1 average magnetic moment
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > average magnetic moment
2 density
1) плотность; концентрация•-
acceptor density
- actual flux density -
actual tooth density
air density
aircraft seating density
air-gap flux density
ambient density
ampere density
apparent density
apparent gap density
areal data density
areal-packing density
areal-recording density
atomic density
average density
base density
batch density
Baume density
bit density
bulk density
buoyant density
carrier density
channel density
character density
charge density
circuit density
color density
component density
contact density
coolant density
crack density
critical density
crop density
crosslink density
crown density
current density
data density
density of charge
density of distribution
density of gap states
density of load
density of passenger traffic
density of seams
density of states
density of undergrowth
density of vulcanization network
density of wood
dew-point density
dielectric flux density
dielectric density
diffuse density
dislocation density
displacement current density
distortion energy density
donor density
doping density
drainage density
dry density
electric displacement density
electrolyte density
electromagnetic energy density
electrostatic flux density
energy density
energy-flux density
equilibrium density
equivalent neutral density
equivalent density
excess density
failure density
fallout density
field density
fin density
fission density
fixed charge density
flux density
fog density
forest density
Fourier density
freely settled density of catalyst
freight traffic density
functional density
function density
gamma density
gap density
gravimetric energy density
green-packing density
heat-flux density
helium density of catalyst
highlight film density
housing density
image density
impurity density
induction density
information density
integration density
interfacial area density
ionization density
level density
linear density
linear power density
linearly data density
linearly packing density
linearly recording density
load density
lowlight film density
luminous density
luminous flux density
magnetic flux density
magnetic moment density
maximum commodity density
maximum dry density
mercury density of catalyst
mixture density
moderator density
needle density
network density
neutral density
neutron-flux density
noise power spectral density
noise spectral density
nonequilibrium carrier density
nonuniform density
nuclear density
nuclear-level density
optical density
packaging density
packed density
photocurrent density
photographic density
pinch density
plasma density
pollution density
population density
power density
power flux density
power spectral density
printing density
probability density
product density
radiant density
radiant flux surface density
radiant flux density
real density of catalyst
recording density
reflected flux density
reflection density
relative density
remanent flux density
saturation current density
selective density
separation density
setting density
slowing-down density
solar radiant flux density
sound-energy density
sound-energy-flux density
space charge density
spectral density
stacking density
stitch density
storage density
stowing density
strain energy density
submerged density of soil
supercurrent density
support density
surface density
target density
thermal-power density
threshold current density
track density
traffic density
train density
transition density
transverse density
vapor density
variable density
volume density of electric charge
volumetric energy density
well spacing density
well density
wet bulk density
winding density
writing density -
3 method
метод; процедура; способ- antithetic variate method - average ordinate method - average range method - binary search method - conjugate directions method - conjugate gradient method - control chart method - conventional milling method - correlation function method - decision function method - differential control method - Feynman diagram method - first approximation method - gradient projection method - iterative method - large sample method - large sieve method - least-squares regression method - less than fully efficient method - linearly implicit method - method of adjoint gradient - method of algebraic addition - method of alternating directions - method of balanced blocks - method of complex numbers - method of confidence intervals - method of conformal mappings - method of conjugate directions - method of conjugate gradients - method of cyclic descent - method of detached coefficients - method of disjunction of cases - method of divided differences - method of electrical images - method of elimination of quantifiers - method of empty ball - method of extreme values - method of false position - method of feasible directions - method of finite differences - method of first approximation - method of first entrance - method of fitting constants - method of fixed points - method of full enumeration - method of generating functions - method of geometric exhaustion - method of indefinite coefficients - method of infinite descent - method of interval bisection - method of least absolute values - method of least distance - method of least likelihood - method of maximum likelihood - method of means and standard deviations - method of medians and extreme values - method of minimal change - method of minimal variance - method of mirror reflections - method of moving frame - method of multiple comparison - method of orthogonal projections - method of paired associates - method of paired comparisons - method of phase integrals - method of projecting cones - method of proportional parts - method of rotating factors - method of semantic tableaux - method of separation of variables - method of simulaneous displacements - method of stationary phase - method of statistical differentials - method of statistical inference - method of steep variations - method of steepest ascent - method of stochastic approximation - method of straightforward iteration - method of successive displacements - method of successive divisions - method of successive elimination - method of transfinite induction - method of unweighted means - method of variable differences - method of variation of parameters - method of weighted residuals - optimum method - parallel tangents method - precision method - random walk method - recursive method - reduced gradient method - reflected wave method - relative method of measurement - sampling method by variables - statistical sampling method - steepest descent method - time average method -
4 method
1) метод
2) способ
3) процедура
– ADI method
– adjoint method
– aero-projection method
– anaglyphic method
– approximate method
– area method
– averaging method
– axiomatic method
– backing-space method
– balancing method
– ball-and-ring method
– block-diagram method
– bordering method
– Borrmann method
– bottle method
– branch-and-bound method
– brittel-varnish method
– building-block method
– caisson method
– chain method
– chopped-beam method
– Clegg method
– coincidence method
– colorimetric method
– complexometric method
– conductance-measuring method
– cone method
– conjugate-gradient method
– constant-fraction method
– correlation method
– curing method
– cut-and-try method
– deductive method
– deflection method
– delta method
– Deschamps method
– diagram method
– difference method
– dilution method
– dimensional method
– direct method
– dot alloying method
– dry combustion method
– dry method
– Dumas method
– dye-penetrant method
– efflux method
– elastic method
– electrophoretic method
– empirical method
– energy method
– equal-altitude method
– equal-deflection method
– equal-strain method
– escalator method
– estimate by the method
– evaporation method
– exact method
– fall-of-charge method
– finitary method
– floatation method
– floating-zone method
– fusion method
– gradient method
– graph method
– graphical method
– gravimetric method
– gray-wedge method
– grid method
– Griess-Ilovai method
– half-deflection method
– horn-and-lens method
– immersion method
– incremental method
– indirect method
– inexact method
– interfermetric method
– inverse-scattering method
– inversion method
– isolation method
– iteration method
– kick-sorting method
– laboratory method
– load-factor method
– lobe-switching method
– lost wax method
– lumped-parameter method
– machining method
– manufacturing method
– Markowitz method
– mesh-current method
– method of angles
– method of bearings
– method of directions
– method of exhaustion
– method of gisements
– method of image
– method of images
– method of joints
– method of revolution
– method of sections
– method of superposition
– midsquare method
– mirror-image method
– momentum-transfer method
– moving-average method
– nephelometric method
– net method
– net-point method
– neutral-points method
– nodal-pair method
– node-voltage method
– non-destructive method
– non-recursive method
– null method
– numerical method
– objective method
– offset method
– offset-signal method
– operational method
– opposition method
– orthogonalized-plane-wave method
– paramagnetic-resonance method
– particle method
– particle-in-cell method
– perturbation method
– plunge-cut method
– point-by-point method
– polar method
– postulational method
– powder method
– predictor-corrector method
– processing method
– pseudoviscosity method
– pulse method
– pulse-counting method
– pulse-echo method
– pumping method
– qualitative method
– quantitative method
– radiation method
– radiometric method
– raster-scan method
– ray-trace method
– refletion method
– relaxation method
– reliability method
– resonance method
– retardation method
– root-locus method
– rotating-crystal method
– Runge-Kutta method
– saddle-point method
– sampling method
– secant method
– sedimentaion method
