1 background IP effect
2 background polarization effect
Нефть: влияние фоновой поляризацииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > background polarization effect
3 background IP effect
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > background IP effect
4 background polarization effect
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > background polarization effect
5 background IP effect
фоновые значения вызванной поляризации (элр.)Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > background IP effect
6 background polarization effect
влияние фоновой поляризации (элр.)Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > background polarization effect
7 effect
1) эффект; явление || производить эффект; порождать явление2) влияние; (воз)действие || влиять; оказывать влияние; (воз)действовать; оказывать воздействие3) pl тлв вчт спецэффекты•- ac Hall effect
- ac Josephson effect
- acoustical Faraday effect
- acoustic Doppler effect
- acoustoelectric effect
- acoustoresistive effect
- ambisonic effect
- anisotropic effect
- anode effect
- anomalous Hall effect
- anomalous Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- anomalous Zeeman effect
- antenna effect
- aspect effect
- atomic photoelectric effect
- Auger effect
- avalanche effect
- background effect
- back-porch effect
- back stress effect
- back-wall photoelectric effect
- Barkhausen effect
- Barnett effect
- barrier effect
- base-robbing effect
- binaural effect
- blackout effect
- blindness effect
- Boers effect
- Bragg effect
- Bridgman effect
- bulk effect
- Burstein-Moss effect
- butterfly effect
- capture effect
- Casimir effect
- Cerenkov effect
- channel effect
- charge-storage effect
- cocktail-party effect
- collector-follower effect
- colossal magnetoresistive effect
- comet effect
- Compton effect
- conductivity modulation effect
- contour effect
- conventional skin effect
- converse effect
- converse magnetostrictive effect
- Cooper effect
- Corbino effect
- corner effect
- corona effect
- Cotton effect
- Cotton-Mouton effect
- cryptomagnetic effect
- dc Hall effect
- dc Josephson effect
- dead-end effect
- Debye effect
- Debye-Sears effect
- delayed-sidetone effect
- Dellinger effect
- Dember effect
- dephasing effect
- Destriau effect
- digital multi-effects - domino effect
- Doppler effect
- dynamic pinch effect
- dynamic stereoscopic effect
- dynatron effect
- Early effect
- echo effect
- edge effect
- Edison effect
- Einstein-de Haas effect
- elastooptical effect
- elastoresistive effect
- electroacoustic effect
- electrooptical effect
- electrooptical Kerr effect
- electro-opto-acoustical effect
- electroosmotic effect
- electrophonic effect
- electrophoretic effect
- electroresistive effect
- electrostatic Kerr effect
- electrostrictive effect
- emitter dip effect
- emitter push effect
- end effect
- equatorial Kerr effect
- equatorial magnetooptical Kerr effect
- Esaki effect
- Ettingshausen effect
- external photoelectric effect
- extrinsic photoconductive effect
- extrinsic photoelectric effect
- Faraday effect
- ferroelectric effect
- ferromagnetic proximity effect
- field effect
- field-rejection effect
- fixed effects
- flexoelectric effect
- flicker effect
- flywheel effect
- forbidden effect
- fractional quantum Hall effect
- fringe effect
- galvanomagnetic effects
- galvanothermomagnetic effects
- gap effect
- Gauss effect
- giant Hall effect
- giant magnetoimpedance effect
- giant magnetoresistive effect
- granularity effect
- greenhouse effect
- Gudden-Pohl effect
- Gunn effect
- gyromagnetic effects
- Haas effect
- Hall effect
- Hallwachs effect
- Hanle effect
- heating effect of current
- height effect
- hole-burning effect
- hyperfine effect
- image effect
- inlay effect
- interface effects
- internal photoelectric effect
- intrinsic photoconductive effect
- invar effect
- inverse effect
- inverse Faraday effect
- inverse photoelectric effect
- inverse piezoelectric effect
- island effect
- isotope effect
- Jahn-Teller effect
- Josephson effect
- Joule effect
- junction edge effect
- Kapitza-Dirac effect
- Kerr effect
- Kirk effect
- Kirkendall effect
- Kundt effect
- lagged effect
- laser effect
- Leduc-Righi effect
- linear electrooptic effect
- longitudinal galvanothermomagnetic effect
- longitudinal Kerr effect
- longitudinal magnetoresistive effect
- longitudinal thermomagnetic effect
- long-line effect
- long-run effect
- Lorentz effect
- Lossev effect
- Luxemburg effect
- Maggi-Righi-Leduc effect
- magnetoelastic effect
- magnetoelectric effect
- magnetogalvanic effects
- magnetoimpedance effect
- magnetooptical Kerr effect
- magnetoresistive effect
- magnetostrictive effect
- magnetron effect
- Malter effect
- Meisner effect
- meridional Kerr effect
- meridional magnetooptical Kerr effect
- metamagnetic effect
- metamagnetoelastic effect
- microphonic effect
