1 background light
2 background light
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > background light
3 background light
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > background light
4 background light
5 background light
фоновая засветка, фоновое излучение -
6 background light
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > background light
7 background light
8 background
1) фон || фоновый2) задний план3) строит. поверхность под отделку4) засветка ( экрана индикатора)5) вчт. фоновый режим работы6) предпосылка; подготовка•-
chromakey background
clutter background
color background
computer-generated background
continuous background
cosmic background
cosmological background
dark background
daytime sky background
electronic background
gamma background
grainy background
hard background
infrared background
light background
moving background
neutron background
nighttime sky background
noise background
radiation background
radioactivity background
reference background
single-color background
sky background
soil background
speckled background
stylized background
target background
titles background
uniform background -
9 light
1) свет, видимое излучение; световое излучение2) источник света || светить3) лампа4) фонарь5) фара6) осветитель; светильник7) освещение; подсветка || освещать8) огонь9) световой проём; окно10) стекло ( в оконном переплёте)11) маяк12) мн. ч. светофор•-
achromatic light
actinic light
aeronautical ground light
after light
aircraft light
alarm light
alternating light
ambient light
anchor light
anode light
antidazzle light
antiskid failure light
approach light
arc light
artificial light
autopilot controller light
back light
background light
battery charging light
beacon lights
black light
blinker light
boom light
booster light
borrowed light
boundary lights
bow light
brake fluid warning light
cabin emergency light
camera light
cathode light
circularly polarized light
clear light
coherent light
cold light
collimated light
color light
color position light
concentrated sun light
continuous light
courtesy light
danger light
dark light
daylight running lights
dead light
dial light
direct light
diverging route light
dome light
door light
drop light
edge light
electric light
electronic monitoring system light
elliptically polarized light
emergency exit light
error light
fender light
fixed distance lights
fixed light
flambeau light
flare light
flashing light
flood light
floor light
fluorescent ceiling light
fluorescent light
fog light
gate-arm light
harbor light
head light
hopper light
horizon lights
identification lights
ignition warning light
impinging light
incoherent light
indicating light
indicator light
indicator red light
indirect light
individual reading light
infrared light
instrument light
instrument panel light
invisible light
key light
landing light
lantern light
leaded light
leading light
linearly polarized light
logic light
luminescent light
main light
marker light
mine light
multicolored light
natural light
navigation light
night-sky light
number-plate light
object light
obstacle light
occupancy light
oil-pressure warning light
opening light
parking light
permissible light
permissive light
photovoltaic powered security light
photovoltaic security light
pilot light
pinpoint light
plane-polarized light
playback light
polarized light
polychromatic light
port bow light
portable light
power light
printing light
pulsed laser light
pumping light
pump light
quarter light
Raman-scattered light
Raman light
range light
readout light
rear light
recording light
reflected light
refracted light
releasing light
restrictive light
reversing light
rhythmic light
route-locking light
runway center-line light
runway clearance light
runway edge light
runway end light
runway guard light
runway threshold light
runway touchdown light
scattered light
side light
signal indication light
signal light
starboard bow light
starboard light
starboard side light
stationary light
stay light
steady light
steering light
stern light
stop bars light
stop light
stopway lights
stray light
strobe light
sun light
system fails warning light
tail light
taxiway lights
tell-tale light
thermal light
timing light
track-occupancy light
ultraviolet light
undulating light
visible light
warning light
wing clearance light
writing light -
10 background
1. фон; подготовкаbackground noise — фон ; шумы фона
2. фоновый режим3. фоновыйbackground printing — печать в фоновом режиме; фоновая печать
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > background
11 light
