1 avalanche track
1) Лесоводство: снежный лоток для спуска лесоматериалов2) Макаров: след лавины -
2 avalanche track
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > avalanche track
3 avalanche track
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > avalanche track
4 avalanche track
5 track
1. геохрон. трек, канал, след (осколков спонтанного деления) 2. пал. след 3. дорожка записи (на магнитной ленте)
apha-particle recoil tracks треки отскока альфа-частиц
avalanche track след лавины
bird track след птицы
fission track трек деления
landslide track оползневый след
mining track участок горных работ
muscle track Brack. мускульный след
neutron-induced —s нейтроноиндуцированные следы
* * *• профиль• рейс -
6 mode
1) модаа) нормальный тип колебаний, собственный тип колебаний; нормальный тип волн, собственный тип волн3) способ; метод4) тип; форма ( выражения или проявления чего-либо)6) ак. лад; тональность•- π-mode- 1284 compliance mode
- 32-bit mode
- 32-bit transfer mode
- 8086 real mode
- accelerated transit mode
- accumulation-layer mode
- acoustic mode
- active mode
- address mode
- adjacent modes
- all points addressable mode
- alpha mode
- alphanumeric mode
- alternate mode
- AN mode
- analog mode
- angular dependent mode
- angular mode
- anomalous mode
- answer mode
- antiferrodistortive mode
- antiferromagnetic mode
- anti-Stokes mode
- antisymmetric mode
- APA mode
- aperiodic mode
- asymmetric mode
- asynchronous balanced mode
- asynchronous response mode
- asynchronous transfer mode
- auto-answer mode
- auto-dial mode
- avalanche mode
- axial mode
- background mode
- backward mode
- beam mode
- beam-waveguide mode
- Bi-Di mode
- bidirectional mode
- BIOS video mode
- birefringent mode
- bistable mode
- bitmap mode
- black-and-white mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- blow-up mode
- browse mode
- burst mode
- byte mode
- calculator mode
- central mode
- characteristic mode
- chat mode
- chip test mode
- CHS mode
- circle-dot mode
- circular mode
- circularly polarized mode
- circularly symmetric mode
- clockwise mode
- CMY mode
- CMYK mode
- collective modes
- color mode
- command mode
- common mode
- communications mode
- compatibility mode
- competing modes
- concert hall reverberation mode
- configuration mode
- constant-frequency mode
- contention mode
- continuous-wave mode
- contour modes
- control mode
- conversational mode
- cooked mode
- correlator mode
- counter mode
- counterclockwise mode
- coupled modes
- crossover mode
- current mode
- cutoff mode
- cw mode
- cyclotron mode
- cylinder-head-sector mode
- damped mode
- data-in mode
- data-out mode
- Debye mode
- Debye-like mode
- defocus-dash mode
- defocus-focus mode
- degenerate mode
- delayed domain mode
- depletion mode
- deposition mode
- difference mode
- differential mode
- diffusive mode
- digital mode
- dipole mode
- direct memory access transfer mode
- disk-at-once mode
- display mode
- dissymmetric mode
- DMA transfer mode
- domain mode
- dominant mode
- dot-addressable mode
- dot-dash mode
- doze mode
- draft mode
- drift mode
- ducted mode
- duotone mode
- duplex mode
- dynamic mode
- dynamic scattering mode
- E mode
- Emn mode
- ECHS mode
- ECP mode
- edge mode
- edit mode
- eigen mode
- electromagnetic mode
- elementary mode
- elliptically polarized mode
- embedded mode
- end-fire mode
- enhanced parallel port mode
- enhanced virtual 8086 mode
- enhanced virtual 86 mode
- enhancement mode
- EPP mode
- equiamplitude modes
- EV8086 mode
- EV86 mode
- evanescent mode
- even mode
- even-order mode
- even-symmetrical mode
- exchange mode
- exchange-dominated mode
- excited mode
- exciting mode
- extended capability port mode
- extended cylinder-head-sector mode
- extensional mode
- extraordinary mode
- FA mode
- face shear modes
- failure mode
- fast mode
- fast-forward mode
- ferrite-air mode
- ferrite-dielectric mode
- ferrite-guided mode
- ferrite-metal mode
- ferrodistortive mode
- ferroelectric mode
- file mode
- first mode
- FM mode
- forbidden mode
- force mode
- foreground mode
- forward mode
- forward-bias mode
- forward-propagating mode
- forward-scattered mode
- four-color mode
- four-output mode
- free-running mode
- full on mode
- fundamental mode
- gate mode
- Gaussian mode
- Goldstone mode
- graphic display mode
- graphic mode
- gray-level mode
- grayscale mode
- guided mode
- guided-wave mode
- Gunn mode
- gyromagnetic mode
- H mode
- Hmn mode
- half-duplex mode
- half-tone mode
- hard mode
- harmonic mode
- helicon mode
- Hermite-Gaussian mode
- higher mode
- higher-order mode
- HLS mode
- HSB mode
- HSV mode
- hybrid mode
- idling mode
- impact avalanche transit-time mode
- IMPATT mode
- indexed color mode
- inhibited domain mode
- initialization mode
- injection locked mode
- insert mode
- interactive mode
- internally-trapped mode
- interstitial diffusion mode
- ion-implantation channel mode
- ion-sound mode
- kernel mode
- kiosk mode
- L*a*b* mode
- landscape mode
- large disk mode
- lasing mode
- lattice mode
- laying mode
- LBA mode
- LCH mode
- leaky mode
- left-hand polarized mode
- left-handed polarized mode
- length modes
- letter mode
- LH mode
- limited space-charge accumulation mode
- line art mode
- local mode
- lock mode
- logical block addressing mode
- log-periodically coupled modes
- longitudinal mode
- loopback mode
- lowest mode
- lowest-order mode
- low-power mode
- LSA mode
- magnetic mode
- magnetodynamical mode
- magnetoelastic mode
- magnetosonic mode
- magnetostatic mode
- magnetron mode
- main mode
- masing mode
- master/slave mode
- mixed mode
- mode of excitation
- mode of operation
- modified semistatic mode
- modulated transit-time mode
- module test mode
- mono mode
- mono/stereo mode
- monopulse mode
- moving-target indication mode
- MTI mode
- multi mode
- multichannel mode
- multimode mode
- multiple sector mode
- multiplex mode
- mutual orthogonal modes
- native mode
- natural mode
- near-letter mode
- nibble mode
- nondegenerated mode
- non-privileged mode
- nonpropagating mode
- nonresonant mode
- nonuniform processional mode
- normal mode
- normal-incidence mode
- odd mode
- odd-order mode
- odd-symmetrical mode
- off mode
- off-axial mode
- off-line mode
- omni mode
- on mode
- on-line mode
- operation mode
- optical mode
- ordinary mode
- original mode
- originate mode
- orthogonal modes
- OS/2 compatible mode
- overdamped mode
- overtype mode
- packet mode
- packet transfer mode
- page mode
- parallel port FIFO mode
- parametric mode
- parasitic mode
- pedestal-current stabilized mode
- penetration mode
