Перевод: с английского на язык суахили

с языка суахили на английский


  • 1 sharp

    [English Word] be sharp
    [Swahili Word] -chongoka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] chonga v
    [English Word] be sharp
    [Swahili Word] -kalamka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be sharp
    [Swahili Word] -koa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] kisu kinakoa
    [English Word] be sharp
    [Swahili Word] -saliti
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] sharp
    [Swahili Word] chungu
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Related Words] uchungu
    [English Word] sharp
    [Swahili Word] -kali
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] a sharp knife
    [Swahili Example] kisu kikali
    [English Word] sharp
    [Swahili Word] kamili
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [English Example] Birgit arrived at class at 10:00 sharp.
    [Swahili Example] Birgit alifika darasani saa nne kamili.
    [English Word] sharp sign
    [English Plural] sharp signs
    [Swahili Word] kipandisho
    [Swahili Plural] vipandisho
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -pandisha
    [Terminology] music
    [English Word] sharp taste
    [Swahili Word] uchachu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] mchuzi ulikuwa na uchachu kwa ndimu nyingi
    [English Word] the sharp part
    [Swahili Word] makali
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6

    English-Swahili dictionary > sharp

  • 2 sharp-tongued

    [English Word] sharp-tongued
    [Swahili Word] kalamazi
    [Part of Speech] adjective
    [Derived Word] kalamka

    English-Swahili dictionary > sharp-tongued

  • 3 pain

    [English Word] (expresses pain)
    [Swahili Word] a
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [English Word] (expresses pain)
    [Swahili Word] aa
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [English Word] (expresses pain)
    [Swahili Word] ah
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [English Word] (state of) pain
    [Swahili Word] uguo
    [Swahili Plural] mauguo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] be beset by pain
    [Swahili Word] -patwa na janga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Related Words] -patwa
    [English Word] be in pain
    [Swahili Word] -kakata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be in pain
    [Swahili Word] -sononeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [English Example] (s)he was astonished on looking at Mansuri who was in pain
    [Swahili Example] akashangaa kumtazama Mansuri aliyekuwa akisononeka [Sul]
    [English Word] be in pain
    [Swahili Word] -teseka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] tesa V
    [English Word] be in pain
    [Swahili Word] -ugua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -adhibisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -adhibu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -sibu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -sonoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -tesa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] mbona humjia moyoni mwake na kumtesa [Sul]
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -uma
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -umiza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] umia V
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -vuaza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause pain
    [Swahili Word] -washa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cause someone pain
    [Swahili Word] -sononesha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [English Word] feel a sharp pain
    [Swahili Word] -nyotoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -kakata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -kakata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -kang'ata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -sonona
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -sununa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] sonoa V
    [English Word] feel pain
    [Swahili Word] -umia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Swahili Example] jinga likierevuka, mwerevu kaumia [Moh]
    [English Word] give pain
    [Swahili Word] -wanga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] have pain
    [Swahili Word] -umwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] uma v
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] adhabu
    [Swahili Plural] adhabu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] chomeo
    [Swahili Plural] machomeo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] janga
    [Swahili Plural] majanga
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] mjango
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] kihoro
    [Swahili Plural] vihoro
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Swahili Example] tia kihoro
    [Note] feel grief/pain
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] kimoyo
    [Swahili Plural] vimoyo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] moyo
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] masubuko
    [Swahili Plural] masubuko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Word] sumbua N, sumbufu Adj
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] masumbufo
    [Swahili Plural] masumbufo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Word] sumbua N, sumbufu Adj
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] masumbulizi
    [Swahili Plural] masumbulizi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Word] sumbua N, sumbufu Adj
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] masumbuo
    [Swahili Plural] masumbuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Word] sumbua N, sumbufu Adj
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] maumivu
    [Swahili Plural] maumivu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [English Example] The girl tried to get up but her pain prevented her from doing so.
    [Swahili Example] Msichana alikuwa akijaribu kunyanyuka lakini maumivu yake yalimzuia [Ganzel Masomo 164]
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] teso
    [Swahili Plural] mateso
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] tesa
    [Note] usually plural in Swahili
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] uchungu
    [Swahili Plural] machungu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [Related Words] chungu
    [English Example] only one who has borne a child knows how painful it is (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] uchungu wa mwana aujuaye mzazi (methali)
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] umivu
    [Swahili Plural] maumivu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [Derived Word] uma V
    [Swahili Example] Mansuri aligutuka kwa maumivu [Sul]
    [English Word] pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] umo
    [Swahili Plural] maumo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/6
    [English Word] pain
    [Swahili Word] usononi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11
    [Derived Word] sonoa v
    [English Word] pain
    [Swahili Word] usununo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] pain or complaint in the stomach or abdomen
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] tumbo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] persistent pain
    [Swahili Word] upekecho
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] sharp pain
    [English Plural] sharp pains
    [Swahili Word] mchomo
    [Swahili Plural] michomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] choma V
    [English Word] someone who causes pain
    [English Plural] people who cause pain
    [Swahili Word] mwumizi
    [Swahili Plural] waumizi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 1/2
    [Derived Word] uma, umika V
    [English Word] something that causes pain
    [English Plural] things that cause pain
    [Swahili Word] kiuma
    [Swahili Plural] viuma
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Word] uma V
    [English Word] sudden pain
    [English Plural] sudden pains
    [Swahili Word] mchomo
    [Swahili Plural] michomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] choma V
    [English Word] suppress expression of pain
    [Swahili Word] -nyamaa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] -nyamaza, nyamavu, mnyamavu, unyamavu
    [English Word] take pains
    [Swahili Word] -jitahidi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] reflexive
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] juhudi
    [English Word] twist in pain (esp of stomach)
    [Swahili Word] -sokota
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] the woman's stomach is aching, it is twisting in pain, it is cutting
    [Swahili Example] tumbo linauma mama linasokota, linakata [Muk]

