1 automatic volume compressor
сжиматель динамического диапазона
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > automatic volume compressor
2 automatic volume compressor
2) Электроника: автоматический сжиматель динамического диапазона, компрессорУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > automatic volume compressor
3 automatic volume compressor
English-Russian electronics dictionary > automatic volume compressor
4 automatic volume compressor
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > automatic volume compressor
5 automatic volume compressor
сжиматель динамического диапазона; компрессорEnglish-Russian scientific dictionary > automatic volume compressor
6 automatic volume compressor
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > automatic volume compressor
7 volume compressor
компрессор динамического диапазона
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
сжиматель динамического диапазона
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > volume compressor
8 automatic volume contractor
сжиматель динамического диапазона
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > automatic volume contractor
9 compressor
2) компрессор, схема компрессии, схема сжатия динамического диапазона сигнала3) вчт схема сжатия [уплотнения] данных•- beam-width compressor
- digital video compressor
- harmonic compressor
- syllabic compressor
- time compressor
- video compressor
- volume compressor -
10 compressor
2) компрессор, схема компрессии, схема сжатия динамического диапазона сигнала3) вчт. схема сжатия данных, схема уплотнения данных4) программа, алгоритм или метод сжатия данных, алгоритм или метод уплотнения данных•- beam-width compressor
- digital video compressor
- harmonic compressor
- syllabic compressor
- time compressor
- video compressor
- volume compressorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > compressor
11 AVC
1) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Video Coding, Audio For Video Coding, Avanced Video Coding2) Авиация: автоматическая регулировка громкости3) Военный термин: American Veterans Committee, Army Veterinary Corps, Army Volunteers Corps, Automatic Voice Control, aeronautical video chart, aural and visual code, aviation cadet4) Техника: automatic volume compressor5) Юридический термин: КоАП (Administrative Violations Code = Кодекс Административных Правонарушений)6) Бухгалтерия: Account Validation Check, Added Voluntary Contribution7) Автомобильный термин: Air Conditioned Vehicles8) Биржевой термин: additional voluntary contribution9) Ветеринария: Association of Veterinary Consultants (international)10) Металлургия: Automatic Voltage Compression11) Оптика: active vibration cancellation12) Сокращение: Attitude, Velocity & Control, average variable cost13) Университет: Asynchronous Virtual Classroom14) Вычислительная техника: audio-visual connection, аудиовизуальная связь, звуковизуальная связь, Advanced Video Coding (VCEG, Video)15) Нефть: automatic vent chamber, automatic volume compression16) Кардиология: atrioventricular canal (атриовентрикулярный канал)17) Банковское дело: средние переменные издержки (average variable costs)18) Транспорт: Automatic Vehicle Classification, Automotive Value Chain19) Фирменный знак: Asian Vital Components20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Automatic gain control21) Нефтегазовая техника автоматический регулятор усиления22) Инвестиции: average variable costs23) Расширение файла: Audio Visual Connection (IBM)24) Электротехника: automatic voltage control25) Общественная организация: Alumni Volunteer Corps26) Программное обеспечение: Attribute Value And Class27) Хобби: Atari Video Club -
12 avc
1) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Video Coding, Audio For Video Coding, Avanced Video Coding2) Авиация: автоматическая регулировка громкости3) Военный термин: American Veterans Committee, Army Veterinary Corps, Army Volunteers Corps, Automatic Voice Control, aeronautical video chart, aural and visual code, aviation cadet4) Техника: automatic volume compressor5) Юридический термин: КоАП (Administrative Violations Code = Кодекс Административных Правонарушений)6) Бухгалтерия: Account Validation Check, Added Voluntary Contribution7) Автомобильный термин: Air Conditioned Vehicles8) Биржевой термин: additional voluntary contribution9) Ветеринария: Association of Veterinary Consultants (international)10) Металлургия: Automatic Voltage Compression11) Оптика: active vibration cancellation12) Сокращение: Attitude, Velocity & Control, average variable cost13) Университет: Asynchronous Virtual Classroom14) Вычислительная техника: audio-visual connection, аудиовизуальная связь, звуковизуальная связь, Advanced Video Coding (VCEG, Video)15) Нефть: automatic vent chamber, automatic volume compression16) Кардиология: atrioventricular canal (атриовентрикулярный канал)17) Банковское дело: средние переменные издержки (average variable costs)18) Транспорт: Automatic Vehicle Classification, Automotive Value Chain19) Фирменный знак: Asian Vital Components20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Automatic gain control21) Нефтегазовая техника автоматический регулятор усиления22) Инвестиции: average variable costs23) Расширение файла: Audio Visual Connection (IBM)24) Электротехника: automatic voltage control25) Общественная организация: Alumni Volunteer Corps26) Программное обеспечение: Attribute Value And Class27) Хобби: Atari Video Club -