- persistent-current mode
- perturbated mode
- phonon mode
- pi mode
- PIO mode
- plane mode
- plane polarized mode
- plasma mode
- plasma-guide mode
- playback mode
- polarized mode
- poly mode
- portrait mode
- preferred mode
- principal mode
- privileged mode
- programmed input/output mode
- promiscuous mode
- protected mode
- protected virtual address mode
- proton mode
- pseudo-Rayleigh mode
- pseudospin mode
- pseudospin-wave mode
- pulse mode
- quadrupole mode
- quadtone mode
- quasi-degenerated mode
- quenched domain mode
- quenched multiple-domain mode
- quenched single-domain mode
- question-and-answer mode
- radial mode
- radiating mode
- radiation mode
- Raman active mode
- ranging mode
- rare mode
- raw mode
- RB mode
- read multiple mode
- read-mostly mode
- real address mode
- real mode
- real-time mode
- receive mode
- reflected mode
- reflection mode
- refracted mode
- rehearse mode
- relaxational mode
- resonant mode
- return-beam mode
- reverberation mode
- reverse-bias mode
- rewind mode
- RGB mode
- RH mode
- rho-rho mode
- right-hand polarized mode
- right-handed polarized mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode of operation
- saturation mode
- saving mode
- scan mode
- search mode
- secondary-emission pedestal mode
- second-breakdown mode
- self-localized mode
- self-locked mode
- semistatic mode
- shear mode
- shutdown mode
- side modes
- simplex mode
- single mode
- single-vortex cycle mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slow mode
- small room reverberation mode
- soft mode
- softened mode
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- space-charge feedback mode
- space-charge mode
- spatially orthogonal modes
- special fully nested mode
- spiking mode
- spin mode
- spin-wave mode
- SPP mode
- spurious mode
- spurious pulse mode
- stable mode
- stable-negative-resistance mode
- standard parallel port mode - stationary mode
- Stokes mode
- stop clock mode
- stop mode
- stream mode
- subharmonic mode
- substitutional-diffusion mode
- subsurface mode
- sum mode
- superradiant mode
- supervisor mode
- surface skimming mode
- surface-wave mode
- suspend mode
- SVGA mode
- switching mode
- symmetric mode
- symmetry breaking mode
- symmetry restoring mode
- system management mode
- system test mode
- Tmnp wave resonant mode
- task mode
- TE mode
- TEmnp wave resonant mode
- tearing mode
- telegraph mode
- TEM mode
- terminal mode
- test mode
- text mode
- thermal mode
- thickness modes
- three-color mode
- through mode
- time-difference mode
- time-sharing mode
- TM mode
- TMmnp wave resonant mode
- torsional modes
- total-internal reflection mode
- track-at-once mode
- transfer mode
- transient mode
- transit-time domain mode
- transit-time mode
- transmission mode
- transmitted mode
- transmitting mode
- transverse electric mode
- transverse electromagnetic mode
- transverse magnetic mode
- transverse mode
- transversely polarized mode
- transverse-symmetrical mode
- TRAPATT mode
- trapped mode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time mode
- trapped-domain mode
- traveling space-charge mode
- traveling-wave mode
- tristate test mode
- tritone mode
- truncated mode
- twist mode
- twisted nematic mode
- TXT mode
- typeover mode
- uncoupled modes
- undamped mode
- underdamped mode
- unguided mode
- unidirectional mode
- unilateral mode
- unperturbed mode
- unreal mode
- unstable mode
- unwanted mode
- user mode
- V8086 mode
- V86 mode
- VGA mode
- vibration mode
- video mode
- virtual 8086 mode
- virtual 86 mode
- virtual real mode
- volume magnetostatic mode
- wait for key mode
- waiting mode
- Walker mode
- walk-off mode
- wave mode
- waveguide mode
- whispering-gallery mode
- whistler mode
- width modes
- write mode
- write multiple mode
- zero-frequency mode
- zero-order modeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > mode
7 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
8 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция2) конструкция; устройство; схема3) структура; строение4) система6) форма; вид7) эл. опора•- accordion stitch structure -
acicular structure
active substrate structure
air-inflated structure
air structure
aligned structure
alignment structure
all-metal structure
angle structure
antiavalanche structure
appurtenant structure
Aran structure
arborescent structure
aromatic structure
array structure
as-hardened structure
atlas structure
atomic structure
austenitic structure
automatically erectable structure
avalanche injection structure
backbone structure
backward-wave structure
balanced atlas structure
balloon structure
band structure
barrier injection structure
base-coupled structure
basic structure
bearing structure
bearing-wall structure
benzene-like structure
bipolar diffused structure
bipolar junction structure
bird's eye backing jacquard structure
blackberry stitch structure
blister structure
block structure
block-graft structure
body structure
boundary structure
bourrelet structure
box-like space structure
braced structure
branched structure
bubble stitch structure
building structure
bulk structure
buried structure
buried-collector structure
buried-gate structure
buried-oxide MOS structure
bus-organized structure
bus structure
cable stitch structure
cable-stayed structure
camera structure
catenary suspension structure
cellular structure
chain structure
chain-packed structure
charge injection structure
charge transfer structure
charge-coupled structure
check structure
chemical structure
cholesteric structure
circus-support structure
closed structure
close-grained structure
close-packed structure
clustered structure
coagulation structure
coast-protecting structure
collector-coupled structure
columnar structure
complementary MOS structure
compliance structure
condensation structure
continuous structure
control structure
controlled eutectic structure
core support structure
course structure
crest structure
cross plating structure
cross-armless structure
cross-linked structure
cross-miss structure
cross-rope suspension structure
cross-tuck structure
crystalline structure
crystal structure
cubic structure
cutting structure
daisy-chain structure
dangerous structure
data structure
dead-end structure
debris retaining structure
deep structure
delay-line structure
dendrite structure
determinate structure
diffused-gate structure
disordered structure
docking module launch support structure
domain structure
dotted structure
double epitaxial structure
double-avalanche structure
double-diffused MOS structure
double-implanted structure
double-polysilicon structure
double-poly structure
