1 axial bead
диэлектрическая шайба
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > axial bead
2 axial bead
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > axial bead
3 axial bead
4 axial bead
2) Макаров: диэлектрическая шайба -
5 axial bead
6 axial bead
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > axial bead
7 axial bead
8 axial bead
9 bead
4) сварка валик; металл, наплавленный за один проход; узкий шов || наплавлять валик; сваривать узким швом7) борт (шины, покрышки) || отбортовывать8) строит. выпуклая калёвка9) развальцовывать; расчеканивать10) эл. (изоляционная) бусинка; штабик11) электрон. диэлектрическая шайба ( коаксиальной линии)12) сил. венчик ( маканого изделия)13) пузырёк (газа, воздуха)14) пузырь ( дефект стекла); королёк (дефект металлической отливки, стекловолокна); слеза ( дефект эмали); мн. ч. натёки, наплывы ( дефекты покрытия)•-
angle bead
anion bead
axial bead
backing bead
back bead
capping bead
carbon cleaning glass beads
cation bead
corner bead
deep bead
dielectric bead
draft bead
ferrite bead
filler bead
glazing bead
guard bead
guide bead
inert bead
inner bead
mixed-bed opposing bead
penetration bead
plaster bead
polymer beads
process beads
resin hydrated bead
resin opaque bead
resin opaque core transparent bead
resin transparent bead
sash bead
sill bead
staff bead
stop bead
stringer bead
tire bead
ventilating bead
weave bead
weld bead
window bead -
10 bead
1) бусин(ка); шайба; небольшая шарообразная или цилиндрическая деталь со сквозным отверстием2) буртик; валик3) капля, капелька; пузырёк || образовывать капли или пузырьки•- ceramic bead
- dielectric bead
- ferrite bead
- ink bead
- insulating beads
- plastic bead
- polystyrene bead -
11 bead
1) бусин(ка); шайба; небольшая шарообразная или цилиндрическая деталь со сквозным отверстием2) буртик; валик3) капля, капелька; пузырёк || образовывать капли или пузырьки•- ceramic bead
- dielectric bead
- ferrite bead
- ink bead
- insulating beads
- plastic bead
- polystyrene beadThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > bead
12 axial wire bead
Телекоммуникации: изолирующая шайба коаксиального кабеля -
13 axial wire bead
Англо-русский словарь по электроэнергетике > axial wire bead
14 axial wire bead
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > axial wire bead
15 axial wire bead
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > axial wire bead
16 dielectric bead
диэлектрическая шайба
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > dielectric bead
17 dielectric bead
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > dielectric bead
18 selenium bead
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > selenium bead
19 seal
1) уплотнение, уплотняющий материал, уплотняющая прокладка; сальник, сальниковое уплотнение || уплотнять2) изоляция || изолировать3) герметизирующий состав, герметик || заливать герметиком4) герметизация; заваривание; сваривание; запаивание || герметизировать; заваривать; сваривать; запаивать6) затвор7) гидр. шов; шпонка8) гидр. перемычка || устраивать перемычку10) возд. гермовывод12) печать; клеймо; пломба || запечатывать; клеймить; пломбировать14) сваривать ( упаковочную плёнку)15) укупоривание || укупоривать16) закатывать ( консервные банки)19) полигр. удалять фон или часть изображения•-
aft seal
air tight seal
air seal
all-metal seal
annular seal
apex seal
automatic seal
axial bush seal
axial oil seal
axial seal
backed by expander seal
balanced seal
band seal
barrier seal
bead seal
bearing seal
bellows seal
bidirectional-type seal
birotational seal
bow seal
bush seal with radial float
bush seal
captive seal
car seal
centrifugal seal
ceramic-to-metal seal
ceramic-metal seal
chevron pack seal
circumferential seal
clearance seal
compression seal
concave seal
concentric seal
concrete seal
condensate seal
contact seal
corner seal
crankshaft front seal
crescent seal
crimp seal
crunch seal
crush seal
cryogenic seal
cup-type seal
cushion seal
cutting-edge seal
devitrified seal
diaphragm seal
dip seal
disk seal
dock seal
docking ring seal
double lip seal
duo-cone floating ring seal
duo-cone seal
duplicate seal with buffer liquid
dust-proof seal
dust seal
dynamic connection seal
dynamic seal
elastic seal
elastomeric seal
end seal
exclusion seal
external seal
extruded seal
fabric seal
fabric-reinforced seal
face seal
fastening seal