13 AVC
1. audio-visual connection - средства обработки аудиовизуальной информации; средства аудиовизуальной связи;2. aural and visual code - код акустических и визуальных сигналов;3. automatic voltage control - автоматическое регулирование напряжения; автоматическое управление напряжением;4. automatic volume compression - автоматическое сжатие динамического диапазона;5. automatic volume compressor - компрессор с автоматическим регулированием нагнетания;6. automatic volume control - автоматическое регулирование громкости; АРГ;7. average variable costs - средние переменные затраты -
14 AVC
1) [automatic voltage control] автоматическая регулировка напряжения2) [automatic volume compressor] компрессор3) [automatic volume control] автоматическая регулировка громкости, АРГ -
15 AVC
1) сокр. от automatic voltage control автоматическая регулировка напряжения2) сокр. от automatic volume compressor компрессор3) сокр. от automatic volume control автоматическая регулировка громкости, АРГThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > AVC
16 unit
1. установка; комплект; агрегат; аппарат; прибор; элемент; секция3. матем. единица4. составная деталь, сборная часть, узел; блок5. участок; забой; группа забоев6. ячейкаhydroblast concrete removal unit — устройство для гидроструйного снятия бетонной рубашки (с подводного трубопровода в случае необходимости врезки отвода)
onshore mobile drilling unit — морская передвижная буровая установка, МПБУ
rotation set packing unit — уплотнительный узел, устанавливаемый вращением
twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit — двухкорпусная буровая установка, стабилизированная вертикальными колоннами
wellhead casing hanger packing unit — уплотнительный узел подвески обсадной колонны на подводном устье
— box unit
* * *
1. единица2. блок; узел; секция; агрегат; установка; аппарат; прибор3. деталь; элементhulled column-stabilized drilling offshore unit — буровое двухкорпусное морское основание со стабилизирующими вертикальными колоннами
hydroblast concrete removal unit — устройство для гидроструйного снятия бетонной рубашки (с подводного трубопровода)
sucker-rod mechanized loading and transporting unit — агрегат для механизированной погрузки и транспортировки глубинно-насосных штанг
twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit — двухкорпусная буровая установка, стабилизированная вертикальными колоннами
wellhead casing hanger packing unit — уплотнительный узел подвески обсадной колонны на подводном устье
* * *
1. единица; единица измерения2. агрегат; установка; секция; узел; элемент
* * *
единица, элемент; пачка ( небольшая по мощности совокупность пластов)
* * *
2) блок; узел; секция; агрегат; установка; аппарат; прибор3) деталь; элемент•- unit of equipmentunit in standby — 1) резервный элемент 2) элемент, находящийся в ненагруженном резерве
- unit of gas
- unit of permeability
- unit of viscosity
- acoustic logging unit
- acoustic measuring unit
- air-balanced beam pumping unit
- ammonia absorption unit
- antifreeze agent batching unit
- API gamma-ray unit
- API neutron unit
- atmospheric-and-vacuum distillation unit
- auger drilling unit
- automatic coupling screwing unit
- automatic dewaxing unit
- automatic drilling-control unit
- automatic float-type pump-out unit
- automatic well logging unit
- automatic well measuring unit
- back-crank pumping unit
- back-in unit
- back-pressure control unit
- backup unit
- batching unit for injecting agents into gas flow
- beam-balanced pumping unit
- beamless pumping unit
- beam-pumping unit
- blasting unit
- blowout prevention operating unit
- bottomhole pumping unit
- British thermal unit
- bulk-cement transport unit
- caisson-type leg unit
- casing hanger packoff unit
- casing lubrication unit
- cathodic protection unit
- cement mixing unit
- cement plug drilling unit
- cementing unit
- central power unit
- central pumping unit
- cetane unit
- chain-driven pumping unit
- column-stabilized drilling unit
- combined atmospheric-vacuum rerun unit
- combined-balanced beam pumping unit
- compatibility test unit
- completely failed unit
- compression unit
- conventional pumping unit
- conversion unit
- corrosion unit
- counterweight beam unit
- cracking unit
- crank-balanced pumping unit
- damaged unit
- deballasting pumping unit
- dedicated maintenance unit
- deep-well pumping unit
- degassing unit
- derrick unit
- dewaxing unit
- diethylene glycol batching unit
- discrepant unit
- double-drum servicing unit
- double-valve unit
- downflow fluid-catalyst unit
- downhole television unit
- drainage unit
- drawworks unit
- drill unit
- drilling unit
- drilling-in unit
- drive-in unit
- driving unit
- electrical dewaxing unit
- electrical survey unit
- emergency storage unit
- Engler unit
- equilibrium unit
- expansion refrigeration unit
- exploder unit
- fault-free unit
- fault-location unit
- field replaceable unit
- filter unit
- filtering unit
- filtration unit
- fire-control unit
- floating drilling unit
- floating drilling offshore unit
- floating offshore unit
- fluid unit
- fluid-bed catalytic cracking unit
- foam unit
- front-mounted self-contained unit
- fuel-oil unit
- gas unit
