Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

azimuth misalignment

  • 1 azimuth misalignment

    Авиасловарь > azimuth misalignment

  • 2 misalignment

    смещение [отклонение] от заданного направления; рассогласование
    azimuth misalignment
    platform misalignment
    vertical misalignment

    Авиасловарь > misalignment

  • 3 angle

    1. угол/ образовывать угол; располагаться под углом; иметь наклон
    angle of attack
    angle of capillarity
    angle of climb
    angle of sideslip
    angle of track
    angle off the nose
    angle off the tail
    angle to the tail
    angle to trim
    angle to turn
    angles of operating incidence
    aerodynamic angle
    aerodynamic angles
    aileron angle
    air-path azimuth angle
    air-path bank angle
    air-path climb angle
    air-path inclination angle
    air-path track angle
    aircraft angles
    airfoil closing angle
    approach angle
    aspect angle
    attach angle
    attachment angle
    attainable angle of attack
    attitude angle
    azimuth angle
    bank angle
    basic local dihedral angle
    basic local effective sweep angle
    basic local sweep angle
    beyond-stall angle of attack
    blade azimuth angle
    camber angle
    climb angle
    climb-out pitch angle
    collective angle
    collective pitch angle
    complex angle of attack
    cone angle
    cone half angle
    coning angle
    control angle
    control-wheel angle
    conversion angle
    course angle
    cowl lip angle
    crab angle
    crack opening angle
    critical angle of attack
    cruise angle of attack
    decalage angle
    deflection angle
    delivery angle
    descent angle
    dihedral angle
    dive angle
    downwash angle
    effective angle of attack
    effective angle of incidence
    effective dihedral angle
    effective sweep angle
    elastic angle of attack
    elevated angle of attack
    elevation angle
    elevator angle
    elevator angle per g
    Euler angle
    exhaust angle
    fin setting angle
    flap angle
    flapping angle
    flight path angle
    flight path angles
    flight path azimuth angle
    flight path bank angle
    flight path elevation angle
    flight path heading angle
    flight path inclination angle
    floating angle of elevator
    flow turning angle
    forward sweep angle
    free-floating angle of elevator
    fuselage angle of attack
    fuselage reference angle
    geometric angle of attack
    geometric twist angle
    glide angle
    glidepath angle
    glideslope angle
    ground limit angle in pitch
    ground limit angle in roll
    ground limit angles
    ground rotation angle
    head angle
    heading angle
    impact angle
    incidence angle
    incident angle
    inclination angle
    indicated angle of attack
    induced angle of attack
    inflow angle
    jet angle
    lag angle
    lagging angle
    lateral flapping angle
    lead angle
    leading-edge sweep angle
    line-of-sight angle in azimuth
    line-of-sight angle in elevation
    local angle of attack
    local dihedral angle
    local effective dihedral angle
    local effective sweep angle
    local geometric twist angle
    local sweep angle
    local twist angle
    longitudinal flapping angle
    Mach angle
    maneuvering angles of attack
    maximum lift angle of attack
    minimum in-flight blade angle
    misalignment angle
    nose angle
    nose-up angle
    nosewheel angle
    nozzle angle
    nozzle lip angle
    nozzle vector angle
    off-boresight angle
    onset angle
    orientation angle
    perturbation angle
    perturbation angle of attack
    pitch angle
    pitch Euler angle
    pitch trim angle
    pitch attitude angle
    ply angle
    polar angle
    port ground limit angle
    post-stall angle of attack
    power lever angle
    Prandtl-Glauert angle
    Prandtl-Meyer angle
    precone angle
    prelag angle
    pretwist blade angle
    programmed with angle of attack
    pusher angle of attack
    quarter-chord sweep angle
    rake angle
    reflection angle
    reverse pitch angle
    reverser azimuth angle
    roll angle
    roll Euler angle
    root pitch angle
    rotation angle
    rudder angle
    seat angle
    seat back angle
    semiapex angle
    semivertex angle
    setting angle
    setting angle of the longitudinal axis with respect to the aircraft axis
    shaft angle
    shaft tilt angle
    shock angle
    sideslip angle
    sidewash angle
    simulated angle of attack
    solid angle
    spoiler angle
    stall angle
    stalling angle
    starboard ground limit angle
    steepest-climb angle
    sting-support angle
    streamwise angle of attack
    sun angle
    sweep angle
    sweepback angle
    swirl angle
    tab angle
    tail angle of attack
    tail clearance angle
    tail ground clearance angle
    tail strike angle
    tail-setting angle
    thrust angle
    thrust direction angles
    thrust turning angle
    thrust vector angle
    track angle
    trailing-edge angle
    trim angle
    trim angle of attack
    trim coning angle
    trimmed angle of attack
    trimmed pitch angle
    true angle of attack
    turning angle
    turnover angle
    twist angle
    upflow angle
    upwash angle
    usable angle of attack
    vector angle
    vertical angle of attack
    viewing angle
    wake skew angle
    wedge angle
    wind angles
    wind azimuth angle
    wind direction angles
    wind elevation angle
    wind-off angle of attack
    wing root angle of attack
    wing skew angle
    winglet toe out angle
    wingtip angle of attack
    yaw Euler angle
    zero-lift angle
    zero-lift downwash angle

    Авиасловарь > angle

  • 4 error

    1. ошибка; погрешность; отклонение
    2. рассогласование; расхождение
    acceleration error
    aiming error
    angle-of-attack error
    azimuth error
    barometric error
    bomb delivery error
    code error
    control error
    crew interaction errors
    elevation error
    energy height error
    estimation error
    first-time-fit error
    fitting error
    flight path error
    frequency error
    glideslope error
    height error
    human error
    inertial error
    instrument error
    interpolation error
    lag error
    lagged error
    level error
    line-of-sight error
    localizer error
    longitude error
    measurement error
    misalignment error
    modelling error
    noise error
    orientation error
    pitch rate error
    pitot pressure error
    position error
    radial probable error
    roll error
    software error
    state estimation error
    time-of-arrival error
    tracking error
    truncation error
    upwash error
    velocity error
    wiring error

    Авиасловарь > error

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Cassette deck — A cassette deck is a type of tape recorder for playing or recording audio compact cassettes. A deck was formerly distinguished from a recorder as being part of a stereo component system, while a recorder had a self contained power amplifier (and… …   Wikipedia

  • Analemma — was also a book by Ptolemy .In astronomy, an analemma (IPA: IPA|/ˌænəˈlɛmə/, Latin for the pedestal of a sundial) is a curve representing the angular offset of a celestial body (usually the Sun) from its mean position on the celestial sphere as… …   Wikipedia

  • List of electronics topics — Alphabetization has been neglected in some parts of this article (the b section in particular). You can help by editing it. This is a list of communications, computers, electronic circuits, fiberoptics, microelectronics, medical electronics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Helmet mounted display — For non aviation applications, see Head mounted display Helmet mounted display The Integrated Helmet and Display Sight System (IHADSS) A helmet mounted display ( …   Wikipedia

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