felt seal
fixed bush seal
fixed seal
flange seal
flat seal
flexible bag seal
flexible seal
floating seal
floating-bush seal
floating-ring seal
floating-roof seal
foil seal
fore seal
formed metal bellows seal
four-lobed seal
friction seal
friction weld seal
frit seal
fusion seal
gas-tight seal
gas seal
gasket seal
gate seal
gland seal
glass seal
glass-to-ceramic seal
glass-to-metal seal
grease-type seal
grease seal
groove seal
helix seal
hermetic seal
high-vacuum seal
hose-type seal
housing seal
hub seal
hydraulic seal
hydrodynamic lip seal
hydrodynamic seal
interface seal
internal seal
inverted duo-cone seal
labyrinth bush seal
labyrinth seal
lead seal
lip-type seal
lip seal
liquid-metal seal
magnetic fluid seal
matched seal
mechanical seal
metal seal
metal-backed seal
moving seal
multiple lip seal
neck seal
noncontacting seal
noncontact seal
noncontacting coned-face seal
noncontacting face seal
notch seal
oil seal
oil-resistant seal
packing seal
packless seal
peripheral seal
pinch seal
pipe joint seal
pipe seal
piston seal
piston-to-rod seal
plain lip-type seal
preloaded hydraulic seal
press-fit seal
pressure seal
primary seal
pseudo-static seal
radial seal
reciprocating motion connection seal
rectangular seal
reinforced seal
resilient seal
ridge seal
ring seal
rod seal
rod wiping seal
rotary seal
rubber seal
rubber-backed seal
rubber-fabric chevron seal
rubber-to-metal bond seal
safeguards seal
scraper-type seal
secondary seal
self-aligning seal
shaft seal
shear-type seal
shipping seal
single seal
sleeve seal
sliding seal
soft seal
spindle seal
spiral-groove face seal
split seal
spring-backed seal
square-grooved seal
stability seal
static connection seal
static seal
steel casting seal
sterile seal
stuffing box seal
submerged-tube seal
suction seal
swell seal
toric seal
tremie seal
trim seal
ultrahigh vacuum seal
unbalanced seal
unidirectional-type seal
unirotational seal
vacuum seal
V-set seal
water seal
watertight seal
wedge-type seal
welding seal
weld seal
welded metal bellows seal
Wheeler seal
Wilson ring seal
wiper seal
wire seal
wobbling seal -
20 capacitor
- air capacitor
- aligning capacitor
- aluminum electrolytic capacitor
- anode bypass capacitor
- anodized-film capacitor
- antenna capacitor
- antenna series capacitor
- antenna tuning capacitor
- antihum capacitor
- axial-lead capacitor
- barium-titanate capacitor
- bathtub capacitor
- bead capacitor
- bistable ferroelectric capacitor
- blocking capacitor
- bonded silvered mica capacitor
- book capacitor
- boost capacitor
- bootstrap capacitor
- bridging capacitor
- buffer capacitor
- building-out capacitor
- butterfly capacitor
- button mica capacitor - ceramic chip capacitor
- charging capacitor
- chip capacitor
- clamp-type mica capacitor
- clockwise capacitor
- commutating capacitor
- concentric-sphere capacitor
- continuously-adjustable capacitor
- counterclockwise capacitor
- coupling capacitor
- cylindrical capacitor
- decoupling capacitor
- differential capacitor
- diffused capacitor
- diffused-junction capacitor
- disk capacitor
- doorknob capacitor
- dry-electrolytic capacitor
- dual capacitor
- duct capacitor
- duodielectric capacitor
- electrochemical capacitor
- electrolytic capacitor
- elemental capacitor
- encapsulated capacitor
- end capacitor
- evaporated capacitor
- eyelet-construction mica capacitor
- feedthrough capacitor
- ferroelectric capacitor
- field-effect capacitor
- film capacitor
- filter capacitor
- fixed capacitor
- foil capacitor
- gang capacitor
- gas capacitor
- glass-plate capacitor
- grid-leak capacitor
- guard-ring capacitor
- guard-well capacitor
- high-power capacitor
- high-voltage capacitor
- integrated-circuit capacitor
- integrating capacitor
- interdigitated capacitor
- interlocking-finger capacitor
- interstage capacitor
- junction capacitor
- junction-type capacitor
- lacquer-film capacitor
- leaky capacitor
- liquid-filled capacitor
- low-power capacitor
- low-voltage capacitor
- mansbridge capacitor
- metal-insulator-silicon capacitor
- metallized capacitor
- metallized paper capacitor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor
- metal-silicon nitride-oxide-semiconductor capacitor
- metal-silicon nitride-silicon capacitor
- mica capacitor
- miniature foil capacitor
- molded capacitor
- monolithic ceramic capacitor
- MOS capacitor
