country
- processing country
- producer country
- producing country
- purchasing country
- raw material producing country
- recipient country
- supplying country
- third world country
- transit country
- country at risk
- country in transition
- country of birth
- country of destination
- country of dispatch
- country of exportation
- country of exports
- country of importation
- country of issue
- country of manufacture
- country of origin
- country of production
- country of residence
- country with market economy
- country with transitional economyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > country
11 country
1. n1) страна; государство2) местность, территория3) (the country) деревня, сельская местность; провинция•to address the country — обращаться / выступать с обращением к стране
to antagonize a country — восстанавливать против себя какую-л. страну
to break with a country — разрывать (дипломатические) отношения с какой-л. страной
to bring a country under one's control — устанавливать контроль над страной
to control a country — контролировать положение в стране; управлять страной
to cut connections with a country — разрывать отношения / связи со страной
to declare war (up)on a country — объявлять войну какой-л. стране
to defect to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to distance oneself from a country — отмежевываться от какой-л. страны
to engulf a country — охватывать всю страну (о волне демонстраций, арестов и т.п.)
to enter a country illegally / without permission / by the back door — нелегально въезжать в страну
to flee to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to force a country to its knees — перен. ставить страну на колени
to gang up against a country — объединяться против какой-л. страны
to get tough with a country — занять жесткую позицию по отношению к какой-л. стране
to lead a country — руководить / управлять страной
to leave a country altogether — выходить из состава страны; отделяться от страны
to liberate a country — освобождать страну (от чужеземного ига и т.п.)
to make a country one's home — обретать родину в какой-л. стране
to move out of a country — выезжать из страны; покидать страну
to rule a country with an iron fist — править / управлять страной железной рукой
to start smiling at a country — начинать заигрывать с какой-л. страной
to strike back against a country — наносить ответный удар по какой-л. стране
to take over a country — брать на себя руководство / управление страной
- one country - two systemsto tighten one's grip on the country — усиливать свою власть в стране
- adoptive country
- advanced country
- African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
- agrarian country
- agricultural country
- aid-giving country
- all across the country
- applicant country
- arms-producing country
- arms-recipient country
- assisted country
- assisting country
- associated countries
- backward country
- belligerent country
- capital-exporting country
- capital-importing country
- change of policy on a country
- civilized country
- coastal country
- colonial country
- Common Market countries
- Commonwealth countries
- consuming country
- contributing country
- countries allied against smb
- countries of the Arab world
- countries of the Delhi Six
- countr's dissolution into several parts
- country at war
- country awashed with guns
- country divided on racial lines
- country has been battered by the financial crisis
- country is at crossroads
- country is falling apart
- country is heading towards dictatorship
- country is in the throes of a revolution
- country of adoption
- country of destination
- country of origin
- country of residence
- country of service
- country split apart by a civil war
- country torn apart by a guerilla war
- country under occupation
- creditor country
- debtor country
- defeated country
- deficit country
- dependent country
- developed country
- developing country
- disintegration of a country
- dismemberment of a country
- division of a country
- donor country
- economically dependent country
- economically independent country
- emergent country
- English-speaking countries
- enslaved country - exporting country
- ex-Warsaw Pact country
- flare-up between two countries
- for the good of the country
- founding of a country
- fragmentation of a country
- French-speaking African countries
- friendly country
- geographical position of a country
- geographically disadvantaged country
- giving country
- Gulf countries
- high-income country
- highly developed country
- highly industrialized country
- hinterland country
- home country
- host country
- importing country
- indebted country
- independent country
- industrialized advanced countries
- industrialized developed countries
- industrially advanced countries
- industrially developed countries - invasion of a country
- inviting country
- island country
- land-locked country
- leading country
- least developed countries
- lender country
- lending country
- less-developed country
- littoral country
- low-income country
- low-tax country
- Maghreb countries
- major trading countries
- manufacturing country
- market-economy country
- Mediterranean country
- medium-sized country
- member country
- metropolitan country
- middle-sized country
- more developed country
- most seriously affected countries
- mother country
- MSA countries
- multilateral countries
- multinational country
- national characteristics of a country
- NATO countries
- needy country
- neighboring country
- neutral country
- new developing countries
- newly industrializing country
- nonaligned country
- nonassociated countries
- non-EU country
- nonmember country
- nonnuclear country
- nonoil country
- non-OPEC country
- nonsterling country
- nuclear country
- nuclear-free country
- offensive action into a country
- oil-consuming country
- oil-exporting country
- oil-importing country
- oil-producing country
- Old country
- one-crop country
- overpopulated country
- over-represented country
- participating country - peace-loving country
- Persian Gulf countries
- petroleum-exporting country
- petroleum-importing country
- planned economy country
- plight of a country
- political breakup of the country
- poor country
- populous country
- poverty-belt country
- poverty-stricken country
- primary exporting country
- primary producing country
- producing country
- prosperous country
- readmission of a country to an international organization
- receiving country
- recipient country
- reserve-currency country
- resource-poor country
- revitalization of the country
- satellite country
- self-sufficiency of a country
- semi-colonial country
- severely indebted country
- single-resource country
- small countries
- socialist country
- sponsor country
- staunchly Islamic country
- sterling country
- supplier country
- surplus country
- takeover of a country
- target country
- territorial claims on a country
- third countries
- Third World countries
- threshold country
- throughout the country
- trade-intensive country
- trading country
- transit country
- treaty country
- trouble country
- under-represented country
- unfriendly country
- unified country
- unsympathetic country
- vassal country
- veiled reference to a country
- war-crippled country
- war-ravaged country
- war-torn country
- well-developed country
- Western countries
- Western European country 2. attrудаленный от центра, провинциальный -
12 country
1) страна2) родина, отечество3) район, сельская местность -
13 country
nстрана, государство -
14 channel
1. сущ.1) общ. канал, русло; пролив2) марк. = distribution channelSee:administered channel, backward channel, commercial channel 2), cost effective channel, distribution channel, distributive channel, expert channel, feedback channel, market channel, marketing channel, one level channel, one-level channel, retail channel, shopping channel, social channel, three level channel, three-level channel, trade channel, two level channel, two-level channel, zero level channel, zero-level channel, channel arrangement, channel capacity, channel captain, channel competition 1), channel conflict, channel decision, channel design, channel loyalty, channel member, channel of distribution, channel of sales 1), channel power, channel satisfaction3) упр. канал связи ( средство передачи информации)See:4) СМИ канал (телевизионный, радио)See:, commercial channel 1), public service channel, channel competition 2), channel of sales 2) COMBS:,2. гл.1) общ. проводить канал2) общ. направлять в (определенное) руслоFinancial institution is an organization that helps to channel funds through an economy. — Финансовый институт является организацией, которая помогает проводить средства через хозяйственную систему.