    English-Swahili dictionary > pain

  • 4 stab

    [English Word] be stabbed
    [Swahili Word] -chomwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Derived Word] -choma v
    [Swahili Example] anasimamisha mikono, kama aliyechomwa kijiti machoni [Ma]
    [English Word] sharp stabbing pain
    [English Plural] pains
    [Swahili Word] kichomi
    [Swahili Plural] vichomi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -choma
    [English Example] he has sharp pains
    [Swahili Example] ana kichomi
    [Terminology] medical
    [English Word] stab
    [Swahili Word] chomo
    [Swahili Plural] machomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] stab
    [Swahili Word] -choma
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] hilo lilimchoma Maksuudi [Moh]
    [English Word] stab
    [Swahili Word] -tofoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] amemtofoa jicho na kalamu yake
    [English Word] stab
    [Swahili Word] -tofua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] amemtofoa jicho na kalamu yake
    [English Word] stab (wound)
    [Swahili Word] mchomo
    [Swahili Plural] michomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] choma V

    English-Swahili dictionary > stab

  • 5 starling

    [English Word] Abbott's starling
    [English Plural] Abbott's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Cinnyricinclus femoralis
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi kichwa-cheusi
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi kichwa-cheusi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] ashy starling
    [English Plural] ashy starlings
    [Taxonomy] Cosmopsarus unicolor
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi kijivu
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi kijivu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] black-bellied starling
    [English Plural] black-bellied starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis corruscus
    [Swahili Word] mramba mweusi
    [Swahili Plural] mramba weusi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] black-bellied starling
    [English Plural] black-bellied starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis corruscus
    [Swahili Word] nyangala
    [Swahili Plural] nyangala
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] blue-eared starling
    [English Plural] blue-eared starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis chalybaeus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi macho-njano
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi macho-njano
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] bristle-crowned starling
    [English Plural] bristle-crowned starlings
    [Taxonomy] Onychognathus salvadorii
    [Swahili Word] kizole utosi-mahameli
    [Swahili Plural] vizole utosi-mahameli
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] bronze-tailed starling
    [English Plural] bronze-tailed starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis chalcurus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi mkia-shaba
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi mkia-shaba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] chestnut-winged starling
    [English Plural] chestnut-winged starlings
    [Taxonomy] Onychognathus fulgidus
    [Swahili Word] kizole bawa-kahawia
    [Swahili Plural] vizole bawa-kahawia
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Fischer's starling
    [English Plural] Fischer's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Spreo fischeri
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi mweupe
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi weupe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] golden-breasted starling
    [English Plural] golden-breasted starlings
    [Taxonomy] Cosmopsarus regius
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi kidari-dhahabu
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi kidari-dhahabu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Hildebrandt's starling
    [English Plural] Hildebrandt's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis hildebrandti
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi-jangwa
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi-jangwa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Kenrick's starling
    [English Plural] Kenrick's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Poeoptera kenricki
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi mweusi
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi weusi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] lesser blue-eared starling
    [English Plural] lesser blue-eared starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis chloropterus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi bawa-kijani
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi bawa-kijani
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] magpie starling
    [English Plural] magpie starlings
    [Taxonomy] Speculipastor bicolor
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi rangi-mbili
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi rangi-mbili
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Pemba glossy starling
    [English Plural] Pemba glossy starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis corruscus vaughani
    [Swahili Word] nyangala wa Pemba
    [Swahili Plural] nyangala wa Pemba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] purple starling
    [English Plural] purple starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis purpureus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi zambarau
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi zambarau
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] Rüppell's long-tailed starling
    [English Plural] Rüppell's long-tailed starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis purpuropterus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi mkia-mrefu
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi mkia-mrefu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] red-winged starling
    [English Plural] red-winged starlings
    [Taxonomy] Onychognathus morio
    [Swahili Word] kizole bawa-jekundu
    [Swahili Plural] vizole bawa-jekundu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] sharp-tailed starling
    [English Plural] sharp-tailed starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis acuticaudus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi mkia-mshale
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi mkia-mshale
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Sharpe's starling
    [English Plural] Sharpe's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Cinnyricinclus sharpii
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi koo-jeupe
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi koo-jeupe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Shelley's starling
    [English Plural] Shelley's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis shelleyi
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi macho-machungwa
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi macho-machungwa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] slender-billed starling
    [English Plural] slender-billed starlings
    [Taxonomy] Onychognathus tenuirostris
    [Swahili Word] kizole domo-jembamba
    [Swahili Plural] vizole domo-jembamba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] splendid starling
    [English Plural] splendid starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis splendidus
    [Swahili Word] kuzi mzuri
    [Swahili Plural] makuzi wazuri
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] starling
    [English Plural] starlings
    [Taxonomy] Sturnidae
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Stuhlmann's starling
    [English Plural] Stuhlmann's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Poeoptera stuhlmanni
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi kichwa-buluu
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi kichwa-buluu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] superb starling
    [English Plural] superb starlings
    [Taxonomy] Lamprotornis superbus
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi maridadi
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi maridadi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] violet-backed starling
    [English Plural] violet-backed starlings
    [Taxonomy] Cinnyricinclus leucogaster
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi mgongo-mzambarau
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi mgongo-mzambarau
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] Waller's starling
    [English Plural] Waller's starlings
    [Taxonomy] Onychognathus walleri
    [Swahili Word] kizole wa Waller
    [Swahili Plural] vizole wa Waller
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] wattled starling
    [English Plural] wattled starlings
    [Taxonomy] Creatophora cinerea
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi dehe
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi dehe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [English Word] white-crowned starling
    [English Plural] white-crowned starlings
    [Taxonomy] Spreo albicapillus
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi utosi-mweupe
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi utosi-mweupe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology
    [Note] New proposed name
    [English Word] white-winged starling
    [English Plural] white-winged starlings
    [Taxonomy] Neocichla gutturalis
    [Swahili Word] kwenzi bawa-jeupe
    [Swahili Plural] kwenzi bawa-jeupe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] ornithology

