1 aviation advisor
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > aviation advisor
2 advisor
3 MA
1) Общая лексика: moving averages2) Компьютерная техника: Maya Ascii3) Медицина: mitral annulus, mitral atresia4) Американизм: Mutual Agreement5) Военный термин: Mediterranean area, Militia Act, Mindless Automaton, Ministry of Aviation, Mission Assessment, Missions Advisor, machine account, maintainability analysis, maintenance, maintenance ability, maintenance actions, maintenance area, manpower administration, manpower allotment, manpower authorization, manual, manufacturing and assembly, map analysis, maritime airfield, marshalling area, material authorization, maximum accuracy, mechanical aptitude, medical assistance, medium altitude, medium artillery, mess attendant, mileage allowance, military academy, military aircraft, military allocations, military assistance, military attache, military aviation, military aviator, missile alert, missile assembly, mission accomplished, mission analysis, mission area, mobilization augmentee, monitoring agency, mountain artillery, multichannel analyzer, muzzle action6) Техника: My Age, maintenance analysis, megampere, memory address, mill annealed, военное обозначение кассет, обозначение для самолётных радиостанций (принятое МСЭ), радиомаяк с вертикальными излучателями7) Химия: Methyl Acrylate, Метилакрилат (Methyl acrylate), метиловый эфир акриловой кислоты8) Математика: скользящее среднее (moving average)9) Метеорология: Middle Air10) Юридический термин: Made And Attempted, Male Adult11) Экономика: ( manager assistant) заместитель управляющего12) География: Массачусетс13) Кино: Suitable for Mature Audiences only14) Металлургия: Matched Angles, metals and alloys15) Политика: Madagascar16) Психология: mental age17) Сокращение: Maritime Administration, Massachusetts (US state), Massachusetts, Medical Assistant (UK Royal Navy), Middle Ages, Military Adviser, Military Assistant (British Army), Military Attache (British Army), Mission Abort, Mobilisation Augmentee, Multi-chambered Auto-injector, master, maximum accuracy range, mental ability, mercury arc, metal anchor, military astronautics, mission assembly, moist air, Master of Arts (degree), Mature Audiences (TV program rating), (USN Rating) Master-At-Arms, MANPRINT Assessment, Maanantai (Finnish: Monday), Machine Accountant (Naval Rating), Madagascar (Malagasy), Magister Artium (Master of Arts), Mai^tre E`s Arts (French: Master of Arts), Main Assist (Everquest), Maintaining Activity, Maintenance Action, Maintenance Administrator, Maintenance Agreement, Maintenance and Adaptation (ATMF), Major Arcana (Lineage 2 game armor set), Makarska, Croatia (license plate), Makeshift Apathy (Michigan music group), Malev Hungarian Airlines Limited - Hungary (IATA airline code), Management Accounts, Management Activity, Management Advocate, Management Agent (metadirectory services), Manitoba, Mannheim, Germany (license plate), Manual (welding), Manual Assist (nursing), Maranhao (Brazil), Margin Agreement, Marijuana Anonymous, Marin Academy (California), Market America (independent entrepenurial corporation founded by James H Ridinger), Marketing Authorization, Martha Argerich (pianist), Martial Artist (gaming), Mass Analyzer, Master Administrator, Master of Audiology, Masurium (element), Materials, Materials Analyst, Mathematics, MatureAsskickers (gaming clan), Maximum Allowance, Mildly Amused, Mean Average (mathematics), Measurement and Analysis (process area; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Mechanical Advantage (machines), Mechanical Ambush, Mechanical Animals (Marilyn Manson album), MediArchive (website), Medical Administrator, Medical Advisor, Medical Attendant, Medicare Advantage, Mega Annum (one million years, geological chronology), Memory Administration, Mesh Antenna, Message Analysis, Meta Analysis, помощник врача (сокр. от medical assistant), фельдшер (сокр. от medical assistant), Methanandamide, Metropolitan Area Network, Microsoft Access, Middle Assyrian, Military Academy (West Point, NY), Military Aircrew, Military Applications, Military Assistant, MJU Alert (Hekimian), Mini Alert (System Sensor Sounder), Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis), Minor Actinide, Minor Arterial (State highway Information), Miscible Accounting, Missed Abortion, Missed Appointment, Missed Approach, Mission Assignment, Mission Assurance (Homeland Defense), Mittelalter (German: Middle Ages), Mobile Allocation (PCS - GSM), Mobile Armor (Gundam series), Mobile Service, Mobility Agent, Mobilization Assistant, Molecular Absorption, Moored Alongside, Morbid Angel (band), Morocco (ISO country code, top level domain), Mortuary Affairs, Motorcycling Australia, Motorist Assist, Move Along, Multi-Access, Multi-Alert (system sensor brand name), Multichambered Autoinjector, Multiple Access, Multiple Answer, Multiple Award, Music Ant (online guide for music software), Willys-Overland 1/4 Ton 4 X 4 Truck (1st Model of WWII Jeep), Marketing Authorization - регистрационное удостоверение (РУ)18) Физиология: Medical authorization, Metamorphic Anamorphosis, Moderately Advanced, Muscle Activity19) Электроника: Main Amplifier, Mechanical Advantage, Milliammeter, Multi-channel Analyser20) Вычислительная техника: Management Agent, Massachusetts (US state postal designation)21) Нефть: massive anhydrite, mud acid, анализ ремонтопригодности (maintainability analysis), анализ технического обслуживания (maintainability analysis), глинокислота (mud acid), грязевая кислота (mud acid)22) Фирменный знак: Master Specialties23) Холодильная техника: modified atmosphere24) СМИ: Media Access25) Деловая лексика: Management Action, Marketing And Advertising, магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на двух языках (commercial languages), магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке (commercial language), магистр гуманитарных наук (Master of Arts), магистр политических и экономических наук (econ.), магистр экономических наук (econ.)26) Бурение: мощная свита ангидритов (massive anhydrite)27) Образование: магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке/нескольких языках (commercial languages)28) Сетевые технологии: Message Area29) ЕБРР: monitoring adviser30) Полимеры: maleic anhydride31) Контроль качества: maintainability, moving average32) Океанография: Meteorological Applications33) Авиационная медицина: mental addition34) SAP.тех. атрибут мониторинга35) Электротехника: magnetic amplifier36) Имена и фамилии: Martha Anderson (china paintings)37) Фармация: Marketing authorisation38) Общественная организация: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights39) Должность: Master of Arts, Modern Arts, Multicultural Assistant40) Чат: Mildly Apathetic41) Единицы измерений: Mega Anna, Mega Annum -
4 Ma
1) Общая лексика: moving averages2) Компьютерная техника: Maya Ascii3) Медицина: mitral annulus, mitral atresia4) Американизм: Mutual Agreement5) Военный термин: Mediterranean area, Militia Act, Mindless Automaton, Ministry of Aviation, Mission Assessment, Missions Advisor, machine account, maintainability analysis, maintenance, maintenance ability, maintenance actions, maintenance area, manpower administration, manpower allotment, manpower authorization, manual, manufacturing and assembly, map analysis, maritime airfield, marshalling area, material authorization, maximum accuracy, mechanical aptitude, medical assistance, medium altitude, medium artillery, mess attendant, mileage allowance, military academy, military aircraft, military allocations, military assistance, military attache, military aviation, military aviator, missile alert, missile assembly, mission accomplished, mission analysis, mission area, mobilization augmentee, monitoring agency, mountain artillery, multichannel analyzer, muzzle action6) Техника: My Age, maintenance analysis, megampere, memory address, mill annealed, военное обозначение кассет, обозначение для самолётных радиостанций (принятое МСЭ), радиомаяк с вертикальными излучателями7) Химия: Methyl Acrylate, Метилакрилат (Methyl acrylate), метиловый эфир акриловой кислоты8) Математика: скользящее среднее (moving average)9) Метеорология: Middle Air10) Юридический термин: Made And Attempted, Male Adult11) Экономика: ( manager assistant) заместитель управляющего12) География: Массачусетс13) Кино: Suitable for Mature Audiences only14) Металлургия: Matched Angles, metals and alloys15) Политика: Madagascar16) Психология: mental age17) Сокращение: Maritime Administration, Massachusetts (US state), Massachusetts, Medical Assistant (UK Royal Navy), Middle Ages, Military Adviser, Military Assistant (British Army), Military Attache (British Army), Mission Abort, Mobilisation Augmentee, Multi-chambered Auto-injector, master, maximum accuracy range, mental ability, mercury arc, metal anchor, military astronautics, mission assembly, moist air, Master of Arts (degree), Mature Audiences (TV program rating), (USN Rating) Master-At-Arms, MANPRINT Assessment, Maanantai (Finnish: Monday), Machine Accountant (Naval