- microwave biological effect
- Miller effect
- moiré effect
- Mössbauer effect
- motor effect
- multipactor effect
- multipath effect
- multi-valued Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- mutual coupling effect on input impedance
- mutual coupling effect on radiation pattern
- negative resistance effect
- Nernst effect
- Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
- night effect
- normal Hall effect
- normal Zeeman effect
- Nottingham effect
- Ovshinsky effect
- pairing effect
- parallel pumping instability effect
- parallel pumping spin wave instability effect
- Pashen-Back effect
- peak effect
- Peltier effect
- photocapacitor effect
- photoconductive effect
- photodielectric effect
- photodiffusion effect
- photoelastic effect
- photoelectret effect
- photoelectric effect
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoemissive effect
- photomagnetic effect
- photomagnetoelectric effect
- photopiezoelectric effect
- photothermoelectric effect
- photovoltaic effect
- picket-fence effect
- piezoelectric effect
- piezomagnetic effect
- piezomagnetoelectric effect
- piezooptical effect
- piezoresistance effect
- piezoresistive effect
- pinch effect
- pinch-in effect
- Pockels effect
- polar Kerr effect
- polar magnetooptical Kerr effect
- Pool-Frenkel effect
- print-through effect
- proximity effect
- pyroelectric effect
- pyromagnetic effect
- quadraphonic effect
- quadro effect
- quadratic magnetooptical effect
- quantized Hall effect
- quantum Hall effect
- Raman effect
- Ramsauer effect
- random effect
- rate effect
- red eyes effect
- Renner effect
- Richardson effect
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum-Gunn effect
- Righi-Leduc effect
- Rijke effect
- ripple effect
- ripple-through effect
- Rocky-Point effect
- S-effect
- Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- Schottky effect
- schrot effect
- screening effect
- seasonal effect
- Seebeck effect
- shore effect
- short-channel effect
- short-run effect
- shot effect
- side effect
- sidewalk effect
- Silsbee effect
- size effect
- skin effect
- sound effects
- space-charge effect
- special effects
- speckle effect
- spillover effect
- Stark effect
- stereo effect
- stereophonic effect
- stereoscopic effect
- Stiles-Crawford effect
- stimulated Raman effect
- stirring effect
- storage effect
- stroboscopic effect
- Stroop effect
- Suhl effect
- superparamagnetic effect
- surface-charge effect
- surface field effect
- tensoresistive effect
- tertiary pyroelectric effect
- thermal effect
- thermoelectric effect
- thermogalvanomagnetic effect
- thermomagnetic effect
- Thomson effect
- threshold effect
- transferred-electron effect
- transverse galvanothermomagnetic effect
- transverse Hall effect
- transverse Kerr effect
- transverse magnetoresistive effect
- transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
- transverse pumping instability effect
- transverse pumping spin wave instability effect
- transverse thermogalvanomagnetic effect
- transverse thermomagnetic effect
- trap effect
- trapping effect
- tunnel effect
- tunneling effect
- turnpike effect
- twisted nematic effect
- Tyndall effect
- Venetian blind effect
- vertical component effect
- Villari effect
- Voigt effect
- Volta effect
- wall effect
- Webster effect
- Wertheim effect
- Wiedemann effect
- Wiegand effect
- window effect
- word superiority effect
- X-ray photoelectric effect
- Zeeman effect
- Zener effect
- ΔE-effect -
8 effect
1) эффект; явление || производить эффект; порождать явление2) влияние; (воз)действие || влиять; оказывать влияние; (воз)действовать; оказывать воздействие3) pl.; тлв.; вчт. спецэффекты•- ac Hall effect
- ac Josephson effect
- acoustic Doppler effect
- acoustical Faraday effect
- acoustoelectric effect
- acoustoresistive effect
- ambisonic effect
- anisotropic effect
- anode effect
- anomalous Hall effect
- anomalous Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- anomalous Zeeman effect
- antenna effect
- aspect effect
- atomic photoelectric effect
- Auger effect
- avalanche effect
- back stress effect
- background effect
- back-porch effect
- back-wall photoelectric effect
- Barkhausen effect
- Barnett effect
- barrier effect
- base-robbing effect
- binaural effect
- blackout effect
- blindness effect
- Boers effect
- Bragg effect
- Bridgman effect
- bulk effect
- Burstein-Moss effect
- butterfly effect
- capture effect
- Casimir effect
- Cerenkov effect
- channel effect
- charge-storage effect
- cocktail-party effect
- collector-follower effect
- colossal magnetoresistive effect
- comet effect
- Compton effect
- conductivity modulation effect
- contour effect
- conventional skin effect
- converse effect
- converse magnetostrictive effect
- Cooper effect
- Corbino effect
- corner effect
- corona effect
- Cotton effect
- Cotton-Mouton effect
- cryptomagnetic effect
- dc Hall effect