    English-Swahili dictionary > starling

  • 6 burin

    [English Word] burin
    [English Plural] burins
    [Swahili Word] kiteku
    [Swahili Plural] viteku
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] -tekua
    [English Definition] chisel of tempered steel with a sharp point, used for engraving

    English-Swahili dictionary > burin

  • 7 edge

    [English Word] cutting edge (of a knife)
    [English Plural] cutting edges
    [Swahili Word] chinjoni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cutting edge (of a knife)
    [English Plural] cutting edges
    [Swahili Word] machinjoni
    [Swahili Plural] machinjoni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Word] chinja
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] genge
    [Swahili Plural] magenge
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] hanamu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] hanamu ya chombo
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] kando
    [Swahili Plural] kando
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] kikunjo
    [Swahili Plural] vikunjo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kunja
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] mialamu
    [Swahili Plural] mialamu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] mwalamu
    [Swahili Plural] miwalamu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] alama N
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] ombwe
    [Swahili Plural] ombwe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] pambizo
    [Swahili Plural] mapambizo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Example] The edge of the table
    [Swahili Example] pambizo la meza
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] pembizo
    [Swahili Plural] mapembizo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Example] The edge of the table
    [Swahili Example] pambizo la meza
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] pindo
    [Swahili Plural] mapindo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] pinda V
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] rinda
    [Swahili Plural] marinda
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] ukando
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] ukando wa mto
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] ukingo
    [Swahili Plural] kingo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kinga
    [English Example] now Rozi drew to the edge of the couch on which she was seated
    [Swahili Example] Rozi sasa alisogea penye ukingo wa kochi alilokalia [Sul]
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] upindo
    [Swahili Plural] pindo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] edge
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] ushi
    [Swahili Plural] nyushi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] edge
    [Swahili Word] -kunga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] edge (of a roof)
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] kipaa
    [Swahili Plural] vipaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] paa
    [English Word] edge (of a skirt etc)
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] marinda
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6
    [English Word] edge (sharp part of knife or sword)
    [English Plural] edges
    [Swahili Word] makali
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6
    [Derived Word] kali
    [Swahili Example] kisu kirefu chenye makali yanayong'aa [Muk]