1) свет; свеча; лампа; фонарь; маяк2) мн. ч. световая поверхность окна; оконные стёкла3) фрамуга; форточка; окно; стекло оконного переплёта; листовое стекло4) лёгкий; легковесный5) незначительный; неглубокий6) зажигать; освещать•- arc light - area light - artificial light - background light - back-up light - barrel light - beacon light - boom blinker light - boundary light - candle light - casement light - ceiling light - continuous lights - dazzle light - diffused light - dim light - direct light - drop light - electric light - faint light - flash light - floor light - garden light - glazing light - hopper light - impinging light - incandescent light - indicating light - indirect light - lantern light - natural light - opening light - pavement light - pinpoint light - plastic window lights - polarized light - public space light - radiated light - reflected light - reverse light - roof light - scattered light - sidewalk light - stray light - street traffic control lights - top light - traffic guide light - ultraviolet light - warning lightto turn off the lights — гаситьсвет, выключать свет
* * *1. свет2. светильник, фонарь3. световой проём4. фрамуга, застеклённая створка ( окна); форточка; окно; листовое стекло- alarm light
- approach light
- area light
- barrel light
- barricade light
- borrowed light
- borrow light
- ceiling light
- dome light
- emergency light
- fixed light
- garden light
- high-mast light
- hopper light
- indicating light
- lantern light
- natural light
- north light
- obstruction light
- opening light
- pilot light
- roof light
- runway center line lights
- runway edge lights
- runway end identifier lights
- street light
- taxiway center line lights
- taxiway edge lights
- transom light
- venetian light
- warning light -
12 light
1) свет; освещение2) лампа3) индикаторная [сигнальная] лампа, индикатор4) pl световая сигнализация•- background light
- card feed stop light
- check light
- distant light
- error sense light
- error light
- fail light
- idle light
- indicating light
- inserting a light
- logic light
- Nixie light
- operator-indicator light
- overload light
- panel light
- pass light
- point light
- program stop light
- punch light
- reader light
- ready light
- request light
- sense light
- spot light
- storage light
- tape stop light
- warning lightsEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > light
13 background track
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > background track
14 background track
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > background track
15 background brightness
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > background brightness
16 light background
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > light background
17 light background
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > light background
18 light background
Техника: светлое поле (полярископа), световой фон -
19 light background
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > light background
20 display background
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > display background
См. также в других словарях:
Background light — The background light is used to illuminate the background area of a set. The background light will also provide separation between the subject and the background. In the standard 4 point lighting setup, the background light is placed last and is… … Wikipedia
Extragalactic background light — The Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) or simply the extragalactic background (EGB)is the faint diffuse light of the night sky, consisting of the combined flux of all extragalactic sources. Its main significance for astronomers is that it… … Wikipedia
light — light1 lightful, adj. lightfully, adv. /luyt/, n., adj., lighter, lightest, v., lighted or lit, lighting. n. 1. something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light. 2. Physics … Universalium
Light fixture — This article is about architectural light fixtures. For stage lighting, see Stage lighting instrument. Many various light fixtures A light fixture, light fitting, or luminaire is an electrical device used to create artificial light and/or… … Wikipedia
Light + Shade — Studio album by Mike Oldfield Released 26 September 2005 (2005 09 26 … Wikipedia
Light Rail (MTR) — Light Rail 輕鐵 A Light Rail tr … Wikipedia
Light music — is a generic term applied to a mainly British musical style of light orchestral music, which originated in the 19th Century and had its heyday during the early to mid part of the 20th century, although arguably lasts to the present day. The style … Wikipedia
Light at the End — is a 2007 studio album by the Portland, Maine band Rustic Overtones, the first album put out by the band since its break up in 2002. The album was recorded in the spring of 2007, released on July 24th, 2007 [http://www.bullmoose.com/rel/v2… … Wikipedia
Light Pupil Dilate — Background information Origin Atlanta, Georgia, USA Genres Post pu … Wikipedia
Background Oriented Schlieren technique — Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) is a novel technique for flow visualization of density gradients in fluids using the Gladstone Dale relation between density and refractive index of the fluid.BOS simplifies the visualization process by… … Wikipedia
Background (astronomy) — In astronomy, background commonly refers to the incoming light from an apparently empty part of the night sky. Even if no visible astronomical objects are present in given part of the sky, there always is some low luminosity present, due mostly… … Wikipedia