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  • 1 control

    [kən'trəul] 1. noun
    1) (the right of directing or of giving orders; power or authority: She has control over all the decisions in that department; She has no control over that dog.) controle
    2) (the act of holding back or restraining: control of prices; I know you're angry but you must not lose control (of yourself).) domínio
    3) ((often in plural) a lever, button etc which operates (a machine etc): The clutch and accelerator are foot controls in a car.) controle
    4) (a point or place at which an inspection takes place: passport control.) posto de controle
    2. verb
    1) (to direct or guide; to have power or authority over: The captain controls the whole ship; Control your dog!) controlar
    2) (to hold back; to restrain (oneself or one's emotions etc): Control yourself!) controlar-se
    3) (to keep to a fixed standard: The government is controlling prices.) restringir
    - control-tower
    - in control of
    - in control
    - out of control
    - under control
    * * *
    [kəntr'oul] n 1 controle, supervisão. 2 força, autoridade, direção, poder. 3 restrição. 4 verificação, fiscalização. 5 instalação de controle. 6 comando, chave, alavanca, direção (de uma máquina). 7 controle, padrão de comparação. 8 direção da economia pelo governo. • vt 1 dirigir, comandar, governar. 2 restringir, reprimir, frear, controlar. 3 regular. 4 testar por comparação com padrão. under control sob controle. without control descontrolado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > control

  • 2 control

    [kən'trəul] 1. noun
    1) (the right of directing or of giving orders; power or authority: She has control over all the decisions in that department; She has no control over that dog.) controle
    2) (the act of holding back or restraining: control of prices; I know you're angry but you must not lose control (of yourself).) controle
    3) ((often in plural) a lever, button etc which operates (a machine etc): The clutch and accelerator are foot controls in a car.) controle
    4) (a point or place at which an inspection takes place: passport control.) posto de controle
    2. verb
    1) (to direct or guide; to have power or authority over: The captain controls the whole ship; Control your dog!) controlar
    2) (to hold back; to restrain (oneself or one's emotions etc): Control yourself!) controlar(-se)
    3) (to keep to a fixed standard: The government is controlling prices.) controlar
    - control-tower - in control of - in control - out of control - under control

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > control

  • 3 beyond

    1) (on the farther side of: My house is just beyond those trees.) além de
    2) (farther on than (something) in time or place: I cannot plan beyond tomorrow.) para além de
    3) (out of the range, power etc of: beyond help.) fora de
    4) (other than: What is there to say beyond what's already been said?) além do que
    - beyond expectation
    - beyond one's means
    * * *
    [bij'ɔnd] n the beyond, the great beyond o outro mundo, a vida futura. • prep 1 além de, do outro lado de. 2 mais longe que. 3 mais tarde que, depois de. 4 fora de (alcance, compreensão, limite). beyond dispute / fora de dúvida, indiscutível. it is getting beyond my control / está escapando ao meu controle. 5 mais do que, superior a, excedente. beyond measure / além dos limites. that is beyond me / isto está além das minhas forças, além da minha compreensão. 6 em adição a, além de. • adv além, mais longe, acolá. he passed beyond ele morreu. the back of beyond fig o confim do mundo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > beyond

  • 4 curb

    [kə:b] 1. noun
    1) (something which restrains or controls: We'll have to put a curb on his enthusiasm.) freio
    2) ((American) a kerb.) meio-fio
    2. verb
    (to hold back, restrain or control: You must curb your spending.) restringir
    * * *
    [kə:b] n 1 barbela (de barbada de cavalo). 2 freio, estorvo, restrição. 3 guia, meio-fio. • vt 1 restringir, refrear, moderar, controlar. 2 colocar barbela em, pôr freio em. 3 colocar meio-fio, colocar guia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > curb

