1 гарантировать
1) General subject: assure, avouch, ensure, give assurances, guarantee, guaranty, insure, safeguard, safekeep, secure, undertake, underwrite, warrant, vouchsafe2) Computers: make sure3) Mathematics: contribute, present, provide, supply4) Law: avouchment, back a bill, hold to security5) Economy: vouch for7) Banking: sponsor, stand surety9) Makarov: indemnify (от потерь), secure (что-л.), engage for10) oil&gas: indemnify for smth.11) Scuba diving: safety guard12) Phraseological unit: answer for -
2 гарантия
1) General subject: assurance, avouchment, guarantee, guaranty, indemnity, insurance, safeguard, safety net, seal, security, sponsorship, surety, warrant, warranty2) Obsolete: safety3) Engineering: protection4) Construction: bid bond5) Law: (долговая) obligation, sponsion, warrandice6) Economy: capacity to incur liability, joint security8) Finances: (в частности, в деривативных сделках) protection9) Insurance: Bd10) Diplomatic term: (письменная) voucher11) Abbreviation: guar12) Oil: guarantee ((в отличие от warranty); рабочих характеристик)13) Banking: back up, backing, bond, suretyship, undertaking, GTE14) Taxes: bonds15) Patents: (договорная) warranty16) Business: safeguarding, voucher17) EBRD: bond (гарантийный фонд), indemnity (возмещения убытков), security (гарантийный фонд), warranty (техническая)18) Sakhalin R: guarantee (в отличие от warranty; рабочих характеристик)19) Cables: assurance (качества, надёжности)20) Makarov: hedge, indemnity (от потерь) -
3 заявление
1) General subject: affirmation, affirmative, announce, application (в суд), avouchment, claim, contention, declaration, deliverance, (авторитетное) dictas, (авторитетное) dictum, enter, inform, letter of agreement (в котором варажается согласие на что-л. Точно так же переводится и Statement of consent), lodge, manifest, notify, outgiving, outgiving (политическое), petition (в суд), petitionary, present, presentment (присяжных), profession (о своих чувствах и т. п.), pronouncing, pronunciamento, release, representation, self-contradiction, statement (police statement, witness statement), stating, story, tender, testimony (торжественное), allegation (особ. перед судом, трибуналом), notice, notice to quit (hand in his notice, resign ALSO notice of termination of rental tenancy (by landlord to tenant to each other)), proposition, statement of consent (заявление, в котором отец/мать дает согласие на выезд ребенка/выдачу паспорта и т.д.), utterance, comment, message2) Engineering: claiming3) Law: assertion, bill, maintenance, matter, motion, parol, pleading the baby act, predication, preference (протеста, требования и т. д.), preferment (протеста, требования и т. д.), submission, submitting, replication (http://moscow-translator.ru/techtranslation-english)4) Economy: application (напр. на получение займа), assertion (прав, претензий), notice (об увольнении с работы), plea5) Diplomatic term: allegation (обыкн. голословное)6) Advertising: announcement8) Business: application, notification, petition9) Cables: application form (бланк, форма), application request (письменная просьба), claim (о правах)10) leg.N.P. complaint -
4 заявлять
1) General subject: allege (обыкн. голословно), announce, assert, claim, contend, declare, enounce, make a statement, outtell, predicate, profess, profess (во всеуслышание), pronounce, purport, state, enter a protest, lodge a protest, make a protest, raise a protest3) History: bid4) Mathematics: declare (если нет полной уверенности в правильности чего-л.)5) Law: apply, argue, avouch, avouchment, lay (в ходе процесса), lodge (прошение, заявку, жалобу, возражение, протест), maintain, plead (в суде), plead the baby act, prefer (протест, требование и т. д.), protest, represent, return, say, submit, swear, testify, vouch6) Patents: deposit -
5 признавать
1) General subject: accept, account, acknowledge, admit, allow, allow as how, appreciate, avow, confess, consider, declare (кого-либо кем-либо), espouse, find, give in, own, own (своим), profess, recognize, recognize (что-л., кого-л.), see, vote (the play was voted a failure - пьеса была признана неудачной), concede, make no bones of..., take in (верным, правильным), tell (I can tell you American — признаю в вас американца), (кого-л., за кого-л.) take (smb). for (smb)., attribute (smth. to smb., за кем-л. что-л.), uphold2) Bookish: homologate (действительность документа, рекорда и т.п.)3) Mathematics: regard4) Law: acquiesce, adjudge (в судебном порядке), admit (факт), agnize, avouch, avouchment, hold, deem5) Accounting: recognise6) Diplomatic term: allow (справедливым, правильным), homologate (действительность документа и т.п.)7) Psychology: grant8) Business: adjudge9) Makarov: subsist -
6 признание
1) General subject: acknowledgement, acknowledgment, admission, anagnorisis, avouchment, avowal, concession (чьей-л. правоты, победы и т.п.), confession (вины, ошибки), declaration, full marks, laurel, recognition, recognition (дебиторской задолженности), recognizance, recognizing, vocation, kudos, renown, profession2) Computers: acknowledging3) Religion: confessing4) Law: acquiescence, adjudgement, adjudgment, adjudication, adjudicature, admission (факта или утверждения), admission (вины, факта), cognizance, recognisance, verbal (арестованного)5) Economy: admission (правильным, действительным и т.п.), admittance, allowance (напр. требований)6) Accounting: recognition (регистрация в учётных записях)8) Diplomatic term: allowance (требований, претензий и т.п.), (официальное) recognition (факта, претензии и т.п.)10) Patents: appreciation, recognition by the public11) Business: acceptance, adoption12) Programming: recognising13) Makarov: laurels, recognition (суверенитета страны, законности правительства и т.п.), spurs14) Logistics: adjudicating -