15 speed
скорость; число оборотов; ускорятьat a speed of Mach 3 — при скорости, соответствующей числу М=3
best (cost) cruising speed — наивыгоднейшая [экономическая] крейсерская скорость полёта
clean (configuration) stall speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при убранных механизации и шасси
engine-out discontinued approach speed — скорость ухода на второй круг с минимальной высоты при одном неработающем двигателе
flap(-down, -extended) speed — скорость полёта с выпущенными [отклонёнными] закрылками
forward с.g. stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при передней центровке
hold the speed down — уменьшать [гасить] скорость
minimum single-engine control speed — минимальная эволютивная скорость полёта с одним (работающим) двигателем (из двух)
minimum speedln a stall — минимальная скорость срыва [сваливания]
one-engine-inoperative power-on stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при одном отказавшем двигателе
rearward с.g. stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при задней центровке
representative cruising air speed — типовая крейсерская воздушная скорость, скорость полёта на типичном крейсерском режиме
speed over the top — скорость в верхней точке (траектории, маневра)
zero rate of climb speed — скорость полёта при нулевой скороподъёмности [вертикальной скорости]
— speed up
См. также в других словарях:
Economy of West Bengal — Economy of West Bengal, a state in eastern India, is highly dependent on agriculture. Agriculture is the chief occupation of the people of the state. Majority of the state population are cultivators and agricultural labours. Rice is considered to … Wikipedia
Economy of India — The economy of India, measured in USD exchange rate terms, is the twelfth largest in the world, with a GDP of around $1 trillion (2008). [http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Business/Economy loses trillion dollar status/articleshow/3186378.cms The … Wikipedia
Economy of South Korea — The economy of South Korea is the third largest in Asia and the 13th largest in the world by GDP (PPP) as of 2007. In the aftermath of the Korean War, South Korea grew from a poor developing country to a wealthy developed country. From the mid to … Wikipedia
Economy of East Germany — Like other East European communist states, the German Democratic Republic (GDR East Germany) had a centrally planned economy (CPE) similar to the one in the former Soviet Union, in contrast to the market economies or mixed economies of most… … Wikipedia
Economy of Equatorial Guinea — Infobox Economy country = Equatorial Guinea currency = Communaute Financiere Africaine franc (XAF) year = calendar year organs = UDEAC, ECCAS rank = 108th gdp = $25.69 billion (2005) growth = 18.6% (2005) per capita = $50,200 (2005) sectors =… … Wikipedia
Economy of Himachal Pradesh — The era of economic planning started in Himachal Pradesh in 1948. The first five year plan allocated about Rs.5.27 crore to Himachal. More than 50% of this expenditure was spent on transport facilities since it was felt that without proper it,… … Wikipedia
Economy of Bhutan — Infobox Economy country = Bhutan width = caption = currency = ngultrum (BTN); Indian rupee (INR) year = 1 July 30 June organs = SAFTA rank = 169th gdp = $3.5 billion (2006 est.) growth = 8.8% (2005 est.) per capita = $1,400 (2003 est.) sectors =… … Wikipedia
Economy of the Kingdom of Mysore — The Kingdom of Mysore (Kannada ಮೈಸೂರು ಸಾಮ್ರಾಜ್ಯ ) (1399 1947 CE) was a kingdom of southern India founded in 1399 by Yaduraya in the region of the modern city of Mysore. The Wodeyar dynasty ruled the Southern Karnataka region until Indian… … Wikipedia
Critical minimum effort theory — The critical minimum effort theory has been given by Harvey Leibenstein, in his book Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. This theory relates to overpopulated and underdeveloped or developing nations such as India and Indonesia.This theory… … Wikipedia
Classical theory of growth and stagnation — Classical economics refers to work done by a group of economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theories developed mainly focused on the way market economies functioned. Classical Economics study mainly concentrates on the… … Wikipedia
Beed — This article is about the municipality in Maharashtra, India. For its namesake district, see Beed district. Beed बीड · بیڑ town … Wikipedia