  • 5 drive

    1. past tense - drove; verb
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) guiar
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) levar
    3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) tanger
    4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) bater
    5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) impulsionar
    2. noun
    1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) passeio
    2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) caminho
    3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) energia
    4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) campanha
    5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) pancada
    6) ((computers) a disk drive.)
    - driver's license
    - drive-in
    - drive-through
    - driving licence
    - be driving at
    - drive off
    - drive on
    * * *
    [draiv] n 1 passeio de carro, auto, etc. 2 percurso, distância a percorrer de carro, auto, etc. 3 estrada para carros. 4 entrada para carros em moradias. 5 ato de conduzir, dirigir, guiar. 6 condução de gado em manadas. 7 pressão, esforço, atividade, energia, impulso, empenho, dinamismo. 8 ímpeto, impulso, pulsão, necessidade instintiva. 9 Golf tacada ou movimento da bola. 10 Mil ataque, assalto, avanço. 11 força motriz, movimento, rodagem, mecanismo de engrenagem, acionamento, transmissão, propulsão. 12 Comp unidade de disco. 13 galeria de mina. 14 competições de jogos de cartas. • vt+vi (drove, driven) 1 impelir, empuxar, empurrar alguma coisa com força, empurrar para diante, impulsar, fazer caminhar para diante, forçar. 2 conduzir, guiar, dirigir (cavalos, carro, navio, etc.), levar. 3 ir de carro, auto, etc., passear de carro, etc., prosseguir. 4 constranger, compelir, forçar, coagir. 5 lançar, propulsar, acionar, pôr em movimento. 6 perfurar, arrastar por atrito, encunhar, cravar. 7 escovar (um túnel). 8 Naut desgarrar. 9 instar, seduzir, incitar, induzir, conduzir, levar a. 10 realizar, efetuar, levar a efeito. 11 mover-se com grande força (chuva, vento). 12 rebater (bola) no golfe. disk drive Comp unidade de disco. to drive a good ( bad) bargain fazer um bom (mau) negócio. to drive a hard bargain ser firme nas negociações. to drive a nail in cravar um prego. to drive a nail into someone’s coffin contribuir para a ruína ou fracasso de alguém. to drive ashore arrojar à costa. to drive asunder apartar, separar à força. to drive at 1 tender a, aludir, insinuar. 2 trabalhar em. to drive at full speed guiar a toda velocidade. to drive a thing into a person inculcar alguma coisa em alguém. to drive away expelir, expulsar, fazer sair, afugentar, afastar-se, partir em carro. to drive back rechaçar, repulsar, reconduzir em carro, etc., voltar de carro, etc. to drive by friction arrastar por atrito. to drive home 1 ir para casa de carro. 2 cravar um prego com um martelo. 3 fazer com que seja claramente compreendido. to drive in, into inserir à força, fincar, fazer entrar a marteladas. to drive it home to mostrar, forçar a acreditar. to drive into a corner colocar em situação difícil, encurralar. to drive off 1 partir, ir-se embora em carro, etc. 2 expelir, rechaçar. 3 Golf dar a primeira tocada. to drive on seguir adiante, levar em frente, empurrar, incentivar. to drive out 1 expelir, expulsar, fazer sair. 2 sair ou passear em carro, etc. to drive pigs to market roncar, ressonar. to drive someone mad/ crazy 1 enlouquecer, levar à loucura. 2 fig exasperar, irritar, deixar louco. to drive someone out of his senses/ out of his mind deixar maluco. to drive someone round the bend exasperar, enlouquecer. to drive to leeward desgarrar, desviar de rumo. to drive up the prices fazer subir os preços, elevar os preços. to drive up to passar de carro por algum lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drive

  • 6 recover

    1) (to become well again; to return to good health etc: He is recovering from a serious illness; The country is recovering from an economic crisis.) recuperar
    2) (to get back: The police have recovered the stolen jewels; He will recover the cost of the repairs through the insurance.) recuperar
    3) (to get control of (one's actions, emotions etc) again: The actor almost fell over but quickly recovered (his balance).) recuperar-se
    * * *
    [rik'∧və] vt+vi 1 recuperar, reaver, retomar. 2 recobrar, restabelecer, convalescer, curar. 3 salvar, aproveitar. 4 voltar ao estado normal. 5 Jur obter em juízo, ganhar uma causa. to recover one’s senses recobrar os sentidos. to recover shipwrecked goods reaver mercadorias de um navio naufragado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > recover