Rating), Madagascar (Malagasy), Magister Artium (Master of Arts), Mai^tre E`s Arts (French: Master of Arts), Main Assist (Everquest), Maintaining Activity, Maintenance Action, Maintenance Administrator, Maintenance Agreement, Maintenance and Adaptation (ATMF), Major Arcana (Lineage 2 game armor set), Makarska, Croatia (license plate), Makeshift Apathy (Michigan music group), Malev Hungarian Airlines Limited - Hungary (IATA airline code), Management Accounts, Management Activity, Management Advocate, Management Agent (metadirectory services), Manitoba, Mannheim, Germany (license plate), Manual (welding), Manual Assist (nursing), Maranhao (Brazil), Margin Agreement, Marijuana Anonymous, Marin Academy (California), Market America (independent entrepenurial corporation founded by James H Ridinger), Marketing Authorization, Martha Argerich (pianist), Martial Artist (gaming), Mass Analyzer, Master Administrator, Master of Audiology, Masurium (element), Materials, Materials Analyst, Mathematics, MatureAsskickers (gaming clan), Maximum Allowance, Mildly Amused, Mean Average (mathematics), Measurement and Analysis (process area; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Mechanical Advantage (machines), Mechanical Ambush, Mechanical Animals (Marilyn Manson album), MediArchive (website), Medical Administrator, Medical Advisor, Medical Attendant, Medicare Advantage, Mega Annum (one million years, geological chronology), Memory Administration, Mesh Antenna, Message Analysis, Meta Analysis, помощник врача (сокр. от medical assistant), фельдшер (сокр. от medical assistant), Methanandamide, Metropolitan Area Network, Microsoft Access, Middle Assyrian, Military Academy (West Point, NY), Military Aircrew, Military Applications, Military Assistant, MJU Alert (Hekimian), Mini Alert (System Sensor Sounder), Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis), Minor Actinide, Minor Arterial (State highway Information), Miscible Accounting, Missed Abortion, Missed Appointment, Missed Approach, Mission Assignment, Mission Assurance (Homeland Defense), Mittelalter (German: Middle Ages), Mobile Allocation (PCS - GSM), Mobile Armor (Gundam series), Mobile Service, Mobility Agent, Mobilization Assistant, Molecular Absorption, Moored Alongside, Morbid Angel (band), Morocco (ISO country code, top level domain), Mortuary Affairs, Motorcycling Australia, Motorist Assist, Move Along, Multi-Access, Multi-Alert (system sensor brand name), Multichambered Autoinjector, Multiple Access, Multiple Answer, Multiple Award, Music Ant (online guide for music software), Willys-Overland 1/4 Ton 4 X 4 Truck (1st Model of WWII Jeep), Marketing Authorization - регистрационное удостоверение (РУ)18) Физиология: Medical authorization, Metamorphic Anamorphosis, Moderately Advanced, Muscle Activity19) Электроника: Main Amplifier, Mechanical Advantage, Milliammeter, Multi-channel Analyser20) Вычислительная техника: Management Agent, Massachusetts (US state postal designation)21) Нефть: massive anhydrite, mud acid, анализ ремонтопригодности (maintainability analysis), анализ технического обслуживания (maintainability analysis), глинокислота (mud acid), грязевая кислота (mud acid)22) Фирменный знак: Master Specialties23) Холодильная техника: modified atmosphere24) СМИ: Media Access25) Деловая лексика: Management Action, Marketing And Advertising, магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на двух языках (commercial languages), магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке (commercial language), магистр гуманитарных наук (Master of Arts), магистр политических и экономических наук (econ.), магистр экономических наук (econ.)26) Бурение: мощная свита ангидритов (massive anhydrite)27) Образование: магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке/нескольких языках (commercial languages)28) Сетевые технологии: Message Area29) ЕБРР: monitoring adviser30) Полимеры: maleic anhydride31) Контроль качества: maintainability, moving average32) Океанография: Meteorological Applications33) Авиационная медицина: mental addition34) SAP.тех. атрибут мониторинга35) Электротехника: magnetic amplifier36) Имена и фамилии: Martha Anderson (china paintings)37) Фармация: Marketing authorisation38) Общественная организация: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights39) Должность: Master of Arts, Modern Arts, Multicultural Assistant40) Чат: Mildly Apathetic41) Единицы измерений: Mega Anna, Mega Annum -
5 TA
1) Общая лексика: teaching assistant2) Компьютерная техника: Test Account, Timing Advance3) Биология: toxin-antitoxin4) Авиация: высота перехода (transition altitude)5) Медицина: truncus arteriosus6) Американизм: Two-letter Acronym7) Спорт: Team Attack, Time Averages, Touchdown Anytime, Try Again8) Военный термин: Tank Army, Task Authorization, Technical Architecture, Territorial Army, Test Article, Theater Army, Time Allocation, Top Of Area, Total Annihilation, Totally Assembled, Traffic Analysis, Transportability Approval, table of allowance, tactical advantage, tactical air, tactical aircraft, tactical airlift, tactical area, tactical aviation, target acquisition, target aircraft, target altitude, target analysis, target angle, target area, task analysis, task assignment, technical adviser, technical agreement, technical analysis, technical arrangement, technical assistant, technology assessment, terrain analysis, terrain avoidance, threat analysis, threat axis, time of arrival, torpedo aircraft, towed array, tractor artillery, training, training adviser, training aid, training area, training assets, transport aircraft, transport aviation, transportation authorization, travel allowance, travel authorization9) Техника: TACAN approach, tape adapter, tape advance, telegraph apparatus, telephone apparatus, telescope assembly, total audience, transmitter attenuation, transverse acoustic, true altitude, turnaround10) Химия: Titratable Acidity, Total Alkalinity11) Финансы: итоговый баланс (total assets)12) Автомобильный термин: temperature air (Honda), traffic announcements13) Биржевой термин: Trading As14) Грубое выражение: Tits And Ass15) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Adapter (ISDN)16) Сокращение: Tamil, Target Alert, Technical Assessment, Telephone Assembly, Telescoped Ammunition, Traffic Advisory, Transition Altitude, Tuition Assistance, temperature of air, track adjustment, Triphenylarsine (Chemical warfare agent), Territorial Army (UK), transactional analysis17) Физиология: Tenth Amphetamine, Traffic accident18) Электроника: Terminal Adaptor, Transistor Amplifier19) Вычислительная техника: terminal adapter, Transmitter Address (FPK)20) Нефть: temporarily abandoned, transmitted amplitude, Technical Advisor (in SGSI), временно оставленный (о скважине; temporarily abandoned)21) Кардиология: tricuspid atresia (атрезия трикуспидального (трехстворчатого) клапана)22) Банковское дело: акцептованный торговый вексель (trade acceptance), агент по передаче ценных бумаг (transfer agent), трансфертный агент (transfer agent), переводный счёт (transferable account)23) Транспорт: Traction Avant, Trans American, Turbo Air24) Фирменный знак: Texas Anime25) Экология: trichlorphenoxyacetic acid26) Деловая лексика: Triumph Adler27) Бурение: временно оставленная (temporarily abandoned; скважина), временно законсервированная (temporarily abondoned; скважина)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: temporally abandoned29) Образование: Teacher Advisory, Teacher Assassin, Teacher Assessment30) Инвестиции: trade acceptance, transfer agent, transferable account31) Сетевые технологии: trunk access, абонентский адаптер, доступ к магистрали, доступ к соединительным линиям32) Полимеры: technical assistance, terephthalic acid, thermal analysis33) Ядерная физика: Time Analyzer, Triacetin34) Океанография: Technical Applications35) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TAT36) Расширение файла: Tape Address37) Имена и фамилии: Thomas Anderson, Thomas Austin, Tony Anderson38) Должность: Teacher Advisor, Teacher Assistant, Teacher's Assistant, Teaching Artist, Travel Agent39) Чат: Thanks Again, Think Again40) СМС: Thanks Alot41) Международная торговля: Trade Assistant -
6 Ta
