1 azimuth circle
azimuth circle буссоль, угломерный круг -
2 azimuth circle
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > azimuth circle
3 azimuth circle
4 azimuth circle
устройство для отсчета по азимуту
азимутальный прибор
азимутальный круг
Устройство, обычно устанавливаемое на котелке компаса или прикрепляемое к нему для измерения азимута небесного тела или взятия пеленга отдаленного предмета. Если кольцевая оправа верхнего стекла компаса имеет соответствующую градуировку, то можно получить азимут (пеленг) относительно носа судна.
[ ГОСТ Р 52682-2006]Тематики
- средства навигации, наблюдения, управления
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > azimuth circle
5 azimuth circle
6 azimuth circle
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > azimuth circle
7 azimuth circle
8 azimuth circle
<astr.> азимутальный круг -
9 azimuth circle
1) Общая лексика: буссоль, угломерный круг2) Авиация: шкала азимутов3) Военный термин: угломерное кольцо4) Техника: азимутальный круг, пеленгатор5) Строительство: лимб6) Картография: азимут-квадрант, азимутальное кольцо, азимутальное кольцо буссоли, буссольный круг7) Нефтепромысловый: азимутальный лимб -
10 azimuth circle
11 azimuth circle
буссоль, угломерный кругАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > azimuth circle
12 azimuth circle
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > azimuth circle
13 azimuth circle
14 azimuth circle
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > azimuth circle
15 azimuth circle
буссоль, угломерный круг -
16 azimuth circle
17 azimuth circle
18 azimuth circle
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > azimuth circle
19 azimuth circle
20 azimuth circle
азимутальный круг; угломерный [буссольный] круг; буссоль
См. также в других словарях:
Azimuth circle — Azimuth Az i*muth, n. [OE. azimut, F. azimut, fr. Ar. as sum?t, pl. of as samt a way, or perh., a point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith, as being the Arabic article: cf. It. azzimutto, Pg. azimuth, and Ar. samt al… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Azimuth circle — Circle Cir cle (s[ e]r k l), n. [OE. cercle, F. cercle, fr. L. circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Gr. kri kos, ki rkos, circle, ring. Cf. {Circus}, {Circum }.] [1913 Webster] 1. A plane figure, bounded by a single… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
azimuth circle — noun 1. : one of the great circles of the celestial sphere intersecting each other in the zenith and nadir called also vertical circle; compare meridian 2 2. : a horizontal graduated circle for indicating azimuth (as one having sight vanes and… … Useful english dictionary
azimuth circle — noun Instrument for measuring azimuths. It is a graduated circle on a sight, gun carriage, searchlight, etc … Wiktionary
azimuth circle — a device for measuring azimuths, consisting of a graduated ring equipped with a sighting vane on each side, which fits concentrically over a compass. [1585 95] * * * … Universalium
azimuth circle — tool for measuring azimuths that comprises of a graduated ring having a sighting vane on each side that fits over a compass in a concentric manner … English contemporary dictionary
Azimuth — Az i*muth, n. [OE. azimut, F. azimut, fr. Ar. as sum?t, pl. of as samt a way, or perh., a point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith, as being the Arabic article: cf. It. azzimutto, Pg. azimuth, and Ar. samt al r[=a] s the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Azimuth compass — Azimuth Az i*muth, n. [OE. azimut, F. azimut, fr. Ar. as sum?t, pl. of as samt a way, or perh., a point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith, as being the Arabic article: cf. It. azzimutto, Pg. azimuth, and Ar. samt al… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Azimuth dial — Azimuth Az i*muth, n. [OE. azimut, F. azimut, fr. Ar. as sum?t, pl. of as samt a way, or perh., a point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith, as being the Arabic article: cf. It. azzimutto, Pg. azimuth, and Ar. samt al… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circle — Cir cle (s[ e]r k l), n. [OE. cercle, F. cercle, fr. L. circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Gr. kri kos, ki rkos, circle, ring. Cf. {Circus}, {Circum }.] [1913 Webster] 1. A plane figure, bounded by a single curve… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Circle of altitude — Circle Cir cle (s[ e]r k l), n. [OE. cercle, F. cercle, fr. L. circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Gr. kri kos, ki rkos, circle, ring. Cf. {Circus}, {Circum }.] [1913 Webster] 1. A plane figure, bounded by a single… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English