– semigraphical method
– separation method
– shadow method
– shake method
– shock-capturing method
– shooting method
– short-cut method
– sieve method
– similitude method
– slope-deflection method
– spectroscopic method
– spiral-scan method
– step-back method
– step-by-step method
– stroboscopic method
– stylus method
– subjective method
– substitution method
– sweep method
– test-line method
– three-base method
– time-of-flight method
– topological method
– total-strain method
– tracer method
– trial-and-error method
– triangulation method
– trilateration method
– Tukey-Cooley method
– Tukey-Sand method
– variable-phase method
– variational method
– visual method
– volumetric method
– Whitham's method
– wobbulator method
– work method
– worst-case method
– zero-beat method
alternating direction method — <math.> метод перемежающийся, метод переменных направлений, метод чередущихся направлений
alternating-variable descent method — <math.> метод покоординатного спуска
balance-chart method of planning — <econ.> метод планирования балансовый
Barrelet method of zeroes — <phys.> метод нулей Барле
baseband recording method — способ раздельной записи видеоинформации с временным уплотнением
branch and bound method — метод ветвей и границ, метод ветвления и ограничения
composite value method — <comput.> метод передачи совместных значений, метод совместных значений
differential control method — дифференцированный метод контроля
divide by differential method — делить дифференциальным методом
equal deflection method — <tech.> метод равных отклонений
false position method — <math.> метод пристрелки
Feynman diagram method — <phys.> техника диаграммная
finite element method — <math.> метод конечных элементов
Hopkinson split-bar method — метод составного стержня Гопкинсона
method of complex gradients — <math.> метод сопряженных градиентов
method of false position — <math.> метод ложного положения
method of feasible directions — <math.> метод возможных направлений
method of fraction levelling — метод нивелирования по частям
method of incremental rates — <engin.> метод относительных приростов
method of penultimate remainder — <math.> метод предпоследнего остатка
method of separation of variable — метод разделения переменных
method of steepest descent — <math.> метод наискорейшего спуска, метод скорейшего спуска
method of symmetrical components — метод симметричных составляющих
method of variation of parameters — метод вариации постоянных
moment distribution method — метод перераспределения моментов
moving average method — <math.> метод скользящих средних
reflected wave method — < radio> метод отраженных волн
regula falsa method — <math.> метод пристрелки
relative method of measurement — относительный метод измерения
spot-scan photomultiplier method — метод сканирования пятном
successive exclusion method — метод последовательных исключений
zero deflection method — <tech.> метод нулевого отклонения
5 factor
2) фактор3) показатель•factor of earthing — коэффициент заземленияfactor of merit — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of quality — 1. критерий качества 2. добротностьfactor of safety — 1. коэффициент запаса (прочности), запас прочности 2. коэффициент (фактор) безопасности 3. коэффициент надёжностиfactor of safety against overturning — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против опрокидывания ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against sliding — коэффициент запаса устойчивости против плоского сдвига по основанию ( при расчёте подпорных стенок)factor of safety against ultimate stress — коэффициент запаса прочности по пределу прочности-
2T pulse K factor
absorption factor
acceleration factor
accumulation factor
acoustic insulation factor
acoustic reduction factor
acoustic reflection factor
acoustical absorption factor
activity factor
additional secondary phase factor
additional secondary factor
aerodrome utilization factor
aircraft acceleration factor
aircraft load factor
aircraft safety factor
aircraft usability factor
amplification factor
amplitude factor
anisotropy factor
annual growth factor
annual plant factor
anthropogenic factor
aperture shape factor
application factor
array factor
ASTM stability factor
atmospheric factor
atomic factor
attenuation factor
automatic scale factor
availability factor
available heat factor
available-lime factor
average noise factor
balance factor
bandwidth factor
barrier factor
base-transport factor
basin shape factor
beam shape factor
bed-formation factor
belt differential factor
belt factor
belt sag factor
biological quality factor N
biological quality factor
biotic factor
blast-penetration factor
blockage factor
brake factor
break-even load factor
bulk factor
bulking factor
burnup factor
calibration factor
Callier factor
capacitance factor
capacity factor
car capacity utilization factor
cargo load factor
catalyst carbon factor
catalyst gas factor
cement factor
cementation factor
