1 backup personnel
Авиационная медицина: дополнительный личный состав, дополнительный персонал, дублеры, запасной личный состав, запасной персонал -
2 backup personnel
• дублерыАнгло-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > backup personnel
3 backup team
упр. группа поддержки [помощи\], вспомогательная группа (группа специалистов в определенной области, которая существует для оказания помощи различным подразделениям организации по мере необходимости)To support the manufacturing there is a backup team of engineering and production personnel. — Для поддержки производственного процесса действует вспомогательная команда инженеров и рабочих.
He's going into convulsions here. Blood pressure's gone way up. We need some backup in here! Get that backup team in here. Hurry! — У него конвульсии и давление зашкаливает! Нам нужна помощь! Срочно вызовите сюда группу помощи!
We have a winter emergency backup team that uses helicopters on occasions. — У нас есть зимняя группа поддержки на случай чрезвычайных ситуаций, которая иногда использует вертолеты.
Syn: -
4 personnel backup
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > personnel backup
5 paramedical personnel
English-Russian big medical dictionary > paramedical personnel
6 security personnel
7 service personnel
8 chemistry personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > chemistry personnel
9 duly authorized personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > duly authorized personnel
10 engineering control personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > engineering control personnel
11 in-plant personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > in-plant personnel
12 isotope personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > isotope personnel
13 operating personnel
технический персонал; обслуживающий персоналEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > operating personnel
14 refresher course personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > refresher course personnel
15 site personnel
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > site personnel
16 staff backup
17 support
поддержка; обеспечение; тыловое обеспечение; материально-техническое обеспечение; МТО; обслуживание; головной отряд ( авангарда) ; сторожевая застава; второй эшелон ( в обороне) ; тыловой отряд; поддерживать; обеспечивать; обслуживать;C3 support — обеспечение средствами оперативного управления и связи; обеспечение органов руководства, управления и связи
nuclear (weapons) logistical support — тыловое обеспечение [МТО] применения ЯО
nuclear (weapons) logistics support — тыловое обеспечение [МТО] применения ЯО
— chemical corps support— cryptologistics support— logistical support— munitions logistic support— transportation support -
18 CPS
1) Общая лексика: Contractor Performance System (USPS Purchasing and Material Management Information Systems WEB based application that allows purchasing personnel within the federal government to have access. It allows purchasing personnel to evaluate suppliers c), Crown Prosecution Service2) Компьютерная техника: customer premises service, число знаков в секунду (characters per second)3) Авиация: command power supply4) Медицина: Child-Pugh Score5) Военный термин: COMSEC Parent Switch, Collection Problem Set, Collective Protective Equipment, Combat Protection System, Communications Processing System, Competitive Prototyping Strategy, Complete Protection System, Correlation Processing Subsystem, Cost Per Shot, Craft Positioning System, central power system, central processing system, command personnel summary, contractor plant services, crew procedures simulator6) Техника: calling signaling processing, canister positioning system, communication power supply, communications processor system, computerized procedure system, computerized publishing system, condensate polishing system, containment purge system, control and protection system, conversion program system, conversional program system, core and plant system, прибор, состоящий из преобразователя и сенсора (complete point solution), complete point solution7) Шутливое выражение: Canon Poor Service8) Юридический термин: Child Protection Services, Child Protective Services, Corporate Prevention Services9) Автомобильный термин: cam position sensor, central power supply, crank position sensor10) Оптика: cathode potential stabilization11) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Pre Selection, Certification Practice Statement, Customer Premises System12) Сокращение: Cardinal Points Specification (UK), Cellular Priority Services, Certified Professional Secretary, Covert Penetration System, Current Population Survey, Criminal Protection Society13) Университет: Classroom Performance System14) Физика: chemical power source (химический источник энергии)15) Физиология: Complex Partial Seizure16) Электроника: Control Points Similar17) Нефть: centipoise per second18) Онкология: Cancer Prevention Survey19) Космонавтика: Contracts and Procurement Service (UN, DTCD)20) Транспорт: Computerized Piloting System21) Силикатное производство: cold pressing and sintering22) Фирменный знак: California Power Systems, Canon Professional Service, Constellation Power Source, Inc.23) Реклама: cost per sale24) СМИ: Cycles Pro Second25) Деловая лексика: Combination Product Set, уголовный суд (Великобритания, Crown Prosecution Service)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cathodic protection station, cathodic protection system, система катодной защиты (cathode protection system)27) Сетевые технологии: Communication Platform Services, characters per second, символов в секунду28) Полимеры: critical path schedule29) Программирование: Cyber Physical System (Киберфизическая система)30) Автоматика: controlled path system31) Ядерная физика: CERN Proton Synchrotron32) Контроль качества: critical path scheduling33) Сахалин Р: Computational Pipeline System, cathode protection system34) Сахалин Ю: central power station35) Химическое оружие: commercial power source36) Безопасность: collection and processing system37) Расширение файла: Color PostScript, Conversational Programming System, Cycles Per Second, Backup of startup files (QEMM)38) Нефть и газ: ЭХЗ, антикоррозийная защита, антикоррозионная защита, защита от коррозии, система защиты от коррозии, электрохимическая защита, corrosion protection, corrosion protection system, condensate pumping station, Condensate Pump Station, КНС40) NYSE. Choicepoint, Inc.41) Программное обеспечение: Contacts Publications Software42) Единицы измерений: Centimetres Per Second, Chips Per Second -