  • 7 ride

    1. past tense - rode; verb
    1) (to travel or be carried (in a car, train etc or on a bicycle, horse etc): He rides to work every day on an old bicycle; The horsemen rode past.) viajar
    2) (to (be able to) ride on and control (a horse, bicycle etc): Can you ride a bicycle?) andar
    3) (to take part (in a horse-race etc): He's riding in the first race.) correr
    4) (to go out regularly on horseback (eg as a hobby): My daughter rides every Saturday morning.) montar
    2. noun
    1) (a journey on horseback, on a bicycle etc: He likes to go for a long ride on a Sunday afternoon.) passeio
    2) (a usually short period of riding on or in something: Can I have a ride on your bike?) volta
    - riding-school
    * * *
    [raid] n 1 passeio (a cavalo, ou de bicicleta, etc.). 2 cavalgada. 3 condução, meio de transporte. 4 picada (em bosque). 5 animal que pode ser montado. 6 transporte. 7 viagem. 8 trajeto, percurso, estrada. 9 vulg relação sexual. 10 improvisação (no jazz). • vt (ps rode, pp ridden) 1 montar a cavalo. 2 viajar por qualquer meio de transporte. 3 percorrer, andar por. 4 flutuar, vagar. the boat rode at the waves / o barco boiou sobre as ondas. 5 Naut estar ancorado. 6 estar sobreposto. 7 fig oprimir, tiranizar, dominar. 8 ser conduzido, ser levado. I rode my child on my back / levei meu filho às costas. 9 Amer irritar, perturbar, incomodar. 10 depender de. 11 estar apostado. 12 vulg ter relações sexuais com. a one-way ride 1 assassinato. 2 morte (viagem para o cemitério). a ride on horseback um passeio a cavalo. the ground rides well o terreno é adequado para exercícios de montaria. the sun was riding high o sol estava alto. to give him a ride dar-lhe uma carona. to let ride deixar correr (sem interferência). to ride at anchor estar ancorado. to ride away partir, ir-se. to ride by passar (a cavalo ou em veículo). to ride down a) atropelar. b) alcançar, superar, vencer. c) perseguir e alcançar (a cavalo). d) esfalfar (montaria). to ride for a fall desafiar o perigo. to ride hard galopar. to ride in the narrow-bone coach, to ride the shank’s mare coll andar a pé. to ride on a bicycle andar de bicicleta. to ride on a train viajar de trem. to ride out a) passear a cavalo. b) Naut sobreviver a uma tempestade. c) superar com êxito, sobreviver a. to ride over percorrer, passar sobre. to ride past passar adiante (a cavalo, de bicicleta, etc.). to ride the high horse dar-se ares de. to ride through atravessar. to ride to death esfalfar a montaria. to ride to hounds seguir a cavalo os cães de caça. to ride up subir. to ride well montar bem, ser bom cavaleiro. to take someone for a ride a) enganar, ludibriar. b) Amer levar a vítima num carro para assassiná-la.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ride

