1 autopilot mode
2 autopilot mode selector
1) Авиация: переключатель выбора режима работы автопилота2) Космонавтика: переключатель режима работы автопилотаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > autopilot mode selector
3 autopilot mode selector
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > autopilot mode selector
4 autopilot mode selector
5 autopilot mode selector
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > autopilot mode selector
6 autopilot mode indicator
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > autopilot mode indicator
7 autopilot mode selector
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > autopilot mode selector
8 in autopilot mode
Разговорное выражение: на "автомате" -
9 autopilot
autopilot nавтопилотautopilot altitude holdвыдерживание высоты полета автопилотомautopilot amplifierусилитель автопилотаautopilot autolandпосадка при помощи автопилотаautopilot auto throttleавтомат тяги в системе автопилотаautopilot centeringцентрирование автопилотаautopilot controlуправление с помощью автопилотаautopilot controllerпульт управления автопилотомautopilot controller lightлампа подсвета пульта управления автопилотомautopilot disengage unitблок отключения автопилотаautopilot heading modeрежим работы автопилота по заданному курсуautopilot lagзапаздывание автопилотаautopilot Mach lockавтомат стабилизации автопилота по числу Мautopilot mode selectorпереключатель выбора режима работы автопилотаautopilot navigatorавтопилотautopilot outотключить автопилотautopilot responseчувствительность автопилотаautopilot runwayзаброс руля автопилотомautopilot servo unitрулевая машинка автопилотаautopilot systemавтопилотcenter the autopilotцентрировать автопилотdisengage the autopilotвыключать автопилотengage the autopilotвключать автопилотfly on the autopilotлетать на автопилотеfly under the autopilotпилотировать при помощи автопилотаintegrated autopilotкомплексный автопилотnonintegrated autopilotавтономный автопилотoverpower the autopilotпересиливать автопилотswitch to the autopilotпереходить на управление с помощью автопилота -
10 mode
1. режим <полета, работы>2. форма <напр. движения>; тип; вид3. мода, тип колебаний, форма колебаний; тон (колебаний); колебания, колебательное движение; тип волны4. способ, методmode of motionmode of vibration4-D modeadaptive modeadvisory modeaeroelastic modeair resonance modeaircraft modeairframe modeairplane modeairspeed hold modeall-out jamming modealtitude hold modealtitude hold control modeaperiodic modeapproach modeapproach control modeassumed modesattitude command modeattitude hold modeauto-flap modeauto-trim modeautoflight modeautopilot modeautopilot-coupled modeautothrottle modebalance modebeacon bombing modebeam modebeating modebending modebeyond-the-horizon modeblade modebody freedom modeboresight acquisition modebuckling modecamber control modeCAS modechord modeclimb modeclosed-loop modeclosely spaced modesclosely spaced frequency modescommand augmentation modecompensatory modecomponent modesconstant airspeed modeconstraint modescontrol modecontrolled modescoupled modecrack opening modecruise modecruise camber control modecrushing modeCTOL modedecoupled modedeformation modedegraded modedemand modedigital modedirect force modesdirect force control modesdirectional modedivergence modedivergent modedogfight modedutch roll modeedgewise modeelastic modeelectronic modefailure modefine pointing modefinite frequency modesfire-and-forget modefirst bending modefirst flap modefirst flexible modefirst lag modefixed-free modefixed-gain modefixed-wing modeflap modeflapping modeflatwise modeflexible modeflexural modeflight control modeflight director modeflight operation modeflight path rate modeflutter modeflutter-critical modefly-up modeFMS-controlled modefree modefundamental modefuselage modeground contact modehard-ride modehead-down modeheading modeheave modehelicopter modehelmet modehigh-frequency modehigher modehigher order modehighly damped modehybrid tandem fan modein-plane modeinflow modeinstability modeinteracting modesintercept modeland modelateral modelateral modeslateral-directional modelateral-directional mode slateral-sway modelead-lag modelift modelightly damped modeloading modelock-before-launch modelong-term holding modelongitudinal modelongitudinal modeslongitudinal-sway modelongitudinal-lateral modeslook-down modelook-up modelow-frequency modelow-probability-of-intercept modelow-speed modelow-yaw-rate spin modelower order modesMach-hold modemaneuver modemaneuver camber control modemanual modemanual sweep modemapping modemechanical modemonitored modesmotion modemultitracking modenatural modenonreversing modenormal modenuisance modeopen-loop modeoperational modeorbit modeoscillatory modeout-of-control modependulum modephugoid modephugoidal modepitch modepitching modeplunge modeplunging modepoorly damped modeposition modepower approach modepowered-lift modepulse modepusher moderamjet modereconfiguration moderecovery moderesidual modesresponse modereturn-to-base modereverse modereversing modereversion moderigid body moderoll moderoll rate command moderolling moderotary-wing moderotational moderotor-pylon modeshort-period modeslender wing modesliding modespin modespiral modestand-off modestealthy modesteering modestroke modestructural modestructure modesupercruise modesupersearch modesupersonic cruise modetakeoff modetask-tailored modeterminal tracking modeterrain-avoidance modeterrain-clearance modeterrain-following modethird flap modethreat-avoidance modethrust-vectoring modetorsion modetrack-on-jam modetranslational modeturbojet modetwisting modeuncontrolled modeunmodeled modesunstable modeunstick modevector modevectoring modevertical flight-control modevibration modeweakly damped oscillatory modewindowing modewing bending modewing sweep modewingborne modewing-pylon modeswing's open modeyaw modeyawing mode -