drawing file structure
drilling bit bearing structure
drill bit bearing structure
drop structure
dropped stitch structure
duplex structure
earth structure
earthquake-proof structure
earth-retaining structure
eightlock structure
embroidery plating structure
emitter-coupled structure
energy-band structure
engineering structure
epitaxial structure
evermonte structure
exterior structure
eyelet structure
fabric structure
fabricated structure
fail-safe structure
fancy stitch structure
faulted structure
fendering structure
fibrous structure
field structure
field-interleaved structure
file structure
filiform molecule structure
filler structure
film guiding structure
film handling structure
film structure
fine structure
fine-grain structure
fire-tree structure
fish protection structure
flaky structure
flexible structure
float plated fishnet structure
float plated structure
float stitch structure
floated-in structure
floating dock structure
floating gate MOS structure
floating gate structure
flood-regulating structure
floor structure
flow-measuring structure
folded-plate structure
frame structure
framed structure
frame-like structure
French pique structure
fringe structure
full cardigan rib structure
full cardigan structure
full tricot structure
full-jacquard structure
functional structure
gate-operation structure
gel structure
geological structure
glass structure
glass-like structure
grade separation structure
graded structure
graphoepitaxial structure
gravity-dependent structure
gravity structure
grid structure
groundwater intake structure
guard-ring structure
guide structure
hairpin structure
half-cardigan structure
half-transfer stitch structure
herringbone twill structure
heteroepitaxial structure
heterogeneous structure
heterojunction structure
H-frame structure
hierarchical sensory-control structure
hierarchical structure
highly refined structure
high-performance MOS structure
homogeneous structure
honeycomb structure
horizontal striped backing jacquard structure
hydraulic structure
hydrodynamic dissipative structure
hyperfine structure
hyperstatic structure
image structure
indeterminate structure
industrial structure
inflatable structure
ingot structure
inlay lap stitch structure
in-line structure
instruction structure
insulated gate structure
insulated substrate structure
intake structure
interdigital structure
interior structure
interlock stitch structure
ionic gating structures
ion gating structures
ion-implanted structure
ion-selective field-effect structure
isle structure
jacquard structure
jersey structure
jointless structure
jumbo structure
junction field-effect structure
junction-isolated structure
knitted structure
knock-off lap stitch structure
lace stitch structure
ladder structure
ladderproof structure
lamellar structure
laminated structure
lateral structure
lattice structure
layer-like structure
light-trapping structure
line structure
linear structure
line-interleaved structure
line-locked structure
line-quincunx structure
linked structure
links-links structure
liquid-like structure
list structure
locknit structure
logical structure
logic structure
looped plush structure
looped tuck structure
loosely packed structure
macromolecular structure
magnetic structure
mammoth structure
manipulator erectable structure
manually erectable structure
marine structure
marquisette structure
mat structure
mesa strip structure
mesa structure
mesh structure
metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
metallized semiconductor gate structure
metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure
metal-nitride-semiconductor structure
metal-oxide-metal structure
metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
microgel structure
micromesh structure
Milano rib structure
mock rib structure
mode structure
modular structure
mosaic structure
moss stitch structure
multicollector structure
multiemitter structure
multilayer structure
multilevel structure
multi-microprocessor structure
multispan structure
multituck structure
n-channel structure
nematic structure
net structure
netting structure
network structure
nipple stitch structure
n-MOS structure
nonbearing structure
n-p-n structure
nuclear structure
ocean structure
ocean thermal structure
offshore marine structure
offshore structure
open stitch structure
open structure
open-neck structure
open-pile braced structure
orbiting structure
ordered structure
orthogonal structure
orthorhombic structure
ottoman structure
overaged structure
pattern purl stitch structure
patterned structure
p-channel structure
pelerine structure
periodic structure
permanent structure
photovoltaic equipped parking and shade structure
p-i-n structure
pin tuck structure
planar structure
p-MOS structure
p-n-p structure
polycrystalline structure
polycrystal structure
ponte di Roma structure
popcorn stitch structure
portal structure
power system structure
pressurized structure
prestressed structure
primary structure
protecting structure
purification structure
purl structure
quarternary structure
queenscord structure
quenched-and-tempered structure
rack stitch structure
racked full-cardigan structure
racked half-cardigan structure
racked rib structure
random structure
reactor top structure
redundant structure
reflecting structure
regular crystal structure
regular structure
reticular structure
reverse locknit structure
reversed mesa structure
reversible jacquard structure
reversible racked rib structure
rhombic structure
rhombohedral structure
rib structure
rib transfer stitch structure
rib-jacquard structure
rigid structure
ring structure
ring-like structure
ripple stitch structure
rod-like structure
rotorcraft flight structure
rugged structure
run-resist structure
sandwich structure
satin stripe structure
Schottky-gate structure
screwdown structure
seam structure
secondary structure
segregation-free structure
selected backing jacquara structure
self-aligned gate structure
self-floating structure
self-registered gate structure
semiconductor structure
semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure
separation structure
shaft structure
sharkskin structure
shell stitch structure
shell structure
shutter structure
silicon-on-insulator structure
silicon-on-sapphire structure
simple structure
single Lacoste structure
single-crystal structure
single-layer structure
single-level structure
single-pique structure
sinker mesh structure
skeleton structure
skin-core structure
slaty structure
slowing structure
sluiceway structure
smectic structure
soil structure
solar animal structure
solid-state structure
solid structure
space structure
spiral cloud structure
