1 automatic drilling rig
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > automatic drilling rig
2 automatic drilling rig
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > automatic drilling rig
3 automatic drilling rig
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > automatic drilling rig
4 automatic drilling rig
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > automatic drilling rig
5 automatic drilling rig
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > automatic drilling rig
6 rig
1. буровая установка, буровой агрегат, буровая вышка2. приспособление; устройство; аппаратура3. оборудование; установка || оборудовать; устанавливать4. оснастка; снаряжение || оснащатьsubmersible pipe alignment rig — погружная установка для центровки труб (для подводной сварки, стыковки труб при строительстве трубопровода или ремонте)
— oil rig— rig down— rig out— rig up— well rig
* * *
1. буровая установка, буровой агрегат, буровая вышка2. приспособление; устройство; аппаратура3. оборудование; установка || оборудовать; устанавливать4. оснастка; снаряжение || оснащатьall-hydraulic rotary drilling rig — буровая установка вращательного бурения с гидравлическим управлением
back-in self-propelled workover rig — самоходная установка для капитального ремонта скважин с вышкой, смонтированной сзади
carrier-mounted all-hydraulic operated drill rig — гидравлическая пневмоколёсная самоходная буровая установка
drive-in self-propelled workover rig — самоходная установка для капитального ремонта скважин с вышкой, смонтированной спереди
multipurpose top-head drive drilling rig — многоцелевая буровая установка с поверхностным приводом забойной компоновки
submersible pipe alignment rig — погружная установка для центровки труб (для подводной сварки, стыковки труб при строительстве трубопровода или ремонте)
surface hydraulic percussive drill rig — установка бурения с верхним ударником и гидравлическим приводом
to mobilize a drilling rig — передислоцировать буровую установку;
to move a drilling rig in — доставлять буровую установку на буровую площадку;
to move a drilling rig out — вывозить буровую установку с буровой площадки;
— mine rig— oil rig— test rig— well rig
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1.буровая установка; станок, буровой агрегат..2.
* * *
буровая установка, станок, буровой агрегат
* * *
1) буровая установка ( включая вышку); буровой станок; буровой агрегат, буровая вышка3) приспособление; устройство; аппаратура5) оборудование; установка || оборудовать•rig on location — буровая установка на буровой площадке;
rig skidded — буровая установка, снятая со скважины;
to rig a derrick — монтировать оборудование на вышке;
to rig down — демонтировать буровую установку;
to mobilize a drilling rig — перемещать буровую установку;
to move a drilling rig — перемещать буровую установку;
to move a drilling rig from one location of another — перемещать буровую установку с одной точки бурения на другую;
to move a drilling rig in — доставлять буровую установку на буровую площадку;
to move a drilling rig out — вывозить буровую установку с буровой площадки;
to rig out — демонтировать, разбирать;
to relocate drilling rig — перемещать буровую установку;
to shut down drilling rig — останавливать буровую установку;
to skid drilling rig — перемещать буровую установку;
- active drilling rigto skid the rig — перемещать буровой станок на новую точку;
- air rig
- air-controlled drilling rig
- airlift drilling rig
- all-hydraulic maneuvered drill rig
- all-hydraulic rotary drilling rig
- Arctic drilling rig
- automatic drilling rig
- back-in self-propelled workover rig
- bar rig
- blasthole drill rig
- bob-tail rig
- boring rig
- bottom-supported drilling rig
- bucket rig
- building rig
- cable rig
- cable-tool rig
- Canadian pole-tool rig
- cantilever mast drilling rig
- carrier rig
- carrier-mounted all-hydraulic operated drill rig
- churn-drilling rig
- cold weather rig
- combination drilling rig
- completion rig
- consolidated rig
- convertible propelled drilling rig
- core-drilling rig
- crawler drilling rig
- deep drilling rig
- derrick rod and tubing rig
- diamond drilling rig
- diesel rig
- diesel-electrical drilling rig
- diesel-hydraulical drilling rig
- diesel-mechanical drilling rig
- diesel-power drilling rig
- drilling rig
- drive rig
- drive-in self-propelled workover rig
- dual drill rig
- electrical drilling rig
- excavator-attachment drilling rig
- exploratory oil rig
- fixed drilling rig
- four boom rig
- gas electrical rig
- gas-turbine drilling rig
- helicopter transportable rig
- hydraulic crawler drilling rig
- hydraulic drill rig
- hydraulic top hammer percussive rig
- hydro-drill rig
- jacket-type production rig
- jackknife rig
- jackknife drilling rig
- jack-up drilling rig
- jack-up service rig
- jumbo drill rig
- land drilling rig
- large-section drilling rig
- laser blasthole rotary rig
- light drilling rig
- maintenance rig
- makeshift drilling rig
- marine rig
- marine drilling rig
- mast-type drilling rig
- mat jack-up rig
- mechanical rig
- mine rig
- mobile drilling rig
- mobile offshore exploring rig
- mobile production rig
- modular drilling rig
- monopod drilling rig
- multipass big hole rig
- multiple-drill rig
- multipurpose top-head drive drilling rig
- offshore drilling rig
- offshore exploring rig
- offshore jack-up service rig
- offshore mobile exploration rig
- oil rig
- packaged rig
- percussion drilling rig
- percussive-rotary drill rig
- pile-mounted drilling rig
- piling drilling rig
- pneumatic crawler drill rig
- portable rig
- portable drilling rig
- posthole rig
- power rig
- prospecting drilling rig
- pumping rig
- quadruple rig
- raise drill rig
- raise mining rig
- reverse rig
- rod-tool rig
- rotary rig
- rotary drilling rig
- rotary percussive rig
- rotary well drilling rig
- seabed drilling rig
- seabed soil sampling rig
- seafloor foundation drilling rig
- self-contained drilling rig
- self-elevating drilling rig
- self-propelled drilling rig
- self-propelled workover rig
- semiautomatic drilling rig
- semisubmersible catamaran drilling rig
- service rig
- ship drilling rig
- shothole rig
- skid rig
- skid-mounted drilling rig
- slant drilling rig
- slim-hole rig
- small-section drilling rig
- sound-proof drilling rig
- spider-web rig
- split-level rig
- spring-pole rig
- spring-pole drilling rig
- standard rig
- steam drilling rig
- stop rig of overshot
- submersible drilling rig
- submersible pipe alignment rig
- surface rig
- surface hydraulic percussive drill rig
- test rig
- three-boom rig
- top-hammer rig
- top-head drilling rig
- track-mounted all-hydraulic drill rig
- trailer-mounted drilling rig