  • 8 slip

    I 1. [slip] past tense, past participle - slipped; verb
    1) (to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing: I slipped and fell on the path.) escorregar
    2) (to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control: The plate slipped out of my grasp.) soltar-se
    3) (to drop in standard: I'm sorry about my mistake - I must be slipping!) baixar de nível
    4) (to move quietly especially without being noticed: She slipped out of the room.) deslizar
    5) (to escape from: The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared.) soltar-se
    6) (to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement: She slipped the letter back in its envelope.) enfiar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of slipping: Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.) escorregadela
    2) (a usually small mistake: Everyone makes the occasional slip.) deslize
    3) (a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat.) saiote
    4) ((also slipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships.) rampa
    - slippery
    - slipperiness
    - slip road
    - slipshod
    - give someone the slip
    - give the slip
    - let slip
    - slip into
    - slip off
    - slip on
    - slip up
    II [slip] noun
    (a strip or narrow piece of paper: She wrote down his telephone number on a slip of paper.) tira
    * * *
    [slip] n 1 escorregadura, escorregadela. 2 o que se põe e tira com facilidade, coberta, fronha. 3 Clothes combinação. 4 deslize, erro, lapso, engano, falta. 5 carreira: plano inclinado para construção e lançamento de navios. 6 muda, rebento. 7 tira estreita (de papel). 8 declínio, queda (de preços). • vt+vi 1 andar, mover-se quietamente, fácil ou rapidamente, escapar. 2 passar, mover-se. 3 deslizar, escorregar. 4 colocar, fazer passar, enfiar, tirar quietamente ou de modo despercebido. 5 colocar, vestir fácil ou rapidamente. 6 passar despercebido, escapar. 7 soltar. 8 largar. 9 errar, cometer lapso. 10 cortar galhos para fazer mudas. 11 luxar (osso). to be a slip of a boy/ a girl menino/menina muito frágil, débil. to be a slip of the pen fazer erro de ortografia, de palavra. to be a slip of the tongue fazer um erro verbal, cometer um lapso verbal. to give somebody the slip collescapar de alguém. he gave me the slip / ele me escapou. to let something slip deixar (algo) escapar. he let the opportunity slip / ele deixou escapar a oportunidade. to slip along deslizar, fluir. to slip away escapulir, sair de modo despercebido. to slip in inserir de forma disfarçada. to slip up fazer erro, cometer erro de menor importância.
    [slip] n papeleta, volante (também Comp).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > slip

  • 9 curb

    [kə:b] 1. noun
    1) (something which restrains or controls: We'll have to put a curb on his enthusiasm.) freio
    2) ((American) a kerb.) meio-fio
    2. verb
    (to hold back, restrain or control: You must curb your spending.) restringir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > curb

  • 10 recover

    1) (to become well again; to return to good health etc: He is recovering from a serious illness; The country is recovering from an economic crisis.) recuperar-se
    2) (to get back: The police have recovered the stolen jewels; He will recover the cost of the repairs through the insurance.) recuperar
    3) (to get control of (one's actions, emotions etc) again: The actor almost fell over but quickly recovered (his balance).) recuperar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > recover

  • 11 slip

    I 1. [slip] past tense, past participle - slipped; verb
    1) (to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing: I slipped and fell on the path.) escorregar
    2) (to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control: The plate slipped out of my grasp.) escorregar
    3) (to drop in standard: I'm sorry about my mistake - I must be slipping!) decair
    4) (to move quietly especially without being noticed: She slipped out of the room.) escapulir
    5) (to escape from: The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared.) escapar
    6) (to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement: She slipped the letter back in its envelope.) enfiar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of slipping: Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.) passo em falso
    2) (a usually small mistake: Everyone makes the occasional slip.) lapso
    3) (a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat.) combinação
    4) ((also slipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships.) rampa de lançamento
    - slippery - slipperiness - slip road - slipshod - give someone the slip - give the slip - let slip - slip into - slip off - slip on - slip up II [slip] noun
    (a strip or narrow piece of paper: She wrote down his telephone number on a slip of paper.) pedaço de papel

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > slip

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  • control — /kən trəυl/ noun 1. the power or ability to direct something ● The company is under the control of three shareholders. ● Top management exercises tight control over spending. ♦ to gain control of a business to buy more than 50% of the shares so… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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  • Control engineering — Control systems play a critical role in space flight Control engineering or Control systems engineering is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with predictable behaviors. The practice uses sensors to measure… …   Wikipedia

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