    English-Swahili dictionary > edge

  • 8 knife

    [English Word] back of a knife blade (as opp. to the cutting edge)
    [Swahili Word] mafutuni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] butcher's knife
    [Swahili Word] buchari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] ind
    [Swahili Definition] kisu cha muuza nyama
    [English Word] curved knife (used for slashing the bark of a palm tree in order to collect the sap for making palm wine)
    [Swahili Word] kotama
    [Swahili Plural] kotama
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] knife
    [English Plural] knives
    [Swahili Word] kisu
    [Swahili Plural] visu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] jisu, kijisu
    [English Example] cut with a knife; do whatever you want with me (literally: you are the knife and I am the meat)
    [Swahili Example] kata kwa kisu; wewe kisu mimi nyama
    [English Word] knife
    [Swahili Word] -choma kisu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Definition] kufanya kisu kuingia ndani ya mtu
    [English Example] The King of Mombasa killed the Portuguese commander by knifing him.
    [Swahili Example] Mfalme wa Mombasa alimwua kwa kumchoma kisu jemadari wa Kireno [Masomo 143]
    [English Word] knife (large)
    [Swahili Word] buchari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Note] Ind.
    [English Word] knife (large)
    [English Plural] knives (large)
    [Swahili Word] jisu
    [Swahili Plural] majisu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] kisu n
    [Swahili Example] jisu lile kubwa limezama kabisa kifuani mwa Magoma [Muk]
    [English Word] knife (large)
    [Swahili Word] puchari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] indian? Or Butcher?
    [English Word] knife (large)
    [Swahili Word] sime
    [Swahili Plural] masime
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] knife (small)
    [English Plural] knives
    [Swahili Word] kijisu
    [Swahili Plural] vijisu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] kisu
    [English Word] knife (very sharp)
    [English Plural] knives
    [Swahili Word] wembe
    [Swahili Plural] nyembe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [Related Words] jembe
    [English Example] when a child cries for a knife give it to him (proverb - i.e., let him learn by experience)
    [Swahili Example] mtoto akililia wembe mpe (methali)
    [English Word] knife edge
    [English Plural] knife edges
    [Swahili Word] ukali wa kisu
    [Swahili Plural] ukali wa visu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 14
    [Related Words] ukali
    [English Word] knife used for tapping palm trees
    [English Plural] knives
    [Swahili Word] upamba
    [Swahili Plural] pamba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] knife with a curved blade
    [Swahili Word] shembea
    [Swahili Plural] shembea
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] large knife
    [Swahili Word] geli
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] large knife
    [English Plural] large knives
    [Swahili Word] jisu
    [Swahili Plural] majisu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] large knife for clearing forest
    [Swahili Word] parange
    [Swahili Plural] maparange
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] large knife with a blunt edge
    [Swahili Word] sansuri
    [Swahili Plural] sansuri
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] long knife
    [Swahili Word] panga
    [Swahili Plural] mapanga
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] pocket knife
    [English Plural] pocket knives
    [Swahili Word] kijembe
    [Swahili Plural] vijembe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] jembe
    [English Word] pruning knife
    [English Plural] pruning knives
    [Swahili Word] kisu cha kupogolea
    [Swahili Plural] visu vya kupogolea
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Swahili Definition] kitu kinachotumika kusongea au kubania
    [English Word] shoemaker's knife
    [Swahili Word] ramba
    [Swahili Plural] ramba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Hindi
    [English Word] short curved knife (used for slashing the bark of a palm tree in order to collect the sap for making palm wine)
    [Swahili Word] kotama
    [Swahili Plural] kotama
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] short knife used for making incisions in the bark of palm trees in order to drain off the sap for making wine
    [Swahili Word] ugemo
    [Part of Speech] noun