characteristic factors
chemotactic factor
climatic factor
clotting factor
CNI factor
coil magnification factor
coincidence factor
coke-hardness factor
coke-permeability factor
Colburo heat-transfer factor
colicinogenic factor
colicin factor
comfort factor
common factor
compacting factor
compensation factor
complexity factor
compressibility factor
concentration factor
confidence factor
consumer load coincidence factor
contrast factor
control factor
conversion factor
conveyance factor
core factor
correction factor
correlation factor
coupling factor
cover factor
crack susceptibility factor
crest factor
critical stress intensity factor
cross-modulation factor
current amplification factor
current amplitude factor
current transformer correction factor
current unbalance factor
current waveform distortion factor
cyclic duration factor
damage factor
damage severity factor
damping factor
daylight factor
dc conversion factor
decontamination factor
defective factor
deflection factor
deflection uniformity factor
degeneration factor
degradation factor
degree-day melting factor
demagnetization factor
demand factor
depolarization factor
derating factor
design factor
design load factor
detuning factor
deviation factor
dielectric loss factor
differential diffraction factor
diffuse reflection factor
diffuse transmission factor
dilution factor
dimensionless factor
directivity factor
discharge factor
displacement factor
displacement power factor
dissipation factor
distortion factor
distribution factor
diversity factor
division factor
dose buildup factor
dose reduction factor
drainage factor
drug resistance factor
duty cycle factor
duty factor
ecological factor
edaphic factor
effective demand factor
effective multiplication factor
effective-volume utilization factor
efficiency factor
electromechanical coupling factor
elimination factor
elongation factor
emission factor
emissivity factor
engineering factors
enlargement factor
enrichment factor
environmental factor
etch factor
excess air factor
excess multiplication factor
expansion factor
exponential factor
exposure factor
external factor
extraction factor
extraneous factor
F factor
Fanning friction factor
fatigue notch factor
feedback factor
field form factor
field length factor
field water-distribution factor
fill factor
filter factor
filtration factor
fineness factor
flux factor
food factor
force factor
form factor
formation volume factor
formation-resistivity factor
formation factor
fouling factor
F-prime factor
frequency factor
frequency multiplication factor
friction factor
fuel factor
fundamental factor
gage factor
gain factor
gamma factor
gas factor
gas multiplication factor
gas producing factor
gas recovery factor
gas saturation factor
geometrical structure factor
geometrical weighting factor
grading factor
granulation factor
grindability factor
growth factor
harmonic distortion factor
harmonic factor
heat conductivity factor
heat gain factor
heat leakage factor
heat loss factor
heat-stretch factor
heat-transfer factor
host factor
hot-channel factor
hot-spot factor
hull-efficiency factor
human factor
hysteresis factor
improvement factor
inductance factor
infinite multiplication factor
inhibitory factor
innovation factor
institutional factor
integer factor
integrating factor
interlace factor
intermodulation factor
K bar factor
Kell factor
lamination factor
leakage factor
lethal factor
light-transmission factor
lime factor
limit load factor
linear expansion factor
literal factor
load curve irregularity factor
load factor
loading factor
longitudinal load distribution factor
Lorentz factor
loss factor
luminance factor
luminosity factor
magnetic form factor
magnetic leakage factor
magnetic loss factor
magnification factor
maximum enthalpy rise factor
membrane swelling factor
minimum noise factor
mismatch factor
mode I stress intensity factor
mode II stress intensity factor
mode III stress intensity factor
modifying factor
modulation factor
modulus factor of reflux
moment intensity factor
mu factor
multiplication factor
multiplicity factor
multiplying factor
Murphree efficiency factor
mutual coupling factor
mutual inductance factor
natural factor
negative phase-sequence current factor
negative phase-sequence voltage factor
neutron multiplication factor
noise factor
nonlinearity factor
notch concentration factor
notch factor
numerical factor
obturation factor
oil factors
oil recovery factor
oil saturation factor
oil shrinkage factor
opening mode stress intensity factor
operating factor
operating load factor
operational factor
operation factor
optimum noise factor
orbit burden factor
output factor
overcurrent factor
overload factor
pacing factor
packing factor
paratypic factor
partial safety factor for load
partial safety factor for material
particle-reduction factor
passenger load factor
peak factor
peak responsibility factor
peak-load effective duration factor
penetration factor
performance factor