- truck-mounted drilling rig
- turnbuckle rig
- twin-boom drill rig
- ultradeep drilling rig
- unitized drilling rig
- wash-boring rig
- well rig
- well-service rig
- well-workover rig
- wildcat drilling rig
- workover rig* * * -
7 automatic
автоматический аппарат; II автоматический; самодействующий; автоматизированный- automatic acceleration control unit - automatic accumulator charging - automatic action - automatic adjustment - automatic adjustment mechanism - automatic advance control - automatic air regulator - automatic alarm - automatic alarm signal transmitter - automatic alternation - automatic amplitude control - automatic arc welding - automatic arc welding machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assemblage - automatic assembly - automatic assembly machine - automatic backing-up - automatic backlash control - automatic backup - automatic balance control - automatic balancer - automatic balancing - automatic bar fed turning center - automatic bar feed - automatic bias control - automatic block - automatic bonding unit - automatic brake - automatic brake adjuster - automatic brake arrangement - automatic brake controller - automatic braking - automatic braking system - automatic brazing equipment - automatic buffing machine - automatic burette - automatic butt splicer - automatic calibration - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic cathead - automatic centering - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic change of tools - automatic change-over - automatic change-over switch - automatic check - automatic check-out recording equipment - automatic checking balance - automatic checking machine - automatic checkout equipment - automatic checkout system - automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment - automatic choke - automatic chuck - automatic chuck extractor - automatic chuck-changing system - automatic chuck jaw changing - automatic chucker - automatic circuit - automatic circuit breaker - automatic circuit recloser - automatic climate control system - automatic closing system - automatic clutch - automatic cold upsetter - automatic come-along clamp - automatic compensation option - automatic compensator - automatic consistency checking - automatic constant tension mooring winch - automatic control - automatic control actuator - automatic control channel - automatic control circuit - automatic control engineering - automatic control equipment - automatic control halting instruction - automatic control installation - automatic control loop - automatic control rod - automatic control system - automatic controller - automatic conveying - automatic coupler - automatic coupling - automatic coupling device - automatic coupling screwing unit - automatic crab winch - automatic crimper - automatic crossover - automatic cut-out torque wrench - automatic cutout - automatic cycle - automatic cycle mechanism - automatic cycle working - automatic cycling equipment - automatic data analyzer - automatic data distribution - automatic data entry - automatic data processing - automatic data processing field branch - automatic data unit - automatic datum search - automatic deicing system - automatic device - automatic diagnosis - automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system - automatic discharging device - automatic disk changer - automatic door - automatic door closer - automatic door photoelectric relay - automatic drilling control - automatic drilling rig - automatic drinking bowl - automatic drive - automatic drive detection - automatic drive engagement - automatic dump - automatic-dump truck - automatic dust ejector - automatic dust unloading valve - automatic ejection - automatic electric drive - electrical drive - automatic electrode changer - automatic elevator - automatic emergency valve - automatic end stop - automatic error correction - automatic error detection - automatic exchange of tools - automatic expansion valve - automatic fault detection - automatic fault finding - automatic fault isolation - automatic fault isolation tester - automatic fault reporting - automatic fault signalling - automatic feature - automatic feed - automatic feed drill - automatic feed-off mechanism - automatic feeder - automatic feeding mechanism - automatic feedoff - automatic fire alarm - automatic fire alarm system - automatic fire annunciator - automatic fire detector - automatic fire sprinkler - automatic fixturing system - automatic flanger - automatic float-type pump-out unit - automatic flour meter - automatic flow tank - automatic focus correction servo-system - automatic forging machine - automatic front wheel drive engagement - automatic fuel economizing device - automatic fuel-control unit - automatic fuel saving device - automatic fuel shut-off - automatic fuse - automatic gage - automatic gaging-and-compensating system - automatic gain adjustment - automatic gain control - automatic gas-cutting machine - automatic gas-welding machine - automatic gate - automatic gate closer - automatic gate opener - automatic gauging - automatic gearbox - automatic generating plant - automatic generator - automatic grab - automatic gripper change - automatic gripper control - automatic guided vehicle - automatic half-hose machine - automatic heater - automatic hill holder - automatic hinged trip spider - automatic hitch - automatic holding - automatic holding device - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic humidity regulator - automatic identification- Auto-ID- AIS - automatic idling control - automatic ignition - automatic ignition system - automatic ignition timing - automatic input - automatic insertion - automatic interlocking - automatic internal diagnosis - automatic jaw changer - automatic jaw shift device - automatic latching - automatic level - automatic level compensation - automatic level control - automatic level control system - automatic level gauge - automatic level setup - automatic leveling control system - automatic light - automatic light control - automatic light regulation - automatic line - automatic line disconnection - automatic line switching - ALS - automatic load control - automatic load sustaining brake - automatic load-gripping device - automatic loader - automatic loading - automatic lock - automatic locking - automatic locking holder - automatic locking hub - automatic locking spindle - automatic lockout - automatic lockout feature - automatic lubrication - automatic lubricator - automatic machine cycle - automatic magazine bar feed - automatic maintenance - automatic manipulator - automatic measurement-and-compensation system - automatic measuring facilities - automatic