    English-Swahili dictionary > knife

  • 9 look

    [English Word] be looked at
    [Swahili Word] -angaliwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] angalia V
    [English Word] be worth looking at
    [Swahili Word] -tazamika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] fix the eyes on something
    [Swahili Word] -kazia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kikaza, kikazo, mkazo
    [English Word] look
    [Swahili Word] nadhari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] look
    [English Plural] looks
    [Swahili Word] tazamo
    [Swahili Plural] tazamo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] tazama V
    [English Word] look
    [Swahili Word] -angalia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] angaa
    [Related Words] anga, angalifu, angavu, kianga, kiangaza, maangalio, maangalizi, mwanga, mwangalifu, mwangalizi, mwangaza, uangaliaji, uangalifu, uangavu
    [English Example] look!
    [Swahili Example] angalia!
    [English Word] look (of the face)
    [Swahili Word] sura
    [Swahili Plural] sura
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Example] (s)he has a good look (of face)
    [Swahili Example] ana sura nzuri [Rec]
    [English Word] look after
    [Swahili Word] -chunga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look after someone
    [Swahili Word] -duhushi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] kumtunza na kumduhushi binti yao [Moh]
    [English Word] look around
    [Swahili Word] -zungusha macho
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] zizima V, macho N
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -angalia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] angaa
    [Swahili Example] hujiangaliangalia kwa muda mrefu kabla ya kuoga [Kez]
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -chungulia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [Swahili Definition] kutazama ndani ya kitu (kama nyumba0 kwa kutumia nafasi ndogo au mwanya [Masomo 163]
    [English Example] The opening enabled the detective to look inside the wide entry room.
    [Swahili Example] Mwanya ulimwezesha mpelelezi kuchungulia ndani ya sebule pana [Masomo 163]
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -ola
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -shufu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -tazama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] The child <b>looked at</b> her sister in order to learn how to cook.
    [Swahili Example] Mtoto alim<b>tazama</b> dadake ili kujifunza namna ya kupika.
    [English Word] look at
    [Swahili Word] -tizama
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] tazama V
    [English Word] look at carefully
    [Swahili Word] -chungua
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] chunga v
    [Swahili Example] Ni vizuri tuichungue nchi yetu ilivyo [Masomo 3]
    [English Word] look at fixedly
    [Swahili Word] -tumbuza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look at one another
    [Swahili Word] -tazamana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look at someone
    [Swahili Word] -onea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look at!
    [Swahili Word] taz
    [Part of Speech] abbreviation
    [Derived Word] tazama
    [English Word] look carefully
    [Swahili Word] -saka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look down on someone
    [Swahili Word] -onea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look fixedly
    [Swahili Word] -angaza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look fixedly
    [Swahili Word] -kodoa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look fixedly at
    [Swahili Word] -angaza macho
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] angaza
    [English Word] look for
    [Swahili Word] -tadhibiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look for
    [Swahili Word] -tadubiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look for
    [Swahili Word] -tafuta
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look for someone
    [Swahili Word] -tafutia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] applicative
    [English Word] look for something
    [Swahili Word] -londea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look for something
    [Swahili Word] -rondea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look into
    [Swahili Word] -tazamia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] look like
    [Swahili Word] -shabihi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [English Example] it is a good child who looks like his/her mother in almost everything
    [Swahili Example] ni kitoto kizuri kilichomshabihi mama yake kwa kila hali [Muk]
    [English Word] look on behalf of