1) Общая лексика: teaching assistant2) Компьютерная техника: Test Account, Timing Advance3) Биология: toxin-antitoxin4) Авиация: высота перехода (transition altitude)5) Медицина: truncus arteriosus6) Американизм: Two-letter Acronym7) Спорт: Team Attack, Time Averages, Touchdown Anytime, Try Again8) Военный термин: Tank Army, Task Authorization, Technical Architecture, Territorial Army, Test Article, Theater Army, Time Allocation, Top Of Area, Total Annihilation, Totally Assembled, Traffic Analysis, Transportability Approval, table of allowance, tactical advantage, tactical air, tactical aircraft, tactical airlift, tactical area, tactical aviation, target acquisition, target aircraft, target altitude, target analysis, target angle, target area, task analysis, task assignment, technical adviser, technical agreement, technical analysis, technical arrangement, technical assistant, technology assessment, terrain analysis, terrain avoidance, threat analysis, threat axis, time of arrival, torpedo aircraft, towed array, tractor artillery, training, training adviser, training aid, training area, training assets, transport aircraft, transport aviation, transportation authorization, travel allowance, travel authorization9) Техника: TACAN approach, tape adapter, tape advance, telegraph apparatus, telephone apparatus, telescope assembly, total audience, transmitter attenuation, transverse acoustic, true altitude, turnaround10) Химия: Titratable Acidity, Total Alkalinity11) Финансы: итоговый баланс (total assets)12) Автомобильный термин: temperature air (Honda), traffic announcements13) Биржевой термин: Trading As14) Грубое выражение: Tits And Ass15) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Adapter (ISDN)16) Сокращение: Tamil, Target Alert, Technical Assessment, Telephone Assembly, Telescoped Ammunition, Traffic Advisory, Transition Altitude, Tuition Assistance, temperature of air, track adjustment, Triphenylarsine (Chemical warfare agent), Territorial Army (UK), transactional analysis17) Физиология: Tenth Amphetamine, Traffic accident18) Электроника: Terminal Adaptor, Transistor Amplifier19) Вычислительная техника: terminal adapter, Transmitter Address (FPK)20) Нефть: temporarily abandoned, transmitted amplitude, Technical Advisor (in SGSI), временно оставленный (о скважине; temporarily abandoned)21) Кардиология: tricuspid atresia (атрезия трикуспидального (трехстворчатого) клапана)22) Банковское дело: акцептованный торговый вексель (trade acceptance), агент по передаче ценных бумаг (transfer agent), трансфертный агент (transfer agent), переводный счёт (transferable account)23) Транспорт: Traction Avant, Trans American, Turbo Air24) Фирменный знак: Texas Anime25) Экология: trichlorphenoxyacetic acid26) Деловая лексика: Triumph Adler27) Бурение: временно оставленная (temporarily abandoned; скважина), временно законсервированная (temporarily abondoned; скважина)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: temporally abandoned29) Образование: Teacher Advisory, Teacher Assassin, Teacher Assessment30) Инвестиции: trade acceptance, transfer agent, transferable account31) Сетевые технологии: trunk access, абонентский адаптер, доступ к магистрали, доступ к соединительным линиям32) Полимеры: technical assistance, terephthalic acid, thermal analysis33) Ядерная физика: Time Analyzer, Triacetin34) Океанография: Technical Applications35) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TAT36) Расширение файла: Tape Address37) Имена и фамилии: Thomas Anderson, Thomas Austin, Tony Anderson38) Должность: Teacher Advisor, Teacher Assistant, Teacher's Assistant, Teaching Artist, Travel Agent39) Чат: Thanks Again, Think Again40) СМС: Thanks Alot41) Международная торговля: Trade Assistant -
7 mA
1) Общая лексика: moving averages2) Компьютерная техника: Maya Ascii3) Медицина: mitral annulus, mitral atresia4) Американизм: Mutual Agreement5) Военный термин: Mediterranean area, Militia Act, Mindless Automaton, Ministry of Aviation, Mission Assessment, Missions Advisor, machine account, maintainability analysis, maintenance, maintenance ability, maintenance actions, maintenance area, manpower administration, manpower allotment, manpower authorization, manual, manufacturing and assembly, map analysis, maritime airfield, marshalling area, material authorization, maximum accuracy, mechanical aptitude, medical assistance, medium altitude, medium artillery, mess attendant, mileage allowance, military academy, military aircraft, military allocations, military assistance, military attache, military aviation, military aviator, missile alert, missile assembly, mission accomplished, mission analysis, mission area, mobilization augmentee, monitoring agency, mountain artillery, multichannel analyzer, muzzle action6) Техника: My Age, maintenance analysis, megampere, memory address, mill annealed, военное обозначение кассет, обозначение для самолётных радиостанций (принятое МСЭ), радиомаяк с вертикальными излучателями7) Химия: Methyl Acrylate, Метилакрилат (Methyl acrylate), метиловый эфир акриловой кислоты8) Математика: скользящее среднее (moving average)9) Метеорология: Middle Air10) Юридический термин: Made And Attempted, Male Adult11) Экономика: ( manager assistant) заместитель управляющего12) География: Массачусетс13) Кино: Suitable for Mature Audiences only14) Металлургия: Matched Angles, metals and alloys15) Политика: Madagascar16) Психология: mental age17) Сокращение: Maritime Administration, Massachusetts (US state), Massachusetts, Medical Assistant (UK Royal Navy), Middle Ages, Military Adviser, Military Assistant (British Army), Military Attache (British Army), Mission Abort, Mobilisation Augmentee, Multi-chambered Auto-injector, master, maximum accuracy range, mental ability, mercury arc, metal anchor, military astronautics, mission assembly, moist air, Master of Arts (degree), Mature Audiences (TV program rating), (USN Rating) Master-At-Arms, MANPRINT Assessment, Maanantai (Finnish: Monday), Machine Accountant (Naval Rating), Madagascar (Malagasy), Magister Artium (Master of Arts), Mai^tre E`s Arts (French: Master of Arts), Main Assist (Everquest), Maintaining Activity, Maintenance Action, Maintenance Administrator, Maintenance Agreement, Maintenance and Adaptation (ATMF), Major Arcana (Lineage 2 game armor set), Makarska, Croatia (license plate), Makeshift Apathy (Michigan music group), Malev Hungarian Airlines Limited - Hungary (IATA airline code), Management Accounts, Management Activity, Management Advocate, Management Agent (metadirectory services), Manitoba, Mannheim, Germany (license plate), Manual (welding), Manual Assist (nursing), Maranhao (Brazil), Margin Agreement, Marijuana Anonymous, Marin Academy (California), Market America (independent entrepenurial corporation founded by James H Ridinger), Marketing Authorization, Martha Argerich (pianist), Martial Artist (gaming), Mass Analyzer, Master Administrator, Master of Audiology, Masurium (element), Materials, Materials Analyst, Mathematics, MatureAsskickers (gaming clan), Maximum Allowance, Mildly Amused, Mean Average (mathematics), Measurement and Analysis (process area; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Mechanical Advantage (machines), Mechanical Ambush, Mechanical Animals (Marilyn Manson album), MediArchive (website), Medical Administrator, Medical Advisor, Medical Attendant, Medicare Advantage, Mega Annum (one million years, geological chronology), Memory Administration, Mesh Antenna, Message Analysis, Meta Analysis, помощник врача (сокр. от medical assistant), фельдшер (сокр. от medical assistant), Methanandamide, Metropolitan Area Network, Microsoft Access, Middle Assyrian, Military Academy (West Point, NY), Military Aircrew, Military Applications, Military Assistant, MJU Alert (Hekimian), Mini Alert (System Sensor Sounder), Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis), Minor Actinide, Minor Arterial (State highway Information), Miscible Accounting, Missed Abortion, Missed Appointment, Missed Approach, Mission Assignment, Mission Assurance (Homeland Defense), Mittelalter (German: Middle Ages), Mobile Allocation (PCS - GSM), Mobile Armor (Gundam series), Mobile Service, Mobility Agent, Mobilization Assistant, Molecular Absorption, Moored Alongside, Morbid Angel (band), Morocco (ISO country code, top level domain), Mortuary Affairs, Motorcycling Australia, Motorist Assist, Move Along, Multi-Access, Multi-Alert (system sensor brand name), Multichambered Autoinjector, Multiple Access, Multiple Answer, Multiple Award, Music Ant (online guide for music software), Willys-Overland 1/4 Ton 4 X 4 Truck (1st Model of WWII Jeep), Marketing Authorization - регистрационное удостоверение (РУ)18) Физиология: Medical authorization, Metamorphic Anamorphosis, Moderately Advanced, Muscle Activity19) Электроника: Main Amplifier, Mechanical Advantage, Milliammeter, Multi-channel Analyser20) Вычислительная техника: Management Agent, Massachusetts (US state postal designation)21) Нефть: massive anhydrite, mud acid, анализ ремонтопригодности (maintainability analysis), анализ технического обслуживания (maintainability analysis), глинокислота (mud acid), грязевая кислота (mud acid)22) Фирменный знак: Master Specialties23) Холодильная техника: modified atmosphere24) СМИ: Media Access25) Деловая лексика: Management Action, Marketing And Advertising, магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на двух языках (commercial languages), магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке (commercial language), магистр гуманитарных наук (Master of Arts), магистр политических и экономических наук (econ.), магистр экономических наук (econ.)26) Бурение: мощная свита ангидритов (massive anhydrite)27) Образование: магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке/нескольких языках (commercial languages)28) Сетевые технологии: Message Area29) ЕБРР: monitoring adviser30) Полимеры: maleic anhydride31) Контроль качества: maintainability, moving average32) Океанография: Meteorological Applications33) Авиационная медицина: mental addition34) SAP.тех. атрибут мониторинга35) Электротехника: magnetic amplifier36) Имена и фамилии: Martha Anderson (china paintings)37) Фармация: Marketing authorisation38) Общественная организация: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights39) Должность: Master of Arts, Modern Arts, Multicultural Assistant40) Чат: Mildly Apathetic41) Единицы измерений: Mega Anna, Mega Annum -