metal forming machine - automatic mixture control - automatic mode switching - automatic moisture regulator - automatic monitoring - automatic motor control gear - automatic movements starting - automatic multicam machine - automatic noise limiter - automatic noise-reduction system - automatic oil-flow controller - automatic oiling - automatic opening circuit breaker - automatic opening cover - automatic optimization - automatic overload control - automatic overload limiter - automatic overload stop - automatic packing - automatic pallet handler - automatic pallet storage-retrieval system - automatic part gaging - automatic part-loading conveyor - automatic photodetector - automatic pipe handling system - automatic pipe stabber - automatic placement - automatic plant - automatic polishing machine - automatic positioning - automatic power control - automatic power drawbar control - automatic power rotary scraper - automatic power slips - automatic press for cold pressing of nuts - automatic press for stamping electric motor stator and rotor notches - automatic pressure control - automatic pressure regulator - automatic probe changer - automatic probe changing - automatic probing cycle - automatic punch - automatic rack stacker - automatic radiator shutter - automatic ram pile driver - automatic reading - automatic reclosing circuit breaker - automatic recovery - automatic recovery program - automatic regulation - automatic regulation of belt tension - automatic regulation of drive chain tension - automatic regulation rod - automatic regulator - automatic release - automatic releaser - automatic repeat - automatic remote control - automatic reset - automatic reset-data circuit - automatic restart - automatic return - automatic return valve - automatic rotary line - automatic router - automatic routine - automatic rpm changer - automatic safety device - automatic sample changer - automatic sampler - automatic sampling - automatic sampling device - automatic sampling equipment - automatic sand-blasting machine - automatic scales - automatic screen - automatic selective overdrive - automatic sensitivity control - automatic set point - automatic shaft-position data encoder - automatic shaker bag - automatic shank spindle - automatic shift - automatic shut-off valve - automatic shutdown - automatic side-dumping - automatic signaling - automatic signalization - automatic size control tooling - automatic sorting machine - automatic spark advance - automatic spark advance governor - automatic spark advance magneto - automatic spark timer - automatic spectrometer - automatic spectrophotometer - automatic speed compensation - automatic speed control - automatic speed selection device - automatic spider - automatic spindle gear changing - automatic sprinkler fire control system - automatic stability - automatic stability controls - automatic stabilization and control system - automatic stabilizer - automatic stacker crane - automatic start - automatic starting - automatic starting motor - automatic start-up - automatic steel - automatic steering - automatic step selection - automatic stop - automatic stop switch - automatic straightening and cutting machine - automatic strip-straightening machine - automatic submerged-arc welder - automatic submerged-arc welding - automatic sucker rod spanner - automatic suction pump - automatic surveillance - automatic switch - automatic switchable redundance - automatic switchboard - automatic swivel spindle - automatic synchronization - automatic synchronizer - automatic takeup - automatic takeup mechanism - automatic temperature recording controller - automatic temperature regulator - automatic tensioning winch - automatic test analysis system - automatic test equipment - automatic test system - automatic thrust adjustment - automatic time switch - automatic time-delay switch - automatic timed magneto - automatic timer - automatic timing - automatic timing control - automatic timing device - automatic tipper - automatic tool changing apparatus - automatic tool transport mechanism - automatic tool wear-tool broken sensing system - automatic toolsetting - automatic tongs - automatic training idler - automatic transmission - automatic transmission fluid - automatic trip - automatic troubleshooting - automatic tuning - automatic two-speed geared head - automatic update - automatic vacuum deposition system - automatic valve - automatic valve adjustment - automatic viscosity controller - automatic voltage control - automatic voltage regulator - automatic warehousing - automatic warning - automatic washer - automatic water bowl - automatic water spray fire-fighting system - automatic weight controller - automatic weighing machine - automatic weigher - automatic weld - automatic welder - automatic welding - automatic welding machine - automatic wire feed - automatic workhandling - automatic workhandling device - automatic zero adjustment - automatic zero set -
8 автоматическая буровая установка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > автоматическая буровая установка
9 system
1. система2. установка, устройство3. геол. формация4. план, расположениеacoustic back-up communications system — вспомогательная акустическая система связи (в системе управления подводным устьевым оборудованием)
acoustic back-up control system — акустическая вспомогательная система управления (подводным оборудованием)
acoustic emergency back-up control system — аварийная акустическая система управления (подводным оборудованием)
adaptive data recording system — самонастраивающаяся система регистрации данных (измерения параметров ветра, течений, волн и т. п.) на плавучей буровой платформе для определения её реакции на внешние воздействия
BOP function position indicator system — система индикации выполнения функций противовыбросовым оборудованием
BOP moonpool guidance system — направляющее устройство блока превенторов в буровой шахте бурового судна (служащее для спуска блока через буровую шахту без раскачивания)
bulk products weighting system — система измерения массы порошкообразных материалов (системы пневмотранспорта барита, бентонита, цемента)
continuous elevating and lowering system — система непрерывного подъёма и спуска (на самоподнимающейся платформе)
drilling information monitoring system — система сбора информации о бурении, система контроля параметров процесса бурения
dual BOP stack system — двухблочная система, состоящая из двух блоков превенторов и двух водоотделяющих колонн
emergency acoustic closing system — аварийная акустическая система закрытия (подводных противовыбросовых превенторов)