    [Swahili Word] -tazamia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] Look out!
    [Swahili Word] abedari!
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [Note] also: habedari!, bedari!
    [English Word] Look out!
    [Swahili Word] bedari
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [English Word] Look out!
    [Swahili Word] habedari
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [English Word] Look out!
    [Swahili Word] Jihadhari!
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] hadhari v
    [English Word] Look sharp!
    [Swahili Word] Kalamka!
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] Look!
    [Swahili Word] tahamaki
    [Part of Speech] interjection

    English-Swahili dictionary > look

  • 10 point

    [English Word] central point
    [English Plural] central points
    [Swahili Word] kiini
    [Swahili Plural] viini
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] ini
    [English Word] highest point
    [English Plural] highest points
    [Swahili Word] kipeo
    [Swahili Plural] vipeo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -pea
    [English Word] main point
    [Swahili Word] utako
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] make a point
    [Swahili Word] -kolea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] metal point
    [Swahili Word] uma
    [Swahili Plural] nyuma
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [Derived Word] uma v
    [English Word] point
    [English Plural] points
    [Swahili Word] kilembwa
    [Swahili Plural] vilembwa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] point
    [English Plural] points
    [Swahili Word] kinyangalele
    [Swahili Plural] vinyangalele
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] kilele
    [English Word] point
    [Swahili Word] ncha
    [Swahili Plural] ncha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] kwenye ncha ya waya ile pana kiwashio [Muk]
    [English Word] point
    [Swahili Word] nukta
    [Swahili Plural] nukta
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] point
    [Swahili Word] pointi
    [Swahili Plural] pointi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] engl
    [English Word] point
    [Swahili Word] -elekeza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Swahili Example] [Maksuudi] kamwelekeza mkewe bakora [Moh]
    [English Word] point
    [Swahili Word] -onyeshea kidole
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] onyesha
    [English Definition] use a finger to indicate a place, direction, person, or thing
    [English Word] point (of arrow or spear or harpoon)
    [English Plural] points
    [Swahili Word] chembe
    [Swahili Plural] vyembe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] jembe, kijembe
    [English Word] point (of time)
    [English Plural] points
    [Swahili Word] majira
    [Swahili Plural] majira
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 6/6
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [English Word] point (sharp part of a knife, sword, spear, etc.)
    [Swahili Word] makali
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] kali
    [English Word] point (with the finger)
    [Swahili Word] -pelekeza kidole
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] pelekeza, peleka
    [English Definition] use a finger to indicate a place, direction, person, or thing
    [Swahili Definition] onyesha kwa kidole
    [English Word] point at issue
    [Swahili Word] ushindi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] point in dispute
    [Swahili Word] ushindi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11
    [Derived Word] shinda v
    [English Word] point of time
    [Swahili Word] wakati
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] point out
    [Swahili Word] -bainisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Swahili Example] kubainisha viungo vyake vya siri waziwazi [Moh]
    [English Word] point out
    [Swahili Word] -onyesha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] point to
    [Swahili Word] -elekea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] my house faces south
    [Swahili Example] nyumba yangu inaelekea kusini
    [English Word] point with the finger
    [Swahili Word] -soza kidole
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] pointed instrument
    [English Plural] pointed instruments
    [Swahili Word] kibanzi
    [Swahili Plural] vibanzi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -bana
    [English Word] pointed thing (from honing)
    [Swahili Word] chonge
    [Swahili Plural] chonge
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] chonga v
    [English Word] press one's point
    [Swahili Word] -chagiza
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > point