permeability factor
phase factor
phase-angle correction factor
phasor power factor
physiographic factor
pitch differential factor
pitch factor
plain-strain stress intensity factor
plane-earth factor
plant capacity factor
plant-load factor
plant-use factor
porosity factor
positive phase-sequence current factor
positive phase-sequence voltage factor
potential transformer correction factor
powder factor
power factor
power filling factor
primary phase factor
primary factor
prime factor
proof/ultimate factor
propagation factor
propagation meteorological factor
propagation terrain factor
proportionality factor
proximity factor
pulsation factor
quality factor
R factor
radiance factor
radio-interference suppression factor
readiness factor
recombinogenic factor
recovery factor
rectification factor
reduction factor
redundancy improvement factor
reflection factor
reflectivity factor
refraction factor
refrigerating factor
reheat factor
relative loss factor
relative severity factor
release factor
reliability demonstration factor
reliability factor
relocation factor
repairability factor
repeatability factor
reservoir volume factor
reset factor of relay
resistance transfer factor
restorability factor
revenue load factor
ripple factor
risk factor
rolling shape factor
roll-off factor
roughness factor
runoff factor
safety factor for dropout of relay
safety factor for pickup of relay
safety factor of insulation
safety factor
sag factor
saturation factor
scale factor
scaling factor
screening factor
screen factor
secondary-electron-emission factor
self-transmissible factor
separation factor
service factor
sex factor
shadow factor
shape factor
sheet ratio factor
shielding factor
shield factor
shrinkage factor
signal-to-noise improvement factor
size factor
skew factor
slant-range correction factor
sliding factor
slip factor
smoothing factor
snagging factor
soap factor
social factor
socioeconomic factor
solubility factor
sound absorption factor
space factor of winding
space factor
spreading factor
squeezing factor
stability factor
stacking factor
stage amplification factor
standing-wave factor
steam reduction factor
steam-zone shape factor
storage factor
stowage factor
strain concentration factor
streamflow formation factor
strength factor
stress concentration factor
stress intensity factor
stretch factor
structure factor
submergence factor
summability factor
superficial friction factor
support factor
surface correction factor
surface-area factor
tapping factor
technical preparedness factor
telephone influence factor
termination factor
terrain factor
thermal eta factor
thermal factor
thermal utilization factor
thermodynamic factor
thrust-deduction factor
time factor
time-scale factor
tire size factor
tooth factor
transfer factor
transmission factor
transport factor
traveling-wave factor
trigger factor
truck service factor
tuning factor
turbidity factor
turbulence factor
twist factor
unavailability factor
unbalance factor
unit conversion factor
usage factor
utilization factor
vacuum factor
velocity gain factor
velocity factor
viscosity factor
void factor
voltage amplification factor
voltage amplitude factor
voltage ripple factor
voltage unbalance factor
voltage waveform distortion factor
volume-utilization factor
wake factor
water encroachment factor
water saturation factor
waveform distortion factor
wear factor
weather-forming factor
weight load factor
weighting factor
weight factor
winding factor
wobble factor
wood swelling factor
work factor
yield factor
zero phase-sequence current factor
zero phase-sequence voltage factor -
6 detector
1) обнаружитель, устройство обнаружения; индикатор2) детектор; демодулятор3) чувствительный (воспринимающий) элемент; датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь•-
acceleration detector
acoustic emission detector
activation detector
adsorption detector
air check detector
air-to-air detector
amplitude detector
angle-of-attack detector
argon detector
arrival detector
average detector
balanced detector
baseband detector
bearing oil leak detector
beta detector
beta-ray detector
brightness-signal detector
broadband detector
brush arc detector
burnout detector
burst-slug detector
carbon monoxide detector
catalytic combustion detector
cathode luminescence detector
charge detector
chevron detector
chroma detector
coarse detector
coherent detector
combustible gas detector
common luminance-chrominance detector
conductometric detector
continuous wave detector
correlation detector
coulometric titration detector
coulometric detector
course detector
crack detector
cross-correlation detector
crystal detector
destructive detector
difference detector
differential detector
differential leak detector
diffused junction detector
diode detector
directional detector
discharge detector
Doppler detector
dosimetric detector
drip detector
dual-flame detector
dust impact detector
earth detector
edge detector
electromagnetic flaw detector
electron-capture detector