stable structure
stacked structure
star-type structure
star structure
statically determinate structure
statically indeterminate structure
stockinette structure
streaky structure
stressed-skin structure
stress-relieved structure
subgrain structure
submerged structure
submicrometer structure
substatic structure
subsurface ingot structure
superlattice structure
supporting structure
surface structure
suspension structure
Swiss pique structure
tailrace structure
tangent structure
tank supporting structure
temporary structure
terry stitch structure
tertiary structure
test structure
tetragonal structure
texipique structure
thin-slab structure
three-dimensional structure
tidal regulating structure
tied-in floats structure
torsion box structure
tower-base structure
track structure
training structure
transferred sinker stitch structure
trashrack structure
tree-type structure
tree structure
triclinic structure
trigonal structure
tuck purl structure
tuck rib honeycomb structure
tuck ripple structure
tuck-interlock structure
tunnel access structure
turnout structure
twill backing jacquard structure
twin structure
twist nematic structure
two-needle overlap stitch structure
underground structure
underlying structure
unipolar structure
unstable structure
variable-gap structure
vesicular structure
V-groove MOS structure
void structure
warp knit meshes structure
water conveyance structure
water-diverting structure
waterflow retarding structure
waterfront structure
water-retaining structure
waterside structure
weft insertion structure
welt structure
woody structure
wrap embroidery structure
wrought structure -
9 rectifier
1) выпрямитель
2) выпрямительный
3) выпрямляющее устройство
4) ректификатор
5) вентиль
6) газоотделитель
– alloyed rectifier
– avalanche rectifier
– averaging rectifier
– barrier-layer rectifier
– bias rectifier
– center-tap rectifier
– chemotronic rectifier
– cold-cathode rectifier
– controlled rectifier
– copper-oxide rectifier
– diode rectifier
– direction rectifier
– dry rectifier
– dry-disk rectifier
– electrolytic rectifier
– feedback-regulated rectifier
– full-wave rectifier
– gas-discharge rectifier
– germanium rectifier
– glow-discharge rectifier
– Gratz rectifier
– half-wave rectifier
– heavy-duty rectifier
– linear rectifier
– magnetic rectifier
– mechanical rectifier
– mercury-arc rectifier
– metal rectifier
– metal-oxide rectifier
– monitoring rectifier
– p-n-junction rectifier
– phase-sensitive rectifier
– plate-supply rectifier
– power rectifier
– pulsed rectifier
– rectifier ammeter
– rectifier diode
– rectifier drive
– rectifier instrument
– rectifier valve
– rectifier voltmeter
– reed-type rectifier
– regulated rectifier
– semiconductor rectifier
– silicon rectifier
– single-phase rectifier
– superconductor rectifier
– tank rectifier
– thermionic rectifier
– thin-film rectifier
– three-phase rectifier
– thyratron rectifier
– thyristor rectifier
– titanium-dioxide rectifier
– track rectifier
– vibrating rectifier
– voltage-doubler rectifier
– voltage-quadrupler rectifier
copper oxide rectifier — выпрямитель купроксный, выпрямитель меднозакисный
glass-bulb mercury-arc rectifier — стеклянный ртутный вентиль
high-voltage rectifier kenotron — выпрямительный высоковольтный кенотрон
mercury-arc grid-controlled rectifier — < radio> мутатор
semiconductor rectifier assembly — выпрямительный полупроводниковый блок
semiconductor rectifier diode — выпрямительный полупроводниковый диод
semiconductor rectifier stack — выпрямительный полупроводниковый столб
silicon controled rectifier — тиристор не проводящий в обратном направлении, несимметричный тиристор
silicon controlled rectifier — управляемый кремниевый вентиль
single-anode rectifier tube — одноанодная выпрямительная лампа
surface contact rectifier — вентиль с поверхностным контактом
tantalum electrolytic rectifier — танталовый электролитический вентил
10 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция; конструктивная система; строение; здание2) расположение частей; конструкция; устройство3) структура•- airtight structure - alignment structure - all-metal structure - all-veneer structure - all-welded steel structure - angle structure - armocement structure - aseismic structures - avalanche-protection structure - balloon structure - balloon frame structure - basic structure - beam and girder structure - beam and slab structure - beamless plate structure - bearing structure - bearing-wall structure - bedded structure - block structure - box structure - box-like space structure - braced structure - brick structure - brick-veneer structure - bridge structure - building structure - built-up structure - buried structure - cable structures - cable-stayed structures - cage structure - cancelled structure - cast-in-situ structures - cellular structure - classification of structures - coast-protecting structure - community structure - compact structure - compact grain structure - composite structure - concrete structure - concrete-bent structure - concrete gravity structure - concretionary structure - conjugation structure - crest structure - crib structure - cross-wall structure - crystal structure - cubic structure - curved structure - dangerous structure - dead-end structure - deformation of structure - disasterproof structure - double-skin structure - dust-tight structure - earthquakeproof structure - engineering structure - exterior structure - fabricated structure - filler structure - fine structure - fireproof structure - flood-regulating structure - folded plate structure - frame structure - geologic structure - girder structure - girderless structure - glued structure - glued-laminated structure - grade separation structure - grain structure - granular structure - guide structure - hipped-plate structure - historic structure - hollow-wood structure - hydraulic structure - incombustible structure - indeterminate structure - industrial structure - intake structure - jointless structure - ladder structure - lamellar structure - laminated structure - large-panel structures - large-sized block structures - latticed structure - layer-built structure - load-bearing structure - load-carrying structure - lumber core structure - mammoth building structure - masonry structure - mesh structure - metal structure - mixed structure - modular structure - moving-form structure - multi-span structure - non-bearing structure - non-fireproof structure - non-redundant structure - open structure - orbiting structure - pan structure - panelled structure - partially-prestressed composite structure - paste structure - pell-mell structure - permanent structure - plated structure - platform frame structure - porous structure - post and beam structure - post and panel structure - posttensioned structure - pre-assembled member structure - precast structure - precast and cast-in-situ structure - precast concrete structure - precast panel structure - prefabricated structure - prefabricated demountable structures - pre-posttensioned concrete structure - pressurized structure - prestressed structures - pretensioned concrete structures - probabilistic model of structure - protected metal structure - rammed loam structure - redundant structure - reinforced brick structure - reinforced concrete structure - reinforced masonry structure - reliability of structure - residential structures - rigid structure - rigid framed structure - road-mix structure - rumpled structure - sandwich structure - separation structure - shell structure - simple structure - simple in structure - single-grain structure - skeleton structure - slow-burning structure - slow-burning heavy timber structure - soil structure - solid-walled structure - space grid structures - statically determinate structure - statically indeterminate structure - steel structure - steel-frame structure - steel-plate structures - stone structures - stratified structure - supporting structure - suspended structures - temporary structure - thin-shell structure - thin-slab structure - thin-walled structure - tidal-regulating structure - tone structure - tower-base structure - track structure - trussed structure - two-hinged structure - urban spatial structure - veneered structure - vesicular structure - void structure - wall-bearing structure - water-diverting structure - waterfront structure - water purification structure - waterside structure - weight of structure - welded structure - welded steel structure - wood structureto load a structure — нагружать конструкцию, сооружение
* * *1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)2. сооружение, здание3. структура4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкцииstructure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
- above-grade structurestructure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure -
11 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
12 discharge
1) подача; нагнетание || подавать; нагнетать ( жидкость или газ)2) производительность (насосной станции, компрессора)4) слив; сброс; выпуск || сливать; сбрасывать; выпускать6) разгрузка, выгрузка || разгружать, выгружать7) дебит (водяной скважины, колодца)8) попуск ( из водохранилища); опорожнение ( водохранилища) || опорожнять ( водохранилище)9) ж.-д. высадка ( пассажиров)10) цел.-бум. напуск ( массы на сетку)11) разгрузка, снятие нагрузки || снимать нагрузку ( с системы)12) эл. разряд15) спускная труба•to allow discharge — возбуждать разряд; зажигать разрядdischarge of seepage — гидр. фильтрационный расход-
abnormal glow discharge
air discharge
alternating discharge
arc discharge
ashore discharge
auxiliary discharge
avalanche discharge
ballast discharge
band shaped discharge
battery discharge
bin discharge
bloom discharge
bottom discharge
brushing discharge
brush discharge
capacitor discharge
cast section discharge
center discharge
chute discharge
cloud discharge
cloud-to-cloud discharge
cloud-to-ground discharge
compressor discharge
conductive discharge
constricted discharge
continuous discharge
convective discharge
corona discharge
creeping discharge
dark discharge
deep discharge
dirty discharge
disruptive discharge
divertor discharge
ducted discharge
electrical discharge
electric discharge
electrostatic discharge
environmental discharge
equilibrium well discharge
explosive discharge
field discharge
filamentary discharge
filament discharge
flare discharge
flood discharge
flow discharge
free-flow discharge
fuel discharge
full-capacity discharge
gascous discharge
gas discharge
globular discharge
glow discharge
gravity discharge
groundwater discharge
high-frequency discharge
high-voltage discharge
hydraulic discharge
impulsing discharge
industrial discharge
initial discharge
intermittent discharge
internal discharge
laminar discharge
lasing discharge
leakage discharge
lightning discharge
marginal discharge
maximum probable flood discharge
metal discharge
microwave discharge
mud pump discharge
non-self-maintained discharge
oily discharge
orifice discharge
oscillatory discharge
outlet discharge
partial discharge
peak discharge
Penning ion-gage discharge
Penning discharge
pinch-effect discharge
pinch discharge
pipeline discharge
plasma discharge
point discharge
pressure discharge
pulsed discharge
residual discharge
sediment discharge
self-maintained discharge
silent discharge
smooth discharge
spark discharge
spontaneous discharge
spray discharge
static discharge
storm discharge
streamer discharge
submarine wastewater discharge
subnormal discharge
surface discharge
surge discharge
tank washing discharge
thermal discharge
torch discharge
toxic discharge
track discharge
unit discharge
vacuum discharge
wastes discharge
white discharge
zero discharge -
13 TSA
1) Общая лексика: Thinking Skills Assessment, Transition Services Agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Test Suite Administration3) Медицина: триптиказо-соевый агар (tryptic soy agar)4) Спорт: Tempe Sports Authority5) Военный термин: Target Signature Array, Template For Specification Authoring, The Silent Assassins, Theater Storage Area, Training Services Agency, Transportation Service, Army, Transportation Standardization Agency, Troop Support Agency, tactical strike aircraft, target signature analysis, technical support activity, test site activation, test start approval, textbook of small arms, total scan area, total survey area, training situation analysis, Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement6) Техника: time series analysis, time-shared amplifier, time-slot assignment, track subsystem analyst7) Сельское хозяйство: total surface area8) Шутливое выражение: Talking Shit Again, Taxpayer Soaking Agency, Thousands Standing Around9) Химия: toluenesulfonic acid10) Юридический термин: Taking Scissors Away, They'll Steal Anything11) Автомобильный термин: Trailer Stability Assist12) Биржевой термин: Tax Sheltered Account, Tax Sheltered Annuity13) Грубое выражение: Tough Shit Administration, Tough Shit, Asshole14) Сокращение: Tourist Savings Association, Transmitter / Servo drive / Antenna, two-step antenna15) Университет: Technology Students Association, Technology Students Of America16) Физиология: Testicular Self Analysis17) Электроника: Tilt Sound Activated18) Вычислительная техника: terminate-and-stay-resident, Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS), Telecommunication Society of Australia (organization, Australien)19) Нефть: thermally sprayed aluminium20) Банковское дело: Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания; The Securities Association)21) Транспорт: Take Shoes Away, Taxiway Safety Area22) Пищевая промышленность: Tryptic Soy Agar23) Фирменный знак: Tech Support Associates, Tri- State Ambulance25) Деловая лексика: Time stamping authority (Государственная организация, которая имеет право удостоверять момент совершения электронной сделки. Термин из области электронной коммерции.), Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания, The Securities Association), Соглашение о техническом сотрудничестве (Technical Service Agreement)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: thermal sprayed aluminum27) Образование: Technology Student Association28) Инвестиции: The Securities Association29) Сетевые технологии: Technical Support Alliance, Time Stamping Authority, UNIX Target Service Agent, Объединение по техническому сопровождению30) Химическое оружие: Toxic storage area31) Молочное производство: Trypticase Soy Agar32) Золотодобыча: TSA screening, self-regenerating carbon adsorption system, temperature swing adsorber, регенеративная адсорбционная фильтрация с циклически изменяющейся температурой33) Расширение файла: Target Service Agent, Telephony Services Architecture34) Энергосистемы: Trading System Administrator, ATC, администратор торговой системы35) Общественная организация: Tourette Syndrome Association, Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance36) NYSE. The Sports Authority, Inc.37) Аэропорты: Sung Shan, Taiwan China38) НАСА: Transportation Security Administration -
14 tsa
1) Общая лексика: Thinking Skills Assessment, Transition Services Agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Test Suite Administration3) Медицина: триптиказо-соевый агар (tryptic soy agar)4) Спорт: Tempe Sports Authority5) Военный термин: Target Signature Array, Template For Specification Authoring, The Silent Assassins, Theater Storage Area, Training Services Agency, Transportation Service, Army, Transportation Standardization Agency, Troop Support Agency, tactical strike aircraft, target signature analysis, technical support activity, test site activation, test start approval, textbook of small arms, total scan area, total survey area, training situation analysis, Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement6) Техника: time series analysis, time-shared amplifier, time-slot assignment, track subsystem analyst7) Сельское хозяйство: total surface area8) Шутливое выражение: Talking Shit Again, Taxpayer Soaking Agency, Thousands Standing Around9) Химия: toluenesulfonic acid10) Юридический термин: Taking Scissors Away, They'll Steal Anything11) Автомобильный термин: Trailer Stability Assist12) Биржевой термин: Tax Sheltered Account, Tax Sheltered Annuity13) Грубое выражение: Tough Shit Administration, Tough Shit, Asshole14) Сокращение: Tourist Savings Association, Transmitter / Servo drive / Antenna, two-step antenna15) Университет: Technology Students Association, Technology Students Of America16) Физиология: Testicular Self Analysis17) Электроника: Tilt Sound Activated18) Вычислительная техника: terminate-and-stay-resident, Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS), Telecommunication Society of Australia (organization, Australien)19) Нефть: thermally sprayed aluminium20) Банковское дело: Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания; The Securities Association)21) Транспорт: Take Shoes Away, Taxiway Safety Area22) Пищевая промышленность: Tryptic Soy Agar23) Фирменный знак: Tech Support Associates, Tri- State Ambulance25) Деловая лексика: Time stamping authority (Государственная организация, которая имеет право удостоверять момент совершения электронной сделки. Термин из области электронной коммерции.), Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания, The Securities Association), Соглашение о техническом сотрудничестве (Technical Service Agreement)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: thermal sprayed aluminum27) Образование: Technology Student Association28) Инвестиции: The Securities Association29) Сетевые технологии: Technical Support Alliance, Time Stamping Authority, UNIX Target Service Agent, Объединение по техническому сопровождению30) Химическое оружие: Toxic storage area31) Молочное производство: Trypticase Soy Agar32) Золотодобыча: TSA screening, self-regenerating carbon adsorption system, temperature swing adsorber, регенеративная адсорбционная фильтрация с циклически изменяющейся температурой33) Расширение файла: Target Service Agent, Telephony Services Architecture34) Энергосистемы: Trading System Administrator, ATC, администратор торговой системы35) Общественная организация: Tourette Syndrome Association, Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance36) NYSE. The Sports Authority, Inc.37) Аэропорты: Sung Shan, Taiwan China38) НАСА: Transportation Security Administration -
15 zone
1) зона; область; пространство2) зонировать3) пояс (напр. часовой) || разделять на пояса•- zone of cylinders
- zone of silence
- ATF zone
- auroral zone
- automatic track finding zone
- avalanche zone
- base zone
- blanking zone
- blind zone
- Brillouin zone
- capture zone
- collector zone
- dead zone
- diffused zone
- drift zone
- emitter zone
- equiphase zone
- equisignal zone
- far zone
- far-field zone
- first Brillouin zone
- first Fresnel zone
- float zone
- floating zone
- forbidden zone
- formant zone
- Fraunhofer zone
- Fresnel zone
- hot zone
- i-zone
- inert zone
- intrinsic zone
- junction depletion zone
- landing zone
- laser-texturing landing zone
- molten zone
- n-zone
- near zone
- near-field zone
- neutral zone
- nutrient zone
- p-zone
- PCM zone
- photoresist sensitivity zone
- primary skip zone
- print zone
- pulse-code modulation zone
- radiating far-field zone
- radiating near-field zone
- radiation zone
- radio-quiet zone
- reactive near-field zone
- reverse zone
- root zone
- Schottky space-charge zone
- search zone
- shadow zone
- skip zone
- solute-depleted zone
- standard time zones
- start-stop zone
- storage zone
- swamped zone
- swept-out zone
- time zone
- twilight zone
- Van Allen zone
- wave zone -
16 work