  • 11 reply

    [English Word] make a sharp reply
    [Swahili Word] -daka maneno
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] mbona unanidaka kijuujuu? [Sul]
    [English Word] reply
    [Swahili Word] itiko
    [Swahili Plural] maitikio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] -ita V
    [English Word] reply
    [English Plural] replies
    [Swahili Word] jibu
    [Swahili Plural] majibu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] jawabu, majibizano
    [English Word] reply
    [Swahili Word] -itikia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] "Baba, Baba", Stella aliita. "Mm", aliitikia. [Kez]
    [English Word] reply
    [Swahili Word] -jibu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] If you send me an email, I will <b>reply</b>.
    [Swahili Example] Ukinituma barua pepe, nita<b>jibu</b>.
    [English Word] reply
    [Swahili Word] -rudi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] reply quickly and shrewdly
    [Swahili Word] -daka maneno
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] reply to the greeting alamsiki (cf.)
    [Swahili Word] binuru
    [Part of Speech] interjection
    [Derived Word] Arabic

    English-Swahili dictionary > reply

  • 12 stitch

    [English Word] stitch
    [English Plural] stitches
    [Swahili Word] kichomi
    [Swahili Plural] vichomi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -choma
    [English Definition] a sharp spasm of pain in the side resulting from running
    [Terminology] medical
    [English Word] stitch
    [English Plural] stitches
    [Swahili Word] shulu
    [Swahili Plural] mashulu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stitch
    [English Plural] stitches
    [Swahili Word] shuru
    [Swahili Plural] mashuru
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] stitch
    [English Plural] stitches
    [Swahili Word] stichi
    [Swahili Plural] stichi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] stitch
    [Swahili Word] -shona
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] mashono N, mshona N
    [English Word] stitch
    [Swahili Word] -shulu
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > stitch