flexible bottom coring system — система бурения с отбором донного керна с использованием шлангокабеля (при геологоразведочных работах на море)
hydraulic fluid make-up system — система приготовления рабочей жидкости гидросистемы (для управления подводным оборудованием)
hydroacoustic position reference system — гидроакустическая система определения местоположения, гидроакустическая система ориентации
integral ( marine) riser system — система составной водоотделяющей колонны (секции которой изготовлены как одно целое с линиями глушения скважины и штуцерной)
multiwire electrohydraulic control system — электрогидравлическая система управления (подводным устьевым оборудованием)
PCT offshore test system — морская система опробования испытателем пласта, который управляется давлением (бурового раствора в затрубном пространстве)
pin and hole type jacking system — подъёмное устройство штыреоконного типа (на самоподнимающихся опорах)
pipe abandonment and recovery system — система оставления и подъёма труб (при укладке подводного трубопровода)
rack and pinion type jacking system — подъёмное устройство реечно-шестерённого типа (на самоподнимающейся платформе)
remote data acquisition and control system — система дистанционного сбора данных, контроля и управления
single stack and single riser drilling system — система для бурения с одним блоком превенторов и одной водоотделяющей колонной
submudline type completion system — система заканчивания морских скважин на твёрдом дне (с донной плитой, заглублённой в илистый грунт)
telescoping joint support system — устройство для подвески телескопической секции (водоотделяющей колонны)
tooth and pawl type jacking system — подъёмная система зубчато-балочного типа (у самоподнимающихся платформ)
underwater guide line system — система подводных направляющих канатов (связывающих подводное устье скважины с буровым судном или плавучим полупогружным буровым основанием и предназначенных для ориентированного спуска по ним оборудования и инструментов к подводному устью)
wet-type ocean floor completion system — система для заканчивания скважины на океанском дне (в водной среде)
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1. система2. агрегат; устройство; устройство3. совокупность; семейство Фacoustic back-up communication system — вспомогательная акустическая система связи (в системе управления подводным устьевым оборудованием)
acoustic back-up control system — акустическая вспомогательная система управления (подводным оборудованием)
acoustic emergency back-up control system — аварийная акустическая система управления (подводным оборудованием)
blowout preventer cart system — тележка для перемещения блока противовыбросовых превенторов на буровом судне или плавучей буровой платформе (с целью подачи его к центру буровой шахты)
blowout preventer function position indicator system — система индикации выполнения функций противовыбросовым оборудованием
blowout preventer moonpool guidance system — направляющее устройство блока противовыбросовых превенторов в буровой шахте бурового судна (для спуска блока через буровую шахту без раскачивания)
cavity-filling water spray system — система орошения с насадками, установленными на трубках, смонтированных на корпусе шнекового исполнительного органа
combination chain and wire-rope mooring system — комбинированная цепно-канатная система якорного крепления
continuous elevating and lowering system — система непрерывного подъёма и спуска (самоподъёмного основания)
drilling information monitoring system — система сбора информации о бурении, система контроля параметров процесса бурения
dual blowout preventer stack system — двухблочная система, состоящая из двух блоков противовыбросовых превенторов и двух водоотделяющих колонн
electrohydraulic control system with different frequencies of pilot signals — электрогидравлическая система управления с разночастотными управляющими сигналами
electronic multiplex control system — электронная многофункциональная система управления (противовыбросовым оборудованием)
emergency acoustic closing system — аварийная акустическая система закрытия (подводных противовыбросовых превенторов)
flexible bottom coring system — система бурения с отбором донного керна с использованием шлангокабеля (при геологоразведок них работах на море)
hydraulic drill-pipe pick-up system — устройство с гидроприводом для подачи бурильных труб с козлов к устью скважины
hydraulic fluid make-up system — система приготовления рабочей жидкости гидросистемы (для управления подводным оборудованием)
hydraulic rotary head slide-out system — устройство с гидроприводом для отвода подвижного шпинделя в сторону от устья скважины
integral marine riser system — система составной водоотделяющей колонны (секции которой изготовлены как одно целое с линией глушения скважины и штуцерной линией)
integrated pile alignment system — устройство для центровки свай, размещаемое на свае
mooring system of drilling offshore platform — система якорного крепления морского бурового основания
pig injector and receiver valve system — шлюзовой затвор запуска и приёма скребков (для чистки трубопровода)
pin-and-hole type jacking system — подъёмное устройство штыреоконного типа (на самоподнимающихся опорах)
pipe abandonment and recovery system — система оставлеаия и подъёма труб (при укладке подводного трубопровода)
plain-type liner hanger system — простая подвеска колонны эксплуатационных труб (когда не требуется герметизация между подвеской и обсадными трубами)
program reliability information system for management — система обеспечения руководителей программы данными о надёжности
rack and pinion type jacking system — подъёмное устройство реечношестерённого типа (на самоподнимающейся платформе)
single stack and single riser drilling system — система для бурения с одним блоком противовыбросовых превенторов и одной водоотделяющей колонной
subsea blowout preventer stack control system — система управления подводным противовыбросовым оборудованием
system with component replacement — система с возможностью замены элементов;
telescoping joint support system — устройство для подвески телескопической секции (водоотделяющей платформы)
underwater guide line system — система подводных направляющих канатов (связывающих подводное устье скважины с буровым судном или плавучим полупогружным буровым основанием и предназначенных для ориентированного спуска по ним оборудования и инструментов к подводному устью)
* * *
система; план, расположение
* * *
- Dynamic Well Control System
- National Standard Reference Data System* * *• агрегат• план -
10 equipment
оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение; арматура; аппаратура
* * *