- dc Josephson effect
- dead-end effect
- Debye effect
- Debye-Sears effect
- delayed-sidetone effect
- Dellinger effect
- Dember effect
- dephasing effect
- Destriau effect
- digital multi-effects
- digital video effect
- direct piezoelectric effect
- domino effect
- Doppler effect
- dynamic pinch effect
- dynamic stereoscopic effect
- dynatron effect
- Early effect
- echo effect
- edge effect
- Edison effect
- effect of intermediate valence
- Einstein-de Haas effect
- elastooptical effect
- elastoresistive effect
- electroacoustic effect
- electrooptical effect
- electrooptical Kerr effect
- electro-opto-acoustical effect
- electroosmotic effect
- electrophonic effect
- electrophoretic effect
- electroresistive effect
- electrostatic Kerr effect
- electrostrictive effect
- emitter dip effect
- emitter push effect
- end effect
- equatorial Kerr effect
- equatorial magnetooptical Kerr effect
- Esaki effect
- Ettingshausen effect
- external photoelectric effect
- extrinsic photoconductive effect
- extrinsic photoelectric effect
- Faraday effect
- ferroelectric effect
- ferromagnetic proximity effect
- field effect
- field-rejection effect
- fixed effects
- flexoelectric effect
- flicker effect
- flywheel effect
- forbidden effect
- fractional quantum Hall effect
- fringe effect
- galvanomagnetic effects
- galvanothermomagnetic effects
- gap effect
- Gauss effect
- giant Hall effect
- giant magnetoimpedance effect
- giant magnetoresistive effect
- granularity effect
- greenhouse effect
- Gudden-Pohl effect
- Gunn effect
- gyromagnetic effects
- Haas effect
- Hall effect
- Hallwachs effect
- Hanle effect
- heating effect of current
- height effect
- hole-burning effect
- hyperfine effect
- image effect
- inlay effect
- interface effects
- internal photoelectric effect
- intrinsic photoconductive effect
- invar effect
- inverse effect
- inverse Faraday effect
- inverse photoelectric effect
- inverse piezoelectric effect
- island effect
- isotope effect
- Jahn-Teller effect
- Josephson effect
- Joule effect
- junction edge effect
- Kapitza-Dirac effect
- Kerr effect
- Kirk effect
- Kirkendall effect
- Kundt effect
- lagged effect
- laser effect
- Leduc-Righi effect
- linear electrooptic effect
- longitudinal galvanothermomagnetic effect
- longitudinal Kerr effect
- longitudinal magnetoresistive effect
- longitudinal thermomagnetic effect
- long-line effect
- long-run effect
- Lorentz effect
- Lossev effect
- Luxemburg effect
- Maggi-Righi-Leduc effect
- magnetoelastic effect
- magnetoelectric effect
- magnetogalvanic effects
- magnetoimpedance effect
- magnetooptical Kerr effect
- magnetoresistive effect
- magnetostrictive effect
- magnetron effect
- Malter effect
- Meisner effect
- meridional Kerr effect
- meridional magnetooptical Kerr effect
- metamagnetic effect
- metamagnetoelastic effect
- microphonic effect
- microwave biological effect
- Miller effect
- moiré effect
- Mössbauer effect
- motor effect
- multipactor effect
- multipath effect
- multi-valued Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- mutual coupling effect on input impedance
- mutual coupling effect on radiation pattern
- negative resistance effect
- Nernst effect
- Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
- night effect
- normal Hall effect
- normal Zeeman effect
- Nottingham effect
- Ovshinsky effect
- pairing effect
- parallel pumping instability effect
- parallel pumping spin wave instability effect
- Pashen-Back effect
- peak effect
- Peltier effect
- photocapacitor effect
- photoconductive effect
- photodielectric effect
- photodiffusion effect
- photoelastic effect
- photoelectret effect
- photoelectric effect
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoemissive effect
- photomagnetic effect
- photomagnetoelectric effect
- photopiezoelectric effect
- photothermoelectric effect
- photovoltaic effect
- picket-fence effect
- piezoelectric effect
- piezomagnetic effect
- piezomagnetoelectric effect
- piezooptical effect
- piezoresistance effect
- piezoresistive effect
- pinch effect
- pinch-in effect
- Pockels effect
- polar Kerr effect
- polar magnetooptical Kerr effect
- Pool-Frenkel effect
- print-through effect
- proximity effect
- pyroelectric effect
- pyromagnetic effect
- quadraphonic effect
- quadratic magnetooptical effect
- quadro effect
- quantized Hall effect
- quantum Hall effect
- Raman effect
- Ramsauer effect
- random effect
- rate effect
- red eyes effect
- Renner effect
- Richardson effect
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum-Gunn effect
- Righi-Leduc effect
- Rijke effect
- ripple effect
- ripple-through effect
- Rocky-Point effect
- S effect
- Sasaki-Shibuya effect
- Schottky effect
- schrot effect
- screening effect
- seasonal effect
- Seebeck effect
- shore effect
- short-channel effect
- short-run effect
- shot effect
- side effect
- sidewalk effect