7 ручаться
1) General subject: answer, answer for (за кого-л.), avouch, certify, ensure, gage, guarantee, impawn, mortgage (словом), pass one's word for, pawn, pledge, pledge honour, pledge one's honour, pledge one's word, pledge word, sponsor, swear, to be (stand) sponsor for (smb.) (за кого-л.), undertake, vouch, vouch for, warrant, bail out, eat head off, stand surety for (за кого-л.), pass word (за кого-л.-for), represent2) Colloquial: go bail3) Law: avouchment, bail (за что-л.), go bail for, mortgage (словом и т.п.)4) Economy: become security, stand security5) Advertising: give security6) Business: grant surety, guaranty, stand surety7) Investment: become the security8) Makarov: answer for (smb.) (за кого-л.), eat (one's) head off, go bail for (за что-л.), engage for (за кого-л.)9) Archaic: undertake (за кого-л.) -
8 свидетельствовать
1) General subject: argue (о чем-л.), attest, authenticate, be declarative of (о чем-л.), bear evidence, bear evidence of (smth.) (о чем-л.), bear testimony, bear testimony to (о чем-л.), bear witness, bear witness of, bear witness to, bespeak, certify, depose, evidence, examine, give evidence, give evidence of (smth.) (о чем-л.), give testimony to (о чем-л.), give witness, indicate (о чем-л.), militate (об уликах, фактах), militate (against), point, proclaim (о чем-л.), purport (о чём-л.), show, speak (the facts speak for themselves - факты говорят сами за себя), stamp (о чем-л.), tell, testate, testify (о чем-либо), witness, bear evidence of, give evidence of, go to show that..., speak for oneself (о чем-л.), bear testament (о чем-л. - to smth.), confirm, bear out2) Medicine: indicate3) Engineering: homologate6) Law: avouch, avouchment, bear testimony witness, lead, vouch7) Bible: accredit8) Diplomatic term: argue (о чём-л.)9) Politics: (о чем-л.) be evidence of (smth), clearly show, is convincing proof that, point to the fact that10) Scottish language: depone11) Jargon: back up (за или против)12) Business: argue, certificate, prove13) Makarov: be indicative of (о чем-л.), bear record to, go to show that (...)14) Christianity: preach -
9 утверждать
1) General subject: adopt (позицию), affirm, allege (особ. без основания), appoint (в должности), approve (особ. постановление), approve of, argue, aver, avouch, claim, clench, clinch, confirm, consolidate, contend, depose, finalize, have, insist, insist on, insist upon, lay down, maintain, posit, sanction, say (что, якобы), state, submit, take up the position (что), take up the position that (что), threap, validate, visa, assert3) American: allow4) Construction: immerse5) Mathematics: predicate6) Religion: homologate7) Railway term: corroborate8) Law: adopt (оспоримую сделку), affirm (решение суда), asseverate, avouchment, instate (в правах), pass, protest, prove (завещание), ratify, set out, sign into law, swear, testify, vouch9) Economy: give a go-head, pass (план, расход)10) Accounting: vote11) Diplomatic term: adopt (устав, статут и т.п.), affirm (решение суда и т.п.)12) Psychology: allege (особенно без оснований), assert (с уверенностью), believe, declare, make an assertion, profess13) Jargon: dick14) Information technology: predict15) Mechanic engineering: secure17) Sakhalin energy glossary: give the OK (Michele Berdy)18) leg.N.P. probate, strengthen, represent20) Phraseological unit: cotton on -
10 заявление
1) announcement
2) petition, application, written request* * *1) application; 2) statement* * *announcement, declaration, statement* * *affirmationallegationallegingapplicationavouchmentclaimdeclarationdeclaringnoticeoutgivingpresentmentprofessionpronouncingpropositionrepresentationstatementstatingtestimony
См. также в других словарях:
Avouchment — A*vouch ment, n. The act of avouching; positive declaration. [Obs.] Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
avouchment — I noun acknowledgment, adjuration, affirmance, affirmation, assertion, asseveration, assurance, attest, attestation, averment, avowal, avowance, declaration, formulation, oath, open statement of affirmation, positive assertion, positive statement … Law dictionary
avouchment — noun Date: 1574 an act of avouching ; avowal … New Collegiate Dictionary
avouchment — See avouch. * * * … Universalium
avouchment — noun a) The act of avouching. b) A positive declaration … Wiktionary
avouchment — n. avowal; statement that asserts the truth of something; an act of avouching … English contemporary dictionary
avouchment — avouch·ment … English syllables
avouchment — noun a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something • Syn: ↑avowal, ↑affirmation • Derivationally related forms: ↑affirm (for: ↑affirmation), ↑avow (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
attestation — I noun act of bearing witness, adjuration, affirmation, allegation, assertion, asseveration, attest, attesting declaration, authentication, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification, declaration, endorsement, oath, solemn averment, solemn… … Law dictionary
avowal — I noun acknowledgment, adjurement, affirmance, affirmation, assertion, asseveration, attestation, authentication, averment, aveu, avouchment, avowance, confessio, confession, confirmation, contention, corroboration, declaration, endorsement,… … Law dictionary
oath — n 1: a solemn attestation of the truth of one s words or the sincerity of one s intentions; specif: one accompanied by calling upon a deity as a witness 2: a promise (as to perform official duties faithfully) corroborated by an oath compare… … Law dictionary