1. оборудование; аппаратура2. приспособление; установка; устройствоblowout preventer stack handling equipment — оборудование для обслуживания блока противовыбросовых превенторов
hydraulic stabilizer mounting equipment — гидравлическое устройство плотной посадки сменных стабилизаторов (на муфты бурильных труб)
snubbing equipment for pipe running — оборудование для спуска труб под воду (с противодавлением в скважине)
* * *
оборудование, техника; оснащение, арматура
* * *
1) оборудование; аппаратура2) приспособление; установка; устройство•equipment for enhanced recovery of crude oil — оборудование для повышения нефтеотдачи;
- above-surface wellhead equipmentequipment for geophysical prospecting — оборудование для геофизической разведки;
- accessory equipment
- acid-treatment equipment
- acoustic log equipment
- API nuclear log calibration equipment
- associated-gas handing equipment
- automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment
- auxiliary equipment
- blasting equipment
- blowout equipment
- blowout preventer equipment
- blowout preventer closing equipment
- blowout preventer stack handling equipment
- borehole equipment
- borehole compensated equipment
- borehole piercing equipment
- bottom equipment
- bottomhole equipment
- bulk mixing equipment
- cable tool well drilling equipment
- carbon dioxide flooding equipment
- casing equipment
- casing handling equipment
- casing hanger equipment
- caustic flooding equipment
- cement equipment
- cement log equipment
- cementation pumping equipment
- churn-drill equipment
- combination drilling equipment
- completion equipment
- compressor equipment
- concrete-handling equipment
- control equipment
- cooling equipment
- core equipment
- coring equipment
- crude-oil treating equipment
- crude-oil treatment equipment
- deep-drilling equipment
- demonstration equipment
- density-log equipment
- derrick equipment
- detonating equipment
- diagnostic equipment
- diamond-drilling equipment
- directional-drilling equipment
- disposal equipment
- distillation equipment
- downhole equipment
- downhole pumping equipment
- down-the-hole electrical log equipment
- drill stem equipment
- drill string equipment
- drilling equipment
- drilling-mud cleaning equipment
- drilling-mud handling equipment
- drilling-mud mixing equipment
- drilling-mud treatment equipment
- drill-sharpening equipment
- dual laterolog equipment
- electrical exploration equipment
- electromagnetic exploration equipment
- electronic yaw equipment
- emergency equipment
- emergency mooring equipment
- exploration equipment
- extended casing wellhead equipment
- extension drill steel equipment
- face equipment
- failed equipment
- faulty equipment
- field equipment
- field maintenance equipment
- fire fighting equipment
- fire safety equipment
- fishing equipment
- flow head equipment
- flow line equipment
- formation density equipment
- formation density compensated equipment
- fracturing head equipment
- fusion-piercing equipment
- gamma-gamma log equipment
- gas-conditioning equipment
- gaslift equipment
- gaslift flow head equipment
- gas-processing equipment
- gas-welding equipment
- geophysical equipment
- hand-held drilling equipment
- handling equipment
- harbor handling equipment
- heave-compensation equipment
- high-temperature head equipment
- horizontal-loop equipment
- hydraulical stabilizer mounting equipment
- induced-polarization logging equipment
- induction logging equipment
- induced polarization logging equipment
- in-situ combustion equipment
- installation equipment
- Kobe pumping equipment
- laterolog equipment
- life saving equipment
- lifting equipment
- log equipment
- logging equipment
- magnetotelluric equipment
- maintainable equipment
- maintenance equipment
- maintenance-and-support equipment
- maintenance-ground equipment
- manually controlled equipment
- marine riser handling equipment
- microlaterolog equipment
- mining equipment
- mud equipment
- mud degassing equipment
- mud mixing equipment
- multiple completion equipment
- multistage cementing equipment
- nonrepairable equipment
- nuclear log equipment
- offshore drilling equipment
- oil equipment
- oil-and-gas production equipment
- oil-field equipment
- oil-spill cleanup equipment
- on-board drilling equipment
- out-of-repair equipment
- perforating equipment
- personnel survival equipment
- pipeline equipment
- pipeline-launching equipment
- pipeline-laying equipment
- pipeline-scraping equipment
- playback equipment
- portable jacking equipment
- position monitoring equipment
- position mooring equipment
- pressure control equipment
- pressure maintenance equipment
- processing equipment
- production equipment
- production test equipment
- pull-down equipment
- pulling-and-running equipment
- pump-and-compressor equipment
- pumping equipment
- radioactivity log equipment
- radioactivity well logging equipment
- radiometric equipment
- reconditioning equipment
- redundant equipment
- reflection equipment
- refraction equipment
- rejected equipment
- reliable equipment
- remote control equipment
- remote metering equipment
- repair equipment
- repairable equipment
- resistivity logging equipment
- reusable drilling equipment
- rig hoisting equipment
- riser pipe equipment
- rotary drilling equipment
- round trip equipment
- running equipment
- safety equipment
- sandblast equipment
- sea-floor equipment
- seismic equipment
- seismic exploration equipment
- seismograph equipment
- separation equipment
- series cementing equipment
- service equipment
- service checkout equipment
- shallow refraction equipment
- shooting equipment
- single well completion equipment
- skid-mounted compressor equipment
- snubbing equipment for pipe running
- solids control equipment
- sonic equipment
- special support equipment
- standby equipment
- stationary compressor equipment
- steam flooding equipment
- submersible equipment
- submersible electrical equipment
- subsea equipment
- subsea wellhead equipment
- subsurface pumping equipment
- support equipment
- surface equipment
- surface preventer equipment
- surface shut-in equipment
- surface wellhead equipment
- surfactant-polymer flooding equipment
- tank cleaning equipment
- telemetering equipment
- temporary mooring equipment
- test equipment
- test-and-maintenance equipment
- through-tubing equipment
- tie-back equipment
- towing equipment
- traction-type equipment
- treating equipment
- underground equipment
- underwater equipment
- underwater drilling equipment
- underwater wellhead equipment
- unrepairable equipment
- utility equipment
- ventilating equipment
- vibrator equipment
- washover equipment
- welding equipment
- well-control equipment
- wellhead equipment
- wellhead control equipment