- gas-cleaning unit
- gas-compressor unit
- gas-engine-compressor unit
- gas-gasoline processing unit
- gaslift unit
- gas-measuring unit
- gasoline tank unit
- gas-separation unit
- geared pumping unit
- geological unit
- glycol dehydration unit
- group unit
- group separation unit
- guide line tensioning unit
- heating unit
- high-speed pumping unit
- hoist unit
- hoisting unit
- Houdry fixed-bed unit
- hulled column-stabilized drilling offshore unit
- hydraulic fracturing unit
- hydraulic power pumping unit
- hydraulic pumping unit
- hydroblast concrete removal unit
- hydrocyclone unit
- hydrostatic testing unit
- idle unit
- immobile offshore drilling unit
- insert submersible pump unit
- jack-up drilling offshore unit
- known-reliability unit
- limited-life unit
- locking unit
- long-lived unit
- long-stroke pumping unit
- lowering unit
- low-speed pumping unit
- maintenance unit
- maintenance control unit
- maintenance service unit
- malfunctioning unit
- manifold unit
- marginally operating unit
- marine unit
- marine drilling unit
- master gate unit
- mat supported jack-up unit
- measuring unit
- methanol batching unit
- mobile logging unit
- mobile offshore unit
- mobile offshore drilling unit
- mud logging unit
- mud preparing unit
- mud pump valve unit
- mud pumping unit
- multiple well pumping unit
- natural gas liquefaction unit
- nonrepairable unit
- offshore unit
- offshore drilling unit
- offshore mobile drilling unit
- off-stream unit
- oil-pump unit
- oil-well pumping unit
- open truss-type leg unit
- operational test unit
- optimal replaceable unit
- outlet unit
- packing unit
- pipeless deep-well pumping unit
- pipeless subsurface pumping unit
- pneumatic pressure cement storage unit
- pole mast unit
- portable fire pump unit
- portable pumping unit
- post head unit
- pressure unit
- processing unit
- production rate measuring unit
- propane-air unit
- proportioning unit
- proration unit
- pulling unit
- pumping unit
- pumping unit on skid
- reactive turbine bottomhole unit
- reducing unit
- refrigeration unit
- released swab unit
- reliability test unit
- reliable unit
- remote pumping unit
- renewable unit
- repair unit
- repair training unit
- rigged-down swabbing unit
- rotary unit
- rotation unit
- rotation set packing unit
- sampler unit
- sampling-and-analyzing unit
- sand-master unit
- sand-washing bottom unit
- seating-and-sealing unit
- seawater filtration unit
- sedimentary unit
- selective four-coil unit
- self-contained offshore drilling unit
- self-elevating offshore drilling unit
- self-propelled manifold unit
- self-propelled semisubmersible drilling unit
- semiautomatic mud logging unit
- semisubmersible offshore drilling unit
- sensor unit
- servicing unit
- shale shaker-desander combination unit
- shooting unit
- short-stroke pumping unit
- silt master unit
- single-core cable well logging unit
- single-well completion unit
- slush pump unit
- snubbing unit
- spotty unit
- standard API unit
- standard pumping unit
- standby pumping unit
- steam unit
- stratigraphic unit
- submersible drive pump unit
- submersible electrical centrifugal pump unit
- subsurface pumping unit
- sucker-rod mechanized loading and transporting unit
- surface drilling unit
- surface pressure readout unit
- survey unit
- swabbing unit
- switchover measuring unit
- test-and-repair unit
- three-core cable well logging unit
- three-joint unit
- tractor-mounted well servicing unit
- troubleshooting unit
- tubing lubrication unit
- turbocompressor unit
- twin-hulled column-stabilized drilling unit
- twin-rerun unit
- underwater drilling unit
- upflow catalyst unit
- upflow fluid-catalyst unit
- upstream pumping unit
- vapor recovery unit
- vertical reference unit
- weight-set packing unit
- well-completion unit
- wellhead casing hanger packing unit
- well-logging unit
- well-measuring unit
- well-servicing unit
- well-servicing pump-hoist unit
- well-swabbing unit* * *• 1) установка; 2) единица• деталь• забой• участок -
17 tank
1. резервуар, ёмкость, хранилище, чан, бак, цистерна2. водоём; водохранилище— air tank— day tank— gas tank— mud tank— oil tank
* * *
1. бак; цистерна; танк2. резервуар || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуареtank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (с каким-л. газом);
to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;
— gas tank— oil tank
* * *
цистерна; чан, бак; хранилище, ёмкость, резервуар
* * *
1) резервуар, хранилище; сборник; чан; бак; цистерна || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуаре2) водоём; водохранилище•tank in use — эксплуатируемый резервуар;
tank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to bleed a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to dismantle the tank — разбирать резервуар;
to empty a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to erect the tank — сооружать резервуар;
to ground the tank — заземлять резервуар;
to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в нефтепровод ;
to strap a tank — измерять вместимость резервуара;
- above-ground storage tankto thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;
- accumulator tank
- acid measuring tank
- active drilling mud tank
- additive tank
- air tank
- airseparating tank
- antipitching tank
- antirolling tank
