1 azimuth rate
1) Космонавтика: скорость изменения азимута2) Радиолокация: скорость по азимуту -
2 azimuth rate
3 azimuth rate
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > azimuth rate
4 azimuth rate
5 azimuth rate
6 azimuth rate computer
English-Russian electronics dictionary > azimuth rate computer
7 azimuth rate computer
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > azimuth rate computer
8 antenna azimuth rate
Космонавтика: скорость вращения антенны по азимуту -
9 antenna azimuth rate
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > antenna azimuth rate
10 rate
скорость, быстрота; темп; интенсивность; вертикальная скорость; частота ( событий) ; норма, степень; балл; производительность; ( секундный) расход (жидкости, газа) ; стоимость ( билета) ; классифицировать, (под)разделять на категории; оценивать. rate of roll-out — угловая скорость крена при выводе (из разворота)
accelerate the rate of roll — увеличивать угловую скорость крена [вращения вокруг продольной оси]
aircraft operational readiness rate — процент [количество] боеготовых самолётов в подразделении
autopilot-induced rate of roll — угловая скорость крена, создаваемая автопилотом
break a rate of descent — прекращать снижение, резко уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
control surface (movement) rate — угловая скорость отклонения руля [поверхности управления]
cumulative aircraft accident rate — суммарный коэффициент аварийности (среднее число лётных происшествий за месяц, квартал или год)
diffusion limited recession rate — скорость уноса массы, ограниченная диффузией
jet engine base maintenance return rate — процент возврата в строй неисправных реактивных двигателей после ремонта в условиях аэродрома базирования
pilot's instrument scanning rate — быстрота обзора [считывания показаний] приборов лётчиком
radar altimeter sinking rate — измеренная радиолокационным высотомером вертикальная скорость снижения
rate of altimeter unwinding — скорость потери высоты по высотомеру; быстрота уменьшения показаний высотомера
rate of approach to the stall — скорость приближения к срыву [сваливанию]
rate of discharge ( — секундный) расход выходящих газов [вытекающей жидкости]
rate of heat loss — скорость теплоотдачи [отвода тепла]
rate of increase of incidence — Бр. быстрота увеличения угла атаки
rate of part consumption — быстрота износа [расходования] частей [деталей]
sea level rate of climb — скороподъёмность на уровне моря [у земли]
shutdown rate of the engines — частота отказов [отключений] двигателей
stall recovery pitch rate — угловая скорость тангажа для вывода из режима срыва [сваливания]
stop the sink rate — прекращать снижение, уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
11 rate
1) скорость; темп2) частота3) интенсивность (напр. отказов)4) доля; процент; вероятность; пропорция; коэффициент; относительная величина5) тариф; ставка || тарифицировать; устанавливать ставку6) номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; паспортные данные || указывать номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; приводить паспортные данные7) рейтинг || определять рейтинг; иметь рейтинг•- rate of convergence
- rate of decay
- rate of ionization decay
- rate of phase change
- absorbed dose rate
- acceptable failure rate
- accounting rate
- adaptive learning rate
- addressing rate
- aging rate
- angular rate
- arrival rate
- assessed failure rate
- automatic baud rate
- automatic bit rate
- available bit rate
- azimuth rate
- basic repetition rate
- bit rate
- bit-error rate
- block error rate
- burst rate
- calling rate
- capture rate
- channel sampling rate
- character error rate
- character-writing rate
- charging rate
- chip-error rate
- clock rate
- collision rate
- compression frame rate
- concealment rate
- constant bit rate
- constant-false-alarm rate
- counting rate
- CPU clock rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise of off-state voltage
- critical rate of rise of on-state current
- crossover rate
- cross-relaxation rate
- cursor blink rate
- cutoff rate
- damage rate
- data rate
- data signaling rate
- data signalling rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deexcitation rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- deposition rate
- detuning rate
- diffusion rate
- discharge rate
- dispensing rate
- display rate
- display request rate
- distance rate
- disturbance rejection rate
- dose rate
- downtime rate
- drift rate
- effective transfer rate
- electron-ionization rate
- element error rate
- elevation rate
- enhanced full rate
- entropy production rate
- erasing rate
- error rate