- well-logging equipment
- well-production disposal equipment
- well-service equipment
- well-workover equipment
- wet-type completion equipment
- wireline equipment
- wireline pressure-control equipment
- workover equipment* * *• аппарат• оснасткаАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > equipment
11 operation
1. операция, действие, рабочий процесс; обслуживание, управление2. цикл [процесс] обработки3. разработка, эксплуатация4. режим
* * *
1. операция; действие; работа; эксплуатация3. обслуживание— in operation
* * *
обслуживание, управление ( машиной); работа, цикл обработки
* * *
действие, операция (математическая или физическая, обычно обозначаемая некоторым символом; операциями являются дифференцирование, интегрирование, свёртка, преобразование Фурье, взаимная корреляция и т.п); 2) деятельность; разработка
* * *
1) операция; действие; работа; эксплуатация (<<машины>)2) срабатывание ( устройства)4) обслуживание•in operation — в процессе работы; в эксплуатации;
operations inspected — число проверенных операций;
to be out of operation — находиться в неисправном состоянии;
- operation of seismic data exchangeto put a plant into operation — вводить установку в эксплуатацию;
- abnormal operation
- accident-free operation
- air-gaslift well operation
- airlift well operation
- artificial-lift well operation
- bit operation
- bit off-center operation
- breakout operation
- cased-hole operations
- cementing operations
- commercial operation
- completion operations
- construction-and-assembling operations
- continuous flowing well operation
- continuous gaslift well operation
- cyclic storage operation
- debris-free operation
- degraded operation
- depth-probing operations
- drilling operation
- drilling-and-blasting operations
- drilling-in operation
- drop weight operations
- dry land operation
- emergency operation
- failed operation
- fail-safe operation
- failure-free operation
- fault-free operation
- field operation
- finite reflux operation
- fishing operations
- flashing operation
- flowing well operation
- fueling operation
- gas-injection operation
- gaslift well operation
- gas-scrubbing operation
- gas-washing operation
- gas-welding operations
- gate valves operation
- graceful operation
- handling operations
- hole straightening operations
- hydraulic fracturing operation
- hydropacker plunger lift well operation
- infinite reflux operation
- intermittent flowing well operation
- intermittent gaslift well operation
- kick-killing operation
- launchway operation
- logging operation
- makeup operation
- mapping operation
- mild-duty operation
- milling operations
- multiduty operation
- multiple-stream operation
- natural pressure gaslift well operation
- no-failure operation
- nonresiduum operation
- nonstop operation
- offshore operations
- oil spotting operation
- one-way operation
- parallel operation
- partial reflux operation
- pilot operation
- positioned operation
- pressure-testing operation
- primary operation
- prior operation
- producing operation
- products pipeline operation
- radioactive tracer operations
- reliability assurance operation
- repair operations
- repair-and-renewal operations
- rig operation
- rig-down operations
- rig-up operations
- round-the-clock operation
- round-trip operation
- running operation
- safe operation
- salvage operation
- sand washing operation
- seismic operations
- seismic logging operations
- seismic processing operation
- series operation
- shooting operations
- shot operations
- shot-firing operation
- sidetracking operation
- sighting operation
- stacking operation
- steam injection operation
- straight gaslift well operation
- successful operation
- survey operation
- system operation
- tank-truck loading operation
- test operation
- total reflux operation
- tripping operation
- trouble-free operation
- unattended operation
- undisturbed operation
- unit operation of field
- uphole shooting operation
- velocity-analysis operation
- Vibroseis operations
- washover fishing operations
- water flood operation
- water injection operation
- weight-dropping operation
- well operation
- well operation without pumping derrick
- well-logging operations
- well-service operation
- well-surveying operation
- well-workover operation
- wireline operation
- wireline fishing operations
- wireline remedial operations
- wireline workover operations* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > operation
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Access Retrieval Technology, Data Analysis Risk Technology, data analysis and reporting technique2) Американизм: Disaster Assistance And Rescue Team3) Военный термин: Days Away Restricted Or Transferred, Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter, Deployable Automated Remote Terminal, Developmental Air Reports Tracker, Driven Ammunition Reduced Time, Dynamic Analysis and Re-planning Tool, data acquisition, recording and transmission, data reduction translator, deployable automatic relay terminal, digital automatic range tracker, disappearing automatic retaliatory target, disaster assistance recovery teams4) Техника: data analysis recording tape, depot automatic rescheduling technique, detection, action response technique, diode automatic reliability tester, directional automatic realignment of trajectory, director and response tester, dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter5) Метеорология: Dynamic Air Release Technology6) Юридический термин: Drug Advisory Response Team7) Бухгалтерия: Developer Account Recharge Tracker8) Астрономия: Dual Anamorphic Reflector Telescope9) Сокращение: Data And Remote control Terminal, Detection, Action, and Response Technique, Direct Airline Reservations Ticketing, Display for Advanced Research & Training, Dynamic Analysis (and) Replanning Tool10) Театр: Dance Arizona Repertory Theater11) Университет: Desert Agricultural Research Team12) Физиология: Diagnostic Assessment Remediation And Tracking13) Вычислительная техника: Demand Assessment Requirements, Diagnostic Assistance Reference Tool, Dynamic Advertising Reporting & Targeting (technology, WWW, Doubleclick)14) Нефть: data acquisition and radio transmission15) Транспорт: Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dial A Ride Transit, Directed Area Response Transportation, Dublin Area Rapid Transit16) Фирменный знак: Dial A Ride Transportation17) Экология: Developmental & Reproduction toxicity18) Реклама: Dynamic Advertising Reporting and Targeting19) СМИ: Digital Audio Restoration Technology20) Деловая лексика: Data Applications Reports And Transactions, Digital Age Research Technology, Discussion Action Representation And Thought21) Бурение: система сбора данных и дальнейшей передачи их по радио (data acquisition and radio transmission)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Drilling Advanced Rig Training23) Образование: Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment24) Сетевые технологии: Data Access Real Time25) Океанография: Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis project26) Расширение файла: Daily Automatic Rescheduling Technique, Digital Audio Reconstruction Technology28) Программное обеспечение: Distributed Ada Ray Tracer, Downloadable Assessment Reporting Tool29) Международная торговля: Dynamic Applied Regional Trade -