19 CPs
1) Общая лексика: Contractor Performance System (USPS Purchasing and Material Management Information Systems WEB based application that allows purchasing personnel within the federal government to have access. It allows purchasing personnel to evaluate suppliers c), Crown Prosecution Service2) Компьютерная техника: customer premises service, число знаков в секунду (characters per second)3) Авиация: command power supply4) Медицина: Child-Pugh Score5) Военный термин: COMSEC Parent Switch, Collection Problem Set, Collective Protective Equipment, Combat Protection System, Communications Processing System, Competitive Prototyping Strategy, Complete Protection System, Correlation Processing Subsystem, Cost Per Shot, Craft Positioning System, central power system, central processing system, command personnel summary, contractor plant services, crew procedures simulator6) Техника: calling signaling processing, canister positioning system, communication power supply, communications processor system, computerized procedure system, computerized publishing system, condensate polishing system, containment purge system, control and protection system, conversion program system, conversional program system, core and plant system, прибор, состоящий из преобразователя и сенсора (complete point solution), complete point solution7) Шутливое выражение: Canon Poor Service8) Юридический термин: Child Protection Services, Child Protective Services, Corporate Prevention Services9) Автомобильный термин: cam position sensor, central power supply, crank position sensor10) Оптика: cathode potential stabilization11) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Pre Selection, Certification Practice Statement, Customer Premises System12) Сокращение: Cardinal Points Specification (UK), Cellular Priority Services, Certified Professional Secretary, Covert Penetration System, Current Population Survey, Criminal Protection Society13) Университет: Classroom Performance System14) Физика: chemical power source (химический источник энергии)15) Физиология: Complex Partial Seizure16) Электроника: Control Points Similar17) Нефть: centipoise per second18) Онкология: Cancer Prevention Survey19) Космонавтика: Contracts and Procurement Service (UN, DTCD)20) Транспорт: Computerized Piloting System21) Силикатное производство: cold pressing and sintering22) Фирменный знак: California Power Systems, Canon Professional Service, Constellation Power Source, Inc.23) Реклама: cost per sale24) СМИ: Cycles Pro Second25) Деловая лексика: Combination Product Set, уголовный суд (Великобритания, Crown Prosecution Service)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cathodic protection station, cathodic protection system, система катодной защиты (cathode protection system)27) Сетевые технологии: Communication Platform Services, characters per second, символов в секунду28) Полимеры: critical path schedule29) Программирование: Cyber Physical System (Киберфизическая система)30) Автоматика: controlled path system31) Ядерная физика: CERN Proton Synchrotron32) Контроль качества: critical path scheduling33) Сахалин Р: Computational Pipeline System, cathode protection system34) Сахалин Ю: central power station35) Химическое оружие: commercial power source36) Безопасность: collection and processing system37) Расширение файла: Color PostScript, Conversational Programming System, Cycles Per Second, Backup of startup files (QEMM)38) Нефть и газ: ЭХЗ, антикоррозийная защита, антикоррозионная защита, защита от коррозии, система защиты от коррозии, электрохимическая защита, corrosion protection, corrosion protection system, condensate pumping station, Condensate Pump Station, КНС40) NYSE. Choicepoint, Inc.41) Программное обеспечение: Contacts Publications Software42) Единицы измерений: Centimetres Per Second, Chips Per Second -
20 Cps
1) Общая лексика: Contractor Performance System (USPS Purchasing and Material Management Information Systems WEB based application that allows purchasing personnel within the federal government to have access. It allows purchasing personnel to evaluate suppliers c), Crown Prosecution Service2) Компьютерная техника: customer premises service, число знаков в секунду (characters per second)3) Авиация: command power supply4) Медицина: Child-Pugh Score5) Военный термин: COMSEC Parent Switch, Collection Problem Set, Collective Protective Equipment, Combat Protection System, Communications Processing System, Competitive Prototyping Strategy, Complete Protection System, Correlation Processing Subsystem, Cost Per Shot, Craft Positioning System, central power system, central processing system, command personnel summary, contractor plant services, crew procedures simulator6) Техника: calling signaling processing, canister positioning system, communication power supply, communications processor system, computerized procedure system, computerized publishing system, condensate polishing