- atmospheric pressure storage tank
- automatic flow tank
- auxiliary tank
- bailing tank
- balance tank
- balancing tank
- ballast tank
- balloon roof tank
- batching tank
- blender tank
- blending tank
- blowdown tank
- bottomless offshore storage tank
- breathing tank
- bulk oil tank
- bullet tank
- buried tank
- canvas tank
- cargo tank
- cement slurry mixing tank
- cement surge tank
- cementing tank
- charging stock tank
- chemical treating tank
- collapsible tank
- compressed air tank
- compressor suction tank
- concrete tank
- concrete oil tank
- condensate tank
- condensate gathering tank
- conical bottom tank
- conical roof tank
- constant header tank
- crude oil storage tank
- cryogenic tank
- cuttings tank
- cylindrical tank
- daily tank
- daily bulk cement tank
- daily bulk mud tank
- deck tank
- degassed tank
- degassing tank
- depositing tank
- detachable tank
- diked tank
- discharge tank
- displacement tank
- dome-type tank
- drilling-mud tank
- drilling-mud mixing tank
- drilling-mud settling tank
- drilling-mud storage tank
- drilling-mud suction tank
- drip tank
- Dubai storage tank
- dump tank
- earth tank
- earthen tank
- elevated tank
- emergency head tank
- equalizing tank
- expansion tank
- expiration-roof tank
- explosion-proof tank
- fabric tank
- fabric gasoline fuel tank
- feed tank
- field tank
- filling tank
- filter-bottom tank
- fixed roof tank
- flexible tank
- float tank
- floating roof tank
- flow tank
- free-water settling tank
- fuel tank
- fuel oil tank
- fuel supply tank
- gage tank
- gaging tank
- gas tank
- gas-gathering tank
- gasoline tank
- gasoline mobile tank
- gathering tank
- globe-bottom tank
- globe-roof tank
- gravitation tank
- gravity tank
- gravity service tank
- grounded tank
- gun-barrel tank
- head tank
- hemispherical tank
- high-pressure storage tank
- horizontal tank
- impurities receiving tank
- inflatable dome-roof tank
- initial oil storage tank
- interconnected tanks
- intermediate storage tank
- knocked-down tank
- land storage tank
- landing craft tank
- lease tank
- lifter-roof tank
- low-temperature tank
- main tank
- main storage tanks
- measuring tank
- metering tank
- mixing tank
- mobile tank
- molded plastic tank
- mud tank
- mud storage tank
- mud surge tank
- multiple tank
- multisphere tank
- multiple-chamber separating tank
- offshore storage tank
- oil tank
- oil settling tank
- oil storage tank
- oil-feed tank
- oil-field tank
- oil-gathering tank
- oil-storage tank
- oil-store tank
- orifice surge tank
- overflow tank
- overhead tank
- overland tank
- overload tank
- oxidation tank
- pipeline tank
- precipitation tank
- pressure tank
- pressure-relief tank
- priming tank
- prove tank
- pumping tank
- receiving tank
- rectangular tank
- refrigerated truck tank
- reinforced concrete storage tank
- rejection tank
- relay tank
- reserve drilling mud tank
- restricted orifice surge tank
- retention tank
- riveted tank
- roll-dampening tank
- rubber-lined tank
- rubberized fabric tank
- run tank
- run-down tank
- salt-settling tank
- sedimentation tank
- sedimentation tank of water treatment system
- separating tank
- service tank
- service mud storage tank
- service storage tank
- setting tank
- settlement tank
- settling tank
- shaker tank
- shotgun tank
- simple surge tank
- single chamber separating tank
- skimming tank
- slime tank
- slop tank
- sludge tank
- sludge acid separating tank
- slurry tank
- spherical tank
- spheroidal tank
- sprayed tank
- steel drilling mud tank
- stock tank
- stock oil tank
- storage tank
- streamlined pressure tank
- stringer ballast tank
- sturry tank
- submerged tank
- subsurface tank
- subsurface storage tank
- subterraneous tank
- suction tank
- sump tank
- supply tank
- surge tank
- test tank
- transit site tank
- trip tank
- truck tank
- twin compartment test tank
- underground storage tank
- underwater tank
- underwater storage tank
- ungrounded tank
- unlined tank
- upright tank
- vapor-tight tank
- variable vapor-space tank
- vented tank
- vertical tank
- volume tank
- waste tank
- water-sealed tank
- water-sprayed tank
- water-top tank
- wax-mixture-flow tank
- weathering tank
- weigh tank
- weir tank
- welded tank
- wet-oil tank* * * -
18 limit
предел, граница; допуск; ограничиватьangle of attack limit — предел по углу атаки, предельное значение угла атаки
c.g. limit — предельная центровка
duration limit of the thrust chamber — предельная продолжительность работы ракетного двигателя (до разрушения из-за перегрева)
— q limit -
19 program
программа, см. тж application || программироватьa program is too big to fit in memory — программа не умещается в отведённой памяти ( машинное сообщение)
- program in- absolute program
- accessory program
- active program
- administration program
- application program
- A-program
- archive program
- assembler program
- assembler-program
- assembly language program
- assembly program
- automatic recovery program
- background program
- benchmark program
- binary program
- blue-ribbon program
- bootstrap program
- brittle program
- C++ program
- C++-program
- called program
- calling program
- cataloged program
- chain additions program
- chain maintenance program
- channel program
- check program
- checking program
- common program
- communication program
- compaction program