- Silsbee effect
- size effect
- skin effect
- sound effects
- space-charge effect
- special effects
- speckle effect
- spillover effect
- Stark effect
- stereo effect
- stereophonic effect
- stereoscopic effect
- Stiles-Crawford effect
- stimulated Raman effect
- stirring effect
- storage effect
- stroboscopic effect
- Stroop effect
- Suhl effect
- superparamagnetic effect
- surface field effect
- surface-charge effect
- tensoresistive effect
- tertiary pyroelectric effect
- thermal effect
- thermoelectric effect
- thermogalvanomagnetic effect
- thermomagnetic effect
- Thomson effect
- threshold effect
- transferred-electron effect
- transverse galvanothermomagnetic effect
- transverse Hall effect
- transverse Kerr effect
- transverse magnetoresistive effect
- transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
- transverse pumping instability effect
- transverse pumping spin wave instability effect
- transverse thermogalvanomagnetic effect
- transverse thermomagnetic effect
- trap effect
- trapping effect
- tunnel effect
- tunneling effect
- turnpike effect
- twisted nematic effect
- Tyndall effect
- Venetian blind effect
- vertical component effect
- Villari effect
- Voigt effect
- Volta effect
- wall effect
- Webster effect
- Wertheim effect
- Wiedemann effect
- Wiegand effect
- window effect
- word superiority effect
- X-ray photoelectric effect
- Zeeman effect
- Zener effectThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > effect
9 effect
1) эффект, явление2) влияние, воздействие•- adjacency effect
- ambiosonic effect
- antenna effect
- artistic effect
- background effect
- binaural effect
- blackout effect
- blocking effect
- caloriferic effect
- capture effect
- cataphoretic effect
- cliff effect
- comet effect
- corner effect
- corona effect
- coupling effect
- crawling effect
- current effect
- curvilinear effect
- decay effect
- delayed-sidetone effect
- Dellinger effect
- Dember effect
- digital multi-effects
- Doppler effect
- echo-effect
- edge effect
- electrical effect
- electroacoustic effect
- electrooptic effect
- electrooptical effect
- electrostatic effect
- EMP effect
- end effect
- Faraday effect
- field effect
- first-time effect
- Fizeau effect
- flicker effect
- galvanomagnetic effects
- gap effect
- geometric effect
- glint effect
- image effect
- instantaneous effect
- interference effect
- interline-flicker effect
- Kendall effect
- keystone effect
- knife-edge effect
- Kundt effect
- land effect
- longitudinal Pockels effect
- low-frequency effects
- Luxemburg effect
- magnetoelectric effect
- magnetogalvanic effect
- magnetooptical Kerr effect
- Miller effect
- mirage effect
- moirt effect
- montage effect
- mountain effect
- moving effect
- noise effect
- nonstability effect
- optoacoustic effect
- optogalvanic effect
- optovoltaic effect
- output effect
- Ovshinsky effect
- pairing effect
- photocapacitance effect
- photodiffusion effect
- photoelastic effect
- photoelectric effect
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoemissive effect
- photovoltaic effect
- piezoelectric effect
- pinch effect
- ping-pong effect
- polarity effect
- polarization effect
- presence effect
- print-through effect
- proximity effect
- radiation effect
- radiometer effect
- ripple effect
- Rocky-Point effect
- rotational effect
- rotator effect
- Schottky effect
- screen-voltage effect
- shore effect
- sidetone effect
- skin effect
- sound effects
- square effect
- Stiles-Crawford effect
- stretching effect
- superposition effect
- surface effect
- thermal effect
- threshold effect
- transversal Pockels effect
- triboelectric effect
- trick effectsEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > effect
10 background effect
фоновый эффект
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > background effect
11 background polarization
остаточная поляризация (сравнительно слабая поляризуемость большинства неминерализованных пород, особенно содержащих в избытке глинистые, слоистые или волокнистые минералы; синоним: normal effect)Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > background polarization
12 background pollution
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > background pollution
13 background effect
1) Электроника: влияние фона, фоновый эффект2) Макаров: фон -
14 background effect
2) фон -
15 background effect
2) фонThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > background effect
16 background effect
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > background effect
17 background effect
————————English-Russian dictionary of electronics > background effect
18 radiation effect
радиационное воздействие
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
радиационный эффект в полимерном материале
радиационный эффект
Изменение свойств и состава полимерного материала в процессе и (или) после радиационного воздействия.