- etch rate
- etching rate
- evaporation rate
- excitation rate
- exposure rate
- exposure-dose rate
- external transfer rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- false-alarm rate
- field-repetition rate
- finishing rate
- flicker rate
- fluence rate
- flutter rate
- frame rate
- frequency-sweep rate
- functional throughput rate
- generation rate
- growth rate
- hazard rate
- high-repetition rate
- hit rate
- hole-electron generation rate
- hole-ionization rate
- horizontal-repetitionrate
- host bus clock rate
- impact-ionization rate
- induced-transition rate
- information rate
- initial failure rate
- injection rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- internal transfer rate
- interruption rate
- intervalley rate of transfer
- ionization rate
- ISA bus clock rate
- lapse rate
- learning rate
- line rate
- lobing rate
- loss-of-lock rate
- magnetization reversal rate
- mapping rate
- mean failure rate
- mechanical tuning rate
- message-transmission rate
- migration rate
- misclassification rate
- modulation rate
- multiplexed rate
- mutation rate
- nucleation rate
- Nyquist signaling rate
- Nyquist signalling rate
- observed failure rate
- oxidation rate
- paging rate
- PCI bus clock rate
- phase rate
- phase-roll rate
- priming rate
- pull rate
- pulling rate
- pulse rate
- pulse-recurrence rate
- pulse-repetition rate
- quenching rate
- quenching transfer rate
- radiative-recombination rate
- range rate
- raw rate
- read error rate
- reading rate
- recombination rate
- recording rate
- recurrence rate
- refresh rate
- regeneration rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- sampling rate
- scan rate
- secondary emission rate
- signaling rate
- signalling rate
- slew rate
- specific absorption rate
- spin-diffusion rate
- spontaneous-transition rate
- stirring rate
- stock removal rate
- stuffing rate
- supersonic rate
- surface-recombination rate
- survival rate
- sustained transfer rate
- switching rate
- syllabic rate
- T1 rate
- T-1 rate
- T1C rate
- T-1C rate
- T2 rate
- T-2 rate
- T3 rate
- T-3 rate
- T4 rate
- T-4 rate
- teach rate
- teaching rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of rise of off-state voltage
- tracking rate
- transition rate
- transfer rate
- transmission rate
- transport rate
- typematic rate
- update rate
- user data rate
- variable bit rate
- variable sampling rate
- vertical refresh rate
- VLB bus clock rate
- volume-recombination rate
- writing rate
- zone-travel rate -
12 rate
1) скорость; темп2) частота3) интенсивность (напр. отказов)4) доля; процент; вероятность; пропорция; коэффициент; относительная величина5) тариф; ставка || тарифицировать; устанавливать ставку6) номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; паспортные данные || указывать номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; приводить паспортные данные7) рейтинг || определять рейтинг; иметь рейтинг•- acceptable failure rate
- accounting rate
- adaptive learning rate
- addressing rate
- aging rate
- angular rate
- arrival rate
- assessed failure rate
- automatic baud rate
- automatic bit rate
- available bit rate
- azimuth rate
- basic repetition rate
- bit rate
- bit-error rate
- block error rate
- burst rate
- calling rate
- capture rate
- channel sampling rate
- character error rate
- character-writing rate
- charging rate
- chip-error rate
- clock rate
- collision rate
- compression frame rate
- concealment rate
- constant bit rate
- constant-false-alarm rate
- counting rate
- CPU clock rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise of off-state voltage
- critical rate of rise of on-state current
- crossover rate
- cross-relaxation rate
- cursor blink rate
- cutoff rate
- damage rate
- data rate
- data signaling rate
- data signalling rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deexcitation rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- deposition rate
- detuning rate
- diffusion rate
- discharge rate
- dispensing rate
- display rate
- display request rate
- distance rate
- disturbance rejection rate
- dose rate
- downtime rate
- drift rate
- effective transfer rate
- electron-ionization rate
- element error rate
- elevation rate
- enhanced full rate
- entropy production rate
- erasing rate
- error rate
- etch rate
- etching rate
- evaporation rate
- excitation rate
- exposure rate
- exposure-dose rate
- external transfer rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- false-alarm rate
- field-repetition rate
- finishing rate
- flicker rate
- fluence rate
- flutter rate
- frame rate
- frequency-sweep rate