- compiled object program
- compiler program
- compiling program
- complete program
- compressor program
- computer program
- concordance program
- concurrent program
- concurrently running programs
- concurrent-scheduling supervisor program
- condensing program
- configuration program
- consulting program
- control program
- conversational program
- conversion program
- copy-protected program
- copyrighted program
- core-resident program
- correct program
- crash-proof program
- curve-fitting program
- data abstraction program
- data access program
- data flow program
- data set utility program
- data-vet program
- debugging program
- decision program
- development program
- diagnosis program
- diagnostic program
- digital simulation program
- disk-resident program
- editor program
- embedded program
- emulator program
- epistemic logic program
- executable program
- executive program
- exerciser program
- externally stored program
- fail-recognition program
- fault-diagnosis program
- fault-location program
- fine-grained program
- fixed program
- foreground program
- format program
- FORTRAN program
- FORTRAN-program
- fragmented programs
- free-standing program
- function program
- gap filling program
- general-purpose program
- generating program
- generator program
- graphic display program
- hardware program
- hardware-maintenance program
- help program
- heuristic program
- high frequency program
- high volume program
- host program
- illustrative program
- impenetrable program
- inactive program
- independent program
- initial input program
- initial loading program
- in-line program
- integer program
- interactive program
- interconsole message program
- internally stored program
- interpreter program
- interpretive program
- introspective program
- job control program
- job program
- knowledge-based program
- language-understanding program
- learning program
- librarian program
- library program
- license program
- linear program
- link-edited program
- load program
- load-and-go program
- loading program
- logical program
- logical relational program
- machine language program
- machine program
- macroassembly program
- macrogenerating program
- mail program
- main program
- manager program
- manufacturer programs
- map program
- mask-level digitization program
- master program
- mathematical program
- menu-driven program
- message control program
- message processing program
- micromodular program
- minimal access program
- minimum access program
- minimum latency program
- modular-sized program
- monitor program
- monitoring program
- monolithic program
- multisupplier program
- mutated program
- network control program
- networking program
- nonexpansible program
- nonprocedural program
- nucleus initialization program
- object program
- operating program
- optimally coded program
- overlay program
- overlays program
- packaged program
- paint program
- panel program
- PASCAL program
- PASCAL-program
- patched program
- placement program
- plugged program
- polling program
- pop-up program
- portable program
- position-independent program
- postedit program
- postmortem program
- precanned program
- precompiler program
- pre-edit program
- prewired program
- prime program program
- printed program
- print-intensive program
- problem-state program
- problem program
- procedural program
- processing program
- production program
- program for Windows
- program in assembler
- program in C++
- program in FORTRAN
- program in PASCAL
- proper program
- prototype program
- pseudoapplication program
- punched tape program
- read-in program
- real-world program
- reduction program
- reenterable program
- reentrant program
- relocatable program
- report program
- resident program
- restructuring program
- reusable program
- robot program
- robust program
- routine program
- routing program
- running program
- runtime program
- salvation program
- sample program
- scrutinous program
- segmented program
- self-adapting program
- self-contained program
- self-diagnostic program
- self-modification program
- self-modifying program
- self-monitoring program
- self-organizing program
- self-relocatable program
- self-relocating program
- self-resetting program
- self-test program
- self-triggering program
- sequence-scheduling supervisor program
- service program
- shareable program
- shell program
- simulation program
- slave program
- snapshot dump program
- snapshot trace program
- software program
- sort program
- sort/merge program
- sorting program
- source language program
- source program
- spaghetti program
- specific program
- spreadsheet program
- stand-alone program
- standard program
- standby program
- start-up program
- steering program
- stored program
- structured program
- subject program
- superconsistent program
- supervisor program
- supervisory program
- support program
- surface program
- suspended program
- symbolic program
- system program
- systems program
- tape-to-printer program
- teaching program
- test program
- throwaway program
- total-load program
- trace program
- trace-interpretive program
- tracing program
- tracking program
- transaction program
- translating program
- translation program
- translator program
- troubleshooting program
- TSR program
- unmaintable program
- unreadable program