8 ma
1) Общая лексика: moving averages2) Компьютерная техника: Maya Ascii3) Медицина: mitral annulus, mitral atresia4) Американизм: Mutual Agreement5) Военный термин: Mediterranean area, Militia Act, Mindless Automaton, Ministry of Aviation, Mission Assessment, Missions Advisor, machine account, maintainability analysis, maintenance, maintenance ability, maintenance actions, maintenance area, manpower administration, manpower allotment, manpower authorization, manual, manufacturing and assembly, map analysis, maritime airfield, marshalling area, material authorization, maximum accuracy, mechanical aptitude, medical assistance, medium altitude, medium artillery, mess attendant, mileage allowance, military academy, military aircraft, military allocations, military assistance, military attache, military aviation, military aviator, missile alert, missile assembly, mission accomplished, mission analysis, mission area, mobilization augmentee, monitoring agency, mountain artillery, multichannel analyzer, muzzle action6) Техника: My Age, maintenance analysis, megampere, memory address, mill annealed, военное обозначение кассет, обозначение для самолётных радиостанций (принятое МСЭ), радиомаяк с вертикальными излучателями7) Химия: Methyl Acrylate, Метилакрилат (Methyl acrylate), метиловый эфир акриловой кислоты8) Математика: скользящее среднее (moving average)9) Метеорология: Middle Air10) Юридический термин: Made And Attempted, Male Adult11) Экономика: ( manager assistant) заместитель управляющего12) География: Массачусетс13) Кино: Suitable for Mature Audiences only14) Металлургия: Matched Angles, metals and alloys15) Политика: Madagascar16) Психология: mental age17) Сокращение: Maritime Administration, Massachusetts (US state), Massachusetts, Medical Assistant (UK Royal Navy), Middle Ages, Military Adviser, Military Assistant (British Army), Military Attache (British Army), Mission Abort, Mobilisation Augmentee, Multi-chambered Auto-injector, master, maximum accuracy range, mental ability, mercury arc, metal anchor, military astronautics, mission assembly, moist air, Master of Arts (degree), Mature Audiences (TV program rating), (USN Rating) Master-At-Arms, MANPRINT Assessment, Maanantai (Finnish: Monday), Machine Accountant (Naval Rating), Madagascar (Malagasy), Magister Artium (Master of Arts), Mai^tre E`s Arts (French: Master of Arts), Main Assist (Everquest), Maintaining Activity, Maintenance Action, Maintenance Administrator, Maintenance Agreement, Maintenance and Adaptation (ATMF), Major Arcana (Lineage 2 game armor set), Makarska, Croatia (license plate), Makeshift Apathy (Michigan music group), Malev Hungarian Airlines Limited - Hungary (IATA airline code), Management Accounts, Management Activity, Management Advocate, Management Agent (metadirectory services), Manitoba, Mannheim, Germany (license plate), Manual (welding), Manual Assist (nursing), Maranhao (Brazil), Margin Agreement, Marijuana Anonymous, Marin Academy (California), Market America (independent entrepenurial corporation founded by James H Ridinger), Marketing Authorization, Martha Argerich (pianist), Martial Artist (gaming), Mass Analyzer, Master Administrator, Master of Audiology, Masurium (element), Materials, Materials Analyst, Mathematics, MatureAsskickers (gaming clan), Maximum Allowance, Mildly Amused, Mean Average (mathematics), Measurement and Analysis (process area; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Mechanical Advantage (machines), Mechanical Ambush, Mechanical Animals (Marilyn Manson album), MediArchive (website), Medical Administrator, Medical Advisor, Medical Attendant, Medicare Advantage, Mega Annum (one million years, geological chronology), Memory Administration, Mesh Antenna, Message Analysis, Meta Analysis, помощник врача (сокр. от medical assistant), фельдшер (сокр. от medical assistant), Methanandamide, Metropolitan Area Network, Microsoft Access, Middle Assyrian, Military Academy (West Point, NY), Military Aircrew, Military Applications, Military Assistant, MJU Alert (Hekimian), Mini Alert (System Sensor Sounder), Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis), Minor Actinide, Minor Arterial (State highway Information), Miscible Accounting, Missed Abortion, Missed Appointment, Missed Approach, Mission Assignment, Mission Assurance (Homeland Defense), Mittelalter (German: Middle Ages), Mobile Allocation (PCS - GSM), Mobile Armor (Gundam series), Mobile Service, Mobility Agent, Mobilization Assistant, Molecular Absorption, Moored Alongside, Morbid Angel (band), Morocco (ISO country code, top level domain), Mortuary Affairs, Motorcycling Australia, Motorist Assist, Move Along, Multi-Access, Multi-Alert (system sensor brand name), Multichambered Autoinjector, Multiple Access, Multiple Answer, Multiple Award, Music Ant (online guide for music software), Willys-Overland 1/4 Ton 4 X 4 Truck (1st Model of WWII Jeep), Marketing Authorization - регистрационное удостоверение (РУ)18) Физиология: Medical authorization, Metamorphic Anamorphosis, Moderately Advanced, Muscle Activity19) Электроника: Main Amplifier, Mechanical Advantage, Milliammeter, Multi-channel Analyser20) Вычислительная техника: Management Agent, Massachusetts (US state postal designation)21) Нефть: massive anhydrite, mud acid, анализ ремонтопригодности (maintainability analysis), анализ технического обслуживания (maintainability analysis), глинокислота (mud acid), грязевая кислота (mud acid)22) Фирменный знак: Master Specialties23) Холодильная техника: modified atmosphere24) СМИ: Media Access25) Деловая лексика: Management Action, Marketing And Advertising, магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на двух языках (commercial languages), магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке (commercial language), магистр гуманитарных наук (Master of Arts), магистр политических и экономических наук (econ.), магистр экономических наук (econ.)26) Бурение: мощная свита ангидритов (massive anhydrite)27) Образование: магистр - специалист по коммерческой терминологии на одном языке/нескольких языках (commercial languages)28) Сетевые технологии: Message Area29) ЕБРР: monitoring adviser30) Полимеры: maleic anhydride31) Контроль качества: maintainability, moving average32) Океанография: Meteorological Applications33) Авиационная медицина: mental addition34) SAP.тех. атрибут мониторинга35) Электротехника: magnetic amplifier36) Имена и фамилии: Martha Anderson (china paintings)37) Фармация: Marketing authorisation38) Общественная организация: Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights39) Должность: Master of Arts, Modern Arts, Multicultural Assistant40) Чат: Mildly Apathetic41) Единицы измерений: Mega Anna, Mega Annum -
9 ta
1) Общая лексика: teaching assistant2) Компьютерная техника: Test Account, Timing Advance3) Биология: toxin-antitoxin4) Авиация: высота перехода (transition altitude)5) Медицина: truncus arteriosus6) Американизм: Two-letter Acronym7) Спорт: Team Attack, Time Averages, Touchdown Anytime, Try Again8) Военный термин: Tank Army, Task Authorization, Technical Architecture, Territorial Army, Test Article, Theater Army, Time Allocation, Top Of Area, Total Annihilation, Totally Assembled, Traffic Analysis, Transportability Approval, table of allowance, tactical advantage, tactical air, tactical aircraft, tactical airlift, tactical area, tactical aviation, target acquisition, target aircraft, target altitude, target analysis, target angle, target area, task analysis, task assignment, technical adviser, technical agreement, technical analysis, technical arrangement, technical assistant, technology assessment, terrain analysis, terrain avoidance, threat analysis, threat axis, time of arrival, torpedo aircraft, towed array, tractor artillery, training, training adviser, training aid, training area, training assets, transport aircraft, transport aviation, transportation authorization, travel allowance, travel authorization9) Техника: TACAN approach, tape adapter, tape advance, telegraph apparatus, telephone apparatus, telescope assembly, total audience, transmitter attenuation, transverse acoustic, true altitude, turnaround10) Химия: Titratable Acidity, Total Alkalinity11) Финансы: итоговый баланс (total assets)12) Автомобильный термин: temperature air (Honda), traffic announcements13) Биржевой термин: Trading As14) Грубое выражение: Tits And Ass15) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Adapter (ISDN)16) Сокращение: Tamil, Target Alert, Technical Assessment, Telephone Assembly, Telescoped Ammunition, Traffic Advisory, Transition