- functional throughput rate
- generation rate
- growth rate
- hazard rate
- high-repetition rate
- hit rate
- hole-electron generation rate
- hole-ionization rate
- horizontal-repetition rate
- host bus clock rate
- impact-ionization rate
- induced-transition rate
- information rate
- initial failure rate
- injection rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- internal transfer rate
- interruption rate
- intervalley rate of transfer
- ionization rate
- ISA bus clock rate
- lapse rate
- learning rate
- line rate
- lobing rate
- loss-of-lock rate
- magnetization reversal rate
- mapping rate
- mean failure rate
- mechanical tuning rate
- message-transmission rate
- migration rate
- misclassification rate
- modulation rate
- multiplexed rate
- mutation rate
- nucleation rate
- Nyquist rate
- Nyquist signaling rate
- Nyquist signalling rate
- observed failure rate
- oxidation rate
- paging rate
- PCI bus clock rate
- phase rate
- phase-roll rate
- priming rate
- pull rate
- pulling rate
- pulse rate
- pulse-recurrence rate
- pulse-repetition rate
- quenching rate
- quenching transfer rate
- radiative-recombination rate
- range rate
- rate of closure
- rate of convergence
- rate of decay
- rate of ionization decay
- rate of phase change
- raw rate
- read error rate
- reading rate
- recombination rate
- recording rate
- recurrence rate
- refresh rate
- regeneration rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- sampling rate
- scan rate
- secondary emission rate
- signaling rate
- signalling rate
- slew rate
- specific absorption rate
- spin-diffusion rate
- spontaneous-transition rate
- stirring rate
- stock removal rate
- stuffing rate
- supersonic rate
- surface-recombination rate
- survival rate
- sustained transfer rate
- switching rate
- syllabic rate
- T1 rate
- T-1 rate
- T1C rate
- T-1C rate
- T2 rate
- T-2 rate
- T3 rate
- T-3 rate
- T4 rate
- T-4 rate
- teach rate
- teaching rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of rise of off-state voltage
- tracking rate
- transfer rate
- transition rate
- transmission rate
- transport rate
- typematic rate
- update rate
- user data rate
- variable bit rate
- variable sampling rate
- vertical refresh rate
- VLB bus clock rate
- volume-recombination rate
- writing rate
- zone-travel rateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > rate
13 azimuth search rate
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > azimuth search rate
14 azimuth scanning
scanning diagram — схема сканирования; схема просмотра
scanning rate — скорость развертки; частота сканирования
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > azimuth scanning
15 azimuth search rate
1) Космонавтика: скорость вращения по азимуту при поиске цели2) Бытовая техника: азимутальная скорость поиска -
16 azimuth search rate
17 azimuth search rate
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances > azimuth search rate
18 azimuth wander rate
скорость ухода ( гироплатформы) по азимутуEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > azimuth wander rate
19 computer
= cmpr1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer - asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer - dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computer -
20 computer
1) компьютера) вычислительная машина, ВМб) электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ2) вычислительное устройство, вычислитель•- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- Apple Macintosh computer
- arbitrary course computer
- asynchronous computer
- AT-compatible computer
- automatic computer
- azimuth rate computer
- beam-steering computer
- bearing distance computer
- board computer
- briefcase computer
- bubble-domain computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- client computer
- clipboard computer
- coherent optical computer
- communication computer
- complex instruction set computer
- control computer
- course-line computer
- cryogenic computer
- data analog computer
- database computer
- dead-reckoning computer
- dedicated computer
- desktop computer
- digital computer
- discontinued computer
- diskless computer
- dockable computer
- docked computer
- electronic digital computer
- embedded personal computer
- fifth generation computer
- first generation computer
- fixed-program computer
- flight computer
- flight-path computer
- fluid computer
- fluid-jet computer
- follow-on computer
- fourth generation computer
- fuzzy computer
- general-purpose computer
- green computer
- guest computer
- guidance and navigation computer
- guidance computer
- hand-held personal computer
