1 autotrophic lake
2 autotrophic lake
2) Экология: автотрофное озеро -
3 autotrophic lake
4 lake
lake:lake озероalkalitrophic lake озеро с щелочной реакцией водыallotrophic lake аллотрофное озеро (получающее органическое вещество извне)atoll lake атолловая лагунаautotrophic lake автотрофное озеро (не получающее органического вещества извне)constant-level lake озеро с постоянным уровнем водыdystrophic lake дистрофное озероeutrophic lake эвтрофное озероhumus lake гуминовое озероlacrimal lake (анат) слёзное озероmesohumous lake дистрофное озеро с прозрачностью 1 - 3 мmesotrophic lake мезотрофное озероmixotrophic lake миксотрофное озероpainted lake 1. (энт) чертополоховка, Pyrameis cardui, Vanessa cardui ; 2. фасоль огненно-красная, Phaeseolus coccineusplaya lake мелкое пересыхающее озеро в пустынной местностиpothole lake водоём в рытвинеsiderotrophic lake озеро с отложениями железаsink lake долинное озеро (в карсте), затопленная долинаundisturbed lake озеро с ненарушенным режимомEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > lake
5 lake
1) озеро•- allotrophic lake
- atoll lake
- autotrophic lake
- bayou lake
- closed lake
- constant-level lake
- dystrophic lake
- eutrophic lake
- humus lake
- lacrimal lake
- man-made lake
- mesohumous lake
- mesotrophic lake
- mixotrophic lake
- playa lake
- pothole lake
- siderotrophic lake
- sink lake
- storage lake
- undisturbed lake* * *
См. также в других словарях:
autotrophic lake — a lake where most or all of the organic matter present is derived from within the lake, not from the surrounding land … Dictionary of ichthyology
Suess effect — The Suess effect is dilution of the atmospheric concentrations of heavy isotopes of carbon (13C and 14C) by the of large amounts of fossil fuel derived CO2, which is depleted in 13CO2 and does not contain any 14CO2. [cite journal | url=http://www … Wikipedia
Aquatic ecosystem — An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem located in water bodies. Communities of organisms that are dependent on each other and on their environment live in aquatic ecosystems. The two main types of aquatic ecosystems are marine ecosystems and… … Wikipedia
Археи — Halobacteria, штамм NRC 1, каждая клетка около 5 мкм длиной … Википедия
Archaea — Archea redirects here. For the geologic eon, see Archean. For the spider family, see Archaeidae. Archaea Temporal range: Paleoarchean – Recent Halobacteria sp. strain NRC 1, each cell about 5 μm long … Wikipedia
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
protozoan — /proh teuh zoh euhn/, n., pl. protozoans, (esp. collectively) protozoa / zoh euh/, adj. Biol. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotes, of the kingdom Protista, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies, are… … Universalium
Plankton — For other uses, see Plankton (disambiguation). Photomontage of planktonic organisms Plankton (singular plankter) are any drifting organisms (plants … Wikipedia
Europa (moon) — Europa Europa s trailing hemisphere in approximate natural color. The prominent crater in the lower right is Pwyll and the darker regions are areas where Europa s primarily water ice surface has a higher mineral content. Imaged on September 7,… … Wikipedia
Zooplankton — A copepod (Calanoida sp.) Zooplankton / … Wikipedia
Hydrothermal vent — Marine habitats White smokers emitting liquid carbon dioxide at the Champagne vent, Northwest Eifuku volcano, Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Littoral zone … Wikipedia