13 dart
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Access Retrieval Technology, Data Analysis Risk Technology, data analysis and reporting technique2) Американизм: Disaster Assistance And Rescue Team3) Военный термин: Days Away Restricted Or Transferred, Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter, Deployable Automated Remote Terminal, Developmental Air Reports Tracker, Driven Ammunition Reduced Time, Dynamic Analysis and Re-planning Tool, data acquisition, recording and transmission, data reduction translator, deployable automatic relay terminal, digital automatic range tracker, disappearing automatic retaliatory target, disaster assistance recovery teams4) Техника: data analysis recording tape, depot automatic rescheduling technique, detection, action response technique, diode automatic reliability tester, directional automatic realignment of trajectory, director and response tester, dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter5) Метеорология: Dynamic Air Release Technology6) Юридический термин: Drug Advisory Response Team7) Бухгалтерия: Developer Account Recharge Tracker8) Астрономия: Dual Anamorphic Reflector Telescope9) Сокращение: Data And Remote control Terminal, Detection, Action, and Response Technique, Direct Airline Reservations Ticketing, Display for Advanced Research & Training, Dynamic Analysis (and) Replanning Tool10) Театр: Dance Arizona Repertory Theater11) Университет: Desert Agricultural Research Team12) Физиология: Diagnostic Assessment Remediation And Tracking13) Вычислительная техника: Demand Assessment Requirements, Diagnostic Assistance Reference Tool, Dynamic Advertising Reporting & Targeting (technology, WWW, Doubleclick)14) Нефть: data acquisition and radio transmission15) Транспорт: Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dial A Ride Transit, Directed Area Response Transportation, Dublin Area Rapid Transit16) Фирменный знак: Dial A Ride Transportation17) Экология: Developmental & Reproduction toxicity18) Реклама: Dynamic Advertising Reporting and Targeting19) СМИ: Digital Audio Restoration Technology20) Деловая лексика: Data Applications Reports And Transactions, Digital Age Research Technology, Discussion Action Representation And Thought21) Бурение: система сбора данных и дальнейшей передачи их по радио (data acquisition and radio transmission)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Drilling Advanced Rig Training23) Образование: Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment24) Сетевые технологии: Data Access Real Time25) Океанография: Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis project26) Расширение файла: Daily Automatic Rescheduling Technique, Digital Audio Reconstruction Technology28) Программное обеспечение: Distributed Ada Ray Tracer, Downloadable Assessment Reporting Tool29) Международная торговля: Dynamic Applied Regional Trade -
14 pump
насос || качать, накачивать; откачивать; перекачивать; выкачивать ( насосом), нагнетатьfree-type subsurface hydraulic pump — гидропоршневой погружной насос, приводимый в действие жидкостью, подаваемой с поверхности
pump set at... — насос установлен на глубине...; глубина подвески насоса...
— air pump— jet pump— mud pump— oil pump— pump off— pump out— pump up— ram pump— rig pump— rod pump
* * *
tubing pump with automatic coupling device — скважинный штанговый невставной нефтяной насос с автосцепом
— gas pump— jet pump— mud pump— oil pump— rod pump
* * *
||насос || качать, накачивать, перекачивать насосом
* * *
насос || подавать насосом, нагнетать насосом; прокачивать ( буровой раствор по замкнутой системе)pump on beam — насосная добыча с помощью станка-качалки;
to pump off — откачивать;
to pump out — выкачивать; откачивать;
to pump over — перекачивать;
to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу;
to put on pump — 1) устанавливать насос у устья скважины 2) начинать насосную эксплуатацию;
to start a pump — включать насос;
to sunk a subsurface pump — устанавливать глубинный насос;
to turn on a pump — включать насос;
- aeration jet pumpto pump up — накачивать; нагнетать;
- air pump
- air-chamber pump
- air-driven pump
- air-operated sump pump
- airlift pump
- American pump
- aspirator pump
- bilge pump
- boost pump
- booster pump
- borehole pump
- boring pump
- bottomhole pump
- Butterworth pump
- cargo pump
- casing sucker rod pump
- cementing pump
- cementing piston pump
- centrifugal pump
- charging pump
- chemical injection pump
- chemical proportioning pump
- circulating pump
- circulation pump
- cold pump
- compounded pumps
- compressed-air-driven pump
- compression pump
- concrete pump
- condensate pump
- constant displacement pump
- controlled capacity plunger pump
- controlled volume pump
- crude pump
- deep well pump
- delivery pump
- diaphragm pump
- direct current motor driven pump
- dispensing pump
- displacement pump
- dosing pump
- double-acting pump
- double-displacement pump
- double-suction pump
- downhole pump
- drawoff pump
- dredge pump
- drill pump
- drilling mud transfer pump
- drum pump
- duplex pump
- ejector pump
- electrical pump
- electrical centrifugal pump
- electrical centrifugal pump for tubingless well operation
- end suction pump
- explosive pump
- extraction pump
- feed pump
- field pump
- fire extinguishing pump
- fixed pump
- fixed-delivery pump
- fixed-displacement pump
- fluid-operated pump
- fluid-packed pump
- flushing pump
- flywheel pump
- force pump
- free hydraulic downhole pump
- free-type subsurface hydraulic pump
- fresh feed pump
- fuel pump
- fuel backup pump
- fuel feed pump
- fuel injection pump
- fuel lift pump
- fuel oil pump
- fuel priming pump
- fuel transfer pump
- gas pump
- gasoline pump
- gear pump
- grouting pump
- hand force pump
- high-pressure pump
- high-pressure concrete pump
- hot oil pump
- hydraulic pump
- hydraulic core pump
- hydraulic downhole pump
- immersed pump
- immersible pump
- insert pump with bottom hold-down
- insert oil-well pump
- inserted pump
- jack pump
- jerk pump
- jerker pump
- jet pump