Altitude, Tuition Assistance, temperature of air, track adjustment, Triphenylarsine (Chemical warfare agent), Territorial Army (UK), transactional analysis17) Физиология: Tenth Amphetamine, Traffic accident18) Электроника: Terminal Adaptor, Transistor Amplifier19) Вычислительная техника: terminal adapter, Transmitter Address (FPK)20) Нефть: temporarily abandoned, transmitted amplitude, Technical Advisor (in SGSI), временно оставленный (о скважине; temporarily abandoned)21) Кардиология: tricuspid atresia (атрезия трикуспидального (трехстворчатого) клапана)22) Банковское дело: акцептованный торговый вексель (trade acceptance), агент по передаче ценных бумаг (transfer agent), трансфертный агент (transfer agent), переводный счёт (transferable account)23) Транспорт: Traction Avant, Trans American, Turbo Air24) Фирменный знак: Texas Anime25) Экология: trichlorphenoxyacetic acid26) Деловая лексика: Triumph Adler27) Бурение: временно оставленная (temporarily abandoned; скважина), временно законсервированная (temporarily abondoned; скважина)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: temporally abandoned29) Образование: Teacher Advisory, Teacher Assassin, Teacher Assessment30) Инвестиции: trade acceptance, transfer agent, transferable account31) Сетевые технологии: trunk access, абонентский адаптер, доступ к магистрали, доступ к соединительным линиям32) Полимеры: technical assistance, terephthalic acid, thermal analysis33) Ядерная физика: Time Analyzer, Triacetin34) Океанография: Technical Applications35) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TAT36) Расширение файла: Tape Address37) Имена и фамилии: Thomas Anderson, Thomas Austin, Tony Anderson38) Должность: Teacher Advisor, Teacher Assistant, Teacher's Assistant, Teaching Artist, Travel Agent39) Чат: Thanks Again, Think Again40) СМС: Thanks Alot41) Международная торговля: Trade Assistant -
10 RA
1) Компьютерная техника: Rapid Access, Restore Advanced2) Медицина: refractory anaemia, правое предсердие (right atrium)3) Американизм: Rally America, Recent Action, Resident Authority4) Спорт: Rally Applicant, Random Adventure, Runs Against5) Военный термин: Military Serial Number prefix for non-drafted Volunteer, Raritan Arsenal, Red Armor, Redstone Arsenal, Refugee Agency, Regiment Of Artillerists, Regular Army, Remote Area, Responsible Agency, Rubber Armoring, radius of action, rapid advance, ration allowance, ready alert, real area, real artillery, rear admiral, reconnaissance aircraft, reconstitution area, regrouping area, reimbursement authorization, reinforced alert, release authorization, reliability analysis, reliability assessment, reliability assurance, repair assignment, requesting agency, resident agent, restricted area, reviewing authority, rocket assist6) Техника: radar, radar astronomy, radio astronomy, radio technician, radio-range-station, radiometry antenna, radiotelescope antenna, rate adaptation, receiver attenuation, regional administrator7) Шутливое выражение: Retarded Arsehole, Ricks Academy8) Химия: поглотитель Рихтера9) Математика: Random Average10) Религия: Rebel Angel11) Юридический термин: Race Altered, Requested Action, Ritual Abuse12) Бухгалтерия: Remuneration And Audit, Return Authorization13) Астрономия: Right Ascension14) Металлургия: Return Air, reduction of area15) Оптика: reduced aperture16) Телекоммуникации: Routing Arbiter (Internet), Область маршрутизации17) Сокращение: Radio Altimeter, Reactive Armor, Reconnaissance Aviation, Republic Of Armenia, Research Announcement, Research Assistant, Resolution Advisory, Rocket Assisted, Royal Academy, Royal Artillery (UK), rain, reserve alkalinity, запас щелочности, right atrium, recreation vehicle, recreational vehicle18) Университет: Regional Academy, Research Analysis, Resident Assistant19) Физиология: Right Arm20) Электроника: Random Amplitude, Rosin activated21) Вычислительная техника: read amplifier, register and arithmetic/logic unit, Remote Access (BBS), Registration Authority (PKI, ITU, Verschluesselung), Real Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)22) Нефть: anode resistance, qualitative risk assessment, right angle, анализ надёжности (reliability analysis), обеспечение надёжности (reliability assurance)23) Иммунология: rheumatoid arthritis24) Связь: ratio26) Банковское дело: соглашение о покупке ценных бумаг с последующим выкупом по обусловленной цене (repurchase agreement)27) Транспорт: Retard Advance, Routing Area28) Фирменный знак: RCA Corporation, Royal Ambassadors29) Холодильная техника: Refrigeration Abstracts of American Society of Refrigerating Engineers30) СМИ: Real Audio31) SAP. обратный расчёт32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: radioactive sub33) Образование: Read Aloud, Reading Ability, Reading Age, Reading Alarm, Rejected Adventure, Required Attention34) Инвестиции: repurchase agreement35) Полимеры: rosin acids36) Программирование: Return Address, Return All37) Сахалин Р: Regulatory Agencies, Regulatory Approvals38) Химическое оружие: Remedial action, receipt acknowledgment39) Хроматография: residual activity40) Безопасность: Registration Authority, Registry Agent, Review Access, risk assessment41) Расширение файла: Remote Access Data file, Remote Assistance, Replacement Algorithm42) Имена и фамилии: Richard Attenborough, Roger Alden, Ruth Armstrong43) Фармация: Roughness Average( среднее значение шероховатости поверхности)44) Общественная организация: RainForest Alliance, Rights Action45) Должность: Resident Advisor, Residental Advisor, Residential Advisor, Residential Assistant, Respect Authority, Royal Academician, Royal Armorer46) Чат: Real Asshole, Really Annoying, Really Awesome47) Правительство: Rolling Acres48) Федеральное бюро расследований: Resident Agency -
11 Ra
1) Компьютерная техника: Rapid Access, Restore Advanced2) Медицина: refractory anaemia, правое предсердие (right atrium)3) Американизм: Rally America, Recent Action, Resident Authority4) Спорт: Rally Applicant, Random Adventure, Runs Against5) Военный термин: Military Serial Number prefix for non-drafted Volunteer, Raritan Arsenal, Red Armor, Redstone Arsenal, Refugee Agency, Regiment Of Artillerists, Regular Army, Remote Area, Responsible Agency, Rubber Armoring, radius of action, rapid advance, ration allowance, ready alert, real area, real artillery, rear admiral, reconnaissance aircraft, reconstitution area, regrouping area, reimbursement authorization, reinforced alert, release authorization, reliability analysis, reliability assessment, reliability assurance, repair assignment, requesting agency, resident agent, restricted area, reviewing authority, rocket assist6) Техника: radar, radar astronomy, radio astronomy, radio technician, radio-range-station, radiometry antenna, radiotelescope antenna, rate adaptation, receiver attenuation, regional administrator7) Шутливое выражение: Retarded Arsehole, Ricks Academy8) Химия: поглотитель Рихтера9) Математика: Random Average10) Религия: Rebel Angel11) Юридический термин: Race Altered, Requested Action, Ritual Abuse12) Бухгалтерия: Remuneration And Audit, Return Authorization13) Астрономия: Right Ascension14) Металлургия: Return Air, reduction of area15) Оптика: reduced aperture16) Телекоммуникации: Routing Arbiter (Internet), Область маршрутизации17) Сокращение: Radio Altimeter, Reactive Armor, Reconnaissance Aviation, Republic Of Armenia, Research Announcement, Research Assistant, Resolution Advisory, Rocket Assisted, Royal Academy, Royal Artillery (UK), rain, reserve alkalinity, запас щелочности, right atrium, recreation vehicle, recreational vehicle18) Университет: Regional Academy, Research Analysis, Resident Assistant19) Физиология: Right Arm20) Электроника: Random Amplitude, Rosin activated21) Вычислительная техника: read amplifier, register and arithmetic/logic unit, Remote Access (BBS), Registration Authority (PKI, ITU, Verschluesselung), Real Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)22) Нефть: anode resistance, qualitative risk assessment, right angle, анализ надёжности (reliability analysis), обеспечение надёжности (reliability assurance)23) Иммунология: rheumatoid arthritis24) Связь: ratio26) Банковское дело: соглашение о покупке ценных бумаг с последующим выкупом по обусловленной цене (repurchase agreement)27) Транспорт: Retard Advance, Routing Area28) Фирменный знак: RCA Corporation, Royal Ambassadors29) Холодильная техника: Refrigeration Abstracts of American Society of Refrigerating Engineers30) СМИ: Real Audio31) SAP. обратный расчёт32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: radioactive sub33) Образование: Read Aloud, Reading Ability, Reading Age, Reading Alarm, Rejected Adventure, Required Attention34) Инвестиции: repurchase agreement35) Полимеры: rosin acids36) Программирование: Return Address, Return All37) Сахалин Р: Regulatory Agencies, Regulatory Approvals38) Химическое оружие: Remedial action, receipt acknowledgment39) Хроматография: residual activity40) Безопасность: Registration Authority, Registry Agent, Review Access, risk assessment41) Расширение файла: Remote Access Data file, Remote Assistance, Replacement Algorithm42) Имена и фамилии: Richard Attenborough, Roger Alden, Ruth Armstrong43) Фармация: Roughness Average( среднее значение шероховатости поверхности)44) Общественная организация: RainForest Alliance, Rights Action45) Должность: Resident Advisor, Residental Advisor, Residential Advisor, Residential Assistant, Respect Authority, Royal Academician, Royal Armorer46) Чат: Real Asshole, Really Annoying, Really Awesome47) Правительство: Rolling Acres48) Федеральное бюро расследований: Resident Agency -
