1 avoid double taxation
Экономика: избегать двойного обложения налогом -
2 avoid double taxation
3 avoid double taxation
4 avoid double taxation
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > avoid double taxation
5 to avoid double taxation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to avoid double taxation
6 to avoid double taxation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to avoid double taxation
7 double taxation agreement
Finan agreement between two countries intended to avoid a situation in which income is subject to taxation in bothThe ultimate business dictionary > double taxation agreement
8 taxation
nналогообложение, обложение (налогом, пошлиной, сбором), взимание налогов
- adequate taxation
- agricultural taxation
- burdensome taxation
- concessional taxation
- consumption taxation
- corporate taxation
- deferred taxation
- degressive taxation
- direct taxation
- discriminatory taxation
- dividend taxation
- domestic taxation
- double taxation
- duplicate taxation
- entertainment taxation
- equitable taxation
- flat rate taxation
- future taxation
- gift taxation
- graduated taxation
- green taxation
- heavy taxation
- income taxation
- increased taxation
- independent taxation
- indirect taxation
- internal taxation
- international double taxation
- land taxation
- light taxation
- lump taxation
- multiple taxation
- multi-stage taxation
- municipal taxation
- presumption taxation
- progressive taxation
- property taxation
- proportional taxation
- punitive taxation
- regressive taxation
- separate taxation
- triple taxation
- unauthorized taxation
- worldwide taxation
- taxation at source
- taxation of costs
- taxation of fringe benefits
- taxation of hidden reserves
- taxation of income
- taxation of offshore banks
- taxation of operating income
- taxation of property
- taxation on saving
- exempt from taxation
- immune from taxation
- subject to taxation
- avoid double taxation
- be exempt from taxation
- be subjet to taxation
- fund through taxation
- mitigate taxationEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > taxation
9 taxation
налогообложение, взимание налогов• -
10 avoid
См. также в других словарях:
double taxation relief — A relief to avoid tax distorting commercial decisions relating to the expansion of business overseas. Its main purpose is to ensure that UK companies do not suffer double taxation on foreign investments such as shares in foreign subsidiaries.… … Law dictionary
Taxation in the United States — is a complex system which may involve payment to at least four different levels of government and many methods of taxation. United States taxation includes local government, possibly including one or more of municipal, township, district and… … Wikipedia
Taxation in Germany — Taxes in Germany being a Federal Republic are levied by the federation ( Bund ), the States ( Länder ) as well as the Municipalities ( Kommunen ). Many direct and indirect taxes exist, whereof income tax and VAT are the most relevant. The German… … Wikipedia
Taxation in the United Kingdom — This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom Central government HM Treasury HM Revenue and Customs … Wikipedia
TAXATION — This article is arranged according to the following outline: historical aspects legal aspects the biblical period the talmudic period the post talmudic period in general yardsticks of tax assessment taxable property Place of Residence, Business,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland — The system of taxation in Ireland is broadly similar to the system of taxation in the United Kingdom. On an individual basis most people are taxed through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, based on their ability to pay the system is quite… … Wikipedia
taxation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ excessive, heavy, high ▪ the heavy taxation on smokers and drinkers ▪ low ▪ direct, indirect … Collocations dictionary
Double the Fist — Format Satire Created by Craig Anderson, Bryan Moses, Doug Bayne, Tony Walters … Wikipedia
Excess burden of taxation — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Double Exempt — The status accorded to municipal bonds for which interest is not subject to taxation at either the federal or state level. In general, most states do not tax residents on interest income arising from tax exempt bonds issued by that state, its… … Investment dictionary
Dividend tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia