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  • 1 available

    (able or ready to be used: The hall is available on Saturday night; All the available money has been used.) til rådighed; tilgængelig
    * * *
    (able or ready to be used: The hall is available on Saturday night; All the available money has been used.) til rådighed; tilgængelig

    English-Danish dictionary > available

  • 2 available


    English-Danish mini dictionary > available

  • 3 available

    som kan fås

    English-Danish mini dictionary > available

  • 4 available


    English-Danish mini dictionary > available

  • 5 to be available

    at stå til disposition

    English-Danish mini dictionary > to be available

  • 6 to be available

    at stå til rådighed

    English-Danish mini dictionary > to be available

  • 7 at one's disposal

    (available for one's use: They put a car at his disposal during his stay.) til rådighed
    * * *
    (available for one's use: They put a car at his disposal during his stay.) til rådighed

    English-Danish dictionary > at one's disposal

  • 8 be sold out

    1) (to be no longer available: The second-hand records are all sold out; The concert is sold out.) udsolgt
    2) (to have no more available to be bought: We are sold out of children's socks.) gå ud for (noget)
    * * *
    1) (to be no longer available: The second-hand records are all sold out; The concert is sold out.) udsolgt
    2) (to have no more available to be bought: We are sold out of children's socks.) gå ud for (noget)

    English-Danish dictionary > be sold out

  • 9 stock

    [stok] 1. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) lager
    2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) forsyning; forråd
    3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) besætning
    4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) obligation
    5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) suppesky
    6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) skaft
    2. adjective
    (common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) standard-
    3. verb
    1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) føre
    2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) forsyne
    - stocks
    - stockbroker
    - stock exchange
    - stock market
    - stockpile
    4. verb
    (to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) oplagre
    - stock-taking
    - stock up
    - take stock
    * * *
    [stok] 1. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) lager
    2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) forsyning; forråd
    3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) besætning
    4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) obligation
    5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) suppesky
    6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) skaft
    2. adjective
    (common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) standard-
    3. verb
    1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) føre
    2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) forsyne
    - stocks
    - stockbroker
    - stock exchange
    - stock market
    - stockpile
    4. verb
    (to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) oplagre
    - stock-taking
    - stock up
    - take stock

    English-Danish dictionary > stock

  • 10 at hand

    1) ((with close or near) near: The bus station is close at hand.) tæt ved
    2) (available: Help is at hand.) til rådighed
    * * *
    1) ((with close or near) near: The bus station is close at hand.) tæt ved
    2) (available: Help is at hand.) til rådighed

    English-Danish dictionary > at hand

  • 11 health service

    ((the organization which runs) all the medical services of a country which are available to the public.) den offentlige sygesikring
    * * *
    ((the organization which runs) all the medical services of a country which are available to the public.) den offentlige sygesikring

    English-Danish dictionary > health service

  • 12 improvise

    1) (to compose and perform (a poem, tune etc) without preparation: The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise.) improvisere
    2) (to make (something) from materials that happen to be available, often materials that are not normally used for that purpose: They improvised a shelter from branches and blankets.) improvisere; stable på benene
    * * *
    1) (to compose and perform (a poem, tune etc) without preparation: The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise.) improvisere
    2) (to make (something) from materials that happen to be available, often materials that are not normally used for that purpose: They improvised a shelter from branches and blankets.) improvisere; stable på benene

    English-Danish dictionary > improvise

  • 13 in / out of print

    ((of books) available/unavailable to be bought from the publisher: That book has been out of print for years.) udsolgt fra forlaget
    * * *
    ((of books) available/unavailable to be bought from the publisher: That book has been out of print for years.) udsolgt fra forlaget

    English-Danish dictionary > in / out of print

  • 14 in season

    ((of food) available, ready for eating: That fruit is not in season just now.) årstiden for
    * * *
    ((of food) available, ready for eating: That fruit is not in season just now.) årstiden for

    English-Danish dictionary > in season

  • 15 in short supply

    (not available in sufficient quantity: Fresh vegetables are in short supply.) findes kun i begrænsede mængder
    * * *
    (not available in sufficient quantity: Fresh vegetables are in short supply.) findes kun i begrænsede mængder

    English-Danish dictionary > in short supply

  • 16 manpower

    noun (the number of people available for employment etc: There's a shortage of manpower in the building industry.) arbejdskraft
    * * *
    noun (the number of people available for employment etc: There's a shortage of manpower in the building industry.) arbejdskraft

    English-Danish dictionary > manpower

  • 17 means

    I [mi:nz] noun singular or plural
    (the instrument(s), method(s) etc by which a thing is, or may be, done or made to happen: By what means can we find out?) middel; måde
    - by means of
    - by no means
    II [mi:nz] noun plural
    (money available or necessary for living etc: She's a person of considerable means.) midler
    * * *
    I [mi:nz] noun singular or plural
    (the instrument(s), method(s) etc by which a thing is, or may be, done or made to happen: By what means can we find out?) middel; måde
    - by means of
    - by no means
    II [mi:nz] noun plural
    (money available or necessary for living etc: She's a person of considerable means.) midler

    English-Danish dictionary > means

  • 18 pocket

    ['pokit] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in: He stood with his hands in his pockets; a coat-pocket; ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.) lomme; -lomme; lomme-
    2) (a small bag attached to the corners and sides of a billiard-table etc to catch the balls.) lomme; net
    3) (a small isolated area or group: a pocket of warm air.) lomme
    4) ((a person's) income or amount of money available for spending: a range of prices to suit every pocket.) indkomst; pengepung
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a pocket: He pocketed his wallet; He pocketed the red ball.) stikke i lommen
    2) (to steal: Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.) putte i lommen
    - pocket-book
    - pocket-money
    - pocket-sized
    - pocket-size
    * * *
    ['pokit] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in: He stood with his hands in his pockets; a coat-pocket; ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.) lomme; -lomme; lomme-
    2) (a small bag attached to the corners and sides of a billiard-table etc to catch the balls.) lomme; net
    3) (a small isolated area or group: a pocket of warm air.) lomme
    4) ((a person's) income or amount of money available for spending: a range of prices to suit every pocket.) indkomst; pengepung
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a pocket: He pocketed his wallet; He pocketed the red ball.) stikke i lommen
    2) (to steal: Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.) putte i lommen
    - pocket-book
    - pocket-money
    - pocket-sized
    - pocket-size

    English-Danish dictionary > pocket

  • 19 privilege

    ((a) favour or right available, or granted, to only one person, or to a small number of people: Senior students are usually allowed certain privileges.) privilegium
    * * *
    ((a) favour or right available, or granted, to only one person, or to a small number of people: Senior students are usually allowed certain privileges.) privilegium

    English-Danish dictionary > privilege

  • 20 refreshments

    noun plural (food and drink served eg at a meeting: Light refreshments are available in the other room.) forfriskninger
    * * *
    noun plural (food and drink served eg at a meeting: Light refreshments are available in the other room.) forfriskninger

    English-Danish dictionary > refreshments

См. также в других словарях:

  • available — a‧vail‧a‧ble [əˈveɪləbl] adjective 1. able to be bought, used, seen etc: • They plan to make the product widely available in vending machines. • Full year results aren t yet available. 2. if someone is available, they are not busy and can see or …   Financial and business terms

  • Available — A*vail a*ble, a. 1. Having sufficient power, force, or efficacy, for the object; effectual; valid; as, an available plea. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Laws human are available by consent. Hooker. [1913 Webster] 2. Such as one may avail one s self of;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • available — I adjective accessible, approachable, at hand, at one s disposal, attainable, convenient, fit, handy, obtainable, on call, on the market, open, reachable, ready, receptive, securable, suitable, to be had, unfilled, untaken, usable, vacant,… …   Law dictionary

  • available — (adj.) mid 15c., beneficial, also valid, effective, capable of producing the desired effect, from AVAIL (Cf. avail) + ABLE (Cf. able). Meaning at one s disposal, capable of being made use of is recorded from 1827 …   Etymology dictionary

  • available — [adj] ready for use accessible, achievable, applicable, at hand, at one’s disposal*, attainable, come at able*, convenient, derivable from, feasible, free, getatable*, handy, obtainable, on deck*, on hand*, on tap*, open to, possible, prepared,… …   New thesaurus

  • available — ► ADJECTIVE 1) able to be used or obtained. 2) not otherwise occupied. DERIVATIVES availability noun …   English terms dictionary

  • available — [ə vāl′ə bəl] adj. 1. that one can avail oneself of; that can be used; usable 2. that can be gotten, had, or reached; handy; accessible 3. Obs. that can avail ☆ 4. Politics a) having qualifications that would make one a strong candidate for an… …   English World dictionary

  • available — adj. 1) easily, readily available 2) to make oneself available; to make smt. available 3) available to (the information is available to anyone) 4) available for (are you available for a meeting tomorrow?) 5) available to + inf. (is there anyone… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • available — a|vail|a|ble W1S1 [əˈveıləbəl] adj 1.) something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found ▪ Tickets are available from the box office. available to ▪ Not enough data is available to scientists. available to do sth ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • available — 01. The apartment will be [available] on June first. 02. The President was out of the country and not [available] for comment. 03. The [availability] of avocados in local grocery stores depends on the growing season in California. 04. When are… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • available — a|vail|a|ble [ ə veıləbl ] adjective *** 1. ) not usually before noun able to be obtained, taken, or used: The dish is made with ingredients available in most supermarkets. the best available equipment We ll notify you as soon as tickets become… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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