- updated program
- user program
- utility program
- wavelet program
- wired-in programEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > program
20 amplifier
1) усилитель2) приемник ( прямого усиления)•- acoustic amplifier
- adder amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-radial amplifier
- antenna amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio-distribution amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- audio-video amplifier
- automatic stereophonic recording amplifier
- auxiliary amplifier
- AV-amplifier
- average power amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- B-amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- base amplifier
- beam-parametric amplifier
- binaural-power amplifier
- bioelectric-potential amplifier
- bistable amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- branching amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- broadcasting amplifier
- buck-boost amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bullet amplifier
- burst amplifier
- calibrated amplifier
- camera amplifier
- capacitor-coupled amplifier
- carrier amplifier
- cascade-coupled amplifier
- cascaded amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cavity-type diode amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- channel amplifier
- choke amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma-bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- class-E amplifier
- class-F amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent-light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- compressor amplifier
- conference amplifier
- continuous-signal amplifier
- controlled amplifier
- controlling amplifier
- convertor amplifier
- correcting-antenna amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- cross-field amplifier
- current amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc power amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- delay amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digital sound processor amplifier
- digital sound-field processor amplifier
- digitally-controlled amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-communication amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- DMB-amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-circuit amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-compensated amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-operational amplifier
- dual-trace amplifier
- duct amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- earlike-response amplifier
- electric-organ amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electronically-tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- elementary amplifier
- end amplifier
- error amplifier
- error-signal amplifier
- extender amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast-operating amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedforward amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- fiber-optic system amplifier
- field amplifier
- field-input amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- flat amplifier
- flat-staggered amplifier
- flip-flop amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forming amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-channel power amplifier
- four-stage amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- functional amplifier
- gain-matched amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- galvanic amplifier
- G-amplifier
- gated amplifier
- generator amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- group amplifier
- group reception amplifier
- group transmission amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- half-wave amplifier
- head amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high-current power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- home theater amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- IF amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- input amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate-power amplifier
- interphone amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- light amplifier
- limiter amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- line frequency amplifier
- line power amplifier
- line voltage amplifier
- linear amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- listening amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- locomotive receiver amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- loud-speaking announcement amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matrix amplifier
- measuring amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microstrip amplifier
- microwave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- monaural power amplifier
- monitoring amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- multichannel amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- narrow-gate amplifier
- n-channel amplifier
- negative resistance amplifier
- negatron amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppressing amplifier
- noncooled amplifier
- nondegenerate amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- note amplifier
- n-stage amplifier
- operating amplifier