11 mode
aileron modeэлеронный режим работыautoland modeрежим автоматической посадкиautopilot heading modeрежим работы автопилота по заданному курсуautopilot mode selectorпереключатель выбора режима работы автопилотаcontrol modeрежим управленияcoupled modeсовмещенный режимdominant air modeосновной режим воздушного пространстваengine start modeработа в режиме запуска двигателяflight modeрежим полетаfly heading modeлетать в курсовом режимеgenerator motorizing modeстартерный режим генератораgo-around modeспособ ухода на второй кругheading hold modeрежим стабилизации курсаheating modeрежим обогреваheight-lock modeрежим стабилизации на заданной высотеholding modeрежим ожиданияin modeв режимеinterrogation modeрежим запросаmanual modeштурвальный режимmode annunciatorтабло режимов работыmode indicatorуказатель режима работыmode of flightрежим полетаmode selectorзадатчик режима(полета) mode selector switchпереключатель режимов работыoperating modeрабочий режимreply modeрежим ответаretardation modeтормозной режим работыsearch modeрежим поискаselection of engine modeвыбор режима работы двигателяselect the modeвыбирать режимstandby modeрежим готовностиsteady modeустановившийся режимsynchronization modeрежим согласованияunsteady modeнеустановившийся режим -
12 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
13 mode
режим ( работы), см. тж. regime, condition; вид ( движения) ; форма ( колебаний), см. тж. shape; метод, способ, см. тж. methodground map pencil mode — режим обзора местности узким лучом [в узкой зоне]
ground map spoiling mode — режим обзора местности широким лучом [в широкой зоне]
inertial mode of navigation — инерциальный режим навигации, инерциальная навигация
normal mode of vibration — основной вид колебаний; режим или форма свободных [собственных] колебаний; pl. собственные колебания
secondary mode of starting — дополнительный [резервный] режим запуска (от источника, использующего другой вид энергии)
standby mode of operation — аварийный [резервный] режим работы
— Al mode— fan mode— gun mode -
14 mode
to select the mode — выбирать [задавать] режим
— in mode -
15 autopilot heading mode
режим работы автопилота по заданному курсуБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > autopilot heading mode
16 autopilot heading mode
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > autopilot heading mode
17 autopilot heading mode
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > autopilot heading mode
18 autopilot heading mode
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > autopilot heading mode
19 autopilot heading mode
20 autopilot heading mode
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > autopilot heading mode
См. также в других словарях:
Mode Control Panel — In aviation, a mode control panel, or MCP, is an instrument panel that controls an advanced autopilot and related systems, such as an automated flight director system (AFDS).The MCP is so called because it contains controls that allow the crew of … Wikipedia
Mode control panel — In aviation, a mode control panel (MCP), is an instrument panel that controls an advanced autopilot and related systems, such as an automated flight director system (AFDS). The MCP is so called because it contains controls that allow the crew of… … Wikipedia
localizer mode, LOC mode — The operating position of an autopilot in which an aircraft is automatically positioned and held at the center of the localizer course … Aviation dictionary
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 — Flight 007 redirects here. For other uses, see Flight 7 (disambiguation). Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Artist s rendition of HL7442, the KAL 747 lost during Flight 007 Occurrence summary … Wikipedia
Garmin G1000 — The Garmin G1000 is an integrated flight instrument system manufactured by Garmin typically composed of two display units, one serving as a primary flight display, and one as a multi function display. It serves as a replacement for most… … Wikipedia
L-3 SmartDeck — SmartDeck = SmartDeck [http://www.smartdeck.com SmartDeck Integrated Flight Controls and Display System] is a fully integrated cockpit system developed by [http://www.as.l 3com.com L 3 Avionics Systems] . SmartDeck is one of the many systems… … Wikipedia
control-wheel steering — An autopilot mode that permits manual control of heading. In this case, aircraft height and speed are maintained by the autopilot … Aviation dictionary
air-speed hold — An autopilot mode that permits an aircraft’s indicated speed to be maintained. In fixed wing aircraft, this mode is normally used during climb, cruise, or descent. In helicopters, this control is provided through the cyclic stick … Aviation dictionary
altitude hold — An autopilot mode that permits a barometric/radio/radar altimeter altitude to be maintained … Aviation dictionary
speed lock — An autopilot mode in which the TAS (true air speed), or in some cases the ground speed, is held constant … Aviation dictionary
Autoland — In aviation, autoland describes a system that fully automates the landing phase of an aircraft s flight, with the human crew merely supervising the process.DescriptionAutoland systems were designed to make landing possible in visibility too poor… … Wikipedia