  • 13 vessel

    [English Word] Arab sailing vessel with cut-water and sharp stern
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] bedeni
    [Swahili Plural] mabedeni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] brass vessel (small with narrow neck)
    [English Plural] brass vessels
    [Swahili Word] kalasia
    [Swahili Plural] kalasia
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] clay vessel
    [English Plural] clay vessels
    [Swahili Word] bia
    [Swahili Plural] mabia
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] clay vessel
    [English Plural] clay vessels
    [Swahili Word] chungu
    [Swahili Plural] vyungu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Related Words] jungu, mkungu
    [English Word] copper vessel (for carrying water)
    [English Plural] copper vessels
    [Swahili Word] hando
    [Swahili Plural] mahando
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] Hindi
    [Swahili Example] sauti ya mbumburisho wa hando imekamatana nayo [Moh]
    [English Word] man-of-war
    [English Plural] men-of-war
    [Swahili Word] manuwari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] English
    [English Example] The fort was attacked by British man-of-wars.
    [Swahili Example] Ngome ilishambulia kwa manuwari za Kiingereza [Masomo 145]
    [English Word] metal vessel
    [English Plural] metal vessels
    [Swahili Word] kopo
    [Swahili Plural] makopo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] Port
    [Swahili Example] usije ukagonga makopo [Muk]
    [English Word] metal vessel for water
    [English Plural] metal vessels
    [Swahili Word] birika
    [Swahili Plural] mabirika
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] naval vessel
    [English Plural] naval vessels
    [Swahili Word] manoari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] Engl.
    [English Example] flotilla, squadron
    [Swahili Example] kundi la manoari
    [English Word] naval vessel
    [English Plural] naval vessels
    [Swahili Word] manowari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] Engl.
    [English Example] flotilla, squadron
    [Swahili Example] kundi la manowari
    [English Word] sailing vessel with large stern and two masts
    [English Plural] sailing vessels
    [Swahili Word] bagala
    [Swahili Plural] bagala
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] sailing-vessel (of various kinds)
    [English Plural] sailing-vessels (of various kinds)
    [Swahili Word] chombo
    [Swahili Plural] vyombo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Example] every vessel has its own waves (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] kila chombo kwa mawimbi (methali)
    [English Word] small metal vessel
    [English Plural] small metal vessels
    [Swahili Word] tasa
    [Swahili Plural] tasa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] vessel
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] kombe
    [Swahili Plural] makombe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Related Words] -komba
    [English Word] vessel for bailing water out of a boat
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] ndau
    [Swahili Plural] ndau
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Terminology] nautical
    [English Word] vessel for burning incense
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] chetezo
    [Swahili Plural] vyetezo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] vessel for storing drinking water
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] warishai
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] vessel full to the brim
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] kijaa
    [Swahili Plural] vijaa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -jaa
    [English Word] vessel in which halua is stored
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] deste
    [Swahili Plural] madeste
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] vessel with hot coals
    [English Plural] vessels
    [Swahili Word] ziga
    [Swahili Plural] maziga
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6

    English-Swahili dictionary > vessel

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sharp (surname) — Sharp is a surname. Sharp is cognate to the German dd. scharf . It is also akin to words which have the sense of scraping, e.g. Latin la. scrobis ditch , Russian ru. skresti to scrape .* Abraham Sharp (1651 1742), English schoolmaster,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sharp — Sharp, a. [Compar. {Sharper}; superl. {Sharpest}.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. {Escarp}, {Scrape}, {Scorpion}.] 1. Having a very thin edge or fine …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sharp practice — Sharp Sharp, a. [Compar. {Sharper}; superl. {Sharpest}.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. {Escarp}, {Scrape}, {Scorpion}.] 1. Having a very thin edge… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sharp — K.K Rechtsform Kabushiki kaisha ISIN JP3359600008[1] Gründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Sharp Corporation — シャープ株式会社 Тип Публичная компания Листинг на бирже TYO …   Википедия

  • SHARP —  Pour l’article homophone, voir Sharpe. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sharp — [ʆɑːp ǁ ʆɑːrp] adjective a sharp increase, fall etc is very sudden and very big: • a sharp rise in interest rates • Unemployment generally brings a sharp fall in income. • The group reported a sharp decline in full year profits. sharply adverb …   Financial and business terms

  • sharp — [shärp] adj. [ME < OE scearp, akin to Ger scharf, ON skarpr < IE * (s)kerb(h) < base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR, HARVEST, L caro, flesh] 1. suitable for use in cutting or piercing; having a very thin edge or fine point; keen 2. having… …   English World dictionary

  • Sharp Nemesis NXT — at Mojave Role Racing aircraft Manufa …   Wikipedia

  • sharp — sharp, keen, acute can all mean having a fine point or edge, but it is in several of their extended senses that they are most likely to come into comparison. As applied to persons or their qualities, especially of intellect, all three can… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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