[ ГОСТ 25645.321-87]Тематики
- полимерные и др. материалы
эффект от радиации
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
radiation effect
Prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation from various sources can be harmful. Nuclear radiation from fallout from nuclear weapons or from power stations, background radiation from substances naturally present in the soil, exposure to X-rays can cause radiation sickness. Massive exposure to radiation can kill quickly and any person exposed to radiation is more likely to develop certain types of cancer than other members of the population. (Source: PHC)
42. Радиационный эффект в полимерном материале
Радиационный эффект
Radiation effect
Изменение свойств и состава полимерного материала в процессе и (или) после радиационного воздействия
Источник: ГОСТ 25645.321-87: Стойкость полимерных материалов радиационная. Термины и определения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > radiation effect
19 normal effect
нормальный эффект
Нежелательный фоновый эффект в методе ВП, вызванный мембранной поляризацией, проявляющейся в различной степени во многих горных породах (см. background polarization)
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > normal effect
20 normal effect
нормальный эффект (нежелательный фоновый эффект в методе ВП, вызванный мембранной поляризацией, проявляющейся в различной степени во многих горных породах; см. background polarization)Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > normal effect
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
background — background, setting, environment, milieu, mise en scène, backdrop are comparable when they refer to persons and their actions as found in real life or as represented in art and denote the place, time, circumstances, and conditions in which those… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Background radiation — This article is about ionizing radiation. For microwave background radiation from space, see Cosmic background radiation and cosmic background. Thermal radiation emitted by Earth is not considered in this category because it is not ionizing.… … Wikipedia
background — I. noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1672 1. a. the scenery or ground behind something b. the part of a painting representing what lies behind objects in the foreground 2. an inconspicuous position 3. a. the conditions that form the setting… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Background (astronomy) — In astronomy, background commonly refers to the incoming light from an apparently empty part of the night sky. Even if no visible astronomical objects are present in given part of the sky, there always is some low luminosity present, due mostly… … Wikipedia
Background music — Although background music was by the end of the 20th Century generally identified with Muzak or elevator music, there are several stages in the development of this concept:AntecedentsIn the Baroque and Classical music era music could be performed … Wikipedia
background count — The evidence or effect on a detector of radiation caused by background radiation. In connection with health protection, the background count includes but is not limited to radiations produced by naturally occurring radioactivity and cosmic rays … Military dictionary
Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on Hong Kong — The tsunami resulting from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake killed at least 38 Hong Kong residents in the affected region. As of December 2005, 2 persons (one infant and one child) are still unlocated. OverviewThe 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was … Wikipedia
Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Louisiana Superdome — The Louisiana Superdome was used as a shelter of last resort for those in New Orleans unable to evacuate from Hurricane Katrina when it struck in late August 2005. Background This was the third time the dome had been used as a shelter; it was… … Wikipedia
VDP2 32-bit background and scroll plane video display processor — The VDP 2 serves as the Sega Saturn s background processor. Certain special effects such as texture transparency and playfield rotation and scrolling (up to five fields at any given time) are handled here.Both the VDP2 and VDP1 32 bit video… … Wikipedia
Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect — Physical cosmology Universe · Big Bang … Wikipedia
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect — The Sunyaev Zel dovich effect (often abbreviated as the SZ effect) is the result of high energy electrons distorting the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) through inverse Compton scattering, in which some of the energy of the electrons… … Wikipedia