system, containment purge system, control and protection system, conversion program system, conversional program system, core and plant system, прибор, состоящий из преобразователя и сенсора (complete point solution), complete point solution7) Шутливое выражение: Canon Poor Service8) Юридический термин: Child Protection Services, Child Protective Services, Corporate Prevention Services9) Автомобильный термин: cam position sensor, central power supply, crank position sensor10) Оптика: cathode potential stabilization11) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Pre Selection, Certification Practice Statement, Customer Premises System12) Сокращение: Cardinal Points Specification (UK), Cellular Priority Services, Certified Professional Secretary, Covert Penetration System, Current Population Survey, Criminal Protection Society13) Университет: Classroom Performance System14) Физика: chemical power source (химический источник энергии)15) Физиология: Complex Partial Seizure16) Электроника: Control Points Similar17) Нефть: centipoise per second18) Онкология: Cancer Prevention Survey19) Космонавтика: Contracts and Procurement Service (UN, DTCD)20) Транспорт: Computerized Piloting System21) Силикатное производство: cold pressing and sintering22) Фирменный знак: California Power Systems, Canon Professional Service, Constellation Power Source, Inc.23) Реклама: cost per sale24) СМИ: Cycles Pro Second25) Деловая лексика: Combination Product Set, уголовный суд (Великобритания, Crown Prosecution Service)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cathodic protection station, cathodic protection system, система катодной защиты (cathode protection system)27) Сетевые технологии: Communication Platform Services, characters per second, символов в секунду28) Полимеры: critical path schedule29) Программирование: Cyber Physical System (Киберфизическая система)30) Автоматика: controlled path system31) Ядерная физика: CERN Proton Synchrotron32) Контроль качества: critical path scheduling33) Сахалин Р: Computational Pipeline System, cathode protection system34) Сахалин Ю: central power station35) Химическое оружие: commercial power source36) Безопасность: collection and processing system37) Расширение файла: Color PostScript, Conversational Programming System, Cycles Per Second, Backup of startup files (QEMM)38) Нефть и газ: ЭХЗ, антикоррозийная защита, антикоррозионная защита, защита от коррозии, система защиты от коррозии, электрохимическая защита, corrosion protection, corrosion protection system, condensate pumping station, Condensate Pump Station, КНС40) NYSE. Choicepoint, Inc.41) Программное обеспечение: Contacts Publications Software42) Единицы измерений: Centimetres Per Second, Chips Per Second
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См. также в других словарях:
Backup site — A backup site is a location where an organization can easily relocate following a disaster, such as fire, flood, terrorist threat or other disruptive event. This is an integral part of the disaster recovery plan and wider business continuity… … Wikipedia
backup — noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1951 1. a. one that serves as a substitute or support < a backup plan > b. musical accompaniment c. additional personnel who … New Collegiate Dictionary
backup — Synonyms and related words: about face, about turn, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, attorney, back track, back trail, backing, backing off, backing out, backing up, backup man, champion, change,… … Moby Thesaurus
personnel — Synonyms and related words: agent, alternate, alternative, analogy, backup, change, changeling, comparison, copy, counterfeit, crew, deputy, double, dummy, employees, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exchange, fake, fighting force, fill in, firepower,… … Moby Thesaurus
personnel — n employees, staff, help, hired help, the help; force, work force, labor force, office force; workers, laborers, labor supply, manpower; members, associates, assemblage, group, crew, gang, troupe, company, Inf. bunch; troops, units, firepower,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Chuck Bartowski — Chuck character Zachary Levi as Chuck Bartowski First appearance Chuck Versus the Intersect … Wikipedia
2008 Texas Tech Red Raiders football team — NCAATeamFootballSeason Year=2008 Team=Texas Tech Red Raiders ImageSize=175 Conference=Big 12 Conference Division=South ShortConference=Big 12 CoachRank=7 APRank=7 Record=5–0 ConfRecord=1–0 HeadCoach=Mike Leach OffCoach=Mike Leach [cite… … Wikipedia
Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes — Personnel from USS Porter loading a recoverable training torpedo into the top tube of a Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes set The Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes (Mk 32 SVTT) system[1] is a torpedo launching system designed for the … Wikipedia
Disaster recovery and business continuity auditing — Disaster recovery and business continuity refers to an organization’s ability to recover from a disaster and/or unexpected event and resume or continue operations. Organizations should have a plan in place (usually referred to as a Disaster… … Wikipedia
Sympathy for the Devil — This article is about the song. For other uses, see Sympathy for the Devil (disambiguation). Sympathy for the Devil Song by The Rolling Stones from the album Beggars Banquet Released 6 December 1968 Recorded June 1968 … Wikipedia
Short Stories (Miyuki Nakajima album) — Infobox Album | Name = Short Stories Type = Album Artist = Miyuki Nakajima Released = November 15, 2000 Recorded = ??? Genre = Folk Rock Length = 54:43 Label = Yamaha Music Communications Producer = Ichizo Seo, Miyuki Nakajima Last album = Hi:… … Wikipedia