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  • 1 go

    megegyezés, esemény, vizsga, mozgás, járás, alku to go: menni, való vhova, szól vmiről, telik, folyik
    * * *
    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) megy
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) átmegy
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) vkinek adják; elkel
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) vezet vhová
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) látogat
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) eltűnik
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) megy, (le)zajlik
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) elindul
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) eltűnik
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) szándékozik vmit csinálni
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) lerobban
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) működik, jár
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) vmivé válik
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) van
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) való (vhova)
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) múlik, telik
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) "megy" vmire
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) elmegy
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) hallat
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) szól
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) "feldob"
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) kísérlet
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) energia
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) menő
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) jelenleg érvényes
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) engedély
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go

    English-Hungarian dictionary > go

  • 2 chair

    tanszék, szék
    * * *
    [ eə] 1. noun
    1) (a movable seat for one person, with a back to it: a table and four chairs.) szék
    2) (the position of a person who is chairman at a meeting etc: Who is in the chair?) elnök(ség)
    3) (the office of a university professor: He holds the chair of History at this university.) (egyetemi) tanszék
    2. verb
    (to be chairman at (a meeting etc): He chaired the meeting last night.) elnököl
    - chairman
    - chairperson
    - chairwoman
    - chairmanship

    English-Hungarian dictionary > chair

  • 3 cut

    szabás, riszt, réselés, metszet, lógás, hasíték to cut: vág, megvág, lenyír, kiszab, leszállít (árat)
    * * *
    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) vág
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) vág
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) kiszab
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) levág
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) csökkent
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) meghúz (cikket); vág (filmet)
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) elvág
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) emel (kártyát)
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') megállít
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) átvág
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) metsz
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) ellóg (óráról)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) tudomást sem vesz (vkiről)
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) vágás
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) szabás
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) szelet
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) csípős
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) öldöklő
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short

    English-Hungarian dictionary > cut

  • 4 reclaim

    visszaszerez, művelésre alkalmassá tesz
    * * *
    1) (to ask for (something one owns which has been lost, stolen etc and found by someone else): A wallet has been found and can be reclaimed at the manager's office.) visszakövetel, -igényel
    2) (to make (wasteland) fit for use; to get back (land) from under the sea etc by draining etc.) művelésre alkalmassá tesz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reclaim

  • 5 rise

    magasabbra jutás, magaslat, emelkedés, ívmagasság to rise: duzzad, elnapol, fellázad, megdagad, fokozódik
    * * *
    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) (fel)emelkedik
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) felszáll; felmegy
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) felkel
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) feláll
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) (fel)kel (égitest)
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) emelkedik (út)
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) fellázad
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) előlép
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) ered
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) feltámad (szél)
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) épül
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) feltámad (halottaiból)
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) növekedés; (fel)emelkedés
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) fizetésemelés
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) lejtő
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) tündöklés
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) felkelő; emelkedő; felnövő; a jövő (politikusa stb.)
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion

    English-Hungarian dictionary > rise

См. также в других словарях:

  • Back Office — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Back office, un élément de société financière Back office, un type de bureaux d affaires Back office, un terme d informatique Back Office, un logiciel de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Back office — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un back office (trastienda de la oficina) es la parte de las empresas donde tienen lugar las tareas destinadas a gestionar la propia empresa y con las cuales el cliente no necesita contacto directo. Por ejemplo: el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • back office — back .office n the department of a bank or other financial institution that manages or organizes the work of the institution, but that does not deal with customers >back office adj [only before noun] ▪ back office operations …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • back-office — ● back office nom masculin (mot anglais, de back, en arrière, et office, service) Département d une société de Bourse ou d une banque, chargé d enregistrer les ordres de Bourse exécutés dans la journée et d effectuer toutes les opérations… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • back-office — [bak′ôf΄is] adj. of or having to do with the routine internal functions of a business or institution * * * …   Universalium

  • Back Office —   [dt. »hinteres Büro«] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • back office — noun count BUSINESS a department of a bank or other financial institution in which people check the work of other people who work for the institution, for example by checking that all business deals are legal and correct …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • back office — (izg. bȅk ȍfis) m DEFINICIJA bank. dijelovi organizacijske jedinice brokersko dilerskih tvrtki koji nisu zaduženi za prodaju vrijednosnih papira, nego za evidenciju, obračun i konfirmaciju transakcija i ostale administrativne poslove ETIMOLOGIJA… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • back-office — [bak′ôf΄is] adj. of or having to do with the routine internal functions of a business or institution …   English World dictionary

  • Back office — A back office is a part of most corporations where tasks dedicated to running the company itself take place. The term comes from the building layout of early companies where the front office would contain the sales and other customer facing staff …   Wikipedia

  • back office — Brokerage house clerical operations that support, but do not include, the trading of stocks and other securities. All written confirmation and settlement of trade, record keeping, and regulatory compliance happen in the back office. Bloomberg… …   Financial and business terms

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