12 ra
1) Компьютерная техника: Rapid Access, Restore Advanced2) Медицина: refractory anaemia, правое предсердие (right atrium)3) Американизм: Rally America, Recent Action, Resident Authority4) Спорт: Rally Applicant, Random Adventure, Runs Against5) Военный термин: Military Serial Number prefix for non-drafted Volunteer, Raritan Arsenal, Red Armor, Redstone Arsenal, Refugee Agency, Regiment Of Artillerists, Regular Army, Remote Area, Responsible Agency, Rubber Armoring, radius of action, rapid advance, ration allowance, ready alert, real area, real artillery, rear admiral, reconnaissance aircraft, reconstitution area, regrouping area, reimbursement authorization, reinforced alert, release authorization, reliability analysis, reliability assessment, reliability assurance, repair assignment, requesting agency, resident agent, restricted area, reviewing authority, rocket assist6) Техника: radar, radar astronomy, radio astronomy, radio technician, radio-range-station, radiometry antenna, radiotelescope antenna, rate adaptation, receiver attenuation, regional administrator7) Шутливое выражение: Retarded Arsehole, Ricks Academy8) Химия: поглотитель Рихтера9) Математика: Random Average10) Религия: Rebel Angel11) Юридический термин: Race Altered, Requested Action, Ritual Abuse12) Бухгалтерия: Remuneration And Audit, Return Authorization13) Астрономия: Right Ascension14) Металлургия: Return Air, reduction of area15) Оптика: reduced aperture16) Телекоммуникации: Routing Arbiter (Internet), Область маршрутизации17) Сокращение: Radio Altimeter, Reactive Armor, Reconnaissance Aviation, Republic Of Armenia, Research Announcement, Research Assistant, Resolution Advisory, Rocket Assisted, Royal Academy, Royal Artillery (UK), rain, reserve alkalinity, запас щелочности, right atrium, recreation vehicle, recreational vehicle18) Университет: Regional Academy, Research Analysis, Resident Assistant19) Физиология: Right Arm20) Электроника: Random Amplitude, Rosin activated21) Вычислительная техника: read amplifier, register and arithmetic/logic unit, Remote Access (BBS), Registration Authority (PKI, ITU, Verschluesselung), Real Address (Power4, IBM, CPU)22) Нефть: anode resistance, qualitative risk assessment, right angle, анализ надёжности (reliability analysis), обеспечение надёжности (reliability assurance)23) Иммунология: rheumatoid arthritis24) Связь: ratio26) Банковское дело: соглашение о покупке ценных бумаг с последующим выкупом по обусловленной цене (repurchase agreement)27) Транспорт: Retard Advance, Routing Area28) Фирменный знак: RCA Corporation, Royal Ambassadors29) Холодильная техника: Refrigeration Abstracts of American Society of Refrigerating Engineers30) СМИ: Real Audio31) SAP. обратный расчёт32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: radioactive sub33) Образование: Read Aloud, Reading Ability, Reading Age, Reading Alarm, Rejected Adventure, Required Attention34) Инвестиции: repurchase agreement35) Полимеры: rosin acids36) Программирование: Return Address, Return All37) Сахалин Р: Regulatory Agencies, Regulatory Approvals38) Химическое оружие: Remedial action, receipt acknowledgment39) Хроматография: residual activity40) Безопасность: Registration Authority, Registry Agent, Review Access, risk assessment41) Расширение файла: Remote Access Data file, Remote Assistance, Replacement Algorithm42) Имена и фамилии: Richard Attenborough, Roger Alden, Ruth Armstrong43) Фармация: Roughness Average( среднее значение шероховатости поверхности)44) Общественная организация: RainForest Alliance, Rights Action45) Должность: Resident Advisor, Residental Advisor, Residential Advisor, Residential Assistant, Respect Authority, Royal Academician, Royal Armorer46) Чат: Real Asshole, Really Annoying, Really Awesome47) Правительство: Rolling Acres48) Федеральное бюро расследований: Resident Agency -
13 FA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
14 Fa
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
15 fA
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
16 fa
1) Общая лексика: U.S. area phone code A Football Agency2) Компьютерная техника: Finite Automata, Finite Automaton, Functional Application3) Геология: Пробирный анализ ( Fire assay)4) Спорт: Family And, Free Agent, Футбольная ассоциация5) Военный термин: Feasibility Assessment, Fighter Attack, Frankford Arsenal, Freeboard Aft, Freedom Arms, French Army, From Arpanet, Full Accounting, Functional Architecture, Fusil Automatique, failure analysis, family allowance, field activity, field allowance, field ambulance, field army, fighter allocator, fighter alter, final assembly, financial adviser, fine alignment, fire alarm, fire arms, fitter/armourer, flag allowance, flight accident, flight attendant, forward area, free area, frequency agility, friendly aircraft, fully automatic, further assignment, Frontal Aviation (FSU), ПА (полевая артиллерия)6) Техника: aeronautical station, facsimile amplifier, failure access, final address register, flat-gain amplifier, frame antenna, functional assembly, обозначение для воздушных станций (МСЭ), оператор управления авиационными средствами7) Шутливое выражение: Food Addicts8) Химия: Fully Amorphous9) Математика: факторный анализ (factor analysis)10) Юридический термин: Female Adult, Fine Attitude11) Бухгалтерия: Закон о Бюджете (ежегодно принимаемый парламентом Великобритании)12) Грубое выражение: For Arse, Fuck All, Fucking A, Fucking Arseholes13) Металлургия: Fresh Area14) Телекоммуникации: Failed Answer15) Сокращение: Football Association, Fraticide Avoidance, Frequency Agile, Russian Frontal Aviation, fore and aft, free aperture, Field Army (China), Persian (Farsi), основные фонды (Fixed Assets), Area Forecast (aviation), Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Factor Analysis, Factories Act 1961 (UK), Faculty Assistant, Failure Alarm, Fairchild Aircraft, Faith Alive, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fallen Angel, False Alarm, Fame Academy (UK BBC series), Family Assistance, Family Auto (car dealers), FanArt, Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia), Fanny Adams, Farm Aid, Farmers' Almanac, Fat Admirer, Fat Albert (fictional character), Feasibility Analysis, Federal Agent, Federal Association, Felonious Assault (law enforcement), Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm), Feudal Age, Fiber Adapter, Fibonacci Association, FictionAlley.org, Field Activities, Field Authorization, Fiery Avenger (Everquest game), Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy), Final Acceptance, Final Alert (mapmaking program), Final Approach, Final Approval, Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production), Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval), Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Financial Advisor, Financial Agent, Financial Aid, Financial Assurance, Finanzamt (German: revenue office), Fine Arts, Fiona Apple (singer), Firearms (half-life modification), Fireman Apprentice, Firma (German: company), First Aid/Medical Aid Station, First Article, Fiscal Agent (Medicaid), Fixed Assets, Flanking Attack, Flash Animation, Flexible Alerting, Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography, Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing), Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing), Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete), Focus Alert, Focus Amplifier, Focus Area, Food Allergy, For Auction, Force Analyzer, Forced Air, Forced Answer, Foreign Agent (network node), Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Foreign Military Affairs, Formal Advertising, Formic Acid, Forte Agent, Fourier Analysis, Framework Approach, Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp), Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Freakin' A! (polite form), Fredericksburg Academy, Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team), French Angora (rabbit), Frequency Agile/Agility, Friederich's Ataxia, Friends Always, Frontal Aviation, Fuel Assembly, Fulbright Association, Full Arc, Full Armor (anime), Fulvic Acid, Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool), Functional Acknowledgment, Functional Administrator, Functional Allocation, Functional Analysis, Functional Assessment, Fund Accounting, Funds Allocated (USACE), Fur Affinity (web site), Fury Assembly, Fuse Alarm, feasibility assessment (US DoD), fractional anisotropy16) Университет: Final Answer, Full Accreditation17) Физиология: Failed appointment, Fat Analysis, Forearm18) Электроника: Filter Anode19) Вычислительная техника: Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association), final address (register), (полный) сумматор, (полный)(одноразрядный) сумматор с тремя входами20) Нефть: foaming agents, анализ отказов (failure analysis)21) Иммунология: Fluorescent Antibody22) Транспорт: Flight Attendants, Flying Accident23) Фирменный знак: First Alert24) Экология: free air25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: full authority, Functional Authority26) Образование: Frequently Asked27) Сетевые технологии: fully accessible28) Полимеры: fatty acid, folic acid, furfuryl alcohol29) Автоматика: factory automation, full adder30) Химическое оружие: functional area31) SAP.тех. автоматически переадресовано32) Электротехника: frequency adjustment, field-accelerating (relay)33) Должность: Field Agent34) NYSE. Fairchild Corporation35) НАСА: First Alien, First Ascent -