- high-end computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- industrial computer
- interface computer
- keyboard computer
- keyboardless computer
- laptop computer
- legacy-free computer
- logarithmic computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- member computer
- memory test computer
- microfluidic computer
- microprogrammable computer
- mobile computer
- mobile network computer
- multiaccess computer
- multihomed computer
- multimedia personal computer
- multi-user computer
- navigation computer
- network computer
- nonsequential computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-line computer
- offset-course computer
- on-board computer
- one-address computer
- on-hand wearable personal computer
- on-line computer
- optical computer
- palmtop personal computer
- parallel computer
- parallel course computer
- parallel digital computer
- Pel computer
- pen computer
- pen-based computer
- performance optimized with enhanced RISC personal computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pipelined computer
- plugboard computer
- pocket computer
- pocket personal computer
- pocket-size personal computer
- portable computer
- process computer
- process control computer
- quantum computer
- radiac computer
- range computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- remote computer
- rho-theta computer
- ruggedized computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second generation computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- serial digital computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-board computer
- single-chip computer
- slave computer
- small business computer
- solid-state computer
- sonar data computer
- source computer
- special-purpose computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standalone computer
- stored-program computer
- superconducting computer
- supervisory computer
- synchronous computer
- synergetic computer
- talking computer
- tandem computers
- target intercept computer
- tesselated computer
- third generation computer
- three-address computer
- Total Talk computer
- tse computer
- ultralight computer
- undocked computer
- universal computer
- wired-program computer
- zero wait state computerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > computer
См. также в других словарях:
azimuth rate — As referred to in gunnery, it means the rate of change in the azimuth measured in mils (milliradians) or degrees per seconds … Aviation dictionary
azimuth search rate — azimutinė paieškos sparta statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. azimuth search rate vok. Azimutalsuchgeschwindigkeit, f rus. азимутальная скорость поиска, f pranc. vitesse de recherche de cible en azimut, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
SPARSA — Sferics Pulse, Azimuth, Rate, and Spectrum Analyzer ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
SPARSA — Sferics Pulse, Azimuth, Rate, and Spectrum Analyzer ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z
Mathematical discussion of rangekeeping — In naval gunnery, when long range guns became available, an enemy ship would move some distance after the shells were fired. It became necessary to figure out where the enemy ship, the target, was going to be when the shells arrived. The process… … Wikipedia
radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… … Universalium
U.S. Helicopter Armament Subsystems — The United States military has developed a number of Helicopter Armament Subsystems since the early 1960s. These systems are used for offensive and defensive purposes and make use of a wide variety of weapon types including, but not limited to… … Wikipedia
artillery — /ahr til euh ree/, n. 1. mounted projectile firing guns or missile launchers, mobile or stationary, light or heavy, as distinguished from small arms. 2. the troops or the branch of an army concerned with the use and service of such weapons. 3.… … Universalium
Moving target indication — (MTI) is a mode of operation of a radar to discriminate a target against clutter. [1] In contrast to another mode, stationary target indication, it takes an advantage of the fact that the target moves with respect to stationary clutter. The most… … Wikipedia
geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… … Universalium
navigation — navigational, adj. /nav i gay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of navigating. 2. the art or science of plotting, ascertaining, or directing the course of a ship, aircraft, or guided missile. [1520 30; < L navigation (s. of navigatio) a voyage.… … Universalium