1) работа; труд; действие; функционирование2) обработка3) обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь; обрабатываемое изделие4) механизм5) конструкция6) мн. ч. завод; фабрика; мастерские; технические сооружения; строительные работы7) мн. ч. работающие части механизма, подвижные органы механизма8) работать; обрабатывать9) действовать, двигаться, поворачиваться ( о подвижных частях механизмов)10) коробиться•work performed with materials in a smaller quantity — работа, выполненная с недостаточным использованием материалов
work performed without the necessary diligence — работа, выполненная небрежно
work which is not in accordance with specifications — работа, не соответствующая техническим требованиям
work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the engineer — работа, не отвечающая требованиям инженера
to work down — 1) осаживать ( вниз); оседать 2) обрабатывать на меньший размер
to work in — вделывать, вмонтировать
to work into — углубляться во что-либо, уходить внутрь
to work off — 1) соскакивать, соскальзывать ( во время работы) 2) снимать (напр. стружку)
to work on — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
to work out — 1) разрабатывать (план, проект) 2) вырабатывать (что-либо) из чего-либо (напр. вытачивать, выстрагивать, выфрезеровывать) 3) выскакивать, выпадать во время работы
to work over — обрабатывать вторично, перерабатывать, подвергать переработке
to work upon — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
- work executed - work in process - work of acceleration - work of deformation - work of ideal cycle - work of resistance - work on arbour - works under way - access to works - actual progress of works - amendment of the date of completion of works - amount of the executed works - applied work - asphalt work - assessment of works - auxiliary work - bank work - bargain work - beat-cob work - betterment work - black and white work - bluff work - bonus work - bosh brick work - branch work - branched work - bright work - carpenter's work - cast steel work - cessation of works - chased work - check of works - checking of works - chequer work - chequered work - cindering work - civil works - civil and erection works - clay work - clearing work - commencement of works - completed works - completion of works - concrete work - diversion work - condensing works - construction works - consumed work - continuous execution of works - contract works - cost of works - cost of uncovering works - covered-up works - date of commencement of works - date of completion of works - day-to-day work - day wage work - dead work - defective works - delay in completion of works - delayed completion of works - demolition works - description of works - design and survey works - desilting works - diaper work of bricklaying - drainage work - dredge work - dressing works - drove work - earth works - effective work - embossed work - emergency works - engineering works - erecting works - erection works - examination of works - excavation works - execution of works - expected period of works - extension of the time for completion of works - external work - face work - fascine work - field works - finely finished work - finishing work - fitter's works - flat trellis work - float work - forming work - forthcoming works - frosted rustic work - gauge work - gauged work - geologic works - geological works - grading works - gunite work - heading work - health work - hot work - hydro-meteorologic works - hydro-meteorological works - inadequate progress of works - incomplete lattice work - indicated work - inlaid work - inspection of works - installation work - intake works - irrigation works - jack works - jobbing work - joggle work - ladder work - line work - link work - locksmith's work - machine work - main works - maintenance work - management of works - maritime works - metal work - milling work - motion work - multiple lattice work - nature of works - neat work - negative work - night work - no-load work - odd works - on the site works - order of execution of works - outlet work - outstanding works - overhead works - panel work - partially completed works - part of works - paternoster work - period of works - period of execution of works - permanent works - pilot-scale work - plane frame work - planer work - pneumatic work - port work - portion of works - pottery work - precision work - preliminary works - preparatory works - pressure cementing work - programme of works - progress of works - proper execution of works - prospecting works - public works - pump works - quantity of works - rag work - R and D work - random work - range work - reclamation work - recoverable-strain work - recuperated work - reflected work - reliability of works - relief work - remedial works - repair work - repairing work - required work - research work - resumption of works - retaining works - reticulated work - right of access to works - river training works - rustic work - safety of works - schedule of works - scope of work - shaper work - sheet metal work - shift work - smith and founder work - spillway works - starting work - step-by-step check of works - step-by-step checking of works - stick and rag work - stoppage of works - subcontract works - submarine work - substituted works - sufficiency of works - supervision for works - supervision for of works - survey work - survey and research works - suspension of works - taking over of works - task work - temporary work - test work - test-hole work - three-coat work - through-carved work - time for completion of works - timely completion of works - tool work - topiary work - topographic works - topographical works - track work - treatment works - trellis work - trench work - trestle work - turning work - uncompleted works - uncovering of works - upon completion of works - variations in works - variations of works - volume of works - wiring work - X-ray workto complete works (in the time stipulated in the contract) — завершать работы (в срок, оговорённый в контракте)
* * *1. работа2. изделие3. обработка4. возводимый объект (строительства) ( по подрядному договору); конструкция, сооружение5. работа, мощность6. pl сооружение, сооружения7. pl завод, фабрика, мастерскиеwork above ground — наземные работы ( в отличие от подземных и подводных); работы, производимые на поверхности земли
work below ground ( level) — подземные работы
work carried out on site — работы, выполненные на стройплощадке
work done in sections — работа, выполненная отдельными секциями [частями]
work in open excavations — работы в открытых выемках [горных выработках]
work in progress — (строительные) работы в стадии выполнения, выполняемые [производимые] (строительные) работы; объект в стадии строительства
work in water — работы, производимые в воде [под водой]