17 GA
1) Авиация: уход на второй круг, авиация общего назначения (general aviation), угол планирования (gliding angle)2) Американизм: General Authority, Geographic Address, Gift Aid3) Спорт: Goal Attack4) Военный термин: Garrison Adjutant, General of the Air Force, General of the Army, German Army, Gis Analysis, general accounting, general alert, general assembly, go-ahead, go-around, government agency, grant aid, graze action, ground alert, ground attack, ground-to-air, Джи-Эй (табун), tabun5) Техника: gage man, gallons of acid, gate, give answer, go ahead, grapple adapter, group on audio and electronics, guidance amplifier, gyro assembly6) Сельское хозяйство: gastric analysis, gibberellic acid7) Строительство: General Arrangement (Общая компоновка)8) Метеорология: Google Answers9) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated10) Юридический термин: Gambling Act11) Страхование: general average12) Грубое выражение: Great Arsehole13) Сокращение: Gain (antenna gain), Gamblers Anonymous, General Adjutant, General Agent, Generic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Genetically Altered, Geographical Association, Geologists Association, Georgia (US state), Government Actuary, Graphic Arts, Gun Assembly, Gypsum Association, Tabun (Ethyl-dimethylamido-phosphorcyanidate //Chemical warfare nerve agent), gas amplification, general assignment, graphic ammeter, Irish (Gaelic), gage (gauge), general anesthesia, Gabon (Internet country code), Gage, Galaxy Angel (anime series), Galeria E Arteve (National Art Gallery), Galvanizers Association (UK), Gambia, Game Arena (Australian gaming website), Gaming-Age (gaming website), Garage (real estate), Garuda Indonesia Airline - Indonesia (IATA airline code), Gary Allan (country music artist), Gas Analysis, Gate Array, Gay Asian, Geekarea (website), General Accident (British Insurance Company), General Admission, General Agreement, General Alarm, General Answer, General Arrangement (layout drawing as opposed to detail), General Assistance, General Auditor, General Authority (LDS Church), General Auxiliary, General Awareness, Generally Available, Genetic Anomalies, Inc., Geographic Atrophy (eye condition), Geographical Address, Geologic Age, Georgia (US postal abbreviation), Geoscience Australia, Germantown Academy, Gestational Age, Ghana Army, Gibberellic Acid (plant hormone), Giga Annum (Latin: Billion Years), Gilbert Arenas (basketball player), Gillian Anderson, Ginger Ale, Giorgio Armani (clothing brand), Girls Aloud (band), Girls in Action (Southern Baptist Convention organization for young girls), Glendale Arena (Arizona), Global Assessment, Global Atlas, Globus Alliance (HP, IBM, et al), Glutaraldehyde, Go Ahead (used in chat), Go Away, Goals Against, GoblinARMY (gaming), Good Afternoon, Google Analytics, Government Aided, Government Allotment, Graduate Advisor (live-in advisors to undergraduates), Graduate Assistant, Graduate Assistantship, Grand Admiral, Grand Alliance (advanced television), Granuloma Annulare (dermatology), Graphic Annunciator (fire alarm), GraphicAudio, Graphics & Administration, Graphics Adapter, Graphics Array, Gravity Assist (spacecraft trajectories), Great Adventure (theme park), Green Alliance (London, UK), Green Armour (Quake), Green Arrow (comics character), Grey's Anatomy (TV show), Gridiron Australia, Ground Antenna, Guano Apes (band), Guarantee Agency, Guardian Angel, Guest Advisor, Guichet Automatique, Gun-Assembled, Gund Arena (Cleveland)14) Физиология: General Appearance15) Вычислительная техника: General Availability (OS/2), Genetic Algorithm (s), general availability16) Нефть: Gas Association, gelling agents, галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid), число галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)17) Генетика: Genome Analyzer18) Биохимия: Glyoxylic Acid19) Онкология: General Anaesthetic20) Фирменный знак: Gould Aerospace21) Деловая лексика: Group Assignment, Growth Accelerated22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: government affairs23) Сетевые технологии: Group Address24) Сахалин А: general arrangement (drawing)25) Химическое оружие: General Atomics, General arrangement, Tabun, O-ethyl-N, N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate, a nerve agent, tabun (a nerve agent)26) Правительство: Great America27) Единицы измерений: Gazillion Annum, Giga Annum -
18 Ga
1) Авиация: уход на второй круг, авиация общего назначения (general aviation), угол планирования (gliding angle)2) Американизм: General Authority, Geographic Address, Gift Aid3) Спорт: Goal Attack4) Военный термин: Garrison Adjutant, General of the Air Force, General of the Army, German Army, Gis Analysis, general accounting, general alert, general assembly, go-ahead, go-around, government agency, grant aid, graze action, ground alert, ground attack, ground-to-air, Джи-Эй (табун), tabun5) Техника: gage man, gallons of acid, gate, give answer, go ahead, grapple adapter, group on audio and electronics, guidance amplifier, gyro assembly6) Сельское хозяйство: gastric analysis, gibberellic acid7) Строительство: General Arrangement (Общая компоновка)8) Метеорология: Google Answers9) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated10) Юридический термин: Gambling Act11) Страхование: general average12) Грубое выражение: Great Arsehole13) Сокращение: Gain (antenna gain), Gamblers Anonymous, General Adjutant, General Agent, Generic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Genetically Altered, Geographical Association, Geologists Association, Georgia (US state), Government Actuary, Graphic Arts, Gun Assembly, Gypsum Association, Tabun (Ethyl-dimethylamido-phosphorcyanidate //Chemical warfare nerve agent), gas amplification, general assignment, graphic ammeter, Irish (Gaelic), gage (gauge), general anesthesia, Gabon (Internet country code), Gage, Galaxy Angel (anime series), Galeria E Arteve (National Art Gallery), Galvanizers Association (UK), Gambia, Game Arena (Australian gaming website), Gaming-Age (gaming website), Garage (real estate), Garuda Indonesia Airline - Indonesia (IATA airline code), Gary Allan (country music artist), Gas Analysis, Gate Array, Gay Asian, Geekarea (website), General Accident (British Insurance Company), General Admission, General Agreement, General Alarm, General Answer, General Arrangement (layout drawing as opposed to detail), General Assistance, General Auditor, General Authority (LDS Church), General Auxiliary, General Awareness, Generally Available, Genetic Anomalies, Inc., Geographic Atrophy (eye condition), Geographical Address, Geologic Age, Georgia (US postal abbreviation), Geoscience Australia, Germantown Academy, Gestational Age, Ghana Army, Gibberellic Acid (plant hormone), Giga Annum (Latin: Billion Years), Gilbert Arenas (basketball player), Gillian Anderson, Ginger Ale, Giorgio Armani (clothing brand), Girls Aloud (band), Girls in Action (Southern Baptist Convention organization for young girls), Glendale Arena (Arizona), Global Assessment, Global Atlas, Globus Alliance (HP, IBM, et al), Glutaraldehyde, Go Ahead (used in chat), Go Away, Goals Against, GoblinARMY (gaming), Good Afternoon, Google Analytics, Government Aided, Government Allotment, Graduate Advisor (live-in advisors to undergraduates), Graduate Assistant, Graduate Assistantship, Grand Admiral, Grand Alliance (advanced television), Granuloma Annulare (dermatology), Graphic Annunciator (fire alarm), GraphicAudio, Graphics & Administration, Graphics Adapter, Graphics Array, Gravity Assist (spacecraft trajectories), Great Adventure (theme park), Green Alliance (London, UK), Green Armour (Quake), Green Arrow (comics character), Grey's Anatomy (TV show), Gridiron Australia, Ground Antenna, Guano Apes (band), Guarantee Agency, Guardian Angel, Guest Advisor, Guichet Automatique, Gun-Assembled, Gund Arena (Cleveland)14) Физиология: General Appearance15) Вычислительная техника: General Availability (OS/2), Genetic Algorithm (s), general availability16) Нефть: Gas Association, gelling agents, галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid), число галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)17) Генетика: Genome Analyzer18) Биохимия: Glyoxylic Acid19) Онкология: General Anaesthetic20) Фирменный знак: Gould Aerospace21) Деловая лексика: Group Assignment, Growth Accelerated22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: government affairs23) Сетевые технологии: Group Address24) Сахалин А: general arrangement (drawing)25) Химическое оружие: General Atomics, General arrangement, Tabun, O-ethyl-N, N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate, a nerve agent, tabun (a nerve agent)26) Правительство: Great America27) Единицы измерений: Gazillion Annum, Giga Annum -
