1 autorotation maneuver
2 autorotation maneuver
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > autorotation maneuver
3 zoom autorotation maneuver
верт. горка на режиме авторотацииEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > zoom autorotation maneuver
4 maneuver
маневр; фигура ( пилотажа) ; pl. маневры; маневрировать; выполнять маневрcombined aerodynamic-propulsive orbital plane change maneuver — комбинированный маневр для поворота [изменения] плоскости орбиты с использованием тяги двигателя и аэродинамических сил
lazy-8 maneuver — фигура «ленивая восьмёрка (горизонтальная восьмёрка с попеременными наборами и снижениями при каждом изменении направления на 90°)
zero ground speed maneuver — верт. маневр на месте [при нулевой путевой скорости]
5 maneuver
маневр; фигура < пилотажа>/ маневрировать; выполнять маневр180-deg maneuver3-dimensional maneuver9-g maneuverabort maneuveraccel-decel-accel maneuveraccel-decel maneuveraccelerated maneuveracceleration-deceleration-acceleration maneuveracceleration-deceleration maneuveraccident maneuverACM maneuveracrobatic maneuveraerial combat maneuveraerobatic maneuveraggressive maneuveragility maneuverair combat maneuverair-to-air maneuverair-to-air combat maneuverair-to-ground maneuveranti-g straining maneuverasymmetric power maneuverasymmetric thrust maneuverattitude maneuverauto-flap maneuverautorotation maneuverbalked landing maneuverbank-to-bank maneuverbank-to-turn maneuverbanking maneuverbarrel roll-type maneuverbob-up maneuverbomb maneuverbutterfly maneuvercompound maneuverconstant sideslip maneuvercoordinated maneuvercorrective maneuvercountering maneuvercoupling maneuvercross control maneuverdeceleration maneuverdefense maneuverdefensive maneuverdemonstration maneuverdeparture maneuverdescend maneuverdesign-limited maneuverdiscrete maneuverdive maneuverdoublet set maneuverdynamic maneuveremergency maneuverenergy-state maneuverescape maneuverevasive maneuverextended duration maneuverextreme-attitude maneuverfalling-leaf maneuverFBW maneuverfinal maneuverfull-lateral stick maneuverfull-roll maneuverfull-aft-stick maneuverfull-envelope maneuversfuselage aiming maneuvergliding maneuvergo-around maneuvergyroscopic coupling maneuverhammerhead maneuverheading change maneuverHerbst maneuverhigh-risk maneuverhigh-altitude maneuverhigh-angle-of-attack maneuverhigh-g maneuverhigh-roll-rate maneuverhorizontal maneuverhovering maneuverhypersonic maneuverlanding maneuverlarge-amplitude maneuverlarge-angle roll maneuverlateral maneuverlateral offset maneuverlateral-directional maneuverlead-pursuit maneuverlevelling-off maneuverliftoff maneuverlongitudinal maneuverlongitudinal coupling maneuverloop maneuverlow-altitude maneuverlow-g maneuverlow-speed maneuverM1/L1 straining maneuvermaximum maneuvermaximum g maneuvermirror-image maneuvermishap maneuvermissile evasive maneuvermixed-mode maneuvernear-minimum time maneuvernear-to-the-ground maneuvernonlinear maneuvernose-up maneuverOEI maneuveroffensive maneuverone engine inoperative maneuverpath stretching maneuverpermissible maneuverpitch axis maneuverpitch pulse maneuverpitch-up maneuverpitching maneuverpop-up maneuverpositive maneuverpost launch maneuverpost-stall maneuverPougachev's Cobra maneuverpractice maneuverPST maneuverpull-out maneuverpull-up maneuverpush-over maneuverpushover/pullup maneuverquasi-steady maneuverreal-time maneuverrearward maneuverrigid body maneuverroll maneuverroll-over maneuverroller-coaster maneuverrolling maneuverrolling pull maneuverrolling pullout maneuverrotational maneuverside-step maneuversimulation maneuversingle-axis rotational maneuverslow-flight maneuverstabilized maneuverstall maneuversteady-state maneuversteep dive bomb maneuversustained maneuversymmetric maneuversymmetric power maneuversymmetrical maneuvertail slide maneuvertakeoff maneuvertarget maneuverTCAS maneuvertell-tale maneuverterminal maneuverterminal evasion maneuverterrain-avoidance maneuvertest maneuverthrust reverse maneuvertracking maneuvertraining maneuvertransient maneuvertranslational maneuverturn maneuveruncoordinated maneuververtical maneuververtical attitude maneuverwave-off maneuverwind-up turn maneuveryaw maneuverzero-sideslip angle maneuver -
6 performance
1. (летно-технические) характеристики, ЛТХ; летные данные; (рабочая) характеристика;2. работа; действие; выполнение < задачи>3. эффективность; производительность; работоспособностьacquisition performanceaerodynamic performanceagile performanceagility performanceair-to-fuel performanceaircraft performanceaircrew performanceairfield performanceairship performancealgorithm performancealong track performancealtitude performancealtitude-velocity performanceantijam performanceapproach performanceautopilot performanceautorotation performanceautorotative performancebench throttle performancebipropellant performanceCAS performanceclimb performanceclosed-loop performancecold takeoff performancecontrol performancecontrol law performancecrew performancecross-track performancecruise performancecumulative performancedecision-height performancedeck performancedive bomb performanceenroute performanceEW performancefail-operational performancefan performanceFCS performancefield performancefilter performanceflap performanceflawless performanceflight manual performanceflutter-free