embedded temperature detector
embrittlement detector
envelope detector
error detector
excessive tension detector
false lock detector
fast detector
fast-neutron detector
fault detector
fault-phase selection detector
fine detector
fire detector
firedamp detector
first detector
fission detector
flame detector
flame-emissivity detector
flame-ionization detector
flaw detector
fluorescent radiation detector
flux detector
flux-gate detector
focus detector
fog detector
frequency difference detector
frequency-modulation detector
frost detector
gamma-ray detector
gamma-sensitive detector
gas chromatography detector
gas detector
gas discharge detector
gas-volume detector
glow-discharge detector
ground detector
halide leak detector
heat-of-adsorption detector
helium ionization detector
helium detector
heterodyne detector
holiday detector
hot-metal detector
hot-wheel detector
hot-wire detector
humidity detector
hydrogen sulfide detector
hydrogen-flame ionization detector
hydrogen-flame temperature detector
ice detector
iceberg detector
image detector
imaging photon detector
infrared cloud cover detector
infrared detector
infrared leak detector
in-phase detector
integral detector
interfinger detector
intrusion detector
ion detector
ionization detector
knot detector
leak detector
leakage current detector
level detector
light detector
linear detector
liquid chromatography detector
lithium-drifted detector
locally optimum detector
loop detector
low-visibility detector
luminance detector
magnetic detector
mass spectrometer-type leak detector
mass spectrometer leak detector
maximum-likelihood detector
memoryless detector
metal detector
microchannel detector
missing-pulse detector
moment detector
motion detector
moving-coil detector
moving-target detector
moving-window detector
moving-wire detector
multilinear array detector
narrow-band detector
needle detector
neutron detector
neutron track detector
nitrogen detector
noncontacting IR detector
nondestructive detector
nonlinear detector
no-sheet detector
nuclear magnetic-resonance detector
null detector
optical detector
out-of-lock detector
particle detector
pattern detector
peak-to-peak detector
peak detector
phase detector
phase-frequency detector
phase-lock detector
phase-sensitive detector
photoconductive detector
photo detector
photo-ionization detector
photon detector
photoresist detector
piezoelectric crystal detector
pinhole detector
pitch detector
precipitation detector
primary detector
product detector
proximity detector
pulse detector
pulse-envelope detector
push-pull detector
quadrature detector
radiation detector
radio interference detector
radiometric detector
rail flaw detector
rain detector
ratio detector
recoil detector
regenerative detector
ringing detector
scintillation detector
second detector
seismic detector
selective detector
sequence detector
sheet detector
sign detector
silence detector
single-signal detector
skid detector
slope detector
smoke detector
sonic interface detector
sound detector
sound intermediate-frequency detector
sound velocity detector
spark coil detector
speech detector
spread spectrum detector
square-law detector
strip edge crack detector
stuck point detector
superheterodyne detector
superregenerative detector
supply failure detector
synchronous detector
temperature detector
thermal detector
thermal-conductivity detector
thermal-neutron detector
thermionic detector
thermistor detector
threshold detector
tool breakage detector
torque detector
tracking detector
transition detector
transmitted electrons detector
two-sheet detector
ultrasonic density detector
ultrasonic flaw detector
ultra-violet detector
valve detector
vibration detector
video detector
voice detector
voiced-unvoiced detector
voltage detector
web break detector
wind-shear detector
worn tool detector
X-ray detector
yarn detector
zero-crossing detector -
7 coefficient
- accumulation coefficient
- adhesion coefficient
- adsorption coefficient
- air permeability coefficient
- amplification coefficient
- angular coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- average gain coefficient
- backward scattering coefficient
- bending-moment coefficient
- bending-stiffness coefficient
- block coefficient
- center distance modification coefficient
- coefficient of absorption
- coefficient of amplification
- coefficient of collar friction
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of contact friction
- coefficient of correction
- coefficient of corrosion
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of dynamic stiffness
- coefficient of efficiency
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of engagement
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of hardness
- coefficient of heat conduction
- coefficient of heat conductivity
- coefficient of heat passage
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of heat transmission
- coefficient of impact