19 ga
1) Авиация: уход на второй круг, авиация общего назначения (general aviation), угол планирования (gliding angle)2) Американизм: General Authority, Geographic Address, Gift Aid3) Спорт: Goal Attack4) Военный термин: Garrison Adjutant, General of the Air Force, General of the Army, German Army, Gis Analysis, general accounting, general alert, general assembly, go-ahead, go-around, government agency, grant aid, graze action, ground alert, ground attack, ground-to-air, Джи-Эй (табун), tabun5) Техника: gage man, gallons of acid, gate, give answer, go ahead, grapple adapter, group on audio and electronics, guidance amplifier, gyro assembly6) Сельское хозяйство: gastric analysis, gibberellic acid7) Строительство: General Arrangement (Общая компоновка)8) Метеорология: Google Answers9) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated10) Юридический термин: Gambling Act11) Страхование: general average12) Грубое выражение: Great Arsehole13) Сокращение: Gain (antenna gain), Gamblers Anonymous, General Adjutant, General Agent, Generic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Genetically Altered, Geographical Association, Geologists Association, Georgia (US state), Government Actuary, Graphic Arts, Gun Assembly, Gypsum Association, Tabun (Ethyl-dimethylamido-phosphorcyanidate //Chemical warfare nerve agent), gas amplification, general assignment, graphic ammeter, Irish (Gaelic), gage (gauge), general anesthesia, Gabon (Internet country code), Gage, Galaxy Angel (anime series), Galeria E Arteve (National Art Gallery), Galvanizers Association (UK), Gambia, Game Arena (Australian gaming website), Gaming-Age (gaming website), Garage (real estate), Garuda Indonesia Airline - Indonesia (IATA airline code), Gary Allan (country music artist), Gas Analysis, Gate Array, Gay Asian, Geekarea (website), General Accident (British Insurance Company), General Admission, General Agreement, General Alarm, General Answer, General Arrangement (layout drawing as opposed to detail), General Assistance, General Auditor, General Authority (LDS Church), General Auxiliary, General Awareness, Generally Available, Genetic Anomalies, Inc., Geographic Atrophy (eye condition), Geographical Address, Geologic Age, Georgia (US postal abbreviation), Geoscience Australia, Germantown Academy, Gestational Age, Ghana Army, Gibberellic Acid (plant hormone), Giga Annum (Latin: Billion Years), Gilbert Arenas (basketball player), Gillian Anderson, Ginger Ale, Giorgio Armani (clothing brand), Girls Aloud (band), Girls in Action (Southern Baptist Convention organization for young girls), Glendale Arena (Arizona), Global Assessment, Global Atlas, Globus Alliance (HP, IBM, et al), Glutaraldehyde, Go Ahead (used in chat), Go Away, Goals Against, GoblinARMY (gaming), Good Afternoon, Google Analytics, Government Aided, Government Allotment, Graduate Advisor (live-in advisors to undergraduates), Graduate Assistant, Graduate Assistantship, Grand Admiral, Grand Alliance (advanced television), Granuloma Annulare (dermatology), Graphic Annunciator (fire alarm), GraphicAudio, Graphics & Administration, Graphics Adapter, Graphics Array, Gravity Assist (spacecraft trajectories), Great Adventure (theme park), Green Alliance (London, UK), Green Armour (Quake), Green Arrow (comics character), Grey's Anatomy (TV show), Gridiron Australia, Ground Antenna, Guano Apes (band), Guarantee Agency, Guardian Angel, Guest Advisor, Guichet Automatique, Gun-Assembled, Gund Arena (Cleveland)14) Физиология: General Appearance15) Вычислительная техника: General Availability (OS/2), Genetic Algorithm (s), general availability16) Нефть: Gas Association, gelling agents, галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid), число галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)17) Генетика: Genome Analyzer18) Биохимия: Glyoxylic Acid19) Онкология: General Anaesthetic20) Фирменный знак: Gould Aerospace21) Деловая лексика: Group Assignment, Growth Accelerated22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: government affairs23) Сетевые технологии: Group Address24) Сахалин А: general arrangement (drawing)25) Химическое оружие: General Atomics, General arrangement, Tabun, O-ethyl-N, N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate, a nerve agent, tabun (a nerve agent)26) Правительство: Great America27) Единицы измерений: Gazillion Annum, Giga Annum -
20 DA
1) Авиация: drift angle2) Разговорное выражение: The3) Американизм: Dead Agent, Department of the Army, Disability Assistance4) Спорт: Distance Accuracy5) Военный термин: Dad's Army, Dads Army, Data Adapter, Defence Act, Defence Adviser, Department Approval, Detroit arsenal, Director of Armaments, Director of Artillery, Directors Assistant, Double Agent, damaged, data acquisition, data analysis, define area, delayed arming, delayed-action, deputy adjutant, developing agency, direct access, direct-action, director of administration, disassembly, discharge afloat, dislocation allowance, distribution authority, division artillery, do not answer, double action, dummy antenna, Ди-Эй (дифенилхлорарсин), Long-Range Aviation (USSR), diphenylchlorarsine6) Техника: data automation, database administrator, decimal-to-analog conversion, demand assignment, depth average, dielectric anisotropy, difference amplifier, differential amplifier, digital-to-analog converter, diode array, dipole antenna, directional array, distribution amplifier, donor-acceptor, dose assessment, dummy load, dynamic allocation, telephone does not answer7) Метеорология: Density Altitude, Dry Air8) Железнодорожный термин: Canadian Pacific Railway9) Юридический термин: Devil's Advocate, days after acceptance, deed of arrangement, district attorney10) Бухгалтерия: Duration Of Asset11) Биржевой термин: depreciation and amortization12) Грубое выражение: Duck's Arse, Duck's Ass, Dumb Arse, Dumb Ass13) Политика: Denmark14) Телекоммуникации: Destination Address (LAN), Device Address (SNA)15) Сокращение: Dalnyaya Aviatsiya (Russian Long-Range Aviation Command), Data Administrator, Decision Analysis, Defence Attache, Denmark (NATO country code), Department of Agriculture, Department of the Army (US Army), Design Automation, Destination MAC Address, Development Authorisation, Diphenylchloroarsine (Chemical warfare vomiting agent), Diploma in Aesthetics, Diploma in Anesthetics, Direct Action, Direct Analog (e.g., synthesis), Distributing Authority, Doctor of Arts, Double-Action, delta amplitude, Directory Assistance (/C = computerized, /M = Microfilm), Don't Answer (may be more general), допамин, Desk Accessory, Digital-to-Analog, discretionary account16) Физиология: Degenerative arthritis17) Электроника: Dielectric Absorption, Distributed Amplifier18) Вычислительная техника: decimal addition, destination address, display adapter, имеющиеся данные, Directory Assistance (/C = computerized, /M = Microfilm, Telephony), Data Area (CD-MRW, SA), Digital-to-Analog (D/A), Destination (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI), Don't Answer (Telephony, may be more general), доступные данные19) Нефть: daily allowable, direct-acting, double-acting, разрешённая норма суточной добычи (daily allowable), суточная квота (daily allowance), средняя глубина (depth average)20) Биохимия: Dopamine21) Банковское дело: депозитный счёт (deposit account), срочный вклад (deposit account), документы против акцепта (documents against acceptance)22) Транспорт: Decision Altitude / Decision Height, Descent Advisor23) СМИ: Digital Audio, Discerning Audience24) Деловая лексика: Distribution Area, окружной прокурор (США, district attorney)25) Бурение: двойного действия (double-acting), прямого действия (direct-acting)26) Американский английский: причёска а-ля Элвис Пресли27) Инвестиции: deposit account, documents against acceptance28) Сетевые технологии: data available, disk array, адрес получателя29) Полимеры: dispersing agent, documents attached, drawn-and-annealed30) Программирование: Delete Attribute31) Химическое оружие: Defense Acquisition, Directed Action32) Расширение файла: Discrete Address33) Нефть и газ: derivative time calculation value34) Электротехника: delay amplifier, double amplitude35) Имена и фамилии: Don Albert36) Общественная организация: Disabled and Alone37) Должность: Dining Assistant, Disciplines Associated38) Чат: Don't Ask39) Программное обеспечение: Decision Assistant, Desktop Assistant, Dos Apps40) Единицы измерений: Days Ago
- 1
- 2
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