performancefrequency-domain performanceground attack performanceguidance's performancegust alleviation performancehigh-speed performancehigh-AOA performancehot and high performancehot-day performancehover performancehover performance out of ground effecthovering performancehuman performanceinlet performanceinstalled performancelanding performanceLevel 2 performancelift performancelift-to-drag performancelimit performancelongitudinal performanceloop performancelow-speed performancemaneuver performancemaneuvering performancemid-mission landing performancemission performancemodel preview performancenear-optimum performancenonafterburning performanceouter-loop performanceoverland performancepayload/range performancephase and gain performancepilot performancepilot/vehicle performancepitch performancepitching performancepoint performancepost-stall performancepowered-lift performancepropeller performancepropeller-nacelle performancerated performancereverse-thrust performanceroll performancerolling performancerough ground performancerough-field performancerunway performancesafety performancesingle-engine performancesingle-engine takeoff performancesingle-engine-out performancespoiler performancesteady state performanceSTO performanceSTOL performancestopping performancesupersonic cruise performancesustained maneuver performancesustained turning performancetail-chase performancetakeoff and landing performancetakeoff performancetask performancetaxi performancethrottle performancetilt-rotor performancetime-domain performancetracking performancetransient performancetransition performanceturning performanceV/STOL performancevelocity performancevibration performancewarload/radius performancewet field performancewet runway performancewindmilling performance -
7 ammunition
боеприпас(ы); инж. подрывные средства, ВВ и средства взрывания; боекомплект; мор. боезапас; разг. снаряды; см. тж. munition— air craft ammunition— area-target ammunition— binary chemical ammunition— chemical agent ammunition— fixed type ammunition— scatterable ammunition -
8 speed
скорость; число оборотов; ускорятьat a speed of Mach 3 — при скорости, соответствующей числу М=3
best (cost) cruising speed — наивыгоднейшая [экономическая] крейсерская скорость полёта
clean (configuration) stall speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при убранных механизации и шасси
engine-out discontinued approach speed — скорость ухода на второй круг с минимальной высоты при одном неработающем двигателе
flap(-down, -extended) speed — скорость полёта с выпущенными [отклонёнными] закрылками
forward с.g. stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при передней центровке
hold the speed down — уменьшать [гасить] скорость
minimum single-engine control speed — минимальная эволютивная скорость полёта с одним (работающим) двигателем (из двух)
minimum speedln a stall — минимальная скорость срыва [сваливания]
one-engine-inoperative power-on stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при одном отказавшем двигателе
rearward с.g. stalling speed — скорость срыва [сваливания] при задней центровке
representative cruising air speed — типовая крейсерская воздушная скорость, скорость полёта на типичном крейсерском режиме
speed over the top — скорость в верхней точке (траектории, маневра)
zero rate of climb speed — скорость полёта при нулевой скороподъёмности [вертикальной скорости]
— speed up
См. также в других словарях:
Autorotation — In aviation, the word autorotation is applied to operation of fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft. The word has significantly different meanings in each of these two applications.In the operation of fixed wing aircraft, autorotation is… … Wikipedia
Autorotation (helicopter) — Autorotation is the state of flight where the main rotor system of a helicopter is being turned by the action of air moving up through the rotor rather than engine power driving the rotor. The term autorotation can be traced back to a period of… … Wikipedia
low-level autorotation — An autorotation maneuver that commences at an altitude well below the traffic pattern and that is used primarily for tactical military training … Aviation dictionary
Descent (aircraft) — A descent during air travel is any portion where an aircraft decreases altitude, and is the opposite of an ascent or climb. Descents are an essential component of an approach to landing. Other intentional descents might be to avoid traffic, poor… … Wikipedia
Stall (flight) — For other uses, see stall. In fluid dynamics, a stall is a reduction in the lift coefficient generated by a foil as angle of attack increases. This occurs when the critical angle of attack of the foil is exceeded. The critical angle of attack is… … Wikipedia
Spin (flight) — In aviation, a spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation about the center of gravity wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path. Spins can be entered unintentionally or intentionally, from any flight attitude and from… … Wikipedia
Vortex ring — A vortex ring, also called a toroidal vortex, is a region of rotating fluid moving through the same or different fluid where the flow pattern takes on a doughnut shape. The movement of the fluid is about the poloidal or circular axis of the… … Wikipedia