- jet aspirator pump
- jet slurry pump
- lift pump
- line pump
- liner pump
- liquid ring pump
- long-stroke pump
- lorry-mounted concrete pump
- low-down pump
- metering pump
- monoblock pump
- motor pump
- motor-driven slush pump
- mud pump
- multicylinder pump
- multistage pump
- noninserted pump
- oil pump
- oil-line pump
- oil-transfer pump
- oil-well pump
- oil-well sucker-rod pump with bottom hold-down
- parallel pump s
- piston pump
- plunger pump
- pneumatic sump pump
- portable pump
- portable utility pump
- positive displacement pump
- power driven pump
- pressure pump
- priming pump
- propeller pump
- push pump
- ram pump
- raw oil pump
- reciprocating pump
- recirculating pump
- Reda pump
- reflux pump
- rig pump
- rod pump
- rod traveling barrel pump
- rodless pump
- rod-line pump
- rotary pump
- rough pump
- sand pump
- scavenge pump
- scavenging pump
- screw pump
- shell pump
- simplex pump
- single-acting pump
- single-vane pump
- sinking pump
- sliding-vane pump
- sludge pump
- slurry pump
- slush pump
- slush-fitted pump
- soil pump
- solids pump
- standby pump
- stationary pump
- steam pump
- stripping pump
- submerged pump
- submersible pump
- subsurface pump
- sucker-rod pump
- suction pump
- sump pump
- supply pump
- surge pump
- tail pump
- tank-cleaning pump
- test pump
- three-throw pump
- transfer pump
- transporting pump
- traveling barrel pump
- triplex pump
- tubing pump
- tubing pump with automatic coupling device
- tubing oil-well pump
- twin pump
- twin single pump
- vacuum pump
- variable displacement pump
- variable stroke plunger pump
- volume pump
- washing pump
- washover pump
- water pump
- water injection pump
- water jet pump
- well pump
- well-service pump
- wireline pump* * *• накачка -
15 bench
верстак; станок; станина; козлы; стенд; стеллаж; лабораторный стол; мотажный стол; рабочее место; дор. ширина основания (дорожного полотна), отводимая под покрытие; уступ; берма; репер; скамья; II верстачный; настольный- bench arbor press - bench assembly - bench board - bench bottom - bench centers - bench check removal - bench check-out - bench chisel - bench clamp - bench comparator - bench-cut - bench cutting - bench development - bench drill - bench drilling machine - bench edge - bench finishing - bench gage - bench grinder - bench-grinding machine - bench hammer - bench hardening - bench height - bench holdfast - bench instrument - bench insulator - bench lathe - bench life pecypc - bench machine - bench maintenance equipment - bench mark - bench-mark data - bench method - bench miller - bench mixer - bench-mountable - bench-mounted drill - bench-mounted drill press - bench-mounted lathe - bench-mounted machine - bench performance - bench plane - bench plate - bench press - bench rammer - bench revolutions per minute - bench run - bench saw - bench screw - bench seat - bench shears - bench supply - bench test - bench-test characteristics - bench-test failure - bench-test reliability - bench tester - bench-testing rig - bench testing unit - bench tool - bench tool for car repair - bench top - bench-top gage - bench-top instrument - bench top lathe - bench-top of plywood - bench-top tester - bench-type lathe - bench-type machine - bench-type planer - bench-type press - bench-type scales - bench-type seating - bench-type vise - bench vice - bench work - bench work tool - assembly bench - automatic-feed circular saw bench - band assembly bench - battery bench - belt bench - air-heating test bench - carpenter's bench - clamp service bench - clean bench with light canopy - climatic test bench - closed bench - control bench - cross flow bench - cutting bench - dual chain bench - exhaust bench - frames assembly bench - glass cutting bench - horizontal flow bench - hot bench - joiner's bench - laminar flow bench - layer assembly bench - lower bench - measuring bench - middle bench - mobile bench - multirip bench - open test bench - planing bench - pollution bench mark - saw bench - safety bench - sleeper saw bench - spoil bench - test bench - test-bench characteristics - test bench for Common Rail pumps and injections - test bench with low-pressure chamber - tilting arbor saw bench - track-bed bench - tube drawing bench - turn bench - vertical flow bench - upper bench - wood-chopping bench - work bench - work bench setup - workholding bench
См. также в других словарях:
автоматическая буровая установка — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN automatic drilling rig … Справочник технического переводчика
Deepwater Horizon oil spill — 2010 oil spill and BP oil spill redirect here. For other oil spills in 2010, see 2010 oil spill (disambiguation). For the 2006 oil spill involving BP, see Prudhoe Bay oil spill. For the drilling rig and explosion, see Deepwater Horizon… … Wikipedia
Deepwater Horizon explosion — This article is about the explosion. For the drilling rig and oil spill, see Deepwater Horizon (disambiguation). Deepwater Horizon explosion Anchor handling tugs and platform supply vessels combat the fir … Wikipedia
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
Driller (oil) — The driller is a team leader in charge during the process of well drilling. The term is commonly used in the context of an oil well drilling rig. The driller is in charge of his crew, and running the rig itself. Most of the time, his job is… … Wikipedia
Oilfield terminology — refers to the jargon used by those working in fields within and related to the petroleum industry. It includes words and phrases describing professions, equipment, and procedures specific to the industry. It may also include slang terms used by… … Wikipedia
Fatigue (material) — Metal fatigue redirects here. For the video game, see Metal Fatigue (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes … Wikipedia
Luna 16 — (Ye 8 5 series) was an unmanned space mission of the Luna program, also called Lunnik 16 (two n).Luna 16 was the first robotic probe to land on the Moon and return a sample to Earth. [cite book |last=Burrows |first=William E. |title=This New… … Wikipedia
Barack Obama — Barack and Obama redirect here. For other uses, see Barak (disambiguation) and Obama (disambiguation). For the Kenyan economist, President Obama s father, see Barack Obama, Sr … Wikipedia
Sediment Profile Imagery — (SPI) is an underwater technique for photographing the interface between the seabed and the overlying water. The technique is used to measure or estimate biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in the first few centimetres of… … Wikipedia
David Vitter — United States Senator from Louisiana Incumbent Assumed office January 3, 2005 Serving with … Wikipedia