- operation amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- parallel amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- personal tone amplifier
- phase sensor amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- pip amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- power amplifier
- precision amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- pulse-distribution amplifier
- push-pull electret amplifier
- push-pull magnetic amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Raman amplifier
- R-amplifier
- RC-coupled amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reception amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- recuperative amplifier
- reflecting amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- remote-tuned amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reproducing amplifier
- resistance-capacitance amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- RF-amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- running wave lamp amplifier
- saturated amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- sense amplifier
- separate amplifier
- series amplifier
- sharpener amplifier
- SHF-amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- simplest amplifier
- simplex amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-frequency amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-step amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- slicer amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- sound frequency amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speech amplifier
- square-low amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- stabilized amplifier
- stable amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- stereo/mono power amplifier
- straight amplifier
- strip-line amplifier
- studio amplifier
- subscriber amplifier
- Suhl amplifier
- summing amplifier
- super-recuperative amplifier
- supersonic amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- tapered amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- terminal amplifier
- TFT-amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- track-and-hold amplifier
- transceiving amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transmitter amplifier
- traveling wave amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel diode amplifier
- TV-antenna amplifier
- two-channel playback amplifier
- two-step amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- ultralinear amplifier
- unloading amplifier
- untapered amplifier
- utility video amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- variable transmitter amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- vortex amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- writing amplifier
- X-amplifier
- X-axis amplifier
- Y-amplifier
- Y-axis amplifier
- zero-phase drift amplifierEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > amplifier
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
сжиматель динамического диапазона — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN automatic volume compressorautomatic volume contractorvolume compressor … Справочник технического переводчика
Dynamic range compression — This article is about a process that intentionally reduces the dynamic range of audio signals. For similar reductions caused by circuit imperfections, see Gain compression. For processes that reduce the size of digital audio files, see Audio… … Wikipedia
Guitar effects — are electronic devices that modify the tone, pitch, or sound of an electric guitar, or condition or reroute the signal in some fashion. Effects can be housed in small effects pedals ( stomp boxes ), guitar amplifiers, guitar amplifier simulation… … Wikipedia
Turbocharger — A turbocharger, or turbo, is an air compressor used for forced induction of an internal combustion engine. Like a supercharger, the purpose of a turbocharger is to increase the mass of air entering the engine to create more power. However, a… … Wikipedia
Sound reinforcement system — A sound reinforcement system is an arrangement of microphones, electronic signal processors, amplifiers, and loudspeakers that makes live or pre recorded sounds usually music or speech louder, or that distributes the sound to a larger or more… … Wikipedia
pneumatic device — Any of various tools and instruments that generate and use compressed air. Examples include rock drills, pavement breakers, riveters, forging presses, paint sprayers, blast cleaners, and atomizers. Compressed air power is flexible, economical,… … Universalium
Refrigerator — Fridge and Freezer redirect here. For other uses, see Fridge (disambiguation) and Freezer (disambiguation). For other uses, see Refrigerator (disambiguation). See also: Refrigeration A side by side refrigerator … Wikipedia
Railway air brake — Piping diagram from 1920 of a Westinghouse E T Air Brake system on a locomotive … Wikipedia
Honda Legend — This page is about this vehicle s Japanese model. See Acura Legend and Acura RL for information on the North American model. Sections of this article are translated from Japanese Wikipedia. Honda Legend … Wikipedia
airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also … Universalium
Internal combustion engine — The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperature and high … Wikipedia