- coefficient of increase of the average output velocity
- coefficient of journal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of leakage
- coefficient of lift
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of load
- coefficient of mechanical efficiency
- coefficient of merit
- coefficient of mutual overlap
- coefficient of nonuniformity of motion
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of starting friction
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of superficial expansion
- coefficient of thermal efficiency
- coefficient of tooth friction
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of velocity
- coefficient of volume expansion
- coefficient of volumetric expansibility
- compliance coefficient
- compression coefficient
- compressive-buckling coefficient
- confidence coefficient
- control action coefficient
- control coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- coupling coefficient
- critical stress coefficient
- damping coefficient
- decay coefficient
- deflection coefficient
- dielectric coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distortion coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- elastic coefficient
- energy absorption coefficient
- energy transfer coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- extinction coefficient
- feedback coefficient
- flow coefficient
- force coefficient
- friction coefficient
- fusion coefficient
- gain coefficient
- general gain coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- heat transmission coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- hydrodynamic loss coefficient
- inertial coefficient
- influence coefficient
- interference coefficient
- internal damping coefficient
- interpolation coefficient
- ionization gage coefficient
- irregularity coefficient
- kinematic coefficient
- lag coefficient
- literal coefficient
- loss coefficient
- magnetic coefficient
- modification coefficient
- nondimensional coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- overall coefficient
- overall heat transfer coefficient
- overall steady-flow coefficient
- pairwise similarity coefficient
- periodical coefficient
- pipe resistance coefficient
- position error coefficient
- power loading coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- pressure-drop coefficient
- profile drag coefficient
- profile shift coefficient
- proportional action coefficient
- pulsation coefficient
- recalculation coefficient
- reduced heat transmission coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- relative improvement coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- reset coefficient
- restoring coefficient
- roughness coefficient
- safety coefficient
- SAW coupling coefficient
- scale coefficient
- serial expansion coefficient
- shear stiffness coefficient
- shifting coefficient
- similarity coefficient
- slip coefficient
- specific utilization coefficient
- speed coefficient
- surface heat exchange coefficient
- temperature coefficient of resistivity
- temperature coefficient
- temperature diffusivity coefficient of the material
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermal storage capacity coefficient of the material
- total heat transfer coefficient
- traction coefficient
- transfer-function coefficient
- transmission coefficient
- trial coefficient
- utilization coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient of the material
- variable coefficient
- velocity error coefficient
- volume coefficient
- weighting coefficientEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > coefficient
См. также в других словарях:
Magnetic dipole–dipole interaction — Magnetic dipole–dipole interaction, also called dipolar coupling, refers to the direct interaction between two magnetic dipoles. The potential energy of the interaction is as follows: where ejk is a unit vector parallel to the line joining the… … Wikipedia
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Magnetic field — This article is about a scientific description of the magnetic influence of an electric current or magnetic material. For the physics of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For information about objects that create magnetic fields, see magnet. For … Wikipedia
Magnetic tape data storage — uses digital recording on to magnetic tape to store digital information. Modern magnetic tape is most commonly packaged in cartridges and cassettes. The device that performs actual writing or reading of data is a tape drive. Autoloaders and tape… … Wikipedia
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Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy — A 900MHz NMR instrument with a 21.2 T magnet at HWB NMR, Birmingham, UK Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, most commonly known as NMR spectroscopy, is a research technique that exploits the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei… … Wikipedia