- Mylar capacitor
- neutralizing capacitor
- n-layer capacitor
- noninductive capacitor
- nonlinear capacitor
- nonpolarized electrolytic capacitor
- oil capacitor
- oil-filled capacitor
- oscillator capacitor
- oxide capacitor
- padding capacitor
- paper capacitor
- parallel-plate capacitor
- phasing capacitor
- plane capacitor
- plasma capacitor
- plastic-film capacitor
- plate-bypass capacitor
- p-n junction capacitor
- polarized electrolytic capacitor
- polycarbonate-film capacitor
- polyester-film capacitor
- polystyrene-film capacitor
- porcelain capacitor
- preset capacitor
- pressure-type capacitor
- printed capacitor
- radial-lead capacitor
- reference capacitor
- resonant capacitor
- roll-off capacitor
- rotary capacitor
- self-healing capacitor
- self-sealing capacitor
- semiconductor capacitor
- shortenings capacitor
- silicon capacitor
- silvered mica capacitor
- SLF capacitor
- solid-electrolytic capacitor
- solid tantalum capacitor
- spark capacitor
- speedup capacitor
- split-stator variable capacitor
- standard capacitor
- steatite capacitor
- stopping capacitor
- straight-line capacitor
- straight-line frequency capacitor
- straight-line wavelength capacitor
- subdivided capacitor
- suppression capacitor
- switched capacitor
- synchronous capacitor
- tank capacitor
- tantalum bead capacitor
- tantalum chip capacitor
- tantalum-foil electrolytic capacitor
- tantalum oxide capacitor
- tantalum pentoxide capacitor
- tantalum-slug electrolytic capacitor
- telephone capacitor
- temperature-compensating capacitor
- thick-film capacitor
- thin-film capacitor
- tin-oxide film capacitor
- tin-oxide thin-film capacitor
- trimmer capacitor
- trimming capacitor
- tubular capacitor
- tuning capacitor
- vacuum capacitor
- vacuum-deposited capacitor
- variable capacitor
- vernier capacitor
- vibrating capacitor
- voltage-controlled capacitor
- voltage-dependent capacitor
- voltage-variable capacitor
- wet electrolytic capacitor
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
диэлектрическая шайба — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN axial beaddielectric bead … Справочник технического переводчика
Optical tweezers — (originally called single beam gradient force trap ) are scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force (typically on the order of piconewtons), depending on the refractive index mismatch… … Wikipedia
Expansion joint — For the railway specific expansion joints, see Breather switch. Expansion joint on a bridge An expansion joint or movement joint is an assembly designed to safely absorb the heat induced expansion and contraction of various construction materials … Wikipedia
Sundial — A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal sundial, the sun casts a shadow from its style (a thin rod or a sharp, straight edge) onto a flat surface marked with lines indicating… … Wikipedia
Pinch (plasma physics) — For other uses, see Pinch (disambiguation). Lightning bolts illustrating electromagnetically pinched plasma filaments … Wikipedia
Sculpture (mollusc) — Sculpture on a mollusc shell is whatever natural 3 dimensional ornamentation exists on the outer surface of a shell, apart from the basic shape of the shell itself. The term sculpture is most often applied to the shells of gastropods and bivalves … Wikipedia
Rim (wheel) — The rim is the outer circular design of the metal on which the inside edge of the tire is mounted on vehicles such as automobiles. [ [http://www.motorera.com/dictionary/RI.HTM#Rim Rim as defined by the Dictionary of Automobile Terms, undated] ,… … Wikipedia
Richard Feynman — Feynman redirects here. For other uses, see Feynman (disambiguation). Richard P. Feynman Richard Feynman at Fermilab Bor … Wikipedia
Colloidal gold — Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
military aircraft — Introduction any type of aircraft that has been adapted for military use. Aircraft have been a fundamental part of military power since the mid 20th century. Generally speaking, all military aircraft fall into one of the following… … Universalium
Fundamentalism — For other uses, see fundamentalism (disambiguation). Fundamentalism is strict adherence to specific theological doctrines usually understood as a reaction against Modernist theology.[1] The term fundamentalism was originally coined by its… … Wikipedia