work near water — работы, производимые близ водоёмов или рек
- work of deformationwork on schedule — работы в процессе выполнения ( по графику); работы, предусмотренные планом [графиком]
- work of external forces
- work of internal forces
- above-ground works
- additional work
- agricultural works
- alteration work
- ashlar work
- auxiliary work
- avalanche baffle works
- axed work
- backfill work
- backing masonry work
- bag work
- bench work
- block work
- brewery works
- brick work
- broken-color work
- brush work
- building work
- building site works
- carcass work
- carpenter's work
- cement works
- chemical production works
- civil engineering work
- coast protection works
- cob work
- completed work
- complicated building work
- concrete work
- concrete block masonry work
- concrete masonry work
- constructional work
- construction work
- continuous shift work
- contract work
- coursed work
- crib work
- day work
- dead work
- defective work
- defence works
- deformation work
- demolition work
- development work
- diver's works
- diversion works
- donkey work
- drainage works
- earth work
- earth-moving work
- elastic work of a material
- electric work
- electricity production works
- emergency work
- enclosed construction works
- engineering works
- erection work
- erosion protection works
- excavation works
- experimental work
- external work
- extra work
- facing work
- factory work
- fascine work
- finishing work
- finish work
- floating construction works
- flood-control works
- flood-protection works
- floor work
- floor-and-wall tiling work
- floor covering work
- food industry production work
- foundation work
- funerary works
- further day's work
- gas works
- gauged work
- glazed work
- glazier's work
- half-plain work
- hammered work
- hand work
- handy work
- heat insulation work
- heavy work
- highly mechanized work
- hot work
- in-fill masonry work
- innovative construction work
- insulating work
- intake works
- internal work in the system
- ironmongery work
- joinery work
- land retention works
- landslide protection works
- loading works
- manual work
- marine works
- metallurgical processing works
- night work
- nonconforming work
- office work
- off-the-site work
- one-coat work
- open-air intake works
- open construction works
- ornamental works
- ornate work
- outlet works
- overhang work
- overhead work
- permanent works up to ground level
- petroleum extraction works
- piece work
- pitched work
- plaster work
- plumbing work
- power production works
- precast works
- production works
- promotion work
- protection works
- protective works
- public works
- random ashlar work
- refurbishment work
- refuse disposal works
- refuse incineration works
- regulation works
- reinforced concrete work
- research work
- reticulated work
- road transport works
- roof tiling work
- rubble ashlar masonry work
- sanitary works
- sea defence works
- sediment exclusion works
- sewage disposal works
- single construction works
- smillage-axed work
- solid plaster work
- steel construction works
- steel works
- steel plate work
- structural restoration work
- surface transport works
- temporary works
- textile work
- three-coat work
- tiling work
- training works
- transport works
- treatment works
- two-coat work
- underground work
- underwater work
- unloading works
- vermiculated work
- virtual work
- waste disposal works
- water works
- water treatment works -
17 shed
навес, укрытие
См. также в других словарях:
avalanche track — (not recommended as a landform term use avalanche chute). The path formed by an avalanche. It may take the form of an open path in a forest, with bent and broken trees, or an eroded surface marked by pits, scratches, and grooves. Compare … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Avalanche control — or avalanche defense activities aim at the elimination and reduction of hazard and damage resulting from avalanches. [http://geosurvey.state.co.us/Default.aspx?tabid=400 Mitigation and Land Use Avalanches ] , Colorado Geological Survey] There are … Wikipedia
Avalanche — This article refers to the natural event. For other uses, see Avalanche (disambiguation) An avalanche is an abrupt and rapid flow of snow, often mixed with air and water, down a mountainside. Avalanches are among the biggest dangers in the… … Wikipedia
Avalanche (Matthew Good album) — Infobox Album | Name = Avalanche Type = Album Artist = Matthew Good Released = March 4, 2003 Recorded = Mushroom Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada except track 2 at Warehouse Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Genre =… … Wikipedia
Avalanche (Echo & the Bunnymen EP) — Infobox Album Name = Avalanche Type = ep Artist = Echo the Bunnymen Released = October 2000 Recorded = Genre = Post punk Length = 20:29 Label = Gimme Music Producer = Ian McCulloch, Will Sergeant Reviews = Last album = Get in the Car (1999) This… … Wikipedia
Avalanche (Thea Gilmore album) — Infobox Album Name = Avalanche Type = Album Artist = Thea Gilmore Background = orange Released = 9 September 2003 Recorded = The Forge, Oswestry; The Loft, Liverpool; Chapel Studios, South Thoresby, Lincs Genre = Rock, folk Length = 46:46 Label … Wikipedia
Avalanche (Kings Dominion) — Infobox roller coaster name= Avalanche caption= location= Kings Dominion section= type= Steel status= Operating opened= 1988 manufacturer= MACK Rides designer= model= Bobsled track= Bobsled lift= Chain lift height=69 drop=12 length=3200 speed=41… … Wikipedia
Avalanche (SVS album) — Infobox Album | Name = Avalanche Type = Album Artist = Some Velvet Sidewalk Released = 1992 Recorded = 1992 Genre = Experimental Rock Length = 33:07 Label = K Records Producer = Steve Fisk Track listing1. Avalanche 2. Loch Ness 3. Curiosity 4.… … Wikipedia
Avalanche (Blackpool) — Infobox roller coaster name=Avalanche caption= location=Pleasure Beach Blackpool section= type=Steel type2=Bobsled type3= status=Operating opened=1988 manufacturer=Mack designer= model= track= lift= height=10 drop= length=1490 speed= inversions=0 … Wikipedia
The Early November / I Am the Avalanche — Infobox Album Name = The Early November/I Am the Avalanche Type = EP Artist = The Early November/I Am the Avalanche Background = salmon Released = July 26 2005 Recorded = Portrait Recording Studio (Lincoln Park, New Jersey), December 18 2004 at… … Wikipedia
Matt Brown (track and field athlete) — Matthew S. Matt Brown Born November 24, 1976 (1976 11 24) (age 34) Residence Idalou, Lubbock County, Texas, USA Occupation High school football and … Wikipedia